Yibo and zhan has a special relationship. Wat ever happened we shouldn't interfering.just cause now they getting famous people getting jealous and they start to get very scared when fan getting to close .they try very hard to be fair and friendly with fan .it not easy on them .we can admirer or take photo of them but not too close .just love them for wat they are .either you like them or don't like them ...it no need for bad mouths them ..I love this guy and will always support them .👄👄👄❤❤❤❤
@@lattysweets6422 alot don't like them cause of there friend ship and fan getting too progressive zhan got fan jump in his car touching him scare him .it no need for that
liz Nguyen yeah I hate when ppl don’t understand distance it’s like these fans want to control actors and actresses lives. Let them be, being in the spotlight can cause a lot of problems. Most fans don’t know how to differentiate reality from fantasy/ acting. It’s nice that they want to do fan meet and greet but it’s not worth it if your putting yourself in harms way. Maybe they soon have to stop with the fans meet and greet. 😥😪 Plus they need to stop shipping everybody that act certain BL dramas. It’s getting out of control now.
@liz Nguyen some fans are crazy like really crazy they need to visit a mental asylum😤....I really don't understand if they are really their fans than why not support them instead of pushing them to what they don't like😤
Lo que siempre me a gustado de Xiao Zhan 😘 es la transparencia, no tiene que colocar se una máscara, para decir lo que siente, se muestra como es él. Es mí artista favorito como actor, cantante, bailarín, presentador o estando en cualquier otra actividad social, lo quiero demasiado 🎇🎆✌️😉💯. Se que es alguien inalcanzable, pero me gusta verlo así sea por televisión, por redes de comunicación. Solo pido que la vida privada se la respeten. Que sea muy feliz en todas la áreas, amor , trabajo, salud, dinero,paz, tranquilidad. Gracias Xiao Zhan por existir 🎆🎇😘💯💞🤗.
Xiao zhan y wang yibo ,filmen juntos nuevamente ,son maravillosos y únicos, son el complemento perfecto,los quiero y les deseo mucha felicidad,😍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Así es deseando que esten siempre eternidad juntos .son excelentes actores y el duo era increíbles .deseamo verlos trabajando juntos .que el universo supere toda adversidad y alinear todo para verlos juntos...muchas bendiciones ❤❤❤❤
Доброе время суток,сериал очень интересный,интригуещий ,где -то печально,и смешно ,а иногда дослез .Игра актеров просто вызывает море эмоций,их талан просно неподражаем ,я смотрела ,этот фильм на одном дыхании.Ребята благодарю закросоту ,за слезы и смех ,ваш талан дан от бога ,радуйте нас своими работами.Благодарю ,благодарю ,благодарю ,что вы есть.😍😍😍Привет вам из РОссии!!!
"Binding or bonding" as what weiYing said😂😂 * they made a good brotherhood ROMANCE 😄 in this drama.. hoping to watch them together again in another drama.. nice tandem😍😍😍 love u kiddos... keep it up! FIGHTING✊😘😘😘😘 CONTINUE the friendship you've started.. God bless😇
I LUV these talented and handsome young men (Yibo Wang & Xiao Zhan)...I really don’t get tired of watching their series (THE UNTAMED). I think I have seen it about three times, it’s a good series. They are good actors and if they have a special relationship, it’s their business and no one else. A lot of actors and actresses, no matter the country or their gender, a lot of them get close because they spend time together in their jobs or after work. So needless to say, I like these young men...I hope I can see them in another series, maybe, hoping a second season of THE UNTAMED. Good luck in their career and their personal life.💋💜🌷
I cannot have enough of them that I’m going all over RUclips to just watch fanmades of them because untamed is over.. I need more of Xiao zhan and Wang Yibo in another drama as the main lead, btw did anyone watched the special edition?
