DRAKENGARD 1 THE MOVIE THE MOVIE: ruclips.net/video/EkmtlWhn_20/видео.html DRAKENGARD 2 THE MOVIE THE MOVIE: ruclips.net/video/jMjKkGl18Nc/видео.html DRAKEN GARD 3 THE MOVIE THE MOVIE: ruclips.net/video/TOkdtlvWXd4/видео.html NIER THE MOVIE THE MOVIE: ruclips.net/video/uZ68EDGF0fE/видео.html NIER AUTOMATA THE MOVIE THE MOVIE: ruclips.net/video/g_duPpZ_99A/видео.html
Honestly, considering the usual bleakness of the Drakengard/Nier franchise, I'm glad at least one game decided to take a break for something a little more optimistic in the end. Manah's redemption was a rather nice story too.
Drakengards ending A and ending E REALLY went into different directions. It's good the world of Drakengard got at least one happy ending for everyone where Caim and Angelus finally find peace and humanity is freed completely. The other one went into a world where Drakengard is left in an unknown state where dragons have no new breed weapon, the watchers are without their leader, humanity is caught in between and Caim and Angelus crazy hijinks get them killed while bringing the clusterfuck to our world dooming humanity to be replaced ironically by our own creations. God damn Yoko Taro is a fucking mad man. It's funny how they just fucking ran with that insane concept of story that was Drakengard and eventually turned it into what it has become now with Nier and Nier Automata. I hope a Drakengard 4 follows one of the other endings of Drakengard 1 or serves as a continuation of ending E but in the world of Drakengard again, we never see what ended up happening in the aftermath of Caim and Angelus's battle. Ending E is Yoko Taro's true mind, this is where he should follow up on if he goes back to the world of Drakengard.
Even yet he can make more Nier Games based on the different endings maybe even making one of Niers dimension characters going back in the dimension portal back to Drakengard or he can continue off Drakengard 2's endings seeing how there is no sequel
yoko taro didn't work on drakengard 2 and i think the only thing it takes from ending A is the Caim and Angelus romance, other than that its Continueing off of stuff from ending A and adding things that weren't there
@K.O.G.Fanstarks1610 and my answer still implies. Whether he THINK it is or were, there isn't. And that's why my response was there, to kill that notion.
@@TGMShoNuff Unless you can foresee the future, you don't know when 'no plans' will become 'plans'. At one point there were no plans for NieR:Automata or NieR Re[in]carnation, either. It all depends on inspiration striking Yoko Taro. Don't be a stick in the mud. Applies, not implies. .
Holy shit dude when I saw caim's sprite smiling i thought there was gonna be a jumpscare so I backed away from my screen just in case caim comes up again with that creepy grin of his.
The best part 3:43:37 - 3:45:24. So sad now ;( This game has some great parts in it, even though its not made by Yoko Taro himself. Thnx BuffMaister for making these playthrough movies! These are very enjoyable to watch :)
I love this game wholeheartedly. DoD2 made my childhood. Never managed to play Drakengard 1, but saw all the cutscenes, dialogue and endings, and it's also amazing. Looking forward to watch Nier content!
Well I just finished your Drakengard 1 movie and enjoyed every second of it and just started watching this. I know people are saying that the english voices are horrible but I kinda liked them. And I'm getting really old, I've forgotten too much of the story, so thanks for the memories!
I was always amazed at the voice acting, I loved their accent and found it fun and interesting, back when I was a kid I somehow assumed that's how British people talk How sorely disappointed I was to learn the truth..
03:54:03 - I think at this stage we see the change in Legna's personality when he fully remembers his purpose within the Ancient Tomb. A turning point of what's to come, either sad or grim depending on the Endings you get.
I like how they improved Caim in this game. In the original, they said he loves killing, But it doesn't look like he doesn't enjoy it through his face. In this, you see the blood thirst in his face, a face that enjoys every minute and every second of it. Nice fix 😎👍 and of course, its nice seeing mana getting redemption in this, because i felt sorry for her because of how abused she was as a kid. I don't like the evil crap she dose, but I still do feel bad for her 😔
Fun Fact: Intoners can't sexually reproduce. You need to read up on the lore again. Brother One had no descendants. Of course that's assuming that disappointment of a game is even canon.
@K.O.G.Fanstarks1610 I wasn't aware they had resorted to retconning their own stuff so fast. Whatever. The installment and all the lore that stemmed from it ultimately fly in the face of everything "Drakengard" stands for anyway.
After playing both nier games and looking through these movies, drakengard 2 seems to be my favourite too. I really like how the plot is evolving and maybe I'm biased to good endings but the last one was very well done. The romance between Nowe and Manah doesn't feel forced and evolves right up until the end, where its also the first and only time shown how they're also physically affectionate to each other. I don't know about gameplay but based on the in game scenes, characters, plot progression etc. this one honestly feels like the best one to me.
You're tastes and opinions are valid 😊 I'm glad you like something that some people couldn't. (I feel the same way too, so I wanted too reply a kind message)
49:03 There is a short Zelda reference in the music, the tune that plays before you fight Ganon I believe but I can't recall the game. Also is seems like far more than a coincidence that this plays while fighting a giant boar looking monster, Ganon is also a giant boar monster.
Fun Fact: Drakengard 2 is actually canon, it's just not connected / canon to the NieR timeline like DOD 1 and 3 are. In the 10th Anniversary Blu-ray Accord acknowledged the branches of DOD2 but its described as a dead branch that has been "struck from the record". So it's canon just not to NieR.
@@Nahobinoah he worked on it along with many people from 1’s staff team including the scenario writers, he was just less involved compared to the other games.
Personally, I feel that Drakengard 3 is the worst in the franchise because of the tone. The original is probably the most impactful game of my childhood, if not for the fact I wasn't ready for its horrors. I played 2 like a year before 3 came out - I never even knew it existed until then. At first, it was an enjoyable, cheesy anime, but by the end I came to accept it as an actual Drakengard game. 3 on the other hand.. I was greatly put off by how jokey and s*xual the game was compared to the previous two titles. And that aspect kind of just... ruined most of my enjoyment. It has its moments and the characters aren't awful. It's just not what I want out of Drakengard.
To be fair being sex crazed wackos is what makes the intoners special so the story being extra kink is inevitable. Taro just doesn't enjoy writing generic waifus, hence why his baes almost always come with a "catch". Furiae wants to fuck her brother, Arioch wants some tender young meat on her belly and don't even let me start with Kaine. 2B is probably the least "taro" character taro has ever made since she's super tame compared to everyone else( then again her "twist" is a thing ).
Niggas at Square Enix writing Octa: hmmm going nice so far, now lets see what octa could say hmmmm a bit of filler to set the scene, sex joke, sex joke, zero gets mad at octa, he laughs, sex joke! rather hilarious lets continue ok so long dialogue between everyone plus octa's silent, umexpected sex joke! filler, more dialogue, sex joke! man im so good at writing characters
@@tammid8423 If it was just a random anime beat-em-up, I don't think I'd mind so much. It still wouldn't be special, but I would have enjoyed it a lot more.
Protagonists were the dumbest ever. Never bothered to solve a simple situation by telling the truth. When they were told the truth they ignored it until the very end where they realized they had fucked up. The heroic "bad guy" ended up being the shittiest, by deciding that him wanting death to atone was more important than the world. Not that the antagonists were much smarter. So many plotholes.
@@seraphilight I can't believe no one pointed it out so far ! The protagonist being this dense, not questioning anything until shit happens, treating the end of humanity as if it's nothing, the apocalypse being a very dimmed version than in the previous game and having only one seed of resurrection among many other plot holes.
