हेर्दा र सुन्दई एकदमै राम्रो लाग्यो रा सही बिंदु लाई ध्यान मा राखेर speech दिनु भयो हर्कजिउ ले र यसरी नै र यस्तै सोच संग अघाड़ी बड़ने र हर्कजिउ को अर्को कुरा हामीलाई गोरखालैंड को लगी पोलिटिकल सेल्फिश कुरसी को लागी होइन तर Political unity र Social unity र understanding चाहिन्छ गोरखालैंड को लगी र मेरो आफ्नो सोच के छ भने जो बिज़नस गोरखालैंड को नाम मा चली रखे को छ आ-आफ्नो सुवार्थ को लगी जस्ले कतिपय आफ्नै गोर्खाली हरुलाई नुकसान पुराई राखेको छ र हाम्रो सामाजिक एकता र बिस्वास लाई चोट पुर्याउन खोजी रहेको छ त्यस्ता मौकापरस्त हरुलाई पनी खोजेर बाहिर ल्याउन पर्ने हो जस्तो लाग्छ ईनीहरु ले गोर्खाली समाज र गोरखालैंड जो हाम्रो अस्तिव हो त्येस माथी पनी बिस्वास तोड़ने गरे जस्तो मलाई लागेको छ यो कुरा गोरखा हरु जो कुनै कारनबर्स गोरखालैंड देखि बाहिर छन तीनी हरु स्पष्ट देखेका हुन्छन र एसले पनी हामीलाई कमजोर बनाउन सक्छन
नेपालबाट सुन्दा, हेर्दा, विचार गर्दा हर्क सर नै गोर्खाल्याण्डको सहि नेता लाग्यो अरु पनि सहि नै हुन् But harka is the best among the leaders. 100% support. He has very clear voice and vision!
Very good wise decission to lead the Gorkhaland state .Common people must understand such unity of intellectual people who is could understand deeply knew all the concept and conculussion. So must think through the modern concept of political parties of India. Share ideas intellectual ideas real ideas which could fruitful.
देवनागिरि लिपिमा लेखौं विश्वभाषा नेपाली बनाऔं । माताको दूध शिशुलाई शिक्षा मातृभाषामा, प्रभाव पर्छ सृस्टिलाई प्रकाशको गतिमा। यी माथिका हरफ मेघालय शिलोंगका नेपालीभाषी पुस्तक ब्यबसायी श्री बिष्णु गौतमले २३ मार्च २००५ देखि जोड तोडका साथ प्रचार प्रसार गर्दै आएका छन् । उनले प्रकाशन गरेका पुस्तक, बिजक, लेटर प्याड, पुस्तक सुची जताततै यी हरफ देख्न पाइन्छ । नेपाली, अंग्रेजी, खासी र बंगाली भाषामा लेखिएका यी हरफले मातृभाषाको शक्तिले सृष्टिको रक्षा र यस सुन्दर बहुरंगी विश्व-बाटिकालाइ द्रुत गतिमा सुमुन्नत बनाउन टेवा मिल्ने संदेश दिन्छ ।. जन्मेपछि सम्बाद गर्न सिकेको पहिलो भाषा नै मानिसको मातृभाषा हो । संसारमा ज्ञान, सोच र कल्पनाको बहुरंगी विविधता कायम राख्न पनि मातृभाषालाइ बचाईराख्न र विकास गर्न जरुरि छ । मातृभाषामा दिइने शिक्षाले सम्बन्धित भाषा त्यसको लिपि, जातीय संस्कार र संस्कृतिको विकास तथा समाजमा उत्प्रेरणा र चेतनाको अभिवृद्धि हुन्छ । यदि कुनै भाषा लोप भएर गयो भने त्यस जतिको संस्कृति पनि लोप भएर जान्छ । संस्कृतिक सम्वृद्धिमा सबैभन्दा ठूलो योगदान भाषाको नै हुन्छ । मातृभाषामा दिइने अभिव्यक्ति सबैभन्दा परिपूर्ण र सहज हुन्छ । यदि मातृभाषा सम्पन्न भयनन भने संसारमा धेरै कारोबार हुने सम्पर्क भाषाको अवस्था पनि खोक्रो