My mother said she'd like a couple of partial dreadlocks herself, so I did it for her using twist & rip method. She has really long curly hair and I made two dreadlocks on the top layer of her hair so they fall nicely down the back of her head over the rest. I asked her how its been with them (they are nearly two years old now) She said she hasn't had a problem with them. When they were new they wanted to join at the roots (they are next to eachother) but she just separated them, like you do with a full head. She ties them in a little bun on her head when she uses conditioner on the rest of her hair and brushes her hair like normal, moving the dreads out of the way. She washes her hair once a week with a good shampoo. They have matured nicely and she says she doesn't really do anything to them anymore. Just makes sure the hair at the roots behave, but they don't really mingle like they did when they were younger. Hopefully this is helpful to anyone else considering partial dreadlocks. I guess a lot depends on how you deal with them, where you place them, your hair type etc. But it seems like if you do manage them well and they mature they are less hassle then the early stages. Same as a full head in a way. :)
Zaan How are her dreads now? I have long curly hair & want two dreads. I am deciding between having them on top of my head or in the back underneath my hair.
I have one dreadlock, which has recently turned 10 months old! I got my brother to do it for me (twist & rip) to see if I liked it or not. I love it! I want a few more one day :) The journey & growing process is pretty damn cool!
Thank you for directing me to this video. I will make sure to check out all of your videos from now on before asking you a question you've already answered! This was very helpful. Now on to learning more from your videos!
I have partial dreads... two rows at the base of my neck. I do not find it difficult at all. I was very careful in my sectioning my dreads and it's super easy to separate. :-) I adore my dreads and love my loose hair... the best of both worlds. xoxo
Perfect timing on resharing this video - I was just thinking about brushing out a couple at the front to have some loose bangs and I have been back and forth on the idea for ages. After watching this I think I will pass, I like them without bangs and I got locks to avoid irritating hair care rituals so the combination sounds like way too much hassle. Thanks!
Good video. I'm 9 months into my partial dreads and they are a lot of work. The dreads do want to devour every loose hair that they constantly. Another issue I've run into is the loose hair 'appears' dirty a lot quicker than the dreaded hair, forcing you wash a bit more than you may like. That being said, I wouldn't trade them for anything.
I've wanted dreads for many years and in december I stopped brushing my hair and stopped using conditioner. In january i did my first one just to try it out, i used the crochet method. I then did a couple more, and a couple more, experimenting with both crocheting and twist&rip and a mix of both. I wanted it to be a little hair adventure! Last month, in march, the back of my hair was all done. My hair is a total mess right now haha, but it's exciting to watch the hair transform. I would like the rest of my hair to dread naturally but I have very straight fine hair so it will take some time, but you can't rush a masterpiece!
I've been letting my dreads form for 3 and a half months now and they're coming in really nicely for the most part!! I have about 3 big ones in the back but i found that my hair in the front (my bangs if you may) were not forming. So i decided to start combing that part and straightened it. I found loose hair while blowdrying it and straightened that too. I love my dreads and I'm letting them do what they want so they can be happy too :) thanks for all your inspiration +lazydreads
YAY! So happy you finally made a video for partial dreads! :D I only have two on the bottom layer and it can be a lot of work!! My hair is pretty long and it hurts when the regular hair gets mixed in with the dreads and you have to separate it! I wash my hair the way you said in the video and it works perfectly. I can't really have a full head of dreads because of my job but they're perfect on the bottom and just blend in with the rest of my hair! (:
I have been considering dreads for sometime now. My initial plan was to do my whole head. I was unsure because my boyfriend loves my hair. I was going back and forth on whether or not to do them at all. Now I am happy with the decision to only dread my bangs and leave the back loose. I love your videos. I hope you have an awesome day/night.
Your videos are so helpful, so thank you so much! Think I might just go for dread extensions at first, and then go for some actual partial dreads! Again thank yooou!
I have partial dreads for a few months now (only for the back of my hair) and I've never had any problems with them. My hair is naturally very coarse and thick and my dreads are made from the longest parts of my hair. In the future I'm going to make myself dread extensions from my old hair extensions that are now too short for my hair. Once a week I work on my dreads and separate some of the loose hair from my dreads, and I also use a very very fine crochet hook for some loose hair meant to be in my dreads.
