James A Faith That Works | Taming The Tongue | Director Cameron Isaacs

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • James 3
    How would you most often describe your tongue: almost always positive, neutral, a slow burn of sarcasm, a carefully aimed flamethrower, or a raging wildfire of destruction?
    The impact of our words, especially careless ones, can have devastating consequences for our lives. In what ways can words spoken in haste, gossip, wit, or anger cause irreparable harm to our lives and the lives of others?
    James 3:3-4 says a horse can be controlled with a bit in its mouth, and a huge ship can be steered using a tiny rudder. How do the words we speak guide the direction of our lives? How do words other people speak guide your life?
    James 3:8 describes the tongue as a "restless evil full of deadly poison" corrupting the whole body for which no human being can tame it. If that's true, why should we even try to control our speech, or even desire to bring it under control?
    The tongue is a barometer of our spiritual well-being. How is that true? Why do the words we speak truly reflect what is in our hearts? Why can people praise God in one sentence and cut down someone created in God's image in the next?
    From James 3 we can work for consistency in our speech; in our heart, and in our forgiveness. Which one will be the hardest for you to practice? Why?

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