Y'all did this game justice. From the ost to the way the game is built without being boring and the way the pokemon were incorporated into the game, this is my favorite pokemon spinoff(maybe after mystery dungeon tho)
@@blitzknight5x744 You need a hobby or maybe you like trolling people for something as silly as grammar online. The English language itself is constantly evolving and makes no sense so grammar is just dumb. I mean English has many ways to spell the same words but we just decide to say the letters the way we want. I mean Auto and Otto. They are said almost if not exactly the same but spelt different. Then we also let new words like ratchet which to me is a tool mean something complete different because we now use it as slang but please continue to bother picking on grammar when kids these days actually write lol(laugh out loud) or l8r(later) on their English papers and hand them in. The English language is broken and complicated and always changing. Enjoy life mister! 🙂❤️💙💜
My current Wishlist for reinforcements... in no particular order: * Haxorus * Tyrantrum * Galvantula * Vikavolt * Ferrothorn * Dragapult * Goodra * Heracross * Ninjask (Though how to deal with Canon Nincada evolving into a split of Ninjask & Shedinja & trying to translate that into Unite Mechanics could be at best real tricky & at worst too big a Can of Worms...) * Pincurchin (Yes I mean it, no leg pulling... ya'all ever tried him in VGC 2021 Doubles with Electric Terrain support + Rising Voltage, & Sucker Punch for Prio? Ya may be surprised at your results... ;) ) * Raichu & Alolan Raichu * Flygon * Dracozolt * Galar Zapdos (Would be funny seein this dude fighting NPC Zappie. :P ) * Corviknight * Greedent (My RL fav Online Pal has a seriously scary Greedent named "Nutters" who gets away with a Trick Room Support + Belly Drum + Gluttony Sitrus Berry setup... he's wiped Player Opponents runnin Full Legendary Teams with Nutters before...) * Galar Cursola * Barraskewda * Centiscorch * Toxtricity * Braviary (Wouldn't be adverse to Mandibuzz too.) * Jolteon * Leafeon * Sableye & lastly, it'd rock for Charizard to get a 'Mega Charizard X' Skin. :D Edit: Oh, & Bewear!
@@sixsam6766 Yeah, I’m assuming they’re trying to tweak his numbers a little bit before release. I heard he was pretty insane in the Canadian beta. I just found it funny to see so much of squirtle in the release video when you can’t even play as him, yet haha.
@@zeldaocarina26 I played the Canadian beta and blastoise wasn't really insane and super broken. He was just really good and reliable. He did really good damage, really good health, and good crowd control but he was by no means getting kills left and right or anything. I'm really surprised they haven't added him yet with months of probably tweaking.
I see Blastoise so that means we'll be getting blastoise in season 1 I suspect. That's very awesome! Love me some squirtle I hope it comes with a squirtle squad glasses costume!!!
I know! Right? I mean, when I first started playing Pokemon Unite, I kind of got bored after a short while, because there weren't really any Pokemon that stood out to me, but they keep adding 1 new Pokemon each Month, and it's great! They've added Pokemon I love, like Blissey, Dragonite, and also my favorite Pokemon that I play as the most
The fact that it's all on a global server without any regional servers restricting players pitting on one server while maintaining a playable ping is mind boggling to me. Having a blast so far
this game has some of the most aggressive pay to win ever. be very careful not to spend money until they fix it. theres more info on reddit but youtube keeps deleting my posts so I wont put a link
“Shows person playing on phone” Random person: so we can play it on mobile Pokemon unite: :) Random person” so we can play on mobile? Pokemon unite: Download on Nintendo switch coming to mobile September 2021
the game has predatory pay to win to an extreme degree. look at what poekmon unite post is trending on reddit. you'll be shocked by how aggressive it is (cant post a link, youtube keeps deleting my comments)
@@JaybloEscobarGaming all you really need to do to know is find the right video, then look into the comment section. Unfortunately I don't have a link to it
@@JaybloEscobarGaming if I remember right it about what company that got work with gamefreak to make the game and it being a company that is know to have very greedy devs and don't really care if games dies
This is epic! The hype for UNITE is palpable! Pokémon is finally coming one step closer to eSports and action-packed competitions with fans cheering in the stands just like we always saw in the games! This is great!!
Mobile players can not get zeraora, which makes it harder for them because it will most likely to be OP and causes switch players to have a wider range of characters to play as.
