the fact that the mashup madness type events went from "tons of cool shit for free" to "YOU EITHER PLAY THIS. OR YOU HAVE TO PAY 1500 GEMS FOR THIS LATER" in just one event is madness
@@matthewsheeler9336 and the fact that the first one was the giant gauntlett. which literally is the HOOK of equipement (the shit that gets you into it. since who wouldnt like a BIG FLASHY unit)
Right? I'd even be fine if it was a dollar more (or the equivalent in respective currencies - example: it's now 180 Czech crowns for us, which is roughly 6 bucks, so If it went up to 200 crowns, I'd be fine with that).
Previously it was good when you quit the game for some time and come back without having to lose any important progression of the game but now when you leave the game you miss out on so many imp equipments which eventually demotivates a player. Currently it feels like a compulsion where the game creates fomo if you miss out on stuff.
I just returned to the game and was shocked to find the equipment costing 1500.. I'm not touching that for the time being but sucks to not have that feature that others do
Ive been wanting to come back to clash after a 2 year break but dont because i'll have to grind out all the hero equipment from scratch firstly through gems and then through ores which is so demoralizing and such a thing has never existed in the game before.Clash of clans used to be one of the most welcoming games for a new player and now theyve just destroyed that reputation.
Its a bridge between trying to Keep older and active players by giving them more content and trying to get the newer players a better Progression through the game. But every time, they make it easier for everyone, they also do it a bit for the active players. As a consequence they are done quicker with the New content and supercell has to bring more Updates to keep them entertained
Imagine being a brand new player who has to buy and grind out all the epic equipment. Not to mention it's gonna take years to reach the highest level. I don't see how the game will ever grow again.
true these days more than half of our wars end in perfect ties. our streak has been stuck at 35 for 2 weeks now. that's 6 consecutive ties. i miss the th14 days man
back then, when tencent did not own supercell it was very rare for us to see special offers in the shop, but since 2016-2017 supercell games are stacked with money grab offers like cosmetics and passes
I don't think it was Tencent specifically who spreaded the money grab trend, in fact even on games not owned by them nor collabored, in 2024, you'll see money grab everywhere.
Oh so thats why CoC has that season pass each month? Because tencent bought them? Lots of clash as it is now makes much more sense… i miss the good ole days
Ore balancing needs addressing. I'm constantly stopped by needing glowy ore every 4 levels. In the time it takes me to get 600 glowy ore to progress, i've got more than enough shiny ore to go straight to the next gateway level
I feel like upgrades should be instant on Builder Base. Builder Base should be what players play while waiting for upgrades to finish in the Home Village, like upgrading heroes.
@@F22Raptor_Brqwlstarsglobal chat was fun for when we were stuck in the clouds and had people to talk to. Or just talk to in general or talk shit. No one used it for recruiting. I miss talking to the top players, it really made me stop playing cause there was no point of even playing with how basic the game was
@F22Raptor_Brqwlstars Heavily disagree with you. As a CO or a leader, global chat was on par with discord servers when it comes to recruiting new active players to you clan. Why? Cause the only people using global chat frequently were ones who played the game *a lot*.
The worst thing they did was to remove the global chat. Most of the clans are inactive nowadays and the presence of global chat would’ve been fun to troll or just have fun while playing alone
Clan wara donation is the worst u don't get any xp nor any should definitely be like every one can set any troop they want without anyone donating the war cc it's just an unnecessary burden on clan leaders.
The support is god awful. Locked me out of my main account while trying to get help recovering a whole other account. Agree with almost all of this though. Spot on.
It's the equipments that destroyed this game for me, especially in clan wars. Rushed th15/16 with 1 max th16, lvl 1 defences and max lvl spam troops instead of dealing with those they made them more annoying with equipments
i used to farm in titan league, just attacking and pushing myself until i accidentally enters legend and i thought why not i just play in here i dont loses resources, every enemy gave me closes to 1 mil of ressources (600k+ and 340k from the league bonuses) thats practically 8mil+ of elixir and gold, and 8+k of de everyday do consider the ores and star bonuses at legend league is more than in titan then im here, a legend league
I just got back into COC and I'm fairly high up (nearly max town hall 13), missing out on all those gears or equipment was brutal. That warden fireball or the thing that turns the king into a giant looks so powerful
Getting a moderate ammount of ore for hero ability upgrades for every win would definitely attract more people to play builder base. Like 30-50 ore or chained to the % you get
or even better get it from your star bonus so players are incentevized to push trophies. Supercell also won't have to worry about ppl just grinding BB all day instead of getting the event pass bc star bonuses are limited
Used to hate getting constantly going over 5k trophies and being like "oh great, I forgot to drop trophies" so for a long time kept my trophies in 4.9k due to not seeing the point of being Legends league. Now I am actively there due to the daily ore and I have at least some ability to stay there and not just drop back down to Titan 1, several days later.
