It is a bit surprising. I assumed that the interview would have him speak Serbian and it would be translated into English, but he speaks better English than most other world leaders I’ve seen.
@@MillionairesLifeCoaching yeah but they wanted independence because milosevic wanted to create a 'greater serbia'. At first they just wanted to keep a federal yugosalvia but eventually realised that would not work
Out of all the actual war crimes committed by NATO and the Albanians, all of the blame is placed on this man simply for *possibly* inciting them, not actually commiting any. He was never given a fair trial and was killed by his captors so that they could draw an unfair verdict.
I don't think he was killed the way most people use that word. I think he was mentally abused to the point where he died (remember that he had problems with blood pressure)
Jedini državnik koji je imao muda da ratuje sa najvećim "silama" ovog sveta! Možete vi da pričate o njemu šta god hoćete....Nije vam se dopao jel nije bio izdajnik ko ovi "demokratski" političari posle 5 oktobra
Problem je što je bio predsednik, a ne Rusije. Da je bio predsednik Rusije 1990s umesto Jelcinja i Gorbačeva drugačije bi svet izgledao. On se ponašao kao da je predsednik Rusije iako je bio predsednik Srbije
@@marajovanovic8423 Tvrdoglavom politikom nije sprečio raspad Jugoslavije, kad je krenuo građanski rat nije prihvatao mirovne sporazume, opozicija mu je govorila da će svaki sledeći mirovni sporazum biti sve gori i gori, on nije hteo da sluša. Posle nije hteo da smiri stvari na Kosmetu, nije hteo nikakvo pomirljivo, kompromisno rešenje. Tako može da se ponaša predsednik Rusije, ne predsednik Srbije. On je igrao ulogu u raspadu države, ratu, sankcijama. Predsednik koji nije zadrt bi sve to izbegao.
I read once that Milosovic's opponents secretly respected him and it is as clear as day to me, now, how. In the sphere he was in he was relentlessly self assertive/aggressive.
That’s true He was a smart guy He got along very well with Holbrook who preferred him as a human being to Tudjman, Izetbegovic and other Albanians guys. They had very cordial personal relationships.
Yeah of course they did, same way Dušan Silni was secretly respected by Ottomans, That's what people do when you help them out carry their plans, they can't show gratitude openly as their plans as secret, so their respect and gratitude are secret
@@taeril1 You cant blame Dusan on the rise of the Ottomana that was happening on its own and all he really did was help kick down a rotting house that was Byzantium at the time. The problem was his successor was quite the fuck up and broke an empire into like 10-12 different independent states.
@@taeril1 the ottomans respected their greatest rival, King Jan Sobieski, of Poland. Even nicknamed him "The Lion Of Lechistan" got t being so ferocious on the battlefield.
@@TingTingalingy of course they did respect Jan Sobienski. Was just kidding about them respecting Backstabber Dušan, Dušan was their dog and nothing more
Well he was backstabbed by nearly everything and everyone, from Western officials to our local Serbian officials to even his own family who left him to rot like a scoundrel and even we the Serbian people stabbed him in the back. I grew up thinking that he was a vicious tyrant but now that I come to think of it, he wasn't that bad actually, I am not saying the guy was a saint but then again, was Alija a saint who wanted to create a fundamentalist ( read *EXTREMIST* ) Muslim country in the Balkans and who fervently tried to make ties with nations which adhere to Sharia law in public? Or what about Franjo who wanted to create a homogenous Croatia which would be free of all Serbs? And they say that this man was evil? Lol, people are so gullible because they allow themselves to be beguiled into thinking that all their problems were the fault of Slobodan but if you look at today, we Serbs have the same problems we had during Slobodan's presidency but multiplied by 10.
@@Daurentius322 if we wanted to create homogenous Croatia free of Serbian people, how come in Croatia there are 3 times more Serbians than there are croatians in Serbia and republika Srpska combained? Not to mention ethnic cleansing that was done in Bosnia where half of Bosnia was ethnically cleansed of Bosnians and croats You are full of bs
@@angrybutgoodbosniak9128 Yeah yeah poor bosniaks....just think about a young serbian guy who at his wedding day in Sarajevo 1992 lost his father just because he had serbian flag.....
@@itc-1911 There were atrocities going on on both sides, and it had nothing to do with anyone in charge. It was a civil war. All Milosevic wanted to do was keep Yugoslavia together. He ended up getting the blame because the US imperialists wanted to do a regime change.
@Alexander Frost Not only that, the KLA was kidnapping Serbs so they could steal their organs which they would sell on the blackmarket and this was done on an exceptionally organized level and don't get me started on the atrocities which they inflicted on the different types of Roma people which have always been mistreated by Serbian Muslims, Croats and also Albanians so they always opt to side with the Orthodox Serbs for which 100s of them were killed by the KLA. These people who are opinionated against the Serbs really have no clue and are judging on the basis of emotions, nobody was a saint in that time but to scapegoat one side and throw everything on them is just pathetic.
Destroyed Yugoslavia. Wanted too much power, but in his greed, lost it all. In that is a great lesson to the human ego on a personal level, but a great tragedy in history on a wider level.
Nonsense. Croatian and Slovenian leadership wanted independence. They destroyed Yugoslavia. They immediately joined NATO and privatized their economy while Milošević didn't. That tells you all you need to know about who destroyed Yugoslavia.
May he rest in peace as a Muslim because he defended he's country from NATO invaders and believe me he had nothing to with Republika Sprska and he boycotted Them ans he has Muslim friends like Saddam and Gaddafi.
When did Saddam and Gaddafi become Muslims? Saddam actually carried out a chemical attack on Halabja in 1988, killing 300,000 Kurds, as part of a genocide against non-Arabic ethnic groups.
