Hey Thoufiq loved your content. A more simple solution from my end. with cte as ( select * ,case when srcdest then src else dest end as dest1 from src_dest_dist_2) select src1,dest1,cast(avg(distance) as decimal(10,2)) as avgdist from cte group by src1,dest1
I've got this: with cte as ( select least(src, dest) as src, greatest(src, dest) as dest, distance from src_dest_distance ) select src, dest, avg(distance) as avg_distance from cte group by src, dest order by src
I think you should include the condition t1.dest = t2.src to get the general solution in case if we have distances like A to K and K to A in the original table
Approach discussed in the video is complex. Here is the simplest approach (MySQL) : - SELECT IF(src < dest, src, dest) AS src, IF(dest > src, dest, src) AS dest, ROUND(AVG(distance), 2) AS avg_dist FROM src_dest_dist GROUP BY 1,2
Same results with a slightly different approach: with cte_1 as (select *, case when src dst then dst||src end as path from src_dest_dist), cte_2 as (select *, round(avg(distance) over (partition by path)::numeric, 2) as avg_distance, row_number() over (partition by path) from cte_1) select src, dst, avg_distance from cte_2 where row_number = 1;
with table1 as ( select greatest(src, dest) as src, least(src, dest) as dest, distance from src_dest_dist ) select src, dest, avg(distance) as avg_distance from table1 group by src, dest similar solution I had also commented in the previous video.
with t1 as (select *, case when src>dest then dest else src end as d1, case when src>dest then src else dest end as d2 from src_dest_distance_2) select d1,d2,round(avg(distance)::numeric,2) from t1 group by d1,d2 order by d1,d2
Hey Thoufiq, thank you for the amazing SQL tutorial videos. Can you make a separate video on date & time manipulation. Can't seem to find any such videos in youtube which shows all the date and time manipulations.
easy way: select src,dest,round(ag,2) from (select *,avg(distance) over(partition by grp) as ag,row_number() over(partition by grp) as rn from (select src,dest, distance, case when src
sql server - SELECT substring(b.grp,1,1) as source,substring(b.grp,2,2) as destination,b.distance from (select avg(cast(a.distance AS DECIMAL)) AS distance,a.grp from ( SELECT source,destination,distance,case when source < destination then source+destination else destination+source end as grp from dist ) a group by a.grp) b;
My solution based on a small trick with cte as ( select *, case when src < dest then concat(src, ',' ,dest) else concat(dest,',' , src) end as new_col from src_dest_dist ) select split_part(new_col, ',', 1) AS Src, split_part(new_col, ',', 2) AS Dest, avg(distance) from cte group by new_col
Hope this approach also works fine select left([route],1) as src, Right([route],1) as dst, avg_distance from (select AVG(distance) as avg_distance, case when src < dest then src+'-'+ dest when src > dest then dest+ '-' + src else src+'-'+ dest end as [route] from src_dest_distance group by case when src < dest then src+'-'+ dest when src > dest then dest+ '-' + src else src+'-'+ dest end) as a
with cte as ( select *, case when src < dest then concat(src,' ',dest) else concat(dest,' ',src) end as 'Result' from src_dest_distance_2 ), cte_1 as ( Select *, row_number() over(partition by Result order by Result) as rnk from cte), cte_2 as ( Select src, dest, rnk, avg(distance) over(partition by Result order by Result) as distance_1 from cte_1) Select * from cte_2 where rnk = 1
My solution : with cte as( select case when src > dest then SRC else dest end as src, case when src > dest then dest else src end as dest, distance from src_dest_distance_2) select dest, src, AVG(Distance) from cte group by dest, src;
Hi Taufiq, thanks for your content. I show you my solution: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with cte as( select *, case when src < dest then src||' '||dest else dest||' '||src end as pivot from src_dest_dist) select split_part(pivot, ' ', 1) as src, split_part(pivot, ' ', 2) as dist, avg(distance) as distance from cte group by pivot order by pivot; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This will work if and if only there are no two common city in the set In your case A,B,C,D are four different cities, But if you take A,B,C cities your query will not work-- Create Table Distance(source Varchar(5), destination Varchar(5), Distance int) begin tran Insert into Distance values ('A','B',140),('A','B',40),('B','A',240),('B','C',40),('B','C',60),('C','B',90),('C','B',190) --Better approach would be With cte as ( Select *,case when source
select case when src>dest then dest else src end as source, case when src>dest then src else dest end as destination , avg(distance) from src_dest_dist group by source,destination
with cte as ( select case when src = 'A' or dest = 'A' then 'A' when src = 'C' or dest = 'C' then 'C' end as src, case when dest = 'B' or src = 'B' then 'B' when dest = 'D' or src = 'D' then 'D' end as dest, distance from src_dest_dist ) select src,dest, round(AVG(distance),2) average_distance from cte group by src,dest
Simple Solution -------------------------------------------------------------------- WITH cte AS ( SELECT src,dest,distance FROM src_dest_dist UNION ALL SELECT dest,src,distance FROM src_dest_dist ) SELECT src,dest,ROUND(AVG(distance)::NUMERIC,2) FROM cte WHERE src < dest GROUP BY src,dest; --------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi Thoufiq, Your query will FAIL in an edge case scenario where we have multiple destinations from the same source location. You must add one more join condition i.e. a.dest=b.src Thanks
if we replace the source and destination values by their ASCII values and create a derived column which is the sum of ASCII values of source column and destination column, then we can simply use Analytical AVG function on this derived table, as for same source and destination pairs the sum of their ASCII values will be the same, no matter what the order is
That would not scale though. For example, A-D would be equivalent to B-C. A simple CTE that uses CASE to alpha order the source and dest into 2 new columns will be very simple. Then GROUP BY against the CTE and job done.
