We need more of this type of talking and living throughout our country...through tv, radio, school, social clubs, and social media. Thank you for putting this on RUclips! Blessings to you and yours in the year to come.
Revival is happening within my family right now . I'm studying the Bible so I can share God's word where God leads me . I feel like he is stopping other areas of my life because this is what he wants me to do . Merry Christmas Kirk ! Thank you for being a great inspiration ❤🎄
@jesusisfictional I pray God shows himself to you like he has done for me . That you feel his love and comfort through this life . Proving that he is not real is coming from Satan . Chose Goodness. We all will have a opportunity to accept Jesus as your lord and savior it's up to you if you do it through your life on earth or when you have a choice at the end
I love reading my Bible and I talk with God and everyday. I’ve experienced answered prayers , but I’m just not comfortable in a church due to my experiences when I was young. They all seem so fake to me … but I do truly feel like I have a deep relationship with God.
@ soon you will see how true the claims of falsehood is. Jesus is coming very soon. Those not His will be left behind. It is in the Old testament and New Testament. If you are blind may God give you the vision to see.
@@mgxmaddguiness7066 the rapture is false the movies he makes are all false a Sunday law will be enforced worldwide that is the mark of the beast the Pope is the antichrist his mark is Sunday worship the plagues are coming before Jesus returns and when he comes there will be a shout not a silent secret rapture and there's no second chance after Jesus comes to worship him on his sabbath you are the blind one in need of eye salve these left behind movies are in the fiction false section of the bookstores matter of fact this movie is listed as sci Fi that means science FICTION 😲
@@KirkCameronTBN There are so many suffering in this broken world. John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. Read Romans chapter 8 Romans 8:21 - 23 21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. 23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.
Finally I hear someone describe what a revival is! Too many people think just because a bunch of people have an emotional experience sparked by man made events they are experiencing a revival. A revival can only come from God!!! They also believe because they walked an aisle and prayed a prayer they have experienced salvation. Many pastors think they can save people by coercing people by creating an emotional experience. Them boasting that they had so many people saved. Salvation is from God alone. Preach the gospel. The Holy Spirit will do His work in His time not man’s.
Amen! When individual repentance leads to corporate revival, it can spark a global movement characterized by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh. ✝️🙏🙏
Ty Kirk and Marshall. May USA repent and turn from the wicked ways so The Lord can heal our land. Merry Christmas and blessings in the new year to all. Hosea 4:6
I pray for you to move God, in our land! I have no money or power, but I darn sure am ready to help put up the revival tent with my brothers and sisters in Christ!!
God blessed our nation the day the Supreme Court overturned Roe/Way and sent it back to the states. God heard our prayers and has given us Trump for President. Keep praying to the Lord for guidance for our government and please keep Trump safe. Amen!
I love that. Kirk said, "Just hang in there and you will see the great ending." God has commanded us to hang in there, and He will give us the strength to do it. Therefore, I choose to hang in there to see the end.
John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
@ thank you I will buy it I found it online unless you have a link then I will get it from you! God bless you! I really enjoyed your movies in the Left Behind Series. I love you Podcast also!
"Dear God, I know I am a sinner. I want to turn from my sins, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe He died for my sins and that You raised Him to life. I want Him to come into my heart and to take control of my life. I want to trust Jesus as my Savior and follow Him as my Lord from this day forward. In Jesus' Name, amen." Did you pray to receive Jesus Christ and begin a relationship with him?
It would be so wonderful if God makes it happen at this time in history. If we could look back a few years from now and say it was obvious that a revival was beginning and we were part of it we could easily rejoice in the Lord. We will thank God regardless of if a revival is or isn’t beginning, but to me I certainly see God moving in this country.
About 4 months ago I had a dream I was staring at the night sky and one star caught my eye and as I kept staring at this star it started falling and as I kept looking , the star turned into this majestic angel with this golden armor and next I was in my hose and I seen the angel through the window land in my front yard and seconds later I heard the doorbell ring and when I went to open the door I woke up..
The world is hungry for revival. Seeing some evangelicals churches number of members shows that. Some people have a problem however seeing some of them becoming fabulously wealthy living in a multimillion dollar mansion and having their own private planes, etc. They promise people if they give money to their church God will pour out prosperity on them and make them wealthy. Even in smaller churches you see the church being rebuilt lavishly from the donations of the members. Jesus set the example. Jesus didn't ask for money and had no church building. I believe churches should be kept plain and smaller and preach the gospel instead of selling hope for the people being blessed with material things and money. If God worked that way all the church members would be millionaires.