हुन जानेछ । ससाना हजारौ मातृभाषाका कारणले नै संसारका सम्पर्क भाषा सम्पन्न र हराभरा भएका हुन् । यदि कारोबारी भाषामा लिप्त भएर मातृभाषाको लोप भयो भने ज्ञान बिज्ञानको संसार उराठिलो मरुभूमि जस्तो बन्ने छ । त्यसैले शिक्षा मातृभाषामै हुनु पर्छ । मातृभाषा मानिसको मौलिक ज्ञान, शिप सृजनाको खजाना हो । यस्तो महत्वपूर्ण खजानाको रक्षामा ध्यान नदिएर क्षणिक लाभको निम्ति कारोबारमा चलेका भाषामा मात्र लिप्त हुनु समाजको भविस्य माथि गरेको बेइमानी र बाल अधिकारको हनन हो ।. प्रसिद्ध साहित्यकार रवीन्द्रनाथ टैगोरले भनेका छन्, ‘मातृभाषामा शिक्षा पाउनु मानिसको जन्मसिद्ध अधिकार हो । हामी जसरी आमाको कोखमा जन्मेका हौं त्यसैगरी मातृभाषा पनि हाम्रो कोख हो । यी दुवै आमा हाम्रालागि सधैं सजीव र अपरिहार्य छन् ।’ उनले मातृभाषाको महत्त्वलाई बुझे र बुझाउने कोसिस गरे । प्रसिद्ध राजनीतिज्ञ नेलसन मण्डेलाले भनेका छन्- इफ यू स्पिक टु अ म्यान इन अ ल्याङ्वेज ही अन्डरस्ट्यान्डस, इट गोज् टु हिज माइन्ड बट इफ यू स्पिक इन हिज ल्याङ्वेज इट गोज टु हिज हर्ट । यदि कसैसँग उसले बुझ्ने भाषामा कुरा गर्नुभयो भने त्यो कुरा उसको दिमागमा मात्र पुग्छ । यदि उसको मातृभाषामा भन्नुभयो भने मुटुसम्म पुग्छ । मण्डेलाले मातृभाषाको द्रुत असरलाई प्रस्ट्याए ।. संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघको अध्ययनअनुसार यतिबेला कारोबारमा नचलेका करिब ५३०० मातृभाषा संकटमा परेका छन् । शिक्षामा मातृभाषाको महत्त्वलाई नजरअन्दाज गरेर अबको शिक्षानीति बनाइयो भने सामाजिक र राष्ट्रिय मात्र होइन मानव जातिकै अस्तित्व संकटमा आउन सक्ने स्थिति बन्नेछ । संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघमा सन् १९९९ बाट यस मुद्दाले स्थान पाइसकेको छ । अब यसलाई संसारभरि उपयुक्त कार्यान्वयनको खाँचो छ ।सर्व शिक्षा मातृभाषामा नहुनु, सुक्ष्म गतिमा पिञ्जराको सुगा हुनु हो। बग्ने पानी पुग्दैन वर्षा नै चाईञ्छ, सुसम्पन्न समाज बनाउन सर्व शिक्षा मातृभाषामा चाईञ्छ । बालक बालिकालाई उदयमान बनाउनु ।
Very appreciating Sir and also ace diplomacy is needed, team division must be created technically, there must be a brilliant and cunning spoke person infront of media, there must a ideal leader, there must be a team working behind and there must be captains leading in ground level, it must also be backed up with IT technical team, there must be media presentation and documentaries. This is hardly possible by a single person only... Off course a smart leadership like Honor'ble Shakti Sir is needed but I think we must not expect any One Man Army Superman. NGC is a very good initiative, also territorial expansion is needed. solid strategies and a clear road map must be produced. Jai Hind Jai Gorkha...