I've had partial dreads for over a year now, and although everything mentioned in this video is correct with most partial-dreaders, I don't really have many problems with mine. I've always used the same shampoo ( LUSH shampoo bar) as I do with undreaded hair and I don't really get much residue (I think because there are less dreads you can concentrate on squeezing the shampoo out more) and washing is actually really easy for me, I have dreads at the bottom of my hair so I move them to one side and my other hair to the other side so to not get conditioner in them. As for the hair hoovering from my dreads, my hair is pretty straight and thin so that hardly ever happens!
(as a cosmetologist) What I've found helpful for my dread clients is to use a clarifying shampoo for washing and a leave in conditioner for unknotted hair after the washing. (Comes in creams and sprays) that way you can see exactly where the conditioner is going and use as little or as much as you need. hope this helps
I have had locks for three years. I have been considering combing them out. I have been on the fence for a few months. I did the free form method so they are not uniform at all. Some of my locks that frame my face get really sore ( I work in a kitchen) so I have to keep them tightly tied back five days a week. So I am going to comb out the top half and leave the bottom half dreaded because I just can't part with them completely.
I have one dread its pretty thin though but I havnt had any trouble with my other hair locking into it im kind of OCD about that I check everyday maybe more than once a day
I have a few dreadlocks wondering whats it called having that so yay!! Your perf you know everything on dreadlocks, I go to a festival and people always had dreadlocks so I will talk to them about them and hopefully if I like them I might have a full head of dreads but neglect method instead! Although I want to go in the Navy when I'm 18 so I'm scarred I won't get in because of them🙈
I use to have 5 or six dreads on the bottomish layer of my hair. I've never had a problem with my not dreaded hair getting knotted into my dreads. My hair is also super straight, so that could be why. As far as washing it goes, I would only (and still) wash my hair around once a week and use baking soda mixed with water for shampoo and vinegar mixed with water for conditioner. I would just try not to get my "conditioner" on my dreads. Anywho, I miss my dreads, and now that I cut my hair, it's too short to dread like I had it before.
I am planning on getting some partial dreads and was thinking of having them just around my face to frame it. I normally wear my hair in a pony tail so would it be a good suggestion to wear the pony tail at night too to keep the dreads from trying to become friends with my regular hair?
pure Aloe vera gel is a great conditioning mask - will rinse or brush out and leaves hair soft and tangle resistant but not slick - would even work to keep the condition of locked hair its water soluble and won't build up , hydrating but it won't cause them to loosen
Hey man! I`m "un`knoting" my dreads now. They are pretty knoted at this stage and it has been very dificult. I`m thinking in leave a couple of them. In the process of taking them out I condicioned my hair but my dreads didnt seem to be any diferent after I condicioned them. would it be that bad if I condicioned them when I wash the other regular hair? I mean, always. Thank you for the vids. They`ve helped me alot the past 2 years :) Youre awesome. Im sad that I`m taking them out /:
Getting conditioner on the dreads regularly wouldn't be all that great for them. If they're mature then the conditioner alone will be unlikely to cause them to fall out, however it will make them slightly looser and messier. Your main problem with regularly conditioning would be the residue.
The back of my hair is starting to lock up I'm a bit worried that the front won't lock though. I just let it do its own thing. No twisting ripping or anything. What's going to happen with the front? Will I have to start em?
im thinking about doing partial dreads. My main concern is, i have a 5 year old and a 4 year old. They will both being going in to school the next few months and head lice is always a possibility with school children. If i do the dreads and possibly get lice from them. Would i need to comb it all out and deal with the treatment that way? Seems like a silly question, but its one i need to ask. can you tell im in the FIND EVERYTHING OUT BEFORE I ATTEMPT IT stage? thank you very much
Hi Nessa. While there is a belief that dreadlocks attract all manner of lice and bugs... in reality they're no more attracted to dreadlocks and any other hair - which means the only thing you need to watch out for is... head lice. While they're trickier to remove since you can't run a brush through the hair, they can be killed without the need to brush out the locks. You can either use regular store bought stuff or the dreadlock specific method is to soak the dreadlocks in rubbing alcohol, enclose the hair in bag for 30 mins and then rinse, the fumes from the alcohol suffocate anything and everything... but not the eggs. Since you cannot brush out the eggs you will need to repeat the process every 3 days until it's all cleared up. Some pharmacy products will clear it up without the need to repeat.. but different people have different experiences with different products.
really happy I found this video! but question, I have super curly hair and it needs product put in it daily to keep it under control, will that affect my partial dreads?
