I did not understand Hebrews 11:35 at the end "..God having provided some better things for us that they without us should not be made perfect." Please can someone explain? And who "They" and "us" are?
I’ve suffered soo many things. I don’t understand, I trust Him. When God doesn’t change the situation, He changes me. Remember brother and sister He works all things together for our good. If you’re reading this, God bless you
This statement you made is awesome my brother! I don’t particularly like suffering, but when l look closer, suffering is what brought me closer to the Father as l cried out for His deliverance! Bless you! 😇🙏🏽
Anything close to Jesus receives attack, the attack mostly in the form of spiritual (unseen) things. I feel that, but the glory of Heaven is much more than all the glory of this world joined together.
This message is speaking to me. 2 years ago I lost my elder brother and 5 months ago I lost both my parents and a week ago I lost my other brother. All this doesn’t make sense and the pain is unbearable. I will probably have to listen to this message a couple of times. Just praying for healing and God to restore my faith 🙏
God is as near to us in our pain, just as he is in our times of greatest blessings. That is a true fact. He is our refuge in times of trouble. I will pray for you ❤️✝️
same my whole family left me too some by choice some without choice point is I ended up all alone no mom dad or siblings or fake uncles and cousins... I have a feeling god thinks those people were hindering our purpose so instead of being depressed like I have been and I'm sure u could relate to let their death be for a reason for you to become a warrior like god and ur family wanted u to be. Not someone that got destroyed by things that were out of your control no cause now you get to choose what to do with ur life and that's the ultimate test to see if you deserve the new family he wants to give you.
Nothing happens without God' s permission.. Even the sparrow before it falls to the ground passes first to God' s permission.. We can only trust God ' s wisdom. The things that we don' t understand belongs to Him.alone. Pastor Vlad's s preaching' s here exalts God ion His throne.. It touched my heart .
Amen. I’ve had something terrible happen to myself and my family many years ago. In fact i still have my days where I struggle to accept what happened. When this happened I distended myself from God more then I already was but always questioned him why… I sometimes still do.. cut my story short the last few months I’ve got closer to the Lord and just wanna get more closer. I thank the Lord for your preaching! It’s also bought my wife closer to the Lord🙏🏻 I’m very grateful for that as I come from a home of 2 different religions. Now my home we all reborn again and have my Son whom I tend to have him in the Lords path .
For a week or 2, during prayer. I told God that I needed help understanding why he allowed Job go through all he went through because I recently went through a period of brokenness. My heart filled with sympathy for Job. Know that I fully understand that my thoughts and understanding are not the Lord's. We are here for his Glory and he can do as he pleases. Yet, I was still shook. The Word says, The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. As mentioned in this sermon, we must have faith to know he is with us either helping us to endure and/or overcome. Im just Grateful that God hears my prayers and lead you to preach this sermon... he knew I needed to hear it. 🙂
Keep going, all will be alright. Keep going, lay your head down tonight, in peace and rest. Be done with this mess. You've been willing to speak. Thank you my son. So says the Lord your God.
On August 9 is my birthday . Bt I was not happy for some reason I was disappointed bt this preaching healed me .I'm going through a heart break ,I was confused ND I was asking God why ? This happened I prayed for this bt still I'm broken why lord ? . God gave me my answer. We understand by faith 🙏
Gracias, for this.. We prayed for you, your family , ministry and that of the loss of the young man. We sensed the grief and many times stopped to lift y'all up. You're a Shepard that leads like a man who follows Jesus.. Keep up the faith. Praying for more for you all.