The Spirit of God weighed so heavy on my heart. I wept praying God would release His Holy Spirit across the nation to spread His word to the masses. THE KING IS COMING, THE KING IS COMING, PRAISE GOD HE'S COMING FOR THEE.
We are all but filthy rags. None of us are righteous in the eyes of the LORD. So I start there within myself. I give thankfulness to God for His grace and mercy. I then apply that to others’ where they are in their walk. Only love will turn a heart around That love is Jesus.
At 2.00 - Sounds just like when the Israelites were unfaithful then called on God, the were unfaithful again, then called on God, - repeatedly. Sounds like our country is just repeating that history on the one hand.
I am looking for an old fashioned revival meeting to finally be baptized! If I had been in SC at the floodwaters I would’ve finally found the place. Does anyone know of any revival meetings planned for May-July?
God is "not" the ruler of this world. Satan is, and the majority are following him ! 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 and Matthew 7:13-14 . God is in control, and Satan can do no more than God allows.
These are false prophets get out of these false churches worship God on his sabbath and give glory to him for the hour of his judgement has come rev 14 v 9
The churches need revival. There is not a single pastor around that I look at as a man of God! Where are the godly churches, churches that still believe in the Gospel, in church discipline as outlined in Matthew 18, and not take the words of gossipers, those that believe in the historical truths of Scripture including Genesis 1-11, and those that did not bow down to the unbiblical and godless mandates of the state and shut down their churches during Covid?
The body of Christ does not need revived. Real Salvation does however need to come to the religious. People do not have a relationship with Jesus. They have a relationship with there works calling it salvation.
The Word of God The Word/Law God spoke Ex.20 The Word/Law God wrote Deut. 9:10 The Word/Law God made flesh John 1:14 The same Word/Law God wrote upon the heart and the same Word/Law that hung on the cross, we now know as Jesus. When God tells us how to apply His Word in Deut.6:8-9 He is putting us in Jesus. It is the circumcision of the flesh and the beginning of our armour. All religions only lead to death. Go to the only One who gives life. It is by our obedience we receive the life and protection from those who comes to steal, kill and destroy, that He offers. We all wait for the return of Jesus. Yet He has returned in a book that speaks of Him, and we don't recognize Him today any more than they did when He came as Jesus. If you know Jesus is God,Put Him on! We are told that God is spirit. Jesus tells us His words are spirit and they are life. So Jesus is now spirit and He is The Word of God. One more note: if you love Jesus "keep" also the Sermon on the Mount.
Who has ascended into Heaven or descended? Who bound the waters in a garment? W ho established all the ends of the Earth? What is his name, and what is his son’s name, is thou canst tell? Proverbs 30:4.
Thank you. But as a watchman on the wall, who knows Bible HisStory and Bible prophecy, we must understand that America is declining, and judgment is coming. America is not guaranteed a future at all; it is not Biblical. Jesus Himself said regarding these times, "Watch and be ready", he was not referring to a revival. He was referring to His sheep to be ready for His coming. We are not sitting around, but we are being light in this dark world. If we are instructing people to be looking for a revival instead of the Reviver. we have them looking but not in the right direction. 🙏🙏 Jesus is coming soon.
I am going to have to disagree with you. There have been horrible dictators and brutal decline of culture in the past such as Nero, Domitian and a host of other ruthless dictators and still revival came after.
@@pauldias3251 It's okay to disagree with me. But from a biblical viewpoint and knowing that we have the surer Word of prophecy, we are living in the last days. In prophecy there is no mention of a "last days revival" but there is mentioned an apostacy. In the 7 year time of Jacobs Trouble, there will be a great multitude that will come out of the Great Tribulation. I will call that a "Revival for Survival of their Souls". Truly I would love to see a revival, but it is not written in the Word. If God brings revival to my family, I will be blessed. 🙏🙏♥♥
@@pauldias3251you are right, but when you look at what Jesus said in Matthew 24 concerning His return we have to recognize that we are living in the times of the birth pains and they getting more intense and closer together. And if his return is getting close that means the Rapture is even closer. Would love to see a national and international revival, I just don’t see it. We cannot forget that in 2015 the Supreme Court legalized same sex marriage, read Romans 1 to see what does. I hope you’re right and I’m wrong. 🙏
If you say only God can bring revival then you are saying that the in between times are his will also, does not the Lord say,today is the day of salvation? Furthermore, 'if my people, that are called by my name, will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and heal their land.'
