It's a shame that you aren't including a frame where you show the actual game board anymore. These top 100 lists help bring awareness to certain games and a picture is worth a thousand words. It was that specific part of your previous top 100's that really got me interested in certain games and ultimately in the hobby itself.
Completely agree with the OP. I guess it’s just a time-saving exercise on the part of the Dice Tower to not include them, but it would make the top 100 so much more valuable.
The funny thing about Catan is, that the Americans get wood from Mayfair and crave for plastic, while the Europeans want wood and get plastic from Kosmos. Sam even pointed out at some point, how he liked the plastic roads and towns in Catan Germany, which are exactly the same like in Kosmos' editions of regular Catan, while most people in Germany, at least pretty much everybody vocal in social media and online forums, trashes the cheap Chinese bits and envy the Mayfair version for it's elegant wooden components. It's like Mayfair distributing a Soccer game, while Kosmos going for Baseball.
I don't think of Isle of Skye as a complex Carcassonne. It plays to me more like Castles of Mad King Ludwig, but in about half the time. A lot of the interesting decisions comes from the the price setting.
Your talk of Mage Wars Academy reminded of TSR's 1975 game War of Wizards by MAR Barker I used to love those zillions of spell chits. But I'm sure it has no more than a thematic relationship to MWA ---Gawd, I'm old!
Yeah, I was also wondering if Tom has incorporated the expansion into Cry Havoc. I haven’t seen a review either. Maybe they didn’t receive a review copy of the game?
The more I watch Zee, the more I feel he and I would just hit it off as friends. His humor is right in line with mine. Good job, guys. Looking forward to the next 10 on the list.
The image at the beginning of the video really looks like a location I visited in Iceland recently. I heard they were there last month, so I wonder if that’s where it’s from.
My 71-80: 71. Black Fleet 72. Islebound 73. Bang! the dice game 74. Crude: The Oil Game 75. RoboRally 76. Ca$h 'n Guns 2nd edition 77. Family Business 78. IKI 79. Twin Tin Bots 80. Port Royal
My 80-71: #80. The Mind, #79. Scrabble, #78. Illusion, #77. $ale of the Century (the 1980s version with the innovative Quizzard lockout system), #76. This Game Is Bonkers!, #75. BANG! The Dice Game, #74. Mille Bornes, #73. Tumblin-Dice, #72. No Thanks!, #71. Wits & Wagers.
Isle of Skye isn't Carcassonne with an auction, it's an auction game with tile placement. And the tile placement itself doesn't even matter that much most of the time.
I personally love Cry Havoc! For me it doesn't compete at all with Blood Rage or Rising Sun, as they offer different things and experiences to me. For me it is hard to get Cry Havoc to the table because it can be so brain burny. It takes figuring out, for sure, but it is worth a spot in my collection, likely not getting rid of ever.
I feel the opposite about TIME Stories, I wish each case was self contained with only the time travel agency tying them together. The meta story has hurt the game, for me.
That's funny Tom. I'm surprised people are still so enamoured by Carcassonne, which feels just like a constant luck of the draw. I personally can't stand the possibility that I could get 12 roads in a row, while my opponents get to finish off cities left and right. Isle of Skye completely remedies that with the draw 3, price 2, axe 1 concept, plus the fact that you get the opportunity to buy one tile from an opponent. Also each tile has the potential to become valuable with the right scrolls coming up. While in Carcassonne drawing roads is almost always an annoyance.
Yeah, it's just weird how they are assuming a Carcassonne link for why people like it and ignoring all the other things Isle of Skye brings to the table that Carcassonne does not.
Isle of Skye - I actually played this game before Tom reviewed it! I also played this before I played Carcassonne. I quite enjoyed it and played it a lot, but it started to get boring and have slowed down my plays, and that allowed the enjoyment to return. It is currently my 30th favorite game, and enjoy it more than basic Carcassonne with expansions, which is #55, but other Carcassonne's I like better include: Ark of the Covenant @ #15, Carcassonne: Amazonas @ #13, Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers @ #9. So yes, I have since played Carcassonne many times after learning Isle of Skye and quite enjoy them.
Didn't say that people couldn't enjoy both, just that it would be wrong to assume that we do. For me, I just really, really soured on Carcassonne. I love tile laying in games (Kingdomino for instance is really, really high up for me), but I just don't like the high luck of the draw factor that Carcassonne brings. And I know that you are supposed to then use roads to make it more difficult for other players to complete their stuff, but that I kinda despise even more than unlucky draws.