Without the self join: (but self join would be better if the two columns had more complex values like order numbers) with t1 as (select case when src > dest then dest else src end as src, case when src > dest then src else dest end as dest, distance from src_dest_dist), t2 as (select *, count (*) over (partition by src) as cnt, sum(distance) over (partition by src) as total_distance from t1) select distinct src, dest, round(total_distance / cnt,2,1) as distance from t2
let's see how I did! with cte as (select src, dest ,ascii(src) + ascii(dest) as SUMM ,avg(distance) over(partition by ascii(src) + ascii(dest)) as average from src_dest_dist) ,cte2 as (select src, dest, summ, average ,(select min(src) from cte as a where a.average = b.average) as newsrc ,(select max(dest) from cte as a where a.average = b.average) as newdest from cte as b) select newsrc, newdest, average from cte2 group by newsrc, newdest, average
t1 and t2 are the same copies of the original table, but during self-join process there is this condition where row_number for table2 > row_number for table 1. As a result, within the merged table of t1 and t2, t1 on the left will have different route compared to t2 (eg: row1 t1 route A -> B vs row1 t2 route B -> A).
with cte as( select least(source,destination)source,greatest(source,destination)destination,distance from sce74 ) select source,destination,round(avg(distance),2) from cte group by destination,source
with cte as(select src,dest,distance from src_dest_distance_2 union select dest,src,distance from src_dest_distance_2) ,cte2 as (select src,dest,avg(distance) as avg_ from cte group by src,dest) select c2.src,c2.dest,c1.avg_ from cte2 as c1 join cte2 as c2 on c1.avg_=c2.avg_ and ascii(c1.dest)>ascii(c2.src)
@techTFQ, What do you think about this query SELECT src1, dest1, ROUND(new_dist/trip_count) avg_dist FROM (SELECT LEAST(src, dest) src1, GREATEST(src, dest) dest1, COUNT(*) trip_count, SUM(distance) new_dist FROM src_dest_dist GROUP BY 1, 2) sub1
select DISTINCT least(source, destination) S1, greatest(source,destination) D2,sum(distance) as Distance,count(*) Counting, sum(Distance)/Count(distance) AVG from table group by S1,D2; this also can work right?
with src_dest as ( Select src , dest , distance , row_number() over() as rn From (select src , dest , distance from src_dest_distance union Select dest, src, distance from src_dest_distance)X )
Select sd1.src , sd1.dest , round(avg(sd1.distance),2) as avg_distance from src_dest sd1 , src_dest sd2 where sd1.src = sd2.dest and sd1.dest = sd2.src and sd1.rn < sd2.rn group by 1,2
Thoufiq did it better, but here's my solution: with grp_cte as (select distinct src||dest as grped from src_dest_dist order by 1) , cte_with_num as (select grp_cte.* , row_number() over(order by grped) as row_num from grp_cte) , grping as (select * from cte_with_num where mod(row_num,2) = 1) select substr(grped,1,1) as src, substr(grped,2,1) as dest, round(avg(distance),2) from src_dest_dist join grping on src||dest=grped or dest||src=grped group by substr(grped,1,1), substr(grped,2,1) order by 1
actually, i came up with a better/more concise way than my first attempt: with cte as (select s.*,case when src < dest then src||dest else dest||src end as grp from src_dest_dist s) select substr(grp,1,1) as src, substr(grp,2,1) as dest, avg(distance) as average_distance from cte group by substr(grp,1,1), substr(grp,2,1) order by 1
Do this work? I get the same result with less code. First I create another source and destination column, which are ordered alfabetically (the first in source and the last in destination) SELECT IIF(SourceDestination,Source,Destination) AS 'Destination_2' , AVG(Distance) AS Avg_Dist FROM Table_Name GROUP BY IIF(SourceDestination,Source,Destination)
