Malaysia's first finance minister is Hongkonger, born and raised in HK. His name is Henry Lee Hau Shik ( Tun Sir H S Lee). Chinese name is 李孝式 . He is a graduate from Cambridge, and U of London.
Thank you for clearing the air regarding the common misconceptions of Malaysia. Perhaps that’s what most HK people think of us. You guys are Malaysians already! 🥳 Regarding Muslim ladies covering their hair, there is nothing to be afraid of 😊 Just take it as a choice of attire, similar to anyone who chooses to put on a cap or hat or even a long dress 😊 It is just part of an outfit. Looking forward to your Gordon Ramsay food review 😂
That echoes my experience when I first landed London for my postgraduate study. My local classmates were surprised that I spoke fluent English. They thought people in HK were still living on sampans with long braided pony tail. They were also surprised that when they saw some of my media coverages, i.e., SCMP, were in English. Surely it's their problem (ignorance kills!) Likewise, when I tell my friends now that I am to move to Malaysia, the first thing they always ask is why Malaysia? Why not!
Malaysia temperatures mostly 24 to 33 degree celcius, year end cooler because of monson season. In Malaysia, when you enter your car parked under hot sun, unwind all windows to let hot air out first, after travelling for few minutes then just you wind up your windows, that way your car interior will coll down much faster.
@@bklm1234 Suggest you move to Genting Highlands, Cameron Highlands, or Fraser Hills. All year round temperature is between 16 and 24 degree celcius. There are many nice golf courses, resorts, hotels, condos, Eastern n Westen restaurants to spoil you .
Another valuable vlogs of sharing our country Malaysia muhibah and all races united well .Well done. Honestly, every vlogs you.guys shared are premium excellent! Thumbs up Malaysia Jor!
You guys are great. Very informative on Msia. Tq for promoting our country to the world. You let the world know the wonderful culture of Malaysia. Terima Kasih...🙏
Hi I love to see your both you tube funny and very enjoyable.I’m from Malaysia my hometown is Ipoh but I live in America for 26 years I will retired to Malaysia one days
Hello! MALAYSIA JOR!! First and foremost, I thank you both for the wonderful and hilarious videos which I really enjoyed to the fullest. My name is Randy Lim, a Malaysian chinese residing in Oslo, Norway. Is it possible for you to text in English with address the places you recommend so that fans are able to Google up before visiting them. I'm coming home to Malaysia on the 1st of December 2022 and I really missed Malaysian food so much!! Hopefully I can meet both of you one day in KL!! TAKE CARE & GOOD HEALTH!! Love from Norway, Randy Lim
Public security there is the main concerned and if they able to improve it, I would migrate to there with my family along and it's a game changer for them if they can do this right. My family really loves the culinary cultures and enjoyable nightlife there, especially my little girl. ❤ from Au
As someone who is born and raised in KL, I'd like to offer a different perspective. I work in a building in Central in HK (hint: two lion statues outside). I have never found Central, the Landmark building, and the area around Landmark building particularly impressive. Urban concrete buildings are just -- urban concrete buildings. To put it into perspective, the experience is really not very different from say -- visiting KLCC, Lot 10, Mid Valley, Pavilion, Sunway Pyramid, etc. when we "ponteng" class during our school years 😂. In fact, what I like about HK is the accessibility to nature, i.e. hiking trails and beaches. For example, I could take a 30-40 min bus ride and I'll be at the beach in Repulse Bay or Stanley. KL folks on the other hand would have to drive for more than an hour to the nearest beach (is it Morib or Port Dickson - I am not too sure).
Agree with most of your points except the comparison of accessibility to nature. Unlike HK, KL is a landlocked city, hence one will require to drive a bit of a distance to get to the beach. Whereas for hiking or trekking, within the city centre, we have KL Forest Eco Park located at Bukit Nanas and also Taman Tugu Trail at Lake Garden. For a nice stroll in a park, we have the choice of KLCC Park, Lake Garden or a bit away from the centre, Taman Titiwangsa. KL is also not completely an urban concrete jungle. DBKL did put up some efforts in perserving old trees and plant greenery along major roads, for example those trees along Jalan Ampang in front of KLCC right up to MATIC are as old as I can remember. At the Bukit Nanas side which SJI and CBN are located, on a lucky day one may get to see silver leaf monkeys, small animals and beautiful birds. The sighting of monitor lizards is also common at the Lake Garden.