I watch you all the time. I'm from Florida and I just told husband that I would like to go visit your church so Sept 4th is my birthday I'm gonna pray that that would be my gift Amen 🤚God Bless your ministry pastor vlad I wish my church did everyday church I wish it was at least 3 times 😢
I tried to work in South Africa oh my God that's when I got demons in my house 13 minutes close me down for 14 months I finally found a pastor a woman and a man game knowing my house and they prayed and they prayed for me and they prayed and they prayed and they prayed for me finally they're gone I can't believe what I've seen in my life I heard over 300 demons in my house tell you about your work let me thought your work if anybody's ever told you thank you I'm saying praise God and thank you in the highest of the highest of high God thank this man for preaching your word think it's a man for preaching your words... I don't know how else to thank you I don't know how else to thank you I want to meet you personally because I have lived for 14 months with demons in my house demons watching me laughing at me watching me you have no idea maybe you do have a good idea that's why you were sent to the street why you need to come to Florida you need oh my God praise God praise God for your praise God praise God listen to his many of you too
Yes sometime we don't understand, why these things are happening, we simply don't understand bcoz we are just human beings and finite so how can we understand our infinite GOD. Two years before I lost my unborn child just few days(3-5) before the due date. But I know one thing my GOD is greater than any situation, and I was thanking my lord Jesus in the O.T room , on surgery bed that LORD I don't know anything but still I will thank you that you are with me right now, right here. Till now we have not found the reason why it happened (not even the doctors) but I know my child is with my GOD, and I will trust my GOD no matter whatever situation I will face. I love you Jesus and exalt you LORD.
With this message, I understand that I can start trust Him over and over again because He is God, because my pain can not compare with what Jesus went through. Amen. Thank you for God using you
It is well with my soul. Yes God’s way are higher and we can’t understand. But we trust him. Great sermon Pastor Vlad one of your best to date. This spoke deep within my soul🙏🏾
Years ago I heard a message that a man gave after his daughter died in a plane accident. He was confused as to why his daughter with her whole life ahead of her would lose her life and he asked God and either Jesus literally appeared or spoke to him several reasons why tragedy happens. I wish I had written them down thinking I would remember them. I believe there were five. I don't remember all of them but two that I do remember. One was that people don't do their due diligence in their work or something which leads to something bad happening. Example; a car mechanic doesn't do his job very well while fixing the brakes and someone dies in a car accident. Another reason was the occult. Someone opens a door by being involved in occult and it ends in a tragedy. I wish I remembered the rest but they were very specific and all involved mankind and things that happened because of decisions people made that created the tragedies.
Well God is my provider. I eat once a day. Trying to survive. I have a company who wants to interview me but my car doesn't work. I can get a taxi to do a great interview. But this challenges the miracle. If I get a job many angry creditors will be satisfied. Without help by getting this job I will sink under the line of survival. So I trust God for good reasons.
Amen! I have suffered for the past 3 years and it has been so painful but in the middle of all this I see God moving in my family. One day my suffering will end but till then I’m trusting my God in all I go through. Blessings!
You speak so much truth. The Lord has truely anointed you to be able to break scripture open. Thank you Lord for giving Vlad revelation to share with the world.
This message is deep and we need to understand, for grown up in faith and live in peace of God, and in every storm we know God is with you, and everything turn for good, every test, him never leave us. He is our rock
AMEN! A powerful and poignant reminder of what it means to be a child of God. It is only by living in the substance of things hoped for that we will receive the Grace that sustains and prospers us.
Amen we can not understand God bc His thoughts are higher. we have to approach God with Trust/Faith. He’ll never be understood by man. Ps. I pray for Hungry Gen as they’ve experienced a major loss in their staff. 😭May this church grieve well and come through to the other side of this stronger than ever!! ✝️🙏🏽
Only five minutes in and this word has already given me such peace and understanding of how to go through suffering. Thank you so much Vlad for preaching God’s word to where it has reached a random woman like me ♥️
One thing that I learned from this video is the daily decisions that we take, may also lead us to anxiety and depression. Being preoccupied heavily with work and studies, have pushed me away from Church community, sports, rest, and that eventually led to chronic anxiety and burnout.
Thanks for sharing this Pastor Vlad, God bless you. Praise the Lord, he did not stop loving us indeed! One 12 years old kid from my church asked me a similar question after I told them God is our protector. I didn’t expect his question at all.
A family member of mine got smashed by a car. Flew over the bonnet then went under a parked car. I couldn't speak for weeks. It's reassuring to know that it's a normal reaction. My mind could not get around it. I don't know if you can ever get it out of your mind. Thank you Vladimir.
I’m 33 my whole life has been chaotic . I had lost two brothers at a very young age . After that second death I told myself god didn’t exist because why if he making us suffer all this we are good people and we don’t deserve it. There’s bad people that nothing ever happens to them . But recently I learned that when Jesus was dying on the cross he said God why have you forsaken me …for one second Jesus was us…he was us for one second. I felt how Jesus felt on the cross for that small second when he thought God wasn’t there for him. But guess what happened …Jesus resurrected from the dead. Just like I did . I’m here today to say god is real . Jesus is the truth. I know now why the things had happened to me snd i know it’s not god . Satan is here to kill steak and destroy us . Now I have the full armor of Christ and nothing will stop me. I know I will face more tribulations but I know God is right here .
