Awakening -- What the Heck Do I Do with Rage??!!??

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 78

  • @SimonM282
    @SimonM282 Год назад +34

    Love that you're addressing this! After the first shift, there started to erupt a great deal of rage and hatred. I had a very abusive childhood from both parents and I guess I had bottled it all up. I followed Adyashanti's method of just allowing it to erupt and move through my body. Very, very difficult, but I quickly realized it wouldn't kill me to just feel it. With each session, I stayed with it until it was done with me, not until I was done with it. I had many rounds over a period of about 6 months. It finally quieted down. This was 4 years ago and I haven't experienced anything like it since.

    • @cps_Zen_Run
      @cps_Zen_Run Год назад +4

      Simon, it takes a lot of energy to subdue and repress, over the years. Once resolved all that accumulated energy is released, and can certainly be overwhelming. May you be at peace.

    • @jambonsambo
      @jambonsambo Год назад +2

      Do you have a link or book where adyashanti talks about this? I am experiencing similar

    • @SimonM282
      @SimonM282 Год назад +3

      @@jambonsambo Adya talks about this process in his book "The End Of Your World". He was specifically talking about reactive triggers he noticed in himself after his initial awakening. Angelo's description of how to deal with these repressed emotions is addressed very well in this video and in others hes made about what he calls 'shadow work'. Basically the same process. Good luck with it.

    • @jambonsambo
      @jambonsambo Год назад

      @@SimonM282 thanks for that

    • @SimonM282
      @SimonM282 8 месяцев назад +2

      @BjornMcCann Experiencing repressed emotions has nothing to do with interacting with other people. You can go into your room alone and scream into a pillow, or park your car somewhere away from others. In my experience just allowing the feelings to be there and feeling them without going into the stories around them. Not following all the things the mind has to say about a triggering situation - just allowing yourself to feel the feelings. Don't involve anyone else. It's just your feelings looking to be felt by you, and in that way they start to be released and calm down. All the best to you.

  • @alessandracampelli6090
    @alessandracampelli6090 6 месяцев назад +5

    Anger is surfacing in a very powerful way just after coming back from India 😳 The fist time it was quite shocking, I almost hit a guy😮 I can see that any time my boundaries are disrespected I get really upset. Fortunately there is an inner mechanism of control so I haven't harmed anyone. I've never been allowed to be angry, nor to express in any way my anger; little girl should be quite and obedient. Oh my god, just writing that last sentence tears are coming up to my eyes! Thank you for the opportunity to share ❤

  • @ravenofthewild
    @ravenofthewild Год назад +1

    The more I open to Nonduality their is so much hair trigger frustration and anger, even rage now arising. Yes, I clearly was Spiritually Bypassing for years. Co-dependecy, no boundaries, being a good girl and overwhelming desire to be loved kept me from ever being angry outwardly but had a ton of anger at myself. Now I just feel explosive all the time. Having gone through the LU process I've clearly seen there is no me so who or what is angry? So appreciate this video as the only corelating change I saw was my commitment to inquiry and awakening. Am also doing a lot of shadow work so thanks for addressing this.❤

  • @jambonsambo
    @jambonsambo Год назад +11

    I find Rage so challenging to sit with. It feels so intense and visceral. It's stories are soooo seductive and it lures me towards deep unconsciousnes waters. I have heard that beneath Rage is grief and found this to be true. Rage seems really like what Eckhart tolle means by pain body .

  • @jennifersantos3918
    @jennifersantos3918 Год назад +1

    I was just sitting here, thinking of these awful episodes of anger I had been recently experiencing. I opened RUclips, and this is the first video that popped up. Thank you.

  • @JoSpring
    @JoSpring Год назад +8

    My parents were very gentle people and so I've never had a lot of anger in me, but when I feel it, it turns into a deep sadness almost immediately.

  • @ice.immortal
    @ice.immortal 8 месяцев назад +3

    Periodically I feel a lot of rage and hate and my body gets really sick at the same time. I really struggle to contain it and if I do which I do (it costs me all my energy to keep it in) it then turns against me and wants to annihilate me literally. I feel really lost with this and hopeless at times. It’s been 4 years of this literally monthly. There was a time when I would act on it by self harming in the past. It’s like a constant struggle as to who is going to win, who is stronger or who is going to survive.