सहि एजन्डा मदन तामाङ को लाग्छ बिनाय तामाङ निउ पाया घ्यू खाने जस्तो बक्तब्या दिन्छ दार्जिलिङ को गोर्खा एजेन्डा सब एक जुत भएर गएना भने सफल हुन गारोनै पर्नेछ ?
Sir u have a great leadership ability n that's true we want united. when our leaders throw his price tag that's time I think we should be achieved our destination.jai gorkha jai gorkhaland
Jap party should change its name to Bharatiya Gorkhali Janta Party then its main aim should be to create a Bharatiya Gorkhali State primarily made up of unified Sikkim Darjeeling region including Silguri tarai upto Mechi River and touching northwest Bangladesh. Then Gorkhali majority populated portions of Assam and Tripura can also ask the Central Govt. for a merger with the Bharatiya Gorkhali State on the basis of population, language and culture.
don't let aryan , brahmin, chetry people rule the state or any leadership, don't forget what they did to nepal and are still doing. be silent but never let them come to power until u know them personally and see the love for nation in them.
Dr.Harka Bahadur Chhettri the main defect of our politicians is that our people do not know the original history of our own land of dwellings. Therefore our intellectuals and politicians must demand our rights with full supporting evidences which is laid down in the history which cannot be erased. So far our demand is Gorkhaland which is wrong. But our first demand should be to reunify our ancestral land and people back to the state before being disintegrated by Bhutan and the British. Then the name of the reunified region should be such so as to include and satisfy every clan or tribe dwelling in the reunified land. After that the people living in the surrounding neighbor States where there are gorkhali majority populated regions should ask to be merged.
The demand should be for the Bharatiya Unified Gorkhali State NOT Gorkhaland which means Nepal just as Hindustan means India. NGC's name should be changed to Bharatiya Gorkhali Janta Party and fight the 2019 election to elect our own Gorkhali MPs in Darjeeling,Kalimpong,Siliguri,Jalpaiguri and Sikkim. Then create Bharatiya Unified Gorkhali State.
when anit thapa and benay tamang accepted GTA, people of the hills were against them. they called them dogs and pigs and what not. people even talked about killing them openly. but now when they came to power, the very same people have embraced them and welcomed them with open arms and doing chumchagiri walking around them. so now I have come to the conclusion that the name GORKHALAND is just an agenda leaders of hills r using to make a good position in their political career and extract money from the west Bengal govt. no matter how many lives they take in this drama. it's not just the leaders who r to be blamed. it's also the people of hills who r equally guilty for accepting and embracing those traitors in the greed of some perks and favours from those two. SACCHAI NAI AANT CHHINEKO HO HILLS KO MANCHE HARUKO. SYANO TUKRA MA RAAL CHWAUNE
yasto ucha bichar vyeko bekti lai chai hamro harule chindaina. ani tyo matne chadne chor harulai neta banayo jetyo ani jasto ko testai. Darjeeling aju vanda 10 Sal age pne testai theyo aju pne testai cha ra hune cha...
mero gorkhland prati sujhao, agar tapai ra tapaiko party gorkhaland premi ra ewta ageda ma emmandar cha vaney , (be together all gorkhey and so call parties ) ani creat a one flag for g.land than come and show unity with one demand by carring one flag , which may not make confusion to central and state government. jai gorkha
Monjit Dey Hi ! I'm surprised.r u a bengali ?? if so, u r the one who is not communal. Actually the demand of Gorkhaland is not a communal issue but some people try to tint it with a communal colour. It's a long history ,u just think that we may remain the friends forever as we r today.Please support the fact.
Anything he said we can take benefits from it, except without argue within jaat paat bla bla bla... if you guys don't like Chhetri's it's Okey ignore him but take his good experience, and be unite
Mingma gyatso Bhutia U r being a Bhutia also u didn't hesitate to be a gorkha I feel very good (there r many ....who feel ..down to call themselves gorkha).
Furtenzi Sherpa Absolutely correct! But most of our people don't understand him,some pretend as if they do not know him ,some r jealous of him n some r afraid that he might be more popular than other one..some spread rumors against him......that is why he has been helpless.