A lot of my locks have come loose but are still kind of holding together (but still very loose), should I leave them be or backcomb them together again @_@?? I only have about two or three thick dreads that have been locking up just fine, the rest are loose as hell. Love your vids :D
Hey Jewel :) How old are your dreads? If they're under 3-5months old I'd suggest just leaving them and they will come together and dread on their own. In my experience tampering with them during the process in any way (Besides shampooing) slows down the whole dreading process. Just my 2 cents. ^^
Thanks Josh! They are actually going to be four months tomorrow! I appreciate the feedback, I'll definitely leave them be :D Although I must admit, I'm a very impatient person and sometimes get angry at my hair for not locking up faster, haha.
ok so i have always planned, while growing out my hair, to eventually dread my whole head. however my current job is to messy and i constantly getting very thick grease and oil in my hair so i have not intentionally started them. but just the other day i had realize that at the end of a lock of hair my hair has started knotting so i suppose by neglect i have unintentionally started some partial dreads. my question to you is what methods from this point would be best to continue my knots from the bottom back up to the scalp???
Luke Poppino You would only really be able to continue neglecting the hair to continue in this way, other methods would result in removing the current knots and starting from scratch.
so i havent searched through every video you have done so i am sorry if you have covered this in a video before. I have a lot of loops in my dreads because they are only about 2 months old. My question is whether or not i should get rid of them? if i keep them and just let my hair do its thing will i have loopy dreadlocks when they are mature? i like the look of straight, neat dreadlocks and would rather not have the loops in them. It is also a pain in the butt to take out the loops and i have unsuccessfully done so a few times.
I never would have considered a dread hawk to be partial dreads. Makes sense, just didn't really connect the two. I'm planning on getting a dread hawk. In the process of growing out my mohawk.
A dreadhawk would fit the description of what is considered to be partial dreads, however it's not what's usually meant. Provided the sides (the non-dreaded parts) are shaven or short, they're much easier to look after as the short hairs won't be able to knot into the dreads.
I definitely should've made an effort to separate the dreads I started in the bottom layer of my hair: the roots are all together and are eating up most of the hair at the back. Time to start again I think. :( (I've had mine for just under 2 months.)
I've been doing natural dreads & my started lockin & knottin from the bottom & I've been being told tht dreads should start knottin from the roots 1st any truth 2 tht? Or is tht something tht should happen w/ backbrushin & T n R dreads?
Jeslynn Dreadlocks form when hairs not together and over time larger and larger numbers knot into larger and larger lumps of hair - there's not rule as to whether they should first start knotting into each other at the root or at the tip, neither is right or wrong. I would say that with natural you are more likely to find them locking nearer the ends - because that's where the hair is free to move around and form knots with other hairs, whereas with backcomb/twist & rip you may be more likely to find them holding together nearer the middle/roots because that's where the backcomb/twist & rip will hold better (the roots and tips of backcomb/twist & rip can come loose on young examples).
What style do you have them in, like in the bottom layer (what I’m considering) or do you have them in different areas? Cus I’m interested but I wanna know what I might be getting myself into.
Mine is starting to really come out theres like 3 knotted loops in the dread but the loose hair has gotten better but it feels like the ends and roots are looosening, ive had them for a month now and wash my hair about every 3 days- im worried that i messed it up and will have to start over idkkkk :/
Guys i need help, i am a male, 17 and i have long hair and the sides shaved. The long hair ends at a triangle at the back of my head, I was wondering if making a dreadlock at the bottom of the back of my head would look wierd ? I would have a pony tail at the center back of my head and the 1 dreadlock underneath it. Please help
Ryan Marino To "eliminate" it you'd need to wrap each dreadlock tight from root to tip - this would stop them from being able to knot into each other... however it would also severely affect the rate at which the dreadlocks inside the wraps matured... and you'd also have to keep the dreadlocks inside the wraps for ever in order to stop them from ever knotting into each other - and also redo the wraps every time the hair grew out further at the root.
Question: I have had 3 baby dreads for about 4 days, im going to wash them tonight. Do you have any tips on washing and drying them? I've watched your other videos about washing a whole head of dreads, but like you said it is different. Also, should i take the rubber bands out of my hair now as well?
Julia Flea You will need to shampoo all the hair, hopefully with a dreadlock appropriate shampoo (dreadlock shampoos work fine on all hair, whereas regular shampoos only work for regular hair). You will want to condition the regular hair so as to keep it knot free... but you will not want to get any conditioner on the dreadlocks.I don't personally recommend keeping elastic bands in dreadlocks for any extended periods of time because they can rub, causing weak spots and can also get knotted into the dread and need to then be cut out.