Cryptid is AMAZING ... my boys and I have played more games in the past two weeks since release (games are short at 10-20 mins) than any other game the entire year!
I personally really like cosmic encounter! I understand why you dropped it a bit on the list, but it doesn't need to be on the top of the list to still be a good game.
pandemic legacy season 1 is one of the best games I've ever played. Played through it twice. I've started season 2. I need to finish it but so far it's trash. Not sure why it's almost polar opposites for me 🤷
It was the same for me. I loved season 1 and couldn't wait to play with my wife when I got home from work. It didn't leave the table until we finished. But I had to force myself to finish season 2, and it took 6 months.
I was just saying the same thing about Time Stories as you guys. We're at expansion 3 I think (stopped for other reasons), but I don't really want to go on after that, as I don't expect to play all the expansions, so I won't know the end of the story... I would have liked them to make let's say the base game + 4-5 expansions, wrap up the story, then move to another game with a similar system. Right now it's like a TV series that is likely to end because it gets bad reviews, instead of because it wrapped up what it had to say.
Radu Stanculescu Time Stories fell flat with all three groups I played it with. The main problem was my friends and I didn’t like the reset mechanic where you have to restart the adventure from scratch two or three or more times in order to finish. Replaying material we just saw and going through by trial and error is kind of boring, we definitely prefer the story driven board games where you go through the adventure once and visit encounters or rooms, etc, pretty much however you like without having to repeat it all (Mansions of Madness is popular, so are the Exit games, and personally I also like Sherlock Homes Consulting Detective better than Time Stories in this regard.)
Looking at this mini-picture of Godfather today I noticed that cat in the graphic. The game's been available for some timer but just today I noticed that.
Isle of Skye has so much more going on than carcassone, including the auction etc. Cryptid is also sold at a good price instead of having un-necessary miniatures and being twice the price. That is a big bonus in its favor. The price and the weight of the game match.
Hey, Sam: if someone wants that RPG feel (like Sword and Sorcery), but with a sci fi theme instead of fantasy... any suggestions? Maybe Galaxy Defenders?
@@HainishMentat Sure thing. Just to point out that I haven't tried Space Cadets: Away Missions yet. Have to wait for my birthday, but BGG Users have said that it replaced Galaxy Defenders for them.
Galaxy Defenders is still the best miniatures coop game out there. So tactical, so intense. Buy it. A masterpiece, really. But it is not that much about character development, it is more about tactical combat.
I really enjoy the format used for this year's Top 100 lists. All 4 lists in 1 video, shorter video length (~45 min), same order (Tom, Sam, Zee, then Fans) for each number in the countdown, etc. I know these guys like to (and should) change formats, but this is easily my favorite format.
Zee has got it wrong. You don't get eliminated from the game when you die as a human in Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space. You become an alien yourself and keep playing. From what i remember, the only way to get eliminated from the game is if you get shot by a human as an alien, which happens rarely.
It's a little nuts how few of these games I've played - there are just SO many games to play. I've only been deep into the hobby for a few years, but I've logged plays for hundreds of games. How many of the 40 mentioned here have I played? 13. Of those, how many did I enjoy? 4.
I've played 15 of these games, and enjoyed all but one one or two of those. The main thing keeping me from the other 25 is just that I'm not as interested in those games. There's soooo many great games out there that you can experiment, find your niche, and then not feel like you're missing out on the rest of these phenomenal games. I know Cosmic Encounter and Sidereal Confluence are great and amazing games that just don't look my style at all.
Isle of Skye is only like Carcassonne on the very surface; they're such fundamentally different games, I can't believe they're comparing them as if they were similar. I expect a bit deeper analysis. They both have tiles that have to match sides, that's about it.
Regarding your comments about there not being enough "hidden traitor mechanic" games out there --a game that the Dice Tower did not review for some reason was New Angeles from Fantasy Flight games. It is often compared to Dead of Winter and Battlestar Gallactica. It is a great game that deserves more press.
