@Sparka even if you exceeded the 2 hours limit, steam can still analyse the case and give you a refund, and many of the stuff that you said "the trailer showed this, but the game doesn't have it..." remember that this is an EARLY ACCESS, before attacking the game, there IS a chat it game for example, but they are still tweaking it so we could use it (and imagine the flood on the first days O_O would be soo bad)
@Sparka You must be either completely sarcastic or just flat out the most entitled idiodic brat ever. You do realize Devs put out Alpha and Beta phases *purposely* for the players to TEST the game and identify possible bugs/glitches and cons the game currently has before launch. Get out of here, kid. You're making a total fool of yourself.
Not going to lie. Just had my mind blown with this. I never once wondered if I could just drag this and replace it. So used to move tutors. This is amazing... Thanks for that hot tip!
@@martialis2974 If you inspect your Temtem after the fact, you will see all the forgotten moves to the right hand side. You simply drag it over and replace an ability there. You can do that as much as you'd like.
@@martialis2974 If you go into a Temtem's details you can reassign it moves. You never lose any of your moves, they just become inactive, because you can only have 4 at a time.
Another tip, Having a ganki in first party slot with a nessla in second will allow you to spam chain lightning with both and heal nessla twice (so long as it has electric synthesis). Another combo is swoali and valash as they have great type coverage together and valash's crystal shards gains higher priority and more damage with a wind ally.
The possition of the two is irrelevant. You can place chain lightning on your tem with electric synthesis in the first place as well and attack itself and the two enemies or you can position it in second place and attack the first enemy.
One thing I wished I knew sooner: Don't go to island 3. Make sure you've done everything you can and want on island 2, because when you reach island 3 you'll lose your crystal skates and they haven't added the quest yet that gives them back..............................
u always lose the crystal skates but they allow u to go to a specific spot to catch magmis/mastione outside the volcano. Thats essentially all you lose on island 2 from losing the skates, access into the volcano. Grab all the items u need the sk8s for before island 3 and youre fine.
This is probably the most well-timed and well-developed game I've ever seen. I only dreamed about something like this back when red and blue came out when I was in 6th grade.
The XP share of temtem (The Cowards Cloak) is found after you beat the first gym on deniz, use the surf board in the mountain pond and you will find a door leading outside, theres a swirl land formation that leads you through a gauntlet of baddies and the cloak will be in the chest at the end.
So.. officially ,,just got to the "free temtem center" for the first time... and it counted all the temtem i had already released. counted toward the 200..and got paid for them. just adding to the info. Temtem up.
1 Last tip: After clearing the 2nd 'area'. Before going into the Airship Again. Explore EVERYTHING as you will loose access to some of those areas otherwise.
Another very important tip I want to give to new or already veteran players in TemTem. Look items from there where you would never EVER expect to find. I am not gonna spoil it. The world is your oyster, and you just need to know the right places to find special items to help your team, or your fashion side. ;D
Coward's Cloak is also the equivalent of exp share. I've noticed the temtem that I put it on always get more exp without even having to step into battling and they eventually catch up or get close in levels. Really slept on, I rarely hear people talk about it...
There's also the synergy function that when you have two TemTem's on the field that are compatable, one or two moves will be stronger. Thought that was the case anyway.
1:13 Smazee is probably the worst Melee in the game, so even if you could catch it in the wild you probably don't want it unless you want to collect them all. Houchic and Crystle are both useful early game, but other Mentals/Crystals outshine them currently. Maybe they will balance out once 3rd Evo comes out, but until then Crystle is slightly better than Houchic due to typings in the early game, and Smazee is dog tier. Get a Skail as soon as you get on route 1 and evolve it into a Skunch, which comes to be 2nd hardest hitting Melee in game, first without breeding. If you just want to collect, remember its a video game and there's no wrong way to have fun.
@@LegacyGamingUS btw, idk if everyone knows this but if you want to level all your temtems at the same time you can just switch between them all during a fight, allowing every temtem to get the SAME amount of exp, with no exp drops whatsoever even if you switch them all. If that takes way too much time and you want to at least add one temtem to the shared battle exp always make sure to switch one temtem when you know your other one can get the final hit that ends the battle. The game will always switch temtems before any other action you want to do. Thought it could help 😊
Say whatever you want about Fortnite, but at least they have SOME really unique and cool ideas and designs.TemTem however is a neat game, but has awful creature design... They have literally NOTHING in common..especially design-wise. I enjoy both games . Pour your hate over me :>
@Too Cute To Toot There's an anime that's a bit on the cartoony side visually but is about 4 guys reviewing brothels. Art style doesn't dictate the demographic, content does.
Temtem is a whole new concept with typings that I can’t wait to learn and i have no idea what the new terms are (don’t wanna get spoiled!) Still waiting for the Switch release. It’s gonna be interesting. Haven’t played this yet, but thanks so much for these tips! I can hardly wait!