It's natural for you to feel it that way. It echoes my experience when a British classmate and I were walking up to our main building when we came across a stack glass house amid those Victorian and Georgian styled houses in London. I exclaimed how beautiful (and sleek)! Her instant reply was "how boring!". It also took me a while to appreciate old red brick buildings in London. In fact, many Hongkongers (and quite a few expats in HK too) love the city lifestyle of HK, Central, Soho, that is! Although I had spent some years in London and started to enjoy a stroll in the Hyde Park, visit galleries, etc., I still love the city lifestyle of Hong Kong akin that of Tokyo, Osaka, etc. because I was born and raised there. Call it cultural shock!
我系香港人,因安排子女讀書,剛在雪蘭莪雙威市住了一個月, 整個月的行程都只在30分鐘車程內的,發現有幾樣優點系估唔到,不知其他區域是否都是這樣:
1. 未去前睇片話經常塞車,但感覺和大部分城市一樣, 多數只係返工放工時間塞,其他時間都ok 。
2. 大部份司機都系好守規矩好有禮貌,好願意讓其他車輛入線的,同香港差太遠啦😄
3. 在公眾地方,例如公共交通車內和升降機內的人都系有禮和好安靜的,靜得我們有些唔慣就像日本一樣😅
3. 無論新區或舊區的街道上都是比較整潔好少見到垃圾
4. 蚊蟲老鼠都係好少見到, 在香港日間都會見到老鼠通街走,在馬來西亞一個月連烏蠅都只見過幾次😄
5. 公廁,無論商場或公眾食堂的廁所都系好乾淨, 冇遇過一個係有異味的
6. 睇片說大馬人做事比較慢,要有耐性等,但我感覺唔到,可能係指某些部門的工作效率,但其實香港都系咁,尤其香港銀行的櫃位服務,幾個人的隊都可排上1小時😄
7. 天氣真的比預期舒服,舉一樣例子,在香港夏天的公眾泳池無論早場或夜場,水都唔會感覺好凍,但馬來西亞早和晚的水都是比較凍,我們只會在中午游水,如果當天中午都冇太陽就不能游水了,因為太凍,香港夏天的太陽系會咬人的😂
true. Malaysia an underrated country..😊
@Ah Lai A 不要再说“马拉”;可以说 ‘ 大马’ 或 ‘马來西亚’
哈哈身为大马人既我,就发言一下啦。首先多谢你既感慨,其实有D point 系可以解析既哈哈哈哈。例如
3. 升降梯 同 地铁之类叻,点解D人唔出声就好简单噶姐。 因为普遍大马人都比较 (含蓄)简单讲就怕丑。 如果系D 安静既地方大声喧哗,条友一定会被好多人呗 着去他。 【唔好意思,简体文写唔到粤语翻译】
我净系讲个point 赢过两岸三地的 野来做个比较就是。 【大马既屋价 系超平 既。】尼个系无可否认的。哈哈
根据 离开KL 多少距离20km左右既 城镇 双层排屋大约系接近 200平米 价钱大概 70万马纸 有交易。
好鐘意睇你哋,已睇左超過1年, 好鐘意今集,解釋左好多香港人對大馬謬誤,一講起去大馬定居,朋友總說落後,成日排華 又比人打搶手袋,叫你三思....所以呢集好好呀,我會share 比更多人睇,我家打算 到大馬過退休生活。 加油❤️❤️👍👍👍
馬來西亞歡迎你 😊😊
欢迎移居过来大马👏 你申请MM2H 大马第二家园 未 ?
@@calvick980 謝謝🙏🙏
Welcome to Msia
很中肯的分享~ 外國朋友真的要親自來過馬來西亞 才會知道馬來西亞的特色
Covid 疫情这几年治安比以前好了很多,其实只要边境严格点不要让印尼仔偷渡过来大马,那么治安肯定会更好。
@@shieulinghuang6909 原來係印尼仔嘅問題?