Is kirk ripping pre-trib believing Christians? Star-Terk us outta here...Really 😂. He's adorable. So we can ignore Timothy's words as we steamroll into the ladder days. American Christians are so different then the rest of the world. The hedge of protection is beginning to crumble around the nation that forgets God 🎉 MARANATHA ❤❤❤
An individuals only hope is to be born again of water and Spirit. John 3:5. You must repent and be baptized in Jesus name Acts 2:38 for the remission of sins and you shall receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Obedience to this is crucial. It's best to save yourself from this untoward generation first. So you know the power of the truth of God's word. Then you will understand that it is truth first then obedience. And the willingness to die to obedience to God's word
May I ask I think I already know the answer but does it not say there has to be a great revival before the coming of the Lord exactly what is the Great Revival is it people turning back to God before his return I’ve always believe when God says the Church I’m sure he wasn’t meaning the building down the road even though we need to go to church but the people are the church. And also when God told Peter it would be this rock where you will build the church. Why are some people under the assumption that the next Pope will be Peter. Peter wasn’t even Catholic he was Jewish he was never a Pope or priest. Am I reading these things wrong. I just wished I had more understanding. I do believe the Pope today is truly not a man after God’s on heart he has went against every moral that God said never to do and I believe he will be the last Pope. I’m not Catholic but this Pope seems more like a false prophet he does not follow the laws God laid out. I think that’s why so many Catholics have left the church Bacău’s they know he’s not following the teachings of Jesus. It’s like trying to poke God in the eye over & over, & when we fall say from the principles that Jesus taught God will be like with the children that Moses was leading out of Egypt they grumbled so much that God opened the earth and it swallowed all the grumblers. It’s like Jesus said when they strike you offer the other cheek but it never said what happens after that. I prefer to walk away from negative people because those people are grumblers they are never satisfied they want blood. It always better to just walk away if you can’t but I also believe God will return ten fold on those who mock and degrade Him. We have to pray for all people even those we find repulsive and God will handle the rest. America was almost lost but this is what happens when there is a great falling away the Revival starts in us we have to be bold, courageous and know when to walk away but still hold onto our faith for the sake of ourselves but I also believe He does not expect us to sit idly by without speaking up, speaking the truth & continue praying & spreading the gospel. Jesus told ahis diciples if they follow him they to may die. Look at Joshua who never wanted to fight he didn’t believe in fighting or killing but his eyes and heart God opened up and Joshua ended up slaying 13 kings. God never said we may not take up the sword to slay our enemies but when it’s a fight that God commanded in order for his children to reach the Promise Land then just as anyone with a heart whose family is being threatened we would move heaven & earth to save them. He meant don’t kill for the glory of killing others but we have to fight even if it means losing our lives and dying for our faith in God. God was with Joshua, David & many more we have to have that God spirit running through our veins for if we must die for faith it will be worth the fight in order to enter the kingdom of God after all God is returning with the Saints to do battle with Satan & his demonic angels. But if we die we must die like Timothy whom they stoned for his faith and belief in God never waiver but hold steadfast & never surrender our faith. Like the thief on the cross he was a criminal but had enough strength to lift his head and look at Jesus hanging beside him and say “Forgive Me” and Jesus this day you shall be with me in Paradise.
For those who feel and act like America is a chosen nation or that our call is primarily political action, they are wrong. It is true that our nation was founded by people who followed Godly Christian morals. It’s clearly in our founding documents and structure. We should continue to operate that way. We should participate in the political process. And when there are laws which hurt people we must come forward and use the political process to have moral laws. We also help the oppressed and needy directly by the church giving and loving others in true need.
@ don’t forget that the men who found the country “on Godly Christian morals” executed 20 people for witchcraft, forcibly removed and fought and killed people who already lived on the land, and held thousands of other humans as property so they themselves could become rich off the dividends of slavery. All these things done in God’s name. Christians can justify so much with the Bible.
Acts 2:38 kjv is the salvation plan. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Repent= die to self, Be Baptized in Jesus name= The burial of Jesus Christ AND receive the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues= The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. That unless you are born again of water and of the Spirit, you can not enter into heaven. Obey the whole gospel, not just the repentance part.
Jesus was ‘sinless according to the law’, ‘teacher of the law’ and the law personified…he calls us to follow him as he rewrites Gods law in our hearts and minds, uniting us back into unity with a lawful sinless God…but American Christian’s voted for Trump to be their leader, the man whose life openly defies and mocks all 10 commandments…what’s with that? How can you expect revival to Christs law-fullness when you choose law-lessness?
@@lucy-luvs-me-r6l I’m not American, I’d never want to live there. Try judging Trump and Kamala by Gods law. The rest of the world sees Trumps posts and judges him by his own words.