If you accidently go over 5000 you can revenge! Go through your defense log and revenge any base you can and fail the attack with a hero. That will drop you and then you can freely attack to drop more. If you stay in between 4900-5000 after the initial drop, you can collect legends league loot bonuses! The more you know 😁
As for the builder base, backyard monster the game CoC take inspiration from implement the second base greatly. You can ONLY build "siege machines" on second base, you can use second base troop for your home village. So that both home and second base is still connected
EASY FIX FOR BUILDER BASE.... It should be a mini staged environment of the next TH level you're trying to achieve. It allows you to play a mini map which would be fun as hell, allow SC to test new equipment and when you upgrade to the next level all the buildings and troops you upgraded get moved over to the main village. It literally would be a Builder Base. A location that allows you to upgrade faster and see the next level TH encourages you to play more.
The COC support was super helpful to me. They helped find my super obscure account from many years ago and included bonus gems to accommodate for changes made since then. Guess I was lucky?
Help and Support is an issue not so long ago I received an email that said that someone was changing my ID and the email clearly says “if it’s not you go to help and support “ but guess what?? I went there ( someone stole my account) and they keep sending me that stupid bot text that says you can’t give your account… till this day I watch someone playing in my account without being able to do anything
The help and support in clash of clans needs serious work, like literally its like the work and time of other players is nothing to them they don’t have the will to help its like the agents that help you ingame are just trying to help your as quick as possible and get rid of you
It’s funny hearing you talk about the legend league stuff. I’ve always felt that way about it. My first time in legend league was back in 2022, and o felt trapped and I struggled to get out of the league. Since then I’ve only been in the league 4 times, last in February 2023. I always try to stay in Titan I however, so I’m constantly going back to 5000. In fact, in this month alone, I’ve won 107 defences and have been pushed over 5000 accidentally at least 30 times. Why do I have 107 defensive wins? It’s because people often drop trophies up in Titan I, and I put all of my dark elixir in a corner easily accessible to trophy droppers who want to find the easiest loot to steal from a base while they drop trophies
I brutally agree with the events. Supercell even proved our point in their latest mini event last week where in order for a player to get the reward skin, he needs to purchase the extra stuff via $$$ 😅. It actually felt so useless as it only offers loots, not even ores or builder potions.
I actually used the Super Cell support feature the other day. I have stashed all my items that I had used the item shovel on, and they weren't appearing in the decorations menu, I thought they were gone but the support put me on hold for a bit (presumably to get someone who actually knew about the game online lol) and then told me it was in the village editor. At the end of my conversation I even asked if they could pass on an idea of a feature to the devs and they would. I know I sound like a bot but I just thought it was interesting that its in this worst features list.
04:25 I haven't heard such true words for so long. I've bought every event pass myself, it's fun too, don't get me wrong. But the actual purpose of the event has been destroyed and on top of that, they are simply far too frequent. Events should come once every 1/2 year and that would be enough.
Also I just thought about another reason I don’t use the builder base is that there isn’t a reason to upgrade anything if it had clan wars I would feel the need to upgrade my base so that I could be in clan wars
I recently hit Legend League on my Th 13. Let me tell you I was SUFFERING. Damn near everyone was 16 close to max. Occasionaly 14s, rarely 15s and close to never 13. It's by far the worst experience I've ever had in any game. Just absolute anti fun.
What up Eureka? Yes, I’m still playing this game! I’m still watching your videos too…. I just figured I’d drop a note to say hi and to also say that yes, I agree with what you said about clan war CC troops! I’m the guy who usually fills all of ours. Lol
That Legends League 5000 trophy cap is horrible!!! It's annoying having to navigate the mental gymnastics of getting to 4950 trophies and then dropping around 200 trophies to avoid risking getting stuck up there.
