I wonder which tyrant in the umma will give up his power for the sake of a Khalifate… which one of them will be willing to abolish riba and fiat? Which one of them will give up their billions stockpiled in fiat currency to go back to gold and silver?
I don’t see a Khalifa happening unless Allah sinks half of the umma into the earth, or Allah reforms the heart of the umma. A tyrant is just a mumbling idiot without the foot soldiers who give him credibility. The sad thing is that Muslims don’t have a Khalifa because the umma is undeserving of it. The umma chose liberal democracy and debt based capitalism. The foundations of every house and building is rooted in fiat today. Surah Zalzalah is something that I think will happen before we ever see a Khalifa. This umma has become like an unruly child, and likewise I see the Hadith about the earthquakes coming soon.
Teach Br. Mazin speaking truth wake up Umma!!!
بارك الله فيكم
Love to hear the truth
Jazakumullahu khairan!
Masha'Allah, for a well-informed session brothers. Hayak'Allah.
جزاك اللهً خيرا
Are Br mazin & abu musa - two brother? I mean blood brother? They looks like so...
They look like twins for real
I wonder which tyrant in the umma will give up his power for the sake of a Khalifate… which one of them will be willing to abolish riba and fiat? Which one of them will give up their billions stockpiled in fiat currency to go back to gold and silver?
I don’t see a Khalifa happening unless Allah sinks half of the umma into the earth, or Allah reforms the heart of the umma. A tyrant is just a mumbling idiot without the foot soldiers who give him credibility. The sad thing is that Muslims don’t have a Khalifa because the umma is undeserving of it. The umma chose liberal democracy and debt based capitalism. The foundations of every house and building is rooted in fiat today. Surah Zalzalah is something that I think will happen before we ever see a Khalifa. This umma has become like an unruly child, and likewise I see the Hadith about the earthquakes coming soon.