@@SolitudeInsanity yes and no, yes because you have to unlock de characters one by one, buuuuuut the same happens with lol, that you start literally with just one champion, so is a no, a yes and a no
Encarecidamente, faço deste meu apelo, um singelo pedido, e ao mesmo tempo uma humilde sugestão. - Quero começar dizendo que há lgumas figuras que pra mim são icônicas, e que até trazem uma respectiva afetividade, considerando-se pela nostalgia; por conta dos jogos, anime, álbuns, tazzos, colecionáveis e tudo mais relacionado.. (que aliás, agora estão até mesmo sendo trazidas diversas referências no anime e nos novos jogos como uma espécie de "fanservice"; e também pelo modo de uma "reparação na estória". Haha!). Detalhe: Mas.. também vou incluir alguns destas gerações mais recentes, os quais eu acho muito maneiro, e acredito que tbm merecem lugar no jogo! - Enfim, esses seriam os primeiros eleitos na minha concepção: • 🏅Dragonite🧡 - Tyranitar💚 - Pidgeotto🤎 - Arcanine - Muk - Mankey💢 - Lapras - Heracross - Beedrill - Sither/Scizor - Golem(Alola-form talvez?) - Alakazam - Porygon - Rhyhorn - Poliwrath - Electabuzz - Magmar - Jinx - Nidoran&Nidorina💜💙(King&Queen) - Weezing(Galar) - Aerodactyl - Kabutops - Sandslash(Alolan-form) - Marowak(Alola) - Farfetch'd(+Sir🤍Galarian-form). E agora, uns dos mais aclamados pokemons da franquia em todas gerações, ☆Meowth("Original"[R] e+ Galar(badass)form! Perrserker#🖤), e o mais adorado e icônico, ☆Psyduck❕ ( #JusticeforPSYDUCK 💛/ #JusticeforGOLDUCK💙 HAHA!). E por último nessa "top-list", mas não menos importante..🥁🥁🥁 o pokemon OverPower mais amado de toda fanbase #☆Mewtwo💜❕ +Skins: "Armored-Mewtwo" & "Dark-Mewtwo"🖤; com direito a "Mega-Dark"☄!!(PS:"Dark" é o termo correto dessa forma do Mewtwo no jogo!) ..se o Pokémon GO incluiu.. porquê não! E já que estamos falando de trazer o prestigiado Mewtwo, ainda c/as skins "Armored" e na sua forma "Dark", eu vou além! Ao invés de apenas trazer o ícone de "Pokken Tournament-DX", porquê também não trazer o reverenciado "Shadow-Lugia"💜 de "Pokémon Gale of Darkness XD". Assim como também seria muito legal se futuramente tivéssemos pra disputar em algum novo campo/cenário tipo a "Temporal Tower", o "Dark-Dialga" de "Mystery Dungeon-2". (Adendo: À título de curiosidade o termo certo referido também é "Dark", pois é deste modo que está sendo apresentado no jogo desde sempre. Esse adnome de "Primal" atribuído ao personagem foi coisa posta por teorias e muito mais por fanficagem; o mesmo é no caso do Dark-Mewtwo de Pokkén. ) - Também penso em como seria legal e um baita de um fanservice se fossem adicionados futuramente alguns campos de batalha com cenários em homenagem referentes à alguns jogos oficiais da franquia já extintos. •Sugestão: ▪︎Pokémon Stadium ▪︎Pokémon Colosseum ▪︎Pokémon -Gale of Darkness XD▪︎Pokémon Battle Revolution. [Rip] E+ o amado▪︎Pokkén Tournament DX! - E também, porquê não add algumas das skins destes respectivos jogos para os bonecos e avatares? Acredito que seria um ótimo negócio a se fazer. Imaginar o visual add com selo reverenciando um respectivo jogo.. Além disso, têm outros jogos da franquia que trariam ótimas opções de skins pro jogo, como por exemplo.: ▪︎Pokémon Conquest, ▪︎Pokémon Ranger, e até mesmo as bandanas/lenço de▪︎Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. - Esses assuntos em questão são os que eu acho que possuem um apelo muito mais forte no quesito "nostálgia"! - Em seguida, acredito que esses nomes tem uma grande chance de ingressarem no jogo, até porque alguns deles são ainda hoje referenciados e bem tido pelos fãs, além de alguns estarem novamente em evidência em jogos e merchans, tbm há o fato estarem até mesmo recebendo destaque recentemente por seus "reworks" com novas aparências e tipagens, por estarem sendo integrados aos novos jogos da franquia, como também é na questão dos eleitos iniciais de Hisuian, e suas possíveis formas regionais entre outros. Podem notar que eu tbm coloquei muitos dos monstrinhos do Ash, de seus amigos e aliados aí nessas "singelas" listas(imennnsas!! Haha). "Olha.. se caso ficou faltando algum... - "TOOOOP-'2#' tá na mão"! (HAHA!) • Infernape💥 - Cyndaquil🔥 - Oshawott💧 - Treecko🍃 - Piplup💧 - Blaziken🔥 - Swampert💧 - Chesnaught🍃 - Clefable - Butterfree - Lickilicky - Deoxys - Heatran - Magnezone - Aggron - Steelix - Cloyster - Dewgong - Probopass - Zoroark - Crobat - Gliscor - Mawile - Bisharp - Salamence - Gigalith - Golurk - Claydol - Tyrantrum - Delibird - Kecleon - Smeargle - Floatzel - Tangrowth - Stoutland - Granbull - Buneary - Shiftry - Roserade - Espurr - Banette - Mismagius - Honchkrow - Dusknoir - Diggersby - Crabominable - Malamar - Toxapex - Volcarona - Vikavolt - Golisopod - Orbeetle - Frosmoth - Thievul - Grapploct - Kommo-o - Kartana - Falinks - Swellow(+skin:"Gold⚡." HAHA!) - Pancham - Ursaring - Pyroar - Luxray - Flygon - Noivern - Haxorus - Togepi - Wobbuffet - Azumarill - Rapidash(Galarian?) - Ampharos - Darumaka - Snorunt(Glalie/Froslass) - Abomasnow - Sneasel/Weavile - Zangoose - Krookodile🕶 - Sharpedo - Scraggy - Toxicroak - Metagross - Genesect - Aegislash - Braviary - Sableye - Passimian - Hawlucha - Tyrogue/Hitmontop - Rockruff/Lycanroc(Dusk form!) - Marshadow - Silvally - Melmetal - Cosmog - Poipole - Goodra - Bewear - Mimikyu - Obstagoon - Corviknight - Toxtricity - Impidimp - Dragapult - Grapploct - Rolycoly - Duraludon - Wooloo - Yamper - Kubfu/Urshifu(#×?) - Zarude - Volcanion - Zygarde. ¡Tá loko! É muita coisa possível de se add!! Tem mesmo agora, é que dar uma boa duma penerada. E no caso das skin's, não chega nem ser um caso de sugestão, é mais como uma obrigatoriedade dos desenvolvedores. Eles têm que lançar as Skins: Pikachu Libre & Detective Pikachu!