Pastor thank you for your message it inspired me my mom just pass away it hurt me a lot but I'm gonna trust God he knows everything and I'll pray that God will gve you wisdom to feed the word of God by the holy spirit through you pastor Amen
This is an outstanding message (as they all are) that hits home for me having gone through a fiery furnace in the last 3 1/2 years. A few of my favorite quotes: "...is it risky to trust (God)? Yes, but it's more risky not to." "Even if somebody died, it's not the end. It might be the end for that person on this earth, but it's not the end for this person; they are still alive." That is such an encouraging statement when in the moment it certainly APPEARS to be the end for the one left living, with no future left. "He will use (suffering) to still show His glory if we refuse being offended, disappointed in God, and throw in the towel." "Your faith is so much bigger than just an answer to prayer which you desired." In the final analysis re: suffering and trusting the Lord in what we don't understand: "Then Jesus said to the twelve, 'Do you also want to go away?' Simon Peter answered, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You alone have the words of eternal life." John 6:67-68 AMP
I have had the Crap kicked out of me my whole life. Yes good times too but the bad has been very BAD!!!! I'm stuck in very bad right now for 3yrs and I'm BREAKING. Satan and demons are kicking the crap out if me and I don't "understand" why God is allowing all this. I tell saying I AM going to break and snap and the end is near. What the hell do you want out of me. The average person would had broken and died already Every person incl we Christians have a breaking point. I am only a flesh damn body!!! I needed to hear this video this Word today. I'm saving the video to listen again later and sharing with friends with sick family members I still don't know if I'll make it. If I don't I don't. I've been called online one of God's Warriors. I use to feel that way. Now I'm broken. My faith and trust in God has been kicked to crap I need prayers. I need deliverance but pastor Vlad has not offered and I've asked. I'm not going to beg
Аминь🙏 Пастор Влад , Бог мне столько всего проговаривает через вас ✝️🙏 просто благодарю Господа за то, что вы есть и вас за то, что делаете Божью работу! Аллилуйя. Прям до слез эта проповедь меня задела. 🙏
Thankyou Man of God,i am one person who has suffered rejected ,curse,bewitched since childhood,failure in all aspects of life,right now in a very abusive relationship,a man who spits and abuses me before my step children,whatever i do is not recognised,i am now very depressed and almost running mad
Brother shav iam from India...and iam studying theology now to server God better.... please remember me in ur personal prayer..thank you 🙏 have a great time in lord Jesus Christ
From past 1 year I'm asking God to take my life. I repented for all my sins and asked God for forgiveness. I can't take it anymore I'm done. The only thing that can free me from suffering is my death. I'll trust in him that he will free me from this suffering. Please God free me from this suffering. Glory to God 🙏.
Understand everything to dwell with God I don't know what to say about every energy that comes through your body I hear you speaking the truth of God Jesus God Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus is my name thank you do you want me to thank you I want to thank you a month thank you I'm going to thank you for the mighty name of Jesus being brought out
Amen thank you perfect for today I love you Jesus with all my suffering nothing can be more than what you Jesus suffered to overcome this world and someday I will overcome the world too in your name Jesus Christ
Soo Good Pastor Vlad! I always questioned where is God in my difficult situation, because I couldn't understand why certain things happen. Is it because of lack of my faith? I wanted to understand the reasons why God allowed this and that. As the Bible says lean not on your own understanding, I got tired and angry and frustrated. And then again came back running to God and this time I simply put my trust and hope in Him because Faith will begin when understanding ends.
The Lord will give you understanding but first understand that you have to choose the right choice even this choice will hurt you and change the way you living. The lord always want you to be in peace , now The God of peace saying peace be with you my friend.
Type AMEN if you see suffering as an opportunity for growth! 🙏
I did not understand Hebrews 11:35 at the end "..God having provided some better things for us that they without us should not be made perfect." Please can someone explain? And who "They" and "us" are?