Just finished watching this drama lol been crying for one day and two nights 😂 same feels when I watched the animated version 😂 they're perfectly suited as the LWJ and WWX
I don't understand what they're saying but one thing is for sure, they look good together. The body language says it all, the way Yibo looks at Zhan's is crazy. Zhan is mischievous yet charming and adorable with that killer smile is really dangerous. It will make you fall in love again and again. And Yibo's pretty face, those pair of tantalizing eyes; the way he stares at Zhan is like he's saying "you're mine"... Waahhhhh! My fujoshi heart can't able to handle the excitements.
I don't really know what happened between their friendshp but feel very sad they are not talking each other in reality that I had seen them at press show. ppl need to understand for them that they are human like us and they derserved their choice. Everytime i have seen them not together was very very sad. i am always being their fan and support to them. Their artist is incredible in Umtamed and very proud of them.
Minja sobrinha me indicou este filme.. já estou a 2 semanas assistindo e não paro de repeti e assisto tudo de novo.. Muito lindo esses dois, a beleza deles no filme são dois príncipe. E a música é tóp . Eu e minha irmã ficamos encantadas por eles , que agora não saem nem do pensamento, aqui falamos neles até quando vamos dormi.. toda noite agora assistimos tudo de.novo.. Parece duas apaixonadas...kkl. Mais e muito top O filme deles. Já estamos aguardando a próxima temporada..😄
I don’t know what’s going on just for me. I just became addicted to them, making you feel happy from looking at them. I really hope to see them again with more programs and drama.
I wish them happiness and success ...i really love them together...i wish they bcm together for forever n ever....they are just unimaginable beautiful couple I have ever seen in drama...they both have beauty, cuteness, understanding, caring for each other, their synchronization in many ways, and their eye contact is just above the top... I just wanna ship them together...Hope thr relation never bcm on bad terms in future due to any reason...Be together ,be strong...we will love and support you both always...❤
一个会真真发自内心的关心他的人、尊重他的人、顾及他感受的人、用心支持他的人和热爱🥰他的人。🥺感恩有一个这样的您出现在您们各自生命里面😇😁愿您们🙏永远😜喜乐安康😆😄😃🥳😘 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐 其实,我觉得中学时期,很多人都会有这样的朋友,只是不知毕业过后,还能维持多久?我的真真朋友有了自家小朋友,都在各自为自己的小朋友安排这、计划那的,少了很多相聚在一起的感觉,除了在每年农历新年一起“捞生”、吃火锅和烧烤会时,感觉那种感觉又回到了可以搭着肩膀聊到天亮玩到天亮,如果身边有老婆老公大方点的还可以在海边合租一间大点的双层房子一起海边一日游,一起带着各自的小朋友,钓钓鱼,钓到的海鲜,自己煮或到拿到海边附近的餐馆煮了,吃吃海鲜大餐,晚上打打麻将玩玩扑克牌,讲讲中学时某某中学的👻鬼故事和一些趣事,化一化刚刚听了的鬼故事好睡到自然醒。小朋友有小朋友聚在一起玩,这是小朋唯一各自都不拿着手机玩的一天,会聊在海边吃、喝、玩、乐&购买了什么的趣事。玩沙堡、真人沙堆美人鱼、钓到什么鱼或😅鞋,徬晚退潮时大人陪着小朋友捉捉螃蟹拾拾贝壳和沙玻璃回去做做手工艺品或和朋友不用钱💰交换物品(在海边滩买的明信片、钥匙扣、手工艺品、小饰物和一些小玩具)、贝壳或沙玻璃,晚上玩搓汤圆也弄些奇形怪状的、可爱卡通形的汤圆(也有各种天然颜色(自榨香兰叶、紫薯、蓝花叶一定要配一些 lemon汁(不然颜色会不好看)和橙色番薯、🌹玫瑰花和其它天然颜色的让小朋友玩个够吃个饱,而且香兰叶加姜熬的汤圆汤,可以抗尿酸又驱寒(小朋友玩海水又吹海风,不怕小朋友不喝辣辣的姜汤驱寒)因为汤里有自己的作品,也怕其她小朋友笑他怕辣肯定会喝多几口显显威风或自己猜对什么口味的&什么馅的),有无馅白色原味的、红豆馅的、红糖馅的,绿茶莲蓉馅的和黑芝麻馅的(有的馅还加放了一些瓜子仁))汤圆。大人冲一大壶黑咖啡,一人来几杯☕配上超市买的即炸即吃的炸油条,Em………😋爽到……没得顶啊……😁😃😄😀😆😁😜😍😊☺😘偶尔,晚餐会到海边附近吃烧烤海鲜或到 Mamak档 吃 nasi lemak with ayam goreng,roti canai,roti tissue,roti bom 在来杯 teh tarik,susu lembu asli & mee goreng Maggi kari 加 telur mata kerbau.