10:31 to get out: remove your shield or do a revenge and drop trophies. That's literally it You make it seem very hard to drop, from my experience you get attacked by titans 1 or people in fake legends (4900-5000 trophies). You drop 20 trophies very easily, then once you are under 5000 again you can just queue for a game normally It's a very good way to farm ores for th13 and above. As long as you stay in the 4900-5000 trophies range you will stay in legends league and get the legend daily bonus rewards "Signing up is annoying" True, but I remember there was a confirmation screen appearing if you press the blu "sign up" button: on phone I once pressed it accidentaly on clash of clan's tablet version and it didn't prompt me the confirmation screen >> -300 trophies in a day coz I was a th13 against th16 GREAT I don't know if they removed the confirmation buttton to sign up for legends
I wish they made war ccs similar to legend league, where you get to choose based on what is currently in your cc, and it stays that way until you change it
talking of player support, a few days ago my friend's account got hacked. when he reached out to the support he was informed that they would be able to help him ONLY if he had a gold pass. He and other clanmates reacted "What the ....". He has still not got his account back.
13:00 yeah I tried to retrieve my lost account once, I told them what th it was and tag and all that. Then I said how I lost it. that was it so far. and they just said. We could not verify that it is your account... like brother you didnt tryy
Hold up. So u mean to tell me that if u complain about something on player support. U can get banned? Sounds like they don't want to help. They see u as a problem and banned u.
I feel like builder base is a bit too hard for most players. It is very difficult for me, and I feel like it’s more about skill, rather than fun. This is especially the case at higher builder hall levels. Also, you really do just have to grind for it, which makes it even less casual
Tbh the problem with the builder base is the same problem it’s always had the limited loot you can get per day in the home village I farm until I have enough loot for an upgrade i feel like you get such little loot from builder base battles that most of the time i don’t bother wasting my time.
I went back to the game after almost a year away and it just seemed like the builder base 2.0 made the whole thing more complicated tbh (plus seeing the troop overhaul sucked).
In case you reach 5000 trophies you can remove your sheild and an attack will happen soon. Or you can revenge players to get out of 5000 trophies ( assuming you havent signed up yet ).
Havoc, finding a revenge to drop below 5000 is not THAT bad... i usually find one if i need one. The player search is shitty a/f, but i opened my clan and ACTUALLY the people joining aren't THAT BAD! At least, the Clan search DOES account for language setting and player trophies and town hall level.😂
Main issue with the Builder Base is how you get such small amounts of loot. At the max league of Diamond League, the most Gold you can get from an attack is 70,000 by getting a 6-star. Upgrades, even at just Builder Hall 7, cost over 2 million Gold. And it's no better for Elixir, a the max you can get from a defense is 106,000 Elixir, and upgrades cost millions. If a Diamond League player wanted to upgrade a Double Cannon from level 6 to level 7, they would have to do 32 perfect attacks to get enough Gold.
Most worst part is we can't donate max troops to low base people in our clan . So low people join anywhere.. because they are getting max from anywhere. So why did we struggle.
Well now that CoC has said they're not planning on adding any more legendary equipment, I think skins and cosmetics will start coming back to event shops in higher amount... So hopefully that's solved
!!IF YOU ACCIDENTLY GO PASSED 5000 TROPHIES READ THIS!! If you accidently go above 5000 trophies there's an easy out that doesn't require too much waiting. Simply go into defense log and look for bases you can revenge. You can drop a hero and leave to purposely lose trophies and drop below 5000. When you do, you're still in legends but are not required to sign up for league until you go back above 5000. You can even earn the attack bonuses for legends for more loot gains! Havoc make this easy to see! The more you know 😁
A bit late, the least they can do is let us refill war cc with raid medals. I do find it annoying trying to request specific troops but get an e drag instead
I do not even buy the new equipment item during events, I just buy shovels. New equipment is kind of useless to me, especially when it takes so much to upgrade the CURRENT equipment that I use.
My experience after losing my old Town hall 12 account has been horrible but I understand the limitations. 1) Clans at the low level are horrific and either they match you in war against a higher level or ignore you. 2) Clan games are hideous as in my last clan only half bothered out of 50 and the 4 clans before all failed because of apathy. 3) lastly trying to get the 6th bloody builder is completely screwing up the divisions in builder base as ever single match up is against an unbeatable foe as he they have a mirror of you. I hear it's over 3600 trophies before you are actually playing for enjoyment .....JM
When you're attacking, it makes sense that you can request exactly what you want to complement your army. However, my dad and I run a clan, and we discuss what troops we want to defend our people during war. In war, you have to play for the clan, not yourself. If you could restrict which troops we're able to use to defend you, that's a terrible idea. If you get 3-starred, but it could have been prevented if I could have given you a different defending troop than what you requested, I'm going to feel a certain way about that.