He claims that Croats in Serbia were protected, even though thousands of them were expelled from Vojvodina. Not to mention concentration camps that were in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, like Velepromet, in which up to 30 000 Croats were imrpisoned and tortured. He claims that there were no refugees before NATO bombings, even though hundreds of thousands of Croats were expelled from Krajina in 1990. (Before the war officially began, btw) He claims that his forces respect the rights of POWs, even though up to 300 Croatian prisoners were murdered in Ovčara. He claims that the Serbian people respect the Geneva Convention's rules, yet 40% of the Croats they killed were civillian. And that's just me talking about how he mistreated the Croats. I don't even have to tell you about what happened to the Bosniaks. He wasn't "right about the whole thing". He was a shameless liar.
@@bigguy9825 the "miserable" 30k doesnt refer to expulsions, but the number of people who were taken to the camps. The number of Croats that were expelled during the war (mostly in 1990-1991) is much greater and comparable to (if not higher than) the amount of Serbs that were expelled in 1995
Im supriced by his fluency and lack of accent in english,its understandable since he was a banker but still few serbians and people have such a strong grasp on the language,RIP Milosevic!
I will give you my guess but honestly answer I think he did not kill people with his hands but he was involved in in war crimes with other stuff so that's why they took him to Hague and stuff that's why!
As a Bosniak,all these red hearts (❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)are simply to show my love for them Serbian women and girls ,thousands of Bosniak women and young girls were raped in very brutal ways during that aggression on Bosnia,Srebrenica and other war crimes against us Bosnian Muslims………….
Wish you could see how your women act towards Americans like me,who have English/Italian/Finnish blood. "You're handsome and treat us like ladies. Our men treat us like animals."
Milosevic was responsible for the break up of Yugoslavia. I believe a united Yugoslavia would be much better than when it is today. However, it should have been a more decentralized federal system like Slovenian wanted. Instead Milosevic wanted a more centralized government, and in return not only lost Yugoslavia, but even as Serbia lost Kosovo.
Kosovo is indipendente. Please respect that. You have to understand there are innocent massacred people and children in Kosovo by Serb soldiers. And those massacres happened in 1999 so some of people and raped woman suffer in those days the trauma. So Kosovo is not Serbian. And Serbia lost sth that is not theirs in the fist place.
@@Shqipez_art8 The Croats and Serbs. Croats wanted a greater croatia and serbs wanted a greater serbia. Bosniaks wanted their own identity. Slovenians wanted to abandon nationalism and macedonians wanted a greater macedonia
@@doriib1129 Bro, he was seeking a peaceful dissolution of a country that forced opposing cultures to be together as one---always a bad idea. Milosovic is a hero to the Christian and Western worlds. "innocent people"? Are you talking about all of the Serbs who were killed by NATO/the US?
@@Z_Victory_Z sadly innocent Serbs died, but the arkaans, the tigers and the entire army should’ve got death penalty along with any Albanians that killed innocent Serbs. You’re watching the second hitler bullshit you in this video. Fuck milosevic and everyone who likes him. May he rot in hell for all eternity
@@Z_Victory_Z With that username and avatar, I can see that you support absolute evil. Should be banned for having that. About the best thing that can be said about Milosevic is that at least wasn't anywhere near as bad as Putin.
Kurti is a scumbag im not Serbian btw but I like their history and their will to defend themselves I've watched countless documentaries on these conflicts and Serbia has always suffered the most
Slobodan Milošević was the last dictator in Europe in the eyes of West and probably every reasonable person, but Milosevic knew very little about the atrocities and crimes that happened by local population.
Nonsense. He was president because he won the election. He was the last president of a country with a nationalized economy in Europe and that's why they called him a dictator. He was a stubborn man who wasn't a great president, he killed one of his political opponents, he killed a journalist but he was not a dictator.
He should have been the president of Russia in the 1990s, not of Serbia, that's the tragedy of history. Had he been the president of Russia instead of Jeltzin, the world would be a different, better place today.
He claims that Croats in Serbia were protected, even though thousands of them were expelled from Vojvodina. Not to mention concentration camps that were in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, like Velepromet, in which up to 30 000 Croats were imrpisoned and tortured. He claims that there were no refugees before NATO bombings, even though hundreds of thousands of Croats were expelled from Krajina in 1990. (Before the war officially began, btw) He claims that his forces respect the rights of POWs, even though up to 300 Croatian prisoners were murdered in Ovčara. He claims that the Serbian people respect the Geneva Convention's rules, yet 40% of the Croats they killed were civillian. And that's just me talking about how he mistreated the Croats. I don't even have to tell you about what happened to the Bosniaks.
You better keep the Bosniaks out of your mouth, that's between us and them, Serbs and Bosniaks are two completely different groups to you, croat, and they have nothing to do with you.
Sadly what people do not understand serbs didn’t like him as he never really helped serbs in croatia when croats attacked them and yet he was indicted that he did .. after all said and done serbia is only state in former yugoslavia that has multinational communitys unlike for example croatia where they killed and expelled all serbs and even today if serb was gona go there with lets say serbian tattoo he would easily get bashed or worse
I am from kosova i live in a village but i would love to talk to milosevic i know it is weird because most kosovars see him as a criminal and a murderer but i think he did not commit those crimes by himself of course his policy was wrong and it led to destruction of yoguslavia but other than as an individual it seems like he i s very interesting, fun and of course intellegent person..
Yugoslavia is confusing because the first Yugoslavia should have really been a country called Serbia after WW1 which would have included all of Slovenia Croatia Bosnia Macedonia and the most of Kosovo and a second country called Montenegro which would include a part of Kosovo, the second Yugoslavia after WW2 of Tito was more confusing because republics with national identities were created and the capital was still Belgrade, in theory Belgrade was running the country that was internationally recognised, Slobodan Milosevic allowed the areas that didn't have too many Serbs to leave which explains why he didn't attack even Macedonia which really should have been a trophy from World War 1, he allowed much smaller Croatia and Slovenia and a Muslim region around Sarajevo to leave, the Croats thanked him because then they could carve out croat Herzegovinia and get their first independent yet small Croatia which they would later expand in 1995 by kicking out the Serb enclave, if Slobodan Milosevic declared immediate martial law and placed all independence party leaders in jail there would be no civil war and Yugoslavia would have remained
No Macedonia is USA and Albania now they want iz they have it first talks about Macedonia like now was after ww1 bicouse some Macedonians sell opium and they need country for themselves not for people who live there bicouse they were Serbs or if you like exactly Old Serbs Staro Srbijanci after that Tito arrived and do all bullshits Thats History and thats true evreything elase is lie Bulgaria od Bulgaria Macedonia is Serbia Bulgaria was created by tartars. who comes on Slavic lands and takes leadrship on Slavs.
