Prismacolor V5.wmv

  • Опубликовано: 17 мар 2010
  • How it´s made Prismacolor
  • НаукаНаука

Комментарии • 141

  • @juanwilfredoalbarracinguev1915
    @juanwilfredoalbarracinguev1915 3 года назад +6

    Tuve la oportunidad de trabajar en Prismacolor Colombia y prismacolor México, muy buenos recuerdos, excelente video

    • @dollsvintagecollectors2024
      @dollsvintagecollectors2024 3 года назад

      Wow que belleza,oye por qué aquí en México cuesta tanto trabajo encontrar los stick y acuarelables? Dónde los puedo pedir, tengo los colores en todas sus versiones ,plumones junior y lápices pero lo demás no se dónde comprarlo que no sea en línea,me podrías aconsejar

    • @fili9279
      @fili9279 3 года назад +1

      @@dollsvintagecollectors2024 Yo los compré en Amazon porque tampoco los encontraba en ningún lado, y llegaron bien, ninguno roto ni nada.

  • @luffymonkeyd.4675
    @luffymonkeyd.4675 7 лет назад +71

    Y me decían que él cielo no existe

  • @adolfovazro
    @adolfovazro 3 года назад +4

    Para los que critican la calidad de estos lápices. La marca ex compañia Berol dueña de Prismacolor siempre ha fabricado lápices en México estos lápices eran exclusivos para México, al igual que tenía fábricas en EUA, Canadá, México, Colombia y Venezuela todos los lápices que se fabricaban era exclusivos de cada país, en Europa Berol fabricaba también lápices pero bajo otro nombre que no recuerdo.
    Todos los lapices tenían la misma formula cuando los fabricaban en los diferentes países que mencioné anteriormente. Por ejemplo existía "Berol" Prismacolor Professional (eran lápices más duros que los premier), "Berol" Prismacolor Scholar (lápices de calidad escolar con los mismos tonos que los profesionales y gamas de hasta 48), y los Prismacolor Premier son lápices de colores de cera suave que se elaboran en base de una formula antigua ya que antes existían los lapices de colores profesionales no había esa diferenciación.
    Ahora bien en Latinoamérica o mejor dicho México y Colombia se venden unos Colores llamados Prismacolor Junior (según escolares) lápices los cuales no son de calidad y son genéricos ya que no son los tonos que conocemos de Berol ni de Prismacolor, no son elaborados con la misma formula, y son hechos en Vietam por que digo que son genéricos, porque muchas marcas como Pelikan, Papermate, Berol (se separó la marca Berol y Prismacolor, esta separación que se dejó es muy generica y sus sets de lápices ya no son como los de prismacolor ya que eran una sola) y muchas otras hacen sus lápices en Vietnam y son los mismos pintan igual.
    En contraste en EUA y Canada lo que pasó es que Berol la separaron o la desaparecieron como marca y Prismacolor quedo sola como marca y cuando en México solo se hacían lápices como antes (Berol Prismacolor) en EUA se lanza Prismacolor Premier y Prismacolor Scholar estos ya no llevan en nombre de Berol y se fabricaban en EUA.
    Hasta que a mediados o por el 2010 Prismacolor pasa su fabricación de lápices a México con la calidad de ese país. Mi teoría es que la fábrica de EUA ahora fábrica marcadores "Sharpie" marcadores (Prismacolor Scholar) y un tiempo marcadores (Prismacolor Junior estos eran para Latinoamérica eran los mismos que los Scholar pero, la marca los desapareció). A partir de ese entonces en México se fabrican los lápices profesionales y escolares de prismacolor para Estados Unidos y en México y en países de Latinoamérica ya no es común ver los lapices profesionales de Prismacolor como antes en el caso de mi país es México los precios son elevados cuando la manofactura está en mi país. En el video se muestra sets con las antiguas cajas de los Prismacolor cuando se fabricaban en EUA que eran más alargadas que las de la actualidad 2020 y tiene ilustraciones de tipo clásicas además se muestra un estuche de lápices que ya sacaron del mercado. También se muestran lápices con seriegrafiado color dorado que son los (hecho en EUA) y los plateado que sería los nuevos, (hecho en México) y estos tienen un seriegrafiado más moderno además estos vendrían con punta y los de hecho en EUA sin punta además de que incluían un manual.
    La marca en general ha disminuido de calidad ya no es como antes y pensé que solo era en Latinoamérica si vives EUA ¿puedes comentar si todavía se vende la línea Scholar de Prismacolor? Porque ya no la encuentro en tiendas en línea.