I love them both no matter what happen ill be their fan forever...and i hope the untamed has season 2 and they are the same characters to lead the drama. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
无所谓他们会不会在一起, 只祈愿这两位男孩都能在各个领域上能有更好的发展。祝愿他们健康快乐自由。支持他们!❤️
What if it's matter for them ...... n they r suffering for some unreasonable irrelevant ppl❓❗
En qué drama aparece ese personaje y quien de ellos actúa ahí ???
@@karmenvelasco7199The Untamed. Melhor drama chinês. Uma obra-prima! Atuam juntos. São os protagonistas.
看到肖战哭 ... 心疼😥,王一博与肖战依然是朋友,肖战第一次录天天向上时,王一博就想和肖战做朋友,希望他们友情长久,希望他们不要再受伤害,王一博经纪公司的头头也曾在韩国发展,经营策略效仿韩式,商业利益使俩人无法再合体,这是肖战与王一博不希望的,也是粉丝不希望的
Yibo and zhan has a special relationship. Wat ever happened we shouldn't interfering.just cause now they getting famous people getting jealous and they start to get very scared when fan getting to close .they try very hard to be fair and friendly with fan .it not easy on them .we can admirer or take photo of them but not too close .just love them for wat they are .either you like them or don't like them ...it no need for bad mouths them ..I love this guy and will always support them .👄👄👄❤❤❤❤
liz Nguyen what happened???
@@lattysweets6422 alot don't like them cause of there friend ship and fan getting too progressive zhan got fan jump in his car touching him scare him .it no need for that
liz Nguyen yeah I hate when ppl don’t understand distance it’s like these fans want to control actors and actresses lives. Let them be, being in the spotlight can cause a lot of problems. Most fans don’t know how to differentiate reality from fantasy/ acting. It’s nice that they want to do fan meet and greet but it’s not worth it if your putting yourself in harms way. Maybe they soon have to stop with the fans meet and greet. 😥😪 Plus they need to stop shipping everybody that act certain BL dramas. It’s getting out of control now.
@@liznguyen238 very terrible. Why does it have to be like that. What can not be a normal fan.
@liz Nguyen some fans are crazy like really crazy they need to visit a mental asylum😤....I really don't understand if they are really their fans than why not support them instead of pushing them to what they don't like😤
I spent so long trying to translate it it’s not funny
Lo que siempre me a gustado de Xiao Zhan 😘 es la transparencia, no tiene que colocar se una máscara, para decir lo que siente, se muestra como es él. Es mí artista favorito como actor, cantante, bailarín, presentador o estando en cualquier otra actividad social, lo quiero demasiado 🎇🎆✌️😉💯. Se que es alguien inalcanzable, pero me gusta verlo así sea por televisión, por redes de comunicación. Solo pido que la vida privada se la respeten. Que sea muy feliz en todas la áreas, amor , trabajo, salud, dinero,paz, tranquilidad. Gracias Xiao Zhan por existir 🎆🎇😘💯💞🤗.
你们肖战&王一博好好好 😊
Lin lin 其實人一生中很難遇到志同道合談的來的朋友,難得遇見了希望不會因為外界的聲音而失去,加油!