I think they did the trophy progression unnecessarily hard in the builder base. I 6 stared the last 20-30 opponents but still hardly made any trophy progress. I just dont like the idea of how much trophy’s you loose when somebody attacks you. Only a few opponents 6 stared me and still I didn’t even moved in leagues
I lost the email on which my main account was registered. So I contacted support to try getting help. Then 2 days later they locked my account due to 'suspicious activity'. It took me 3 weeks of contacting them from at least 15 different devices until 1 person helped me get it back. Now my main is registered on my main email. So thank God for that 1 person.
the fact that the mashup madness type events went from "tons of cool shit for free" to "YOU EITHER PLAY THIS. OR YOU HAVE TO PAY 1500 GEMS FOR THIS LATER" in just one event is madness
and the whole equipment update. Oh yeah I love all of them but it was just a cash grab and to slow us down even more
@@matthewsheeler9336 and the fact that the first one was the giant gauntlett. which literally is the HOOK of equipement (the shit that gets you into it. since who wouldnt like a BIG FLASHY unit)
i didn't even know about them when they happened because i wasn't playing its so unfair
@@trinityy-7 and the events went from super fun. very unique events with never seen before troops... to "play with the bat spell for half an hour"
@@matthewsheeler9336I mean it's a cash grab but it won't slow you down, it's just some free stuff with some stuff paywalled
the event pass needs to be included in the gold pass
because i ain't paying another 6 bucks every month for a statue
they just should reduce the price to like 3 bucks or do it like mash up event
I mean, nobody is paying for the statue, just for the ore
@Carlitos_66 im a collector, if i wasn't broke id only buy it for the statue.
Right? I'd even be fine if it was a dollar more (or the equivalent in respective currencies - example: it's now 180 Czech crowns for us, which is roughly 6 bucks, so If it went up to 200 crowns, I'd be fine with that).
there are lots of ores. I think it deserves the money.
Previously it was good when you quit the game for some time and come back without having to lose any important progression of the game but now when you leave the game you miss out on so many imp equipments which eventually demotivates a player. Currently it feels like a compulsion where the game creates fomo if you miss out on stuff.
I just returned to the game and was shocked to find the equipment costing 1500.. I'm not touching that for the time being but sucks to not have that feature that others do
Ive been wanting to come back to clash after a 2 year break but dont because i'll have to grind out all the hero equipment from scratch firstly through gems and then through ores which is so demoralizing and such a thing has never existed in the game before.Clash of clans used to be one of the most welcoming games for a new player and now theyve just destroyed that reputation.
Its a bridge between trying to Keep older and active players by giving them more content and trying to get the newer players a better Progression through the game. But every time, they make it easier for everyone, they also do it a bit for the active players. As a consequence they are done quicker with the New content and supercell has to bring more Updates to keep them entertained
Imagine being a brand new player who has to buy and grind out all the epic equipment. Not to mention it's gonna take years to reach the highest level. I don't see how the game will ever grow again.
Thats true
You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain - Supercell
Dark Knight has left the chat
You either die a hero, or sell to Tencent - Supercell
these days more than half of our wars end in perfect ties. our streak has been stuck at 35 for 2 weeks now. that's 6 consecutive ties.
i miss the th14 days man
The fact that the broken equipment is 1500 gems Is insane to me it’s like supercell doesn’t wanna keep returning players returned
Requesting 2 yetis and wizards with only 35 cc housing space deserves to be filled with goblins😂
Funniest comment here 😂😂😂
Or even archers 😅😅😅
Wallbreakers, pls
@@dannyfripan7722 😂😂😂😂
For those who didn't understand
back then, when tencent did not own supercell it was very rare for us to see special offers in the shop, but since 2016-2017 supercell games are stacked with money grab offers like cosmetics and passes
what else can expect from these chinese
I don't think it was Tencent specifically who spreaded the money grab trend, in fact even on games not owned by them nor collabored, in 2024, you'll see money grab everywhere.
@n2ld3 Yeah, but isnt it such a big coincidence that CoC started selling out at the same time it got bought by Tencent
Oh so thats why CoC has that season pass each month? Because tencent bought them? Lots of clash as it is now makes much more sense… i miss the good ole days
Ore balancing needs addressing. I'm constantly stopped by needing glowy ore every 4 levels. In the time it takes me to get 600 glowy ore to progress, i've got more than enough shiny ore to go straight to the next gateway level
I feel like upgrades should be instant on Builder Base. Builder Base should be what players play while waiting for upgrades to finish in the Home Village, like upgrading heroes.