@@lucy-luvs-me-r6l as far as I can tell, they both will likely lead to judgement for this nation. But, if I had to guess the actual lesser of two evils....Kamala might actually be it. She, at least, is not using the church for her gain and making herself out to be God's annointed and chosen. Using false prophets and false apostles in the process and leading a vast majority of the American Church astray. Sometimes the most evil is the evil that uses the language of good. I am thankful though that I am not forced to vote in this country. As a United States veteran, part of the freedom I fought to protect in this country (back in my younger days) is the right to refrain from politics if we feel it's best for our faith. At this point in time, I believe the season to vote our way out of possible judgement on this nation has passed. Our eyes should squarely be on Jesus (not on politics) to save us. Many say that they have their faith is only in Jesus but their actions say otherwise. BTW, I voted twice for Trump before I realized what was really going on here. You know why God's chosen people rejected Jesus as their Messiah when he came? Because they were looking for a political leader (and they still are). Christ made it clear that his kingdom is not of this world or his disciples would be fighting. He didn't tell them to fight. He told them to spread the gospel. The mind blowing thing about all this is it's not about Trump or Kamala....
The heavens have been opened again when god our eternal father with his beloved son Jesus Christ appeared to the boy prophet Joseph smith in 1820. Satan tried to stop Joseph from calling upon god in prayer by overcoming him and binding his tongue but he managed to plead for mercy and they appeared. Now the devil is busy causing the world to dismiss it as foolishness. I testify that Jesus has caused his church to be reestablished because the church he started 2000 years ago did not survive. Come and see for yourself. Don’t just take someone else’s word. A brilliant light has burst forth upon mankind but darkness covereth the world and gross darkness the minds of men. The Book of Mormon is pure revelation. Reading it brings men unto Christ. Come and see
We need more of this type of talking and living throughout our country...through tv, radio, school, social clubs, and social media. Thank you for putting this on RUclips! Blessings to you and yours in the year to come.
Revival is happening within my family right now . I'm studying the Bible so I can share God's word where God leads me . I feel like he is stopping other areas of my life because this is what he wants me to do . Merry Christmas Kirk ! Thank you for being a great inspiration ❤🎄
Prayers for you! I have many in my family too who need to be born again.
@jesusisfictional I pray God shows himself to you like he has done for me . That you feel his love and comfort through this life . Proving that he is not real is coming from Satan . Chose Goodness. We all will have a opportunity to accept Jesus as your lord and savior it's up to you if you do it through your life on earth or when you have a choice at the end
I love reading my Bible and I talk with God and everyday. I’ve experienced answered prayers , but I’m just not comfortable in a church due to my experiences when I was young.
They all seem so fake to me … but I do truly feel like I have a deep relationship with God.
We so miss Dr. Foster. Hope you had a good Christmas. 🎄🎁✝️. Happy New Year to you and your family!
Kirk, I have always been stoked to have you as my ✝️ brother. You left your fame for His purpose and calling. We are about the same age.
Kirk Cameron didn't leave fame he always was a horrible actor selling lies with the left behind series all false
@ soon you will see how true the claims of falsehood is. Jesus is coming very soon. Those not His will be left behind. It is in the Old testament and New Testament. If you are blind may God give you the vision to see.
@@mgxmaddguiness7066 the rapture is false the movies he makes are all false a Sunday law will be enforced worldwide that is the mark of the beast the Pope is the antichrist his mark is Sunday worship the plagues are coming before Jesus returns and when he comes there will be a shout not a silent secret rapture and there's no second chance after Jesus comes to worship him on his sabbath you are the blind one in need of eye salve these left behind movies are in the fiction false section of the bookstores matter of fact this movie is listed as sci Fi that means science FICTION 😲
God bless you Mr kirk thanks for your program Happy new year to you and your family.
Wow this is really good, Merry Christmas Kirk to you and your family.
Merry Christmas!
@@KirkCameronTBN There are so many suffering in this broken world. John 16:33
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
Read Romans chapter 8
Romans 8:21 - 23
21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.
Finally I hear someone describe what a revival is! Too many people think just because a bunch of people have an emotional experience sparked by man made events they are experiencing a revival. A revival can only come from God!!! They also believe because they walked an aisle and prayed a prayer they have experienced salvation. Many pastors think they can save people by coercing people by creating an emotional experience. Them boasting that they had so many people saved. Salvation is from God alone. Preach the gospel. The Holy Spirit will do His work in His time not man’s.
Well said.
Merry Christmas Kirk.
Merry Christmas!
