This is a real French virtuoso in action. It is amazing how he organises his counterplay that smoothly while experiencing no, apparent, nasty moments. I wish I could handle those Steinitz positions that well.
Moro is my favourite chess player of all times. I saw him in person in 2002 in Prague (Eurotel Czech Chess Trophy) among other chess legends like Anand, Karpov, Kasparov or Ivanchuk but I still value Moro most
Looks like he was just trying to stay well away from black’s pieces on the queenside and feared his back rank. I too thought he was use going to castle by hand after he put his rook behind his king.
Well stockfish says that after e4 e6 d4 d5 the best way to play is to take and have an equal position, because both Nc3 or Nd2 gives black very strong counter attacking possibilities. Not even sayin’ how many world champions and top GMs have choosen to play it.
Absolutely beautiful tactical defence ...f5 exf6 e.p. ...g5+!! at the end!
This is a real French virtuoso in action. It is amazing how he organises his counterplay that smoothly while experiencing no, apparent, nasty moments. I wish I could handle those Steinitz positions that well.
Because of Morozevich, I play French Defense as Black. Nice win! Thanks for the video!
Morozevich is Chopin of chess. Sooo colorful.
Moro reste un fantastique tacticien !
Very nice win by Morozevich
Moro is my favourite chess player of all times. I saw him in person in 2002 in Prague (Eurotel Czech Chess Trophy) among other chess legends like Anand, Karpov, Kasparov or Ivanchuk but I still value Moro most
Moro is the boss!
great game from the white pieces, he has offered a intersting game
One of my favourites very aggressive
Why did Motylev go forward with the king with queens still on the board? His final attack might have been a success if his king stayed behind.
Looks like he was just trying to stay well away from black’s pieces on the queenside and feared his back rank. I too thought he was use going to castle by hand after he put his rook behind his king.
the french defence is bad ,
LOL! I'm sure Morozevich can learn a thing or two from you. Smh
Well stockfish says that after e4 e6 d4 d5 the best way to play is to take and have an equal position, because both Nc3 or Nd2 gives black very strong counter attacking possibilities. Not even sayin’ how many world champions and top GMs have choosen to play it.