(Quem sabe também um "Gold⚡Pikachu". Olha a referência! HAHA Sacanage! ) (Agora chega.. parei.. "já acabou Jéssica!?" HAHA!) ... ¡Mas veja, que o grande lance é.. eu vejo no jogo as muitas possibilidades que ainda tem pois, além de apenas poder add novos chars e skins, tem tbm a questão de ainda poderem adicionar novos modos e mecânicas. Penso que seria muito bom se ao menos eles fizessem as distintas distinções que há entre "machos e fêmeas", assim como é nos demais jogos da franquia e seus diversos seguimentos; assim como é canonizado, dando à cada um suas referentes evoluções que são respectivamente diferenciadas estabelecidos por seus gêneros, por exemplo, como no caso de Snorunt e Kirlia entre outros, alguns à mais incluídos; ou até mesmo pelos demais fatores singulares que os diferem em suas formas de evoluir(falando de modo ambíguo) assim como é conhecido notoriamente nos casos das "pedras, equipamentos, locais e regiões, horários, climas e etc. Pois há ainda àqueles que contam com uma diversidade de formas alternativas como é no caso do Eevee, Tyrogue, Rockruff dentre outros. Poderiam ao menos dar as opções de escolher qual forma evoluir o monstrinho em combate. Se por meio de algum equipamento, ou qualquer alguma outra condição diferenciada, ou até mesmo a simples opção de escolher no momento do combate, assim como são com as skills. A questão é que podiam fazer um pouco mais pra representar bem seus consumidores que são fanáticos fans-pokemon! Obs.: E vemos que ainda estão faltam algumas pré-evolutivas e evoluções. Eu queria que tivéssemos todos com suas prés-evos e as demais evos. Acho que a maioria tbm gostaria de ter um Riolu e um Raichu, entende?! Podia ter também por exemplo, ainda integrado uma mecânica de [Mega-Evolução] add, uma "[Z-Move]: 'ultimate-skill' +OP" equipando um [Z-Ring]. Quem sabe também adicionar um novo modo onde essas mecânicas podessem ser utilizadas, tipo uma Raid onde você poderia jogar junto da sua guild. E quem sabe até mesmo adicionar para algum outro novo modo de disputa o "Gigantamax & Dynamax", apenas como uma espécie de "skill-ultimate" com uma "animação". ..Não sei se eu viajei demais, mas acredito que dá ainda pra fazer muito mais e.. ao menos a mecânica evolutiva de (((MEGA))) eles tinham que botar!! HAHA! Vlw!!
@UCMgFwLj_ozeBXeSLXmxd6nA what pay to win you the only thing that gives Slight advantage is battle pass and that's not even that big they deleted your comment because it's misleading know what you're saying
Mobile players can not get zeraora, which makes it harder for them because it will most likely to be OP and causes switch players to have a wider range of characters to play as.
I hope we get more playable Pokemon down the line like Feraligatr, Typhlosion, Tyrantrum, Sceptile, Infernape, Salamence, Aerodactyl, Arcanine, Serperior, Braviary, Kommo-o, Tyranitar, and Toxtricity.
Is anyone else stuck on the title screen?. I rlly wanne play this game. But. I'm just stuck on the title screen on a loop that's telling me to press l and R again.
Most young gamers have a PC and a phone to play games. Nintendo is losing out on a massive player base if they don't step up. The generations are upgrading faster then ever.
Seriously, why doesn't Pikachu evolve at this game? I'm not that mad about the lack of Baby forms, but Raichu is the natural evolution of Pikachu, it should evolve from it! Are you saying every Pikachu is now against evolution? This doesn't make any sense. EDIT: No, it's not because Pikachu needs a Thunder Stone, Jigglypuff evolves just fine.
It's because evolutions in this game tell you what part of the game they're good at. Non evolutions like lucario and Pikachu are decent start to end. 1 stage evolutions like Crustle and slowbro are good at midgame. 2 stage like Charizard and garchomp are late gamers.
Anyone here playing from NZ experiencing constant orange ping? I'm pretty sure I have a decent fibre connection but can't seem to get a low latency in game.
Hi pokemon unite! really great game and I am a huge fan of the game, but for maybe snorlax and maybe mr. mime I was wondering if you could add there lower evolutions munchlax and mime jr. I can be a little picky with detail and it kinda makes me uncomfortable to play with my snorlax. thank you and I hope you add these changes if it is possible.