Worst Things acc. to me:
1. No global chat.
2. Wall cost when major troops ignore walls.
3. Unnecessary complexity being added to the game.
Walls are intentionally a sink. They are made expensive on purpose
Noo No global Chat No online Dating in Clash of clans. No but seriosly global Chat was completly useless
nah, the game is still simple asf
@@F22Raptor_Brqwlstarsglobal chat was fun for when we were stuck in the clouds and had people to talk to. Or just talk to in general or talk shit. No one used it for recruiting. I miss talking to the top players, it really made me stop playing cause there was no point of even playing with how basic the game was
@F22Raptor_Brqwlstars Heavily disagree with you. As a CO or a leader, global chat was on par with discord servers when it comes to recruiting new active players to you clan. Why? Cause the only people using global chat frequently were ones who played the game *a lot*.
As a developer they key to success is to charge as much as possible with doing the least amount of work. And theyre selling our data
How you know
Not being rude but just being a developer is not enough evidence to claim they are selling our data
What data?
Cut off internet connection from your house. Your data will be safe.
The problem with the builder base is that, you just get loot so slow,making it tedious, stuck on one stage for to long. That’s what it’s missing.
Well said.
it's literally the best loot system ever. Just enter, deploy all your troops, close the app and reenter. I farm about 1.5 million in 10 minutes bro
Nailed it! I would also add clan games to the list. It’s so outdated and just feels like it could use a refresher.
Bingo. They need to rework Clan Games or let it go.
Yeah it’s very tedious and not very fun
The worst thing they did was to remove the global chat. Most of the clans are inactive nowadays and the presence of global chat would’ve been fun to troll or just have fun while playing alone
Clan wara donation is the worst u don't get any xp nor any should definitely be like every one can set any troop they want without anyone donating the war cc it's just an unnecessary burden on clan leaders.
You get xp when battle day starts
The support is god awful. Locked me out of my main account while trying to get help recovering a whole other account. Agree with almost all of this though. Spot on.
Same 😅
What did u do after being Locked out of it cuz it never happened to me?
Its better to make a new noob account to use the supercell support if you want to revover a different account. Never use your main account
It's the equipments that destroyed this game for me, especially in clan wars. Rushed th15/16 with 1 max th16, lvl 1 defences and max lvl spam troops instead of dealing with those they made them more annoying with equipments
Being in Fake Legends and accidentally singing up is pretty annoying asf
„pretty annoying asf”
🤣🤣🤣 happens everydays to me too😂
@@letsexposedtrollersmlbb458 True, you always have to wait 10 minutes doing nothing to get attacked so you loose trophies
i used to farm in titan league, just attacking and pushing myself
until i accidentally enters legend and i thought
why not i just play in here i dont loses resources, every enemy gave me closes to 1 mil of ressources (600k+ and 340k from the league bonuses)
thats practically 8mil+ of elixir and gold, and 8+k of de everyday
do consider the ores and star bonuses at legend league is more than in titan
then im here, a legend league
1:26 “except for what you 🪓’ed for”
I just wanna ax you
It's so amazing that a game that is generally so good, can have so many mechanics that are just plain terrible.
I just got back into COC and I'm fairly high up (nearly max town hall 13), missing out on all those gears or equipment was brutal. That warden fireball or the thing that turns the king into a giant looks so powerful
Getting a moderate ammount of ore for hero ability upgrades for every win would definitely attract more people to play builder base. Like 30-50 ore or chained to the % you get
or even better get it from your star bonus so players are incentevized to push trophies. Supercell also won't have to worry about ppl just grinding BB all day instead of getting the event pass bc star bonuses are limited
Used to hate getting constantly going over 5k trophies and being like "oh great, I forgot to drop trophies" so for a long time kept my trophies in 4.9k due to not seeing the point of being Legends league. Now I am actively there due to the daily ore and I have at least some ability to stay there and not just drop back down to Titan 1, several days later.