@@wilfho8792 这几年印尼经济起飞,过来做世界的印尼人也少了。
中文娱乐 , 当年70, 80 ,90 年代香港娱乐当道 。。 没得选择只有 TVB , ATV 节目,香港电影 等。 台湾节目96 年后 ,在大马才开始火热起来。 中国那时都还没那么开放, 有印象只看 , “西游记” ,“三国演义” 。 台湾剧的则有 “青青河边草”,“鲁冰花”等等。
其實叻,我地大馬呢度叻,係無所謂嘅唐人街,又或者可以講係唔需要有唐人街。嗰條petaling street係叫茨廠街,並非所謂嘅唐人街,只係d無乜常識嘅大馬人自己認同嗰條係唐人街。皆因大馬的華人或印度人都係一等公民,我地擁有嘅都係藍色身分證,所以我地唔需要好似英國咁,需要一條唐人街嚟到讓移居當地的華人聚集一齊。整個馬來西亞都係屬於我地大馬人 ☺️。當然~ 我地一向非常歡迎外國人,好高興你地鍾意馬來西亞!
原來如此👍🏼 老實說很多人都以為茨廠街就是唐人街!非常認同你的觀點
我住那层楼 , 有 三大名族 , 过年过节 回家 都有 邻居 帮忙 看屋 👍
Malaysia's first finance minister is Hongkonger, born and raised in HK. His name is Henry Lee Hau Shik ( Tun Sir H S Lee). Chinese name is 李孝式 . He is a graduate from Cambridge, and U of London.
Tun Sir Henry Lee also founder of D & C Bank now call RHB Bank
Thank you for clearing the air regarding the common misconceptions of Malaysia. Perhaps that’s what most HK people think of us. You guys are Malaysians already! 🥳 Regarding Muslim ladies covering their hair, there is nothing to be afraid of 😊 Just take it as a choice of attire, similar to anyone who chooses to put on a cap or hat or even a long dress 😊 It is just part of an outfit. Looking forward to your Gordon Ramsay food review 😂
That echoes my experience when I first landed London for my postgraduate study. My local classmates were surprised that I spoke fluent English. They thought people in HK were still living on sampans with long braided pony tail. They were also surprised that when they saw some of my media coverages, i.e., SCMP, were in English. Surely it's their problem (ignorance kills!) Likewise, when I tell my friends now that I am to move to Malaysia, the first thing they always ask is why Malaysia? Why not!
Muslim ladies I met up all these years are mostly very friendly, caring and easy going..
What you said it's true Malaysia is the best Malaysia Boleh👍👍👍
馬來西亞jor! 繼續加油製作更多有素質有內容的短片!
两公婆都是买信用卡的,就是那种在商场一直招信用卡不断遭白眼的。MCO的时候丈夫离职开Grab Car去了。谁想到这样普通的家庭会培养出哈佛学生而且全额奖学金,而且也没有补习,父母也给孩子空间打钢琴,园艺。
會長,你冇講錯 !以前全世界既人都以為馬來西亞人好落後所有民族都係住係樹上。。不過,大馬自從成為發展中國家後,好多人已好富有,經已係樹上建豪宅同埋裝埋電梯,以後唔洗再爬木梯甘辛苦。。😁😁😄😄😂😂🤣🤣😆😆
我大哥都会这样回他:“哦,是的,但是这树是要搭电梯上去的喔!“ 🤣🤣🤣
Penang(檳城) a nice place to live。
So happy to hear all the good things about Malaysia. 👍🏻
我住的区很安静,治安很好,晚上有时都忘记锁门,要是有事的话,邻居都会帮忙,马来人很喜欢聚会,开party 他们经常邀请我们去蹭吃蹭喝的😄
@@afaraytancy1897 係呀!香港人,住灣區。打算退休移居馬來西亞,我唸多數會,不過唔知去那個城市,吉隆坡,檳城,新山都非常好,去過更唔知點選擇😅
Malaysia temperatures mostly 24 to 33 degree celcius, year end cooler because of monson season. In Malaysia, when you enter your car parked under hot sun, unwind all windows to let hot air out first, after travelling for few minutes then just you wind up your windows, that way your car interior will coll down much faster.
@@bklm1234 Suggest you move to Genting Highlands, Cameron Highlands, or Fraser Hills. All year round temperature is between 16 and 24 degree celcius. There are many nice golf courses, resorts, hotels, condos, Eastern n Westen restaurants to spoil you .