i have so many ideas for this game🤓 tencent or the pokemon company should hire me PLEASE ADD PICHU, RAICHU, RIOLU, MUNCHLAX ETC regional variants could diversify roster example Raichu: attacker Alolan Raichu: support PvE would be absolutely awesome any kind of co-op survival or quest modes, that would give a legitimacy to grind in the game, using it to train a specific pokemon, maybe for things like unlocking regional variants, or moves that you have to "deny evolution" to learn.. or even gear for pokes, and shiny skins 😳 also it would just be super fun! held items seem a little too passive.. it's awesome to have multiple, but the effect is too stat based, it would only add to the strategy to allow each item to have mechanical effects, example critical lense, could give a single guaranteed critical hit after skill use, leftovers could heal a % of damage afflicted from skill once every 10s there should be 6 held item slots, because more items to build in a moba, more strategy, more fun to help balance, the next three items could be chosen in the match, same time you upgrade or unlock skill and unite move this would allow for an everstone to be used to make a Pichu remain a Pikachu for example, or for another way to allow variance evolution, element stones could give type advantages as well, such as thunder stone to raichu (+5% DMG to 💦/🍃 -2.5% DMG from 💦/🍃 +2.5% DMG from 🌱/⛰️) dawn stone (kirlia→gallade +5% DMG to: -2.5% DMG from:❄️/⚙️/🌑 +2.5% DMG from 🕊️/👻/🧚) everstone on Pikachu (Pikachu≠ Raichu+20 movement 6def 6sp def (+40mvmt 12def 12sp def pichu≠ Raichu) needs longer matches not time limited, more build diversity, roster diversity and balance(more defense and support).. mercy rules, bigger, more interactive maps, more relevant jungle system.
a Pokemon game with voice chat, this can only go well
This looks like a negative comment
Beacause It feels like sarcasm
@@egg.007 it is
It's needed like in LoL, if you're playing with friends.
@@egg.007 it is lol
Can't wait for mobile release too! 🤗
Hi teeds!
when teeds were underrated
Hi teeds
Hi teeds
hi teeds
Y'all better realesed Pokémon Unite on Laptop/PC, There will definitely be many players who will play Pokémon Unite. Who agree?
Y'all did this game justice. From the ost to the way the game is built without being boring and the way the pokemon were incorporated into the game, this is my favorite pokemon spinoff(maybe after mystery dungeon tho)
This game is actually being a lot of fun
Your comment is actually being a lot of grammar
@@blitzknight5x744 You need a hobby or maybe you like trolling people for something as silly as grammar online. The English language itself is constantly evolving and makes no sense so grammar is just dumb. I mean English has many ways to spell the same words but we just decide to say the letters the way we want. I mean Auto and Otto. They are said almost if not exactly the same but spelt different. Then we also let new words like ratchet which to me is a tool mean something complete different because we now use it as slang but please continue to bother picking on grammar when kids these days actually write lol(laugh out loud) or l8r(later) on their English papers and hand them in. The English language is broken and complicated and always changing. Enjoy life mister! 🙂❤️💙💜
@@squirtleturtle6256 I like Pikachu
@@blitzknight5x744 Pikachu is a great choice in this game actually. 🙂 I hope you have good luck in your matches.
Let's hope more Pokemon are released on a regular and not just a few times a year!
It’s normally a monthly thing each month releases new heroes that’s how mobas work and probably how Unite will work
My current Wishlist for reinforcements... in no particular order:
* Haxorus
* Tyrantrum
* Galvantula
* Vikavolt
* Ferrothorn
* Dragapult
* Goodra
* Heracross
* Ninjask (Though how to deal with Canon Nincada evolving into a split of Ninjask & Shedinja & trying to translate that into Unite Mechanics could be at best real tricky & at worst too big a Can of Worms...)
* Pincurchin (Yes I mean it, no leg pulling... ya'all ever tried him in VGC 2021 Doubles with Electric Terrain support + Rising Voltage, & Sucker Punch for Prio? Ya may be surprised at your results... ;) )
* Raichu & Alolan Raichu
* Flygon
* Dracozolt
* Galar Zapdos (Would be funny seein this dude fighting NPC Zappie. :P )
* Corviknight
* Greedent (My RL fav Online Pal has a seriously scary Greedent named "Nutters" who gets away with a Trick Room Support + Belly Drum + Gluttony Sitrus Berry setup... he's wiped Player Opponents runnin Full Legendary Teams with Nutters before...)
* Galar Cursola
* Barraskewda
* Centiscorch
* Toxtricity
* Braviary (Wouldn't be adverse to Mandibuzz too.)
* Jolteon
* Leafeon
* Sableye
& lastly, it'd rock for Charizard to get a 'Mega Charizard X' Skin. :D
Edit: Oh, & Bewear!
Wish granted.
That what happens my friend in the future
@@JoshuaGanoTyraxLightning congrats, you get your greedent
Pro: The game is finally out!!!
Con: Blastoise is shown multiple times, but he isn’t playable, yet…
Twitter already said blastoise and gravidior were both post to come out after release. Warturtle is even in the game tutorial
@@sixsam6766 Yeah, I’m assuming they’re trying to tweak his numbers a little bit before release. I heard he was pretty insane in the Canadian beta. I just found it funny to see so much of squirtle in the release video when you can’t even play as him, yet haha.
@@zeldaocarina26 I played the Canadian beta and blastoise wasn't really insane and super broken. He was just really good and reliable. He did really good damage, really good health, and good crowd control but he was by no means getting kills left and right or anything. I'm really surprised they haven't added him yet with months of probably tweaking.
dont get sucked into the pay to win. some of the most aggressive ever put into a game. beware
@@johnuhjacobs2438 this game is not pay to win at all lmao.
I see Blastoise so that means we'll be getting blastoise in season 1 I suspect. That's very awesome! Love me some squirtle I hope it comes with a squirtle squad glasses costume!!!
I believe we are also getting Gardevoir in season 1 along with Blastoise :)
Give it up dude. Nobody cares.
Used him in the Canadian beta. Ranged defender I believe
@@Nightsha please I was excited to play her :(
nope we got venusaur...
It looks so much better than when it was revealed, it’s crazy.
OMG I know right, I can't believe people started off hating this.