As a Bosniak,all these red hearts (❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)are simply to show my love for them Serbian women and girls ,thousands of Bosniak women and young girls were raped in very brutal ways during that aggression on Bosnia,Srebrenica and other war crimes against us Bosnian Muslims………….
@@bigguy9825 Milosevic pretended to distance himself from Karadzic and Mladic to make himself look good for peace talks with the West. Milosevic funded, armed, and supported Bosnian regular and irregular militants. *He put Mladic in charge of the VRS after Mladic massacred Croat civilians* in Vukovar. *Milosevic had 100% control over the JNA* as President of Yugoslavia, and the JNA participated in war crimes in Srebrenica, Foca, Visegrad, Gorazde, and elsewhere. How can you believe that Milosevic set Mladic and Karadzic up with men, weapons, intelligence, and orders in the early 90s and then had no control over them once they started massacring civilians? To quote Seselj, leader of the White Eagles, *"Nothing could happen on the Serbian side without Milosevic's order or his knowledge."*
He was a great man who cared about his people, despite what western media often says, he just wanted to keep Yugoslavia together, a bit overly nostalgic and sentimental perhaps, but the west spun it into ethnic cleansing when it was really just a civil war (both sides did some really awful things, but Milosevic was the one whose heart was in the right place).
Erika Bell he was a great man?-are you kidding me??-he killed a lot of innocent people in Kosovo!-he intended to destroy an entire nation,and you call him a great man??
@@Gamer-qw8yx He wasn't the one behind the atrocities, he just was the scapegoat. And let's not forget what Bosnians did to Serbians. Basically it was a civil war that the western media decided was an excuse to invade and get rid of another great socialist leader.
Look at all these hardcore right-wingers in the commect section who call him a hero but ignore the fact that this guy was part the reason why thousands of people (including woman and children) died.
Right wingers? You know he was a socialist right? Not that it matters i suppose many Serbs of different political standings supported his stance against Kosovo independence and NATO bombings.
@@UrMom-jb7vl so socialist cant be right-wingers? Google "Nationalsozialismus". But ya right it dosent matter what his political views were. He was just another wannabe Diktator who was willing to kill innocent people to achive his targets. He was no hero.
Youngest European nation-both in age demographics and its original "founding". Which is funny because I thought Albania was supposed to be as old as Europe itself.
i love to come back to this video every now and then just to look at the depraved losers in the comment section praising this man in their little echo chamber. it's hilarious.
As a Bosniak,all these red hearts (❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)are simply to show my love for them Serbian women and girls ,thousands of Bosniak women and young girls were raped in very brutal ways during that aggression on Bosnia,Srebrenica and other war crimes against us Bosnian Muslims………….
„us muslims“ blah blah blah, no u are not a muslim, if u were a propper muslim u would not go on the net and talk like this, instead u would forgive and love but yeah clearly „muslim“ go and drink u‘r beers but don‘t eat pig🤣🤣
I have family from and in Croatia. My mom and Baba told me what a monster he was. I'm sorry for what happened. May they rest in peace. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 (Flowers for the thousands of victims.). For what he did may he burn in hell.
Like some other people said he is similar to Trump (except smarter). Actually well-liked by the international community until he started actually acting on his ideals.
Ma vi ste nesposobni da pobedite u ratu, heljp NATO... Kad vas napuste Amerikanci, bežaćete sa Kosova, kao što sad to radite, siromašni ste,nemate hleba da jedete na Kosovu i Metohiji, jadni nekako, treba vas žaliti. Srećan put na zapad 👋( verovatno pišete iz Nemačke, Švajcarske, Italije 😂)
Nije on, nego Ameri. Da se nisu oni umešali, vas bi Sloba sve počistio do Jadranskog mora haha Nema veze, kad ode NATO sa Kosova i Metohije, idete i vi sa njima 👋
Serbia never celebrated a winning. They always celebrated the loss. They started the wars with Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo and lost them all. That's Serbia 😂😂😂
@@Alpen-Edelweiss Thats cap lol, the illyrians were not slavic people, the closest to an illyrian today is a modern day Albanian and they rarely mixed with slavs 😂
Everything is possible when you lie. Milošević was elected president by majority of Serbs. Tyrants are US politicians that bombed Serbia and that attacked dozens of other countries.
You do know that life wasn't terrible under Mr Milosevic until all the embargo's got raised on our country, right? Up to that point people could do and say whatever they wanted, don't get me wrong as the guy had his flaws but who doesn't?
Do you also feel bad for Albania for supporting the terrorist drug cartel known as the Kosovo Liberation Army which also commited attrocities on Serbians, you people always look at history one sidedly, no one was innocent in those wars and the only reason why Serbia's reputation was tarnished is because NATO was against them and through propaganda everybody now thinks "Serbia bad", when in reality they were all brutal - Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks, Albanians.
@@sashoksashok8108 you need russia , china don’t give a fuck about serbia they have relations with russia and you are russia’s little chicken in the east
His accent is not as thick as I would expect. He sounds like a Spanish speaker rather.
all Yougoslavs sound like him
I know more or less know both languages (Spanish and Serb-Croatian) - ant there are many many similarities between them.
He was a western plant.
He worked for years in America, probably helped with his accent
It is a bit surprising. I assumed that the interview would have him speak Serbian and it would be translated into English, but he speaks better English than most other world leaders I’ve seen.
@@sashoksashok8108 Serbian when they speak English they all sound Russians I mean there accent I always get confused.
Destruction of Yugoslavia was biggest mistake of world
the best thing ever
@@unsgus925 ignorant
@@MillionairesLifeCoaching and it was all milosevic's fault
@@MGWM2020 no, of course not. Croatia and slovenia wanted its independence... im from Yugoslavia i know all of it.
