The most dangerous gospel in the world

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 44

  • @GingerVertican
    @GingerVertican 5 месяцев назад +4

    This is the first message I ever heard from Legacy Church. Today I preached this gospel to a friend in a cafe! Came back to listen to it again tonight. Woooooooow. There is SO MUCH here but I didn’t even have to dig when I was sharing with her. I guess the good news bears fruit all by itself once it’s in you!!! It’s. So good I could cry.

  • @jjt7053
    @jjt7053 8 месяцев назад +4

    And the Truth shall set you free.. thank you. So much more for 24

  • @Dcdaigle2
    @Dcdaigle2 8 месяцев назад +2

    Incredible message!

  • @ByronBayBookcom
    @ByronBayBookcom 6 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks for the wonderful message :)
    'Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows Yet WE esteemed Him stricken, Smitten BY God, and afflicted.' Is 53:4.

  • @thesecretsanctuaryfarm
    @thesecretsanctuaryfarm 8 месяцев назад +2

    My wife and I have known Chris for years and have been sewing into his ministry.
    Brother Tommy this message is a grand slam.
    Wonderful wonderful wonderful.
    I’m a pastor from Wilmington NC
    We sometimes attend a Morningstar here.
    This message we’ve been trying to introduce there. But it been met with mixed feelings.
    You’ve made it very tangible and palatable.
    Thank you sincerely.

    • @newcreationcollective-tomm6233
      @newcreationcollective-tomm6233 8 месяцев назад

      I’m honored to hear from you my friend. We’ve walked the same journey my friend. I encourage you in knowing for everyone Pharisee that refutes your message of goodness there are hundreds of captives that are desiring freedom that only truth can provide. Be blessed my friend. You’re the right man for the right time.
      Ps. Chris and I are doing multiple conference together this year. I’d love to meet you all.

    • @thesecretsanctuaryfarm
      @thesecretsanctuaryfarm 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@newcreationcollective-tomm6233 we’d like to attend the conference that you have coming up in April. Chris said you work church is not in Oklahoma. It’s in Ohio. Is this correct or is this a typo? Either way. I’d like to know about lodging and airport if we’re going to be flying in from Wilmington. Where should we be staying? Any suggestions or information would be greatly appreciated.

  • @sellappanpalaniappan5602
    @sellappanpalaniappan5602 8 месяцев назад +2

    Awesome end of 2023 message! Thanks Ps Tommy and Team. Incarnation to
    divinize humans. As we were in Christ before the foundation of the world! His seed had always been in us, so we cannot be anything but be God-like.
    God is raising a family of sons to rule and reign the earth and the cosmos. Over all creation including all creatures. God cannot entrust such huge responsibility to beings who are not God-like. We must be aligned to the heart of God in ruling and reigning. He has given us His Spirit to make it possible. 2024 will definitely be a more revelatory year! As God brings about the restoration of all things. Love and blessings from Malaysia!

    • @newcreationcollective-tomm6233
      @newcreationcollective-tomm6233 8 месяцев назад

      Bless you, my friend, it’s an honor to hear from you and I’m thankful that you took the time to both listen and write. Thank you so much for your kindness and happy new year.

    • @sellappanpalaniappan5602
      @sellappanpalaniappan5602 8 месяцев назад

      @@newcreationcollective-tomm6233 have been following LC teachings for nearly 1 year now. Awesome teaching. Awesome revelation. Totally in sync with you all! Rich blessings in 2024!

  • @rachelloberst270
    @rachelloberst270 8 месяцев назад +1

    Excellent powerful word!!!

  • @stephenredding31
    @stephenredding31 8 месяцев назад +3

    I am so appreciative of this message. I sent this to a few people I thought could benefit from hearing it. I have been walking in this understanding (as a baby) for some years. Recently after hearing the interview you did with Chris that is on Spotify, I needed to hear that so much! I was feeling so stuck with a few things for some years, almost exactly like the experience Chris had shared where he thought it was evil to move to america. I hope my fiancée and I can come to your transfiguration event in April! Keep sharing the Truth ! ❤

    • @Sumptuoustv906
      @Sumptuoustv906 8 месяцев назад +1

      Bro I would love to join you to the event. It is possible I believe.❤

    • @newcreationcollective-tomm6233
      @newcreationcollective-tomm6233 8 месяцев назад +1

      It an honor my friend! We’d love to see you guys in Oklahoma!!!! Thanks for taking the time to listen and be so kind. Hope to meet you this year!

