[BARU!] Daftar SELURUH video resep dapat diakses di devinahermawan.com di halaman Recipes 01/15 Wajib Coba Subscriber Baru: Must-Try For New Subscribers bitly.com/playlist01-dh 02/15 Nasi, Mie, Pasta: Rice, Noodles, Pasta bitly.com/playlist02-dh 03/15 Telur & Sayuran: Eggs & Vegetables bitly.com/playlist03-dh 04/15 Ayam & Daging: Poultry & Meat bitly.com/playlist04-dh 05/15 Hidangan Laut: Seafood bitly.com/playlist05-dh 06/15 Bakso, Sosis, Siomay: Processed Meat bitly.com/playlist06-dh 07/15 Kue, Roti, Minuman: Desserts & Pastries bitly.com/playlist07-dh 08/15 Vlog Lainnya: Others bitly.com/playlist08-dh 09/15 Masakan Nusantara: Indonesian Cuisine bitly.com/playlist09-dh 10/15 Masakan Oriental: Chinese Cuisine bitly.com/playlist10-dh 11/15 Masakan Jepang & Korea: Japanese & Korean Cuisine bitly.com/playlist11-dh 12/15 Masakan Barat & Eropa: Western & European Cuisine bitly.com/playlist12-dh 13/15 Masakan Timur Tengah: Middle Eastern Cuisine bitly.com/playlist13-dh 14/15 Masakan India & Asia Tenggara Lainnya: Indian & Other South East Asian Cuisine bitly.com/playlist14-dh 15/15 Sambal, Saus, Tips Lainnya: Sambal, Sauces, Other Tips bitly.com/playlist15-dh Foto masakan kamu dan ikutan giveaway. Cek Instagram @devispantry instagram.com/devispantry Ubah takaran dari gramasi ke takaran sendok, dan sebaliknya berhitung.id/konversi/takaran-masak/gram-ke-sendok-makan
Untuk pemula banget, saya bingung ngocok putih telornya berapa lama waktu bikin meringue. Kayaknya saya ngocoknya kelamaan krn pas pake blowtorch keliatan berpori2 gitu 😭 atau mungkin krg gula jg saking takut kemanisan krn vlanya udah manis 🤣
That anti-critique chef from Comedy cheap cooking show can't relate with this RUclips channel at all. You don't need to have a title as a Chef to be recognized by everyone. Show the world that you're capable of without being anti-critique. Good job Devina.
@@everyonespositiveviber6075 one Comedy Chef (Gordon Ramsay wannabe), had PRANKED one of the contestants by telling her to throw away her apron to dustbin. When he was being criticized, he said that nobody was being pranked and started playing victim by saying all of Internet users were rude and impolite. From that moment we labeled him as an Anti-critique comedy chef which was viral in Twitter.
@@wandyjustonee she is. With or without title she's still being herself. Look at her now, her channel is so famous, she made a few books, she's being an ambassador in several brands and products without that joke title 🤣
Chef devina.. Terima kasih banyaaaak semenjak menikah ngikutin resep2 chef devina jd bisa masak enaaaak.. Hehehhehe Suami anak jg suka.. The best bgt pokoknya gak pelit share tips2 yg sangat bermanfaat.. Aku fans mu..