I'm just learning, but I think hard baked answers like in this video are poorly done, I did something like this: select if(SOURCES < DESTINATION, SOURCES, DESTINATION) as S, if(SOURCES < DESTINATION, DESTINATION, SOURCES) as D, avg(DISTANCE) as DISTANCE from distance_between_location group by S, D; changed source for sources, idk why it was giving me an error, this work with ('C', 'A', 21) too
WITH cte1 AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN src < dest THEN src || dest ELSE dest || src END AS pair, distance FROM distance) SELECT SUBSTRING(pair, 1, 1) AS source, SUBSTRING(pair, 2, 1) AS destincation, AVG(distance) avg_dist FROM cte1 GROUP BY pair
Hi Taufiq, Please let me know if my soln is correct or not but with this soln i m getting the desired result. with cte as ( select replace(replace(src,'B','A'),'D','C') as srce,replace(replace(dest,'A','B'),'C','D') as deste, distance from src_dest_dist) select srce, deste, AVG(distance) as dist from cte group by srce,deste
WITH cte AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN src < dest THEN src ELSE dest END AS source , CASE WHEN src > dest THEN src ELSE dest END AS destination , distance FROM src_dest_distance_2 ) SELECT source , destination , CAST(AVG(distance) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) AS distance from cte GROUP BY source , destination;
/* sql server solution for scenarios where there is no row with reverse route present */ with tmp as ( select 'A' src, 'B' DEST, 21 dist union all select 'B' src, 'A' DEST, 28 dist union all select 'A' src, 'B' DEST, 19 dist union all select 'C' src, 'D' DEST, 15 dist union all select 'C' src, 'D' DEST, 17 dist union all select 'D' src, 'C' DEST, 18dist union all select 'D' src, 'C' DEST, 16.5 dist union all select 'E' src, 'F' DEST, 20 dist ) ,cities as( select src cities from tmp union select dest from tmp ),ln as (select ROW_NUMBER()over (order by cities )rnk, * from cities) ,fin as( select t.* ,case when s.rnk < d.rnk then s.cities else d.cities end src_new ,case when s.rnk > d.rnk then s.cities else d.cities end dest_new from tmp t inner join ln s on s.cities = t.src inner join ln d on d.cities = t.DEST) select src_new,dest_new, avg(dist)dist from fin group by src_new,dest_new
Why overcomplicate the problem... SELECT CASE WHEN src < dest THEN src ELSE dest END, CASE WHEN src < dest THEN dest ELSE src END, CAST(AVG(distance) as decimal(18,1)) FROM src_dest_hist GROUP BY CASE WHEN src < dest THEN src ELSE dest END, CASE WHEN src < dest THEN dest ELSE src END
create table distance (source varchar(10), destination varchar(10), dist decimal(5, 2)); insert into distance values ('A','B',21.00), ('B','A',28.00), ('A','B',19.00), ('C','D',15.00), ('C','D',17.00), ('D','C',16.50), ('D','C',18.00); with temp as (select *, 1 as cnt from distance), temp2 as (select source, destination, sum(dist) as dist, sum(cnt) as cnt from temp group by source, destination), temp3 as (select *, row_number() over ( order by source, destination) as rn from temp2) select t1.source, t1.destination, (t1.dist+t2.dist)/(t1.cnt+t2.cnt) as average from temp3 t1 inner join temp3 t2 on t1.source=t2.destination and t1.destination=t2.source and t1.rn
My solution: WITH row_nums AS ( SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY src) AS rn FROM src_dest_dist ) , main_tab AS ( SELECT srd_1.*, srd_2.dest AS src_2, srd_2.src AS dest_2, srd_2.distance AS dist_2 FROM row_nums srd_1 JOIN row_nums srd_2 ON srd_1.src = srd_2.dest AND srd_1.rn < srd_2.rn), tab_1 AS ( SELECT src,dest,distance FROM main_tab ), tab_2 AS ( SELECT src_2 AS src, dest_2 AS dest, dist_2 as distance FROM main_tab ), unioned AS ( SELECT src, dest, distance FROM tab_1 UNION SELECT src ,dest, distance FROM tab_2 ) select src,dest,ROUND(AVG(distance)::decimal,2) FROM unioned GROUP BY 1,2 I understand that it is lengthy, but is definitely intuitive.