  • @jimrich4192
    @jimrich4192 Год назад +4

    I always thought I was "Mr. Cool" but when meeting my EXTREMELY ANGRY inner child during therapy, I came upon an ocean of bottled up, hidden & very volatile RAGE that my inner child had been holding onto since about 5 yo. It absolutely terrified me to see how BITTERLY ANGRY my inner child was at me for letting others walk all over us during all those self loathing years so I vowed to change & seek some JUSTICE for all those years of contempt, abuse & humiliation. Soon I began safe Anger & Justice work which has vented much of my bottled up rage...but not ALL of it.

  • @Pam74055
    @Pam74055 Год назад +8

    I did find sitting in the gap with all the emotions to be incredibly powerful for me.

  • @EmilyFinne
    @EmilyFinne Год назад +1

    It’s so paradoxical that I am getting ever more porous and feel things more directly and intensely and also realizing the need for stronger boundaries

  • @mvondoom
    @mvondoom Год назад +15

    After watching this channel pretty consistently for a few weeks now, I'm finding myself synchronizing with your choice of topics, Angelo. This one is the most on-point; last night someone said something to me in a vulnerable moment, and I've been a ball of boiling rage over it for the last 16 hours! Couldn't sleep, just kept boiling away. The rage came with a heightened tenor and intensity to the thought stream, which makes it a bit hard to focus. I alternated between just feeling the experience and letting peace flow into it, and being re-taken up by the angry thoughts chattering away. Honestly, I knew I was mostly losing, in the moment, and being swamped in the thoughts, but I also knew it would go away. Physical exercise has helped me a lot, to calm down today. Now I'm kind of mentally bruised and sheepish-feeling. oh well.

  • @sghedhrdh
    @sghedhrdh Год назад +8

    Rage has been by far the trickiest part of the emotional repression work for me. Sadness, grief, heartbreak were difficult in a way but all found there way to a cathartic release before too long. Rage did not. Lol. But just recently I was laying in bed on my side one night and sort of noticed the rage in my stomach wanted to just… writhe for the lack of a better word haha. So I just writhed in bed for a minute or two and maybe for the first time felt the rage express and release. The next few days I had so much more energy. It was wild. Like maybe a ton of our bodies energy sometimes goes towards suppressing emotions. I’m hopeful I’m on the right path. Thanks Angelo

    • @jambonsambo
      @jambonsambo Год назад

      Yes I find rage by far the most difficult , so seductive and such a strong draw up into thought and unconsciousness

  • @FaithConnections777
    @FaithConnections777 6 дней назад

    Thank you so much

  • @jimrich4192
    @jimrich4192 Год назад +1

    My rage from very bad childhood abuse/neglect, emerged during therapy, so I began ANGER WORK. At first, I was angry with everyone & everything & hurt or scared a lot of ppl & things. Finally, I found a book which taught me how to do EFFECTIVE anger work by finding the CORRECT TARGET for my bitter, blistering own parents!... not my friends, wives, pets, co-workers, strangers, the government, own parents, who had deeply wounded me in the beginning! Once I found the courage to send my hateful rage towards (not on too) my dad most & mom next, I began to feel some JUSTICE & SATISFACTION & stopped punishing the WRONG targets. Just randomly hitting things never worked for me since something inside knew it didn't bring JUSTICE but going for the CORRECT TARGET of my rage did bring a sense of justice, even if only expressed in journals & hitting stuffed furniture with my much hated dad's face on it.

  • @life13525
    @life13525 Год назад +4

    thank you for this, Angelo...right in the middle of facing it full on....

    • @mvondoom
      @mvondoom Год назад +2

      wishing you peace

    • @life13525
      @life13525 Год назад

      May I ask Angelo: this feels is the "inner child" so to speak, raging at family and ultimately God to have turned "me" into something (a false identity of lack and self hate) and thus lost its original identity (love and beauty etc.)...the original loss of paradise somehow...blaming them and thus ensuring its existence? It does till its stop/gives up by itself?

    • @life13525
      @life13525 Год назад

      thank you

  • @kir395
    @kir395 Год назад +2

    My flavour of rage yesterday -
    Want to burn down every object.
    Rapid images from the past.
    Face, neck, shoulder, abdomen is tight. Breath is shallow. The world is chaos. Every sight and sound is loud and annoying.
    For a few seconds here and there I'm out of it and again swallowed by it.