    • @adolfovazro
      @adolfovazro 3 года назад

      Actualmente los Prismacolor Premier se siguen haciendo en México con portadas de una artista de Instagram. Y a mi punto de vista ya no son lápices de calidad "profesional" ya se quedaron algo cortos con la invocación que tuvo Caran d'Ache con resistencia a la luz y los polychromos de Faber Castell que también resisten la luz. Prismacolor es mi marca favorita de Lapices de colores y no entiendo porque bajo de calidad.

    • @afterefects
      @afterefects Год назад

      Esos prismacolor de Berol escolares, eran geniales. Tuve unos cuando era niño, que mi papá me compró como en unos $300 pesos de hace más de 20 años... no sabía la calidad de colores que tenía en mis manos, sólo sabía que eran diferentes y espectaculares, comparados con los colores baratos que tuve después... ya no volví a saber de esos colores, hasta ahora que me da por querer buscarlos de nuevo y me doy cuenta de que ya no existen. Y los que existen ahora, parece que no tienen la misma calidad de los de aquellos años. Nostalgia pura.

  • @benjirespect5818
    @benjirespect5818 4 года назад +27


    • @nilesbing7482
      @nilesbing7482 3 года назад +2

      Jajajajajaja pobre pendejo, los prismacolor jamás habían sido tan culeros desde que los hacen en México

    • @esausantibanez3702
      @esausantibanez3702 3 года назад +5

      @@nilesbing7482 los colores no serán como antes pero siguen siendo muy buenos colores y muy preferidos por mucha gente. Si bajaron su calidad no tiene que ver directamente con que sean hechos en México, la empresa es en realidad estadounidense y las decisiones sobre controles de calidad dependen de muchos factores y no del país donde se fabriquen necesariamente.

    • @nilesbing7482
      @nilesbing7482 3 года назад

      @@esausantibanez3702 jajajajajajajajajaja pinches maromas

    • @luxi9738
      @luxi9738 2 года назад


    • @benjirespect5818
      @benjirespect5818 2 года назад

      @@nilesbing7482 mmmmm no pues si que eres conocedor....!! Luego luego se nota a leguas....