Cosmic Encounter - is my 15th favorite game, but seriously needs more plays. I have only played it twice but quite enjoyed it. Enough to buy it with most expansions! Run, Fight, or Die! - is my 61st favorite game. I bought it at the time because both my sons enjoyed the Zombie genre, while I do not, hoping I might find the game enjoyable. It was Sam's review not Tom's that sold it for me. I bought most of the expansions but not all, but do not like the new zombies. The game is pretty fun, an enjoyable game. I am interested in hearing a review on the new version coming out, but most likely will stick with this one. Raiders of the North Sea - I love this game a lot. But one thing keeps it from being played any more, I do not like attacking monasteries. As a christian, I can't get past this portion of the game and make it entertainment and fun. Otherwise this would be a top 15 game for me at least. Isle of Skye - I actually played this game before Tom reviewed it! I also played this before I played Carcassonne. I quite enjoyed it and played it a lot, but it started to get boring and have slowed down my plays, and that allowed the enjoyment to return. It is currently my 30th favorite game, and enjoy it more than basic Carcassonne with expansions, which is #55, but other Carcassonne's I like better include: Ark of the Covenant @ #15, Carcassonne: Amazonas @ #13, Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers @ #9. So yes, I have since played Carcassonne many times after learning Isle of Skye and quite enjoy them. Takenoko - is fun and another game that needs more plays, I have played it 2-3 times and is currently my 58th favorite game. Catan - I burned out playing this game on the Xbox 360 believe it or not! I sold my physical copy but kept the Bible version (Settlers of Canaan) which I play infrequently with my family, which is NOT on my top 100. I will play Catan, if it's my only choice, but am not a fan. Battlestar Galactica - I played this 2-3 times and quite enjoyed it, but it is too long for what it is and won't play it any more. No longer on my top 100 because of this.
I like how Tom disses Cryptid which looks great (no theme but looks good and is fun) but he is fine with Dice Settlers which its art/graphic design is just bad to the max in so many ways.
George: "Well, I just got back from swimming in the pool. And the water was wet..." Jerry: "Oh, you mean... Slippage." George: "Yes. Significant Slippage."
Kate Bosworth Yes and no. The clues are similarly worded, but in Cryptid there is a single treasure that is predetermined by the choice of setup card, although none of the players know where it is. In Cryptid you ask questions of the other players to figure out their clues so you can deduce the location. In Tobago, the location of the treasures can be anywhere and is effectively chosen by the players revealing cards that narrow down the location until only one remains. Cryptid is a pure deduction game. Tobago isn’t really deduction, it’s about tactical play so that you get the most of the treasures when it the location is eventually chosen.
Totally agree! Elysium is a GREAT game and Space Cowboys should totally release the (already produced) expansions. They should do so in a small box though, not a big box with new insert.
Guys I love your channel and I love top 100 , I wait for it like a kid for Santa Claus... but I can't understand with this years 100 why you are giving away on the best parts of it ? First you make it short , now you don't include the photos of games itself... it was so helpful to get an idea of the game and understand if you actually can be interested in it. It was so much better and felt complied as a short info. Now with all the rushing it seems like at the end you can just check the list at the end of the video with names... :( please , keep what people love !
My 80 - 71 look like this: 80- treasure hunter 79- fox in the forest 78 - happy salmon 77 - drop it 76 - the quest for el Dorado 75 - the networks 74 - feast for Oden 73 - camel up 72 - codenames 71 - dice forge
It's a shame that you aren't including a frame where you show the actual game board anymore. These top 100 lists help bring awareness to certain games and a picture is worth a thousand words. It was that specific part of your previous top 100's that really got me interested in certain games and ultimately in the hobby itself.
M Joseph That's basically the main reason I'm watching this Top 100 :-/
Completely agree with the OP. I guess it’s just a time-saving exercise on the part of the Dice Tower to not include them, but it would make the top 100 so much more valuable.
Agree with this 100%, not fussed that the format is shorter but would love more photos.
I agree. Photos of the set up game add so much to understanding the games.
Agreed. Pics are necessary for my understanding. When they aren't provided, I just end up pausing the video and looking them up on BGG.
😂 That added audio for Zee was awesome
I don't know how many people caught it
But it even has the Dice Guy!
The moment I see you three in one of these videos I am hooked and my brain immediately switches to enjoyment. Thanks and a lot of good games!😁
I really miss seeing the pictures of the games.
Loving this tighter, more streamlined version of the top 100 - keep up the good work!
I’m dying laughing 😂 Zee is on fire, keep on the good work!
I'm absolutely loving these full combo top 100s. Great great stuff, guys.
Love it so far. Really enjoy the format too.
Compatability is so great Zee! You recommend it and we love to play it. Wish they would reprint it!