*Why is Drakengard 2 my favorite game?* Simply to me, it's the perfect sequel. It's not the sequel many fans would've liked, as convention says it's based off its prequel's "A" Ending, while the "E" Ending is seen as its creator's true vision about which we can say he used to create NieR (also the fact Yoko Taro did not oversee DoD2). However, if you are like me and wasn't aware of this meta-narrative going on, or if you don't care, this game slaps hard. You can easily tell the respect it has for its prequel, and the way it spins the characters and their dynamics in a similar way, and this spin gives the first game's plot a whole lot more meaning. One thing that particularly struck my heart open in this game was the fact that, after it lets you use Inuart's Long Sword to fight Caim, when you get this weapon to max level you can read this story: "In solitary confinement somewhere in the desert, a man was tied to a stake. He had fought to protect the one he loved, but lacked the strength to save her, and stood on the brink of despair. He could remember her smile... but her smiles were directed at her brother. Drifting in and out of consciousness, he was about to accept his fate when a girl appeared before him. Her eyes were a deep crimson and glistened like rubies. She smiled like the pretty little girl that she was, but spoke in a strange voice... It was the voice of neither a child nor an adult. "If only I had more strength..." Her crimson eyes peered into the weak man's mind. He became the girl's servant. Beyond that, he could not remember... The only thing he could remember was seeing his beloved kill herself in front of him. Then, standing before the Seed of Destruction... Eighteen years later... The man's long sword now belonged to a boy raised by a dragon. The sword was used to fight his lover's brother, the one-eyed man. Standing beside the boy was the girl with crimson eyes, now a grown woman. Their tale of life, death, and tangled relations was told for generations." Manah's Staff also has an interesting story leading the previous events of Drakengard into this sequel: "Eighteen years ago... The girl stood alone in a dark forest. Abandoned by her mother, her longing to be loved soon turned into madness. The gods, charmed by her insanity, chose her as a tool to rule the world. Her eyes began to glow red in the darkness. The girl with crimson eyes sent the world spiraling into chaos. The sight of the world collapsing soothed her. But order was restored by a silent man with a sword. He took her on a journey to atone for her sins. Though she tried to look away, he forced her to face the suffering she had caused. One day, the man looked up to the skies and hatred filled his eyes. The girl wondered what had happened to make her captor so angry. Spying her opportunity, she stabbed him with a knife she had hidden in her robe and threw herself into the nearby gorge... Several years later, the girl had lost all memory of her crimes, and lived in a poor village. She learned about the Knights of the Seal, who oppressed the villagers. In a strange twist of fate, the girl who brought chaos to the world took up this staff, and began to destroy the seals once again..." Rarely we see a sequel so faithful to its source material as Drakengard 2. Of course I am biased for nostalgia goggles and stuff but I don't care, everybody has their stuff and their personal ways of appreciating what they love. These are some of mine.
Sounds like a shriek of pain too me. I can tell the voice acting director isn't good at his job. I know the voice actress for angelus can do better than that
Anybody else confused about the last ending? They killed the dragons and the toy of the gods wasn't around anymore but I didnt see anything about the gods themselfs being gone so why did they act like the gods were dead?
@@rafaelgabrielgarlinidal-bo9496 It's in the video, the one where Nowe allies with Legna and kill Manah. Coincidence that the gods show up when you kill Manah in both Drakengards 1 and 2?
what I'll never get is why fight Legna? Yeah he's a jerk, but humanity has only tried to kill you. Besides Legna isn't saying, lets go kill every human, he's saying, ditch the humans lets go kill the asses who keeps SENDING THE MAN EATTING BABIES! In other words GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME. Or a reference to another World ending and BATSHIT INSAINE FRANCHISE GET IN THE ROBOT SHINJI! Besides Seere says the dragons would be worse but we don't ACTUALLY know that So if I was Nowe I'd says, HOLD UP, how about we get every dragon and every human and just Fight the gods together? Dragons are pissed from losing their thrones, and the Humans MUST BE PISSED from being eaten and threatened to be killed by the Gods every single day! in exchange, Dragons become god and Humans get to live in peace, WIN WIN! Like seriously, in the words of 2B. I've always wondered if we could someday meet god, and if someday we could kill him So their we go, KILL GOD, will it end the pain? NO. Will it feel good, for me yes. What will it do? Stop the man eating babies, stop the sealing, stop the threats of the world ending, stop the watchers in BOTH Drakenguard and Neir's universe, and FREE ZERO! thats a win win! in other rants of Neir, why is keeping humanity alive so important? Humans had a chance and they decided to take advise from the forerunners and Humans in Halo What's this? Oooo it taste like salt YUMMY! (Not gonna lie I like salt) Lets give it to everyone, what could possibly go wrong? In other news, human soul like monsters called the Legion are destroying tokyo and eating people I KNOW lets go to space, what's wrong in space In other news, Human like monsters called the flood are destroying planets and consuming the populations FUCK! Back to Neir, Point is humans were despite and STUPID so they died, I mean OKAY guys hear me out, what if we take the soul out of this kid so he can keep all the other souls calm and we just tell him that his sister is A OKAY, when the truth is SHE'S DYING. What could go wrong? He kidnaped her replicant Okay stay calm, we are okay we just need too His Replicant is coming after him at least we got the dragon that we shouldn't have killed He's got the book that was made from the dragon Could this get any worse!? He just killed the King shade FUCK!! But now to Autama, why is humanity so important to the androids Cause we need to protect them they are dead THEY ARE DEAD! WE HAVE NO PURPOSE! Yes you do we do? Yeah, the world looks pretty fucked up right now, Go on and fix it. the world is literally yours, Hell the machines are doing it too YET YOUR KILLING THEM!! But they are crazy! So learn from that...dummy Our androids eyes are glowing red FUCK The dam watchers again, See what happens when you don't listen to daddy NOWE!?
The music last game was made with idea of making a person uncomfortable with very few exceptions. Even knowing that, it has more personality than what I'm hearing.
This doesn't seem right, in ending A, Angelus became the new seal too save humanity, and lost her form. Why dose she seek revenge on humanity and still has her dragon form? 3:29:06 um, excuse me, FORCED!?!? YOU VOLUNTARILY BECAME THE SEAL!!! If you didn't wanna be the seal then dont say "I shall become the seal" in the first place! Bruh, angelus, you realize if you kill your pack partner, you'll die too. Maybe you forgotten from the first game
I think the pain broke her mind so much she developed conflicting memories, especially because she did not expect the Seal to be strengthened. It's in that sense she feels betrayed.
Verdelet went and selfishly strengthened the strain of the seal out of his cowardly fear, putting her through excruciating pain that wore away at her mind and soul. Not only was that not part of the deal, but her broken mind regressed due to the burden
I find it nice that this game gives the antagonist some sympathy. Sure I see the other flaws in this game. But its nice seeing monah getting a happy end that she deserves (Again, I hate her crimes, but the reason she acted that way is because her mother hated her for no reason. I feel so terrible for her :'( )
I'm guessing from the comments, that I should take the plot of DoD2 as a separeted, kind of fanfiction-like story of DoD & NieR universe But still, I liked the plot of this game, even tho it's not canon
You should think of it more as a splintering timeline. This is what would have happened in the world Drakengard takes place in if it ended that one way in Drakengard 1 (I think ending A right?), and Nier is what would have happened in the world that Nier takes place in if ending E happened in Drakengard 1. The only reason this isn't considered canon anyway is because we have 2 games stemming from a different ending. The fucked up part about having multiple endings is that its sort of all canon. Except the joke endings... like the one Nier continues off of... kek
Actually 2 has nothing to do with three. Drakengard 3 is before Drakengard 1. Either ending A or ending E will result in Drakengard 1. Drakengard 3 ---> Drakengard ---> NieR ----> NieR: Automata. Drakengard 2 wasn't even directed by Yoko Taro thus not considered canon by him nor their fans. It's just the bastard child of the franchise.