  • @rachelloberst270
    @rachelloberst270 8 месяцев назад +1

    Kingdom and Life!!!

  • @elizabethbowie9753
    @elizabethbowie9753 6 месяцев назад +1

    Jesus fulfilled the Law, so we wouldn't have to. No human could keep the Law completely, perfectly, except Jesus. He conquered sin & death/the enemy's plan & deception on humans.

  • @elizabethbowie9753
    @elizabethbowie9753 6 месяцев назад

    "A beautiful person,
    Is a beautiful thought.
    A living soul,
    Jesus & me, and you & we. 💖🕊️💖🕊️💖🕊️💖

  • @ianblack5264
    @ianblack5264 7 месяцев назад +1


  • @glennrepple2245
    @glennrepple2245 6 месяцев назад

    Only the Holy Spirit as teacher can reveal the TRUTH of the religious spirit. To God be the Glory.

  • @GingerVertican
    @GingerVertican 7 месяцев назад +1

    Holllly smokes! “Job was scriptures, but it’s not true. Job didn’t know who God was!” Daaaang bro!

  • @gladtidingspentecostalchur445
    @gladtidingspentecostalchur445 4 месяца назад +1

    @MikeWinger Want to give your thoughts on this?

  • @sabuthomas5641
    @sabuthomas5641 25 дней назад

    The word 'Commit ' in John 3;4 is in every version . Even the greek Interlinear also includes the word 'commit ''Strongs number G4160 poy-eh'-o. Can't find a source which says it was not there in the original.

  • @JamesAllen-CoffeeAndTeaMan
    @JamesAllen-CoffeeAndTeaMan 3 месяца назад +1

    What is the book "Revelator" that he is referring to??

  • @sethl7858
    @sethl7858 5 месяцев назад

    The attributes of God are love and Justice because he is righteous and by his mercy they coincide without contradiction by means of grace. Gods wrath is demonstrated often in scripture. John 3:16-19 says Jesus came to save not judge but those who do not believe have been judged already.

  • @edwardshorts3126
    @edwardshorts3126 13 дней назад

    If anyone has an answer, I thought sin was a transgression of the law

  • @todosan375
    @todosan375 6 месяцев назад +1

    Well, the sons are finally emerging...

  • @rachelloberst270
    @rachelloberst270 8 месяцев назад

    We are no longer humans, we are sons, born of immortal seed.

  • @ByronBayBookcom
    @ByronBayBookcom 6 месяцев назад

    Wrath is cause snd effect, reap sow.

  • @findingtruth-101
    @findingtruth-101 7 месяцев назад

    Preach it

  • @pkbtc93
    @pkbtc93 3 месяца назад

    There is more context .
    And it’s Coin Greek . Meaning of Septuagint . Lucifer appears in Vulgate . The is no mention of Hebrew literature to add to context . Protestants based their translation closer to Hebrew source . Apocrypha edition was also in circulation . There is also Ancient near east context to be considered . A broader context must be considered for a more comprehensive context . How people wrote in the time they wrote for the audience that they wrote is another factor that must be considered . There is a lot of work to investigate and confirm from a lot of different sources and different authors .
    Aramaic , Hebrew , Greek , Latin , English are a few direction of literature over a span of time . Before the word was written or inked , it was imaged or carved in different styles , while being spoken , at some point it was only spoken perhaps . ( Referring to the course of information as we classify it to understand it , in general )
    I speak in simple terms for I do not posses a comprehensive education on the matter , but through out the course of our lives , we learn .
    Messaging an image can be dangerous without a broader context .
    I do find Michael Heiser to be an interesting source regarding biblical literature . Supernatural , Divine Council , Gen 3 - Serpent , Reversing Mt. Hermon so on . The goal is to inspire others closer , not further .
    Have Faith .