"Insert audio here", oh man Zee that was hilarious!
I started laughing and almost choked on my food when you did the voiceover
Yeah,have been looking forward to guys are great
I laughed so much during this one! May cause slippage and you're not really a logic guy 😂 so funny! Really enjoying these!
Sam, would love to hear more about what you DO like about the games, not just why it fell down your list. Thanks, I enjoy this list every year.
The funny thing about Catan is, that the Americans get wood from Mayfair and crave for plastic, while the Europeans want wood and get plastic from Kosmos. Sam even pointed out at some point, how he liked the plastic roads and towns in Catan Germany, which are exactly the same like in Kosmos' editions of regular Catan, while most people in Germany, at least pretty much everybody vocal in social media and online forums, trashes the cheap Chinese bits and envy the Mayfair version for it's elegant wooden components. It's like Mayfair distributing a Soccer game, while Kosmos going for Baseball.
Tom looked like he was about to cry when Sam was smack talking cosmic encounter. But Tom hung in there. Good for you Tom. 15:35
Sam's comments were fair though. That game is so dependent on play group and individual experience. Just a complicated take that game imo.
Thanks for giving Elysium some love. Been waiting for an expansion for that!
I don't think of Isle of Skye as a complex Carcassonne. It plays to me more like Castles of Mad King Ludwig, but in about half the time.
A lot of the interesting decisions comes from the the price setting.
The same. Faster replacement for Castles, also plays well with 5)
Your talk of Mage Wars Academy reminded of TSR's 1975 game War of Wizards by MAR Barker I used to love those zillions of spell chits. But I'm sure it has no more than a thematic relationship to MWA ---Gawd, I'm old!
Is there a top 10 trick-taking game list? I keep getting ones that seem neat but really take too long for what I expect this kind of game to take.
Cry havoc has an expansion which I believe has not been reviewed by Tom yet, what gives its been out forever?
Yeah, I was also wondering if Tom has incorporated the expansion into Cry Havoc. I haven’t seen a review either.
Maybe they didn’t receive a review copy of the game?
Still the gold standard gentlemen. Thanks.
...the Twilight Imperium of slippage.
Holy purple vest, Batman! Tom's really rocking that Penguin outfit there.
Stepping up the banter baby!!! The Zendo segment was soo funny. Not really a logic guy huh Sammy? Lmao damn Tomas, you savage
Hahahahahaha! I loved the TIME Stories segment!
The more I watch Zee, the more I feel he and I would just hit it off as friends. His humor is right in line with mine. Good job, guys. Looking forward to the next 10 on the list.
Love the shirt, Zee! Now to actually watch the video.
The image at the beginning of the video really looks like a location I visited in Iceland recently. I heard they were there last month, so I wonder if that’s where it’s from.
LOL! Zee, "Anger rising!"
Sidereal Confluence was #3 on my first ever Top 20 that I did recently. It's super fun game.
You didn't make a video of your top 20?
No but I did make a geeklist that can be found on BGG :) Username is the same, willbeplayin.
what are the upgraded components for Seasons that Tom talked about? It's my favourite game, so I'd be interested in finding out.
Upgraded energy tokens - you can find them in BGG shop :)
"you're not a big logic guy though" Jesus Tom, calm your horses xD
Drooling over Dutrait artwork :D
Just bought Santorini. I'm new to the hobby, so this is only my 2nd game ever. Loving it.
Amazon released a few memior 44 expansions actually
Cosmic encounter! was thinking of buying it
Rising 5 called and wants Tom to retract the logic remark
Rising 5 is way overrated
SNOW TAILS!!! I'm so glad it's in the '18 top 100 😍😍😍💜💜💜 My favorite racing game. I 💘 🐺 huskies 🐺
My 71-80:
71. Black Fleet
72. Islebound
73. Bang! the dice game
74. Crude: The Oil Game
75. RoboRally
76. Ca$h 'n Guns 2nd edition
77. Family Business
78. IKI
79. Twin Tin Bots
80. Port Royal
Did you ever get your Dixit back Tom? I remember you saying that you lost it?
My favorite racing game is probably Camel Up.
Camel Cup
My 80-71: #80. The Mind, #79. Scrabble, #78. Illusion, #77. $ale of the Century (the 1980s version with the innovative Quizzard lockout system), #76. This Game Is Bonkers!, #75. BANG! The Dice Game, #74. Mille Bornes, #73. Tumblin-Dice, #72. No Thanks!, #71. Wits & Wagers.