Hi Toufiq, I attended sql interview and the interviewer asked me below sql query. Kindly explain and help me to crack next interview. Thanks SQL: Table A with column C1 has 7 records I. E 1,1,1,1,1,Null, Null and Table B with column C2 has 5 records I. E 1,1,1,2,Null. How records we will get by using inner join, left join, right join and full join.
select 'A' as source,'B' as destination, round(avg(distance),2) as distance from src_dest_distance_2 where src='A' or src='B' union select 'C' as source,'D' as destination, round(avg(distance),2) as distance from src_dest_distance_2 where src='C' or src='D'
much easier way : with akash as (select *,case when src in ('A','B') and dest in ('B','A') then 'o' when src in ('C','D') and dest in ('C','D') then 'p' end as 'op' from src_dest_dist) select src,dest,avg(distance) from akash group by op;
My Solution: declare cursor c is select * from distance; Count_1 number; count_2 number; d_1 number; d_2 number; f_loc varchar2(1); t_loc varchar2(1); d_avg number; begin for i in c loop if (i.from_loc nvl(f_loc,'X') and i.to_loc nvl(t_loc,'X')) and (i.from_loc nvl(t_loc,'X') and i.to_loc nvl(f_loc,'X')) then select count(*),sum(distance) into count_1,d_1 from distance where from_loc = i.from_loc and to_loc = i.to_loc; select count(*),sum(distance) into count_2,d_2 from distance where from_loc = i.to_loc and to_loc = i.from_loc; d_avg := (d_1+d_2)/(count_1+count_2); dbms_output.put_line('Average distance from '||i.from_loc||' to '||i.to_loc||' is '||d_avg); end if; f_loc := i.from_loc; t_loc := i.to_loc; end loop; end; Output: Average distance from A to B is 20 Average distance from C to D is 16.625 Average distance from E to F is 33
INSERT INTO maps (src, dest, distance) VALUES ('A','B',21), ('B','A',28), ('A','B',19), ('C','D',15), ('C','D',17), ('D','D',16.5), ('D','C',18); SELECT CASE WHEN (src='A' OR src='B') = 1 THEN 'A' ELSE 'C' END AS source, CASE WHEN (src="A" OR src="B")=1 THEN 'B' ELSE 'D' END AS destination, ROUND (SUM(distance) / COUNT(*) , 2) AS distance FROM maps GROUP BY source;
Too difficult! A better way is using string comparison. This works for example in MS SQL Server and MySQL WITH src_dest_dist_ord AS ( SELECT src as P1 ,dest as P2 ,distance FROM src_dest_dist WHERE src < dest UNION ALL SELECT dest as P1 ,src as P2 ,distance FROM src_dest_dist WHERE src > dest ) SELECT P1, P2, Avg (distance) FROM src_dest_dist_ord GROUP BY P1, P2
WITH Final As ( WITH CTE AS( SELECT *, sum(distance) as TD ,count(*) AS TR FROM src_dest GROUP BY src,dest ORDER BY src) SELECT * , ROW_Number() OVER(order by src) as RNK FROM CTE ) SELECT S1.src ,S1.dest , ROUND((S1.TD+S2.TD)/(S1.TR+S2.TR),2) AS Average_Distnace FROM Final S1 JOIN Final S2 ON S1.RNK
with cte as( SELECT * FROM src_dest_dist ORDER BY src ),cte1 as( select src,dest,SUm(distance) AS sum1,COUNT(*) as c1,ROW_NUMBER()OVER() as x1 FROM cte GROUP BY src,dest ),cte2 as( select src as s1,dest as des1,SUm(distance) AS sum2,COUNT(*) as c2,ROW_NUMBER()OVER() AS x2 FROM cte GROUP BY s1,des1 ),cte3 as( select * FROM cte1 join cte2 ON cte1.dest=cte2.s1 and cte1.src=cte2.des1 and x1
Here is my sol: SELECT least(src,dest) as src, Greatest(src,dest) as dest, avg(distance) as avg_distance FROM wau.src_dest_dist group by least(src,dest), Greatest(src,dest)
You can try this,
with a as (
case when ASCII(source)
Hey Thoufiq
loved your content.
A more simple solution from my end.
with cte as (
select *
,case when srcdest then src else dest end as dest1
from src_dest_dist_2)
select src1,dest1,cast(avg(distance) as decimal(10,2)) as avgdist
from cte
group by src1,dest1
your solution is much easier to understand;
I've got this:
with cte as (
select least(src, dest) as src, greatest(src, dest) as dest,
from src_dest_distance
select src, dest, avg(distance) as avg_distance
from cte
group by src, dest
order by src
I think you should include the condition t1.dest = t2.src to get the general solution in case if we have distances like A to K and K to A in the original table
I didn't get this can you please explain?
@@avi8016 for a particular source if we have different destinations then toufiq's solution would fail
@@vikashagarwal4305 very true, need to work Toufiq upon some different and easy solutions
Approach discussed in the video is complex. Here is the simplest approach (MySQL) : -
IF(src < dest, src, dest) AS src,
IF(dest > src, dest, src) AS dest,
ROUND(AVG(distance), 2) AS avg_dist
FROM src_dest_dist
Same results with a slightly different approach:
with cte_1 as
(select *,
case when src dst then dst||src
end as path
from src_dest_dist),
cte_2 as
(select *,
round(avg(distance) over (partition by path)::numeric, 2) as avg_distance,
row_number() over (partition by path) from cte_1)
select src, dst, avg_distance
from cte_2
where row_number = 1;
table1 as (
select greatest(src, dest) as src, least(src, dest) as dest, distance
from src_dest_dist
select src, dest, avg(distance) as avg_distance from table1 group by src, dest
similar solution I had also commented in the previous video.