  • @glennalphonse9711
    @glennalphonse9711 4 месяца назад +1

    Hello Pastor great teachings not just preaching . The scripture states preaching is foolishness and it tells you why . I may have read it wrong but wasn't it the LORD GOD who put the Serpent in the Garden .The Serpent had more knowledge than the human. It never made sense to me . Sounds like a fairytale not a Devine concept of a Creator.There are to many creation stories so just pick one .Go for it . 🤔🥺

  • @TRUTH893
    @TRUTH893 6 месяцев назад

    Where is this church ?

    @ADONAIGAMES 8 месяцев назад

    20:25 - “He preached the same message to Adam that he already preached to himself.”
    True, but this was the same Message That HASHEM Spoke to Lucifer before preaching to Adahm! The reason why deception works is due to aligning to Truths Spoken by G-D first and then twisting it to usurping power, authority , and jurisdiction for oneself.

    @ADONAIGAMES 8 месяцев назад

    The purpose of Yeshuah Coming is for him to instruct us about Spirit and Truth, so that we can Worship HASHEM and HIM Only. This is The Kingdom of HASHEM is: The TRUTH OF THE COMMANDMENTS x THE SPIRIT OF THE COMMANDMENTS.
    HASHEM Loves all of HIS Children unconditionally, but there are conditions to Life and Blessing vs. Death and Curses.
    Right there is the difference between how Righteous Jews live live vs. how Chrstian doctrine states that we should live.
    The Torah is Messiah made flesh. We will follow him and the Torah before we dump it for ‘winging it’ like Christianity teaches.

  • @carryhisglory
    @carryhisglory 4 месяца назад

    Love your messages - awesome revelation! But question concerning God's wrath or us not being saved from his wrath..... There are many verses in the NEW Testament that emphatically speak of God's wrath . For example, Revelation speaks of his COMING wrath (big time!) and 1 Thes.1:10 says Jesus SAVES us FROM God's wrath (anger).
    Old Testament also has many examples - here are only two:
    Deut.9: 8: you provoked the LORD to WRATH so that the LORD was angry enough with you to have destroyed you.
    Num.25:11: Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, has turned back My WRATH from the children of Israel, because he was zealous with My zeal among them, so that I did not CONSUME the children of Israel in My zeal.
    And concerning Jesus saying "I judge no one". That's an isolated statement within its own context, as He clearly said in John 5, "For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the SON.......the Father has given HIM authority to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of Man."
    The reason the Lord did not judge the adulterous woman was NOT bc He was usurping or negating the Father's Law concerning adultery - He was actually UPHOLDING the Law by not having her stoned bc the Law clearly says that a matter is to be confirmed by 2 or 3 witnesses, which they didn't have in this instance. Jesus would have been breaking the Law if he had the woman stoned - but we know He never broke the Law (only the man-made laws that were added to the Law, which the Father said never to do in Deut.4:2, 12:32). This means that if Jesus WAS usurping, negating, or replacing His Father's Law, He would have been violating the Law itself, making Him a transgressor. But He said He KEPT His Father's commands and that His teaching or doctrine was NOT His own but His FATHER'S (John 15:10, 7:16, 12:49).
    And by the way - to say God is a God of love AND wrath is NOT contradictory when we understand that His wrath is a fiery EXTENSION of His love (His love and wrath are inseparably connected, they aren't mutually exclusive). His wrath is an anger against the sin that blinds His people and alienates them from Him (not that God turns from us, but that WE turn from Him due to a condemned conscience bc we think He's angry with US and not the sin that blinds us from His unconditional love & acceptance).

    @ADONAIGAMES 8 месяцев назад +1

    You were doing great until 20 minutes in. I hate to say it, but the vehemence in which you speak about my kinsmen, the Pharisees demonstrated that you still have no idea who they were, why G-D THE FATHER Established them and why this kind of speech continues to perpetuate division between Christians and Jews - Yeshuah HaMashiach was himself a Pharisee.