Xiao zhan y wang yibo ,filmen juntos nuevamente ,son maravillosos y únicos, son el complemento perfecto,los quiero y les deseo mucha felicidad,😍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Tambien desearia que trabajaran juntos en denuevo 😢✨
Merci beaucoup à vous deux, merveilleux acteurs et chanteurs. Je vous adore. ❤❤❤ amitiés de la France 🥰☝️🎶
There is so much chemistry between these two. This clip put a smile Om my face ❤️
可以祝福他們。 不要傷害。粉絲 不是要支持他們嗎?
LUV Brigitte Lin, too.
Hay que hermosos se ven guapísimos los dos y cuánto amor están echos uno para el otro ojalá perdure ese amor los dos con tanta ternura se miran
It is great to see Wang Yibo smile ! He is so cute; both of them are very hot, sexy young men !
Guapísimos y geniales actores, una serie muy interesante con una espectacular fantasía que mantiene a todos a la expectativa.
Es cierto, en si es perfecto
Claro que sí perfecto 😍😍🇪🇨🇪🇨
花絮 百看不厭
Wang Yibo y Xiao Zhan for ever
Wang Yibo is an only child so he found a brother out of Xiao Xian..beautiful 👍👍
這對是永遠的經典啊⋯⋯因為陳情令我對多元成家OK👌🏼本來我也沒贊成反對純粹中立⋯⋯看完真心覺得也沒什麼不好啊 😄 非常喜歡肖戰。肖戰可以當兩岸促進感情會隊長嗎? 你說什麼我都說好~ 呵呵🤭 快派肖戰出來 😄
Así es deseando que esten siempre eternidad juntos .son excelentes actores y el duo era increíbles .deseamo verlos trabajando juntos .que el universo supere toda adversidad y alinear todo para verlos juntos...muchas bendiciones ❤❤❤❤
Wang YiBo me encanta cómo coquetea con su HERMOSO Lan Zhan 😍🤗👬💞🌹.
Es tan juguetón que por eso lo amamos 🤗👬💗.
No matter what happen only Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo.
It's funny, but true 😂
So sweet lovable handsome young men. Keep it up dont be silly be happy, so cute you are.
Me looking at the video like: where is the thumbnail, where is the thumbnail, i wanna se the thumbnail, where is the thumbnail...
I see click bait
Unfortunately the thumbnail is an edit pic 🙁
Обожаю их очень, очень милые ребята ❤️🍒❤️🍒❤️
Hay Dios nooooo que hermosos son ellos 😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
❤❤❤❤❤❤ xiao zhan e yibo Wang 💚💚💚💚💚💚 maravilhosos 💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚
I like both of them theya are really hardworker, always a fan them , and always support them
My favorite ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ couple
Mine too 😊💜
Yum Zhang 他们绝对是真的。。。
Sempre eu apoiareiii eles pois sao compretamente verdadeiros❤❤❤❤❤🙏🙏
i cant read the title but it had yibo and zhan in it so i click
Wey no entiendo nada pero ame lo que ví.
Juntos son tiernos aa! Los amo.
Si x3 😅💔
Jajajajaja x4
Доброе время суток,сериал очень интересный,интригуещий ,где -то печально,и смешно ,а иногда дослез .Игра актеров просто вызывает море эмоций,их талан просно неподражаем ,я смотрела ,этот фильм на одном дыхании.Ребята благодарю закросоту ,за слезы и смех ,ваш талан дан от бога ,радуйте нас своими работами.Благодарю ,благодарю ,благодарю ,что вы есть.😍😍😍Привет вам из РОссии!!!
