The PP cadres are in great fear. They have lost the fight on the ground .Now they have been reduced to copy paste. They think they can deceive us. Guys they are going low. You can't deaft the Amhara resistance. Because it has a just cause that everybody is ready and determined to die. PP cadres like Belay M. are shitting in their pants. There is no way that you can present Yilikal like that. You know what we can't stop laughing. This is a sign that PP has been waving the white flag.
Thank you very much for informing us. Long live our outstanding leader Abichu ! May God bless and keep ETHIOPIA.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ለሆዱ ያደረ ሁላ ስለፋኖ ማውራት አይችልም ፋኖ ከራሱ ይልቅ ለወገኑ የሚሞት ጀግና ስብስብ ነው ::
እንዲሁ እንዳንተ ኦሮሞዎች ለኦነግ ትግሬ ለወያኔ እስከ ሞት በጭፍን የሚደግፉ እንዳሉ አትዘንጋ
ሁሉም ግን አገር ያጠፋል
የፋኖ ትግል እጅግ የረቀቀ ነው !!!
ለማናገር ከሆነ የፋኖ ጦርነት ስልት አይነገርም !!!
ፋኖ የተማረ የሕዝብ ኃይል ስብስብ ነው !!!
ምንም ሳታደርግ ይልቁንም ሕዝብን እያስጨነቁ ተማሪዎች እንዳይማሩ ማድረግ ሰው እያገቱ ገንዘብ መጠየቅ መዝረፍ የወንበዴዎች ማንነት ዓለም አቀፍ ድንቁርና ነው።
የብልፅግና ቅንብር ነው ተጠንቀቁአስተያየት የሚሰጡትም ብልፅግናዎች ናቸው
መሽፈን ማመን ጥሩ ነወ ኣዶልፍ ሂትለር ምን ኣለ መሰለሀ ኣንተ የበረከት ተላላኪ ሂትለር እንዞች ፈረንሳዮችና ራሻዎችችን ታሸንፋለህ ሲለው ጋዜጠኛ ችርችል ሳካራም ደጎል ቂጥኛም እስታሊን መሃይሞ ናቸው ነበር ያለው ኣሁን ድስኩር ኣልቆብህ ፀሃይህ ኣዘቅዝቃለች ይልቅ ጌታህ በረከት ስምኦን መቶልሃል ሃይ ኣለና በሎ
እኔ እስከማውቀው ብልፅና ፓርቲን የመሰለ የማይሞች ስብስብ የለም። ለምሳሌ አንተን የመሰሉ።
What a victim arrogant ! It's always expected wrong words from wrong person.
The PP cadres are in great fear. They have lost the fight on the ground .Now they have been reduced to copy paste. They think they can deceive us. Guys they are going low. You can't deaft the Amhara resistance. Because it has a just cause that everybody is ready and determined to die. PP cadres like Belay M. are shitting in their pants. There is no way that you can present Yilikal like that. You know what we can't stop laughing. This is a sign that PP has been waving the white flag.
Fano = Gorilla
@@AliMohamed-gi1tt whatabout gala?