Amsterdam Idiots at the canal - June 26, 2020

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 293

  • @colinreed4484
    @colinreed4484 4 года назад +15

    Natural selection at work!!.

  • @CrusaderSports250
    @CrusaderSports250 3 года назад +23

    Its interesting how the two boats following the barge were affected by the barges prop wash, small shallow draught boats have little directional stability when travelling slowly, something a lot of people don't realize, small boat operators especially!.

    • @janentomenkafka
      @janentomenkafka 2 года назад +3

      Erm... I think especially small boat owners know the effect of prop wash. I never enter or leave a lock closely behind a barge. It is easier and safer to wait until the propwash has dissipated. Even small barges are wary of much bigger barges.

  • @peternicholson2504
    @peternicholson2504 3 года назад +37

    As someone who will never visit Amsterdam, I enjoyed watching this little snapshot of life in and around the canal.

    • @sjondeeg7158
      @sjondeeg7158 3 года назад +1

      may I ask why you never would visit?

    • @peternicholson2504
      @peternicholson2504 3 года назад +4

      @@sjondeeg7158 I would be happy to visit, I just don't believe I will ever go to Amsterdam.

    • @janys30
      @janys30 Год назад +2

      @@peternicholson2504 keep it that way Amsterdam is phone gone and wallet stolen and ajax

    • @garywheeler7039
      @garywheeler7039 Месяц назад

      I see no idiots there! As a young single man I was glad to have visited Amsterdam. Damn glad.

  • @MrEagle2704-OFFICIAL
    @MrEagle2704-OFFICIAL 3 года назад +51

    That little boat would've been absolutely crushed by the ship if it got in between

    • @huppekeessie
      @huppekeessie 3 года назад +3

      It's crazy that risk with the little boat took, but the big vessel was not yet allowed to go under the bridge, because the light sign was still on red/green and the captain of the big ship had to wait and go when the single green light was showed.... so in collision the captain of the big ship had a real problem because he did not wait long enough...

    • @lars8614
      @lars8614 3 года назад +5

      @@huppekeessie red/green is, go if you can.

    • @ZorbaTheDutch
      @ZorbaTheDutch 6 месяцев назад +3

      ​@lars8614 No, it's not. It's illegal to pass a red/green light unless you got explicit permission to do so.

    • @ezrawright4385
      @ezrawright4385 5 месяцев назад

      No, boats are bouncy.

    • @eypandabear7483
      @eypandabear7483 4 месяца назад +1

      @@lars8614 "go if you can" is the yellow light over the bridge opening. Red+green means "wait unmoored for imminent green light".

  • @MegaReception1
    @MegaReception1 4 года назад +33

    Some people are boat people and some are not that's every where. greetings from Panama

    • @Triggernlfrl
      @Triggernlfrl Год назад +1

      Here the problem is that many think they are boat people....

    • @beijingpete
      @beijingpete 6 месяцев назад +1

      Some people want to die young.........

  • @eTengu
    @eTengu 3 года назад +15

    Tiller falling off was a nice touch :D

    • @IronWarrior95
      @IronWarrior95 2 года назад +2

      I had to translate and Google it first, but then I saw it, he nearly drove into something on the left side, but he put it in again in the last second 😂

    • @inyobill
      @inyobill 6 месяцев назад +1

      I missed that, had to replay that section.

    • @TheKira699
      @TheKira699 28 дней назад +1

      What do you call a tiller that is not connected to anything? Driftwood!

  • @seeitpickitbinit2510
    @seeitpickitbinit2510 4 года назад +25

    Didn’t know Audi made small boats🤌🙄🤷‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣♥️

    • @zvezdaster
      @zvezdaster 3 года назад +3

      actually. there are a few converted audi's on the water.

    • @davidlockwood9192
      @davidlockwood9192 5 месяцев назад +1

      Thought it was more of a BMW myself………😂

    • @gijsbouman5193
      @gijsbouman5193 Месяц назад

      No a Volvo, because these drivers are the new Bastards on the road

    • @andreapicci8410
      @andreapicci8410 21 день назад +1

      This is a bullshit: cars of idiots could be any brand.

  • @richH1625
    @richH1625 4 года назад +3

    watch it again 1:40
    @ 2x speed for a bit more excitement.

  • @andyzeus6898
    @andyzeus6898 3 года назад +8

    Was that ship trying to sink itself....