Amen... 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I’ve suffered soo many things. I don’t understand, I trust Him. When God doesn’t change the situation, He changes me. Remember brother and sister He works all things together for our good. If you’re reading this, God bless you
Amen 🙏🏾
This statement you made is awesome my brother!
I don’t particularly like suffering, but when l look closer, suffering is what brought me closer to the Father as l cried out for His deliverance!
Bless you!
Whooo, Amen to that!!! He sure does
Anything close to Jesus receives attack, the attack mostly in the form of spiritual (unseen) things. I feel that, but the glory of Heaven is much more than all the glory of this world joined together.
This message is speaking to me. 2 years ago I lost my elder brother and 5 months ago I lost both my parents and a week ago I lost my other brother. All this doesn’t make sense and the pain is unbearable. I will probably have to listen to this message a couple of times. Just praying for healing and God to restore my faith 🙏
God is as near to us in our pain, just as he is in our times of greatest blessings. That is a true fact. He is our refuge in times of trouble. I will pray for you ❤️✝️
Praying for you. 🙏🏽
same my whole family left me too some by choice some without choice point is I ended up all alone no mom dad or siblings or fake uncles and cousins... I have a feeling god thinks those people were hindering our purpose so instead of being depressed like I have been and I'm sure u could relate to let their death be for a reason for you to become a warrior like god and ur family wanted u to be. Not someone that got destroyed by things that were out of your control no cause now you get to choose what to do with ur life and that's the ultimate test to see if you deserve the new family he wants to give you.
Nothing happens without God' s permission.. Even the sparrow before it falls to the ground passes first to God' s permission.. We can only trust God ' s wisdom. The things that we don' t understand belongs to Him.alone.
Pastor Vlad's s preaching' s here exalts God ion His throne.. It touched my heart .
Amen. I’ve had something terrible happen to myself and my family many years ago. In fact i still have my days where I struggle to accept what happened. When this happened I distended myself from God more then I already was but always questioned him why… I sometimes still do.. cut my story short the last few months I’ve got closer to the Lord and just wanna get more closer. I thank the Lord for your preaching! It’s also bought my wife closer to the Lord🙏🏻 I’m very grateful for that as I come from a home of 2 different religions. Now my home we all reborn again and have my Son whom I tend to have him in the Lords path .
For a week or 2, during prayer. I told God that I needed help understanding why he allowed Job go through all he went through because I recently went through a period of brokenness. My heart filled with sympathy for Job. Know that I fully understand that my thoughts and understanding are not the Lord's. We are here for his Glory and he can do as he pleases. Yet, I was still shook. The Word says, The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. As mentioned in this sermon, we must have faith to know he is with us either helping us to endure and/or overcome. Im just Grateful that God hears my prayers and lead you to preach this sermon... he knew I needed to hear it. 🙂
We give all the glory to Jesus Christ in all seasons.
My Heart is bleeding of blood but God is the only thing that am holding on to life, I need him every time to stay strong
I am from Uganda,man of God Vlad pray for me i am always following you
Thank you for this message. Many have turned away from God because they don't agree with an outcome, but we must trust by faith!
Keep going, all will be alright.
Keep going, lay your head down tonight, in peace and rest.
Be done with this mess.
You've been willing to speak.
Thank you my son.
So says the Lord your God.
On August 9 is my birthday . Bt I was not happy for some reason I was disappointed bt this preaching healed me .I'm going through a heart break ,I was confused ND I was asking God why ? This happened I prayed for this bt still I'm broken why lord ? . God gave me my answer. We understand by faith 🙏
Trust Him despite the circumstances
Gracias, for this..
We prayed for you, your family , ministry and that of the loss of the young man.
We sensed the grief and many times stopped to lift y'all up.
You're a Shepard that leads like a man who follows Jesus..
Keep up the faith.
Praying for more for you all.
God's in control😌
We have to stay faithful in our sufferings
I watch you all the time. I'm from Florida and I just told husband that I would like to go visit your church so Sept 4th is my birthday I'm gonna pray that that would be my gift Amen 🤚God Bless your ministry pastor vlad I wish my church did everyday church I wish it was at least 3 times 😢
So powerful. This was so encouraging.