@@MillionairesLifeCoaching yeah but they wanted independence because milosevic wanted to create a 'greater serbia'. At first they just wanted to keep a federal yugosalvia but eventually realised that would not work
Very good fluency in english
Those guys knew English probably better than most native English-speakers.
@@mr.metamovies2419 noooo...
Out of all the actual war crimes committed by NATO and the Albanians, all of the blame is placed on this man simply for *possibly* inciting them, not actually commiting any. He was never given a fair trial and was killed by his captors so that they could draw an unfair verdict.
Mislim nije kao da je lik zapoceo 4 rata u 8 godina
@@shitposter6545 Pa i nije mićo,separatisti placeni od strane Britanije ,Nemacke i USA su zapoceli rat..
I don't think he was killed the way most people use that word. I think he was mentally abused to the point where he died (remember that he had problems with blood pressure)
the serbs have committed horrible war crimes against women and children and you met real army you ran like rats
Jedini državnik koji je imao muda da ratuje sa najvećim "silama" ovog sveta! Možete vi da pričate o njemu šta god hoćete....Nije vam se dopao jel nije bio izdajnik ko ovi "demokratski" političari posle 5 oktobra
Čovek slao vojsku na KiM, svaka njemu čast
Problem je što je bio predsednik, a ne Rusije. Da je bio predsednik Rusije 1990s umesto Jelcinja i Gorbačeva drugačije bi svet izgledao. On se ponašao kao da je predsednik Rusije iako je bio predsednik Srbije
@@DipsAndPushups A čekaj kako je trebao da se ponaša? Najboljeg predsednika smo izgubili nažalost.. Niko kao Sloba
@@marajovanovic8423 Tvrdoglavom politikom nije sprečio raspad Jugoslavije, kad je krenuo građanski rat nije prihvatao mirovne sporazume, opozicija mu je govorila da će svaki sledeći mirovni sporazum biti sve gori i gori, on nije hteo da sluša. Posle nije hteo da smiri stvari na Kosmetu, nije hteo nikakvo pomirljivo, kompromisno rešenje. Tako može da se ponaša predsednik Rusije, ne predsednik Srbije. On je igrao ulogu u raspadu države, ratu, sankcijama. Predsednik koji nije zadrt bi sve to izbegao.
Dušmani ga izdali
I read once that Milosovic's opponents secretly respected him and it is as clear as day to me, now, how. In the sphere he was in he was relentlessly self assertive/aggressive.
That’s true
He was a smart guy
He got along very well with Holbrook who preferred him as a human being to Tudjman, Izetbegovic and other Albanians guys. They had very cordial personal relationships.
Yeah of course they did, same way Dušan Silni was secretly respected by Ottomans,
That's what people do when you help them out carry their plans, they can't show gratitude openly as their plans as secret, so their respect and gratitude are secret
@@taeril1 You cant blame Dusan on the rise of the Ottomana that was happening on its own and all he really did was help kick down a rotting house that was Byzantium at the time. The problem was his successor was quite the fuck up and broke an empire into like 10-12 different independent states.
@@taeril1 the ottomans respected their greatest rival, King Jan Sobieski, of Poland. Even nicknamed him "The Lion Of Lechistan" got t being so ferocious on the battlefield.
@@TingTingalingy of course they did respect Jan Sobienski.
Was just kidding about them respecting Backstabber Dušan, Dušan was their dog and nothing more
I will forever hate the generation that stabbbed this national hero in the back, they are responsible for everything that's happening right now.
Well he was backstabbed by nearly everything and everyone, from Western officials to our local Serbian officials to even his own family who left him to rot like a scoundrel and even we the Serbian people stabbed him in the back.
I grew up thinking that he was a vicious tyrant but now that I come to think of it, he wasn't that bad actually, I am not saying the guy was a saint but then again, was Alija a saint who wanted to create a fundamentalist ( read *EXTREMIST* ) Muslim country in the Balkans and who fervently tried to make ties with nations which adhere to Sharia law in public?
Or what about Franjo who wanted to create a homogenous Croatia which would be free of all Serbs? And they say that this man was evil? Lol, people are so gullible because they allow themselves to be beguiled into thinking that all their problems were the fault of Slobodan but if you look at today, we Serbs have the same problems we had during Slobodan's presidency but multiplied by 10.
Keep hating, you are in the right direction.
@Yael Bergstrom Alija Momwantzisdickzbegovitz
@@Daurentius322 if we wanted to create homogenous Croatia free of Serbian people, how come in Croatia there are 3 times more Serbians than there are croatians in Serbia and republika Srpska combained?
Not to mention ethnic cleansing that was done in Bosnia where half of Bosnia was ethnically cleansed of Bosnians and croats
You are full of bs
The last patriot. Let him rest in peace. Time and history will show who is who.
Rest in hell
@@Pitera2140 Nato heljp heljp.....😂😂😂😂🐖🐖🐖🐖
@@nebojisatomic1681 boom booom dead hahaha boooom back to serbia
@@Pitera2140 We will see how you laugh when nato runs from kosovo as well as from Afganistan
@@angrybutgoodbosniak9128 Yeah yeah poor bosniaks....just think about a young serbian guy who at his wedding day in Sarajevo 1992 lost his father just because he had serbian flag.....
Slobodan Milosevic did nothing wrong.
What the fuck are you saying I mean what the fuck because of that son of a bitch thousands of civil muslims died
@@itc-1911 There were atrocities going on on both sides, and it had nothing to do with anyone in charge. It was a civil war. All Milosevic wanted to do was keep Yugoslavia together. He ended up getting the blame because the US imperialists wanted to do a regime change.
@Alexander Frost Not only that, the KLA was kidnapping Serbs so they could steal their organs which they would sell on the blackmarket and this was done on an exceptionally organized level and don't get me started on the atrocities which they inflicted on the different types of Roma people which have always been mistreated by Serbian Muslims, Croats and also Albanians so they always opt to side with the Orthodox Serbs for which 100s of them were killed by the KLA.