  • @harryhawk7700
    @harryhawk7700 3 года назад +11

    Think the same guy overtook me in his car yesterday 🤣

    • @DjMellowMoods
      @DjMellowMoods 2 года назад +2

      Think his just over taken me now on a bike

  • @AndréKalkwarf
    @AndréKalkwarf 8 месяцев назад +4

    Binnenvaart heeft ten aller tijden voorrang op recreatie vaarders. Was mooi geweest als hij geplet was tussen de boeg en duckdalf

  • @rambojambone4586
    @rambojambone4586 3 года назад +4

    Amazing number of bikes

  • @Stewkeithmtb
    @Stewkeithmtb 4 года назад +23

    Such a wonderful country. So many bikes!

  • @marryellen7713
    @marryellen7713 3 года назад +3

    What type for boat was the first big one? It had water running over it all the time.

    • @reneehauser6503
      @reneehauser6503 3 года назад +1

      I was wondering that also

    • @timstrikers
      @timstrikers 3 года назад +11

      In the Netherlands we call it a ‘beunschip’. I guess the English term is ‘well barge’. It’s mainly used for transporting sand and sand-like commodities.
      The sand is normally loaded by pumping it aboard with huge amounts of water. The water is pumped out of the ship afterwards.
      But if the sand comes from the seabed, fresh water is being used for flushing the salt out. This to make the sand more suitable for further use. I suppose this ship is flushing its cargo whilst underway.

    • @sabinestetter2326
      @sabinestetter2326 Месяц назад +1

      Dankeschön ❤

  • @Tuckaway
    @Tuckaway 3 года назад +3

    Does anybody know what that big barge was carrying ? Water was pouring over the top of it from pipes on the deck?

    • @BeertjeRulez
      @BeertjeRulez 4 месяца назад +2

      That barge is a dredger and it is carrying sediment. The reason why they flush water over the sediment to flush the less-dense particles overboard. Eventually, only the heavier sediment remains. This way the ship eventually can take more payload. The repeat this process until the ship reaches the maximum capacity. One of the reasons why they want to remove less-dense particles is because less-dense particles can make the barge unstable in heavier seas, as the load behaves more like a liquid than a solid and could shift.

    • @Tuckaway
      @Tuckaway 4 месяца назад

      @@BeertjeRulez Thank you, I understand what they were doing now. Did you notice that the second bridge carrying the tram or railway vehicles didn't open to allow the barge to pass even though it didn't seem to be any higher?

    • @BeertjeRulez
      @BeertjeRulez 4 месяца назад

      @@TuckawayThis is the viewpoint of that clip (facing North). The railway bridge behind it has a vertical clearance of 6 meters. That's sufficient for the barge.

    • @BeertjeRulez
      @BeertjeRulez 4 месяца назад

      @@Tuckaway i tried posting a Google Maps link here, but my comment got deleted. Find 'Willemsbrug' in Amsterdam. That's the one the barge passes under. You can see the railway bridge north of it. That bridge has a vertical clearance of 6mtrs, which is enough for the barge.

    • @BeertjeRulez
      @BeertjeRulez 4 месяца назад +1

      @@Tuckaway that bridge has 6mtrs vertical clearance, which is enough for the barge

  • @LGMTraveLandAdventure
    @LGMTraveLandAdventure 3 года назад +5

    Sehr interessant vielen Dank

  • @richardcranium8408
    @richardcranium8408 4 года назад +34

    It’s the captain’s hat that does it. Once you have one on, you know everything.

    • @MrPurandar
      @MrPurandar 3 года назад


  • @joesoap9385
    @joesoap9385 3 года назад +1

    Why is their water being pumped on the deck of the barge?

    • @zvezdaster
      @zvezdaster 3 года назад +2

      that ship appears to be a dredger. so i guess its keeping its bulk mass liquefied. so its easier to pump out the dredged up silt.

    • @Seahorn_
      @Seahorn_ 3 года назад +1

      It can be that it is transporting sand dredged from the sea, the water is flushing the salt out of the sand then.

  • @driveman6490
    @driveman6490 3 года назад +21

    I remember one day just sitting in the morning sun, so relaxed I felt like just
    sitting there when the evening comes.
    I was simply watching the ships roll in,
    then I watch them roll away again. Yep,
    just sitting on a dock at the bay.......
    Watching the tide roll away. It then occurred to me......ooh,
    I'm just sitting on the dock of the bay,
    wasting time. So I left.

    • @g.t.g1111
      @g.t.g1111 3 года назад +2

      This wasn’t the theme song for Thats ‘70 Show... Down Soul Tones!

    • @Jelisawesome
      @Jelisawesome 2 года назад

      Man, I love that song.