Question: I have partial dreads, but they are on the top of my head. And they are becoming undone at the roots, and the hairs at the tops have become bumpy on the top of my head. What can I do for this? Crochet hook?
Last time I did dreads I got lucky. The sides of my hair absolutely REFUSED to lock up. So it was natural. This time around, I've got the whole kabang and boodle goin down.
I have started some dreads and have only had them a few days. Half my hair is dreaded, and half is not. With new dreadlocks, will hairspray help them to not clump with normal hair? And is it compulsory to condition your normal hair? As I do not own 'dread friendly' shampoo or conditioner. Are the giant clumps possible to remove at all? ~Thankyouu
RTTunesBBR Hairspray will inhibit the movment of the hairs and so will slow down the progress of the dreadlocked hair. It is not compulsory to condition the regular hair, however if you don't, you may find it a lot harder to keep it separate from the locked hair.
Partial dreadies - anyone have shampoo/conditioner suggestions? I have naturally curly hair so I will need some sort of conditioner for my undreaded hair, but not for the little newbies I've got going! I'd love to know what works for everyone. There will be 3-5 above my undercut... Much love ✌🏻️
Sulfate free shampoo with a silicon free conditioner (I use some Burt's Bees), try to keep the dreads away from the conditioner but the shampoo I have no problem with.
Steini Stein Beads and the like are good for decoration - but if you use them for the purpose of holding hairs down... well hairs that are held down cannot move or interact (they're held down) and so will not be able to knot up. So you can hold the hairs down if you want... but you may find that you have to continue to do it as the hairs don't get chance to stop being loose.
I want just 1 or 2 dreads at the bottom/back of my head. I never condition my hair, so if I'm starting partial dreads should I start conditioning? Or can I continue not to use conditioner/can keep my hair separate without it??
They're gonna be right at the corners under my ears. And since its summer I can keep my regular hair in a bun or pony tail away from the dreads. I dont really like conditioner so is it possible if I'm really careful ?
My hair is basically doing exactly what the picture link on the comment about half dreads in the whole hair comment below except mine have more of the natural look w/ loops
My hair naturally dreads underneath very quickly (day or two) so the natural state of my hair is partial dreadlocked...easier to just let them be than to fight them everyday. My friend calls them my “Hidadreads” 🤣
I have really fine thin crappy hair, I want to do a layer underneath of dreads, do you think I will have less of an issue with them getting tangled? Or could be the same? Thanks!
You would. There are helmets that are adjustable on the inside. I rode horses for years, always wearing a helmet and it worked out well :) Ah and btw horses seem to love dreads xD
My mother said she'd like a couple of partial dreadlocks herself, so I did it for her using twist & rip method. She has really long curly hair and I made two dreadlocks on the top layer of her hair so they fall nicely down the back of her head over the rest. I asked her how its been with them (they are nearly two years old now) She said she hasn't had a problem with them. When they were new they wanted to join at the roots (they are next to eachother) but she just separated them, like you do with a full head. She ties them in a little bun on her head when she uses conditioner on the rest of her hair and brushes her hair like normal, moving the dreads out of the way. She washes her hair once a week with a good shampoo. They have matured nicely and she says she doesn't really do anything to them anymore. Just makes sure the hair at the roots behave, but they don't really mingle like they did when they were younger. Hopefully this is helpful to anyone else considering partial dreadlocks.
I guess a lot depends on how you deal with them, where you place them, your hair type etc. But it seems like if you do manage them well and they mature they are less hassle then the early stages. Same as a full head in a way. :)
How are her dreads now? I have long curly hair & want two dreads. I am deciding between having them on top of my head or in the back underneath my hair.
I have one dreadlock, which has recently turned 10 months old!
I got my brother to do it for me (twist & rip) to see if I liked it or not. I love it! I want a few more one day :)
The journey & growing process is pretty damn cool!
Thank you for directing me to this video. I will make sure to check out all of your videos from now on before asking you a question you've already answered! This was very helpful. Now on to learning more from your videos!
I have partial dreads... two rows at the base of my neck. I do not find it difficult at all. I was very careful in my sectioning my dreads and it's super easy to separate. :-) I adore my dreads and love my loose hair... the best of both worlds. xoxo
Thanks so much!!! I just started the process of dreads to see if I want to go full head or not and this was super informative!!!!!
Perfect timing on resharing this video - I was just thinking about brushing out a couple at the front to have some loose bangs and I have been back and forth on the idea for ages. After watching this I think I will pass, I like them without bangs and I got locks to avoid irritating hair care rituals so the combination sounds like way too much hassle. Thanks!