+seraphilight Same. I played this as a child and I remember being confused by the gameplay. I don't really know what happened because I suddenly stopped playing it. I don't remember if I even owned the game in the first place. But for many years I always remembered a game where you played as a Dragon and fought other dragons and wondered what game it was and how much I would like to play it. I'm not sure if it was Drakengard. I remember a city, a present timed city. It was all black and in ruins. You played as a dragon and fought other dragons above this ruined present civilized city. It was on PS2. That I remember clearly. I have never been able to find the game of my memory.
We don't know what happened to Leonard and Arioch, either. I'm pretty sure Arioch did something to get herself killed, though. Even though she can't 'feed' herself to creepy babies with teeth.
I mean, I'll give it this much: so far it seems more coherent than 1. Apparently the first one got butchered in localization. Whole scenes, events, and bits of lore seemed to be missing.
Think of how much Caim has lost. He lost his parents in an Empire attack before the events of the first Drakengard. He lost both his sister and his best friend during the war. He soldiered on and fought to the very end, killing countless numbers of humans and monsters to save the world. At the very end, Angelus, Caim’s trusted dragon companion, agrees to become the seal. However, their companion Verdelet had lied to them about the sealing method. Caim and Angelus were forcefully separated by someone they trusted. Losing many people he cared about, fighting many bloody battles, and being betrayed by someone he thought he could trust, it’s no surprise that Caim has a scary grin.
Will you be putting one together for Drakengard 3 as well? Also, I can't wait for the views to shoot up with the hype for Automata as it closes in on it's release date.
One of the many reasons I keep accumulating to hate the game. The others, I understand why they wouldn't believe him. But Eris ? His childhood friend ? Nowe is pathetic ! His uncle Caim and mother Furiae were such superior characters...
Think about it, everyone in the knights have always looked down on Nowe since he was a baby, calling him half-breed. He was treated as sub-human with the only exeption being Oror. If not for the respect the knights had for Oror, and his friendship with Eris, Nowe would've definitely being killed off as a child. The only thing the knights know is that Nowe cut Gismors arm and fled while killing members of the army. How would anyone believe his story of Gismor poisoning him. He even attacked him while awakening his dragon form further worsening the case for him. If anyone was to believe him it would probably be Eris, who would 100% be considered a traitor by trying to justify Nowe's actions.
Nowe has got nothing on Cent. Both are good hearted fools, it's a fact. But Cent is a deconstruction. Not only that, but he learned the importance of not letting that trait hurt others, both directly and indirectly. What does Nowe have to show to compete with Cent ?
You're still out here hating on DOD2 for no reason lol, great sequel to the first ending, treated the previous characters with respect and great development while expanding on the lore of the previous game. Nowe is a contrast to Caim, an 18 year old trainee knight that has never killed anyone , he's kind and naive rather than sadistic and psychotic like Caim. He's now being thrown out to an overwhelmingly monstrous world that he has no idea how to deal with, that's where the party comes in to aid him with their knowledge, while also having everyone deal with their own personal endeavors that meet them throughout the story. I have no idea how anyone could consider this bad storytelling, even with the plot hinting that our cast's acts of kindness are too naive, eventually bringing the world to a near end. Great plot twists with Gismor betraying Nowe while also killing Oror the same way, Caim returning as an antagonist, and of course Legna grooming Nowe for his own selfish purposes. You've got cool shit like Nowe going rogue, (one of the best designs in the whole drakenier verse btw) adult Manah trying to repent, seeing the different pacts of the lieutenants, better map designs than the usual dark castles or vast grey-yellow fields, massive gameplay improvement with more combos, spells and unique skills with diferent equiped weapons. Not to mention the true to JRPG real time in-game character selection. Still not good enough? How about the beautiful boss battles with shadow Gismor or especially the one with Caim. And don't let me mention the music. Unanimously the best score in the whole verse. You try to pin DOD2 as a mess solely cause they didn't kill off Angelus which they never even did in the first game, she was depicted being sealed. You're out here comparing Cent whose only trait was being Two's caretaker after she became a vegetable, to a main character who's finding himself throughout his journey. Both games sold over 200K copies in Japan, making them comparable, and the fact that you can't accept that, speaks volumes about how much of an edgelord you are my friend. Weirdly enough something tells me you haven't even played DOD2.
@@theoktonos instead of starting a fight, if you don't mind, I would like your advice for a "DrakeNier" fanfic, since it concerns Gismor (he, Hanch, Yaha and Legna might have been the only good things that came out of this game). Or, is it too late ? By the way...there were...TWO story moments I liked: -Caim and Angelus's deaths (it was so beautiful); -Ending B. I was so proud of Manah in there. She's the other only good thing about this game. Maybe, if she had been the sole protagonist, I would have been able to appreciate this game more. Honestly, Manah's naiveté felt justified and was kinda wholesome due to the pride you saw in her growth.
5:13:40 Damn i was missing the fucced up soundtrack from the first game on this one, but at least they sneaked one on the end credits, i believe this one is from one of the bad endings of Drakengard 1? The one where the goddes goes berserk and destroys everything.
BlackSteel KeyChain I feel you. It's quite ironic, really; the game no one wants to take seriously is the one that WASN'T made just to shit on Zelda games.
To be fair the other games drakengard 1&3 and nier made no sense and you had to look for novels and other sources to find the lore. And It still didn’t make much sense
@Gan Ceann Just because you didn't understand it doesn't they don't make sense. Deep stories are one of the things that make Yoko Taro's games so interesting.
She was quite beautiful before the pact. Still is in a strange way afterwards. I wish she had a novella like D1 and D3's characters do, I'd totally read it.
@@G-IV4 he didn't do anything useful through out the story, except maybe ending A; How has none of his habilities at magic been showed to have evolved to the point where he might have either served as a boss or an ally ? It's been 18 years ! I get he's still a child at heart and head, but how disconnected of a leader can you be ? Especially when you had Caim and Angelus as role models before Verdelet took over ? And when it was that disconnection that allowed Manah to suffer at their mother's hands ?
After playing both nier games and looking through these movies, drakengard 2 seems to be my favourite too. I really like how the plot is evolving and maybe I'm biased to good endings but the last one was very well done. The romance between Nowe and Manah doesn't feel forced and evolves right up until the end, where its also the first and only time shown how they're also physically affectionate to each other. I don't know about gameplay but based on the in game scenes, characters, plot progression etc. this one honestly feels like the best one to me.
yeah the first drakengard's plot is good but the writing is better here. I think the first DoD need a soft reboot, this one need a remake and the third one a remaster and ofc we need the fourth installment. Please make it happen Yoko taro :D
I don't know if it's me that's getting screen tearing or that's you. Also I see why people regard this game as weak. A lot of moments of either bad writing or weak characters. It's not that bad, but it's not great.
NightFlutter Yes, Drakengard 3 is the first in the trilogy then Drakengard 1 then 2 or if you want to be technical about it it's Dg3-dg-nier-nier automata (on screen timeline anyway).
With the other Seals still active, the Goddess Seal is protected and will not die. That's why suicide would not work. The Pact ensures he shares that protection too.
Drakengard 2 is NOT canon to the series as it is not directed by Yoko Taro himself. Drakengard 3 ---> Drakengard ----> NieR ---> NieR: Automata is the canon timeline.