    • @GobulTheGobbler
      @GobulTheGobbler Год назад


    • @bernardmcmahon351
      @bernardmcmahon351 Месяц назад

      Great singer Otis was, died way too young

  • @2hullmanback730
    @2hullmanback730 4 года назад +1

    What was the pumping of water on deck of the big work boat about?

    • @frikandeldaar4603
      @frikandeldaar4603 4 года назад +4

      this is a ship that can load it's own cargo, it sucks up sand from the bottom of a lake or canal and then pumps away the extra water.

    • @cmcc4662
      @cmcc4662 3 года назад +2

      It's called a dredger,

    • @davidedgar2818
      @davidedgar2818 3 года назад

      @@frikandeldaar4603 Thank you very much, I had that same question while watching the video. My only guess that made sense was some sort of dredging operation. I'm sure canal maintenance is of importance to the Netherlands, it would certainly be an insult to jeopardize that mission by coming that close to calamity. Some idiots think they are more important than anything or anyone, which results in their ultimate downfall.😞

  • @Leo92053
    @Leo92053 4 года назад +9

    I agree with Johny, you can't fix stupid, and we have them in Canada,

  • @mariob1511
    @mariob1511 4 года назад +1

    Where does the train go?

    • @nightswatch1722
      @nightswatch1722 4 года назад


    • @Dutch3DMaster
      @Dutch3DMaster Год назад

      Schiphol, Haarlem, Leiden, Alkmaar or Hoorn or Enkhuizen. Difficult to tell from this angle, but also because that side of Central Station has a big switch yard for trains and regular passenger trains going left can head to all of the aforementioned directions, and almost all of them see around 2-3 trains in that direction each hour, so it's a busy spot.

  • @Radionut
    @Radionut 4 года назад +2

    What was the big boat doing was it dredging as it went along? Very beautiful I hope to get there someday. Just as a side question are there any fish in the canal

    • @sascotttx5145
      @sascotttx5145 4 года назад

      @Current Batches I was thinking maybe some kind of filtering process to remove suspended particles from the water, but I have no knowledge to base that on.

    • @koen8185
      @koen8185 4 года назад +1

      Sure , there are all kinds of freshwater fish in the canals , but they're wearing earplugs , too noisy

    • @timstrikers
      @timstrikers 3 года назад +3

      It’s a ‘beunschip’ or well barge, used for transporting sand. The sand is loaded by flushing it aboard and pumping water out afterwards.
      However, if the sand comes from the seabed, fresh water is used to flush out the salt and make the sand better usable. I think this ship is flushing its cargo whilst underway.

  • @jamesvetromila6068
    @jamesvetromila6068 Месяц назад

    Phoenix has canals too. Which surprises a lot of tourists. We don't have boats running up and down just an occasional drunk floating off to the Gulf of Mexico. 😂

  • @nicoferreira1426
    @nicoferreira1426 3 года назад +2

    Is that mother and child really hanging over the side of the canal? Like the video!

  • @Johnny-tt8zc
    @Johnny-tt8zc 4 года назад +44

    We have them in the states too. You can’t fix stupid,so don’t even try!

    • @doonhamer252
      @doonhamer252 6 месяцев назад

      Yep, but stupid fixes stupid , permanently!

  • @JohnBlutarski
    @JohnBlutarski 3 года назад

    Welke brug is dit?

    • @calcarTV
      @calcarTV 6 месяцев назад

      Een brug te ver

  • @bathtub4943
    @bathtub4943 4 года назад +8

    Is that the bridge near the Resistance Museum? I was there last year. Amsterdam, beautiful city. I have visited many times, just love thr city and people. A visitor from England..

    • @destadhouder3689
      @destadhouder3689 4 года назад +1

      No,it is The WILLEMSBRUG (brug 151) Singelgracht

  • @shakespeare9602
    @shakespeare9602 4 года назад +6

    Wat had ik héél graag gehoopt dat meneer met de zeilboot ( op de motor) plat gedrukt was tussen effe gauw én wachten.

    • @senox9905
      @senox9905 3 года назад

      schrecklich einfach

  • @RAMelloh-ij5sl
    @RAMelloh-ij5sl Месяц назад

    Looks like a normal commute on the I-90, just add 80 to 90 mph in all 8 lanes.

  • @paulbeatham6530
    @paulbeatham6530 4 года назад +12

    I saw one guy driving his buddies in dad's boat and doesn't give a rip about anything that happens to it. And I saw several that shouldn't be drinking and driving. Especially the dude that almost couldn't shoot the gap.