Ini pernah makan pas jadi guru les anak orang berada sebagai camilan. Harus dicoba buat anak. Jadi inget dlu dr orang serba kekurangan makan ini enak banget ampe kebayang hingga sekarang
Udah bikin! 🥰 Wish I could show photo of mine here 🙄 Pas cobain vla nya aja sebenarnya saya pribadi kurang suka, it tastes too milky to my tastebud karena pada dasarnya saya gak suka susu, cm doyan keju2an dan ice cream 😆 Belum dicoba keseluruhannya sama isinya tmsk ladyfingersnya, is still chilling in the fridge 🤭. Ladyfingersnya saya celup ke air kelapa campur rum karena saya suka masakan2 atau desserts yg pake liquor/alcohol like wine, cognac, stout beer, etc 🥰
Im here to talk about my experience making this recipe.. First i wanna say thank you for making this recipe and the video.. This is a very simple and easy yet fulfilling recipe.. To be honest, i never made this dessert before and im just an amateur cook.. I did 2 attempts on until i got the right taste and process for me.. The first attempt, i was using a wide diameter pan, which is okay.. But I did a poor job on the tempering.. I let the milk and coconut water have small bubbles.. what i dont keep in mind was, I used a wide pan which has a very large surface and it will heat the coconut water and milk faster.. So the little bubbles (that looked like simmering) was actually kinda boiling the mix.. so when i poured the mix into the batter, the yolk started to curdle.. Also i didnt use sweet condensed milk cuz i had none.. But in exchange, i added a little more sugar and milk and tiny bit of starch (like a rice grain bit).. but at the end, it turned out pretty good.. As for the meringue, i heated the egg white and sugar a little too long so it had a little bit of cooked firm egg white.. but i just strained it and make it work.. For the second attempt, I used a saucepan.. Which has a smaller surface area.. So when i put everything together, the pan was kinda full and i had to cook it longer.. Ohh, i used condensed milk this time, and yep, the taste was different.. its better LoL.. I took a little less time on heating the meringue and it turned out better than the first.. Here are some of the notes that i could take from my attempts: -On the first attempt, i used a wide pan which affected the time of simmering the coconut water and the milk. -I didnt use condensed milk on the first attempt which affected the smell and taste. -I need to be more careful on heating the egg white for the meringue not too long and not to fast. Just until the sugar melter and the egg white feels kinda hot to touch. -I let my tart cooldown before putting the meringue on top. So yeahh.. Thats my experience on making this recipe.. I think this could be a fun activity to with the kids at home (Nope i dont have any kids, but i have a 6 year old niece) since its very simple and easy.. My next mission is to make the chicken siomay.. Thanks again for the recipe and video, definitely gonna dive in to a lot more of ur videos! 💪😁
MaasyaAllah AQ baru Nemu RUclips ci Devina 😢, penjelasan ny enak bgttt, dan bbrp udh AQ praktekin, mmg y spesial enak semua. Yg d buat g prnh gagal rasany mnurut AQ. MaasyaAllah.❤❤❤❤
Aq suka banget den resep2 dari Devina Hermawan. Gk bikin pusing dan membuat masak jd gk beban. Aq sdh menpraktekan bbrp masakan, kue dan pizza. Dan benar2 enak krn aq mengikuti setiap step2 yg dikasih tau. Terimakasih Devina Hermawan. Terus mau membagi resepnya yaaa.🙏🙏🙏
Nonton video yt ci Devina ini ga pernah ngebosenin, aku ga pernah skip atau dicepetin Krn cara jelasinnya enak, masak rasanya ga intimidatif harus bgini harus begitu, banyak tips tricknya. 😍
Oh My God Yang Di Tunggu tunggu Hadir juga Wah Ini Wajip di Coba nih Terimakasih cheff Devina bt Resep Istimewa nya Selalu Berkarya dan Makin Sukses Aamiin
Sponsornya kebalik sama video tiramisu. Harusnya biskuit Roma kelapa bisa buat layer bawahnya daripada si ladyfinger ini. Mungkin si vicenzi approach-nya telat kali ya, tapi keren Chef Devina. Bener kata chef, jadi dinamis klappertaart-nya.
Dapat resep original dari orang Manado, saya diberi tips pake marie regal yg diremukkan. Thanks ya chef cantik 😘 sdh kasih opsi dgn bahan lainnya. Semangat dan sukses terus ya tuk channelnya chef 💪🏼😍
chef bikin resep kue tradisional dong kayak celorot, centemanis, lepet jagung manis, atau roti yg dikukus di daun pisang trus ada kuah santan atau arehnya gak tau namanya apa tapi pernah makan di monami
Suka banget ngikutin video kaka ini.. Penjelasan nya lengkap dan gak ngebosenin..resep nya enaaak dan gak terlalu susah diikutin.. Sukses terus kak devina...
