A lot of Japanese Anime involves a lost expedition turned against the Earth by alien influence. SOLDIER BLADE was a game for example similar to Super Star Soldier where an expedition returns to earth as an Evil Alien Army. Oblivion came wayyyyy later
"When I descend upon the earth, darkness will unveil its banner across yet another region of the cosmos ! "
Nice, the old classic UPN opening!
I have training in the morning and I'm still up at 1am in the morning watching this episode after episode! Don't wanna stop!!!!!
Well shara could also be a universal recepient.
This is the episode that tells you how blade becomes tekkman.
Darkon: Wake up Sabre
Saber:I'm sleeping dude, wake me up in 2 days
why is this episode not loading for me..the others loaded :( and just the episode i was looking for lol
Mick...what a bummer to hear such a name when you've always been known as something as awesome as blade!
@Nogardo its nick not mick
Where the nightmare began. The Radan were fuckin horrible.
Lost in space gone bad
Those aliens that devour you are freaking scary but when u emerge ur turn into some bad ass alien warrior with armor
It's convenient that Star, Blade and Shara all have the same blood type.
Boom time
lol this story is a lot like oblibion
A lot of Japanese Anime involves a lost expedition turned against the Earth by alien influence.
SOLDIER BLADE was a game for example similar to Super Star Soldier where an expedition returns to earth as an Evil Alien Army.
Oblivion came wayyyyy later