Accidently promoted to legends suck 🤣🤣
@@letsexposedtrollersmlbb458 Same 😅😂
If you accidently go over 5000 you can revenge! Go through your defense log and revenge any base you can and fail the attack with a hero. That will drop you and then you can freely attack to drop more. If you stay in between 4900-5000 after the initial drop, you can collect legends league loot bonuses! The more you know 😁
My thing with the event pass is that the regular part of the event has barely anything. If the f2p side had better rewards and more ore
As for the builder base, backyard monster the game CoC take inspiration from implement the second base greatly. You can ONLY build "siege machines" on second base, you can use second base troop for your home village. So that both home and second base is still connected
EASY FIX FOR BUILDER BASE.... It should be a mini staged environment of the next TH level you're trying to achieve. It allows you to play a mini map which would be fun as hell, allow SC to test new equipment and when you upgrade to the next level all the buildings and troops you upgraded get moved over to the main village. It literally would be a Builder Base. A location that allows you to upgrade faster and see the next level TH encourages you to play more.
That would be cool but itd be a complete overhaul of the builder base
Legend league needs to have a hard mode with higher rewards. Spam Root Riders with max abilities really ruins the game.
The COC support was super helpful to me. They helped find my super obscure account from many years ago and included bonus gems to accommodate for changes made since then.
Guess I was lucky?
I only open the builder base when I need points for clan games...
Help and Support is an issue not so long ago I received an email that said that someone was changing my ID and the email clearly says “if it’s not you go to help and support “ but guess what?? I went there ( someone stole my account) and they keep sending me that stupid bot text that says you can’t give your account… till this day I watch someone playing in my account without being able to do anything
The help and support in clash of clans needs serious work, like literally its like the work and time of other players is nothing to them they don’t have the will to help its like the agents that help you ingame are just trying to help your as quick as possible and get rid of you
For me, old builder base was good.
Its uniqueness of selecting specific bunch of troops, attached walls etc made it great
The fact that legend league daily bonus is 0 starry ore is criminal
Fr at least give us 5 free starry ore...
It’s funny hearing you talk about the legend league stuff. I’ve always felt that way about it. My first time in legend league was back in 2022, and o felt trapped and I struggled to get out of the league. Since then I’ve only been in the league 4 times, last in February 2023. I always try to stay in Titan I however, so I’m constantly going back to 5000. In fact, in this month alone, I’ve won 107 defences and have been pushed over 5000 accidentally at least 30 times.
Why do I have 107 defensive wins? It’s because people often drop trophies up in Titan I, and I put all of my dark elixir in a corner easily accessible to trophy droppers who want to find the easiest loot to steal from a base while they drop trophies
I brutally agree with the events. Supercell even proved our point in their latest mini event last week where in order for a player to get the reward skin, he needs to purchase the extra stuff via $$$ 😅. It actually felt so useless as it only offers loots, not even ores or builder potions.
I actually used the Super Cell support feature the other day. I have stashed all my items that I had used the item shovel on, and they weren't appearing in the decorations menu, I thought they were gone but the support put me on hold for a bit (presumably to get someone who actually knew about the game online lol) and then told me it was in the village editor. At the end of my conversation I even asked if they could pass on an idea of a feature to the devs and they would. I know I sound like a bot but I just thought it was interesting that its in this worst features list.
"Hey uh how do i refund gems"
"We have noticed suspicious behaviour in your account and your account will now be locked. Thank you for your time"
04:25 I haven't heard such true words for so long. I've bought every event pass myself, it's fun too, don't get me wrong. But the actual purpose of the event has been destroyed and on top of that, they are simply far too frequent. Events should come once every 1/2 year and that would be enough.
The game we like the most has a lot of things to hate to....
i still don't get why we can't buy sceneries with gems
like you can either use 2000 gems or money like hero skins
Also I just thought about another reason I don’t use the builder base is that there isn’t a reason to upgrade anything if it had clan wars I would feel the need to upgrade my base so that I could be in clan wars
I recently hit Legend League on my Th 13. Let me tell you I was SUFFERING. Damn near everyone was 16 close to max. Occasionaly 14s, rarely 15s and close to never 13. It's by far the worst experience I've ever had in any game. Just absolute anti fun.
Bro th14 and up is the most suitable level if you wanna stay in legend without going back to titan 1 next day...
@@AyenYen-bo7lw The problem is, I lasted quite long and had to drop on purpose. Bullshit league icl
What a havoc episode with out talking about his 2013 tree or how he was in the leader bord?????
2:33 builder base 2:0 made me stop playing it as much now.
What up Eureka? Yes, I’m still playing this game! I’m still watching your videos too….
I just figured I’d drop a note to say hi and to also say that yes, I agree with what you said about clan war CC troops! I’m the guy who usually fills all of ours. Lol
That Legends League 5000 trophy cap is horrible!!!