Much easier
🙄 why ur taking average from greatest and least? Isn't that range? There r three values for AB.
Seems ur code is wrong.
You are simply a gem
with t1 as
(select *,
case when src>dest then dest else src end as d1,
case when src>dest then src else dest end as d2
from src_dest_distance_2)
select d1,d2,round(avg(distance)::numeric,2)
from t1
group by d1,d2
order by d1,d2
very simple and is working for source and destination which doesn't have the vice versa route. Thanks for the solution bro
The solution provided by Vivek Mahadevan is a better choice cause there are some scenarios when the solution in this video will not work.
Your explanation is good. Thank you very much.. Do more videos, you have a great command on this topics.
Hey Thoufiq, thank you for the amazing SQL tutorial videos. Can you make a separate video on date & time manipulation. Can't seem to find any such videos in youtube which shows all the date and time manipulations.
easy way:
select src,dest,round(ag,2) from
(select *,avg(distance) over(partition by grp) as ag,row_number() over(partition by grp) as rn from
(select src,dest,
case when src
Thanks for sharing this question with great explanation.
Really helpful video🤟
Thank you sir your videos are fantastic and helpful.
Nice explanation 👌 👍 👏
We have tried in sql server
Select case when source
sql server - SELECT substring(b.grp,1,1) as source,substring(b.grp,2,2) as destination,b.distance from
(select avg(cast(a.distance AS DECIMAL)) AS distance,a.grp from
( SELECT source,destination,distance,case when source < destination
then source+destination else destination+source end as grp
from dist ) a
group by a.grp) b;
My solution based on a small trick
with cte as (
case when src < dest then concat(src, ',' ,dest) else concat(dest,',' , src) end as new_col
split_part(new_col, ',', 1) AS Src,
split_part(new_col, ',', 2) AS Dest,
from cte
group by new_col
Hope this approach also works fine
select left([route],1) as src, Right([route],1) as dst, avg_distance from
(select AVG(distance) as avg_distance,
when src < dest then src+'-'+ dest
when src > dest then dest+ '-' + src
else src+'-'+ dest
end as [route]
from src_dest_distance
group by case
when src < dest then src+'-'+ dest
when src > dest then dest+ '-' + src
else src+'-'+ dest
end) as a
with cte as (
select *,
case when src < dest then concat(src,' ',dest) else concat(dest,' ',src)
end as 'Result'
from src_dest_distance_2
cte_1 as (
Select *,
row_number() over(partition by Result order by Result) as rnk
from cte),
cte_2 as (
Select src, dest, rnk, avg(distance) over(partition by Result order by Result) as distance_1 from cte_1)
Select * from cte_2
where rnk = 1
Great 👍
with cte as (
case when src
very good 👍 👏
My solution :
with cte as(
case when src > dest then SRC else dest end as src,
case when src > dest then dest else src end as dest,
from src_dest_distance_2)
select dest, src, AVG(Distance)
from cte group by dest, src;
I am waiting for your video about power bi
Hi ,
When will you start the new batch for SQL classes
Hi Taufiq, thanks for your content. I show you my solution:
with cte as(
select *,
case when src < dest then src||' '||dest else dest||' '||src end as pivot
from src_dest_dist)
select split_part(pivot, ' ', 1) as src, split_part(pivot, ' ', 2) as dist, avg(distance) as distance
from cte
group by pivot
order by pivot;
This will work if and if only there are no two common city in the set
In your case A,B,C,D are four different cities, But if you take A,B,C cities
your query will not work--
Create Table Distance(source Varchar(5), destination Varchar(5), Distance int)
begin tran
Insert into Distance values
--Better approach would be
With cte as (
Select *,case when source
Hi Taufiq, nice videos. Can you please suggest me a source where I can get SQL assessments and the answers for them for beginners
Hi how to solve in query if we need the date wise txn data of current month and totat tsx count of last month in sigle query .
Please help
select case when src>dest then dest else src end as source,
case when src>dest then src else dest end as destination ,
from src_dest_dist
group by source,destination
would this solution stilll work if there were entries for A->C and C->A in original table as well?