  • @GayorgVonTrapp
    @GayorgVonTrapp 4 года назад +32

    I wasn’t prepared for this. At first I thought it was the cyclists risking their lives on the bridge after the barriers had started coming down. Then I thought a train would go across the bridge and get stuck when the roadway raised. But no, the appearance of Johnny Fuckwit caught me completely off guard. Good video. That big boat has a leak btw.

    • @boldvankaalen3896
      @boldvankaalen3896 4 года назад +11

      The barge was probalbly actively pumping water on the deck to get lower in the water, to get more easily under the bridge.

    • @sanderjansen5187
      @sanderjansen5187 4 года назад +12

      No the ship is transporting sand from the bottom of the sea and it is pumping water over the sand to get rid of the salt.

    • @BigBadLoneWolf
      @BigBadLoneWolf 4 года назад +6

      @@sanderjansen5187 looked like a dredger to me

    • @frankrosenbaum3471
      @frankrosenbaum3471 3 года назад +3

      I thought the barge was refilling the canal.

    • @florisvanvliet3542
      @florisvanvliet3542 2 года назад

      @@sanderjansen5187 always wondered what that was

  • @Hazzard0
    @Hazzard0 4 года назад +1

    2:22 What kind of boat is that? Whats purpose does it have?

    • @arthurhagen3826
      @arthurhagen3826 4 года назад +1

      Probably transporting sand.

    • @appleslover
      @appleslover 4 года назад +1

      @@arthurhagen3826 why?

    • @arthurhagen3826
      @arthurhagen3826 4 года назад +1

      To make concrete for building, most likely.

    • @RoaldvanDijkenHOT
      @RoaldvanDijkenHOT 4 года назад +19

      This is a trailing suction hopper dredger, the suction tube is on portside. Used for dredging sand and silt to maintain waterways or collect sand as a construction material.

  • @merryhunt9153
    @merryhunt9153 4 года назад +17

    He's not the most rational boater in the world, but there was no real danger. I enjoyed watching this peaceful scene - the bicycles, the bridge going up, the loving mother, the boy's beautiful red hair...

    • @wilfredzwart2154
      @wilfredzwart2154 4 года назад +2

      merry hunt do you live in Amsterdam? Have you been on the canals? I have and I have seen so many idiots doing the most stupid things that you really ask yourself if those people have a death wish.

    • @Boca-do-rio
      @Boca-do-rio 3 года назад +10

      He did all what is forbidden in the book... Not giving a big boat the first right of way... Not giving a big boat the first right of way in a small pasage... Overtaking on starboard side without permission... Moving just in front of a big ship, so the skipper of that big boat has no lign of sight on him. Bringing passengers, ship and himself in danger, by all acts called before and this last one. Further... That bridge should have a yellow diamond i'ff ships may pass under it from both directions at the same time.

    • @Dutch3DMaster
      @Dutch3DMaster Год назад

      Until he would've hit the barrier in such a way it would've turned his ship so much that he would not have been going straight through anymore and it would've deflected him straight into the path of the barge and would've been crushed. Don't pass big boats on the right (rules of the road basically apply to a degree to stuff on water) and especially not if you are risking of getting stuck between a big boat and a barrier (I have no clue what those things should be called in English, in Dutch they are called a dukdalf) and the size difference is this big (it's like a motorcyclist trying to have a road-rage argument with a truck, it is equally stupid in most situations).

  • @andrewmurphy8724
    @andrewmurphy8724 4 года назад +26

    the driver of the little boat has a death wish.

    • @bessarion1771
      @bessarion1771 4 года назад +3

      It's called a "skipper." Just like a driver of an airplane is called a "pilot."

    • @Sibbe2560
      @Sibbe2560 3 года назад +1

      Probably he is already dead...🙄

    • @andrewdarley8988
      @andrewdarley8988 3 года назад +5

      Bet He drives a BMW

  • @sylekin
    @sylekin 3 года назад +5

    almost 6 minute video for less than a minute of barrrrrely content

  • @XrayxRich
    @XrayxRich 3 года назад +1

    That water looks NASTY !!!

  • @michaelgrissom834
    @michaelgrissom834 4 года назад +5

    Wait for it ! Wait for it ! wait for it ! I guess I missed it !

  • @Berntsch1
    @Berntsch1 Месяц назад

    Sorry, aber den Clip von 5:49 Min. hätte man um mindestens 5:30 Min. kürzen können und sollen, vielleicht sogar um 5.49 Min. 😅

  • @gerryquinn5224
    @gerryquinn5224 3 года назад

    I think some of those boat owners have been at the "Wacky Baccy".

  • @rebeccaw7160
    @rebeccaw7160 4 года назад +15

    I wish so badly I was there.