I think everyone was expecting diamond and pearl remakes but were disappointed when this got revealed instead
I think people hated the game initially because it hogged the spotlight to itself compared to other Pokemon games.
I know! Right? I mean, when I first started playing Pokemon Unite, I kind of got bored after a short while, because there weren't really any Pokemon that stood out to me, but they keep adding 1 new Pokemon each Month, and it's great! They've added Pokemon I love, like Blissey, Dragonite, and also my favorite Pokemon that I play as the most
Countdown until September 21 starts... Now!
The fact that it's all on a global server without any regional servers restricting players pitting on one server while maintaining a playable ping is mind boggling to me. Having a blast so far
No they have multiple server but you can play with people in different servers
Nintendo or Pokemon Company probably required worldwide matchmaking
this game has some of the most aggressive pay to win ever. be very careful not to spend money until they fix it. theres more info on reddit but youtube keeps deleting my posts so I wont put a link
@@johnuhjacobs2438 this is a lie. There's no pay to win features. I've struggled to find even one.
@@JonnoPlays thats because they ease you in. it encourages you to get hooked. go on reddit and type in "pokemon unite" and see what post is trending
Me: pika pika pikachu my teammates: the heck
Wish we could turn back time to the days of OG unite
Funny how Blastoise is in the trailer but not the game yet
mobile too
It's the samw with League of legends Wild rift trailer. The have Teemo but not in the game until like 2 month after release
Isn't it because Blastoise had the same popularity as Teemo in their respective game?
“Shows person playing on phone”
Random person: so we can play it on mobile
Pokemon unite: :)
Random person” so we can play on mobile?
Pokemon unite: Download on Nintendo switch coming to mobile September 2021
😢 my switch is broke
You can play it on Android phones as well
@@richardhodges8643 not out yet
Nintendo actually doing good with an online game I'm surprised
*looks at smash*
the game has predatory pay to win to an extreme degree. look at what poekmon unite post is trending on reddit. you'll be shocked by how aggressive it is (cant post a link, youtube keeps deleting my comments)
@@paulolsen2197 Have you played Smash online?
@@vorpalblade6525 P E R H A P S
@@johnuhjacobs2438 Just like every MOBA game?
5 secounds and they defeated Zapdos and scored points!
I want them as my teammates 😭
This game should maybe add most of the starter Pokémon’s there are only 5.
This game doesn’t deserve all the hate it got when we first saw the trailer last year
What hate?
@@JaybloEscobarGaming all you really need to do to know is find the right video, then look into the comment section. Unfortunately I don't have a link to it
@@JaybloEscobarGaming if I remember right it about what company that got work with gamefreak to make the game and it being a company that is know to have very greedy devs and don't really care if games dies
The company who make this game actively work with China to oppress their own people. So yes it deserve every ounce of hate it got.
@@JaybloEscobarGaming it got hate because we didn't get a 2nd Johto remake
This is epic! The hype for UNITE is palpable! Pokémon is finally coming one step closer to eSports and action-packed competitions with fans cheering in the stands just like we always saw in the games! This is great!!
Except it literally pay to win. Kinda sad.
@@SolitudeInsanity Yes and no
Mobile players can not get zeraora, which makes it harder for them because it will most likely to be OP and causes switch players to have a wider range of characters to play as.
@@detectivepikachu8119 they literally said mobile players can
@@SolitudeInsanity yes and no, yes because you have to unlock de characters one by one, buuuuuut the same happens with lol, that you start literally with just one champion, so is a no, a yes and a no
When people on mobile get their hands on this game they’ll be so far behind it won’t even be fun
not wrong.
It's just a month...
@@Ashwin-zb9ok and? Who wants to be a month behind on a game everyone will already be broken on?
Haha I'm on mobile and I'm already on vetren using the broken greninja zoraora and Venusaur 😉 and you say moblie player are gonna cry?
i just love how they animated this and i am literally watching all over again even tho unite already came out on mobile
0:54 is no-one going to talk about how there a playable blastos when he's not in the game
Encarecidamente, faço deste meu apelo, um singelo pedido, e ao mesmo tempo uma humilde sugestão.
- Quero começar dizendo que há lgumas figuras que pra mim são icônicas, e que até trazem uma respectiva afetividade, considerando-se pela nostalgia; por conta dos jogos, anime, álbuns, tazzos, colecionáveis e tudo mais relacionado.. (que aliás, agora estão até mesmo sendo trazidas diversas referências no anime e nos novos jogos como uma espécie de "fanservice"; e também pelo modo de uma "reparação na estória". Haha!).
Detalhe: Mas.. também vou incluir alguns destas gerações mais recentes, os quais eu acho muito maneiro, e acredito que tbm merecem lugar no jogo!
- Enfim, esses seriam os primeiros eleitos na minha concepção:
• 🏅Dragonite🧡 - Tyranitar💚 - Pidgeotto🤎 - Arcanine - Muk - Mankey💢 - Lapras - Heracross - Beedrill - Sither/Scizor - Golem(Alola-form talvez?) - Alakazam - Porygon - Rhyhorn - Poliwrath - Electabuzz - Magmar - Jinx - Nidoran&Nidorina💜💙(King&Queen) - Weezing(Galar) - Aerodactyl - Kabutops - Sandslash(Alolan-form) - Marowak(Alola) - Farfetch'd(+Sir🤍Galarian-form).
E agora, uns dos mais aclamados pokemons da franquia em todas gerações, ☆Meowth("Original"[R] e+ Galar(badass)form! Perrserker#🖤), e o mais adorado e icônico, ☆Psyduck❕
( #JusticeforPSYDUCK 💛/ #JusticeforGOLDUCK💙 HAHA!).