Great tips! I have about 4 dreads right now. I intend on putting in a few more so this was really helpful.
Good video. I'm 9 months into my partial dreads and they are a lot of work. The dreads do want to devour every loose hair that they constantly. Another issue I've run into is the loose hair 'appears' dirty a lot quicker than the dreaded hair, forcing you wash a bit more than you may like. That being said, I wouldn't trade them for anything.
I've wanted dreads for many years and in december I stopped brushing my hair and stopped using conditioner. In january i did my first one just to try it out, i used the crochet method. I then did a couple more, and a couple more, experimenting with both crocheting and twist&rip and a mix of both. I wanted it to be a little hair adventure!
Last month, in march, the back of my hair was all done. My hair is a total mess right now haha, but it's exciting to watch the hair transform. I would like the rest of my hair to dread naturally but I have very straight fine hair so it will take some time, but you can't rush a masterpiece!
I've been letting my dreads form for 3 and a half months now and they're coming in really nicely for the most part!! I have about 3 big ones in the back but i found that my hair in the front (my bangs if you may) were not forming. So i decided to start combing that part and straightened it. I found loose hair while blowdrying it and straightened that too. I love my dreads and I'm letting them do what they want so they can be happy too :) thanks for all your inspiration +lazydreads
YAY! So happy you finally made a video for partial dreads! :D I only have two on the bottom layer and it can be a lot of work!! My hair is pretty long and it hurts when the regular hair gets mixed in with the dreads and you have to separate it! I wash my hair the way you said in the video and it works perfectly. I can't really have a full head of dreads because of my job but they're perfect on the bottom and just blend in with the rest of my hair! (:
I have been considering dreads for sometime now. My initial plan was to do my whole head. I was unsure because my boyfriend loves my hair. I was going back and forth on whether or not to do them at all. Now I am happy with the decision to only dread my bangs and leave the back loose. I love your videos. I hope you have an awesome day/night.
ladyofstayne I wish you the best of luck with your journey! :)
+ladyofstayne only dread your bangs? that must look interesting. any pics?
i seriously LOVE your videos.. all of them. they are soooo informative, & it helps that you have a cute face to look at while listening
Your videos are so helpful, so thank you so much! Think I might just go for dread extensions at first, and then go for some actual partial dreads!
Again thank yooou!
I have partial dreads for a few months now (only for the back of my hair) and I've never had any problems with them. My hair is naturally very coarse and thick and my dreads are made from the longest parts of my hair. In the future I'm going to make myself dread extensions from my old hair extensions that are now too short for my hair. Once a week I work on my dreads and separate some of the loose hair from my dreads, and I also use a very very fine crochet hook for some loose hair meant to be in my dreads.
I've had partial dreads for over a year now, and although everything mentioned in this video is correct with most partial-dreaders, I don't really have many problems with mine. I've always used the same shampoo ( LUSH shampoo bar) as I do with undreaded hair and I don't really get much residue (I think because there are less dreads you can concentrate on squeezing the shampoo out more) and washing is actually really easy for me, I have dreads at the bottom of my hair so I move them to one side and my other hair to the other side so to not get conditioner in them. As for the hair hoovering from my dreads, my hair is pretty straight and thin so that hardly ever happens!
Use a leave in conditioner instead of a rinse out one. Use just a small amount and separate it from your dreads until it drys.
(as a cosmetologist) What I've found helpful for my dread clients is to use a clarifying shampoo for washing and a leave in conditioner for unknotted hair after the washing. (Comes in creams and sprays) that way you can see exactly where the conditioner is going and use as little or as much as you need. hope this helps
No need conditioner, that is totally defeating the whole purpose.......Conditioner is to get tangles out, knot to help with the knotting...
@@kellyclark7517 not true ,leave in conditioner and actual conditioner is different.
I have had locks for three years. I have been considering combing them out. I have been on the fence for a few months. I did the free form method so they are not uniform at all. Some of my locks that frame my face get really sore ( I work in a kitchen) so I have to keep them tightly tied back five days a week. So I am going to comb out the top half and leave the bottom half dreaded because I just can't part with them completely.