Buat cemilan MPASI pasti enak banget ini 😍 lady fingernya di ganti sama snack fortif anak hehehe 😂 makasih ya chef, mau nyoba bikin buat anakku 😂 semoga berhasi 😂
chef devina memang yg terbaik dari cara masak dan penjelasannya mudah dipahami semoga saya bisa sukses seperti chef devina mimpi aja dulu🤭mana tahu bisa jadi nyata😅
Resep kesukaan aku klappertart basah , mksih ci dev ... oh ya beli lady finger nya dmn bisa diganti ga dg yg lain ...ci request resep pisang bolen keju yg spt produk MAYASARI itu uenak bgettt lembuttt
chef kalo meringue gak dipanaskan dng boiled water hanya di torch apa meringuenya aman utk dikonsumsi ( tanpa di oven ) dan untuk pengganti lady finger diganti dng regal yg dihaluskan dikasih mentega apa bisa set jadi base cake-nya thanks infonya
[BARU!] Daftar SELURUH video resep dapat diakses di devinahermawan.com di halaman Recipes
01/15 Wajib Coba Subscriber Baru: Must-Try For New Subscribers bitly.com/playlist01-dh
02/15 Nasi, Mie, Pasta: Rice, Noodles, Pasta bitly.com/playlist02-dh
03/15 Telur & Sayuran: Eggs & Vegetables bitly.com/playlist03-dh
04/15 Ayam & Daging: Poultry & Meat bitly.com/playlist04-dh
05/15 Hidangan Laut: Seafood bitly.com/playlist05-dh
06/15 Bakso, Sosis, Siomay: Processed Meat bitly.com/playlist06-dh
07/15 Kue, Roti, Minuman: Desserts & Pastries bitly.com/playlist07-dh
08/15 Vlog Lainnya: Others bitly.com/playlist08-dh
09/15 Masakan Nusantara: Indonesian Cuisine bitly.com/playlist09-dh
10/15 Masakan Oriental: Chinese Cuisine bitly.com/playlist10-dh
11/15 Masakan Jepang & Korea: Japanese & Korean Cuisine bitly.com/playlist11-dh
12/15 Masakan Barat & Eropa: Western & European Cuisine bitly.com/playlist12-dh
13/15 Masakan Timur Tengah: Middle Eastern Cuisine bitly.com/playlist13-dh
14/15 Masakan India & Asia Tenggara Lainnya: Indian & Other South East Asian Cuisine bitly.com/playlist14-dh
15/15 Sambal, Saus, Tips Lainnya: Sambal, Sauces, Other Tips bitly.com/playlist15-dh
Foto masakan kamu dan ikutan giveaway. Cek Instagram @devispantry instagram.com/devispantry
Ubah takaran dari gramasi ke takaran sendok, dan sebaliknya berhitung.id/konversi/takaran-masak/gram-ke-sendok-makan
Thanks chef🙏❤
Lady fingernya boleh di ganti biscof ga 😊
Ci devina alternatif kalo tidak pake ladyfinger bisa pake biskuit apa?
Makasih resepnya
Ci Dev...perbanyak lagi dong yang seperti ini...buat jualan gitu. Makasih ...semoga rejeki ci dev makin lancar. Aamiin
The one and only channel yang resepnya bener2 ramah sama amatir, dan ajaibnya banyak yang ngasih testimoni anti gagal, termasuk saya
Good job Ci Dev
Semua masakan yang dibuat ci Devina,rasa ingin langsung praktek.. resepnya anti gagal semua dong :) terima kasih ilmu ilmunya :)
Untuk pemula banget, saya bingung ngocok putih telornya berapa lama waktu bikin meringue. Kayaknya saya ngocoknya kelamaan krn pas pake blowtorch keliatan berpori2 gitu 😭 atau mungkin krg gula jg saking takut kemanisan krn vlanya udah manis 🤣
That anti-critique chef from Comedy cheap cooking show can't relate with this RUclips channel at all. You don't need to have a title as a Chef to be recognized by everyone. Show the world that you're capable of without being anti-critique. Good job Devina.
Devina the real winner !!
wih ada apa nih? boleh share beritanya kah?
@@everyonespositiveviber6075 one Comedy Chef (Gordon Ramsay wannabe), had PRANKED one of the contestants by telling her to throw away her apron to dustbin. When he was being criticized, he said that nobody was being pranked and started playing victim by saying all of Internet users were rude and impolite. From that moment we labeled him as an Anti-critique comedy chef which was viral in Twitter.