Man Sam, way to savage Love letter lol!
Tom Vasel is the Willy Wonka of board games.
TriColoredTiger Or maybe the Mad Hatter. 🤠
Hey Tom, I just got Cry Havoc and tried it out, and I LOVE it.
please bring back the pictures of the board and components, when you speak about games. it was so helpfull
Isle of Skye isn't Carcassonne with an auction, it's an auction game with tile placement. And the tile placement itself doesn't even matter that much most of the time.
I personally love Cry Havoc! For me it doesn't compete at all with Blood Rage or Rising Sun, as they offer different things and experiences to me. For me it is hard to get Cry Havoc to the table because it can be so brain burny. It takes figuring out, for sure, but it is worth a spot in my collection, likely not getting rid of ever.
I feel the opposite about TIME Stories, I wish each case was self contained with only the time travel agency tying them together. The meta story has hurt the game, for me.
Tom, do you have any games in your top 100 that did not get a seal of excellence?
Esoteric is like Zee's favourite word.
The logic bit... hilarious! You wouldn't understand.
Why is Patchwork such a wonder? It is easily accessible, has a fun mechanism and the weight to time investment ratio is golden.
That's funny Tom. I'm surprised people are still so enamoured by Carcassonne, which feels just like a constant luck of the draw. I personally can't stand the possibility that I could get 12 roads in a row, while my opponents get to finish off cities left and right. Isle of Skye completely remedies that with the draw 3, price 2, axe 1 concept, plus the fact that you get the opportunity to buy one tile from an opponent. Also each tile has the potential to become valuable with the right scrolls coming up. While in Carcassonne drawing roads is almost always an annoyance.
mkitten13 Tom seems to like auction games and yet he didnt even mention that aspekt of Isle of Skye
Yeah, it's just weird how they are assuming a Carcassonne link for why people like it and ignoring all the other things Isle of Skye brings to the table that Carcassonne does not.
Isle of Skye - I actually played this game before Tom reviewed it! I also played this before I played Carcassonne. I quite enjoyed it and played it a lot, but it started to get boring and have slowed down my plays, and that allowed the enjoyment to return. It is currently my 30th favorite game, and enjoy it more than basic Carcassonne with expansions, which is #55, but other Carcassonne's I like better include: Ark of the Covenant @ #15, Carcassonne: Amazonas @ #13, Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers @ #9. So yes, I have since played Carcassonne many times after learning Isle of Skye and quite enjoy them.
Didn't say that people couldn't enjoy both, just that it would be wrong to assume that we do. For me, I just really, really soured on Carcassonne. I love tile laying in games (Kingdomino for instance is really, really high up for me), but I just don't like the high luck of the draw factor that Carcassonne brings. And I know that you are supposed to then use roads to make it more difficult for other players to complete their stuff, but that I kinda despise even more than unlucky draws.
I thought Kingdomino was "meh' but I love Queendomino. If you mix the two of them it's awesome. My 10th favorite game!
Very nice animation on Pandemic too!
Cryptid is AMAZING ... my boys and I have played more games in the past two weeks since release (games are short at 10-20 mins) than any other game the entire year!
Great list again. With you on Time Stories! But Godfather was ok at best.
I personally really like cosmic encounter! I understand why you dropped it a bit on the list, but it doesn't need to be on the top of the list to still be a good game.
Please do a top 10 top ten lists on the dice tower as the next dice tower top ten list please. it would help me catch up.
pandemic legacy season 1 is one of the best games I've ever played. Played through it twice. I've started season 2. I need to finish it but so far it's trash. Not sure why it's almost polar opposites for me 🤷
It was the same for me. I loved season 1 and couldn't wait to play with my wife when I got home from work. It didn't leave the table until we finished. But I had to force myself to finish season 2, and it took 6 months.
I like both but I definitely agree that Pandemic Legacy season 1 and 2 are very different games, they really shouldn’t be lumped together.
I was just saying the same thing about Time Stories as you guys. We're at expansion 3 I think (stopped for other reasons), but I don't really want to go on after that, as I don't expect to play all the expansions, so I won't know the end of the story... I would have liked them to make let's say the base game + 4-5 expansions, wrap up the story, then move to another game with a similar system. Right now it's like a TV series that is likely to end because it gets bad reviews, instead of because it wrapped up what it had to say.