It doesn't go anywhere and it wasn't made by Yoko Taro himself so he doesn't lead anywhere to it. Canon Timeline all the way to NieR:Automata has nothing related to DoD2 whatsoever. It wasn't made by him, so he made sure nothing leads to it or continues from it. It's only added to the timeline because it's part of the series. Again, not made by Yoko Taro. Thus most fans don't consider it canon since everything else was made by him. DoD2 is just a joke series besides that. Go look up the timeline, it's a dead/joke version of an otherwise amazing franchise. You don't need DoD2 for any game to understand the plot. You're just confusing yourself if you think it fits anywhere in NieR or Automata.
nier is the continuation of drakengard 1's ending E whereas drakengard 2 is the continuation of Drakengard 1's ending A They're both canon in the multiversum of drakengard and nier
If no one tells me anything about myself and who I was forced too join, Even I'd ask alot of questions. Not everyone has the answers, and most times, we can't put together the stuff has happened. I definitely don't want too be in a classroom with you, if you don't want me too learn by the only way I know how, is by asking
I'm glad this entire game isn't canon. You can clearly see how poorly written the many parts of the story is as well as the execution of it. Many parts doesn't make any sense whatsoever. While Yoko's games are sloppy in the gameplay point of view (except Drakengard 3, though the frame rate is awful & NieR: Automata because of Platinum), the story, the writing and the execution of all of it is fucking spot on. All of it makes sense with what he laid down. And of course, the only game he didn't work on turned into a sloppy mess of writing. I also don't like the stop motions. It screams "budget" to me. The fact that Nowe could have fixed the entire thing with Elise? I forgot her name. The fact the shit could have been fixed with her by just stating "Grismore poisoned me!" instead of running away for almost the entire game is infuriatingly unrealistic. It's also a wonderful example of how bad the writing is.
Another annoying fucking thing is how they ALWAYS TALK ABOUT HIS FATHER! And how badass and important he was and yet, they never show us him, nor do they tell us why the hell he's such a big deal. Other than that he had no pact with anyone and was able to be a leader. Holy hell, this all sucks.
@@BusyAngel9999 Fanboys man, they only pick and chose what they want. Director of the game (probably other developers too) count Drakengard 2 as canon. So there is that' fck the haters :)
@@HueghMungus When they eventually remake Drakengard 1 I hope they remake this one as well but let Yoko Taro take a crack at it. Let him change whatever he wants except for the Manah redemption and Caim finally getting peace.
@K.O.G.Fanstarks1610 ok tbh you keep saying that in the other thread but it’s kinda obvious you’re wrong. Taro says this is canon and that it’s the continuation of the D1 ending A, if you deny even what the developer says then you’re just basically in a state of denial.
THE MOVIE: ruclips.net/video/EkmtlWhn_20/видео.html
THE MOVIE: ruclips.net/video/jMjKkGl18Nc/видео.html
THE MOVIE: ruclips.net/video/TOkdtlvWXd4/видео.html
THE MOVIE: ruclips.net/video/uZ68EDGF0fE/видео.html
THE MOVIE: ruclips.net/video/g_duPpZ_99A/видео.html
9praise our lord 🍺666⚡9thank you Jesus Christ for being our savior🇺🇦9
Arguably the happiest installment in the franchise.
And unfortunately the most boring as a result
basel how are you clapped bruh
@@thefreeburningspirit true
And my favorite one, to be honest.
If we’re not counting this game Nier Automata takes that title.
Is it over caim ?
It's over, we're together now...
I cry everytime
Damn it. Right in the heart man. All the water damage on my keyboard from my tears is on you.
Honestly, considering the usual bleakness of the Drakengard/Nier franchise, I'm glad at least one game decided to take a break for something a little more optimistic in the end. Manah's redemption was a rather nice story too.
I heard people are calling it "drakenier" because its the same series
How can you say that ? Look at how they wronged the saga... Look at how they made our boy, Seere, dirty.
Drakengards ending A and ending E REALLY went into different directions. It's good the world of Drakengard got at least one happy ending for everyone where Caim and Angelus finally find peace and humanity is freed completely. The other one went into a world where Drakengard is left in an unknown state where dragons have no new breed weapon, the watchers are without their leader, humanity is caught in between and Caim and Angelus crazy hijinks get them killed while bringing the clusterfuck to our world dooming humanity to be replaced ironically by our own creations.
God damn Yoko Taro is a fucking mad man. It's funny how they just fucking ran with that insane concept of story that was Drakengard and eventually turned it into what it has become now with Nier and Nier Automata. I hope a Drakengard 4 follows one of the other endings of Drakengard 1 or serves as a continuation of ending E but in the world of Drakengard again, we never see what ended up happening in the aftermath of Caim and Angelus's battle. Ending E is Yoko Taro's true mind, this is where he should follow up on if he goes back to the world of Drakengard.
Even yet he can make more Nier Games based on the different endings maybe even making one of Niers dimension characters going back in the dimension portal back to Drakengard or he can continue off Drakengard 2's endings seeing how there is no sequel
yoko taro didn't work on drakengard 2 and i think the only thing it takes from ending A is the Caim and Angelus romance, other than that its Continueing off of stuff from ending A and adding things that weren't there
There is no Drakangard 4, my guy. There are no plans for a fourth installment.
At all.
@K.O.G.Fanstarks1610 and my answer still implies. Whether he THINK it is or were, there isn't.
And that's why my response was there, to kill that notion.
@@TGMShoNuff Unless you can foresee the future, you don't know when 'no plans' will become 'plans'. At one point there were no plans for NieR:Automata or NieR Re[in]carnation, either. It all depends on inspiration striking Yoko Taro. Don't be a stick in the mud.
Applies, not implies.
Holy shit dude when I saw caim's sprite smiling i thought there was gonna be a jumpscare so I backed away from my screen just in case caim comes up again with that creepy grin of his.
That smile is gonna haunt me till the apocalypse of nier (halfly joking, but I'm serious about caim's sprite being disturbing tho 👀)
The best part 3:43:37 - 3:45:24. So sad now ;(
This game has some great parts in it, even though its not made by Yoko Taro himself.
Thnx BuffMaister for making these playthrough movies! These are very enjoyable to watch :)
I love this game wholeheartedly. DoD2 made my childhood. Never managed to play Drakengard 1, but saw all the cutscenes, dialogue and endings, and it's also amazing.
Looking forward to watch Nier content!
Nowe: "so this is the red dragon? She looks like a demon!"
So Nowe never saw her chaos form, or dosent realize that his dragon also looks like a demon
Well I just finished your Drakengard 1 movie and enjoyed every second of it and just started watching this. I know people are saying that the english voices are horrible but I kinda liked them. And I'm getting really old, I've forgotten too much of the story, so thanks for the memories!
I was always amazed at the voice acting, I loved their accent and found it fun and interesting, back when I was a kid I somehow assumed that's how British people talk
How sorely disappointed I was to learn the truth..
man this is the weirdest Drakengard fan fic I've ever seen
Drakengard in itself is weird. DoD2 is weird in the sense it's not nearly as weird as its predecessor.
Caim's grin is just creepy
more like his cheeck busting face lol
Ikr? Whenever I see caim's sprite it made me back away just in case if there was a jumpscare.
Something you'd see in nightmares
03:54:03 - I think at this stage we see the change in Legna's personality when he fully remembers his purpose within the Ancient Tomb. A turning point of what's to come, either sad or grim depending on the Endings you get.
I like how they improved Caim in this game. In the original, they said he loves killing, But it doesn't look like he doesn't enjoy it through his face. In this, you see the blood thirst in his face, a face that enjoys every minute and every second of it. Nice fix 😎👍 and of course, its nice seeing mana getting redemption in this, because i felt sorry for her because of how abused she was as a kid. I don't like the evil crap she dose, but I still do feel bad for her 😔
I enjoy the game, but some of the dialogue and the delivery from the VAs is a bit cringworthy. Except Legna. Legna is my bro.