@@wandyjustonee she is. With or without title she's still being herself. Look at her now, her channel is so famous, she made a few books, she's being an ambassador in several brands and products without that joke title 🤣
Dari sekian banyak versi resep di Utube, saya putusin mau cobain resep ini karena bahan2nya interesting utk dicoba spt pake ladyfingers 👍
Terimakasih Kaaaa, aku bisa jualan Klappertaart premium dari Resep kakaa...semua orang sukaaaa, auto makin disayang mertuaaa🤗
Chef devina.. Terima kasih banyaaaak semenjak menikah ngikutin resep2 chef devina jd bisa masak enaaaak.. Hehehhehe Suami anak jg suka.. The best bgt pokoknya gak pelit share tips2 yg sangat bermanfaat.. Aku fans mu..
Ini pernah makan pas jadi guru les anak orang berada sebagai camilan. Harus dicoba buat anak. Jadi inget dlu dr orang serba kekurangan makan ini enak banget ampe kebayang hingga sekarang
Udah bikin! 🥰 Wish I could show photo of mine here 🙄
Pas cobain vla nya aja sebenarnya saya pribadi kurang suka, it tastes too milky to my tastebud karena pada dasarnya saya gak suka susu, cm doyan keju2an dan ice cream 😆
Belum dicoba keseluruhannya sama isinya tmsk ladyfingersnya, is still chilling in the fridge 🤭.
Ladyfingersnya saya celup ke air kelapa campur rum karena saya suka masakan2 atau desserts yg pake liquor/alcohol like wine, cognac, stout beer, etc 🥰
Im here to talk about my experience making this recipe.. First i wanna say thank you for making this recipe and the video.. This is a very simple and easy yet fulfilling recipe.. To be honest, i never made this dessert before and im just an amateur cook.. I did 2 attempts on until i got the right taste and process for me.. The first attempt, i was using a wide diameter pan, which is okay.. But I did a poor job on the tempering.. I let the milk and coconut water have small bubbles.. what i dont keep in mind was, I used a wide pan which has a very large surface and it will heat the coconut water and milk faster.. So the little bubbles (that looked like simmering) was actually kinda boiling the mix.. so when i poured the mix into the batter, the yolk started to curdle.. Also i didnt use sweet condensed milk cuz i had none.. But in exchange, i added a little more sugar and milk and tiny bit of starch (like a rice grain bit).. but at the end, it turned out pretty good.. As for the meringue, i heated the egg white and sugar a little too long so it had a little bit of cooked firm egg white.. but i just strained it and make it work.. For the second attempt, I used a saucepan.. Which has a smaller surface area.. So when i put everything together, the pan was kinda full and i had to cook it longer.. Ohh, i used condensed milk this time, and yep, the taste was different.. its better LoL.. I took a little less time on heating the meringue and it turned out better than the first..
Here are some of the notes that i could take from my attempts:
-On the first attempt, i used a wide pan which affected the time of simmering the coconut water and the milk.
-I didnt use condensed milk on the first attempt which affected the smell and taste.
-I need to be more careful on heating the egg white for the meringue not too long and not to fast. Just until the sugar melter and the egg white feels kinda hot to touch.
-I let my tart cooldown before putting the meringue on top.
So yeahh.. Thats my experience on making this recipe.. I think this could be a fun activity to with the kids at home (Nope i dont have any kids, but i have a 6 year old niece) since its very simple and easy.. My next mission is to make the chicken siomay..
Thanks again for the recipe and video, definitely gonna dive in to a lot more of ur videos! 💪😁
Selalu suka channel Kak Devina tuh karena selalu dikasih tau alternatifnya apa gitu setiap bahan tuh,. makasih yaa
Tanpa oven jadi penasaran gmn dengan putih telur nya, jd dpt pencerahan, thank you cheff
MaasyaAllah AQ baru Nemu RUclips ci Devina 😢, penjelasan ny enak bgttt, dan bbrp udh AQ praktekin, mmg y spesial enak semua. Yg d buat g prnh gagal rasany mnurut AQ. MaasyaAllah.❤❤❤❤
wah sore sore bikin kue ya
keren keren resepnya kak
Bnr bnr deh ini berbagi ilmunya g pelit . aku suka bgt deh . sehat slalu chef .