Second island is brutal at first since the wild TemTems are all Nature and so are many trainers which has like no counter until you get to the Volcano which is near the end of said island and far past the second Dojo. Get Kalazu(the squid TemTem) and train it so it knows Toxic Shot to sweep nature types. Nature only gets hurt by fire and toxic and that is your ONLY toxic option that far, with there being 0 fire options. Ganki demolishes the first island and stays very useful the rest of the game, I fell in love with my now Gazuma and he is my main boy, higher level than my starter lol.
Saipat has toxic affinity and Venomous Claws as another option for Toxic. He carried me through the island. And hes melee and water. Hes actually amazing. Dont sleep on him.
I bout like 5 items in total and im about done woth the second island... why you might ask. Because I needed that bikini top. Was it rough along the way? Damn straight it was. Did you get the bikini top? Damn straight I did !
I accidentally mained Ganki, just cause it was cute, and I certainly felt the first dojo and everything leading up to it decently easy. Rearranging TemTem is the best tip in this video for me, thanks!
might would've been worth it to say that people can catch Nessla and/or Oceara quite early on and might should try that but else a very nice video learned a thing or two here ;)
@@LegacyGamingUS nice to know that, hope its just as interesting as the rest of the stuff here ;) looked quite a bit trough it very interesting you guys got my sub ;)
Haha, yeah we decided after being friends for a long time it was much more productive and viable for us to join forces and bring both our skillsets to the table and allow everyone to come to one location. We both agreed that the intro music wasn't ever going to leave :)
Nessla is better than Ganki IMO, especially if you get the Electric Synthesize, which can make it heal itself from using its 3 target attack if it’s in the right slot
Agree, but by the time you get Nessla you'll have already beaten most of the island. Ganki can be caught on the second route, and is the only electric type the solo player will have for most of the island.
DON'T SPEND YOUR PANSUN! In the current state of the game, the currency is very limited and you NEED all your pansun from the story to start breeding. Please don't spend your pansun if you are planning to finish the game within next week!
Walking into temtem with rusty pokemon knowledge, I thought I could power my way through the routes and get where I want to go. Then I saw how each route has like 3x more trainers than pokemon per route and some areas have LOOOOONG routes with a lot of grass so STOCK UP
From a competitive/speed completion perspective over a collectors one: 1. Crystle is the best starter. Houchic is close, but you'll be able to find other mental types before you can find other crystal types, and crystal types are very useful in some of the toughest stages of the game. The fact you find Crystle earlier is of little consequence, since at that point in the game you should be considering ditching your starter anyway (since you have other viable multi-type options of that type). 2. DON'T spend your Pansun. You will find most of the healing items you need as loot in buckets, boxes, etc. throughout the game. Your money is best spent on a small amount of healing, since yes, this game requires item usage much more than others. But you're mostly going to want to be buying temcards and breeding tools to minimax your characters and really get the full strength out of them. 3. Also remember that by breeding, you can get a stronger lvl 1 version of the TemTem you currently have. Using items like the Coward's Cloak, you can EXP share it to boost its level very quickly. Since you are starting from level 1, it will be easier to evolve as well thanks to the dynamic leveling system you mentioned. 4. Great point. 5. Great point. 6. Great point. 7. I didn't know about this lol, thank you. 8. Great point! Basically, if you like to play efficiently/competitively, do the opposite of the first couple things in this video! ^.^ Still, great work on this.
do the quest for the kids future before leaving the first island! the quest giver is the mom of 3 small kids in a house to the far south. one of the kids is obsessed with airships. do his quest before leaving. i didn't, and mine bugged out and is now permanently in the quest log
“Knowledge is key to success” I love this statement. I was always the person to get very angry when someone didn’t know something I knew, and when I don’t know something someone else knows, I get very angry at myself and punch myself.
Oh yeah they are awfully annoying to fight the whole second island when you don’t have a fire or toxic type, Kalazu being the only option until the Volcano.
I strongly regret not picking the chrystal starter because of you guys 😤 bro the mental starter was straight TRASH threw it off my team before i got off the first island
You forgot number 9. Pigepic is super tanky and bamboozle is good for protecting weaker temtems. It becomes powerfull at higher levels where you can cast it many turns back to back.
if you have a MAX lvl tem tem and one tem tem that isn't maxed. the xp will STILL BE SPLIT. meaning if each temtem would get 2,000xp after a battle. the maxed lvl tem tem won't get xp period. in addition, the other tem tem will only get 2,000xp NOT 4,000. KEEP THIS IN MIND so you don't have xp waste!!!
Don't know if it's been said but barnshe is one of the first mental tems you can get beside houchic it's well worth getting even with the 5 percent encounter rate
Just like ganki is MVP of Denoz, once you get to Omninesia (2nd isle) Kalabyss becomes MVP. He gets toxic ink which deletes nature temtem, various water moves for murdering fire types, and he's naturally tanky too.