Hi, where can I find these types of ques along with an environment to run the queries?
select least(src,dest) src1,
greatest(src,dest) dest1,
(sum(distance)/count(1)) sd
from src_dest_dist d1
group by src1, dest1
can i compare two tables just to find if they have exact matches in their rows??
with cte as
when src = 'A' or dest = 'A' then 'A'
when src = 'C' or dest = 'C' then 'C'
end as src,
when dest = 'B' or src = 'B' then 'B'
when dest = 'D' or src = 'D' then 'D'
end as dest,
from src_dest_dist
select src,dest, round(AVG(distance),2) average_distance
from cte
group by src,dest
Simple Solution
WITH cte AS (
SELECT src,dest,distance
FROM src_dest_dist
SELECT dest,src,distance
FROM src_dest_dist
SELECT src,dest,ROUND(AVG(distance)::NUMERIC,2)
FROM cte
WHERE src < dest
GROUP BY src,dest;
Hi Sir, here row_number is of no use right ?
Hi Thoufiq I would like to join your class if we have any ongoing one or starting new batch
great !!
Hi Thoufiq,
Your query will FAIL in an edge case scenario where we have multiple destinations from the same source location.
You must add one more join condition i.e. a.dest=b.src
if we replace the source and destination values by their ASCII values and create a derived column which is the sum of ASCII values of source column and destination column, then we can simply use Analytical AVG function on this derived table, as for same source and destination pairs the sum of their ASCII values will be the same, no matter what the order is
That would not scale though. For example, A-D would be equivalent to B-C. A simple CTE that uses CASE to alpha order the source and dest into 2 new columns will be very simple. Then GROUP BY against the CTE and job done.
Plz upload oracle 19c software installation sir.
Without the self join:
(but self join would be better if the two columns had more complex values like order numbers)
with t1 as
case when src > dest then dest else src end as src,
case when src > dest then src else dest end as dest,
from src_dest_dist),
t2 as
(select *,
count (*) over (partition by src) as cnt,
sum(distance) over (partition by src) as total_distance
from t1)
select distinct src, dest,
round(total_distance / cnt,2,1) as distance
from t2
let's see how I did!
with cte as
(select src, dest
,ascii(src) + ascii(dest) as SUMM
,avg(distance) over(partition by ascii(src) + ascii(dest)) as average
from src_dest_dist)
,cte2 as
(select src, dest, summ, average
,(select min(src) from cte as a where a.average = b.average) as newsrc
,(select max(dest) from cte as a where a.average = b.average) as newdest
from cte as b)
select newsrc, newdest, average
from cte2
group by newsrc, newdest, average
(t1.tot_dist + t2.tot_dist), here t1 and t2 are same copy of tables only right? how we can get 2 different values and sum total_dist?
can @TFQ or any one clear me this pls?
@@balureddy8560 Self join is used to join the table itself.Here t1 is left table t2 is right table.both tables are same only.
t1 and t2 are the same copies of the original table, but during self-join process there is this condition where row_number for table2 > row_number for table 1.
As a result, within the merged table of t1 and t2, t1 on the left will have different route compared to t2 (eg: row1 t1 route A -> B vs row1 t2 route B -> A).
Which is the best platform to search SQL related jobs??
Hi bro tell me about power bi & explain end to end plzzzz
why we used count(1) ?
select sr,dt,avg(distance) from(select case when src
with cte as(
select least(source,destination)source,greatest(source,destination)destination,distance from sce74
select source,destination,round(avg(distance),2) from cte group by destination,source
Sir SQL pe hindi language me video banayiye
with cte as(select src,dest,distance from src_dest_distance_2
select dest,src,distance from src_dest_distance_2)
,cte2 as (select src,dest,avg(distance) as avg_ from cte
group by src,dest)
select c2.src,c2.dest,c1.avg_ from cte2 as c1
cte2 as c2
on c1.avg_=c2.avg_ and ascii(c1.dest)>ascii(c2.src)
@techTFQ, What do you think about this query
SELECT src1,
ROUND(new_dist/trip_count) avg_dist
(SELECT LEAST(src, dest) src1,
GREATEST(src, dest) dest1,
COUNT(*) trip_count,
SUM(distance) new_dist
FROM src_dest_dist
GROUP BY 1, 2) sub1
least(source, destination) S1,
greatest(source,destination) D2,sum(distance) as Distance,count(*) Counting,
sum(Distance)/Count(distance) AVG
from table
group by S1,D2; this also can work right?