  • @jasonsaxon2309
    @jasonsaxon2309 Год назад +1

    Thanks for the talk on rage. This is a big one for me, even post awakening. It’s easy to spot that it’s not only the thought, but there is underlying conditioning that I’m still working through. Dad had a temper, and so do I, and now I see my son picking up on it. Being self aware of the thoughts as well as the back story, (embodying the emotions) it’s easier to catch myself when I go off, sometimes now I catch myself before I rage. ❤

    • @SimplyAlwaysAwake
      @SimplyAlwaysAwake  Год назад +1

      The fact that you recognize it and are working on it is great. I think the most direct way to finally get it under control is the fetter 4/5 work Kevin and I discussed in that video. Also my equanimity playlist. Find that gap and you will be surprised how effective it is. You just have to be willing to stay there and be uncomfortable

    • @jasonsaxon2309
      @jasonsaxon2309 Год назад

      @@SimplyAlwaysAwake Thanks! Although I’ve watched about 95% of your video content I’ve missed the one on the fetters. Wasn’t feeling it at the time but I’ll go back and watch it. 😊

  • @saralamuni
    @saralamuni Год назад +2

    When you are angry, you are not lucid, you risk hurting those you love as well as yourself. If you feel rage, hold your left thumb in your hand and breathe deeply through your nose; remember that you are ok, you are safe, calm down. If you need to put your foot down, do it with a cool head.

  • @LeftTheMatrix
    @LeftTheMatrix Год назад

    Dancing to fast, joyful tunes w kick-boxing, punching, w tears and memories have allowed release. 👊 Also swimming- can never hurt the water-it just embraces you more ❤

  • @pchabanowich
    @pchabanowich Год назад +4

    How strange be our 'expectations', or perhaps more accurately how our habits and patterns (beliefs, opinions and judgements) show up as if they are still in charge. Rage is hard to miss, however, and it is felt then invited to sit and we can explore what is 'really' going on. We do have illusions about how awakened people might feel and how they might face these feelings, and boy are they proven empty, but instructive in the deepest sense. It is difficult to articulate, but the whole process of emotional work (which never ends) is transformed because it is given space to be felt and let go in the kindest way... Does that make sense?🤞

  • @sea_hous
    @sea_hous Год назад

    Thank you. Just replaced rage with jealousy. Very helpful.

  • @gracefrazier4775
    @gracefrazier4775 Год назад +3


  • @mnaffin
    @mnaffin Год назад +2

    Great video and uncomfortable stuff to work through. The video you did with Kevin on the reactivity fetter goes hand in hand here and sitting in that gap after noticing the first sensations of frustration is a huge help. You can just notice this wave of discomfort go through. If you can observe it nonconceptualy, it gets easier. The work is gritty as you said and it honestly just sucks to work on. Thankfully you put out amazing content to help through it.

  • @tomorrowneverknows248
    @tomorrowneverknows248 Год назад +2

    Great timing on this video. I was working on a koan (ironically one from the book of serenity) for a few weeks and a few days ago it exploded into the most intense rage I've ever experienced. Funny when you think I've done lots of work with anger and I've got it under control and all the sudden something like this happens😆 Anger is a great teacher 🙏

  • @suemoseley4707
    @suemoseley4707 Год назад

    I used to be aversive to anger due to a ragaholic father. I’ve learned it’s just an energy that needs to move through you, and it’s so therapeutic to express in a healthy manner. (Dance, art, quickly setting a boundary, etc as you described) Very important topic!

  • @MsTara007
    @MsTara007 Год назад

    Its so valuable when you adress this things...Rage seems to reinforce our boundaries setting true...and than you believe you need it in order to do that ..Thanks to confirming it isnt so🙏

  • @sea_hous
    @sea_hous Год назад +1

    Do you have other similar videos? Coping with strong emotions.

  • @TheJberrie
    @TheJberrie Год назад +1

    This is absolutely poignant for me at this stage of the game. I find it very difficult dropping the accompanying narrative and just letting the sensations roll through. And there's definitely some ego juice in the feeling of self righteousness that tends to come part and parcel with it. Thanks for this, Angelo. Watched this one a few times now and will probably watch again. Much gratitude

  • @JacobLooney-m2e
    @JacobLooney-m2e 16 минут назад

    You possess it out with out bad in tent for your justice

  • @IndigoBlue-td9ho
    @IndigoBlue-td9ho Месяц назад

    I hope so
    Because this rage inside me is drawing rage out of others too
    I keep getting into really bad arguments with people and triggering them
    Ive also got three small children that seem to be just arguing and fighting constantly
    It's like im projecting the rage around the room
    Im an indigo so my energies are higher than most so if im raging....everyone else does