  • @adolfovazro
    @adolfovazro 3 года назад +2

    For those who criticize the quality of these pencils. The former company brand Berol, owner of Prismacolor, has always manufactured pencils in Mexico.These pencils were exclusive to Mexico, just as it had factories in the US, Canada, Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela, all the pencils that were manufactured were exclusive to each country, in Europe. Berol also made pencils but under another name that I don't remember.
    All pencils had the same formula when they were manufactured in the different countries that I mentioned above. For example, there was "Berol" Prismacolor Professional (they were harder than premier pencils), "Berol" Prismacolor Scholar (school-quality pencils with the same shades as the professionals and ranges of up to 48), and the Prismacolor Premier are colored pencils of soft wax that are elaborated on the basis of an old formula since before the professional color pencils existed there was no that differentiation.
    Now in Latin America or better said Mexico and Colombia some Colors called Prismacolor Junior (according to schoolchildren) are sold pencils which are not of quality and are generic since they are not the tones that we know from Berol or Prismacolor, they are not made with the same formula, and they are made in Vietam because I say they are generic, because many brands such as Pelikan, Papermate, Berol (the brand Berol and Prismacolor were separated, this separation that was left is very generic and their pencil sets are no longer like those of prismacolor since they were only one) and many others make their pencils in Vietnam and they are the same paint the same.
    In contrast, in the US and Canada what happened is that Berol separated or disappeared as a brand and Prismacolor was left alone as a brand and when in Mexico only pencils were made as before (Berol Prismacolor) in the US, Prismacolor Premier and Prismacolor Scholar were launched. They are not in the name of Berol and were manufactured in the USA.
    Until in the middle or by 2010 Prismacolor passes its pencil manufacturing to Mexico with the quality of that country. My theory is that the US factory now manufactures "Sharpie" markers (Prismacolor Scholar) and a time markers (Prismacolor Junior these were for Latin America they were the same as the Scholar but, the brand disappeared). Since then, in Mexico, prismacolor professional and school pencils are manufactured for the United States and in Mexico and in Latin American countries it is no longer common to see Prismacolor professional pencils as before in the case of my country is Mexico, the prices are high when manufacturing is in my country. The video shows sets with the old Prismacolor boxes when they were manufactured in the USA that were longer than those of the current 2020 and has classic-type illustrations, as well as a pencil case that has already been taken off the market. Also shown are pencils with golden color series, which are the (made in USA) and the silver ones, which would be the new ones, (made in Mexico) and these have a more modern series also these would come with a point and those in fact in the USA without a point also that they included a manual.
    The brand in general has decreased in quality, it is not like before and I thought it was only in Latin America if you live in the USA, can you comment if the Scholar line of Prismacolor is still sold? Because I can't find it in online stores anymore.

    • @adolfovazro
      @adolfovazro 3 года назад +3

      Currently the Prismacolor Premier are still made in Mexico with covers by an Instagram artist. And in my point of view they are no longer "professional" quality pencils, they already fell a little short with the invocation that Caran d'Ache had with resistance to light and Faber Castell polychromos that also resist light. Prismacolor is my favorite brand of colored pencils and I don't understand why it is low in quality.

    • @lynnboyer6643
      @lynnboyer6643 3 года назад +1

      Prismacolor Verithin and Premier colored pencils are made by Sanford Corporation.

    • @adolfovazro
      @adolfovazro 3 года назад +1

      @@lynnboyer6643 Sanford Corp was the stationery products division of Newell Rubermaid, today (Newell Brands) some packages still have the Sanford Corp name as manufacturer, at present Newell disappeared this division and in the new images of some Newell Brands products like Sharpie, Berol, Papermate, Prismacolor is already Newell Brands.
      The Prismacolor Verithim have not renewed the package image.

    • @nilesbing7482
      @nilesbing7482 3 года назад

      Hahaha u r an asshole

    • @tutilino3168
      @tutilino3168 2 года назад


  • @LynnGalvanHippie-Chick
    @LynnGalvanHippie-Chick 7 лет назад +21

    All that beautiful yummy color, I would love one of each and every color. I love prisma, I have a small set and would love a large complete set. Thank you for such a great product.

    • @junbug1029
      @junbug1029 5 лет назад +2

      Try Faber Castell Polychromos, much better quality.

    • @Zomfoo
      @Zomfoo 5 лет назад

      junbug1029 Not as many colors and more expensive.

  • @loschangoscm3adgxix385
    @loschangoscm3adgxix385 4 года назад +9

    Como cuando te mueres y te reciben en la gloria🤗😍

  • @craftygirlpurple626
    @craftygirlpurple626 7 лет назад +4

    wow the amazing work that goes in to each pencil products and the love that each employee put into making them thank you for sharing your video with everyone have a bless day love and colorful hugs to everyone I would love to try your products

  • @lynnboyer6643
    @lynnboyer6643 4 года назад +5

    My preferred brand of art pencil!

  • @ScouseAa
    @ScouseAa 7 лет назад +3

    Brilliant! I really loved seeing the process of how pencils are made. It was fascinating. There is much more involved than you'd imagine. Thanks for sharing this information with all of us coloured pencil users /fans. The recent adult colouring craze must be so good for pencil manufacturers. Long may that continue! 👍💗😃

  • @omarprada5784
    @omarprada5784 Месяц назад

    Excelente video de mis colores favoritos.