Wah pas banget pas mertua minta dbuatin klapertaart...baru ngebatin kapan ci dev share resep klappy yah..ah siang ini donk.. makasi ci devv baiknya❤️
OMG aku beberapa minggu kmren komen di twitter pgn resep ini.. Gak sabar pgn recook .. Mksihh Chef
Waw....luar biasa ide klappertartnya, yummy banget
Aq suka banget den resep2 dari Devina Hermawan. Gk bikin pusing dan membuat masak jd gk beban. Aq sdh menpraktekan bbrp masakan, kue dan pizza. Dan benar2 enak krn aq mengikuti setiap step2 yg dikasih tau. Terimakasih Devina Hermawan. Terus mau membagi resepnya yaaa.🙏🙏🙏
Chanel keren ini selalu berhasil bikin kepo dan membuat memasak jadi amat gampang gampang gampang....
Nonton video yt ci Devina ini ga pernah ngebosenin, aku ga pernah skip atau dicepetin Krn cara jelasinnya enak, masak rasanya ga intimidatif harus bgini harus begitu, banyak tips tricknya. 😍
Terima kasih Cheff selalu kasih opsi untuk yang halalnyaa, terjawab untuk pengganti rumnya. ❤️❤️
Oh My God Yang Di Tunggu tunggu Hadir juga
Wah Ini Wajip di Coba nih
Terimakasih cheff Devina bt Resep Istimewa nya
Selalu Berkarya dan Makin Sukses
Dari kemarin2 lagi cari resep klappertart yg di buat oleh chef devina, skrg sdh ada dong uhuuyyy. Thankyou cii, salam dari Manado🥰
Nih.enak nya chef devina selalu ada resef di kolom depkrisi....
Omoo,, ciii deev, baik bangeet, di video sebelum ini, yg buat donat kepang, ada yg requestklaapertart ini, langsung dikabulin dong..
Iya bener. Aku juga baca kemarin. Ada yg request. Lgsg di kabulin
sef punyaku ko jdi ada airnya pas di masukin kulkas ya
Ngiler deh. Enak, wangi dan lembut klappertaartnya. Pengen nyoba lg..👍😊🙏
Ini enak udh nyoba..sy tambah pisang pas ada pisang yg kematengan biar g kebuang
chef request dong makanan atau dessert dari bahan utama mangga, soalnya lagi musim^^
Sponsornya kebalik sama video tiramisu. Harusnya biskuit Roma kelapa bisa buat layer bawahnya daripada si ladyfinger ini. Mungkin si vicenzi approach-nya telat kali ya, tapi keren Chef Devina. Bener kata chef, jadi dinamis klappertaart-nya.
Dapat resep original dari orang Manado, saya diberi tips pake marie regal yg diremukkan.
Thanks ya chef cantik 😘 sdh kasih opsi dgn bahan lainnya.
Semangat dan sukses terus ya tuk channelnya chef 💪🏼😍
Udh recook dan aku jual di bln puasa buat takjil, hehehe Alhamdulillah laris terusss
Makasih ci devv🥰😘
Terima kasih Devina, resep ini yang saya tunggu2 akhirnya tayang juga........
chef bikin resep kue tradisional dong kayak celorot, centemanis, lepet jagung manis, atau roti yg dikukus di daun pisang trus ada kuah santan atau arehnya gak tau namanya apa tapi pernah makan di monami
terLuuuuvvv bangett😍😍😍 baru kpikiran pengen jual klapertart ehhh resepnyaaa udahh muncullll ajaaa. Thx u cii😘
Suka banget ngikutin video kaka ini.. Penjelasan nya lengkap dan gak ngebosenin..resep nya enaaak dan gak terlalu susah diikutin.. Sukses terus kak devina...
Buat cemilan MPASI pasti enak banget ini 😍 lady fingernya di ganti sama snack fortif anak hehehe 😂 makasih ya chef, mau nyoba bikin buat anakku 😂 semoga berhasi 😂
Aq suka channel Devina krna penjelasannya jelas bgt dan bahannya lebih gampang👍👍👍
Met sore kak devi,..ktemu lg dech dgn resep baru..
Siaaap menunggu.
Tante Devina is the best chef ever, my mom adore her so much 😍
Thank U chef...aku ngikutin chef Davina dari Master chef Indonesia loh...sukses selalu ya...😊😊
Arabsaudi hadir. Wah klapprtart Supr yummy. Trimakasih resep nya Cheff Devina 👍 👌
Ci Dev request asinan betawi, rujak pengantin yang sering disajikan di acara pernikahan donk
Auto ngiler!!😍😍
Thanks chef Devina, pas banget lg cari resep klappertart yg beda.. ❤
Happy banget pas dapet notif chef devina bikin klappertart, krn pas bnget pengen buat ini.. thank u so much chef
Makasih ci resepnya top markotop bener2 enak, ketika dibuat jualan semua memuji delisious
Enak.bener ini layak jual.trm ksh ya sayang resep nya Gbu.