E por último nessa "top-list", mas não menos importante..🥁🥁🥁
o pokemon OverPower mais amado de toda fanbase #☆Mewtwo💜❕
+Skins: "Armored-Mewtwo" & "Dark-Mewtwo"🖤; com direito a "Mega-Dark"☄!!(PS:"Dark" é o termo correto dessa forma do Mewtwo no jogo!) ..se o Pokémon GO incluiu.. porquê não! E já que estamos falando de trazer o prestigiado Mewtwo, ainda c/as skins "Armored" e na sua forma "Dark", eu vou além! Ao invés de apenas trazer o ícone de "Pokken Tournament-DX", porquê também não trazer o reverenciado "Shadow-Lugia"💜 de "Pokémon Gale of Darkness XD". Assim como também seria muito legal se futuramente tivéssemos pra disputar em algum novo campo/cenário tipo a "Temporal Tower", o "Dark-Dialga" de "Mystery Dungeon-2".
(Adendo: À título de curiosidade o termo certo referido também é "Dark", pois é deste modo que está sendo apresentado no jogo desde sempre. Esse adnome de "Primal" atribuído ao personagem foi coisa posta por teorias e muito mais por fanficagem; o mesmo é no caso do Dark-Mewtwo de Pokkén. )
- Também penso em como seria legal e um baita de um fanservice se fossem adicionados futuramente alguns campos de batalha com cenários em homenagem referentes à alguns jogos oficiais da franquia já extintos.
•Sugestão: ▪︎Pokémon Stadium ▪︎Pokémon Colosseum ▪︎Pokémon -Gale of Darkness XD▪︎Pokémon Battle Revolution. [Rip]
E+ o amado▪︎Pokkén Tournament DX!
- E também, porquê não add algumas das skins destes respectivos jogos para os bonecos e avatares? Acredito que seria um ótimo negócio a se fazer. Imaginar o visual add com selo reverenciando um respectivo jogo..
Além disso, têm outros jogos da franquia que trariam ótimas opções de skins pro jogo, como por exemplo.: ▪︎Pokémon Conquest, ▪︎Pokémon Ranger, e até mesmo as bandanas/lenço de▪︎Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.
- Esses assuntos em questão são os que eu acho que possuem um apelo muito mais forte no quesito "nostálgia"!
- Em seguida, acredito que esses nomes tem uma grande chance de ingressarem no jogo, até porque alguns deles são ainda hoje referenciados e bem tido pelos fãs, além de alguns estarem novamente em evidência em jogos e merchans, tbm há o fato estarem até mesmo recebendo destaque recentemente por seus "reworks" com novas aparências e tipagens, por estarem sendo integrados aos novos jogos da franquia, como também é na questão dos eleitos iniciais de Hisuian, e suas possíveis formas regionais entre outros. Podem notar que eu tbm coloquei muitos dos monstrinhos do Ash, de seus amigos e aliados aí nessas "singelas" listas(imennnsas!! Haha).
"Olha.. se caso ficou faltando algum...
- "TOOOOP-'2#' tá na mão"! (HAHA!)
• Infernape💥 - Cyndaquil🔥 - Oshawott💧 - Treecko🍃 - Piplup💧 - Blaziken🔥 - Swampert💧 - Chesnaught🍃 - Clefable - Butterfree - Lickilicky - Deoxys - Heatran - Magnezone - Aggron - Steelix - Cloyster - Dewgong - Probopass - Zoroark - Crobat - Gliscor - Mawile - Bisharp - Salamence - Gigalith - Golurk - Claydol - Tyrantrum - Delibird - Kecleon - Smeargle - Floatzel - Tangrowth - Stoutland - Granbull - Buneary - Shiftry - Roserade - Espurr - Banette - Mismagius - Honchkrow - Dusknoir - Diggersby - Crabominable - Malamar - Toxapex - Volcarona - Vikavolt - Golisopod - Orbeetle - Frosmoth - Thievul - Grapploct - Kommo-o - Kartana - Falinks - Swellow(+skin:"Gold⚡." HAHA!) - Pancham - Ursaring - Pyroar - Luxray - Flygon - Noivern - Haxorus - Togepi - Wobbuffet - Azumarill - Rapidash(Galarian?) - Ampharos - Darumaka - Snorunt(Glalie/Froslass) - Abomasnow - Sneasel/Weavile - Zangoose - Krookodile🕶 - Sharpedo - Scraggy - Toxicroak - Metagross - Genesect - Aegislash - Braviary - Sableye - Passimian - Hawlucha - Tyrogue/Hitmontop - Rockruff/Lycanroc(Dusk form!) - Marshadow - Silvally - Melmetal - Cosmog - Poipole - Goodra - Bewear - Mimikyu - Obstagoon - Corviknight - Toxtricity - Impidimp - Dragapult - Grapploct - Rolycoly - Duraludon - Wooloo - Yamper - Kubfu/Urshifu(#×?) - Zarude - Volcanion - Zygarde.
¡Tá loko! É muita coisa possível de se add!! Tem mesmo agora, é que dar uma boa duma penerada.
E no caso das skin's, não chega nem ser um caso de sugestão, é mais como uma obrigatoriedade dos desenvolvedores. Eles têm que lançar as Skins: Pikachu Libre & Detective Pikachu!(Quem sabe também um "Gold⚡Pikachu". Olha a referência! HAHA Sacanage! )
(Agora chega.. parei.. "já acabou Jéssica!?" HAHA!)