DONT GO CRAZY SPENDING YOUR PANSUN. Breeding is a very important and VERY expensive part of this game. Once you beat the story you’ll have access to lot of breedable tems so by having a large stash of cash you can save yourself from going into the red by breeding competitive tems.
For tip 6, how many releases you have are saved up to the point of reaching the Temtem sociaty. My friend and I were spamming the Temtem equivalent of Psyduck, the Saipat to get him a near perfect stat one for his team. When we both rode over on the airship and found that building, he was already at 70 releases, while I was merely at 6, since I don't release often. But yea, that is confirmed. If you have more questions about whether something is affected or not, I am more than happy to help test it. I've been testing what you can or cant do throughout the game for a while.
@@oldman1111 I hope they pull off crossplatform and progress, they want to add it and by the looks of it if ya disconnect during battle you get put back into it right. Heard it saves server side so it should be possible to just shut off PC, boot up game on switch or xbox and continue.. xP They even joked about wanting to add it but that sony might not allow it during their kickstarter.
As somebody who beat the 1st gym today and was literally sooo close to beating max when he tried to fight you on the airship, this game’s battles feel obnoxious and honestly, makes you feel sooo much better. Still I’m the type of person who just throws out random stuff that sound useful so when I lose, it actually makes me feel like it’s my fault, which it sort of is. Overall, the difficulty is hard and gets annoying for me, but honestly, cause I’m a casual, still I get stressed when I lose cause the fact I lost so much pansun hurts
also take advantage of the crystal skates while you can like go back and explore that cave with them cause in the current game atm you loose them later in the game
a little tip.. you dont need to actually have had the TemTem in your TemDeck or squad to be rewarded from releasing them.. if u catch a TemTem in the wild and decide their stats aint worth it then release them then and there.. cuz it still counts
Im so hyped Not only for a Pokemon competition but rather i can finally play a game that’s so more free for players instead of restrictive zones like in pokemon Also I’m still wondering if they’ll add Shiny hunting or a form of that like pkmn
Luna versions of each Temtem exist, which are basically shiny. Most of them are rather boring negatives though (as in, the regular color scheme but in negative). Given the limited breeding system, hunting in the wild seems like the best way. Also saw one person who started the game with a Luna Crystal!
is number one still accurate in todays game? I can't actually find any solid info on which one to pick, and it's got me stalling the game as I don't want to start playing till I know for sure what the optimal choice is. I like all 3 of them aesthetically, so it's really down to which one is going to be the best mechanically.
i like this game as it is online, pvp and very simular to pokemon games. not to mention it is for pc also. but one critique i got for this game. is why is evrything a double battle thing? i wish it wqas more like 1v1 through out the story like it is in the original, and then when it turns to pvp you can choose wether or not to have it double.
Tip 1# prepare for lategame grind pvp by training spesific value max SV and TV. Dont use your trained temtem tv to catch/NPC battles because it count as a kill and train your tv wrong Tip 2# Oceara and nessla actually king and queen of ocean you cant find male oceara and so female nessla.
I am on the border of buying if you see this i have 2 questions. 1. is this game so grindy that it can feel like a job rather than a game 2. are the devs as ban happy as people say i dont want to lose 40$
learned alot from this tyvm anddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd im kinda underleveled at the crystal area where you get framed, should i just grind wild or xD struggle
That is entirely subjective at this point, but we have all been taking our time and enjoying each little detail, and most people are around 40 hours or so by the time they hit the end of the story content so far in early access. They still have another 50% of the main game to add as well as the full end game, so plenty more to come in the future.
@@LegacyGamingUS it seems a bit bland, this might just be me but i don't like the text box on the left. honestly i cant put my finger on it but it just seems off.
@@LegacyGamingUS Perhaps this was intentional to make the game a bit more deep for older or more competitive players, but I dislike that there isn't any indication of the Type of each Tem on the field. The reticles will display different colors to help indicate ineffective or very effective attack types, but there's no indication of the actual type that the Tem is to know exactly how effective(2x? 4x?). This would be solved by adding in a Type icon to the Tem nameplate, so players can visually see what type a Tem is and start to internalize the type effectiveness chart into their head without having to consult a picture of it every time they aren't sure which type of attack to use. I'd be cool with that knowledge not being known up front unless you've caught one of the Tem before. I can also see and respect the idea of getting that knowledge once you at least fought one of those Tem before, even if you never caught it. That's the route Pokemon SwSh went(perhaps before that, i didn't play many of the newer gen games to say if that's a new mechanic or not), but if they are worried about keeping it more adult then requiring a caught Tem to get that on-screen indicator would seem like a good compromise, especially since that's how it already operates with the color indicators.