  • @dockerandy
    @dockerandy 3 года назад +2

    worse, almost crushed by a ship which was a dredger in operation !

  • @lightning_b6792
    @lightning_b6792 3 года назад +1

    And why is there "Idiots" in the title? There are just people watching boats swim along, thats all.

    • @Seahorn_
      @Seahorn_ 3 года назад +2

      Better never step into a boat.......

    • @jooproos6559
      @jooproos6559 2 месяца назад

      @@Seahorn_ He better never step in a boat if he doesn't know about this.

  • @particleconfig.8935
    @particleconfig.8935 7 месяцев назад +1

    the vaxxince had just started working🤣

  • @gerrywelch360
    @gerrywelch360 3 года назад +2

    3 mins and nothing waste of time

  • @weebolddavy
    @weebolddavy 3 года назад +2

    He must drive an Audi. No patience

  • @jimcrawford5039
    @jimcrawford5039 4 года назад +7

    They are here in Australia too! Lol.

    • @j0han57
      @j0han57 6 месяцев назад

      Must be dutch people that emigrated to Australia 😂😂

  • @john-w3d2q
    @john-w3d2q 11 месяцев назад

    Basis regel beroepsvaart gaat voor en scheelde niet veel dat het bootje van die iedioot volledig geplet werd inclusief opvarenden.

  • @janentomenkafka
    @janentomenkafka 2 года назад

    Wow... net voor de boeg varen, waar de binnenschipper je niet eens kan zien. Dan tegen de dukdalf aan, helmstok die loskomt... had kunnen eindigen met een geplet jachtje.

    • @Dutch3DMaster
      @Dutch3DMaster Год назад

      Verbaasde mij eigenlijk om de schipper van het binnenvaartschip niet te horen toeteren, hij moet ze immers op enig moment wel langszij gezien hebben aan het begin.
      Die aanvaring met de dukdalf was voor zo'n klein bootje ook een behoorlijke tik, dat ging absoluut niet zachtjes.

    • @jooproos6559
      @jooproos6559 2 месяца назад

      @@Dutch3DMaster Waarschijnlijk dacht die van"het helpt toch niet meer¨...

  • @AutomotiveDysfunction
    @AutomotiveDysfunction 3 года назад

    Sun must’ve hit their heads pretty good lol 😂

  • @ellun3981
    @ellun3981 4 года назад +4

    I see the word "IDIOT" very often in Utube now. Do these people know the exact meaning of the word IDIOT?

    • @richardbrown4816
      @richardbrown4816 4 года назад +3

      I think you meant to say “do these idiots know the exact meaning of the word idiot”

    • @ChuckD59
      @ChuckD59 4 года назад

      They think millions are using it in their search terms, and that's going to make them a fortune.
      Even the daredevil who squeezed between the ship and pier wasn't that much of an idiot. Mostly this made me want even more to move to the Netherlands.
      Thumbs down.

    • @michaelangelo8139
      @michaelangelo8139 4 года назад +3

      Don’t get so snippy. Everyone gets the picture . Nit pick doesn’t win respect. .

  • @SideWalkAstronomyNetherlands
    @SideWalkAstronomyNetherlands 3 года назад +1

    That fellow doesn't belong any where near a boat, he nearly killed everyone in that boat..

    • @beorlingo
      @beorlingo 3 года назад +2

      He nearly wrecked the boat.

  • @shaunlowekey4525
    @shaunlowekey4525 4 года назад +10

    Very stupid of the small boat person driving, life at danger just to try and get ahead.

    • @bessarion1771
      @bessarion1771 4 года назад +1

      "Steering" not "driving..."

    • @ravingcyclist624
      @ravingcyclist624 3 года назад +2

      @@bessarion1771 Yes! That's exactly the problem.

  • @raywarman
    @raywarman 2 года назад +1

    One would have expected the Dutch would be a little more savy about navigation given their history.

    • @gert-janvanderlee5307
      @gert-janvanderlee5307 5 месяцев назад

      Professionals usually are. Clueless sunday sailors not so much.

  • @ivanbarbaresco5477
    @ivanbarbaresco5477 3 года назад +9

    Schettino from Holand😂

    • @Therzino
      @Therzino 2 года назад +1


  • @ph11p3540
    @ph11p3540 4 года назад +4

    I gather dangerous chemical boats do not move through such waterways. Those nearby communities would be royally up the creek is such a boat had an accident. Imagine a chemical boat losing 200 tons of xyline, benzene or chlorine

    • @sylekin
      @sylekin 3 года назад +1

      dangerous chemical cargo trucks and trains and boats travel through many communities

    • @highkicker11
      @highkicker11 3 года назад

      transport like that happens all the time in the netherlands, its just a nightmare waiting to happen. luckly we have a reasonably well trained volunteer fireservice 😉.