Dr.Harka B.Chetri is the best candidate so far,.BUT our common candidate MUST HAVE ONE AND ONLY ONE ELECTORAL AIM AND THAT IS TO CREATE BHARATIYA GORKHALAND made up of current Darjeeling Dooars region and Sikkim REUNIFIED. Nothing else will separate our region from Bangal.
Darjeeling sikkim try to Effect from leader of Nepal . no Rights leader of Nepal . leader of Nepal no good .dirty Record leader of Nepal Refugee Resettlement case. clear identity is Gorkhali .for Asia .
Khela hobay ta haina khela go bay jasto laagdaicha. Abo na jotay huncha jantalay internet chalauna sikeko cha.afnai chora lai jotnu ta saaro cha aabo.old calculation fail hola hai
हेर्दा र सुन्दई एकदमै राम्रो लाग्यो रा सही बिंदु लाई ध्यान मा राखेर speech दिनु भयो हर्कजिउ ले र यसरी नै र यस्तै सोच संग अघाड़ी बड़ने र हर्कजिउ को अर्को कुरा हामीलाई गोरखालैंड को लगी पोलिटिकल सेल्फिश कुरसी को लागी होइन तर Political unity र Social unity र understanding चाहिन्छ गोरखालैंड को लगी र मेरो आफ्नो सोच के छ भने जो बिज़नस गोरखालैंड को नाम मा चली रखे को छ आ-आफ्नो सुवार्थ को लगी जस्ले कतिपय आफ्नै गोर्खाली हरुलाई नुकसान पुराई राखेको छ र हाम्रो सामाजिक एकता र बिस्वास लाई चोट पुर्याउन खोजी रहेको छ त्यस्ता मौकापरस्त हरुलाई पनी खोजेर बाहिर ल्याउन पर्ने हो जस्तो लाग्छ ईनीहरु ले गोर्खाली समाज र गोरखालैंड जो हाम्रो अस्तिव हो त्येस माथी पनी बिस्वास तोड़ने गरे जस्तो मलाई लागेको छ यो कुरा गोरखा हरु जो कुनै कारनबर्स गोरखालैंड देखि बाहिर छन तीनी हरु स्पष्ट देखेका हुन्छन र एसले पनी हामीलाई कमजोर बनाउन सक्छन
नेपालबाट सुन्दा, हेर्दा, विचार गर्दा हर्क सर नै गोर्खाल्याण्डको सहि नेता लाग्यो अरु पनि सहि नै हुन् But harka is the best among the leaders. 100% support. He has very clear voice and vision!
Very good wise decission to lead the Gorkhaland state .Common people must understand such unity of intellectual people who is could understand deeply knew all the concept and conculussion. So must think through the modern concept of political parties of India. Share ideas intellectual ideas real ideas which could fruitful.
Hajur sahi soch ko manxe hunuhunx..hajur ko speech jammai gorkha haru samakx puraunu saknu parx
Truly said he is best n dynamic person good spoke person. God bless Darjeeling.... From nepal
हर्कबहादुर क्षेत्रि को बिचार र सोच धेरै राम्रो र काम गर्न सक्ने क्षमता विवेक पनि छ जस्तो लाग्यो।
जय नेपाल
जय नेपाल
लातका भुत बातसे नहि मान्ता यसको समाधान ग्रेटर नेपालमा छ,यसलाई सिंघ भनिन्छ । धन्यबाद
I heartily salute you sir. Our support is always with you. Please lead our community for the cause of Gorkhaland.