@@humbertoncs8132 Coming from someone who loves single battles in Pokemon, doubles here actually feels really smooth and the synergy system reinforces why it has to be doubles. I think they did a great job of making it feel natural. - Livid
Milena, Temtem are stored at the computer terminal at the temtem center, just like in Pokemon. Go to any main city, find the big building with all the computer monitors and interact with one, it’ll open up your vault
Just FYI releasing before you meet that person does work
Thanks for confirming
@Sparka even if you exceeded the 2 hours limit, steam can still analyse the case and give you a refund, and many of the stuff that you said "the trailer showed this, but the game doesn't have it..." remember that this is an EARLY ACCESS, before attacking the game, there IS a chat it game for example, but they are still tweaking it so we could use it (and imagine the flood on the first days O_O would be soo bad)
@Sparka Imagine being this entitled over an early access game LOL
Sparka You just bamboozled yourself hard. The game is bumpin.
@Sparka You must be either completely sarcastic or just flat out the most entitled idiodic brat ever.
You do realize Devs put out Alpha and Beta phases *purposely* for the players to TEST the game and identify possible bugs/glitches and cons the game currently has before launch.
Get out of here, kid. You're making a total fool of yourself.
Another hot tip: forgotten moves can be relearned by dragging them in the Temtem menu! Fantastic feature
Not going to lie. Just had my mind blown with this. I never once wondered if I could just drag this and replace it. So used to move tutors. This is amazing... Thanks for that hot tip!
Yeah, I had that Surprised Pikachu Face when I discovered this as well.
Could you explain that please? Like when i have to change my move, where am i supposed to put the old one? It just disappears
@@martialis2974 If you inspect your Temtem after the fact, you will see all the forgotten moves to the right hand side. You simply drag it over and replace an ability there. You can do that as much as you'd like.
@@martialis2974 If you go into a Temtem's details you can reassign it moves. You never lose any of your moves, they just become inactive, because you can only have 4 at a time.
Rearranging your Tem Tem on the fly was by far the most mind-blowing tip for me in this video!
Yeah, I dont know how to do that on a controller btw. I guess i click for a while, then. xD
I know right! I mean, how'd I miss *that* lol
Another tip, Having a ganki in first party slot with a nessla in second will allow you to spam chain lightning with both and heal nessla twice (so long as it has electric synthesis). Another combo is swoali and valash as they have great type coverage together and valash's crystal shards gains higher priority and more damage with a wind ally.
thanks for the tip
Haha, yessss XD I have been doing the same thing. 🤣🤣 Really works great.
Might work with Saku instead of Loali. Same types and of the top of my head I'd say same or similar coverage of attack moves
The possition of the two is irrelevant. You can place chain lightning on your tem with electric synthesis in the first place as well and attack itself and the two enemies or you can position it in second place and attack the first enemy.
@@Agonymous yeah but you should mention that it does less dmg
One thing I wished I knew sooner: Don't go to island 3. Make sure you've done everything you can and want on island 2, because when you reach island 3 you'll lose your crystal skates and they haven't added the quest yet that gives them back..............................
I just got to the third island....
has been patched as far as i know
u always lose the crystal skates but they allow u to go to a specific spot to catch magmis/mastione outside the volcano. Thats essentially all you lose on island 2 from losing the skates, access into the volcano. Grab all the items u need the sk8s for before island 3 and youre fine.
what is the name of the 3 island ??
This is probably the most well-timed and well-developed game I've ever seen. I only dreamed about something like this back when red and blue came out when I was in 6th grade.
And remember, there is only 50% developed! So much more to come
@@LegacyGamingUS not only just 50% at this point but seeing how its an mmo who knows what will come if it's successfull!
The XP share of temtem (The Cowards Cloak) is found after you beat the first gym on deniz, use the surf board in the mountain pond and you will find a door leading outside, theres a swirl land formation that leads you through a gauntlet of baddies and the cloak will be in the chest at the end.
Ohh thanks!! I ben searching for
That in a Long time lol
"catching temtem is an essential part of the game"
*laughs in nuzlocke*
So.. officially ,,just got to the "free temtem center" for the first time... and it counted all the temtem i had already released. counted toward the 200..and got paid for them.
just adding to the info.
Temtem up.
Great information. So it IS retrograde
@@LegacyGamingUS Retroactive. Retrograde means "moving backwards"
Do you have to send them to the Temdeck or can you just release immediately?
Temtem Up! - Join Legion Gaming on Discord today - discord.gg/U9QJk2J
1 Last tip: After clearing the 2nd 'area'. Before going into the Airship Again. Explore EVERYTHING as you will loose access to some of those areas otherwise.
Great tip
Ooh fk i fked up
hasnt this been patched yet
Another very important tip I want to give to new or already veteran players in TemTem.
Look items from there where you would never EVER expect to find.