Radu Stanculescu Time Stories fell flat with all three groups I played it with. The main problem was my friends and I didn’t like the reset mechanic where you have to restart the adventure from scratch two or three or more times in order to finish. Replaying material we just saw and going through by trial and error is kind of boring, we definitely prefer the story driven board games where you go through the adventure once and visit encounters or rooms, etc, pretty much however you like without having to repeat it all (Mansions of Madness is popular, so are the Exit games, and personally I also like Sherlock Homes Consulting Detective better than Time Stories in this regard.)
Loving Tom's outfit :-)
Looking at this mini-picture of Godfather today I noticed that cat in the graphic. The game's been available for some timer but just today I noticed that.
Isle of Skye has so much more going on than carcassone, including the auction etc.
Cryptid is also sold at a good price instead of having un-necessary miniatures and being twice the price. That is a big bonus in its favor. The price and the weight of the game match.
Hey, Sam: if someone wants that RPG feel (like Sword and Sorcery), but with a sci fi theme instead of fantasy... any suggestions? Maybe Galaxy Defenders?
There's also Star Saga and Space Cadets: Away Missions
@@LeeroyPorkins , Thank you!
@@HainishMentat Sure thing. Just to point out that I haven't tried Space Cadets: Away Missions yet. Have to wait for my birthday, but BGG Users have said that it replaced Galaxy Defenders for them.
Galaxy Defenders is still the best miniatures coop game out there. So tactical, so intense. Buy it. A masterpiece, really. But it is not that much about character development, it is more about tactical combat.
@@DieNische Bought Sword and Sorcery before Galaxy Defenders. Found S&S WAY to rules/management heavy. Now I never want to try Galaxy Defenders lol
Tom's sense of fashion quite free. Love it!! Rocking the pink hat baby
"You are not really a logic guy." Thats hard
I *think* he meant to say Sam's not into logic games (thinky/mathy stuff) but brilliantly put
yea. Of course that was he meant, just tought it was funny.
I really enjoy the format used for this year's Top 100 lists. All 4 lists in 1 video, shorter video length (~45 min), same order (Tom, Sam, Zee, then Fans) for each number in the countdown, etc. I know these guys like to (and should) change formats, but this is easily my favorite format.
I miss the hour length and the additional banter it afforded. I'm hoping they go back to an hour.
Zee has got it wrong. You don't get eliminated from the game when you die as a human in Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space. You become an alien yourself and keep playing. From what i remember, the only way to get eliminated from the game is if you get shot by a human as an alien, which happens rarely.
It's a little nuts how few of these games I've played - there are just SO many games to play. I've only been deep into the hobby for a few years, but I've logged plays for hundreds of games. How many of the 40 mentioned here have I played? 13. Of those, how many did I enjoy? 4.
I've played 15 of these games, and enjoyed all but one one or two of those. The main thing keeping me from the other 25 is just that I'm not as interested in those games. There's soooo many great games out there that you can experiment, find your niche, and then not feel like you're missing out on the rest of these phenomenal games. I know Cosmic Encounter and Sidereal Confluence are great and amazing games that just don't look my style at all.
Is Archaeology really that good? I used to own it and it was okay, Sea of Clouds looks like something I might enjoy more.
Atlantis Rising 2nd Edition hits Kickstarter on Nov. 6! Get jacked Zee!
Isle of Skye is only like Carcassonne on the very surface; they're such fundamentally different games, I can't believe they're comparing them as if they were similar. I expect a bit deeper analysis. They both have tiles that have to match sides, that's about it.
Regarding your comments about there not being enough "hidden traitor mechanic" games out there --a game that the Dice Tower did not review for some reason was New Angeles from Fantasy Flight games. It is often compared to Dead of Winter and Battlestar Gallactica. It is a great game that deserves more press.
As much as I love Dixit I’ve been having a lot of fun with Muse lately and just got the expansion.
Eternity ... way too random bonuses in the final round. But a cool twist in the trick-taking genre for sure!
So....since the top 100 won’t happen until January, does that mean Sam won’t be part of top 100 for this year?
Loving Tom's Willy Wonka tribute!
I like the photos of Tom's back yard! A little minimalistic, but intriguing.
Everything but the looks of Cryptid screams like a game i'd love. I may bite the bullet but man...
I think I would like to play that Alien escape game :)
Please someone tell Sam how to pronounce "Shogun"..
Quentin Tarantino presents Bambi: All You Can Eat Venison Edition!