These people who are opinionated against the Serbs really have no clue and are judging on the basis of emotions, nobody was a saint in that time but to scapegoat one side and throw everything on them is just pathetic.
@@itc-1911 what? imaginated muslims?😂😂😂 bosnians can only dream to be a real muslim😂
@@dusadjordj9604 stop using Google translate for your stupid and worthless comments don't be ignorant
Destroyed Yugoslavia. Wanted too much power, but in his greed, lost it all. In that is a great lesson to the human ego on a personal level, but a great tragedy in history on a wider level.
He simply wanted a majority Christian Balkans & defended his Country.
@@E.C.2 exactly he’s a hero in my book! Idgaf 🇷🇸 ❤
Nonsense. Croatian and Slovenian leadership wanted independence. They destroyed Yugoslavia. They immediately joined NATO and privatized their economy while Milošević didn't. That tells you all you need to know about who destroyed Yugoslavia.
MILOSEVIC was a hero.
@@meeeee8745 yes all separatists are criminal they brooken up yougoslavia
@Yuli Purwanti we want to see yougoslavia
Miloevic was a criminal and a discussing man
@@pasindukanishka7504 yougoslavia died
May he rest in peace as a Muslim because he defended he's country from NATO invaders and believe me he had nothing to with Republika Sprska and he boycotted Them ans he has Muslim friends like Saddam and Gaddafi.
When did Saddam and Gaddafi become Muslims? Saddam actually carried out a chemical attack on Halabja in 1988, killing 300,000 Kurds, as part of a genocide against non-Arabic ethnic groups.
he also killed thousands of muslim albanians and tried to remove us from our ancestral homeland just so you know
@@sidi8985thousands of Serbs were murdered by Albanians in kosovo, pipe down
He had some of the worst Muslim leaders as his friends?
@@sidi8985 You guys tring to snatch that part of land from Serbia way before Milosevic as we know..
He was very itelligent man, respect from Hungary!💪🏼
он је херој Србије и Југославије. Почивај у миру пријатељу. Поздрав из Русије
He is rotten person died in a cell
Those people committed genocide and rape against innocents. Shame on you
@@Pseudo-Jonathan Nice try, nobody buys BS NATO lies anymore.
he's literally exactly right
About what?
The whole thing.
He claims that Croats in Serbia were protected, even though thousands of them were expelled from Vojvodina. Not to mention concentration camps that were in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, like Velepromet, in which up to 30 000 Croats were imrpisoned and tortured.
He claims that there were no refugees before NATO bombings, even though hundreds of thousands of Croats were expelled from Krajina in 1990. (Before the war officially began, btw)
He claims that his forces respect the rights of POWs, even though up to 300 Croatian prisoners were murdered in Ovčara.
He claims that the Serbian people respect the Geneva Convention's rules, yet 40% of the Croats they killed were civillian.
And that's just me talking about how he mistreated the Croats. I don't even have to tell you about what happened to the Bosniaks.
He wasn't "right about the whole thing". He was a shameless liar.
@@ctd325 Velepromet was for Kraijna not Vojvodina. You expelled 200k Serbs, that's not comparable to the miserable 30k
@@bigguy9825 the "miserable" 30k doesnt refer to expulsions, but the number of people who were taken to the camps. The number of Croats that were expelled during the war (mostly in 1990-1991) is much greater and comparable to (if not higher than) the amount of Serbs that were expelled in 1995
He is English fluently
You're not 🤣
@@pexfmezccle He was a banker, English is not the main currency or factor in that sphere.
@@pexfmezccle 💀
Im supriced by his fluency and lack of accent in english,its understandable since he was a banker but still few serbians and people have such a strong grasp on the language,RIP Milosevic!
@@v43712 cry about it degenerate.
@@v43712 RIP Milosevic.
NATO's history is a criminal record
He never commited any killings and yet they executed him.
I will give you my guess but honestly answer I think he did not kill people with his hands but he was involved in in war crimes with other stuff so that's why they took him to Hague and stuff that's why!
He will be burned in the Jail endlessly, forever.....🙏🙏😄🙏
You have no idea what are you talking about. He killed and massacre a lot of people.. shut up and learn first about terrible person called Milosevic.
@@СрпскаРепублика-у2д Yeah they purposely gave him the wrong medication for his heart problems and his request to seek treatment in Moscow was denied.
@@serfatcem1 hate turkey from albania
klopt feitelijk wat de man hier zegt!!
He was proven not guilty after all
He died so his trial wasn't finished
He was liquidated.
He was a great man.
War criminal.
@@Sancho_Dex ok mongaylian.
I'm not Mongolian.
@@Sancho_Dex then why do you have flag on ur channel name?
...Because I like it?
Support to Yugoslavia and the Serbian People from USA
As a Bosniak,all these red hearts (❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)are simply to show my love for them Serbian women and girls ,thousands of Bosniak women and young girls were raped in very brutal ways during that aggression on Bosnia,Srebrenica and other war crimes against us Bosnian Muslims………….
I like American women and girls also.❤️
Wish you could see how your women act towards Americans like me,who have English/Italian/Finnish blood.
"You're handsome and treat us like ladies.
Our men treat us like animals."
3:58-4:29 Truth
@@empowerera2004 Cry your ass 🇧🇦🇧🇦🇧🇦🇧🇦🇧🇦🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Znao je to sve Sloba, potpuno je u pravu. I 25 godina kasnije, NATO je i dalje na Kosovu i Metohiji
Milosevic was responsible for the break up of Yugoslavia. I believe a united Yugoslavia would be much better than when it is today. However, it should have been a more decentralized federal system like Slovenian wanted. Instead Milosevic wanted a more centralized government, and in return not only lost Yugoslavia, but even as Serbia lost Kosovo.
Milosevic wanted a more united Yugoslavia as it was already drifting apart
Kosovo is indipendente. Please respect that. You have to understand there are innocent massacred people and children in Kosovo by Serb soldiers. And those massacres happened in 1999 so some of people and raped woman suffer in those days the trauma. So Kosovo is not Serbian. And Serbia lost sth that is not theirs in the fist place.