    • @Dutch3DMaster
      @Dutch3DMaster Год назад

      @@highkicker11 And professional firefighting crews that man some stations 24/7. Not all fire stations are voluntary.
      I think the thing you forgot is saying that we typically tend to follow rules involving safety, which is why incredibly dangerous accidents are rare, and if they do happen, we tend to be able to at least fight them reasonably well.

  • @chiefsnarlsnortz1610
    @chiefsnarlsnortz1610 4 года назад +6

    Waste of time!

  • @jimmydehaas5725
    @jimmydehaas5725 4 года назад +2

    Beroepsschipper vaart ook al voor groene licht door.
    Beide onverstandig.

    • @wilfredzwart2154
      @wilfredzwart2154 4 года назад +2

      Beroepsvaart heeft nagenoeg altijd voorrang. De schipper van de beroepsvaarder heeft ook slecht zicht gezien zijn lengte dus daar dien je rekening mee te houden. Verder is het manoeuvreren met zo’n groot schip in de Amsterdamse grachten haast niet te doen, vandaar dat de schipper zijn schip rustig laat uitlopen. Als je dan, zoals deze mensen, je plastic bootje er nog net ff tussendoor douwt kun je niet varen en heb je kennelijk een doodswens. En dan zie je dat hij een dukdalf raakt en daardoor zijn helmstok ook nog eens losschiet zodat hij bijna onbestuurbaar wordt, vlak voor zo’n groot schip! Deze booteigenaar heeft kennelijk héél weinig inzicht in zijn eigen kunnen en kennen !

    • @peterdeboer1010
      @peterdeboer1010 4 года назад +2

      De brug opening is zo getimed, dat het grote schip gewoon door kan varen. Het groene licht kan pas aan, wanneer de brug 100% open is. In de praktijk zal geen enkele schipper achteruit slaan om onnodig daarop te wachten. Misverstand is onmogelijk, omdat er al ruime tijd een rood/groen licht brandde. Helaas weten al die dronken plezier vaarders nauwelijks wat ze doen.

    • @gekkedirkie
      @gekkedirkie 4 года назад +1

      en waarschijnlijk heeft hij van de brugwachter toestemming gekregen om te passeren

    • @robertomorsink2014
      @robertomorsink2014 4 года назад

      @@gekkedirkie Nee, volgens mij niet de brugwachter is daar wegbezuinigd 't is nu cameratoezicht!
      Het brugwachtershuisje is nu een "hotel" .

    • @Dutch3DMaster
      @Dutch3DMaster Год назад +1

      @@robertomorsink2014 Er is nog steeds een brugwachter hoor, alleen kijkt die via camera's (en ik meen ook microfoons, in sommige gevallen, vanwege de ongevallen op grote bruggen waar mensen ernstig gewond raakten) vanaf een centrale/andere locatie van een brug mee hoe de verkeerssituatie er uitziet. Daarom zie je tegenwoordig bij op-afstand bediende bruggen ook steeds vaker dat het sluiten van alle bomen zo ontiegelijk veel tijd kost: elke mogelijkheid om te ontsnappen van een te openen brugdek wordt secondenlang opengelaten, soms zelfs als dat eigenlijk niet nodig is.
      Toen deze brug nog op locatie werd bediend (en de brug tenminste DUIDELIJKE bellen had, want dat ge-eikel met die piepjes zal ik wel nooit begrijpen) sloten de bomen een beetje als op een spoorwegovergang waarbij de tegenovergestelde rijrichting opengelaten wordt aan de zijde waar het verkeer volgens de regels niet rijdt.
      Voetgangersboom rechts, en voetgangersboom linkstegenover sloten, net als die voor het wegverkeer. Als die bomen dicht waren en het brugdek was duidelijk visueel leeg, dan sloot de rest onmiddellijk, zonder vertraging.
      (Ik weet het niet zeker, maar misschien dat de brugwachter hoogstens een boom kan tegenhouden tijdens het dalen, maar dat de volgorde en snelheid tussen het dalen van elke boom zo ongeveer vast staat als er verder niet wordt ingegrepen).

  • @cgpsj2194
    @cgpsj2194 6 месяцев назад

    You can recognize idiots by the pillows hanging on the outside

  • @keithwoods1910
    @keithwoods1910 3 года назад +11

    My advice paint a door and watch it dry - far more interesting!