Darjeeling funny video 2
देवनागिरि लिपिमा लेखौं
विश्वभाषा नेपाली बनाऔं ।
माताको दूध शिशुलाई
शिक्षा मातृभाषामा,
प्रभाव पर्छ सृस्टिलाई
प्रकाशको गतिमा।
यी माथिका हरफ मेघालय शिलोंगका नेपालीभाषी पुस्तक ब्यबसायी श्री बिष्णु गौतमले २३ मार्च २००५ देखि जोड तोडका साथ प्रचार प्रसार गर्दै आएका छन् । उनले प्रकाशन गरेका पुस्तक, बिजक, लेटर प्याड, पुस्तक सुची जताततै यी हरफ देख्न पाइन्छ । नेपाली, अंग्रेजी, खासी र बंगाली भाषामा लेखिएका यी हरफले मातृभाषाको शक्तिले सृष्टिको रक्षा र यस सुन्दर बहुरंगी विश्व-बाटिकालाइ द्रुत गतिमा सुमुन्नत बनाउन टेवा मिल्ने संदेश दिन्छ ।. जन्मेपछि सम्बाद गर्न सिकेको पहिलो भाषा नै मानिसको मातृभाषा हो । संसारमा ज्ञान, सोच र कल्पनाको बहुरंगी विविधता कायम राख्न पनि मातृभाषालाइ बचाईराख्न र विकास गर्न जरुरि छ । मातृभाषामा दिइने शिक्षाले सम्बन्धित भाषा त्यसको लिपि, जातीय संस्कार र संस्कृतिको विकास तथा समाजमा उत्प्रेरणा र चेतनाको अभिवृद्धि हुन्छ । यदि कुनै भाषा लोप भएर गयो भने त्यस जतिको संस्कृति पनि लोप भएर जान्छ । संस्कृतिक सम्वृद्धिमा सबैभन्दा ठूलो योगदान भाषाको नै हुन्छ । मातृभाषामा दिइने अभिव्यक्ति सबैभन्दा परिपूर्ण र सहज हुन्छ । यदि मातृभाषा सम्पन्न भयनन भने संसारमा धेरै कारोबार हुने सम्पर्क भाषाको अवस्था पनि खोक्रो हुन जानेछ । ससाना हजारौ मातृभाषाका कारणले नै संसारका सम्पर्क भाषा सम्पन्न र हराभरा भएका हुन् । यदि कारोबारी भाषामा लिप्त भएर मातृभाषाको लोप भयो भने ज्ञान बिज्ञानको संसार उराठिलो मरुभूमि जस्तो बन्ने छ । त्यसैले शिक्षा मातृभाषामै हुनु पर्छ । मातृभाषा मानिसको मौलिक ज्ञान, शिप सृजनाको खजाना हो । यस्तो महत्वपूर्ण खजानाको रक्षामा ध्यान नदिएर क्षणिक लाभको निम्ति कारोबारमा चलेका भाषामा मात्र लिप्त हुनु समाजको भविस्य माथि गरेको बेइमानी र बाल अधिकारको हनन हो ।. प्रसिद्ध साहित्यकार रवीन्द्रनाथ टैगोरले भनेका छन्, ‘मातृभाषामा शिक्षा पाउनु मानिसको जन्मसिद्ध अधिकार हो । हामी जसरी आमाको कोखमा जन्मेका हौं त्यसैगरी मातृभाषा पनि हाम्रो कोख हो । यी दुवै आमा हाम्रालागि सधैं सजीव र अपरिहार्य छन् ।’ उनले मातृभाषाको महत्त्वलाई बुझे र बुझाउने कोसिस गरे । प्रसिद्ध राजनीतिज्ञ नेलसन मण्डेलाले भनेका छन्- इफ यू स्पिक टु अ म्यान इन अ ल्याङ्वेज ही अन्डरस्ट्यान्डस, इट गोज् टु हिज माइन्ड बट इफ यू स्पिक इन हिज ल्याङ्वेज इट गोज टु हिज हर्ट । यदि कसैसँग उसले बुझ्ने भाषामा कुरा गर्नुभयो भने त्यो कुरा उसको दिमागमा मात्र पुग्छ । यदि उसको मातृभाषामा भन्नुभयो भने मुटुसम्म पुग्छ । मण्डेलाले मातृभाषाको द्रुत असरलाई प्रस्ट्याए ।. संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघको अध्ययनअनुसार यतिबेला कारोबारमा नचलेका करिब ५३०० मातृभाषा संकटमा परेका छन् । शिक्षामा मातृभाषाको महत्त्वलाई नजरअन्दाज गरेर अबको शिक्षानीति बनाइयो भने सामाजिक र राष्ट्रिय मात्र होइन मानव जातिकै अस्तित्व संकटमा आउन सक्ने स्थिति बन्नेछ । संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघमा सन् १९९९ बाट यस मुद्दाले स्थान पाइसकेको छ । अब यसलाई संसारभरि उपयुक्त कार्यान्वयनको खाँचो छ ।सर्व शिक्षा मातृभाषामा नहुनु, सुक्ष्म गतिमा
पिञ्जराको सुगा हुनु हो।
बग्ने पानी पुग्दैन वर्षा नै चाईञ्छ, सुसम्पन्न समाज बनाउन सर्व शिक्षा मातृभाषामा चाईञ्छ ।
बालक बालिकालाई उदयमान बनाउनु ।
Under the leadership of Respectable Lt general who knew how to lead the army to win the battle of Gorkhaland. Jai Gorkhaland.