@@Shqipez_art8 and what happened to 100k serbs in 2004?
@@bigguy9825 Who started this first? Also I’m sorry for all innocent Serbian people.
@@Shqipez_art8 The Croats and Serbs. Croats wanted a greater croatia and serbs wanted a greater serbia. Bosniaks wanted their own identity. Slovenians wanted to abandon nationalism and macedonians wanted a greater macedonia
He was a great man
Bro u outta mind? There's a different between a psychopath ruthless killer and a great man, do u even know how many innocent people did he kill
@@doriib1129 Bro, he was seeking a peaceful dissolution of a country that forced opposing cultures to be together as one---always a bad idea. Milosovic is a hero to the Christian and Western worlds. "innocent people"? Are you talking about all of the Serbs who were killed by NATO/the US?
@@Z_Victory_Z sadly innocent Serbs died, but the arkaans, the tigers and the entire army should’ve got death penalty along with any Albanians that killed innocent Serbs. You’re watching the second hitler bullshit you in this video. Fuck milosevic and everyone who likes him. May he rot in hell for all eternity
@@Z_Victory_Z With that username and avatar, I can see that you support absolute evil. Should be banned for having that.
About the best thing that can be said about Milosevic is that at least wasn't anywhere near as bad as Putin.
Slobo mi te volimo slobo mi te volimo
He burns in the fires of hell 🔥🇭🇷
Slobo otislo 🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜
Boss mentality and intelligent. Serbia shamefully gave him up
Good, he ethnic cleansed albanians and bosnians.
@@elion2717 your mom got cleansed
@@05mrkd milosevic a big friend of david rockefeller...thats say all i think
If you compare him to the current president of Serbia (Vucic), he seems almost normal.
What is Vucic doing? Keeping peace in Europe while Kurti is craving and trying every day with provocations to get Serbia into war with Nato
@@marko-uno Kurti wants to ethnically cleanse the remaining Serbs
Kurti is a scumbag im not Serbian btw but I like their history and their will to defend themselves I've watched countless documentaries on these conflicts and Serbia has always suffered the most
interesting personality
Slobodan legendo heroj 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Slavite ratnog zlocinac? 😂😂😂
Those supporting criminals are to be feared in a civilised society 🤮
Počivao u miru Sloba 🙏
Slobodan Milošević was the last dictator in Europe in the eyes of West and probably every reasonable person, but Milosevic knew very little about the atrocities and crimes that happened by local population.
Nonsense. He was president because he won the election. He was the last president of a country with a nationalized economy in Europe and that's why they called him a dictator. He was a stubborn man who wasn't a great president, he killed one of his political opponents, he killed a journalist but he was not a dictator.
He should have been the president of Russia in the 1990s, not of Serbia, that's the tragedy of history. Had he been the president of Russia instead of Jeltzin, the world would be a different, better place today.
Serbian Hero for all times
@@meeeee8745 no haradinaj and thaci are criminals and terorists! Milosevic is a Gentleman
Yes and how did your country end up?
Crappy economy and no jobs
A shithole really
@@NoName-vu4gp that's why he died as a rat in prison
He claims that Croats in Serbia were protected, even though thousands of them were expelled from Vojvodina. Not to mention concentration camps that were in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, like Velepromet, in which up to 30 000 Croats were imrpisoned and tortured.
He claims that there were no refugees before NATO bombings, even though hundreds of thousands of Croats were expelled from Krajina in 1990. (Before the war officially began, btw)
He claims that his forces respect the rights of POWs, even though up to 300 Croatian prisoners were murdered in Ovčara.
He claims that the Serbian people respect the Geneva Convention's rules, yet 40% of the Croats they killed were civillian.
And that's just me talking about how he mistreated the Croats. I don't even have to tell you about what happened to the Bosniaks.
Tell me about the bosnians
@@gage3725 look up Prijedor
And not just with the croats,bosnians and albanians too
Croatian crocodile tears
You better keep the Bosniaks out of your mouth, that's between us and them, Serbs and Bosniaks are two completely different groups to you, croat, and they have nothing to do with you.
RIP Slobodan Milošević against the machine
Sadly what people do not understand serbs didn’t like him as he never really helped serbs in croatia when croats attacked them and yet he was indicted that he did .. after all said and done serbia is only state in former yugoslavia that has multinational communitys unlike for example croatia where they killed and expelled all serbs and even today if serb was gona go there with lets say serbian tattoo he would easily get bashed or worse
Its always the winners Who write The History.. that dont mean they are always right.
er hat recht 👍
To je ZATO STO ste Vi bili beskompromisni kao sto je vladajuca koalicija danas!
The guy who started it all, complains about consequences of his actions.
He wasn't acting alone. At least Tudjman and Alija was along
@@sashoksashok8108 Alia? Alia merely reacted to what the Serbs started, same with Tudjman who wasnt entirely innocent, but they didnt start this.
He was best president
@Zoran Jovic Lol whatever.
@@Irfan87 The Bosnian Green Berets basically started the Bosnian War by attacking Serb civilians.
I am from kosova i live in a village but i would love to talk to milosevic i know it is weird because most kosovars see him as a criminal and a murderer but i think he did not commit those crimes by himself of course his policy was wrong and it led to destruction of yoguslavia but other than as an individual it seems like he i s very interesting, fun and of course intellegent person..
Dont say you are from kosovo when you like to talk to this man!
You are serb with fake name bot
Ani rrenc veq rrej ti
@@mralbanian1990 Don't say Kosovo is an independent country when it doesn't have its own language, people or culture.
@@bloocheeseformaboi881 LOL😂 Kosovo have an own language and own culture boy it don‘t is 1% similar to an Other culture,you Seem to like …
Sent young men to war while his son drove a porsche and acted all tough thanks to daddys money and smuggling.