I have one dread its pretty thin though but I havnt had any trouble with my other hair locking into it im kind of OCD about that I check everyday maybe more than once a day
I have a few dreadlocks wondering whats it called having that so yay!! Your perf you know everything on dreadlocks, I go to a festival and people always had dreadlocks so I will talk to them about them and hopefully if I like them I might have a full head of dreads but neglect method instead! Although I want to go in the Navy when I'm 18 so I'm scarred I won't get in because of them🙈
I use to have 5 or six dreads on the bottomish layer of my hair. I've never had a problem with my not dreaded hair getting knotted into my dreads. My hair is also super straight, so that could be why. As far as washing it goes, I would only (and still) wash my hair around once a week and use baking soda mixed with water for shampoo and vinegar mixed with water for conditioner. I would just try not to get my "conditioner" on my dreads.
Anywho, I miss my dreads, and now that I cut my hair, it's too short to dread like I had it before.
I am planning on getting some partial dreads and was thinking of having them just around my face to frame it. I normally wear my hair in a pony tail so would it be a good suggestion to wear the pony tail at night too to keep the dreads from trying to become friends with my regular hair?
I think I've done short time partial dreads about 4 times. I'm planning to put 2 dreads in today.
pure Aloe vera gel is a great conditioning mask - will rinse or brush out and leaves hair soft and tangle resistant but not slick - would even work to keep the condition of locked hair its water soluble and won't build up , hydrating but it won't cause them to loosen
I have partial dreads now because I exercise so much the extra loose hair saves my scalp from a lot of itch
Hey man! I`m "un`knoting" my dreads now. They are pretty knoted at this stage and it has been very dificult. I`m thinking in leave a couple of them. In the process of taking them out I condicioned my hair but my dreads didnt seem to be any diferent after I condicioned them. would it be that bad if I condicioned them when I wash the other regular hair? I mean, always. Thank you for the vids. They`ve helped me alot the past 2 years :) Youre awesome. Im sad that I`m taking them out /:
Getting conditioner on the dreads regularly wouldn't be all that great for them. If they're mature then the conditioner alone will be unlikely to cause them to fall out, however it will make them slightly looser and messier. Your main problem with regularly conditioning would be the residue.
Can you make a video just on freshly started Locs
Super helpful!
The back of my hair is starting to lock up I'm a bit worried that the front won't lock though. I just let it do its own thing. No twisting ripping or anything. What's going to happen with the front? Will I have to start em?
im thinking about doing partial dreads. My main concern is, i have a 5 year old and a 4 year old. They will both being going in to school the next few months and head lice is always a possibility with school children. If i do the dreads and possibly get lice from them. Would i need to comb it all out and deal with the treatment that way? Seems like a silly question, but its one i need to ask.
can you tell im in the FIND EVERYTHING OUT BEFORE I ATTEMPT IT stage?
thank you very much
Hi Nessa. While there is a belief that dreadlocks attract all manner of lice and bugs... in reality they're no more attracted to dreadlocks and any other hair - which means the only thing you need to watch out for is... head lice. While they're trickier to remove since you can't run a brush through the hair, they can be killed without the need to brush out the locks. You can either use regular store bought stuff or the dreadlock specific method is to soak the dreadlocks in rubbing alcohol, enclose the hair in bag for 30 mins and then rinse, the fumes from the alcohol suffocate anything and everything... but not the eggs. Since you cannot brush out the eggs you will need to repeat the process every 3 days until it's all cleared up. Some pharmacy products will clear it up without the need to repeat.. but different people have different experiences with different products.
I really want partial dreads, but I do plays and musicals. When I'm in a musical the directors have control over my hair. What can I do to have them?
really happy I found this video! but question, I have super curly hair and it needs product put in it daily to keep it under control, will that affect my partial dreads?
lauren massey If you put product in it every day, then yes, that would likely negatively affect them over the long run.
damn, that's what I thought! what shampoo do you most recommend?!
sorry for all the questions! haha
lauren massey What Shampoo Do I Use? + More! (Dreadlocks Q&A #47)
A lot of my locks have come loose but are still kind of holding together (but still very loose), should I leave them be or backcomb them together again @_@?? I only have about two or three thick dreads that have been locking up just fine, the rest are loose as hell.
Love your vids :D
Hey Jewel :)
How old are your dreads? If they're under 3-5months old I'd suggest just leaving them and they will come together and dread on their own.
In my experience tampering with them during the process in any way (Besides shampooing) slows down the whole dreading process.
Just my 2 cents. ^^
Thanks Josh!
They are actually going to be four months tomorrow! I appreciate the feedback, I'll definitely leave them be :D Although I must admit, I'm a very impatient person and sometimes get angry at my hair for not locking up faster, haha.