  • @marie-colouringmehappy
    @marie-colouringmehappy 9 месяцев назад

    That was fantastic! Thanks Lily ❤ I have 48 of the Artstix, never seem to find a reason to use them. Starting to think that I'm a colouring hoarder! 🤷

  • @azure9659
    @azure9659 5 лет назад +9

    I like how he says sandwich 🥪

  • @belindatorres4316
    @belindatorres4316 7 лет назад +19

    Que shidori

  • @lynnboyer6643
    @lynnboyer6643 3 года назад

    I used to buy my Prismacolor Premier colored pencils at A. C. Moore, but, last year, all 145 Delaware Valley stores closed down because they were in competition with Michaels and Amazon. I heard that story on all the Philadelphia newscasts.

  • @MrPaks
    @MrPaks  8 лет назад +66

    Made in Mexico

    • @theartistworks
      @theartistworks 7 лет назад +5

      I see this message in the review sections of prismacolor pencils on ebay... 19-kevin-49 comments: Quote "Importance of source. A good quality product when it comes from the American factory. Quality control in Mexico passes pencils with the lead not centralised, making sharpening rather precarious. The original American version is popular with professional artists. Can be a bit swift, but the pigment quality is very good." End quote.
      I'm thinking this is just Trump propaganda?

    • @Zomfoo
      @Zomfoo 5 лет назад +6

      When they moved production to Mexico the quality went to shit.

    • @lynnboyer6643
      @lynnboyer6643 3 года назад

      Each Prismacolor Verithin and Premier colored pencil is stamped with a color ID number and color name in English and French.

    • @nilesbing7482
      @nilesbing7482 3 года назад +1

      The prismacolor made it in Mexico r fucking shit 😠😠😠😠

    • @DesignInNature
      @DesignInNature 3 года назад +1

      @@theartistworks Unfortunately it is not propaganda. The made in Mexico prismacolors are just abysmally bad. The wood casings are very bad quality and split in half lengthwise very easily. Sometimes even while sharpening your pencil gently. The cores are NOT centered properly on the wood casing, which makes the lead break like crazy during sharpening. If you drop a Prismacolor on a table top even once, expect the lead core to almost crumble into dust inside the case. This was not the case when they were made in the US.

  • @dollsvintagecollectors2024
    @dollsvintagecollectors2024 9 лет назад +6

    I Love prismas my favorite since i Was a kid up to now as an adult still using them.

  • @bernardlacourse4282
    @bernardlacourse4282 4 года назад +2

    For the colored pencils, it's not all the time well mixted.Sometime we have a pigment is not the same color of the right one of the pencil. Like the pale blue , on my paper a tiny dot of a dark blue is in the pale blue, and go on and on.

  • @eliannymartinez6081
    @eliannymartinez6081 5 лет назад +1

    Los mejores colores que he visto

  • @justinschieffer
    @justinschieffer 12 лет назад +1


  • @sueallen952
    @sueallen952 5 лет назад +18

    All that and they dish out a pencil that keeps braking, how are they still in business!!!!??

    • @davidrutan
      @davidrutan 4 года назад

      @Spwoom great advice regarding microwaving! Never thought of that.. I used to collect prismacolors when I was younger and once in a while one would be more temperamental.

    • @camcab147
      @camcab147 3 года назад

      2m 33s - their sandwiches do not look good 😮

    • @esausantibanez3702
      @esausantibanez3702 3 года назад

      @@camcab147 those parts that are bad must be cut later, the sandwiches look bigger and longer than the actual pencil.

  • @drawwiffpicassela9077
    @drawwiffpicassela9077 5 лет назад +1

    so Good Video !

  • @emanchuloo3390
    @emanchuloo3390 5 лет назад +1

    And the points? (Y las puntas?)