  • @Orion_555
    @Orion_555 Год назад

    Thank you for this video. I had a very abusive childhood where my boundaries were never respected. I was also never allowed to express anger. I've gone through weeks of grief and terror but now there is just so much anger coming up. I try not to take it out on anyone but rather yell it out in the car when I'm alone. Sometimes punching a pillow. Sometimes yelling at the universe because I don't know what. to do with all this rage. Sometimes I kill my mother in my imagination just to feel safe and to vent the rage. Felt guilty about that at first, but it actually helps and I'm not hurting anyone, so... "Breathing and sitting with it' just doesn't help me. I need to do something physical. When grief pops up I go cry it out, when terror pops up I grab imaginary weapons and stab at my imaginary mother, when anger pops up I scream and punch. Always when I'm alone of course.

  • @ThommyB
    @ThommyB Год назад

    Very useful. Thx you Angelo.

  • @uncledimmi1660
    @uncledimmi1660 Год назад +4

    The problem with rage is that you can't just feel it and let your body do its thing. When you're sad, you cry. When you're happy, you smile and laugh. But rage is destructive, you have to refrain from punching a hole in the wall even if you know you'll feel better after, you can't yell at the person who has angered you because they're usually above you like a boss, or more vulnerable than you like your smack talking teenage child. And you can't just yell in private because there is no privacy for a lot of people, there's always someone a thin wall away who will be negatively affected by your expression.
    And that's if you can detect the rage at all. Maybe you can feel your feelings, but when I look, it's like trying to find people hiding under the floorboards who are holding their breath. All I have is the uncanny sense that something is there, a tension that something is watching me look for it. Unless I'm surprised, negatively, by another person, rage is very hard to get to.

    • @jimrich4192
      @jimrich4192 Год назад

      In therapy, I got to my explosive rage with the question WHO HURT YOU?, which took me directly back to dad & mom ... the CORRECT TARGET for my angry feelings. Once there, I found the GUTS to focus my rage towards (not on to) my crumbly parents in journals & anger work & stopped punishing the WRONG targets. Just randomly hitting things & acting angry never got me the JUSTICE I wanted until I went for the CORRECT parents. I never took REVENGE against them but I sure got some relief & sayisfaction.

    • @Uneekname
      @Uneekname 29 дней назад

      Maybe it's protecting another emotion

  • @pauladiaz7101
    @pauladiaz7101 5 дней назад

    Rage. Yes, this is the phase I'm in. I literally can't stand anyone and no one can stand me. It really complicates my apparent existence

  • @christied425
    @christied425 Год назад

    So good ❤

  • @AbscentOrange
    @AbscentOrange Год назад +7

    Riiiight??? Talk about things that show up after you get a taste and you are like, “Wait… what??? 🤬”. I had this moment where I simultaneously was confused and disgusted that some of the old verbal rage garbage was still possible, the only difference was seeing it and being able somewhat constructively disengage and realize diffusing is way more productive than arguing more. It actually also has a deep cut and has left me with a huge hole of doubt. Been kind of a yucky week that was…. A very Alice In Chains “Down in a Hole” kinda week 😕

  • @michellemarrs8080
    @michellemarrs8080 5 месяцев назад

    This has always been an issue. I'm greatful for being awake and trying to re discover myself. But so many just cause triggers with the way they act.

  • @MissRomanticKitty
    @MissRomanticKitty Год назад

    Thanks for your videos. I have always been someone who internalized my emotions and my anger was redirected at myself or suppressed with the help of food for example. For nearly a year, following certain triggers including perceived big injustices at work, my anger has been exteriorized for the first time. It's the same thing for my sadness and I find it difficult not to cry as if everything touched me more. I have never felt so much anger and rage in my life. As if everything that had been suppressed wanted to come out. Before, I kept my emotions inside and managed to fake in certain situations, but now I have a lot of trouble containing myself. I feel I am not capable and don't want to fake anymore. But it's difficult to be honest and polite at work sometime when I see somes injustices. I know that injustice is a concept mais somes morals values are still present in my heart.
    Do you sometimes see that in people who are in this process ? Is non reacting and be silent the best option ? I'm on the path but haven't had an awakening yet. Thank you so much.