As long as they're still "together" they're best left alone. Re-backcombing them would just set them back to how they were starting out.
ok so i have always planned, while growing out my hair, to eventually dread my whole head. however my current job is to messy and i constantly getting very thick grease and oil in my hair so i have not intentionally started them. but just the other day i had realize that at the end of a lock of hair my hair has started knotting so i suppose by neglect i have unintentionally started some partial dreads. my question to you is what methods from this point would be best to continue my knots from the bottom back up to the scalp???
Luke Poppino You would only really be able to continue neglecting the hair to continue in this way, other methods would result in removing the current knots and starting from scratch.
Ok will wrapping it help to keep the loose hair from knitting into it?
so i havent searched through every video you have done so i am sorry if you have covered this in a video before. I have a lot of loops in my dreads because they are only about 2 months old. My question is whether or not i should get rid of them? if i keep them and just let my hair do its thing will i have loopy dreadlocks when they are mature? i like the look of straight, neat dreadlocks and would rather not have the loops in them. It is also a pain in the butt to take out the loops and i have unsuccessfully done so a few times.
+allie dot I've noticed that palm rolling works really well with getting rid of some of the loops, you could also wrap them or use beads.
+Amy O'Grady okay ill try that! thank you :)
I never would have considered a dread hawk to be partial dreads. Makes sense, just didn't really connect the two. I'm planning on getting a dread hawk. In the process of growing out my mohawk.
A dreadhawk would fit the description of what is considered to be partial dreads, however it's not what's usually meant. Provided the sides (the non-dreaded parts) are shaven or short, they're much easier to look after as the short hairs won't be able to knot into the dreads.
I definitely should've made an effort to separate the dreads I started in the bottom layer of my hair: the roots are all together and are eating up most of the hair at the back. Time to start again I think. :( (I've had mine for just under 2 months.)
I've been doing natural dreads & my started lockin & knottin from the bottom & I've been being told tht dreads should start knottin from the roots 1st any truth 2 tht? Or is tht something tht should happen w/ backbrushin & T n R dreads?
Jeslynn Dreadlocks form when hairs not together and over time larger and larger numbers knot into larger and larger lumps of hair - there's not rule as to whether they should first start knotting into each other at the root or at the tip, neither is right or wrong. I would say that with natural you are more likely to find them locking nearer the ends - because that's where the hair is free to move around and form knots with other hairs, whereas with backcomb/twist & rip you may be more likely to find them holding together nearer the middle/roots because that's where the backcomb/twist & rip will hold better (the roots and tips of backcomb/twist & rip can come loose on young examples).
I have partial dreads, it is a bit of a ball ache, the dreadlocks try to eat the loose hair but oh well its worth it :P
What style do you have them in, like in the bottom layer (what I’m considering) or do you have them in different areas? Cus I’m interested but I wanna know what I might be getting myself into.
Mine is starting to really come out theres like 3 knotted loops in the dread but the loose hair has gotten better but it feels like the ends and roots are looosening, ive had them for a month now and wash my hair about every 3 days- im worried that i messed it up and will have to start over idkkkk :/
Guys i need help, i am a male, 17 and i have long hair and the sides shaved. The long hair ends at a triangle at the back of my head, I was wondering if making a dreadlock at the bottom of the back of my head would look wierd ? I would have a pony tail at the center back of my head and the 1 dreadlock underneath it. Please help
Would wrapping the dreads pretty much eliminate the issue of the dreads knotting up with loose hair?
Ryan Marino To "eliminate" it you'd need to wrap each dreadlock tight from root to tip - this would stop them from being able to knot into each other... however it would also severely affect the rate at which the dreadlocks inside the wraps matured... and you'd also have to keep the dreadlocks inside the wraps for ever in order to stop them from ever knotting into each other - and also redo the wraps every time the hair grew out further at the root.
Lazy Dreads Thanks for the reply....that sounds like more trouble than keeping the normal hair separated from the dreads.
Question: I have had 3 baby dreads for about 4 days, im going to wash them tonight. Do you have any tips on washing and drying them? I've watched your other videos about washing a whole head of dreads, but like you said it is different. Also, should i take the rubber bands out of my hair now as well?
Julia Flea You will need to shampoo all the hair, hopefully with a dreadlock appropriate shampoo (dreadlock shampoos work fine on all hair, whereas regular shampoos only work for regular hair). You will want to condition the regular hair so as to keep it knot free... but you will not want to get any conditioner on the dreadlocks.I don't personally recommend keeping elastic bands in dreadlocks for any extended periods of time because they can rub, causing weak spots and can also get knotted into the dread and need to then be cut out.