This message gave me the spiritual goosebumps 🙋🏻♀️
Gracias 🙏 for being the blessing in this generation
Amen! When individual repentance leads to corporate revival, it can spark a global movement characterized by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh. ✝️🙏🙏
Thank you so very much, Kirk Cameron! You are a great inspiration 😊 ❤
that may be, but more importantly can anything he claimed be supported with evidence?
Merry Christmas 🎁🎄 and Happy New Year 🎆🎈🎊
Thank you Kirk for making us think
Marry Christmas 🎄 God bless you all. 🎄.
Repentance can start with removing idols from your presence ... literally right in front of you
Like Trump, who has become an idol to too many in the church.
ive been saying this for years , america has forgot and removed god. i hope we can get (in god we trust ) back in America.
Please do not write GOD in common case..HE is HOLY.🎉❤
Thank you for sharing.🙏
Thank you
Blessed to hear this
Ty Kirk and Marshall. May USA repent and turn from the wicked ways so The Lord can heal our land. Merry Christmas and blessings in the new year to all. Hosea 4:6
Praying for a true & mighty revival in America, Love from Nagaland India.
His clothes were made by that famous designer.....Goodwill.
- Tucker Muldowney from Watonga Oklahoma....my best southern draaawwll
Thanks Kirk ,👏🏽
I'm sorry to hear about DR.Foster.He is home with Jesus.I read his book The American Covenant and cherish it all the more now..Thanks Kirk.
I’m sorry to hear Dr Foster has passed. He is enjoying his eternal reward. This was really good.
I pray for you to move God, in our land! I have no money or power, but I darn sure am ready to help put up the revival tent with my brothers and sisters in Christ!!
We not only read and hear the word we have to share it as well.
God blessed our nation the day the Supreme Court overturned Roe/Way and sent it back to the states. God heard our prayers and has given us Trump for President. Keep praying to the Lord for guidance for our government and please keep Trump safe. Amen!
And yet, sadly, be ause of the actions of Democrats, there are *just as many* abortions now as before the overturn of Roe v. Wade!
Amen, it's coming Kirk it's here Praise the Lord
I love that. Kirk said, "Just hang in there and you will see the great ending." God has commanded us to hang in there, and He will give us the strength to do it. Therefore, I choose to hang in there to see the end.
Hang in there the plagues are coming
John 16:33
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
"Without me, you can do nothing"-God
I loved Marshall Foster… so sorry to see he has left us 😪
We need that monument made famous!!!
Chik fillet Soup...LOL. That's funny...
Amen! 🙌🏽🙏🏽
Amen 🙏🏻 and Amen 🙏🏻
It's a shame that everything he has claimed is unsubstantiated and unverifiable.
My family is all in with the LORD. The Holy Spirit moves in our house. Praise God.
What is the book he showed? God Bless you!
Hi @rhurdjr1! The book is The American Covenant: The Untold Story by Marshall Foster. Thanks for watching!
@ thank you I will buy it I found it online unless you have a link then I will get it from you! God bless you! I really enjoyed your movies in the Left Behind Series. I love you Podcast also!
Most definitely
"Dear God, I know I am a sinner. I want to turn from my sins, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe He died for my sins and that You raised Him to life. I want Him to come into my heart and to take control of my life. I want to trust Jesus as my Savior and follow Him as my Lord from this day forward. In Jesus' Name, amen."
Did you pray to receive Jesus Christ and begin a relationship with him?
It would be so wonderful if God makes it happen at this time in history. If we could look back a few years from now and say it was obvious that a revival was beginning and we were part of it we could easily rejoice in the Lord. We will thank God regardless of if a revival is or isn’t beginning, but to me I certainly see God moving in this country.
About 4 months ago I had a dream I was staring at the night sky and one star caught my eye and as I kept staring at this star it started falling and as I kept looking , the star turned into this majestic angel with this golden armor and next I was in my hose and I seen the angel through the window land in my front yard and seconds later I heard the doorbell ring and when I went to open the door I woke up..
The world is hungry for revival. Seeing some evangelicals churches number of members shows that. Some people have a problem however seeing some of them becoming fabulously wealthy living in a multimillion dollar mansion and having their own private planes, etc. They promise people if they give money to their church God will pour out prosperity on them and make them wealthy. Even in smaller churches you see the church being rebuilt lavishly from the donations of the members. Jesus set the example. Jesus didn't ask for money and had no church building. I believe churches should be kept plain and smaller and preach the gospel instead of selling hope for the people being blessed with material things and money. If God worked that way all the church members would be millionaires.