Legna speaks in Dolby Full Surround TM so everything he says sounds good
@@Envinite Same as Angelus haha :D
PrinceCanute this is the best voice acting in any game I’ve heard. Your trippin
Hes got that alec guiness, wiseman charm to him
"But why?"
Sky shattering? That was epic.
Interesting fact about *Manah* :
she is descendent of
*Brother One* from *Drakengard3*
Kôito [コイト] she is the villain controlled by the watchers in drakengard 1 seere is her brother
The story line is 3, 1 then 2
skull draken that's already well known.
Fun Fact: Intoners can't sexually reproduce. You need to read up on the lore again. Brother One had no descendants. Of course that's assuming that disappointment of a game is even canon.
@K.O.G.Fanstarks1610 I wasn't aware they had resorted to retconning their own stuff so fast. Whatever. The installment and all the lore that stemmed from it ultimately fly in the face of everything "Drakengard" stands for anyway.
After playing both nier games and looking through these movies, drakengard 2 seems to be my favourite too. I really like how the plot is evolving and maybe I'm biased to good endings but the last one was very well done. The romance between Nowe and Manah doesn't feel forced and evolves right up until the end, where its also the first and only time shown how they're also physically affectionate to each other.
I don't know about gameplay but based on the in game scenes, characters, plot progression etc. this one honestly feels like the best one to me.
You're tastes and opinions are valid 😊 I'm glad you like something that some people couldn't. (I feel the same way too, so I wanted too reply a kind message)
This game is merely a mix of innacurate and incomplete historic reports of "Drakengard 1 and 3". That's why this game is a disgraceful mess.
That said, I think historically speaking (again, unreliable narrators and the lot), Nowe is actually Mikhail's human form after his Pact with Zero.
That's a Cool Idea 💡
There is a short Zelda reference in the music, the tune that plays before you fight Ganon I believe but I can't recall the game. Also is seems like far more than a coincidence that this plays while fighting a giant boar looking monster, Ganon is also a giant boar monster.
I have faced many demons and dragons in battle. I have been afraid. The moment Caim approached me in battle. I wet myself in complete terror." ~Nowe
Fun Fact: Drakengard 2 is actually canon, it's just not connected / canon to the NieR timeline like DOD 1 and 3 are. In the 10th Anniversary Blu-ray Accord acknowledged the branches of DOD2 but its described as a dead branch that has been "struck from the record". So it's canon just not to NieR.
This game is merely a mix of innacurate and incomplete historic reports of "Drakengard 1 and 3". That's why this game is a disgraceful mess.
I thought yoko taro didn't work on it so he decides to ignore it
@@Nahobinoah he worked on it along with many people from 1’s staff team including the scenario writers, he was just less involved compared to the other games.
Caim is like Guts now
He was inspired by Guts in the first game as well (unless you knew that).
Personally, I feel that Drakengard 3 is the worst in the franchise because of the tone. The original is probably the most impactful game of my childhood, if not for the fact I wasn't ready for its horrors.
I played 2 like a year before 3 came out - I never even knew it existed until then. At first, it was an enjoyable, cheesy anime, but by the end I came to accept it as an actual Drakengard game.
3 on the other hand.. I was greatly put off by how jokey and s*xual the game was compared to the previous two titles. And that aspect kind of just... ruined most of my enjoyment. It has its moments and the characters aren't awful. It's just not what I want out of Drakengard.
To be fair being sex crazed wackos is what makes the intoners special so the story being extra kink is inevitable.
Taro just doesn't enjoy writing generic waifus, hence why his baes almost always come with a "catch". Furiae wants to fuck her brother, Arioch wants some tender young meat on her belly and don't even let me start with Kaine.
2B is probably the least "taro" character taro has ever made since she's super tame compared to everyone else( then again her "twist" is a thing ).
Niggas at Square Enix writing Octa: hmmm going nice so far, now lets see what octa could say hmmmm
a bit of filler to set the scene, sex joke, sex joke, zero gets mad at octa, he laughs, sex joke!
rather hilarious lets continue
ok so long dialogue between everyone plus octa's silent, umexpected sex joke! filler, more dialogue, sex joke!
man im so good at writing characters
@@tammid8423 If it was just a random anime beat-em-up, I don't think I'd mind so much. It still wouldn't be special, but I would have enjoyed it a lot more.
@@AshoreNevermore its good the way it is but tf is up with the writing 💀
Manah! Manah! Where did my Manah go?! I can't see the magic of this world without Manah!
I hope someone understands LUL
get you mana
“The Masked Man”. Who invited the Lone Ranger? 😂
Caim turned into the Winter Soldier, and I’m not sure how to feel about that.
Oh no, Gismor's true power is to disconnect my USB!
wtf, i was watching this on my phone, suddenly my pc goes wreck and the usb plugged out the plugged in sound was heard ... I was SPOOKED😭😭
General Gizmo lol.
Wasn't the jump between "Legna, you're horrible" and "Nowe, you're back!" a bit much?
Yeah it was
Something's missed
like- what happened to the dragons and golems fighting? 🤷♀️
That little flashback of Eris describing herself "becoming a woman", very touching and realistic, not something you would see these days.
i see manah is still kinda possessed by the watchers
I legit grinned when 4:08:34 happened
Drakengard 2 Glowing wings: Dragon wings
Drakengard 1 Glowing wings:
Harpy wings
Keeps tryna use ships> knows opponent has dragon.
Protagonists were the dumbest ever. Never bothered to solve a simple situation by telling the truth. When they were told the truth they ignored it until the very end where they realized they had fucked up. The heroic "bad guy" ended up being the shittiest, by deciding that him wanting death to atone was more important than the world.
Not that the antagonists were much smarter.
So many plotholes.
You're gay
@@seraphilight I can't believe no one pointed it out so far ! The protagonist being this dense, not questioning anything until shit happens, treating the end of humanity as if it's nothing, the apocalypse being a very dimmed version than in the previous game and having only one seed of resurrection among many other plot holes.
*Why is Drakengard 2 my favorite game?*
Simply to me, it's the perfect sequel. It's not the sequel many fans would've liked, as convention says it's based off its prequel's "A" Ending, while the "E" Ending is seen as its creator's true vision about which we can say he used to create NieR (also the fact Yoko Taro did not oversee DoD2). However, if you are like me and wasn't aware of this meta-narrative going on, or if you don't care, this game slaps hard.
You can easily tell the respect it has for its prequel, and the way it spins the characters and their dynamics in a similar way, and this spin gives the first game's plot a whole lot more meaning.
One thing that particularly struck my heart open in this game was the fact that, after it lets you use Inuart's Long Sword to fight Caim, when you get this weapon to max level you can read this story:
"In solitary confinement somewhere in the desert, a man was tied to a stake. He had fought to protect the one he loved, but lacked the strength to save her, and stood on the brink of despair. He could remember her smile... but her smiles were directed at her brother.
Drifting in and out of consciousness, he was about to accept his fate when a girl appeared before him. Her eyes were a deep crimson and glistened like rubies. She smiled like the pretty little girl that she was, but spoke in a strange voice... It was the voice of neither a child nor an adult.
"If only I had more strength..." Her crimson eyes peered into the weak man's mind. He became the girl's servant. Beyond that, he could not remember... The only thing he could remember was seeing his beloved kill herself in front of him. Then, standing before the Seed of Destruction...