Thanks for the detailed explanation sir 💯
with src_dest as
Select src , dest , distance , row_number() over() as rn
(select src , dest , distance
from src_dest_distance
Select dest, src, distance
from src_dest_distance)X
Select sd1.src , sd1.dest , round(avg(sd1.distance),2) as avg_distance
from src_dest sd1 , src_dest sd2
where sd1.src = sd2.dest
sd1.dest = sd2.src
and sd1.rn < sd2.rn
group by 1,2
Thoufiq did it better, but here's my solution:
with grp_cte as
(select distinct
src||dest as grped
from src_dest_dist
order by 1)
, cte_with_num as
(select grp_cte.*
, row_number() over(order by grped) as row_num
from grp_cte)
, grping as
(select *
from cte_with_num
where mod(row_num,2) = 1)
select substr(grped,1,1) as src, substr(grped,2,1) as dest, round(avg(distance),2)
from src_dest_dist
join grping on src||dest=grped or dest||src=grped
group by substr(grped,1,1), substr(grped,2,1)
order by 1
actually, i came up with a better/more concise way than my first attempt:
with cte as
(select s.*,case when src < dest then src||dest else dest||src end as grp
from src_dest_dist s)
select substr(grp,1,1) as src, substr(grp,2,1) as dest, avg(distance) as average_distance
from cte
group by substr(grp,1,1), substr(grp,2,1)
order by 1
Do this work? I get the same result with less code. First I create another source and destination column, which are ordered alfabetically (the first in source and the last in destination)
IIF(SourceDestination,Source,Destination) AS 'Destination_2' ,
AVG(Distance) AS Avg_Dist
FROM Table_Name
GROUP BY IIF(SourceDestination,Source,Destination)
Putting calculation in group by clause is not efficient
If we insert this row already in the given data. The provided solution will crash .
insert into src_dest_distance_2 values ('C', 'A', 21);
I'm just learning, but I think hard baked answers like in this video are poorly done, I did something like this:
group by S, D;
changed source for sources, idk why it was giving me an error, this work with ('C', 'A', 21) too
Thop 🔥 🔥
please t1.dest=t2.src then it is applicable to all scenarios
WITH cte1 AS (
SELECT CASE WHEN src < dest THEN src || dest ELSE dest || src END AS pair, distance
FROM distance)
SELECT SUBSTRING(pair, 1, 1) AS source, SUBSTRING(pair, 2, 1) AS destincation, AVG(distance) avg_dist
FROM cte1
Solution only work with given example. If we have D to A in your dataset, we need to add extra condition.
Bro,Can we join your SQL course now?
Hi Taufiq, Please let me know if my soln is correct or not but with this soln i m getting the desired result.
with cte as (
select replace(replace(src,'B','A'),'D','C') as srce,replace(replace(dest,'A','B'),'C','D') as deste, distance
from src_dest_dist)
select srce, deste, AVG(distance) as dist
from cte
group by srce,deste
CASE WHEN src < dest THEN src ELSE dest END AS source
, CASE WHEN src > dest THEN src ELSE dest END AS destination
, distance
FROM src_dest_distance_2
SELECT source ,
destination ,
CAST(AVG(distance) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) AS distance from cte
GROUP BY source , destination;
sql server solution for scenarios where there is no row with reverse route present
with tmp as
select 'A' src, 'B' DEST, 21 dist
union all
select 'B' src, 'A' DEST, 28 dist
union all
select 'A' src, 'B' DEST, 19 dist
union all
select 'C' src, 'D' DEST, 15 dist
union all
select 'C' src, 'D' DEST, 17 dist
union all
select 'D' src, 'C' DEST, 18dist
union all
select 'D' src, 'C' DEST, 16.5 dist
union all
select 'E' src, 'F' DEST, 20 dist
,cities as(
select src cities from tmp union select dest from tmp
),ln as
(select ROW_NUMBER()over (order by cities )rnk, * from cities)
,fin as(
select t.*
,case when s.rnk < d.rnk then s.cities else d.cities end src_new
,case when s.rnk > d.rnk then s.cities else d.cities end dest_new
from tmp t
inner join ln s on s.cities = t.src
inner join ln d on d.cities = t.DEST)
select src_new,dest_new, avg(dist)dist from fin group by src_new,dest_new
Can you teach us SQL .im from india
What is the starting salary for a SQL ,And how is growth?
Your question makes no sense, there is no such job as "a SQL"
Why overcomplicate the problem...
CASE WHEN src < dest THEN src ELSE dest END,
CASE WHEN src < dest THEN dest ELSE src END,
CAST(AVG(distance) as decimal(18,1))
FROM src_dest_hist
CASE WHEN src < dest THEN src ELSE dest END,
CASE WHEN src < dest THEN dest ELSE src END
create table distance (source varchar(10),
destination varchar(10),
dist decimal(5, 2));
insert into distance
values ('A','B',21.00),
with temp as
(select *,
1 as cnt
from distance), temp2 as
(select source,
sum(dist) as dist,
sum(cnt) as cnt
from temp
group by source,
temp3 as
(select *,
row_number() over (
order by source,
destination) as rn
from temp2)
select t1.source,
(t1.dist+t2.dist)/(t1.cnt+t2.cnt) as average
from temp3 t1
inner join temp3 t2 on t1.source=t2.destination
and t1.destination=t2.source
and t1.rn
My solution:
WITH row_nums AS
FROM src_dest_dist
, main_tab AS (
SELECT srd_1.*,
srd_2.dest AS src_2,
srd_2.src AS dest_2,
srd_2.distance AS dist_2
row_nums srd_1
JOIN row_nums srd_2 ON srd_1.src = srd_2.dest
AND srd_1.rn < srd_2.rn),
tab_1 AS (
SELECT src,dest,distance
FROM main_tab
tab_2 AS (
src_2 AS src,
dest_2 AS dest,
dist_2 as distance
FROM main_tab
unioned AS (
SELECT src, dest, distance FROM tab_1
SELECT src ,dest, distance FROM tab_2
select src,dest,ROUND(AVG(distance)::decimal,2)
FROM unioned
I understand that it is lengthy, but is definitely intuitive.