I am not gonna spoil it. The world is your oyster, and you just need to know the right places to find special items to help your team, or your fashion side. ;D
Coward's Cloak is also the equivalent of exp share. I've noticed the temtem that I put it on always get more exp without even having to step into battling and they eventually catch up or get close in levels. Really slept on, I rarely hear people talk about it...
There's also the synergy function that when you have two TemTem's on the field that are compatable, one or two moves will be stronger. Thought that was the case anyway.
Can confirm the free temtem society tracks your progress before meeting them.
yes it counts to freem them earlier, i have already freed 2 before arriving to the second island and the npoc told me that i had freed 2
Perfect! Thanks for letting us know!
1:13 Smazee is probably the worst Melee in the game, so even if you could catch it in the wild you probably don't want it unless you want to collect them all. Houchic and Crystle are both useful early game, but other Mentals/Crystals outshine them currently. Maybe they will balance out once 3rd Evo comes out, but until then Crystle is slightly better than Houchic due to typings in the early game, and Smazee is dog tier. Get a Skail as soon as you get on route 1 and evolve it into a Skunch, which comes to be 2nd hardest hitting Melee in game, first without breeding. If you just want to collect, remember its a video game and there's no wrong way to have fun.
All super valid points!
I myself rely on Saipat due wider range of type moves it can learn.
idk about that one chief Tental with Avenger is a competitive monster
@@Kylecx thats what I was about to say lol
Just subscribed look forward to really diving into this game just beat the first dojo
Thanks or subscribing! It starts to get intense on island 2, so good luck!
great content ! that shit where you can organize your temtem on the go just by moving it around in the right bottom screen part blew my friggin mind .
Blew my mind too! I play with a controller and that functionality doesn't exist, so when Livid told me I was over the moon.
@@LegacyGamingUS btw, idk if everyone knows this but if you want to level all your temtems at the same time you can just switch between them all during a fight, allowing every temtem to get the SAME amount of exp, with no exp drops whatsoever even if you switch them all. If that takes way too much time and you want to at least add one temtem to the shared battle exp always make sure to switch one temtem when you know your other one can get the final hit that ends the battle. The game will always switch temtems before any other action you want to do. Thought it could help 😊
The green and red Temtem reminds me a lot of the Pokémon skiploom.
It's Pokemon for adults and I am enjoying it.
So are we =P
Say whatever you want about Fortnite, but at least they have SOME really unique and cool ideas and designs.TemTem however is a neat game, but has awful creature design...
They have literally NOTHING in common..especially design-wise.
I enjoy both games .
Pour your hate over me :>
@Too Cute To Toot There's an anime that's a bit on the cartoony side visually but is about 4 guys reviewing brothels. Art style doesn't dictate the demographic, content does.
well, idk about that. Maybe Pokemon without 10 million people that will buy the game no matter how bad it is.
I thought Digimon was Pokemon, but for adults. Especially with the new game they're working on.
Temtem is a whole new concept with typings that I can’t wait to learn and i have no idea what the new terms are (don’t wanna get spoiled!) Still waiting for the Switch release. It’s gonna be interesting. Haven’t played this yet, but thanks so much for these tips! I can hardly wait!
I really appreciate these guides, I just came to know about this game today and already played for a few hours; very good so far
Happy to help! We’re busting our tails tryin to get as many guides out as we can!
4:10 Previous Temtem released count as long as you do it before the weekly reset.
u should never rely on ganki true thats when u bring more ganki's :P
Thats what I do hehehehe
I mean yeah why rely on just 1. :D
Second island is brutal at first since the wild TemTems are all Nature and so are many trainers which has like no counter until you get to the Volcano which is near the end of said island and far past the second Dojo. Get Kalazu(the squid TemTem) and train it so it knows Toxic Shot to sweep nature types. Nature only gets hurt by fire and toxic and that is your ONLY toxic option that far, with there being 0 fire options. Ganki demolishes the first island and stays very useful the rest of the game, I fell in love with my now Gazuma and he is my main boy, higher level than my starter lol.
Saipat has toxic affinity and Venomous Claws as another option for Toxic. He carried me through the island. And hes melee and water. Hes actually amazing. Dont sleep on him.
Both Swali and Kaku you can find at the start of the first island, both can learn Toxic spores and Urushiol which hit nature enemies hard. :)
I didn't know about the free temtem center. Thanks for the info!
Glad to be of help!
I bout like 5 items in total and im about done woth the second island... why you might ask. Because I needed that bikini top. Was it rough along the way? Damn straight it was. Did you get the bikini top? Damn straight I did !
@2Coop 4UTheir spending is their choice. Just because your butt-hurt and can't walk 20 seconds to a healing pad doesn't mean you can insult others.
@2Coop 4U ...You don't even play the game, but are critisizing people for spending pansum?