Eighteen years later... The man's long sword now belonged to a boy raised by a dragon. The sword was used to fight his lover's brother, the one-eyed man. Standing beside the boy was the girl with crimson eyes, now a grown woman. Their tale of life, death, and tangled relations was told for generations."
Manah's Staff also has an interesting story leading the previous events of Drakengard into this sequel:
"Eighteen years ago... The girl stood alone in a dark forest. Abandoned by her mother, her longing to be loved soon turned into madness. The gods, charmed by her insanity, chose her as a tool to rule the world. Her eyes began to glow red in the darkness.
The girl with crimson eyes sent the world spiraling into chaos. The sight of the world collapsing soothed her. But order was restored by a silent man with a sword. He took her on a journey to atone for her sins. Though she tried to look away, he forced her to face the suffering she had caused.
One day, the man looked up to the skies and hatred filled his eyes. The girl wondered what had happened to make her captor so angry. Spying her opportunity, she stabbed him with a knife she had hidden in her robe and threw herself into the nearby gorge...
Several years later, the girl had lost all memory of her crimes, and lived in a poor village. She learned about the Knights of the Seal, who oppressed the villagers. In a strange twist of fate, the girl who brought chaos to the world took up this staff, and began to destroy the seals once again..."
Rarely we see a sequel so faithful to its source material as Drakengard 2. Of course I am biased for nostalgia goggles and stuff but I don't care, everybody has their stuff and their personal ways of appreciating what they love.
These are some of mine.
This game is merely a mix of innacurate and incomplete historic reports of "Drakengard 1 and 3". That's why this game is a disgraceful mess.
That said, I think historically speaking (again, unreliable narrators and the lot), Nowe is actually Mikhail's human form after his Pact with Zero.
He does resemble facial features of Furiae and Inuart... I like his eyes :D
Anyone cracking up at Angelus' roar? Sounds like a child having a tantrum.
Sounds like a shriek of pain too me. I can tell the voice acting director isn't good at his job. I know the voice actress for angelus can do better than that
Anybody else confused about the last ending? They killed the dragons and the toy of the gods wasn't around anymore but I didnt see anything about the gods themselfs being gone so why did they act like the gods were dead?
The bone casket was the gods' last resort, in what I could understand. Without it, they were powerless.
@@rafaelgabrielgarlinidal-bo9496 But in another ending it shows dragons and humans fighting against the gods even tough the bone casket was destroyed.
@@fnd2583 In which ending ?
@@rafaelgabrielgarlinidal-bo9496 It's in the video, the one where Nowe allies with Legna and kill Manah. Coincidence that the gods show up when you kill Manah in both Drakengards 1 and 2?
@@fnd2583 yeah but Manah absorbed the energy of the bone casket. Defeating Manah destroys within her that energy so the Gods are defeated.
Holy moly is that a Kid Icarus Uprising Reference 7 years before it's release ?
what I'll never get is why fight Legna? Yeah he's a jerk, but humanity has only tried to kill you. Besides Legna isn't saying, lets go kill every human, he's saying, ditch the humans lets go kill the asses who keeps SENDING THE MAN EATTING BABIES! In other words GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME. Or a reference to another World ending and BATSHIT INSAINE FRANCHISE
Besides Seere says the dragons would be worse but we don't ACTUALLY know that
So if I was Nowe I'd says, HOLD UP, how about we get every dragon and every human and just Fight the gods together? Dragons are pissed from losing their thrones, and the Humans MUST BE PISSED from being eaten and threatened to be killed by the Gods every single day!
in exchange, Dragons become god and Humans get to live in peace, WIN WIN!
Like seriously, in the words of 2B. I've always wondered if we could someday meet god, and if someday we could kill him
So their we go, KILL GOD, will it end the pain? NO. Will it feel good, for me yes. What will it do? Stop the man eating babies, stop the sealing, stop the threats of the world ending, stop the watchers in BOTH Drakenguard and Neir's universe, and FREE ZERO!
thats a win win!
in other rants of Neir, why is keeping humanity alive so important? Humans had a chance and they decided to take advise from the forerunners and Humans in Halo
What's this? Oooo it taste like salt YUMMY! (Not gonna lie I like salt) Lets give it to everyone, what could possibly go wrong?
In other news, human soul like monsters called the Legion are destroying tokyo and eating people
I KNOW lets go to space, what's wrong in space
In other news, Human like monsters called the flood are destroying planets and consuming the populations
Back to Neir, Point is humans were despite and STUPID so they died, I mean OKAY guys hear me out, what if we take the soul out of this kid so he can keep all the other souls calm and we just tell him that his sister is A OKAY, when the truth is SHE'S DYING. What could go wrong?
He kidnaped her replicant
Okay stay calm, we are okay we just need too
His Replicant is coming after him
at least we got the dragon that we shouldn't have killed
He's got the book that was made from the dragon
Could this get any worse!?
He just killed the King shade
But now to Autama, why is humanity so important to the androids
Cause we need to protect them they are dead
Yes you do
we do?
Yeah, the world looks pretty fucked up right now, Go on and fix it. the world is literally yours, Hell the machines are doing it too YET YOUR KILLING THEM!!
But they are crazy!
So learn from that...dummy
Our androids eyes are glowing red
FUCK The dam watchers again, See what happens when you don't listen to daddy NOWE!?
1:09:54 That face tho. lol
Musically, it's a step back from the first game.
Not really...
The music last game was made with idea of making a person uncomfortable with very few exceptions. Even knowing that, it has more personality than what I'm hearing.
@@ahmedelosta9551 I think the music has plenty of personality. My favorite is "Plains of Pity", and then the two "Exhausted" re-arrangements.
This doesn't seem right, in ending A, Angelus became the new seal too save humanity, and lost her form. Why dose she seek revenge on humanity and still has her dragon form?
3:29:06 um, excuse me, FORCED!?!? YOU VOLUNTARILY BECAME THE SEAL!!! If you didn't wanna be the seal then dont say "I shall become the seal" in the first place!
Bruh, angelus, you realize if you kill your pack partner, you'll die too. Maybe you forgotten from the first game
I think the pain broke her mind so much she developed conflicting memories, especially because she did not expect the Seal to be strengthened. It's in that sense she feels betrayed.
Verdelet went and selfishly strengthened the strain of the seal out of his cowardly fear, putting her through excruciating pain that wore away at her mind and soul. Not only was that not part of the deal, but her broken mind regressed due to the burden
I find it nice that this game gives the antagonist some sympathy. Sure I see the other flaws in this game. But its nice seeing monah getting a happy end that she deserves
(Again, I hate her crimes, but the reason she acted that way is because her mother hated her for no reason. I feel so terrible for her :'( )
Don't forget she was also possessed by the Gods, who amplified her feelings until they overwhelned her.
I'm guessing from the comments, that I should take the plot of DoD2 as a separeted, kind of fanfiction-like story of DoD & NieR universe
But still, I liked the plot of this game, even tho it's not canon
You should think of it more as a splintering timeline.
This is what would have happened in the world Drakengard takes place in if it ended that one way in Drakengard 1 (I think ending A right?), and Nier is what would have happened in the world that Nier takes place in if ending E happened in Drakengard 1.
The only reason this isn't considered canon anyway is because we have 2 games stemming from a different ending. The fucked up part about having multiple endings is that its sort of all canon. Except the joke endings... like the one Nier continues off of... kek
It is canon though?
1. Zero 2. caim 3. nowe
thank you for uploading this and the first one now i can go play the 3rd one :D
Actually 2 has nothing to do with three.
Drakengard 3 is before Drakengard 1. Either ending A or ending E will result in Drakengard 1.
Drakengard 3 ---> Drakengard ---> NieR ----> NieR: Automata.