It's annoying having to navigate the mental gymnastics of getting to 4950 trophies and then dropping around 200 trophies to avoid risking getting stuck up there.
I hate the builder base so much
12:15 i almost died laughing when i saw "Dzikie Smerfy" (Wild/Crazy Smurfs)
10:31 to get out: remove your shield or do a revenge and drop trophies. That's literally it
You make it seem very hard to drop, from my experience you get attacked by titans 1 or people in fake legends (4900-5000 trophies). You drop 20 trophies very easily, then once you are under 5000 again you can just queue for a game normally
It's a very good way to farm ores for th13 and above. As long as you stay in the 4900-5000 trophies range you will stay in legends league and get the legend daily bonus rewards
"Signing up is annoying" True, but I remember there was a confirmation screen appearing if you press the blu "sign up" button: on phone
I once pressed it accidentaly on clash of clan's tablet version and it didn't prompt me the confirmation screen >> -300 trophies in a day coz I was a th13 against th16 GREAT
I don't know if they removed the confirmation buttton to sign up for legends
i think they should add bulider base clan war it will escalate interest in builder base
I wish they made war ccs similar to legend league, where you get to choose based on what is currently in your cc, and it stays that way until you change it
The "mashup madness" like events should be either free altogether, or at most, included in the Golden pass. Because now it feels very fucking stupid.
talking of player support, a few days ago my friend's account got hacked. when he reached out to the support he was informed that they would be able to help him ONLY if he had a gold pass. He and other clanmates reacted "What the ....". He has still not got his account back.
13:00 yeah I tried to retrieve my lost account once, I told them what th it was and tag and all that. Then I said how I lost it. that was it so far. and they just said. We could not verify that it is your account... like brother you didnt tryy
Hold up. So u mean to tell me that if u complain about something on player support. U can get banned? Sounds like they don't want to help. They see u as a problem and banned u.
I feel like builder base is a bit too hard for most players. It is very difficult for me, and I feel like it’s more about skill, rather than fun. This is especially the case at higher builder hall levels. Also, you really do just have to grind for it, which makes it even less casual
BB was designed to showcase skill in the first place, so there is nothing wrong.
Still, I wish it could be more about casual and fun rather than skill and grind
The issue with BB, is the pace - Soo slow! And, it was designed to be a small base (good), but it isn't that small anymore.
Drop some night witches and eazy 6 star that sh!t lol
Careful Havoc, Supercell might copyright strike you for having a negative opinion
9 likes in 4 views? Bro fell on
This not corny yet??? 🤦🏽♂️
Ha. Ha. Ha. This is funny. I’m absolutely non stop still cracking up.
@@Fonktop1vn beep boop
Fell on top
I never thought about it, but Builder Base clan wars would go hard
Dude. The Pac-Mac World 2 theme.... just a random nostalgic hit. I'm here to see and hear you rant 😂
32 ice golems for my 15 peers each cwl is a must as leader😂
Tbh the problem with the builder base is the same problem it’s always had the limited loot you can get per day in the home village I farm until I have enough loot for an upgrade i feel like you get such little loot from builder base battles that most of the time i don’t bother wasting my time.
And was way over hyped.
I went back to the game after almost a year away and it just seemed like the builder base 2.0 made the whole thing more complicated tbh (plus seeing the troop overhaul sucked).
Newest worst feature is builder apprentice!
In case you reach 5000 trophies you can remove your sheild and an attack will happen soon. Or you can revenge players to get out of 5000 trophies ( assuming you havent signed up yet ).
Havoc, finding a revenge to drop below 5000 is not THAT bad... i usually find one if i need one. The player search is shitty a/f, but i opened my clan and ACTUALLY the people joining aren't THAT BAD! At least, the Clan search DOES account for language setting and player trophies and town hall level.😂
Main issue with the Builder Base is how you get such small amounts of loot. At the max league of Diamond League, the most Gold you can get from an attack is 70,000 by getting a 6-star. Upgrades, even at just Builder Hall 7, cost over 2 million Gold. And it's no better for Elixir, a the max you can get from a defense is 106,000 Elixir, and upgrades cost millions. If a Diamond League player wanted to upgrade a Double Cannon from level 6 to level 7, they would have to do 32 perfect attacks to get enough Gold.