    • @jooproos6559
      @jooproos6559 2 месяца назад

      And admire the reflection off yourself in that shine...😄😄

  • @prairiecracker214
    @prairiecracker214 3 года назад +1

    Move along,,, nothing to see here, really. Should be titled 5:49 next to an Amsterdam canal

  • @hillarymack3207
    @hillarymack3207 3 года назад +1

    Very crowded place.

  • @NormFreilinger
    @NormFreilinger Месяц назад

    No doubt one my my fellow American citizens in the small boat

  • @Maurice-Navel
    @Maurice-Navel 4 года назад +1

    Holy crap!

  • @gordonstevens6050
    @gordonstevens6050 3 года назад +2

    Am I the only one who couldn't see where the probelm was Did I blink

    • @andreschuurman773
      @andreschuurman773 3 года назад

      At 2.04 what they did was not good, almost agree with those idiots.

    • @andreschuurman773
      @andreschuurman773 3 года назад +1

      So, yes you did blink

    • @gordonstevens6050
      @gordonstevens6050 3 года назад

      @@andreschuurman773 What was the problem. He nudged against the piling a bit. that's all. He had plenty of room and plenty of time. Crikey some people are frightened of their own shaddow.

    • @Seahorn_
      @Seahorn_ 3 года назад +1

      @@gordonstevens6050 Yep keep that attitude, sooner or later you will find out what a dophin, a 500 ton barge, and the current created by that barge can do to a 5 ton pleasure yacht.

    • @gordonstevens6050
      @gordonstevens6050 3 года назад

      @@Seahorn_ Oh dear, Oh deary deary me. The water and the barge will get me. I'll have to get a move on and use my engine. And helm

  • @TonVerkleijT3
    @TonVerkleijT3 6 месяцев назад +1

    That mother should not sit on the edge with her child. One unattended moment and the child would fall into the water and drown instantly.

  • @bagbest
    @bagbest 3 года назад

    So scared, His tiller handle fell off...

  • @gert-janverwindt6793
    @gert-janverwindt6793 3 года назад

    ja ik zag het mensen die geen vaarbewijs heben somegen weten niet wat er kan gebuuren als je er tussen komt maar dat merken ze van zelf wel

  • @bluetickfreddy101
    @bluetickfreddy101 3 года назад +1

    Looks like neat fun town

  • @siebemongraal324
    @siebemongraal324 3 года назад +1


  • @margarethalinnebank5126
    @margarethalinnebank5126 4 года назад +4

    Het zijn net zulke gekken als op de weg vooral jongen lui.

    • @dennis660206
      @dennis660206 4 года назад +4

      Niet alleen jongeren. Zeker ook gasten van dik in de middelbaretleeftijd zijn af en toe ook niet goed bij hun harses. Die halen ook deze capriolen uit.

  • @g.t.g1111
    @g.t.g1111 3 года назад

    Please tell me this water 💧 is “clear blueish”

  • @j.e.z.6071
    @j.e.z.6071 29 дней назад

    Geen geduld om voor de brug te wachten en geen geduld om de grote binnenvaarder voor te laten. Zo’n mooie zonnige dag en dan nog steeds haast maken. Waarom mensen, geniet toch meer en onthaast u. Kom je ook niet in het ziekenhuis.

  • @jeremyacton4569
    @jeremyacton4569 4 года назад +3

    I just saw people messing around happily in boats and riding bicycles. And I saw a bridge.

  • @robnietbetaald
    @robnietbetaald 3 года назад

    die man is niet normaal

  • @bfarm44
    @bfarm44 3 года назад

    Nice brown water

  • @anjakeizer8865
    @anjakeizer8865 2 года назад

    Die is echt niet goed hoor

  • @tomatoes3
    @tomatoes3 4 года назад +4

    Whats the betting he drives a BMW !!

  • @Tim.NavVet.EN2
    @Tim.NavVet.EN2 23 дня назад

    To the idiots who think it is alright to pass a barge (self propelled in this case) at a draw bridge: The overtaking vessel takes 100% of blame if there is a collision!!! Also, that looked like some sort of dredger so there's additional issues for a small craft getting too close to it.....

  • @baywanderer4199
    @baywanderer4199 3 года назад

    I thought the girl was going to drop her son into the canal. Never happened.

  • @mroxo77
    @mroxo77 3 года назад

    Is it live??? BORING !!!!

  • @gisbertgoebel3806
    @gisbertgoebel3806 3 года назад +1

    Stupid Persons are living all over the World! This Understanding isn't a new one...