Jesus said it wasnt going to be easy. Through the trials and tribulations we grow 🙏🙌♥ it is finished 🙏
I tried to work in South Africa oh my God that's when I got demons in my house 13 minutes close me down for 14 months I finally found a pastor a woman and a man game knowing my house and they prayed and they prayed for me and they prayed and they prayed and they prayed for me finally they're gone I can't believe what I've seen in my life I heard over 300 demons in my house tell you about your work let me thought your work if anybody's ever told you thank you I'm saying praise God and thank you in the highest of the highest of high God thank this man for preaching your word think it's a man for preaching your words... I don't know how else to thank you I don't know how else to thank you I want to meet you personally because I have lived for 14 months with demons in my house demons watching me laughing at me watching me you have no idea maybe you do have a good idea that's why you were sent to the street why you need to come to Florida you need oh my God praise God praise God for your praise God praise God listen to his many of you too
Yes sometime we don't understand, why these things are happening, we simply don't understand bcoz we are just human beings and finite so how can we understand our infinite GOD. Two years before I lost my unborn child just few days(3-5) before the due date. But I know one thing my GOD is greater than any situation, and I was thanking my lord Jesus in the O.T room , on surgery bed that LORD I don't know anything but still I will thank you that you are with me right now, right here. Till now we have not found the reason why it happened (not even the doctors) but I know my child is with my GOD, and I will trust my GOD no matter whatever situation I will face. I love you Jesus and exalt you LORD.
Pastor Vlad that message touched me.
You’re a blessing!
I am broken but forever Amen.
With this message, I understand that I can start trust Him over and over again because He is God, because my pain can not compare with what Jesus went through. Amen. Thank you for God using you
Thank you so much for sharing this. I really needed to hear this today.
It is well with my soul. Yes God’s way are higher and we can’t understand. But we trust him. Great sermon Pastor Vlad one of your best to date. This spoke deep within my soul🙏🏾
Years ago I heard a message that a man gave after his daughter died in a plane accident. He was confused as to why his daughter with her whole life ahead of her would lose her life and he asked God and either Jesus literally appeared or spoke to him several reasons why tragedy happens. I wish I had written them down thinking I would remember them. I believe there were five. I don't remember all of them but two that I do remember. One was that people don't do their due diligence in their work or something which leads to something bad happening. Example; a car mechanic doesn't do his job very well while fixing the brakes and someone dies in a car accident. Another reason was the occult. Someone opens a door by being involved in occult and it ends in a tragedy. I wish I remembered the rest but they were very specific and all involved mankind and things that happened because of decisions people made that created the tragedies.
Well God is my provider. I eat once a day. Trying to survive. I have a company who wants to interview me but my car doesn't work. I can get a taxi to do a great interview. But this challenges the miracle. If I get a job many angry creditors will be satisfied. Without help by getting this job I will sink under the line of survival. So I trust God for good reasons.
He loves me! He loves YOU!!!!
I Will Trust Him!!🙏🏼
Amen! I have suffered for the past 3 years and it has been so painful but in the middle of all this I see God moving in my family. One day my suffering will end but till then I’m trusting my God in all I go through. Blessings!
Amen thank you father God I couldn't do life without you 🙏
You speak so much truth. The Lord has truely anointed you to be able to break scripture open. Thank you Lord for giving Vlad revelation to share with the world.
This message is deep and we need to understand, for grown up in faith and live in peace of God, and in every storm we know God is with you, and everything turn for good, every test, him never leave us. He is our rock
Amazing annointed Pastor of God!!❤❤❤ you & God help me more than you'll ever know!
This is literally a direct answer to what I was asking Holy Spirit today. Thank you for this. I really needed this. Praise God 🙌🏼
I will hold onto my faith!
AMEN! A powerful and poignant reminder of what it means to be a child of God. It is only by living in the substance of things hoped for that we will receive the Grace that sustains and prospers us.
Only Jesus can do that: following him means suffering, but yet the most beautiful experience at the same time 💕
Amen. Seeing this 3 years later, but praise God I needed to see this. God did not stop loving Me! ❤
Amen we can not understand God bc His thoughts are higher. we have to approach God with Trust/Faith. He’ll never be understood by man.