Supercell support blocked me out of my account just because i asked for help like bruh common if you can’t help don’t create problems for me
Most worst part is we can't donate max troops to low base people in our clan . So low people join anywhere.. because they are getting max from anywhere. So why did we struggle.
Well now that CoC has said they're not planning on adding any more legendary equipment, I think skins and cosmetics will start coming back to event shops in higher amount... So hopefully that's solved
For revenge feature should be able to attack even they have shield a normal shield only not a shield you buy
Nico belic 🗿🔥. 0:22
I tried to lose trophies and 3 people attacked me only for me to gain 60+ trophies.
The only reason I'm in the builder base is to get the 6th builder, once that happens i doubt I'll be back.
Clan War Donations only are bad since u 99% u get the wrong troops
The fact that level 7 roaster ugrade takes 8 days is a crime against humanity
Honestly if they gave more loot by attack and reduced the waiting time on the builder base it would be more enjoyable
But rushed and Bad
!!IF YOU ACCIDENTLY GO PASSED 5000 TROPHIES READ THIS!! If you accidently go above 5000 trophies there's an easy out that doesn't require too much waiting. Simply go into defense log and look for bases you can revenge. You can drop a hero and leave to purposely lose trophies and drop below 5000. When you do, you're still in legends but are not required to sign up for league until you go back above 5000. You can even earn the attack bonuses for legends for more loot gains! Havoc make this easy to see! The more you know 😁
He literally said that in the video
@ihowdyi no way I didn't even hear that part 🤣
Now they even started selling decoration 😐, The day is not far when they will start asking money for login into the game😂
I found out about the clan filter the other day. Apparently you can’t say punch down in the chat, but you can say the F word.
the mashup event also giving you a discount on upgrades was insane
3:29 Wow, that's a nice background 😍
Bro ia gonna get copyright striked for talking not very good about the game
Awesome video, looking forward to the next one!
A bit late, the least they can do is let us refill war cc with raid medals. I do find it annoying trying to request specific troops but get an e drag instead
I contacted the support once and they just answered that they don't have time to help me and I shouldn't contact them anymore lol
Hey havoc I love your videos and have watched them for a long time. Do you actually play CoC actively and if you do, what th are you?
I do not even buy the new equipment item during events, I just buy shovels. New equipment is kind of useless to me, especially when it takes so much to upgrade the CURRENT equipment that I use.
My experience after losing my old Town hall 12 account has been horrible but I understand the limitations.
1) Clans at the low level are horrific and either they match you in war against a higher level or ignore you.
2) Clan games are hideous as in my last clan only half bothered out of 50 and the 4 clans before all failed because of apathy.
3) lastly trying to get the 6th bloody builder is completely screwing up the divisions in builder base as ever single match up is against an unbeatable foe as he they have a mirror of you. I hear it's over 3600 trophies before you are actually playing for enjoyment
Me personally, i’ve never had any issues with the support system, in fact i’ve been able to recover multiple old accounts without problems.
I hope Unlimited Hero Event will be back on September
When you're attacking, it makes sense that you can request exactly what you want to complement your army. However, my dad and I run a clan, and we discuss what troops we want to defend our people during war. In war, you have to play for the clan, not yourself. If you could restrict which troops we're able to use to defend you, that's a terrible idea. If you get 3-starred, but it could have been prevented if I could have given you a different defending troop than what you requested, I'm going to feel a certain way about that.
Now the new event pass if you pay gives you extra medals to purchase equipment you have missed
i would be completely satisfied if donating to defenseive CC counted towards the statistic of sent troops
Havoc touch me
You will not last 30 seconds
I am gonna touch you too
I think they did the trophy progression unnecessarily hard in the builder base. I 6 stared the last 20-30 opponents but still hardly made any trophy progress. I just dont like the idea of how much trophy’s you loose when somebody attacks you. Only a few opponents 6 stared me and still I didn’t even moved in leagues
As a Co leader in my clan, yes it's always me who takes rie responsibility to fill the clan castle during clan war and cwl
Don't get that guys comment to the top 🤷🏾♂️lets not and say we did-n't💀
I lost the email on which my main account was registered. So I contacted support to try getting help. Then 2 days later they locked my account due to 'suspicious activity'. It took me 3 weeks of contacting them from at least 15 different devices until 1 person helped me get it back. Now my main is registered on my main email. So thank God for that 1 person.
this guy still uploads what a legend , gotta make a living somehow
I think they need to rework the revenge. Should be able to attack even if shielded, but just to reclaim some (like 25%) trophies back.