At 1:25:22 when he put Marshadow over aerodactly because pikachu would hit 110 with type damage and would leave aero with 30 hp. Pikachu can survive one hit from aerodactyl. Just need to zebstrika next turn on aerodactyl on the bench for the win. That was the correct play. Aerodactyl is ex Pokemon so Zelos would’ve taken two pts.
Super big ups to NBB for some excellent casting! 😎😎
At 1:25:22 when he put Marshadow over aerodactly because pikachu would hit 110 with type damage and would leave aero with 30 hp. Pikachu can survive one hit from aerodactyl. Just need to zebstrika next turn on aerodactyl on the bench for the win. That was the correct play. Aerodactyl is ex Pokemon so Zelos would’ve taken two pts.
The one unruly lock of hair was super funny and cute lol
More with mustache guy please