Catholic TV Mass Online January 5, 2025: The Epiphany of the Lord

  • Опубликовано: 22 янв 2025
  • Fr. Ariel Orozco
    Parish: St. Charles
    Choir: Heart of the Nation
    Text from the Homily
    A few years back there was a young man sitting in the back of the church at the Easter vigil. If you ever have attended an Easter vigil everything begins in a place that is absolutely dark. And slowly, and gradually, there are lights that being turned on, beginning with the Easter candle that enters the church and lights the candle of each of the congregants in that church. This young man had a lot on his heart. His life in that moment could be best described as a period of darkness. And during the elevation of the host this is at the consecration when all of the lights are lit he heard a voice that spoke to his heart. Would you like to be my priest? That was what I call an Epiphanic encounter. An Epiphanic event. An intense appearance that changes and transforms the viewer. That man, and because of that event is standing right here and it is I. I share that story because in a way it brings to light what we hear in our gospel today. See Matthew, our evangelist, is not describing some kind of legend that went around Jerusalem. He's talking about some kind of event that overwhelmed even the laws of physics. And the star was by no means something natural. It was something supernatural. Or else how do we explain the men from three different kingdoms were gathered and they followed looking, mind you, a generic king of the Jews. They didn't even know that this was supposed to be Jesus. Add to also the threat of being killed or being summoned back by the king who was jealous of this new born king. See my point brothers and sisters is an encounter, an event like this, creates a transformation in the heart in the person that ensues something good. In my case, my life was never the same. And those transformations that transformation has effects that last forever. Now, we may say yeah father that happened to you. That doesn't happen to average people. That young man was an average person. The magi went for average people. They were not even Jews. They were considered the ungodly people. So why would the star appear to them for one goal? For one thing? Because it brings even strangers, even the outcast to God. So our invitation is very clear today. Keep your heart open. If you haven't had an Epiphanic experience, maybe don't worry about it. Perhaps it is because God brought you to him without extraordinary means. Or perhaps he will do so later. Just be attentive and when all your faculties, your human senses are overwhelmed, it is God calling you to him. Amen.
    Entrance: We Three Kings
    Text: 88 44 6 with refrain; based on Matthew 2:1-11. Text and music: Carols, Hymns and Songs, 1863; John H. Hopkins, Jr., 1820-1891, alt.
    Psalm 72: Lord Every Nation on Earth
    Music Copyright © 2021 Francesca LaRosa. Music by Francesca LaRosa. The English translation of the Psalm Response from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
    Gospel Acclamation: Celtic
    Music © 1985, 1996, Fintan O’Carroll and Christopher Walker. Published by OCP. All rights reserved.
    Preparation: What Star Is This
    Text: LM; Charles Coffin, 1676-1749; tr. by John Chandler, 1806-1876, alt. Music: adapt. by Michael Praetorius, 1571-1621.
    Communion: The First Nowell
    Text: Irregular with refrain; trad. English Carol, 17th cent.; verse 6, alt. Music: Trad. English Carol, 17th cent.
    Sending Forth: Angels We Have Heard On High
    Text: 77 77 with refrain; trad. French carol, ca. 18th cent.; tr. fr. Crown of Jesus Music, II, London, 1862; tr. by James Chadwick, 1813-1882, and others, alt. Music: Trad. French carol; arr. © 2013, Spirit & Song, a division of OCP. All rights reserved.
    Mass Setting: Mass of Christ The Savior
    Text © 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Music © 2007, 2009, Daniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP. All rights reserved.
    Permission to podcast/stream the music in this liturgy obtained from ONE LICENSE, License No. A-718591.

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