  • @bonita292
    @bonita292 7 лет назад +10

    The prismacolor that I bought doesnt have instructions and color reference sheet... =(

    • @taiyonnii
      @taiyonnii 4 года назад +2

      Because they did that with older sets, the newer ones don't have them

    • @hairyhorselegs1509
      @hairyhorselegs1509 3 года назад

      @@taiyonnii what about that wooden box seen around the 5 minute point?

    • @fili9279
      @fili9279 3 года назад

      @@hairyhorselegs1509 It's a Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencil Box Set, you can find that box on Amazon, it's amazing.

  • @toughharley1903
    @toughharley1903 3 года назад +2

    Dang be careful in tossing the core onto the table they are delicate and I'm sure the consumer wants a non broken or cracked core.

  • @kiaru86
    @kiaru86 2 года назад

    Can somebody tellme where to find an Oficial video of this procces? I mean, I search and the only Prismacolor youtube channel I found have random viedeos(many of them old and of low quality) of some paintings etc but not of the pencils elaboration...

  • @AveniusArt
    @AveniusArt 3 года назад +2

    Am I the only one thinking ARGHH NO! when seeing the gaps in the not properly glued together sandwiches?
    I have to say though that so far I haven't had any breaking issues with my Prismas.

    • @kiaru86
      @kiaru86 2 года назад

      yeahh it was the grafito ones, I paused and wtf

  • @matetomate8988
    @matetomate8988 4 года назад +9

    Por q a mis colores no les pucieron el recibo e instructivo siempre he querido uno 😂 😂 😂

    • @fili9279
      @fili9279 3 года назад +1

      Creo ya no los traen porque el mío tampoco lo traía

    • @artisimo1383
      @artisimo1383 3 года назад +1

      Ni los mios

    • @gabrizarco4728
      @gabrizarco4728 3 года назад

      Ya no los trae esa nueva presentación

  • @Chris_Chansen
    @Chris_Chansen 6 лет назад +1


  • @benjirespect5818
    @benjirespect5818 3 года назад +4

    Ni Faber Castell tiene un video de como es su proceso de fabricación de colores........ (debería)

    • @nilesbing7482
      @nilesbing7482 3 года назад +1

      Estas bien pendejo por que si lo tienen, y los prismacolor son una mierda desde que los hacen en México

    • @lynnboyer6643
      @lynnboyer6643 2 года назад

      Newell now makes Prismacolor Premier and Verithin colored pencils.

  • @sukumalsinha3134
    @sukumalsinha3134 7 лет назад +14

    but now a days quality control is pretty bad...

  • @IEleMenTIx
    @IEleMenTIx 2 года назад

    1:26 now i know why my pencil cores come factore pre-cracked. :O

  • @rosanesilva6830
    @rosanesilva6830 5 лет назад +2

    quero morar aí dentro! kkkkkk

  • @elisabetesodrefonsecadeoli4361
    @elisabetesodrefonsecadeoli4361 7 лет назад +2

    Ai que sonho !!!!!

  • @dogzicez3365
    @dogzicez3365 7 лет назад +1

    The Slancer That Makes Like A Sandwich 2:20

  • @dreaarts3012
    @dreaarts3012 4 года назад +1


  • @reesemunger7232
    @reesemunger7232 7 лет назад +65

    When we put the quality cores into the cheapest wood casing we can get, we always make sure that the core is not centered so that your quality pencils break even more, so that you have to replace them quicker and get us more money. After the wood has dried, we proceed to smash the pencils with a hammer to ensure the core is broken before it even gets to you, so that the core falls out even if you treat the pencils like new born babies.
    Okay but in all seriousness those pencils brake so easily it drives me insane. Colored pencil was the only medium I had when I started out, but I haven't made a single colored pencil picture since I got other mediums because the quality of prismas are so frustrating.