Exactly, thank you
Man I haven’t seen Kirk in a minute. Living waters was such a pinnacle of my young Christian life
The Spirit of God weighed so heavy on my heart. I wept praying God would release His Holy Spirit across the nation to spread His word to the masses. THE KING IS COMING, THE KING IS COMING, PRAISE GOD HE'S COMING FOR THEE.
I can see the need for revival. But repentance for me has been a big subject. But specifically it's hard to take what I've got and take it to others.
We are all but filthy rags. None of us are righteous in the eyes of the LORD. So I start there within myself. I give thankfulness to God for His grace and mercy. I then apply that to others’ where they are in their walk. Only love will turn a heart around That love is Jesus.
At 2.00 - Sounds just like when the Israelites were unfaithful then called on God, the were unfaithful again, then called on God, - repeatedly. Sounds like our country is just repeating that history on the one hand.
lessons and mistakes get repeated when they arent learnt from til their learnt!
I am looking for an old fashioned revival meeting to finally be baptized! If I had been in SC at the floodwaters I would’ve finally found the place. Does anyone know of any revival meetings planned for May-July?
Prayers for spiritual healing world wide In Jesus Christ name Amen
Wait a minute, chick fil a makes soup?
Actually yes they make a chicken noodle soup 🍲 🤣😂🤣
Lord send revival! Lord send it now, come in Your Spirit, Heaven break out!!!
God is "not" the ruler of this world. Satan is, and the majority are following him ! 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 and Matthew 7:13-14 . God is in control, and Satan can do no more than God allows.
These are false prophets get out of these false churches worship God on his sabbath and give glory to him for the hour of his judgement has come rev 14 v 9
The churches need revival. There is not a single pastor around that I look at as a man of God! Where are the godly churches, churches that still believe in the Gospel, in church discipline as outlined in Matthew 18, and not take the words of gossipers, those that believe in the historical truths of Scripture including Genesis 1-11, and those that did not bow down to the unbiblical and godless mandates of the state and shut down their churches during Covid?
My church is exactly what you described praise God
Yes! I have said this too! REVIVAL IS COMING!!! Glory to God!
The body of Christ does not need revived. Real Salvation does however need to come to the religious. People do not have a relationship with Jesus. They have a relationship with there works calling it salvation.
Mike Seaver
The Word of God
The Word/Law God spoke Ex.20
The Word/Law God wrote Deut. 9:10
The Word/Law God made flesh John 1:14
The same Word/Law God wrote upon the heart and the same Word/Law that hung on the cross, we now know as Jesus.
When God tells us how to apply His Word in Deut.6:8-9 He is putting us in Jesus. It is the circumcision of the flesh and the beginning of our armour. All religions only lead to death. Go to the only One who gives life. It is by our obedience we receive the life and protection from those who comes to steal, kill and destroy, that He offers.
We all wait for the return of Jesus. Yet He has returned in a book that speaks of Him, and we don't recognize Him today any more than they did when He came as Jesus. If you know Jesus is God,Put Him on!
We are told that God is spirit. Jesus tells us His words are spirit and they are life. So Jesus is now spirit and He is The Word of God.
One more note: if you love Jesus "keep" also the Sermon on the Mount.
Another New Year. Well, time zones are so weird, Australia in 2025,Europe in 2024, Pakistan in 625 AD and Afghanistan in stone age.
And she's been working against him in the background ever since.
Revival is here y’all!!!!!!!!
Who has ascended into Heaven or descended? Who bound the waters in a garment? W ho established all the ends of the Earth? What is his name, and what is his son’s name, is thou canst tell? Proverbs 30:4.
Thank you. But as a watchman on the wall, who knows Bible HisStory and Bible prophecy, we must understand that America is declining, and judgment is coming. America is not guaranteed a future at all; it is not Biblical. Jesus Himself said regarding these times, "Watch and be ready", he was not referring to a revival. He was referring to His sheep to be ready for His coming. We are not sitting around, but we are being light in this dark world. If we are instructing people to be looking for a revival instead of the Reviver. we have them looking but not in the right direction. 🙏🙏 Jesus is coming soon.
I am going to have to disagree with you. There have been horrible dictators and brutal decline of culture in the past such as Nero, Domitian and a host of other ruthless dictators and still revival came after.