@2Coop 4U Bro, what an idiot
@2Coop 4U Why you gotta be so rude
@2Coop 4U You got called out, and are just trying to claim you were sarcastic. You're dragging this on.
I accidentally mained Ganki, just cause it was cute, and I certainly felt the first dojo and everything leading up to it decently easy.
Rearranging TemTem is the best tip in this video for me, thanks!
might would've been worth it to say that people can catch Nessla and/or Oceara quite early on and might should try that but else a very nice video learned a thing or two here ;)
Got a special video coming with that as well, but a little more in depth so there is substance to it :)
@@LegacyGamingUS nice to know that, hope its just as interesting as the rest of the stuff here ;) looked quite a bit trough it very interesting you guys got my sub ;)
Because this was so well explained, I'll give you the sub ✊🏿🔥
Means a lot!
4:45 mind blown
BaoZakeruga I figured that out in 5 seconds haha
Was wondering who the fuck Legion Gaming was then it occurred to me you guys must've rebranded. Glad you kept the intro music.
Haha, yeah we decided after being friends for a long time it was much more productive and viable for us to join forces and bring both our skillsets to the table and allow everyone to come to one location. We both agreed that the intro music wasn't ever going to leave :)
Nessla is better than Ganki IMO, especially if you get the Electric Synthesize, which can make it heal itself from using its 3 target attack if it’s in the right slot
Nessla is great, but Ganki is a must get if you want to blaze through the first dojo. After that Nessla should be a top priority, I agree.
Agree, but by the time you get Nessla you'll have already beaten most of the island. Ganki can be caught on the second route, and is the only electric type the solo player will have for most of the island.
DON'T SPEND YOUR PANSUN! In the current state of the game, the currency is very limited and you NEED all your pansun from the story to start breeding. Please don't spend your pansun if you are planning to finish the game within next week!
Walking into temtem with rusty pokemon knowledge, I thought I could power my way through the routes and get where I want to go. Then I saw how each route has like 3x more trainers than pokemon per route and some areas have LOOOOONG routes with a lot of grass so STOCK UP
4:16 I can confirm that it counts any released tems before you go to the second island.
From a competitive/speed completion perspective over a collectors one:
1. Crystle is the best starter. Houchic is close, but you'll be able to find other mental types before you can find other crystal types, and crystal types are very useful in some of the toughest stages of the game. The fact you find Crystle earlier is of little consequence, since at that point in the game you should be considering ditching your starter anyway (since you have other viable multi-type options of that type).
2. DON'T spend your Pansun. You will find most of the healing items you need as loot in buckets, boxes, etc. throughout the game. Your money is best spent on a small amount of healing, since yes, this game requires item usage much more than others. But you're mostly going to want to be buying temcards and breeding tools to minimax your characters and really get the full strength out of them.
3. Also remember that by breeding, you can get a stronger lvl 1 version of the TemTem you currently have. Using items like the Coward's Cloak, you can EXP share it to boost its level very quickly. Since you are starting from level 1, it will be easier to evolve as well thanks to the dynamic leveling system you mentioned.
4. Great point.
5. Great point.
6. Great point.
7. I didn't know about this lol, thank you.
8. Great point!
Basically, if you like to play efficiently/competitively, do the opposite of the first couple things in this video! ^.^ Still, great work on this.
do the quest for the kids future before leaving the first island!
the quest giver is the mom of 3 small kids in a house to the far south. one of the kids is obsessed with airships. do his quest before leaving. i didn't, and mine bugged out and is now permanently in the quest log
i fked up that too
Crystal type in early game looks really nice btw! xD
But I got the Mental one first
Pair it with a kaku /Paku for the synergy and they are a super strong early
Oh dang, didn't know about the portrait rearrange, thx for the tip!
“Knowledge is key to success” I love this statement. I was always the person to get very angry when someone didn’t know something I knew, and when I don’t know something someone else knows, I get very angry at myself and punch myself.
"Club Legion"
Can't wait!
You betcha!
Kaku/Saku is about as much of a MVP as Ganki early on - it's so tanky
especially paired with houchic for the skill combo
Oh yeah they are awfully annoying to fight the whole second island when you don’t have a fire or toxic type, Kalazu being the only option until the Volcano.
Becomes obsolete realllyy quickly, though.. fair warning, lots of better nature types
I immediately subscribed after the rearranging tip! Great video!
That ones a doozy! Such a great QOL feature
when you live long enough to see pokemon all over again
Subscribed! Looking forward to updates and further information regarding the early access.
Doing our best to get out as much info as we can and cover the future of this game! Glad you are enjoying it!
I released temtem before reaching the location and when I got there they told me I had released some temtem and here is my reward.