¡Mas veja, que o grande lance é.. eu vejo no jogo as muitas possibilidades que ainda tem pois, além de apenas poder add novos chars e skins, tem tbm a questão de ainda poderem adicionar novos modos e mecânicas. Penso que seria muito bom se ao menos eles fizessem as distintas distinções que há entre "machos e fêmeas", assim como é nos demais jogos da franquia e seus diversos seguimentos; assim como é canonizado, dando à cada um suas referentes evoluções que são respectivamente diferenciadas estabelecidos por seus gêneros, por exemplo, como no caso de Snorunt e Kirlia entre outros, alguns à mais incluídos; ou até mesmo pelos demais fatores singulares que os diferem em suas formas de evoluir(falando de modo ambíguo) assim como é conhecido notoriamente nos casos das "pedras, equipamentos, locais e regiões, horários, climas e etc. Pois há ainda àqueles que contam com uma diversidade de formas alternativas como é no caso do Eevee, Tyrogue, Rockruff dentre outros.
Poderiam ao menos dar as opções de escolher qual forma evoluir o monstrinho em combate. Se por meio de algum equipamento, ou qualquer alguma outra condição diferenciada, ou até mesmo a simples opção de escolher no momento do combate, assim como são com as skills.
A questão é que podiam fazer um pouco mais pra representar bem seus consumidores que são fanáticos fans-pokemon!
Obs.: E vemos que ainda estão faltam algumas pré-evolutivas e evoluções. Eu queria que tivéssemos todos com suas prés-evos e as demais evos.
Acho que a maioria tbm gostaria de ter um Riolu e um Raichu, entende?!
Podia ter também por exemplo, ainda integrado uma mecânica de [Mega-Evolução] add, uma "[Z-Move]: 'ultimate-skill' +OP" equipando um [Z-Ring]. Quem sabe também adicionar um novo modo onde essas mecânicas podessem ser utilizadas, tipo uma Raid onde você poderia jogar junto da sua guild. E quem sabe até mesmo adicionar para algum outro novo modo de disputa o "Gigantamax & Dynamax", apenas como uma espécie de "skill-ultimate" com uma "animação".
..Não sei se eu viajei demais, mas acredito que dá ainda pra fazer muito mais e.. ao menos a mecânica evolutiva de (((MEGA))) eles tinham que botar!! HAHA! Vlw!!
Description: You can play on your tv with the switch and on the go with mobile.
Me: Can't I be on the go with the switch.
If it's september, when the mobile port releases, I totally wanna main Cinderace, My fav Galar Starter Pokemon!
Awesome game, looking forward to see the next events and Pokémon released in the future. Great job!
my comment keeps being deleted. this game has predatory pay to win pricing. beware. look at what pokemon unite post is trending on reddit
Why mr mime dont evolves from jr mime?
@@Kamel523 They don't want a child to get beat up. Same thing with riolu, pichu, igglybuff, and munchlax
@UCMgFwLj_ozeBXeSLXmxd6nA what pay to win you the only thing that gives Slight advantage is battle pass and that's not even that big they deleted your comment because it's misleading know what you're saying
Mobile players can not get zeraora, which makes it harder for them because it will most likely to be OP and causes switch players to have a wider range of characters to play as.
I want Sylveon, Salazzle, Naganadel and Laties (Latias and Latios) to be added in future updates.
I blame you for umbreon
i can't believe it's almost 3 months already since the switch release...
I was pretty surprised for the graphics looking neat
I played the beta version on smartphone and now I'm downloading the game on my Switch. Can wait to play this game, I'm so exciting. Yahoo!
Venusaur, stop feeding and fight back!
Waiting on mobile release and I'll join the party.
It is coming in September :()
I can already tell that the mobile game is going to be crap
Pokèmom Unite developers can you add infarnape and tortera in the game pls all players will like these two pokemon also
I was cautiously optimistic...but the game is legitimately really good!
If it came out on other platforms such as pc, ps5. It would have great audience
There are a lot of pokemon that can attack and defend like oshawott/Samurott and chespin/chestnut or rowlet/decidueye.
they're not in the roost of the game
Tbh it's better than I expected
expectations: aww we lost 😅 good game you guys! 🤗
reality: *GIVE IT TO ME. GIVE IT TO ME!*
What song is that playing
Looking forward to Gallade’s playable appearance. Let a man dream!
Me too but I don't think its possible
Btw Gallade is my favourite pokemon
I hope we get more playable Pokemon down the line like Feraligatr, Typhlosion, Tyrantrum, Sceptile, Infernape, Salamence, Aerodactyl, Arcanine, Serperior, Braviary, Kommo-o, Tyranitar, and Toxtricity.
I want all the Unova and Alola starters and Gogoat, Pyroar, Chandelure, and Lycanroc to be in the game as well
Waiting for September
Is anyone else stuck on the title screen?. I rlly wanne play this game. But. I'm just stuck on the title screen on a loop that's telling me to press l and R again.
And I it would be cool if their strengths and weaknesses worked like in game. Ex: fire > leaf etc.
At work and saw this.. I thought it released know Friday! I need to go home!!!
Dear god, what is the Lucario EVEN DOING
Cant wait for it to come in mobile
This is super epic ngl!
Waiting for this to get released for phone!
Okay, I take it back, this game doesn’t deserve to be pulled. If anything, it’s only a matter of time until rounds of this game are shown on ESPN.