@@pauldias3251 It's okay to disagree with me. But from a biblical viewpoint and knowing that we have the surer Word of prophecy, we are living in the last days. In prophecy there is no mention of a "last days revival" but there is mentioned an apostacy. In the 7 year time of Jacobs Trouble, there will be a great multitude that will come out of the Great Tribulation. I will call that a "Revival for Survival of their Souls". Truly I would love to see a revival, but it is not written in the Word. If God brings revival to my family, I will be blessed. 🙏🙏♥♥
@@pauldias3251you are right, but when you look at what Jesus said in Matthew 24 concerning His return we have to recognize that we are living in the times of the birth pains and they getting more intense and closer together. And if his return is getting close that means the Rapture is even closer.
Would love to see a national and international revival, I just don’t see it. We cannot forget that in 2015 the Supreme Court legalized same sex marriage, read Romans 1 to see what does. I hope you’re right and I’m wrong. 🙏
If you say only God can bring revival then you are saying that the in between times are his will also, does not the Lord say,today is the day of salvation?
Furthermore, 'if my people, that are called by my name, will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and heal their land.'
Is kirk ripping pre-trib believing Christians? Star-Terk us outta here...Really 😂. He's adorable. So we can ignore Timothy's words as we steamroll into the ladder days. American Christians are so different then the rest of the world. The hedge of protection is beginning to crumble around the nation that forgets God 🎉
@@bread-circuses American Christian’s are different, they lack faith and obedience.
An individuals only hope is to be born again of water and Spirit. John 3:5. You must repent and be baptized in Jesus name Acts 2:38 for the remission of sins and you shall receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Obedience to this is crucial. It's best to save yourself from this untoward generation first. So you know the power of the truth of God's word. Then you will understand that it is truth first then obedience. And the willingness to die to obedience to God's word
May I ask I think I already know the answer but does it not say there has to be a great revival before the coming of the Lord exactly what is the Great Revival is it people turning back to God before his return I’ve always believe when God says the Church I’m sure he wasn’t meaning the building down the road even though we need to go to church but the people are the church. And also when God told Peter it would be this rock where you will build the church. Why are some people under the assumption that the next Pope will be Peter. Peter wasn’t even Catholic he was Jewish he was never a Pope or priest. Am I reading these things wrong. I just wished I had more understanding. I do believe the Pope today is truly not a man after God’s on heart he has went against every moral that God said never to do and I believe he will be the last Pope. I’m not Catholic but this Pope seems more like a false prophet he does not follow the laws God laid out. I think that’s why so many Catholics have left the church Bacău’s they know he’s not following the teachings of Jesus. It’s like trying to poke God in the eye over & over, & when we fall say from the principles that Jesus taught God will be like with the children that Moses was leading out of Egypt they grumbled so much that God opened the earth and it swallowed all the grumblers. It’s like Jesus said when they strike you offer the other cheek but it never said what happens after that. I prefer to walk away from negative people because those people are grumblers they are never satisfied they want blood. It always better to just walk away if you can’t but I also believe God will return ten fold on those who mock and degrade Him. We have to pray for all people even those we find repulsive and God will handle the rest. America was almost lost but this is what happens when there is a great falling away the Revival starts in us we have to be bold, courageous and know when to walk away but still hold onto our faith for the sake of ourselves but I also believe He does not expect us to sit idly by without speaking up, speaking the truth & continue praying & spreading the gospel. Jesus told ahis diciples if they follow him they to may die. Look at Joshua who never wanted to fight he didn’t believe in fighting or killing but his eyes and heart God opened up and Joshua ended up slaying 13 kings. God never said we may not take up the sword to slay our enemies but when it’s a fight that God commanded in order for his children to reach the Promise Land then just as anyone with a heart whose family is being threatened we would move heaven & earth to save them. He meant don’t kill for the glory of killing others but we have to fight even if it means losing our lives and dying for our faith in God. God was with Joshua, David & many more we have to have that God spirit running through our veins for if we must die for faith it will be worth the fight in order to enter the kingdom of God after all God is returning with the Saints to do battle with Satan & his demonic angels. But if we die we must die like Timothy whom they stoned for his faith and belief in God never waiver but hold steadfast & never surrender our faith. Like the thief on the cross he was a criminal but had enough strength to lift his head and look at Jesus hanging beside him and say “Forgive Me” and Jesus this day you shall be with me in Paradise.
We dont need to go to Mars, we need tho to stop Gates from damaging more of the earth...
Political power is the most important thing to American Christians.
I can see why you say that but that's not the case for all American Christians....many, but not all. God bless.
For those who feel and act like America is a chosen nation or that our call is primarily political action, they are wrong. It is true that our nation was founded by people who followed Godly Christian morals. It’s clearly in our founding documents and structure. We should continue to operate that way. We should participate in the political process. And when there are laws which hurt people we must come forward and use the political process to have moral laws. We also help the oppressed and needy directly by the church giving and loving others in true need.