I strongly regret not picking the chrystal starter because of you guys 😤 bro the mental starter was straight TRASH threw it off my team before i got off the first island
You forgot number 9. Pigepic is super tanky and bamboozle is good for protecting weaker temtems. It becomes powerfull at higher levels where you can cast it many turns back to back.
if you have a MAX lvl tem tem and one tem tem that isn't maxed. the xp will STILL BE SPLIT. meaning if each temtem would get 2,000xp after a battle. the maxed lvl tem tem won't get xp period. in addition, the other tem tem will only get 2,000xp NOT 4,000. KEEP THIS IN MIND so you don't have xp waste!!!
Ooooooh so that's why sometimes the circle changed colors. I understood it was type advantage, but didn't realize I had captured those Tems
Don't know if it's been said but barnshe is one of the first mental tems you can get beside houchic it's well worth getting even with the 5 percent encounter rate
Great advice! For anyone checking the comments you can catch Barnshe on the top floor of the Windward Fort
Just like ganki is MVP of Denoz, once you get to Omninesia (2nd isle) Kalabyss becomes MVP. He gets toxic ink which deletes nature temtem, various water moves for murdering fire types, and he's naturally tanky too.
DONT GO CRAZY SPENDING YOUR PANSUN. Breeding is a very important and VERY expensive part of this game. Once you beat the story you’ll have access to lot of breedable tems so by having a large stash of cash you can save yourself from going into the red by breeding competitive tems.
lol picked the crystal tem 23 hours ago looool i think im just a sucker for cute green turtles. TURTLE SQUAD< UNITE
EXCELLENT VIDEO!!!! well done guys!!!
Glad you liked it! More videos coming soon =)
The game lets you get upset at NPCs and basically tell them "it's ma'am!" that misgender you.
lmao 10/10.
You can also choose to be a dick and refuse to call Max a friend
We are loving the dialogue in a lot of instances in this game!
For tip 6, how many releases you have are saved up to the point of reaching the Temtem sociaty. My friend and I were spamming the Temtem equivalent of Psyduck, the Saipat to get him a near perfect stat one for his team. When we both rode over on the airship and found that building, he was already at 70 releases, while I was merely at 6, since I don't release often. But yea, that is confirmed. If you have more questions about whether something is affected or not, I am more than happy to help test it. I've been testing what you can or cant do throughout the game for a while.
Damn what a video, thanks for this!
Happy to help!
Well i will still pick crystle first couse he is ma boi
When the games been out for 3 days and you wish you knew everything before they even had the thought of creating the game.
Don't take the money from the kid you get on the airship!
Releasing before you reach that point still counts. i unlocked the first tier reward as soon as i got there
Dudes parents never bought him a learn your shape toy. Called a pentagon a circle.
I, among obviously 90% of the community, are going to pronounce this as TmTm going forward and forever.
After seeing this vid I am definitly picking it up next month!
It's a great game to just jump in, play for a bit, then carry on
@@oldman1111 I hope they pull off crossplatform and progress, they want to add it and by the looks of it if ya disconnect during battle you get put back into it right. Heard it saves server side so it should be possible to just shut off PC, boot up game on switch or xbox and continue.. xP They even joked about wanting to add it but that sony might not allow it during their kickstarter.
As somebody who beat the 1st gym today and was literally sooo close to beating max when he tried to fight you on the airship, this game’s battles feel obnoxious and honestly, makes you feel sooo much better. Still I’m the type of person who just throws out random stuff that sound useful so when I lose, it actually makes me feel like it’s my fault, which it sort of is. Overall, the difficulty is hard and gets annoying for me, but honestly, cause I’m a casual, still I get stressed when I lose cause the fact I lost so much pansun hurts
also take advantage of the crystal skates while you can like go back and explore that cave with them cause in the current game atm you loose them later in the game
About the Free Tem Tem Society, it counts.
a little tip.. you dont need to actually have had the TemTem in your TemDeck or squad to be rewarded from releasing them.. if u catch a TemTem in the wild and decide their stats aint worth it then release them then and there.. cuz it still counts
One thing that was clear right after reading early access: It's an unfinished, bugged game that's years away from being anywhere near finished
Thank you tonssssss!
You’re welcome!
I wish I knew where the “Any Key” button was
yup same cant pressany shit
Lennox Haynes lmao
You have to press the letters of the two words in order, duh.
... Yes, you are doomed if you don't play on a keyboard, clearly.
@@GygasDistruttore bro i try every key word, none of them work
every person missing the joke must have not grown up on the simpsons.
that's some great tips
Glad they helped!
Im so hyped
Not only for a Pokemon competition
but rather i can finally play a game that’s so more free for players instead of restrictive zones like in pokemon
Also I’m still wondering if they’ll add Shiny hunting or a form of that like pkmn
Luna versions of each Temtem exist, which are basically shiny. Most of them are rather boring negatives though (as in, the regular color scheme but in negative).
Given the limited breeding system, hunting in the wild seems like the best way.