"Binding or bonding" as what weiYing said😂😂
* they made a good brotherhood ROMANCE 😄 in this drama.. hoping to watch them together again in another drama.. nice tandem😍😍😍 love u kiddos... keep it up! FIGHTING✊😘😘😘😘 CONTINUE the friendship you've started.. God bless😇
I need Xiao Zhan And Wang Yi Bo in another drama with together again
They are hndsome in evry dress western n ancient also...🥰🥰😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘
Wang Yibo's smile melts my heart 😭
哥哥,弟弟爱你。 虽然是玩笑话,但现在看着有点心酸。弟弟觉得不是心机男孩👦,心疼两个男孩。
Wang Yibo definitely was in Love 😂. The way he stares at Xiao Zhan 🥰
Meus amores #Xiaozhan & #WangYibo,sua super fã número um do Brasil de vocês 🇧🇷❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I LUV these talented and handsome young men (Yibo Wang & Xiao Zhan)...I really don’t get tired of watching their series (THE UNTAMED). I think I have seen it about three times, it’s a good series. They are good actors and if they have a special relationship, it’s their business and no one else. A lot of actors and actresses, no matter the country or their gender, a lot of them get close because they spend time together in their jobs or after work. So needless to say, I like these young men...I hope I can see them in another series, maybe, hoping a second season of THE UNTAMED. Good luck in their career and their personal life.💋💜🌷
I can't say more to you have spoken well
Fan de ces 2 acteurs et chanteurs🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
I cannot have enough of them that I’m going all over RUclips to just watch fanmades of them because untamed is over.. I need more of Xiao zhan and Wang Yibo in another drama as the main lead, btw did anyone watched the special edition?
What special edition????
Ajong Inden they reposted The untamed and there’s some scenes we haven’t seen before
Ur ryt
The special edition also skips a few bits and bobs too.
Need Season 2 of the UNTAMED I HOPE
Son hermosos y muy sensibles este par de chicos. Me fascina verlo trabajar juntos 👌😊🇨🇴
Chicos con gran talento artístico💜💜💜Wang Yibo y Xiao Zhan. Adoro este kdrama Untamed. Por favor traducir al idioma español.
Why do i feel like theses characters just match with the actors,like..so much😐😭
Just finished watching this drama lol been crying for one day and two nights 😂 same feels when I watched the animated version 😂 they're perfectly suited as the LWJ and WWX
@Italiara Paris meeee tooo,only god can know how much i cried😭💔,and Oh god,i’m not the only one who think that !😂
@@Acesissy1234 Lol 😂😂
XZ had to fight for his part as WWX because his management company said he wasn’t good enough for it. He’s perfect in every way!
I need more of them togheter! I love them so much. They are the best couple of the world!
These two....... Ah....these two...look so good together always support them...
I don't understand what they're saying but one thing is for sure, they look good together. The body language says it all, the way Yibo looks at Zhan's is crazy. Zhan is mischievous yet charming and adorable with that killer smile is really dangerous. It will make you fall in love again and again. And Yibo's pretty face, those pair of tantalizing eyes; the way he stares at Zhan is like he's saying "you're mine"... Waahhhhh! My fujoshi heart can't able to handle the excitements.
WOW did u ever write a fanfic😳
Wang yibo I LOVE YOU💕😘
I don't really know what happened between their friendshp but feel very sad they are not talking each other in reality that I had seen them at press show. ppl need to understand for them that they are human like us and they derserved their choice. Everytime i have seen them not together was very very sad. i am always being their fan and support to them. Their artist is incredible in Umtamed and very proud of them.
Minja sobrinha me indicou este filme.. já estou a 2 semanas assistindo e não paro de repeti e assisto tudo de novo.. Muito lindo esses dois, a beleza deles no filme são dois príncipe. E a música é tóp . Eu e minha irmã ficamos encantadas por eles , que agora não saem nem do pensamento, aqui falamos neles até quando vamos dormi.. toda noite agora assistimos tudo de.novo.. Parece duas apaixonadas...kkl. Mais e muito top O filme deles. Já estamos aguardando a próxima temporada..😄
4:33 這邊王一博好可愛
I don’t know what’s going on just for me. I just became addicted to them, making you feel happy from looking at them. I really hope to see them again with more programs and drama.