Cosmic Encounter - is my 15th favorite game, but seriously needs more plays. I have only played it twice but quite enjoyed it. Enough to buy it with most expansions!
Run, Fight, or Die! - is my 61st favorite game. I bought it at the time because both my sons enjoyed the Zombie genre, while I do not, hoping I might find the game enjoyable. It was Sam's review not Tom's that sold it for me. I bought most of the expansions but not all, but do not like the new zombies. The game is pretty fun, an enjoyable game. I am interested in hearing a review on the new version coming out, but most likely will stick with this one.
Raiders of the North Sea - I love this game a lot. But one thing keeps it from being played any more, I do not like attacking monasteries. As a christian, I can't get past this portion of the game and make it entertainment and fun. Otherwise this would be a top 15 game for me at least.
Isle of Skye - I actually played this game before Tom reviewed it! I also played this before I played Carcassonne. I quite enjoyed it and played it a lot, but it started to get boring and have slowed down my plays, and that allowed the enjoyment to return. It is currently my 30th favorite game, and enjoy it more than basic Carcassonne with expansions, which is #55, but other Carcassonne's I like better include: Ark of the Covenant @ #15, Carcassonne: Amazonas @ #13, Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers @ #9. So yes, I have since played Carcassonne many times after learning Isle of Skye and quite enjoy them.
Takenoko - is fun and another game that needs more plays, I have played it 2-3 times and is currently my 58th favorite game.
Catan - I burned out playing this game on the Xbox 360 believe it or not! I sold my physical copy but kept the Bible version (Settlers of Canaan) which I play infrequently with my family, which is NOT on my top 100. I will play Catan, if it's my only choice, but am not a fan.
Battlestar Galactica - I played this 2-3 times and quite enjoyed it, but it is too long for what it is and won't play it any more. No longer on my top 100 because of this.
Thanks to Tom saying Battlestar Galactica is hard to find, my copy is now on Ebay.
I like how Tom disses Cryptid which looks great (no theme but looks good and is fun) but he is fine with Dice Settlers which its art/graphic design is just bad to the max in so many ways.
To be clear, I like both games a LOT. I have the same graphical issues with both of them.
George: "Well, I just got back from swimming in the pool. And the water was wet..."
Jerry: "Oh, you mean... Slippage."
George: "Yes. Significant Slippage."
Is Cryptid similar to Tobago then?
Kate Bosworth Yes and no. The clues are similarly worded, but in Cryptid there is a single treasure that is predetermined by the choice of setup card, although none of the players know where it is. In Cryptid you ask questions of the other players to figure out their clues so you can deduce the location. In Tobago, the location of the treasures can be anywhere and is effectively chosen by the players revealing cards that narrow down the location until only one remains. Cryptid is a pure deduction game. Tobago isn’t really deduction, it’s about tactical play so that you get the most of the treasures when it the location is eventually chosen.
Nemesis is coming soon this year for the whole traitor mechanic.
"He painted the WHITE building...white."
The overproduction of Elysium kept me away from it. I like my card games to be in as small of a box as possible.
Compatibility with Dixit cards...
Elysium really needed an expansion! :(
Elysium needs expansions!!
Totally agree! Elysium is a GREAT game and Space Cowboys should totally release the (already produced) expansions. They should do so in a small box though, not a big box with new insert.
@Jim Lariviere: The expansion has already been designed, but it's my understanding that the issue is the cost of the art, which has not been produced.
Sam needs a shot of adrenaline!
Guys, you cant compare Isle of Skye with carcassonne...come on - just compare every game with tiles while yer at it.
Guys I love your channel and I love top 100 , I wait for it like a kid for Santa Claus... but I can't understand with this years 100 why you are giving away on the best parts of it ? First you make it short , now you don't include the photos of games itself... it was so helpful to get an idea of the game and understand if you actually can be interested in it. It was so much better and felt complied as a short info. Now with all the rushing it seems like at the end you can just check the list at the end of the video with names... :( please , keep what people love !
Takenoko is "ok", but IMHO it needs 4 players, less just doesn't feel interesting.
We should do Top 10 of Tom's outfits^^
My 80 - 71 look like this:
80- treasure hunter
79- fox in the forest
78 - happy salmon
77 - drop it
76 - the quest for el Dorado
75 - the networks
74 - feast for Oden
73 - camel up
72 - codenames
71 - dice forge