He is absolutely right at 1:46. I am from Nepal and know it well. Khas aka chhetri should lead movement of Gorkhaland.
Respected sir Dr harkha bhadhur sir🙏🏾he is best..
Hernu Hoss ..Binay Tamang Daju...2013 ko Adholan ma Tapai haru le Bandh....Garda Mero
Very appreciating Sir and also ace diplomacy is needed, team division must be created technically, there must be a brilliant and cunning spoke person infront of media, there must a ideal leader, there must be a team working behind and there must be captains leading in ground level, it must also be backed up with IT technical team, there must be media presentation and documentaries. This is hardly possible by a single person only... Off course a smart leadership like Honor'ble Shakti Sir is needed but I think we must not expect any One Man Army Superman. NGC is a very good initiative, also territorial expansion is needed. solid strategies and a clear road map must be produced. Jai Hind Jai Gorkha...
दामी हर्क सर
I just love the way you talk.. You touch peoples heart
Where is NGC now?
Col.aley la ta Harka sir Lai hereko herko bhayo ta
Good orator and has the capacity to debate logically.
Dr H.B sir has the potential to lead the people of darjeeling
Bhadgaunle topi ❤️❤️😍
"What does it profit a man if he gains the whole World but loses his own soul?"- Bible
What profit would a man gain if he gets everything but loses his own land and personal identity ,? That is the situation with our region.
Mai Indian hu or gorkha land banker rahega koi nahi roksktaha gorkhalnad bane se
सहि एजन्डा मदन तामाङ को लाग्छ बिनाय तामाङ निउ पाया घ्यू खाने जस्तो बक्तब्या दिन्छ दार्जिलिङ को गोर्खा एजेन्डा सब एक जुत भएर गएना भने सफल हुन गारोनै पर्नेछ ?
Harka bdr moreko ho ab sankha bajanu parcha
Mero chetra..ma Ak Buldug Mattilel liaar niskida Tapai Hat badher Rail ma pachi 1 mahina Jail ma ..mo sits charsit xa...
Sir u have a great leadership ability n that's true we want united. when our leaders throw his price tag that's time I think we should be achieved our destination.jai gorkha jai gorkhaland
ke bujhxau tapay haru Yati bujh Ki ma Nepali hu gorkhali hu ,🇳🇵🇳🇵🇳🇵🇳🇵🇳🇵Jay Nepal
Fantastic n valuable meeting it may be implemented.
Harkay lay Gorkhaland lyauxa ?
Bhtani refugees ko naam ma utheko paisa ko hisab dodhnu ni kati khako xa ?
Many many congratulations on this Channel to the owner of it !!!
Keep enlightening us.. 👍
#I support !!
अलग राज्यको निम्ती समर्पित छौं तर लेप्चाको इतिहास र अधिकारको पनि कुरा गरौ न हौ !
सरहरू...... ।
Jai gorkha jai
Harkha bd sir ko kura sahi xa
Yes u r right. That's why the GNLF agitation during 1980s had been landed without safety, resulting to accept DGHC.