Drakengard 2 wasn't even directed by Yoko Taro thus not considered canon by him nor their fans. It's just the bastard child of the franchise.
Hezrou Shok I consider it cannon, it's my favorite out of them all.
By fans, sure, I give you that, but I don't know from where you get the idea that it's not considered canon by Yoko Taro.
My god....I never knew Ubisoft would make this game with square Enix
Brofisting gaming for real???
Caim told you to never forget your crimes...
The red dragon spoke for him. I know her name but i dont want to want to butcher it trying to spell it
How could the dragon tell her if the dragon is not with Caim anymore?
@@laiden25 I'm pretty sure this is a reference to Ending A. I'm honestly a bit lost since it looks like a weird combination of all of the endings lol
Christian Bellar *Angelus
You missed the part where Caim dragged her around for years forcing her to witness the results of her actions..
Fun fact: I actually played this game when I was young.
It was confusing as hell and the combat was boring so I stopped and forgot about it.
You're just gay
+seraphilight Same. I played this as a child and I remember being confused by the gameplay. I don't really know what happened because I suddenly stopped playing it. I don't remember if I even owned the game in the first place. But for many years I always remembered a game where you played as a Dragon and fought other dragons and wondered what game it was and how much I would like to play it.
I'm not sure if it was Drakengard. I remember a city, a present timed city. It was all black and in ruins. You played as a dragon and fought other dragons above this ruined present civilized city. It was on PS2. That I remember clearly. I have never been able to find the game of my memory.
Pretty sure thats reign of fire (2002)
Theres also I of the dragon (2002)
So every protagonist died in Drakengard 1?
Very nice story...I think :D
Not Seere.
We don't know what happened to Leonard and Arioch, either.
I'm pretty sure Arioch did something to get herself killed, though. Even though she can't 'feed' herself to creepy babies with teeth.
thanks for putting this together.
I mean, I'll give it this much: so far it seems more coherent than 1. Apparently the first one got butchered in localization. Whole scenes, events, and bits of lore seemed to be missing.
Why does Caim do that scary grin?
Berserk influence, take a wild guess of whom I’m talking about.
Think of how much Caim has lost. He lost his parents in an Empire attack before the events of the first Drakengard. He lost both his sister and his best friend during the war. He soldiered on and fought to the very end, killing countless numbers of humans and monsters to save the world. At the very end, Angelus, Caim’s trusted dragon companion, agrees to become the seal. However, their companion Verdelet had lied to them about the sealing method. Caim and Angelus were forcefully separated by someone they trusted. Losing many people he cared about, fighting many bloody battles, and being betrayed by someone he thought he could trust, it’s no surprise that Caim has a scary grin.
@@GarMori which chapter did the verdelet lied to caim?
He does it in the opening of 1. It was bloodlust then.
I always thought it was an upgrade of d1, he loves killing but doesn't look like he enjoys it in his face
Comedic gold, that was hilarious to me for some reason
Legna a real Dad giving real Dad advice doing real Dad things for his stupid whipped son
1:09:51 now this will haunt my nightmares 😳 maybe watching this at night is not a good idea
I only watch for an hour and I already hate the protag.He is super annoying.
Indeed. He's an insult to himself, this saga and the trope he's supposed to stand for.
Will you be putting one together for Drakengard 3 as well?
Also, I can't wait for the views to shoot up with the hype for Automata as it closes in on it's release date.
Yes, I already have the Drakengard 3 ready. Planning to do the same with Nier.
Fantastic. I've already seen what Nier has to offer but I'll definitely make sure to give you an extra view.
I was hoping you had made one for Nier. :( If you did I wasn't able to find it in your videos.
NOW I GET IT! that more sense to me. when i play 10 years old. my tear and throwback. never forget about this game.
The beginning could've been resolved if he said, that he got poisoned. -_-!
One of the many reasons I keep accumulating to hate the game. The others, I understand why they wouldn't believe him. But Eris ? His childhood friend ?
Nowe is pathetic ! His uncle Caim and mother Furiae were such superior characters...
Think about it, everyone in the knights have always looked down on Nowe since he was a baby, calling him half-breed. He was treated as sub-human with the only exeption being Oror. If not for the respect the knights had for Oror, and his friendship with Eris, Nowe would've definitely being killed off as a child. The only thing the knights know is that Nowe cut Gismors arm and fled while killing members of the army. How would anyone believe his story of Gismor poisoning him. He even attacked him while awakening his dragon form further worsening the case for him. If anyone was to believe him it would probably be Eris, who would 100% be considered a traitor by trying to justify Nowe's actions.
That Caim reveal went crazy
The Watchers! The Watchers! Lalalalalala! Lalalalala!
Nowe has got nothing on Cent. Both are good hearted fools, it's a fact. But Cent is a deconstruction. Not only that, but he learned the importance of not letting that trait hurt others, both directly and indirectly. What does Nowe have to show to compete with Cent ?
You're still out here hating on DOD2 for no reason lol, great sequel to the first ending, treated the previous characters with respect and great development while expanding on the lore of the previous game. Nowe is a contrast to Caim, an 18 year old trainee knight that has never killed anyone , he's kind and naive rather than sadistic and psychotic like Caim. He's now being thrown out to an overwhelmingly monstrous world that he has no idea how to deal with, that's where the party comes in to aid him with their knowledge, while also having everyone deal with their own personal endeavors that meet them throughout the story. I have no idea how anyone could consider this bad storytelling, even with the plot hinting that our cast's acts of kindness are too naive, eventually bringing the world to a near end. Great plot twists with Gismor betraying Nowe while also killing Oror the same way, Caim returning as an antagonist, and of course Legna grooming Nowe for his own selfish purposes. You've got cool shit like Nowe going rogue, (one of the best designs in the whole drakenier verse btw) adult Manah trying to repent, seeing the different pacts of the lieutenants, better map designs than the usual dark castles or vast grey-yellow fields, massive gameplay improvement with more combos, spells and unique skills with diferent equiped weapons. Not to mention the true to JRPG real time in-game character selection. Still not good enough? How about the beautiful boss battles with shadow Gismor or especially the one with Caim. And don't let me mention the music. Unanimously the best score in the whole verse. You try to pin DOD2 as a mess solely cause they didn't kill off Angelus which they never even did in the first game, she was depicted being sealed. You're out here comparing Cent whose only trait was being Two's caretaker after she became a vegetable, to a main character who's finding himself throughout his journey.
Both games sold over 200K copies in Japan, making them comparable, and the fact that you can't accept that, speaks volumes about how much of an edgelord you are my friend.
Weirdly enough something tells me you haven't even played DOD2.
@@theoktonos instead of starting a fight, if you don't mind, I would like your advice for a "DrakeNier" fanfic, since it concerns Gismor (he, Hanch, Yaha and Legna might have been the only good things that came out of this game).
Or, is it too late ?
By the way...there were...TWO story moments I liked:
-Caim and Angelus's deaths (it was so beautiful);
-Ending B. I was so proud of Manah in there. She's the other only good thing about this game. Maybe, if she had been the sole protagonist, I would have been able to appreciate this game more.
Honestly, Manah's naiveté felt justified and was kinda wholesome due to the pride you saw in her growth.
1:13:20 lmao wasted opportunity considering the new breed form
this could be some really damn good foreshadowing fr
54:59 you have poisoned me- uh
5:13:40 Damn i was missing the fucced up soundtrack from the first game on this one, but at least they sneaked one on the end credits, i believe this one is from one of the bad endings of Drakengard 1? The one where the goddes goes berserk and destroys everything.