Yugoslavia is confusing because the first Yugoslavia should have really been a country called Serbia after WW1 which would have included all of Slovenia Croatia Bosnia Macedonia and the most of Kosovo and a second country called Montenegro which would include a part of Kosovo, the second Yugoslavia after WW2 of Tito was more confusing because republics with national identities were created and the capital was still Belgrade, in theory Belgrade was running the country that was internationally recognised, Slobodan Milosevic allowed the areas that didn't have too many Serbs to leave which explains why he didn't attack even Macedonia which really should have been a trophy from World War 1, he allowed much smaller Croatia and Slovenia and a Muslim region around Sarajevo to leave, the Croats thanked him because then they could carve out croat Herzegovinia and get their first independent yet small Croatia which they would later expand in 1995 by kicking out the Serb enclave, if Slobodan Milosevic declared immediate martial law and placed all independence party leaders in jail there would be no civil war and Yugoslavia would have remained
holy sht the balkans are such a mess
No Macedonia is USA and Albania now they want iz they have it first talks about Macedonia like now was after ww1 bicouse some Macedonians sell opium and they need country for themselves not for people who live there bicouse they were Serbs or if you like exactly Old Serbs Staro Srbijanci after that Tito arrived and do all bullshits
Thats History and thats true evreything elase is lie Bulgaria od Bulgaria Macedonia is Serbia
Bulgaria was created by tartars. who comes on Slavic lands and takes leadrship on Slavs.
Sloba srpski heroj
This dude was based.
The dude is literally no better than George W. Bush. He literally committed war crimes in Bosnia & Kosovo.
@@rabbidcrazy787 no he did not... You could say in kosovo. But not in bosnia...
@@tomgu2285 In both not just Bosnia
Absolutely ❤
Croatians are Catholicised Serbs 🤡
One of the worst criminals on the history.
He was a hero
Everything is possible when you lie.
Correct Ryan!
Just like Gaddafi huh? haha
A great man
Great shit man you are right
The dude is a war criminal. No better than former US President George Bush.
What a load of bull he sent Bosniaks across the border and then they would be killed.
As a Bosniak,all these red hearts (❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)are simply to show my love for them Serbian women and girls ,thousands of Bosniak women and young girls were raped in very brutal ways during that aggression on Bosnia,Srebrenica and other war crimes against us Bosnian Muslims………….
3:25 turn on subtitle. and answer the following question:
who was in paris?
I'm French. I hear "Rambouillet in Paris"
@@ciziazyke4380 subtitle says Rambo
@@stummstefan9735 I know. I just brought you an information as French.
@@ciziazyke4380 ohk thx
Sjebo si nas za sva vremena, neka ti je pokoj duse.
what a nice man i wonder if he did anything in bosnia
he didnt
@@bigguy9825 - Srebrenica. Zepa. Foca. Gorazde. Sarajevo. Did these crimes not happen?
@@Psoriasism Those happened when Milosevic boycotted Srpska. Karadzic and Mladic we're guilty. He wasnt
@@bigguy9825 Milosevic pretended to distance himself from Karadzic and Mladic to make himself look good for peace talks with the West.
Milosevic funded, armed, and supported Bosnian regular and irregular militants. *He put Mladic in charge of the VRS after Mladic massacred Croat civilians* in Vukovar.
*Milosevic had 100% control over the JNA* as President of Yugoslavia, and the JNA participated in war crimes in Srebrenica, Foca, Visegrad, Gorazde, and elsewhere.
How can you believe that Milosevic set Mladic and Karadzic up with men, weapons, intelligence, and orders in the early 90s and then had no control over them once they started massacring civilians?
To quote Seselj, leader of the White Eagles, *"Nothing could happen on the Serbian side without Milosevic's order or his knowledge."*
@@bigguy9825 I appreciate, at least, that you admit Karadzic and Mladic were guilty of war crimes. Thank you for that honesty.
If i didn't know better i would guess that he is finnish.
هو رجل سلافي وليس جرماني انا شرق اوسطي من شكله عرفت انه سلافي وليس جرماني كيف تظنه جرماني فنلندي ؟؟؟؟؟
Why did people like him so much? I'm asking honestly, what his supporters thought.
Why wouldnt they? Why do people like Trump or Macron or Berlusconi?
He was a great man who cared about his people, despite what western media often says, he just wanted to keep Yugoslavia together, a bit overly nostalgic and sentimental perhaps, but the west spun it into ethnic cleansing when it was really just a civil war (both sides did some really awful things, but Milosevic was the one whose heart was in the right place).
Erika Bell he was a great man?-are you kidding me??-he killed a lot of innocent people in Kosovo!-he intended to destroy an entire nation,and you call him a great man??
@@Gamer-qw8yx He wasn't the one behind the atrocities, he just was the scapegoat. And let's not forget what Bosnians did to Serbians. Basically it was a civil war that the western media decided was an excuse to invade and get rid of another great socialist leader.
Erika bell...and you know what he did and still support him?...
Kosovo srbija🇷🇸🇷🇺❣️
Slobodan interview (1990)
Look at all these hardcore right-wingers in the commect section who call him a hero but ignore the fact that this guy was part the reason why thousands of people (including woman and children) died.
Many Croats, Albanians etc., do the same, give them a break.
@@evzenvarga9707 here we go, the good old "but they did that too" excues. Give me a break.
Right wingers? You know he was a socialist right? Not that it matters i suppose many Serbs of different political standings supported his stance against Kosovo independence and NATO bombings.
@@UrMom-jb7vl so socialist cant be right-wingers? Google "Nationalsozialismus".
But ya right it dosent matter what his political views were. He was just another wannabe Diktator who was willing to kill innocent people to achive his targets. He was no hero.
Now look at you being idiot and just believing what you have been told by your medias and propaganda
Lui era grande
To who?
Kosovo is Albania 🇽🇰🇦🇱💪
It's technically serbia/ it's own nation depending on who you ask
Russia and China will never recognize you
Without their recognition you have no future
Ever if Serbia recognizes you - Russia and China will never
Kosovo? Such a country don't exist
Youngest European nation-both in age demographics and its original "founding". Which is funny because I thought Albania was supposed to be as old as Europe itself.