Lazy Dreads Thank you so much!! Im just going to use a leave in conditioner instead. :)
Is it possible to condition+brush out partial dreads after 2 weeks-1 month?
Question: I have partial dreads, but they are on the top of my head. And they are becoming undone at the roots, and the hairs at the tops have become bumpy on the top of my head. What can I do for this? Crochet hook?
Lalyn Colliott Partial or not, that's what young dreads do - they get loose and messy and take months to lock up.
Alright thank you so much! Lazy Dreads
Last time I did dreads I got lucky. The sides of my hair absolutely REFUSED to lock up. So it was natural. This time around, I've got the whole kabang and boodle goin down.
is dr.bronners magic soap ok for dreads since its made from oils? i have heard some ppl say yes and others say no?
I was wondering the same thing!
Dr bronners will strip your hair of its natural oils, Try a clarifying shampoo like dollylocks
thank you, so helpful!!
I have started some dreads and have only had them a few days. Half my hair is dreaded, and half is not. With new dreadlocks, will hairspray help them to not clump with normal hair? And is it compulsory to condition your normal hair? As I do not own 'dread friendly' shampoo or conditioner. Are the giant clumps possible to remove at all?
RTTunesBBR Hairspray will inhibit the movment of the hairs and so will slow down the progress of the dreadlocked hair. It is not compulsory to condition the regular hair, however if you don't, you may find it a lot harder to keep it separate from the locked hair.
Lazy Dreads Thankyouu so much:)
Partial dreadies - anyone have shampoo/conditioner suggestions? I have naturally curly hair so I will need some sort of conditioner for my undreaded hair, but not for the little newbies I've got going! I'd love to know what works for everyone. There will be 3-5 above my undercut...
Much love ✌🏻️
I'm in the exact same situation would love to know what works
Sulfate free shampoo with a silicon free conditioner (I use some Burt's Bees), try to keep the dreads away from the conditioner but the shampoo I have no problem with.
Try Dollylocks
Dread lock extensions are heavy and itchy!!
How about you put beads or something in your dreads to prevent overly loose hair?
Steini Stein Beads and the like are good for decoration - but if you use them for the purpose of holding hairs down... well hairs that are held down cannot move or interact (they're held down) and so will not be able to knot up. So you can hold the hairs down if you want... but you may find that you have to continue to do it as the hairs don't get chance to stop being loose.
Lazy Dreads
yeah, makes sense, kinda.. :D
What happens in the first week of having new partial dreadlocks? (before washing them)
ConnieCarnage What happens? - not a lot ^^ they might try to knot together.
I want just 1 or 2 dreads at the bottom/back of my head.
I never condition my hair, so if I'm starting partial dreads should I start conditioning? Or can I continue not to use conditioner/can keep my hair separate without it??
Luz Lopez Depends whether you have difficulty keeping the dreads and regular hair separated.
They're gonna be right at the corners under my ears.
And since its summer I can keep my regular hair in a bun or pony tail away from the dreads.
I dont really like conditioner so is it possible if I'm really careful ?
I couldn't guarantee either way, you'll have to see how your hair reacts to it.
Lazy Dreads okay, I guess I'll try to use conditioner then, I was just wondering if it was possible.
Thanks! By the way, I love your channel!
I got dat same shirt
Post malone with dreads
dreads with undercut at the moment, then maybe next summer hopefully it will be long enough to dread
My hair is basically doing exactly what the picture link on the comment about half dreads in the whole hair comment below except mine have more of the natural look w/ loops
2021!? 😅🤣
32 seconds into the video that answered question.
My hair naturally dreads underneath very quickly (day or two) so the natural state of my hair is partial dreadlocked...easier to just let them be than to fight them everyday. My friend calls them my “Hidadreads” 🤣
I have really fine thin crappy hair, I want to do a layer underneath of dreads, do you think I will have less of an issue with them getting tangled? Or could be the same? Thanks!
+Cassandra Barbosa I don't think it's possible to predict with any reasonable degree of certainty ^^
i ride horses and wouldnt be able to fit a helmet on my head if i had a full head of dreads xD
You would. There are helmets that are adjustable on the inside. I rode horses for years, always wearing a helmet and it worked out well :) Ah and btw horses seem to love dreads xD
To add: I had a full head of over 100 dreads.
What's your accent
I'm English.
I have partial dreadlocks(: My parents wont allow me my full head ):