2 is my favorite out of all Drakengards come at me fanboys.
i do agree as well coz drakengard 2 is my fav so far, hear no shit if they disagree with our opinion
BlackSteel KeyChain I feel you. It's quite ironic, really; the game no one wants to take seriously is the one that WASN'T made just to shit on Zelda games.
Dustubuni lol
To be fair the other games drakengard 1&3 and nier made no sense and you had to look for novels and other sources to find the lore. And It still didn’t make much sense
@Gan Ceann Just because you didn't understand it doesn't they don't make sense. Deep stories are one of the things that make Yoko Taro's games so interesting.
hanch is a qt
She was quite beautiful before the pact. Still is in a strange way afterwards. I wish she had a novella like D1 and D3's characters do, I'd totally read it.
Urich puzzles me wasnt he in a pact with some kind of Sprite not the grim reaper?
Holy cow, it's ayeka's voice from tenchi muyo.
Where are my flying baby demons?!?!? XD
In ending B, they appear but briefly.
i loved this game as a kid
thank you so much
One of this game's most unforgivable traits is how dirty they made my boy Seere.
As a Seere enjoyer myself Idk wtf you are talking about. I don't even like DOD2 but like Seere is just fine in it.
@@G-IV4 he didn't do anything useful through out the story, except maybe ending A;
How has none of his habilities at magic been showed to have evolved to the point where he might have either served as a boss or an ally ? It's been 18 years !
I get he's still a child at heart and head, but how disconnected of a leader can you be ? Especially when you had Caim and Angelus as role models before Verdelet took over ? And when it was that disconnection that allowed Manah to suffer at their mother's hands ?
The only Drakengard game I liked to be honest.
Very unpopular opinion, but I like Drakengard 2 as well.
looks like i found my d2 gang. same here:D
After playing both nier games and looking through these movies, drakengard 2 seems to be my favourite too. I really like how the plot is evolving and maybe I'm biased to good endings but the last one was very well done. The romance between Nowe and Manah doesn't feel forced and evolves right up until the end, where its also the first and only time shown how they're also physically affectionate to each other.
I don't know about gameplay but based on the in game scenes, characters, plot progression etc. this one honestly feels like the best one to me.
You are the real MVP!
I grew up playing this though the story could be bttr but the song was nice.
yeah the first drakengard's plot is good but the writing is better here.
I think the first DoD need a soft reboot, this one need a remake and the third one a remaster and ofc we need the fourth installment.
Please make it happen Yoko taro :D
I don't know if it's me that's getting screen tearing or that's you. Also I see why people regard this game as weak. A lot of moments of either bad writing or weak characters.
It's not that bad, but it's not great.
54:15 That drink looks pretty sus
can i skip this and just watch dod3?
NightFlutter Yes, Drakengard 3 is the first in the trilogy then Drakengard 1 then 2 or if you want to be technical about it it's Dg3-dg-nier-nier automata (on screen timeline anyway).
@@TheMidian46 because drakengard 3 is the prequel to the 1st and the 2nd is after the 1st. Kinda like devil may cry series.
@K.O.G.Fanstarks1610 actually it takes place after the route ending of A of the first game.
What is the OST at 4:45:22
1:00:47 I bet Legna would tear Gismor a new one had Nowe told him Gismor poisoned him
Can I use your video for reference?
i love this game. hope they remastered to ps4
What the hell?! Chasin women is like chasing mice 46:30
я не понимаю одного... если каим хотел убить анджелос, то почему бы ему не убить себя? Разве он не в пакте с ней? Я чёт прям совсем не понимаю:/
With the other Seals still active, the Goddess Seal is protected and will not die. That's why suicide would not work. The Pact ensures he shares that protection too.
3:34:20 How come Eris is still alive?
Drakengard 2 is NOT canon to the series as it is not directed by Yoko Taro himself.
Drakengard 3 ---> Drakengard ----> NieR ---> NieR: Automata
is the canon timeline.
It doesn't matter, Yoko Taro still counted it as canon, its included in the timelines in Drakengard 3 even lmao
It doesn't go anywhere and it wasn't made by Yoko Taro himself so he doesn't lead anywhere to it. Canon Timeline all the way to NieR:Automata has nothing related to DoD2 whatsoever. It wasn't made by him, so he made sure nothing leads to it or continues from it. It's only added to the timeline because it's part of the series.
Again, not made by Yoko Taro. Thus most fans don't consider it canon since everything else was made by him. DoD2 is just a joke series besides that. Go look up the timeline, it's a dead/joke version of an otherwise amazing franchise.
You don't need DoD2 for any game to understand the plot. You're just confusing yourself if you think it fits anywhere in NieR or Automata.
Hezrou Shock you keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means...
nier is the continuation of drakengard 1's ending E whereas drakengard 2 is the continuation of Drakengard 1's ending A
They're both canon in the multiversum of drakengard and nier
So people keep saying that Drakengard 3 is before 1… Which ending leads to the first game?
3:34:30 Isn't that Eris? How is this possible?
That is soo fucking damn true
Like Who Want to Remastered to Drakengard 1,2 and3
Holy shit, Nowe really does never stop asking questions. I'm not even an hour in and this is so much worse than what Clemps described.
If no one tells me anything about myself and who I was forced too join, Even I'd ask alot of questions. Not everyone has the answers, and most times, we can't put together the stuff has happened.
I definitely don't want too be in a classroom with you, if you don't want me too learn by the only way I know how, is by asking
Seed of resurrection is the flower on zero in drakengard 3 ? ( i don’t understand this)
I think the Seeds were created by the Flower after the Intoners' destruction.
What on earth is that growing wings/tsukiru remix? Who wrote this shit?
*Drakengard2* has the weakest story of all *Drakengard* games in my opinion。
Wasn't made by Yoko Taro, that's why.
Do the watchers laugh at this game too?
Is the one I liked the most, lol.
I'm glad this entire game isn't canon. You can clearly see how poorly written the many parts of the story is as well as the execution of it. Many parts doesn't make any sense whatsoever. While Yoko's games are sloppy in the gameplay point of view (except Drakengard 3, though the frame rate is awful & NieR: Automata because of Platinum), the story, the writing and the execution of all of it is fucking spot on. All of it makes sense with what he laid down.
And of course, the only game he didn't work on turned into a sloppy mess of writing. I also don't like the stop motions. It screams "budget" to me. The fact that Nowe could have fixed the entire thing with Elise? I forgot her name. The fact the shit could have been fixed with her by just stating "Grismore poisoned me!" instead of running away for almost the entire game is infuriatingly unrealistic. It's also a wonderful example of how bad the writing is.
Another annoying fucking thing is how they ALWAYS TALK ABOUT HIS FATHER! And how badass and important he was and yet, they never show us him, nor do they tell us why the hell he's such a big deal. Other than that he had no pact with anyone and was able to be a leader. Holy hell, this all sucks.
It is canon dunno why you think it's not
@@BusyAngel9999 Fanboys man, they only pick and chose what they want. Director of the game (probably other developers too) count Drakengard 2 as canon. So there is that' fck the haters :)
@@HueghMungus When they eventually remake Drakengard 1 I hope they remake this one as well but let Yoko Taro take a crack at it. Let him change whatever he wants except for the Manah redemption and Caim finally getting peace.
@K.O.G.Fanstarks1610 ok tbh you keep saying that in the other thread but it’s kinda obvious you’re wrong. Taro says this is canon and that it’s the continuation of the D1 ending A, if you deny even what the developer says then you’re just basically in a state of denial.
i didnt understand shit
imo kinda boring compared to all other drakenier stories
This game is merely a mix of innacurate and incomplete historic reports of "Drakengard 1 and 3". That's why this game is a disgraceful mess.