  • @TheDogzBody
    @TheDogzBody Год назад +3

    I’m experiencing loads of rage, mostly linked to my narcissistic mother. I’m sitting with the sensations in my body when I can. My muscles in my shoulders have held the repressed rage for my entire life, and I recently discovered that I clench my teeth at night. I have had no awakening experiences and yet I’ve been experiencing anxiety for over a year and rage for many months now. I was wondering if it was all linked to the peri-menopause, but I think it’s linked to developmental trauma.

    • @cps_Zen_Run
      @cps_Zen_Run Год назад +2

      Sarah, our suffering stems from not accepting what is. Your past only exists in your mind, being kept alive by you. It’s over. Yes, the pent up emotions have cost you dearly. We identify with them. They bias every experience. Start with the low hanging fruits first. Peace to you.

    • @TheDogzBody
      @TheDogzBody Год назад +2

      Thanks for your suggestion Zen Run. Spiritual bypassing isn’t going to be a useful approach for me, though. My narcissistic mother is a Tibetan Buddhist nun and she has been spiritually bypassing all her life, as well as gaslighting me with the sort of comment you made. But if this approach works for you, then great. Each to our own.

    • @nuria.l-l-9827
      @nuria.l-l-9827 Год назад +2

      My mental abuser is my older sister.
      I had the insight that the anger will help me defend myself from her, but it is only a belief, a lie. I have to let go of the anger and the belief as well.
      Let's keep at it, it's worth it!

    • @jimrich4192
      @jimrich4192 Год назад +2

      Therapy & anger work helped me way more than any passive spiritual/metaphysical systems ever could have since anger work goes straight to the early childhood source of the hidden, bottled up PAIN & teaches one how to release the repressed energies TOWARDS the correct target to obtain some JUSTICE for what happened to the damaged person. IMO, all road rage, bar fights & most violence comes from bottled up RAGE put there by hurtful early childhood events & rarely felt or expressed until somehow TRIGGERED later on.

    • @TheDogzBody
      @TheDogzBody Год назад

      Maybe your anger did help you to defend yourself at one stage, Nuria. Or maybe it was there just in case. If it’s too easily ‘let go’ of, anger just gets repressed and stored in the body. Personally, I think it needs to be fully felt to be transmuted. Spiritual bypassing is all too easy.

  • @keena1487
    @keena1487 Год назад +2

    Cool shirt bro 😎

  • @JJJordan2
    @JJJordan2 Год назад +4


    • @SimplyAlwaysAwake
      @SimplyAlwaysAwake  Год назад +5

      IM NOT ANGRY YOU’RE ANGRY!! Oh wait, there’s no one “here” to get angry, anger is just happening to no one, apparently 😝

  • @jonathanjeffer
    @jonathanjeffer Год назад

    I find for me, angry vengeful ideations bubble up. I find a scenario playing 😊it on my head. Since startingbmeditation I usually catch myself doing this. But I’d don’t know what to do with it. It’s hardly the shadow because it’s not repressed. It’s just there.

  • @monco1010
    @monco1010 6 месяцев назад

    How to deal with OCD thoughts?

  • @cps_Zen_Run
    @cps_Zen_Run Год назад +2

    Wow, I find spirituality more controversial than Rage. Emotions are not correct but at least they are real. Lol. I have no use for magical thinking, belief, or faith. These aren’t pathways to Truth. May your listeners be without suffering.

  • @The-Wide-Angle
    @The-Wide-Angle Год назад

    So, the bottom line is that we should neither repress anger nor grab on it. Just feel and do nothing. Otherwise I would kill my neighbor.😄

  • @macparker3549
    @macparker3549 Год назад +5

    I’m weird on this one.
    I actually value and have great respect for the power of rage.
    I’ve had numerous experiences where someone has expressed rage to me, even at me, where I heard and learned more truth than I might have in a thousand more “acceptable” interactions.
    Obviously, rage can trigger fears of violence, but what I rarely hear people admit is that we are also terribly afraid of hearing painful truth expressed in a forceful way.
    If we really, truly want the truth, no matter what, I find that the expression of raw truth through rage can be tremendously beneficial.
    Strangely, I find myself more relieved than frightened when rage begins to move.
    I much prefer angry truth than pleasant avoidance.
    But, as I said, I’m weird like this. I don’t know that I’ve ever met anyone else who feels the same.