Ybo ♥️♥️♥️♥️💗💗💗💗💗💗
เข้ามาดูหลายรอบแล้ว ข้าว่าเบื้องหลังก็ฟินไม่แพ้เบื้องหน้าเลย วอแวกันเก่ง ดูวนๆ ก็ข้าออกไม่ใด้นี่ จะให้ทำไง
I wish them happiness and success ...i really love them together...i wish they bcm together for forever n ever....they are just unimaginable beautiful couple I have ever seen in drama...they both have beauty, cuteness, understanding, caring for each other, their synchronization in many ways, and their eye contact is just above the top... I just wanna ship them together...Hope thr relation never bcm on bad terms in future due to any reason...Be together ,be strong...we will love and support you both always...❤
❤bonitos hermosos
Love them so much💛
Eles São tão fofos... E parece que realmente seguiram amigos depois de trabalharem juntos😍💓
Love you ❤️💚🦁👏👏👏
They have so much fun together😂
Unbeatable chemistry💯
I am always with you Guy 👨❤👨💚♥
They two are really too good friend.....
其实,我觉得中学时期,很多人都会有这样的朋友,只是不知毕业过后,还能维持多久?我的真真朋友有了自家小朋友,都在各自为自己的小朋友安排这、计划那的,少了很多相聚在一起的感觉,除了在每年农历新年一起“捞生”、吃火锅和烧烤会时,感觉那种感觉又回到了可以搭着肩膀聊到天亮玩到天亮,如果身边有老婆老公大方点的还可以在海边合租一间大点的双层房子一起海边一日游,一起带着各自的小朋友,钓钓鱼,钓到的海鲜,自己煮或到拿到海边附近的餐馆煮了,吃吃海鲜大餐,晚上打打麻将玩玩扑克牌,讲讲中学时某某中学的👻鬼故事和一些趣事,化一化刚刚听了的鬼故事好睡到自然醒。小朋友有小朋友聚在一起玩,这是小朋唯一各自都不拿着手机玩的一天,会聊在海边吃、喝、玩、乐&购买了什么的趣事。玩沙堡、真人沙堆美人鱼、钓到什么鱼或😅鞋,徬晚退潮时大人陪着小朋友捉捉螃蟹拾拾贝壳和沙玻璃回去做做手工艺品或和朋友不用钱💰交换物品(在海边滩买的明信片、钥匙扣、手工艺品、小饰物和一些小玩具)、贝壳或沙玻璃,晚上玩搓汤圆也弄些奇形怪状的、可爱卡通形的汤圆(也有各种天然颜色(自榨香兰叶、紫薯、蓝花叶一定要配一些 lemon汁(不然颜色会不好看)和橙色番薯、🌹玫瑰花和其它天然颜色的让小朋友玩个够吃个饱,而且香兰叶加姜熬的汤圆汤,可以抗尿酸又驱寒(小朋友玩海水又吹海风,不怕小朋友不喝辣辣的姜汤驱寒)因为汤里有自己的作品,也怕其她小朋友笑他怕辣肯定会喝多几口显显威风或自己猜对什么口味的&什么馅的),有无馅白色原味的、红豆馅的、红糖馅的,绿茶莲蓉馅的和黑芝麻馅的(有的馅还加放了一些瓜子仁))汤圆。大人冲一大壶黑咖啡,一人来几杯☕配上超市买的即炸即吃的炸油条,Em………😋爽到……没得顶啊……😁😃😄😀😆😁😜😍😊☺😘偶尔,晚餐会到海边附近吃烧烤海鲜或到 Mamak档 吃 nasi lemak with ayam goreng,roti canai,roti tissue,roti bom 在来杯 teh tarik,susu lembu asli & mee goreng Maggi kari 加 telur mata kerbau.
Waiting for the day that they’ll confess to each other lol.. will I die by then?
if they do pls remind me
i guess we will never have that
Addicted to them... 😊
remaind me later
don't forget to act surprise when they do it 😂
完了 完了 坑底出不来了……就这么一直下去吧!
I love them😍😍😍😍
I love them both no matter what happen ill be their fan forever...and i hope the untamed has season 2 and they are the same characters to lead the drama. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
But there should be another patenar beside zhan
I love this two guys wang yibo and xiao zhan keep up the works u have till forever I watch ur drama okey I love u ,u two okey