Rest In Peace
No,You refused to talk with Albanians!
Zasto bi pričao sa teroristima(koji su sa SAD) , koji decenijama maltretiraju Srbe na Kosmetu
The last socialist of Jugoslavia
i love to come back to this video every now and then just to look at the depraved losers in the comment section praising this man in their little echo chamber.
it's hilarious.
As a Bosniak,all these red hearts (❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)are simply to show my love for them Serbian women and girls ,thousands of Bosniak women and young girls were raped in very brutal ways during that aggression on Bosnia,Srebrenica and other war crimes against us Bosnian Muslims………….
„us muslims“ blah blah blah, no u are not a muslim, if u were a propper muslim u would not go on the net and talk like this, instead u would forgive and love but yeah clearly „muslim“ go and drink u‘r beers but don‘t eat pig🤣🤣
I have family from and in Croatia. My mom and Baba told me what a monster he was. I'm sorry for what happened. May they rest in peace. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 (Flowers for the thousands of victims.).
For what he did may he burn in hell.
He destroyed Yugoslavia and tainted Serbia’s reputation in the international community
He is a very controversial guy. He is still popular for some part of Serbian society and in general very popular in Russia and China
Like some other people said he is similar to Trump (except smarter). Actually well-liked by the international community until he started actually acting on his ideals.
No that did usa
The only ones who tainted our reputation are the eternally lying NATO west for creating the lies and hoaxes in the first place.
Nema vise miloseviq nema zlatu i opal nema vise rudu ovaj covek je formirao kosovsku drzavu fjala na tome
Ma vi ste nesposobni da pobedite u ratu, heljp NATO... Kad vas napuste Amerikanci, bežaćete sa Kosova, kao što sad to radite, siromašni ste,nemate hleba da jedete na Kosovu i Metohiji, jadni nekako, treba vas žaliti.
Srećan put na zapad 👋( verovatno pišete iz Nemačke, Švajcarske, Italije 😂)
Nije on, nego Ameri. Da se nisu oni umešali, vas bi Sloba sve počistio do Jadranskog mora haha
Nema veze, kad ode NATO sa Kosova i Metohije, idete i vi sa njima 👋
No ,Mr.Milosevic,You have been destroying All around You!
Pa, Ma,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabian television 📺 is inveded by "Enemy of Allah & Allih."
Er ist für Serbien das was Bendera für die Ukraine ist
Schade das die jüngeren auch noch so nach dem Motto leben lol
Serbia never celebrated a winning. They always celebrated the loss. They started the wars with Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo and lost them all. That's Serbia 😂😂😂
Ah yes the time where Serbia "started the war" against its own territory in kosovo
@VV NATO is a pretty powerful organization im sure your aware
Nobody won the Bosnian war.
He Protect all muslims in serbia?? Very good joke 😂😂😂
Nijedan musliman iz Srbije nije proteran, niti ubijen.
الزعيم المناضل الذي حارب دول وشعوب محور الشر فلترقد بسلام ايها البطل ❤❤❤❤❤
sorry for stopping your genocide
He's a war criminal like Bush.
Go to hell mother fucker my parents fled from there homes in bosnia because of his companie of terear
@@jhonklan3794 Sorry for 2001, karma.
Lekin rush ne saath nahi diya
Carniceiro da Sérvia
Mangup, steta sta ni Hrvat
Serbian has to fight what melosivic did later on you will see the bad things Muslim will done to ur country
Young gerenation muss sich ändern was loussssssssss lol
Slobodan Milosevic is an albanian by origin, he comes from the Vajosevic clan which originated from albanian clan krasniqi and hoti
@@Alpen-Edelweiss Thats cap lol, the illyrians were not slavic people, the closest to an illyrian today is a modern day Albanian and they rarely mixed with slavs 😂
He was a Montenegrin.
@@bloocheeseformaboi881 sure, with albanian origins
@@DinaricUbermensch Even if he was an Albanian I don't think badly of any Albanian who isn't a muslim.
@@bloocheeseformaboi881 wdym was, vasojevici is of albanian origin
Ovaj covek je bio u stanje 20casova da prica ida laze
Rat 🐀
🇷🇸 🇷🇺 🇨🇳
ان جهنم كانت مرصادا
للطاغين مئابا
2:08 He’s a ridiculous liar
The tyrant
Everything is possible when you lie. Milošević was elected president by majority of Serbs. Tyrants are US politicians that bombed Serbia and that attacked dozens of other countries.
2:17-2:41 Absolute lies
Dectator and bad
What a liar
ok NATO bot
🇷🇸 🇷🇺 🇨🇳
Sounds like Trump
Get your kleenex baby wipe those tears girl
We want Belgrade
Ratovi inflacija pa opet rat toliko od milosevica
Fuck off redhead
Alt girl
A man of true terror. Destroyed he owns country reputation. I'm Albanian and I feel bad for the Serbs from this guy's actions.
Milosevic was a hero
Serbia was better under him than now,he did alot of mistakes but at least he was not PUPPET.
You do know that life wasn't terrible under Mr Milosevic until all the embargo's got raised on our country, right?
Up to that point people could do and say whatever they wanted, don't get me wrong as the guy had his flaws but who doesn't?
Do you also feel bad for Albania for supporting the terrorist drug cartel known as the Kosovo Liberation Army which also commited attrocities on Serbians, you people always look at history one sidedly, no one was innocent in those wars and the only reason why Serbia's reputation was tarnished is because NATO was against them and through propaganda everybody now thinks "Serbia bad", when in reality they were all brutal - Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks, Albanians.
@@igor7195 better a puppet than a KILLER, U even human? Yall never learn is the 21s centry
🇦🇱 🇽🇰
🇷🇸 🇷🇺 🇨🇳
@@sashoksashok8108 you need russia , china don’t give a fuck about serbia they have relations with russia and you are russia’s little chicken in the east
🇷🇸 🇷🇺 🇨🇳
@@angrybutgoodbosniak9128 jivela Srbija
@@angrybutgoodbosniak9128 za Dom spremni!!!
A flag without an independent state