@ don’t forget that the men who found the country “on Godly Christian morals” executed 20 people for witchcraft, forcibly removed and fought and killed people who already lived on the land, and held thousands of other humans as property so they themselves could become rich off the dividends of slavery. All these things done in God’s name. Christians can justify so much with the Bible.
He is talking about forced Sunday worship Satan comes with all power and lying wonders
Millions of migrants (legal or illegal) are opportunities to share the Gospel. Why is the church not doing it?
Keep the covenant; keep Torah if you want to see true revival. Start actually following our Jewish Messiah.
Believe in JESUS CHRIST and Repent all!!
I myself need HIS mercy and grace!!
The third temple is near and so is the LORDS coming! Trust in HIM!!!!!
Acts 2:38 kjv is the salvation plan. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Repent= die to self, Be Baptized in Jesus name= The burial of Jesus Christ AND receive the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues= The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. That unless you are born again of water and of the Spirit, you can not enter into heaven. Obey the whole gospel, not just the repentance part.
The God Jesus Christ and to everybody and everywhere repent. 🙏🕊🌾🌹
It’s coming…..it’ll be the last call for the world….THEN Christ will return but then that users in the apocalypse, so time is truly short
People of America We need a Revival We need to come together and PRAY FOR OUR NEW PRESINDENT DONALD J TRUMP
The Amish and Mennonite do not have materialistic issues but other sins.
Jesus was ‘sinless according to the law’, ‘teacher of the law’ and the law personified…he calls us to follow him as he rewrites Gods law in our hearts and minds, uniting us back into unity with a lawful sinless God…but American Christian’s voted for Trump to be their leader, the man whose life openly defies and mocks all 10 commandments…what’s with that? How can you expect revival to Christs law-fullness when you choose law-lessness?
I agree. When I woke up and saw that he won, I thought, "The American Church got the king they demanded and it's not Jesus. "
So who did you want for president - kamala??? Wow, no words. 🤔
@@lucy-luvs-me-r6l I’m not American, I’d never want to live there. Try judging Trump and Kamala by Gods law. The rest of the world sees Trumps posts and judges him by his own words.
@@lucy-luvs-me-r6l as far as I can tell, they both will likely lead to judgement for this nation. But, if I had to guess the actual lesser of two evils....Kamala might actually be it. She, at least, is not using the church for her gain and making herself out to be God's annointed and chosen. Using false prophets and false apostles in the process and leading a vast majority of the American Church astray. Sometimes the most evil is the evil that uses the language of good. I am thankful though that I am not forced to vote in this country. As a United States veteran, part of the freedom I fought to protect in this country (back in my younger days) is the right to refrain from politics if we feel it's best for our faith. At this point in time, I believe the season to vote our way out of possible judgement on this nation has passed. Our eyes should squarely be on Jesus (not on politics) to save us. Many say that they have their faith is only in Jesus but their actions say otherwise. BTW, I voted twice for Trump before I realized what was really going on here. You know why God's chosen people rejected Jesus as their Messiah when he came? Because they were looking for a political leader (and they still are). Christ made it clear that his kingdom is not of this world or his disciples would be fighting. He didn't tell them to fight. He told them to spread the gospel. The mind blowing thing about all this is it's not about Trump or Kamala....
@@lucy-luvs-me-r6l the mind blowing thing about all this is, it's not about Trump or Harris, it's about Jesus.
How can you talk about God and have that status on the table image of false delusion
Kirk Cameron, from tv star to nutcase conspiracy theorist.
"our" country. You don't own it, hypocrite.
The heavens have been opened again when god our eternal father with his beloved son Jesus Christ appeared to the boy prophet Joseph smith in 1820. Satan tried to stop Joseph from calling upon god in prayer by overcoming him and binding his tongue but he managed to plead for mercy and they appeared. Now the devil is busy causing the world to dismiss it as foolishness. I testify that Jesus has caused his church to be reestablished because the church he started 2000 years ago did not survive. Come and see for yourself. Don’t just take someone else’s word. A brilliant light has burst forth upon mankind but darkness covereth the world and gross darkness the minds of men. The Book of Mormon is pure revelation. Reading it brings men unto Christ. Come and see
Why would a reasonable person listen to a believer when they speak about politics? hey Kirk1 Stay in your lane!
Trump is far from perfect but so were all the apostles and my self but God will use Trump to help lead this nation back to his mercy.
Trump is not a repented believer in Jesus Christ. You should not speak of the apostles in the same manner as Trump.
@ who are you to judge ? !
Please remove the statue from the table