    • @jbgra2566
      @jbgra2566 7 лет назад +9

      Susan Munger Hahaha you are savage! But sadly it's true

    • @_kittykat9445
      @_kittykat9445 6 лет назад +6

      Try Faber Castell Polychromos colored pencils. They are oil based opposed to the prismacolor premier's wax base so the Polychromos is a harder led, therefore resulting in you being able to sharpen them to a fine point. And you can layer them without a wax bloom. They layer and blend beautifully. You don't need that many colors because you can layer them so much. I have a 12 set and look at what I'm able to do on my channel! The polychromos are thankfully centred. Their colors are lightfast. Basically the ONLY thing that makes prismas get a boost is their smooth and creamy led, there really is no led as creamy as prisma's. If you want other alternatives try the Derwent Drawing pencils and the Derwent Procolour pencils. Also the luminence are GREAT.

    • @AlexandraZe
      @AlexandraZe 6 лет назад +1

      This made me laugh so hard, thank you! I totally lost it at the hammer part :))). But yeah, do try other brands, the very best are Polychromos, Luminance and Holbein. 💗

    • @bee.bnt11
      @bee.bnt11 5 лет назад +3

      Reese Munger I never had problems with my prismacolor I love them so much

    • @junbug1029
      @junbug1029 5 лет назад +1

      I love my Faber Castell Polychromos colored pencils. They are worth the money.

  • @marienm5782
    @marienm5782 6 лет назад


  • @sxbrina_fl944
    @sxbrina_fl944 3 года назад +2

    whos here in 2020? oop-

  • @vanexajacome9001
    @vanexajacome9001 6 лет назад +7


    • @nilesbing7482
      @nilesbing7482 3 года назад

      Jajajajajajajaja pobre pendejo, que sabes de calidad si crees que los, prismacolor hechos en México son buenos jajajajajajaja

  • @giulianopiasente939
    @giulianopiasente939 2 года назад

    Mi piacerebbe vedere la fabbrica. 👌👌👌

  • @Jelly_andJam
    @Jelly_andJam 3 года назад +1

    I'm saving up to get me a set of colored pencils

    • @shinmopi
      @shinmopi 3 года назад +1

      Just ordered the150 pencils set for $85.85 on amazon US. They're around €225 in my country.

    • @lynnboyer6643
      @lynnboyer6643 2 года назад

      Well, Beth, it's better to buy Prismacolor Premier colored pencils in open stock. You can buy them at Michaels.

  • @nellyramirez7130
    @nellyramirez7130 8 лет назад +4

    Los colores son mexicanos o americanos?

    • @MonCielVee666
      @MonCielVee666 7 лет назад +5

      Nelly ramirez Son producidos en México y los exporta a E.U.A y a otros países :D

    • @ricardogonzalez5713
      @ricardogonzalez5713 7 лет назад

      vv ymSakura Sakamaki

    • @swoopchicken9703
      @swoopchicken9703 6 лет назад

      Nelly ramirez Es Mexico
      Porque Yo Me Vi La Atras

    • @lynnboyer6643
      @lynnboyer6643 2 года назад

      The color names are stamped in English and French.

  • @GiaLinh2222
    @GiaLinh2222 3 года назад


  • @GabrielSilvaDesenhos
    @GabrielSilvaDesenhos 3 года назад +1

    Se eu fosse um funcionário, com certeza ia ser demitido por furtar alguns lápis ahshshshs

  • @xiqikxx8967
    @xiqikxx8967 5 лет назад

    why no sharpen???

    • @davidrutan
      @davidrutan 4 года назад

      When you get them out of the package, you get to trim them however you want - using an exacto knife, a short sharpener, or a long sharpener. Each has its benefits in coloring.

  • @LccImportsUSA
    @LccImportsUSA 9 лет назад +1

    How do i contacted the factory to start selling Prismacolor on my online store. I lot of people from different country ask me every day. Please any one can help me?