Also saw one person who started the game with a Luna Crystal!
Huh. I just beat the first dojo and I never noticed those little pictures in the bottom right lol
Yeah they do count before you reach the freedom forces or whatever they are called
is number one still accurate in todays game? I can't actually find any solid info on which one to pick, and it's got me stalling the game as I don't want to start playing till I know for sure what the optimal choice is.
I like all 3 of them aesthetically, so it's really down to which one is going to be the best mechanically.
One thing is the monster design lack of personality or flairs. But other than that this game looks amazing and fun to play
Definitely not the only one feeling this way. Hopefully the team sees the feedback and keeps working to refine the designs
10h in & this game is far better than any Pokimon game to date.
Hexagon is the new circle.
i like this game as it is online, pvp and very simular to pokemon games. not to mention it is for pc also. but one critique i got for this game. is why is evrything a double battle thing? i wish it wqas more like 1v1 through out the story like it is in the original, and then when it turns to pvp you can choose wether or not to have it double.
Is there some sort of map like this 3:24 to find wild temtem's location?
There is it gets thrown in the temtem discord occasionally but I can't find it at the moment
Check the Wiki (E.G. temtem.gamepedia.com/Platypet) Look for the "location" tab.
temtactics.gg/map this one works great
I like green, green is like NATURE. Poison Ivy, Zyra from League of Legends. The Ninja Turtles. Cell. I like those.
Tip 1# prepare for lategame grind pvp by training spesific value max SV and TV. Dont use your trained temtem tv to catch/NPC battles because it count as a kill and train your tv wrong
Tip 2# Oceara and nessla actually king and queen of ocean you cant find male oceara and so female nessla.
I am on the border of buying if you see this i have 2 questions. 1. is this game so grindy that it can feel like a job rather than a game 2. are the devs as ban happy as people say i dont want to lose 40$
Is it possible to give nicknames after one has sent them to the team or the storage?
You’re a hexagon!
Great vid
Great comment :)
Legion Gaming u should make a vid showing the best Temtem to catch in certain areas
Should mention the leaves in the temtem Info tabs
They pertain to breeding so early on, pay attention to the leaves. The less leaves upon capture, the greater quality the temtem
Currently the game is on Early Access mode on Steam
How long usually until full version is available?
learned alot from this tyvm anddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd im kinda underleveled at the crystal area where you get framed, should i just grind wild or xD struggle
If this game get Xpacs and alot of support. then this will be the Pokemon mmo everyone wanted.
Super excited to see the developers keep up with it over time! But first, full release haha
but its not pokemon :(
i love temtemz so far better imo then pokemon now and its only half done
Try to get a Genki with Cold-Natured
Is this game worth the money? Seems pretty interesting!
That is entirely subjective at this point, but we have all been taking our time and enjoying each little detail, and most people are around 40 hours or so by the time they hit the end of the story content so far in early access. They still have another 50% of the main game to add as well as the full end game, so plenty more to come in the future.
the game looks great! only suggestion i have for what ive seen is change the battle ui a bit
What would you change, genuinely curious since I’ve felt the same way
@@LegacyGamingUS it seems a bit bland, this might just be me but i don't like the text box on the left.
honestly i cant put my finger on it but it just seems off.
@@LegacyGamingUS Perhaps this was intentional to make the game a bit more deep for older or more competitive players, but I dislike that there isn't any indication of the Type of each Tem on the field. The reticles will display different colors to help indicate ineffective or very effective attack types, but there's no indication of the actual type that the Tem is to know exactly how effective(2x? 4x?). This would be solved by adding in a Type icon to the Tem nameplate, so players can visually see what type a Tem is and start to internalize the type effectiveness chart into their head without having to consult a picture of it every time they aren't sure which type of attack to use.
I'd be cool with that knowledge not being known up front unless you've caught one of the Tem before. I can also see and respect the idea of getting that knowledge once you at least fought one of those Tem before, even if you never caught it. That's the route Pokemon SwSh went(perhaps before that, i didn't play many of the newer gen games to say if that's a new mechanic or not), but if they are worried about keeping it more adult then requiring a caught Tem to get that on-screen indicator would seem like a good compromise, especially since that's how it already operates with the color indicators.
@@LegacyGamingUS random person commenting here: I really dislike the doubles format in battle, but it's the only thing that keeps me from buying it
@@humbertoncs8132 Coming from someone who loves single battles in Pokemon, doubles here actually feels really smooth and the synergy system reinforces why it has to be doubles. I think they did a great job of making it feel natural. - Livid
pls help me out, where do caught temtem go? can i only store them while i have free slots on my tem squad or they transport to some bank?
Milena, Temtem are stored at the computer terminal at the temtem center, just like in Pokemon. Go to any main city, find the big building with all the computer monitors and interact with one, it’ll open up your vault
How do I reorder on the fly my Temtem with a controller