  • @glennalphonse9711
    @glennalphonse9711 4 месяца назад +1

    Why are SATAN and JESUS known as the morning star never noticed them named in the Creation stories in the beginning,were they the same beings ,brothers ,Satan put Jesus lead by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tested, Why do you believe Jesus was supposed to destroy the works of what God created .Satan was God's creation so this God wants them to battle each other.There is no way this was a book inspired by Devine inspiration. The true Creator would have never let any one or any thing come between the Creation and the it's Creator. Seek the Wisdom of the Creator. it's SPIRIT. So you can KNOW the TRUTH and forget all of these Shims Seek Enlightenment your Spirit connects with the Divine.😗🌞

    @ADONAIGAMES 8 месяцев назад +1

    It’s funny how you took it to Romans, “if there’s no Law, there’s no transgression.”
    Bro, Yeshuah is Law Made Flesh! And you just got done saying that Yeshuah can’t Say Anything without THE FATHER Putting Words in his mouth! HASHEM IS LAW AND JUSTICE! So if Yeshuah doesn’t exist, then you could try and make a case for this out of context Romans passage.
    This is why Christianity as a religion has such a hard time when talking with Jews. You’re taking our way of life and usurping it and taking it so out of context!
    Law without TRUTH AND SPIRIT bring death and curses. Because Yeshuah is Truth made flesh who is a Spirit made flesh; but who is a servant to Wisdom, Understanding, Council, Power, Reverent Fear, and Delightful-Joy of Worship.

    @ADONAIGAMES 8 месяцев назад

    20:00 - “There would be no sin if there weren’t religion, it’s just Bible.”
    Genesis 1 - G-D instructed Adahm to not eat of the fruit. And when he disobeyed, sin came in. Sin existed BEFORE Adahms disobedience. It existed in a different dimension. After disobedience, Sin, Evil, and Death (all different and an entire kingdom) were allowed to enter into this plane.
    When HASHEM Gives a Commandment, a Do or Don’t, it’s Righteous Living. When we break it, it’s sin. When your kids ‘sin’ against their parent, the parent explains consequences of their actions &/or behaviors. Life is no different. We live on HIS Planet. It has rules. Does G-D Love us any less when we mess up? No, however, consequences. This is Judaism 101.

  • @GingerVertican
    @GingerVertican 7 месяцев назад

    But wait…honest question…then why did Jesus tell people “go and sin no more” (like the woman caught in adultery or the man at the pool of Siloam) surely He was referring to behaviors and not belief systems. Help?

    • @LegacyChurchOH
      @LegacyChurchOH  6 месяцев назад +1

      When Jesus tells her to go and sin no more the word for sin was hamartanō which means to miss the mark. The "sin" here wasn't an action but a product of a fallen nature. What Jesus is saying isn't a warning but a confession over her. No longer was she to live according to a fallen nature condemning herself to but live according to her heavenly nature as Jesus saw her.

    @ADONAIGAMES 8 месяцев назад

    Sin is multi-faceted: 1) it’s a living being. 2) Out of G-Ds Own Mouth, HE Declared that sin, iniquity, and willful error is a result of our actions. So it IS behavioral. And this behavior is genetic called a ‘generational curse.’3) sin is part of a kingdom of evil which humans either align with or they align with HASHEMs Righteousness.
    The Serpent in the Garden is not the same being as Lucifer. They’re 2 different Angelic Nephilim that are in two different angelic classifications.
    Yeshuah came to destroy the System of The World, which sin is apart of. Not to destroy The System of HASHEM which he himself advocates; furthermore when he returns, he will setup the Religious System of HASHEM AGAIN. That’s what The Book of Ezekiel is all about!

  • @SpiritualDetective3
    @SpiritualDetective3 4 месяца назад

    Your title “the most dangerous gospel” is accurate. You’re preaching a false gospel
    Galations 1:6-8 warns us about new gospels. You are teaching “deception in plain sight.” You said “we would not find this in the Bible”, which should be a red flag to everyone watching…if it’s not in the Bible we should not be listening . You said many times “this gospel is so much better,” there’s only one gospel ..the gospel of Jesus. You also mentioned you lost family members over “this gospel “ It’s because you’re not teaching the gospel of Jesus.. you , actually held up the Bible and said “this gospel causes death” It’s actually the gospel you’re teaching that causes death. Ephesians 2:1-10 contradicts your entire sermon. Ephesians 1:7
    Romans 6:23 Romans 3:23-26 John 3:36 1John 5:19 Romans 1:18-19 Colossians 3:6 1John 1:7 1 Corinthians 15:17 John 12:47 2 Corinthians 5:21
    these are just a few of the hundreds of scriptures that completely contradict your sermon. I’ll pray for your deception to be removed so you will stop teaching the false gospel.