That’s why you always give the game a chance first
I’m just happy that cramorant made it in lol
Ngl the animations in this game are tight.
and yall were complaining when it was first revealed smh
Yoooo is this like Fortnite battle royale but Pokémon mode 😂
I'm wondering how do the controls work on mobile I guess this video helped lol
Don't play pokemon unite while driving
Unless the mechanics force cooperation there's no uniting people through mobas, even if it's got a Pokemon skin.
Dang I want to play it already on mobile
Can we get some actual Pokemon Spotlights that showcase all the move choices and the upgrades for each Pokemon on the Roster?
Games great. I'm maiming speed types like Gengar and Zeraora
This game actually reminds me of Super Smash Bros. I love it so much!
And by the way what’s the name of this song played in the background?
What's the name of the song that was playing I like it a lot!
If only ninetales actually looked like it was running that fast😭
Most young gamers have a PC and a phone to play games. Nintendo is losing out on a massive player base if they don't step up. The generations are upgrading faster then ever.
the music is better than the official sword and shield game , atleast for me lol.
Im exited to main some pokémons!
Im deffinetly going to be a support since i like being a range brawler..
Used to be a Pokemon fan, can't wait to play the game and get a zeraora!
I don't know what the song is called but I liked it a lot
Can someone help me rq, the game says to reset software to apply a update but it doesn't show any options for reset?
Greninja looks awesome
This is the fun game ever
My goal is to reach rank master soon for the first time but it's hard to win back somehow
Fingers crossed for mega scizor
Ngl, after all that's happened with this game, this game feels like the Only mobile game that deserved having a Switch Port.
Waiting for peenoise to rise up again because Manila was mentioned in the trailer.
*where pc*
Slowbro/Surf is godly.
I love this game, please do seasons or dlc, I look forward to it
Seriously, why doesn't Pikachu evolve at this game? I'm not that mad about the lack of Baby forms, but Raichu is the natural evolution of Pikachu, it should evolve from it! Are you saying every Pikachu is now against evolution? This doesn't make any sense.
EDIT: No, it's not because Pikachu needs a Thunder Stone, Jigglypuff evolves just fine.
Prob bc its pikachu the mascot of the franchise
maybe they’ll update that in the future. like a different version of pikachu or some sht.
It's because evolutions in this game tell you what part of the game they're good at. Non evolutions like lucario and Pikachu are decent start to end. 1 stage evolutions like Crustle and slowbro are good at midgame. 2 stage like Charizard and garchomp are late gamers.
TFW your favorite streamer gets a job repping Brazil
What do u mean now available on switch...it came out on switch before everything else
I love playing this game with my brother 👍
Why do they keep advertising blastoise/squirtle as playable Pokémon when they aren’t in the game?
It will be added later
@@roastedpizza9639 nice
What if there was a achievement system? That players can work towards while playing the game?
So now and just wait for the day of September Pokémon Unite yessss
Anyone here playing from NZ experiencing constant orange ping? I'm pretty sure I have a decent fibre connection but can't seem to get a low latency in game.
This is such an emersive game and i love it. Props to the devs
Hi pokemon unite! really great game and I am a huge fan of the game, but for maybe snorlax and maybe mr. mime I was wondering if you could add there lower evolutions munchlax and mime jr. I can be a little picky with detail and it kinda makes me uncomfortable to play with my snorlax. thank you and I hope you add these changes if it is possible.
This game become my favourite game I paly only 2 days and became favourite love it alot
How I wish they include butterfree, pigeotto, and some of the old version pokemon.
Machamp entered the chat.. My son wished for Poliwag though
Can’t wait for mobile release!
i have so many ideas for this game🤓 tencent or the pokemon company should hire me
regional variants could diversify roster
Raichu: attacker
Alolan Raichu: support
PvE would be absolutely awesome
any kind of co-op survival or quest modes, that would give a legitimacy to grind in the game, using it to train a specific pokemon, maybe for things like unlocking regional variants, or moves that you have to "deny evolution" to learn.. or even gear for pokes, and shiny skins 😳 also it would just be super fun!
held items seem a little too passive.. it's awesome to have multiple, but the effect is too stat based, it would only add to the strategy to allow each item to have mechanical effects,
critical lense, could give a single guaranteed critical hit after skill use,
leftovers could heal a % of damage afflicted from skill once every 10s
there should be 6 held item slots, because more items to build in a moba, more strategy, more fun
to help balance, the next three items could be chosen in the match, same time you upgrade or unlock skill and unite move
this would allow for an everstone to be used to make a Pichu remain a Pikachu for example, or for another way to allow variance evolution, element stones could give type advantages as well,
such as thunder stone to raichu (+5% DMG to 💦/🍃 -2.5% DMG from 💦/🍃 +2.5% DMG from 🌱/⛰️)
dawn stone (kirlia→gallade +5% DMG to: -2.5% DMG from:❄️/⚙️/🌑 +2.5% DMG from
everstone on Pikachu (Pikachu≠ Raichu+20 movement 6def 6sp def (+40mvmt 12def 12sp def pichu≠ Raichu)
needs longer matches not time limited, more build diversity, roster diversity and balance(more defense and support).. mercy rules, bigger, more interactive maps, more relevant jungle system.
How do you get Blastoise though?
Amazing game! As for me I prefer to play it on my Nintendo switch lite. Also can play on my iPad, but switch better 😀
The song in the trailer is a bop. What's it called?
Damn i knew this would be a unite trailer but i didn’t give up hope
I want to play but my device not support yet..
Hoping this game will run on 1GB or less RAM device, so more people can play this game
Happy 2 year Anniversary!