According to Chad from Reef Nutrition, these Tigger Pods can survive pretty well the cycling of the water, hence why most if not all culturing of them doesn't include cycling of the tank. Although he does recommend putting additional bacteria and light on them. Do you still have no plans to change the water? I got some small tanks that I haven't changed the water for 4 months and no aeriation on the open top tanks....but I can't say they are blooming as big as before. What I see is they have the cycle of blooming and dying off, which is what I really wanted to check in my experiment. In the past, I would typically throw out the culture because I saw nothing swimming. It wasn't until I saw under the USB microscope the napulii on the glass wall and most likely a lot in the mulm on the bottom of the tank. All those times I failed, I was really me tossing a good batch going through that cycle.
According to Chad from Reef Nutrition, these Tigger Pods can survive pretty well the cycling of the water, hence why most if not all culturing of them doesn't include cycling of the tank. Although he does recommend putting additional bacteria and light on them. Do you still have no plans to change the water? I got some small tanks that I haven't changed the water for 4 months and no aeriation on the open top tanks....but I can't say they are blooming as big as before. What I see is they have the cycle of blooming and dying off, which is what I really wanted to check in my experiment. In the past, I would typically throw out the culture because I saw nothing swimming. It wasn't until I saw under the USB microscope the napulii on the glass wall and most likely a lot in the mulm on the bottom of the tank. All those times I failed, I was really me tossing a good batch going through that cycle.