  • @hansvanwoesik418
    @hansvanwoesik418 2 года назад

    goh spannend

  • @trojanhorse5363
    @trojanhorse5363 3 года назад +1

    Q, why do the Dutch wear clogs?
    A, to keep the woodpeckers off their heads 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

    • @m.vanveen685
      @m.vanveen685 3 года назад +7

      I don't wear clogs. And especially not on my head.

    • @sjondeeg7158
      @sjondeeg7158 3 года назад

      are you getting off on a fairytale you dirty you;)

  • @Dwjzdljn
    @Dwjzdljn 4 года назад

    Je zou verplicht vaarbewijs met liefde instellen

  • @LarryLawnmower
    @LarryLawnmower 3 года назад

    Volgens mij is die moeder Victoria Koblenko.

  • @tommac5411
    @tommac5411 4 года назад +1

    I didn’t see any idiots. I’m I missing something?

    • @peterclark1041
      @peterclark1041 4 года назад +1

      Are you joking?.......that small boat getting just through on the big barges starboard side was inches from getting absolutely crushed.....highly unlikely any on board his little craft would have survived. He appeared to have no idea of the risk he was taking.

  • @kumd
    @kumd 4 года назад +4

    Idiot is the boat at 2:00 Not very exciting...

    • @nicoooms4464
      @nicoooms4464 4 года назад +1

      No but when his engine fails he has a problem, and another thing is he can pass with the bridge closed so why the risc anyway.

  • @annmaryIM
    @annmaryIM 3 года назад +2

    Wat een prachtige brug 🇾🇪
    Verbaasd u niet, verwonderd u slechts
    Ik zou iedere zgn schipper die gevaarlijk vaargedrag vertoond, naar de kant halen
    Blaastest, en op de bon voor het in gevaar brengen van andere mensen
    Ik kan me zo enorm goed verplaatsen in professionele vaart die dit soort kleutertjes op het water tegen komt
    De goede daargelaten

    • @sjondeeg7158
      @sjondeeg7158 3 года назад

      ik verbaas mij wel want waar was u dan Super Mary? ooit naar Sail geweest? Ga daar streng doen

    • @sjondeeg7158
      @sjondeeg7158 3 года назад

      dit is Holland.. de beste.. denkt u nou maar aan uw hart

  • @chop3625
    @chop3625 3 года назад

    Click bait

    • @killian.0205
      @killian.0205 Год назад

      Have you even seen the whole video?

  • @davestrang8585
    @davestrang8585 4 месяца назад

    That was stupid 😮

  • @Tom-Lahaye
    @Tom-Lahaye 3 года назад

    This idiot probably cuts trucks off on the motorway to get the exit at the last moment as well. No patience and risking life to gain 20 seconds, and being on a leisure trip he even doesn't need to be in a hurry, no angry boss or customer waiting for him.

  • @achimmuller9752
    @achimmuller9752 4 года назад

    Clean water

  • @Comingwings
    @Comingwings 26 дней назад

    Clever idiots unlike ours.

  • @id1568
    @id1568 26 дней назад

    so many idiots 0:59 off!

  • @danutatokarska7428
    @danutatokarska7428 4 года назад +1

    Ładne nagranie

  • @worldwalker360
    @worldwalker360 2 года назад

    The English word world comes from the Old English weorold (-uld), weorld, worold (-uld, -eld), a compound of wer "man" and eld "age," which thus means roughly "Age of Man."[2] The Old English is a reflex of the Common Germanic *wira-alđiz, also reflected in Old Saxon werold, Old Dutch werilt, Old High German weralt, Old Frisian warld and Old Norse verǫld (whence the Icelandic veröld).
    The corresponding word in Latin is mundus, literally "clean, elegant", itself a loan translation of Greek cosmos "orderly arrangement". While the Germanic word thus reflects a mythological notion of a "domain of Man" (compare Midgard), presumably as opposed to the divine sphere on the one hand and the chthonic sphere of the underworld on the other, the Greco-Latin term expresses a notion of creation as an act of establishing order out of chaos.[4]

  • @pauljohnson9542
    @pauljohnson9542 4 года назад

    1:55 to 2:17

  • @FrankHeuvelman
    @FrankHeuvelman Год назад

    Dweilen met de kraan open.

  • @rikefron7527
    @rikefron7527 3 года назад

    Alle schepen stoppen als het oranje licht uit is
    De grote boot gaat al door de brug met rood/groen.. Dat kan ook niet
    All have to wait when the Orange light under the bridge is no longer on.
    But ...
    The Big Boat also had to wait for the red light to go out.and have only green
    that white boat is also going while there is no green light