Wah enak banget selalu membagi resep terenak terbaik Sukses terus chef cantik pintar
baru aja nyari resep ini egh dah bunyi aja,cussss langsung deh buka youtube 😀
Pinter banget cheff...penjelasanya ok banget
trimakasih ci devina semoga sukes selalu
Akhirnyaaa resep klapertaart tanpa oven! Thank you ilmunya chef ❤️
ohhh devina!! can't stop my diet at all
Terima kasih chef devina. Akhirnya resep yg di tunggu2 sdh ada.
chef devina memang yg terbaik dari cara masak dan penjelasannya mudah dipahami semoga saya bisa sukses seperti chef devina mimpi aja dulu🤭mana tahu bisa jadi nyata😅
Horeee.. yg ditunggu tunggu
Mantap Kleepertaart Devina
Fix.... Hari minggu kudu eksekusi... 💪💪💪💪
Nanti buat resep yang di panggang ya mbak Devina.
Tks..chef Devina resepnya..
wah ada dessert khas menado, jadi kangen dah
Asyikkkkkk Tq chef requestku keluar juga.... Aku padamu chef😍🥰😘
Terimakasih chef q udh praktekin hasilnya enak..
Cuzz recook selalu 😍 sdh pernah nyoba resep yg lain klu chef devina pst lbh nyuss
saya pake resep ini utk jualan pas pandemi
Wowww keren..
Selalu dapet ilmu baru dari vidio vidio ci devinA
Resep kesukaan aku klappertart basah , mksih ci dev ... oh ya beli lady finger nya dmn bisa diganti ga dg yg lain ...ci request resep pisang bolen keju yg spt produk MAYASARI itu uenak bgettt lembuttt
Klo cari resep pasti nemuny di devina hermawan
Sajian menggoda penumpuk lemak...
Ga tahann lihat resepnya... 😆🤣
chef kalo meringue gak dipanaskan dng boiled water hanya di torch apa meringuenya aman utk dikonsumsi ( tanpa di oven ) dan untuk pengganti lady finger diganti dng regal yg dihaluskan dikasih mentega apa bisa set jadi base cake-nya thanks infonya
Ci dev buat resep steak ekonomis dong cii 🙏😘 resep dari ci selalu berhasil
Coba cari di RUclips: “devina hermawan steak”
Begitu menggoda untuk menyobanya... auto testing resep dah. Tq ....👍👍👍
MkS utk receips nya uenak sekali
akhirnya nemu resep kalo gx punya bahannya ada option penggantinya....
Cik, request resep pindang ayam / sapi / kerbau yg ala kudus dong..
Makanan terfavorit aqyuu chef. Thank u 4 sharing the recipe lov...lov..
Ini dia resep yg dicari..
Seneng bgt nonton video masaknya Ci Devina
Terima kasih Chef Devina Hermawan 🙏🙏
Dijamin enak menunya mantul
Wah, lezatnya...pengen bikin jugaa. 👍👍
Chef Devina Request Puding Chocolate Dan Vla Putih Jadul PLEASE 🙏
wah boleh juga in resepnya, jadi pengen mencoba buat di rumah buat anak - anak.... Terima kasih Dev 🙏😊
Ini yg dinantikan 👌👌
Suka bgt sm klappetartnya.. Tq
pas bangeeet aku lg nyari resep ini euy…thx yaaa 😘😘
Keren ..keren... 👍👍
Ci Devina i beg you please : request resep sotomie bogor dong Ci... Aku failed terus citarasanya ga dapat bgt laya sotomie nya yg abang2 jualan itu
Chef…. Buat resep caneles doooonk…😍😍😍
Akhirnya dibuatin juga resepnya
tks byk resep nya cus praktek
Thankyou Chef Devina 🥰🙏. GBU
Mantap banget
Wahhh enak banget nihh chef
Mantap bangeeets..👍 makasih ci devina 🙏😍