Hi Toufiq,
I attended sql interview and the interviewer asked me below sql query. Kindly explain and help me to crack next interview. Thanks
Table A with column C1 has 7 records I. E
1,1,1,1,1,Null, Null and
Table B with column C2 has 5 records I. E
1,1,1,2,Null. How records we will get by using inner join, left join, right join and full join.
Inner join- 15
Left join- 17
Right join- 17
Full outer join- 19
Cross join- 35
select 'A' as source,'B' as destination,
round(avg(distance),2) as distance
from src_dest_distance_2 where src='A' or src='B'
select 'C' as source,'D' as destination,
round(avg(distance),2) as distance
from src_dest_distance_2 where src='C' or src='D'
much easier way :
with akash as (select *,case
when src in ('A','B') and dest in ('B','A') then 'o'
when src in ('C','D') and dest in ('C','D') then 'p'
end as 'op'
from src_dest_dist) select src,dest,avg(distance) from akash
group by op;
My Solution:
cursor c is select * from distance;
Count_1 number;
count_2 number;
d_1 number;
d_2 number;
f_loc varchar2(1);
t_loc varchar2(1);
d_avg number;
for i in c
if (i.from_loc nvl(f_loc,'X') and i.to_loc nvl(t_loc,'X'))
and (i.from_loc nvl(t_loc,'X') and i.to_loc nvl(f_loc,'X'))
select count(*),sum(distance)
into count_1,d_1
from distance
where from_loc = i.from_loc
and to_loc = i.to_loc;
select count(*),sum(distance)
into count_2,d_2
from distance
where from_loc = i.to_loc
and to_loc = i.from_loc;
d_avg := (d_1+d_2)/(count_1+count_2);
dbms_output.put_line('Average distance from '||i.from_loc||' to '||i.to_loc||' is '||d_avg);
end if;
f_loc := i.from_loc;
t_loc := i.to_loc;
end loop;
Average distance from A to B is 20
Average distance from C to D is 16.625
Average distance from E to F is 33
src TEXT,
dest TEXT,
distance NUMERIC);
INSERT INTO maps (src, dest, distance)
VALUES ('A','B',21),
WHEN (src='A' OR src='B') = 1
END AS source,
WHEN (src="A" OR src="B")=1
END AS destination,
ROUND (SUM(distance) / COUNT(*) , 2) AS distance
FROM maps
GROUP BY source;
Too difficult! A better way is using string comparison. This works for example in MS SQL Server and MySQL
WITH src_dest_dist_ord
SELECT src as P1
,dest as P2
FROM src_dest_dist
WHERE src < dest
SELECT dest as P1
,src as P2
FROM src_dest_dist
WHERE src > dest
SELECT P1, P2, Avg (distance)
FROM src_dest_dist_ord
WITH Final As (
SELECT *, sum(distance) as TD ,count(*) AS TR FROM src_dest
GROUP BY src,dest
SELECT * , ROW_Number() OVER(order by src) as RNK FROM CTE )
SELECT S1.src ,S1.dest , ROUND((S1.TD+S2.TD)/(S1.TR+S2.TR),2) AS Average_Distnace
FROM Final S1
JOIN Final S2
with cte as(
SELECT * FROM src_dest_dist ORDER BY src
),cte1 as(
select src,dest,SUm(distance) AS sum1,COUNT(*) as c1,ROW_NUMBER()OVER() as x1 FROM cte GROUP BY src,dest
),cte2 as(
select src as s1,dest as des1,SUm(distance) AS sum2,COUNT(*) as c2,ROW_NUMBER()OVER() AS x2 FROM cte GROUP BY s1,des1
),cte3 as(
select * FROM cte1 join cte2 ON cte1.dest=cte2.s1 and cte1.src=cte2.des1 and x1
Here is my sol:
SELECT least(src,dest) as src, Greatest(src,dest) as dest, avg(distance) as avg_distance
FROM wau.src_dest_dist
group by least(src,dest), Greatest(src,dest)