Amazing piece of kit! One thing I've found to be a nucence is that when you click 'increase' on the gaussian setting it drives straight to 1,000, crashing the software, rather than increasing incrementally in single digits.
Another thing, when painting on large objects (large tree) the brush size goes wider than the screen and I have to zoom right in to place snow on certain branches. I think it would be smart to implement a brush size.
this plugin looks cool, but does it work on normal scenes too...? because in this little preview that extra low poly house and terrain just a joke. what if I want to put snow on a million polygon car?@@jakesr98
After I selected Paint Ps Snow and added the object, when I'm trying to paint snow it is not being created, only the particles appear while painting. What am I doing wrong?
Hi, can you tell me if it's possible for the PS_Flakes function to change from a flat plane/opacity map which you have set up to an actual mesh instead?
Hello, It is not currently possible to set up a custom mesh for PS_Flakes but it can be added in the next version. Thanks for your feedback. Have a great day!
11:33 It's fantastic!
I would like to see you create a sculpting tool that uses this system.
This is black magic. Absolutely incredible.
Amazing piece of kit! One thing I've found to be a nucence is that when you click 'increase' on the gaussian setting it drives straight to 1,000, crashing the software, rather than increasing incrementally in single digits.
Another thing, when painting on large objects (large tree) the brush size goes wider than the screen and I have to zoom right in to place snow on certain branches. I think it would be smart to implement a brush size.
this plugin looks cool, but does it work on normal scenes too...? because in this little preview that extra low poly house and terrain just a joke. what if I want to put snow on a million polygon car?@@jakesr98
This might be magic, absolutely love it.
where can you find the snow materials? 1:46
where can i find the snowflake texture?
This is so fucking violent. Great, great job on this plugin. Damn.
every year better, ever, great work thank you..
please add recording of animation of painting snow
please make plow dirt and mud plugin for tire tracks maybe using tyflow
Great job!
How to add snowflakes materials as in the video?
about the snowflakes material? how can we add it?
IS there a plan for Polysnow to ship in Blender maybe ?
wonderful plugin, thank u :)
After I selected Paint Ps Snow and added the object, when I'm trying to paint snow it is not being created, only the particles appear while painting. What am I doing wrong?
Just wow!
Hi, can you tell me if it's possible for the PS_Flakes function to change from a flat plane/opacity map which you have set up to an actual mesh instead?
Hello, It is not currently possible to set up a custom mesh for PS_Flakes but it can be added in the next version. Thanks for your feedback. Have a great day!
@@PolyDesignTutorials Awesome, that would be a great update.
@@PolyDesignTutorials Another follow-up. In the video @16:56, does it also create that material shader or was previously created manually?
Is documentation for how the tool works included in the purchase?
oh very nice
How to change the brush size?
you can use CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + drag mouse up or down to resize the brush.
the backround music makes me crazy...
Maya version? Someday, somehow?..
Зачем? В майа можно все то же самое
@@blurbeta777 а в максе нельзя?) это плагин готовое решение, готовый инстерумент.. в этом его прелесть
Does it work on 3ds max 2024?
Yes it does support 3dsmax 2024.
how to get free
This is most def NOT worth the asking price. Come on guys, it does ONE thing only. Bit steep for the price.