Ps. I pray for Hungry Gen as they’ve experienced a major loss in their staff. 😭May this church grieve well and come through to the other side of this stronger than ever!! ✝️🙏🏽
Only five minutes in and this word has already given me such peace and understanding of how to go through suffering. Thank you so much Vlad for preaching God’s word to where it has reached a random woman like me ♥️
One thing that I learned from this video is the daily decisions that we take, may also lead us to anxiety and depression. Being preoccupied heavily with work and studies, have pushed me away from Church community, sports, rest, and that eventually led to chronic anxiety and burnout.
God is smiling looking down on you. We love you Pastor vlad.
Thanks for sharing this Pastor Vlad, God bless you. Praise the Lord, he did not stop loving us indeed! One 12 years old kid from my church asked me a similar question after I told them God is our protector. I didn’t expect his question at all.
A family member of mine got smashed by a car. Flew over the bonnet then went under a parked car. I couldn't speak for weeks. It's reassuring to know that it's a normal reaction. My mind could not get around it. I don't know if you can ever get it out of your mind. Thank you Vladimir.
Big Amen Christ center sermons.
GOD Loves Me In Every Situation
Amen 🙏 glory to God praises to Jesus hallelujah the joy of the lord is my strength 💪💪🙌🙌🙌
Thank you you have helped trust in GOD in all things
I’m 33 my whole life has been chaotic . I had lost two brothers at a very young age . After that second death I told myself god didn’t exist because why if he making us suffer all this we are good people and we don’t deserve it. There’s bad people that nothing ever happens to them . But recently I learned that when Jesus was dying on the cross he said God why have you forsaken me …for one second Jesus was us…he was us for one second. I felt how Jesus felt on the cross for that small second when he thought God wasn’t there for him. But guess what happened …Jesus resurrected from the dead. Just like I did . I’m here today to say god is real . Jesus is the truth. I know now why the things had happened to me snd i know it’s not god . Satan is here to kill steak and destroy us . Now I have the full armor of Christ and nothing will stop me. I know I will face more tribulations but I know God is right here .
16:52 wow thank you!! my family needed to Hearst this now!! Faith Faith Faith!! 💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥 Thank you oh Pastoror Vlad!!
Pastor thank you for your message it inspired me my mom just pass away it hurt me a lot but I'm gonna trust God he knows everything and I'll pray that God will gve you wisdom to feed the word of God by the holy spirit through you pastor Amen
I remember hearing about that on a video when TB Joshua talked about it before he died about the buildings
thankyou JESUS for loving ME...AMEN
Amen.. I receive because Quiting is not a option. Iam in the valley but i choose to sayand on Gods word inspite of.
The Lord loves you ~
Thank you fir for this clarifying POWERFUL WORD! I thank God for you! GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS TJIS MAN SO THAT HE CAN CONTINUE TO POUR ON US!!
Thanks be God for today help us to understand Holy Spirit thank you Lord for this word help us to digest mighty God in Jesus Mighty name,
I trust him❤️🙏. This really challenged my faith. Thank you Lord for pastor Vlad, I believe I just grew in faith more. Thank you Pastor Vlad. ❤️🙏
Wow I needed this today 😭😭🙌🏼🔥
God bless you.
This is an outstanding message (as they all are) that hits home for me having gone through a fiery furnace in the last 3 1/2 years. A few of my favorite quotes:
"...is it risky to trust (God)? Yes, but it's more risky not to."
"Even if somebody died, it's not the end. It might be the end for that person on this earth, but it's not the end for this person; they are still alive." That is such an encouraging statement when in the moment it certainly APPEARS to be the end for the one left living, with no future left.
"He will use (suffering) to still show His glory if we refuse being offended, disappointed in God, and throw in the towel."
"Your faith is so much bigger than just an answer to prayer which you desired."
In the final analysis re: suffering and trusting the Lord in what we don't understand:
"Then Jesus said to the twelve, 'Do you also want to go away?' Simon Peter answered, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You alone have the words of eternal life." John 6:67-68 AMP
AMEN very timely pastor :) God bless you more
He loves me! AMEN & AMEN
Listen to the wisdom from Pastor Vlad
I have had the Crap kicked out of me my whole life. Yes good times too but the bad has been very BAD!!!! I'm stuck in very bad right now for 3yrs and I'm BREAKING. Satan and demons are kicking the crap out if me and I don't "understand" why God is allowing all this. I tell saying I AM going to break and snap and the end is near. What the hell do you want out of me. The average person would had broken and died already
Every person incl we Christians have a breaking point. I am only a flesh damn body!!!