Jap party should change its name to Bharatiya Gorkhali Janta Party then its main aim should be to create a Bharatiya Gorkhali State primarily made up of unified Sikkim Darjeeling region including Silguri tarai upto Mechi River and touching northwest Bangladesh. Then Gorkhali majority populated portions of Assam and Tripura can also ask the Central Govt. for a merger with the Bharatiya Gorkhali State on the basis of population, language and culture.
He is the star of Gurkha community
Jack Olaf Rai II 'ik
We respect your doings ; ability and your knowledge. Sir.
you are a great leader sir
Last hope NGC... good speech Mr Harka Bdr.
Nepali flag(jhanda)dargeling ghar ghar ko dhure ma nepali jhanda raknus.jai nepali.jai gorkhali land
Baag garib nepal bhikari
@@jojo-eb6yf तँ रण्डीको छोरोले आफूलाई जत्तिनै proud to be indian भन्, तेरो मूजि नशामा त्यहीँ गरिब नेपालीको रगत बगरहेको छ।
great Dr.Harka sir...👍👍
don't let aryan , brahmin, chetry people rule the state or any leadership, don't forget what they did to nepal and are still doing. be silent but never let them come to power until u know them personally and see the love for nation in them.
are you even aware of what you talking... get the facts checked and then T.R.Y to be intellectual.... you are brainwashed already.
Dr.Harka Bahadur Chhettri the main defect of our politicians is that our people do not know the original history of our own land of dwellings. Therefore our intellectuals and politicians must demand our rights with full supporting evidences which is laid down in the history which cannot be erased. So far our demand is Gorkhaland which is wrong. But our first demand should be to reunify our ancestral land and people back to the state before being disintegrated by Bhutan and the British. Then the name of the reunified region should be such so as to include and satisfy every clan or tribe dwelling in the reunified land. After that the people living in the surrounding neighbor States where there are gorkhali majority populated regions should ask to be merged.
The demand should be for the Bharatiya Unified Gorkhali State NOT Gorkhaland which means Nepal just as Hindustan means India. NGC's name should be changed to Bharatiya Gorkhali Janta Party and fight the 2019 election to elect our own Gorkhali MPs in Darjeeling,Kalimpong,Siliguri,Jalpaiguri and Sikkim. Then create Bharatiya Unified Gorkhali State.
Wow..sir harka its really wow thought
Darjeeling funny video 2
when anit thapa and benay tamang accepted GTA, people of the hills were against them. they called them dogs and pigs and what not. people even talked about killing them openly. but now when they came to power, the very same people have embraced them and welcomed them with open arms and doing chumchagiri walking around them. so now I have come to the conclusion that the name GORKHALAND is just an agenda leaders of hills r using to make a good position in their political career and extract money from the west Bengal govt. no matter how many lives they take in this drama. it's not just the leaders who r to be blamed. it's also the people of hills who r equally guilty for accepting and embracing those traitors in the greed of some perks and favours from those two. SACCHAI NAI AANT CHHINEKO HO HILLS KO MANCHE HARUKO. SYANO TUKRA MA RAAL CHWAUNE
kta hariya Gorkhaland .sakiya
Very true Dr chettri
People like you only can do for Gorkhaland sir
Sir...ur great...i like u.
yasto ucha bichar vyeko bekti lai chai hamro harule chindaina. ani tyo matne chadne chor harulai neta banayo jetyo ani jasto ko testai. Darjeeling aju vanda 10 Sal age pne testai theyo aju pne testai cha ra hune cha...
yes justai to harulai gareko theyo madam tamang lai
Union territory council darjeeling bill bannako ramro...
mero gorkhland prati sujhao, agar tapai ra tapaiko party gorkhaland premi ra ewta ageda ma emmandar cha vaney , (be together all gorkhey and so call parties ) ani creat a one flag for g.land than come and show unity with one demand by carring one flag , which may not make confusion to central and state government. jai gorkha
TAMANG, GURUNG, LIMBU, SHERPA , YELMO LANGAUGE should be tough in aGorkhaland.
why not tebeten sala refuje jatee tukraw cahs...