    • @SathishKumar-pw9fu
      @SathishKumar-pw9fu 7 лет назад +1

      None of the companies whether it is art material or any thing directly selling products from factory to retails or online store directly ,they must have dedicated supply agencies for respective countries,you inquire that and contact them accordingly

  • @victoriasalcedocotrado2840
    @victoriasalcedocotrado2840 4 года назад


  • @riskyananda5108
    @riskyananda5108 2 года назад

    Upin Ipin

  • @brandonsmith4361
    @brandonsmith4361 4 года назад +1

    Your next video is going to be about t r i s m a z o l o r markers

  • @DesignInNature
    @DesignInNature 3 года назад

    Les faltó mostrar el paso donde ponen los lápices en una batidora para destruir las minas y romper la madera antes de empacarlos. Ja, ja, ja! Que basura de madera barata usan ahora en la planta de Mexico. Me encantan los colores de pigmentos de prismacolor, pero es que hoy dia no se pueden comparar de ninguna manera con el control de calidad de los Faber Castel Polychromos. Es una lástima. Prismacolor eran mis favoritos antes del 2010.

  • @ctabs2985
    @ctabs2985 7 лет назад +7

    I don't know why their quality control is so horrible. I purchased the 152 set and almost every core is broken in multiple places, the casings are either already cracked or they crack when u sharpen them. unfortunately I'll be using them until I run out because of the amount of money I spent, but my next set will be a different brand. for the amount of money these cost I expected better quality

    • @okbutatwhatcost9087
      @okbutatwhatcost9087 6 лет назад +1

      Isn’t it the 150 set or are you making this shit up?

    • @migueacastro
      @migueacastro 6 лет назад

      You are bad using your colors

    • @dollsvintagecollectors2024
      @dollsvintagecollectors2024 3 года назад

      Probably was te manage of the box, i got them here in México and believe me the Quality is amazing no problems with them.

  • @Bellhory
    @Bellhory 3 года назад

    Uno cuidando sus colores y en la fábrica las máquinas lo dejan caer como si nada jajajaja

  • @user-ek6pz2pl7k
    @user-ek6pz2pl7k 4 года назад


  • @ailogic8824
    @ailogic8824 5 лет назад +2

    Como cuando descubres el cielo en 2019 :v

  • @lexitnute1306
    @lexitnute1306 3 года назад

    Im gonna buy polychromos

  • @whovian4479
    @whovian4479 7 лет назад

    this was uploaded on my birthday o ye

  • @jeannettewaldron5347
    @jeannettewaldron5347 7 лет назад +1

    I got two sets of their pencils and both sets were broken either in half or split in the middle of the barrel and prismacolor won't replace them so I will probably won't buy anymore of their products

  • @lilacstudio3243
    @lilacstudio3243 8 лет назад +7

    This explains why the pencil is not straight in the middle

  • @riskyananda5108
    @riskyananda5108 2 года назад

    Rizky upin

  • @deborahjane68
    @deborahjane68 6 месяцев назад

    Why Are They So Expensive? Your Making Thousands Per Day, The Price Right Now Is £219.19 Rediculus Price

  • @kiwibean9313
    @kiwibean9313 7 лет назад +7

    is that why they break easily cuz yall hate ya job so you jus throw em😂😂

  • @fabiwey-kw1xu
    @fabiwey-kw1xu 6 лет назад

    No mames

  • @MoonyCookie
    @MoonyCookie 7 лет назад +5

    the core is not CENTER!!!!!!!! UGHH that why I use Fabric Castel

  • @mylegoworkshop5042
    @mylegoworkshop5042 7 лет назад +2

    these days prismacolor pencils a bullshit

    • @laicimerah
      @laicimerah 7 лет назад

      Dhwanit's & Joseph's World of Craziness if you want to fix the breakage, sharpen your prismacolor using cutter knife(its work for me)

    • @mylegoworkshop5042
      @mylegoworkshop5042 7 лет назад +2

      but that give a very bad feel to your hand

    • @laicimerah
      @laicimerah 7 лет назад

      Dhwanit's & Joseph's World of Craziness it work for me tho ...maybe i get used to it

  • @Zomfoo
    @Zomfoo 5 лет назад +2

    Your quality control is broken. No one thinks ‘quality’ when they think of Prismacolor.

  • @cavishwee4014
    @cavishwee4014 4 года назад +2

    Over priced :)) poor quality