I needed to hear this video this Word today. I'm saving the video to listen again later and sharing with friends with sick family members
I still don't know if I'll make it. If I don't I don't. I've been called online one of God's Warriors. I use to feel that way. Now I'm broken. My faith and trust in God has been kicked to crap
I need prayers. I need deliverance but pastor Vlad has not offered and I've asked. I'm not going to beg
Praise the Most High!
Amen. Praise God. I needed this today.
Аминь🙏 Пастор Влад , Бог мне столько всего проговаривает через вас ✝️🙏 просто благодарю Господа за то, что вы есть и вас за то, что делаете Божью работу! Аллилуйя. Прям до слез эта проповедь меня задела. 🙏
wow what a Word. God bless you Pastor Vlad. May God continue to use you.
By faith we understand!amen
Thankyou Man of God,i am one person who has suffered rejected ,curse,bewitched since childhood,failure in all aspects of life,right now in a very abusive relationship,a man who spits and abuses me before my step children,whatever i do is not recognised,i am now very depressed and almost running mad
Sad to hear that but don't give up sister we'll pray for you too
All things work together for our good. Very true man of God, sin brought suffering.
God Strengthen Me To Overcome All' My
Trials And Temptations I Face
Amen Amen Amen
As I am going through tough time and hearing your preaching god is talking to me when i am down I hear your preaching has help me go through the day
Listening again ...so GREAT 👍 👌 👍 👌 I Listen over and over and over ..thank you P Vlad ...HE LOVES ❤️ ME!!!!!! HE NEVER STOPS LOVING ME ❤️ 😍 💖 ❣️ 💕 💘
I thank you God. I trust you in Jesus Name. Amen
Amen 🙏 God works every thing together for our Good
This is so good..thankyou this blesses so many and I'm very grateful 🙏💖
Wow! I needed this message at this time in my life. I am Soo encouraged and empowered. May God bless you and your ministry Sir
Amen Pastor Vlad!
Thank you!!
Jesus loves me!!!!
Amen Pastof Vlad!!! Thank you so much for this! Amen!!
Praise the lord
Brother shav iam from India...and iam studying theology now to server God better.... please remember me in ur personal prayer..thank you 🙏 have a great time in lord Jesus Christ
From past 1 year I'm asking God to take my life. I repented for all my sins and asked God for forgiveness. I can't take it anymore I'm done. The only thing that can free me from suffering is my death. I'll trust in him that he will free me from this suffering. Please God free me from this suffering. Glory to God 🙏.
Just wow . I cried listening to this Praise God
It's always a delight to hear your sermons Pastor Vlad. I'm so encouraged & blessed. Thank you🙏
I give you all the glory my faithful Jesus♥️
Thank you for this message. AMEN.
Wow...WORD, Brother!!
Understand everything to dwell with God I don't know what to say about every energy that comes through your body I hear you speaking the truth of God Jesus God Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus is my name thank you do you want me to thank you I want to thank you a month thank you I'm going to thank you for the mighty name of Jesus being brought out
Awesome and wonderful!
Your message incouraged me Ps Vlad
Thank you so much 🙏
Amen thank you perfect for today I love you Jesus with all my suffering nothing can be more than what you Jesus suffered to overcome this world and someday I will overcome the world too in your name Jesus Christ
Soo Good Pastor Vlad! I always questioned where is God in my difficult situation, because I couldn't understand why certain things happen. Is it because of lack of my faith? I wanted to understand the reasons why God allowed this and that. As the Bible says lean not on your own understanding, I got tired and angry and frustrated. And then again came back running to God and this time I simply put my trust and hope in Him because Faith will begin when understanding ends.
The Lord will give you understanding but first understand that you have to choose the right choice even this choice will hurt you and change the way you living. The lord always want you to be in peace , now The God of peace saying peace be with you my friend.
Amen..TQJesus love you..❤
Such a powerful sermon. Thank you for enlightening us with your wisdom and words of God. Amen
Praise God hallelujah!!
Thank you for teaching !
Thank you Pastor Vlad 🙏 I can't say enough of how much this just blessed me. May God continue to equip you and use you! ✨