Jama tolai taa neee
SUDARSHAN JR condo kha.
Abhibavhawak le ke garus yahan vibhishan euta hoina 25 euta xa
Neta haaru delhi chai maaja lay ghumnu paayo.fokatiya ticket hotel ani bhasan dinay training maaja.kati lay ta beehay pani gare aare.aho khela hobay
Zarur Milne chahiye separate State.Gurkha land.
Harka time nobola la bhuttan ko janta bachara khana
Jai gorkha jai gorkhaland
Pratima jyu tapaiharu newari vasa katiko bolnu hunxa.
You are right sir
Well said......👍👍👍
We have to United sir
Suru Mai Harka sir le....R.B Rai sir lai jodle jhapat haannu vayo ta...
Sabai strategy bnawne haru matra cha hai..... Thik samay ma niklera thik kaam garne haru thorai cha... Ani taatine belama sabai fridge ma huncha
genius man and leader of upcoming gorkhaland..
Monjit Dey
Hi ! I'm surprised.r u a bengali ?? if so, u r the one who is not communal. Actually the demand of Gorkhaland is not a communal issue but some people try to tint it with a communal colour. It's a long history ,u just think that we may remain the friends forever as we r today.Please support the fact.
British east India company's la nepal government ko samjota finishem ba ko ba na India government la nepal government ma samjota ba ko 6a
Ur 💯 right sir
K hw ferk kati marne ho yespali poni
Sahi kuro sir lepal sang Ek juta hunu parxa sir
Gorkha chinouney subash ghishing Darjeeling lai chinouney chiya bagan
Anything he said we can take benefits from it, except without argue within jaat paat bla bla bla... if you guys don't like Chhetri's it's Okey ignore him but take his good experience, and be unite
You have the capability to lead gorkha.
Darjeeling funny video 2
salute to chettri....
Darjeeling funny video 2
haina dr haraka bahadur sir kata ho purai gumnam hunuvayo ta
Appreaciate sir
Bharatiya Gorkhali Janta Party ko khacho chha jasley Bharatiya Gorkhali Rajya sthapna garnu parchha jasma Bharatma vako jammai Gorkhali bahulya vumi ra jantako ekikaran hunchha.
You are right
Well said .
Mingma gyatso Bhutia
U r being a Bhutia also u didn't hesitate to be a gorkha I feel very good (there r many ....who feel ..down to call themselves gorkha).
Guye harkey ko kura pahadi janata le sunnu hudaina.
Yo manxey imandar ho vaney kehi garthiyo hola.....
Furtenzi Sherpa
Absolutely correct! But most of our people don't understand him,some pretend as if they do not know him ,some r jealous of him n some r afraid that he might be more popular than other one..some spread rumors against him......that is why he has been helpless.
Dr.Harka B.Chetri is the best candidate so far,.BUT our common candidate MUST HAVE ONE AND ONLY ONE ELECTORAL AIM AND THAT IS TO CREATE BHARATIYA GORKHALAND made up of current Darjeeling Dooars region and Sikkim REUNIFIED. Nothing else will separate our region from Bangal.
Madan tamang darjeeling/gorkhaland demand ko guardian thiya tra chor darjeeling ko neta haru le assassination murder gardiyo
Darjeeling sikkim try to Effect from leader of Nepal . no Rights leader of Nepal . leader of Nepal no good .dirty Record leader of Nepal Refugee Resettlement case. clear identity is Gorkhali .for Asia .
Khela hobay ta haina khela go bay jasto laagdaicha. Abo na jotay huncha jantalay internet chalauna sikeko cha.afnai chora lai jotnu ta saaro cha aabo.old calculation fail hola hai
Bolay ra koi bato hudaina
yo need to speak up sir
Gorkhaland state magna bandha gar mc. Dharjeling state ko kura gar jathtya ho.
Gorkhaland khane manchey Lai kaigarnu sakena muji bolera Kai hudaina
Gorkhaland baachna Dalal haru.
chor sala