Another valuable vlogs of sharing our country Malaysia muhibah and all races united well .Well done. Honestly, every vlogs you.guys shared are premium excellent! Thumbs up Malaysia Jor!
Thank you Gary for correcting this. When I was in America in the 1990s for my studies, my HK friends called me Malai-chai.
Now my Malaysian friends call me HK-chai 😂
这个片值得分享!!! 很多知识!!外国人真的很需要知道这些知识🎉
Well said! ❤️❤️❤️
好surprise 有馬來西亞RUclipsr用廣東話做頻道,澳門人支持你,加油
Best video❤️
請問S-MM2H 有咩update咗?
两公婆都是买信用卡的,就是那种在商场一直招信用卡不断遭白眼的。MCO的时候丈夫离职开Grab Car去了。谁想到这样普通的家庭会培养出哈佛学生而且全额奖学金,而且也没有补习,父母也给孩子空间打钢琴,园艺。
Agreed with what you Malaysian Chinese ......
You guys are great. Very informative on Msia. Tq for promoting our country to the world. You let the world know the wonderful culture of Malaysia. Terima Kasih...🙏
Hi I love to see your both you tube funny and very enjoyable.I’m from Malaysia my hometown is Ipoh but I live in America for 26 years I will retired to Malaysia one days
Nothing’s better than home
Well said,,, thanks for telling the truth about Malaysia,,, we're all anak malaysia...
First and foremost, I thank you both for the wonderful and hilarious videos which I really enjoyed to the fullest.
My name is Randy Lim, a Malaysian chinese residing in Oslo, Norway. Is it possible for you to text in English with address the places you recommend so that fans are able to Google up before visiting them. I'm coming home to Malaysia on the 1st of December 2022 and I really missed Malaysian food so much!! Hopefully I can meet both of you one day in KL!!
Love from Norway,
Randy Lim
Public security there is the main concerned and if they able to improve it, I would migrate to there with my family along and it's a game changer for them if they can do this right. My family really loves the culinary cultures and enjoyable nightlife there, especially my little girl. ❤ from Au
我们和朋友聊聊天,如果在本地遇到危险或者被伤害时,你会喊“救命啊” 或者HELP ! Help me!
可是我们却认为喊 “Tolong! “ 马來语是 Help! 效果比较好!
哈哈!要学会叫TOLONG !
no ipoh ,kl and kuantan they speak cantonese ang hakka
Broadcom CEO was from Malaysia!
兩位讲的非常好 👍👍👍⭐⭐⭐❤️💗💕
@@waikonglai5173 是的,六十年代的人。連電視機都沒有。又怎麼會看到tvb?我們當年也只有收音機。可以聽李大傻講故事。還有聽粵劇。我是客家人。周邊都有住廣東人鄰居。老人家閱讀報紙都是用客家話,或者廣東話來閱讀的。他們都不懂華語。大家都以廣東話或客家話溝通的,只有上小學之後才學習華語的。我們的母語是客家話或廣東話。當年是被逼使用華語的。在學校不小心被發現用自己語言交流。還要被罰錢和處罰的。
@@linfreeman7295 因为你祖上不是广东人!
You can explain Malaysia culture better than some of local here... :)
By the way were did you shoot the video? The place looks nice to chill out...
The Sphere Bangsar South
Im malaysian cantonese are super fluent....especially bad words....😁🤣
Malaysia Chinese/馬來西亞中國人?
讲到马来男人可以娶4个老婆尼件事,我想要补充下就系以前系要正室同意个老公先之可以再娶,易家唔同左😅 易家只需要通知正室一声就可以再娶架喇😅
Great Job 👏🏻 pls keep up the good work
Thank you ❣️😊
Couldn't but agree!
nice watch Gary !
东马是全世界 大自然有名的地方
全世界7大奇迹 好像东马
As someone who is born and raised in KL, I'd like to offer a different perspective. I work in a building in Central in HK (hint: two lion statues outside). I have never found Central, the Landmark building, and the area around Landmark building particularly impressive. Urban concrete buildings are just -- urban concrete buildings. To put it into perspective, the experience is really not very different from say -- visiting KLCC, Lot 10, Mid Valley, Pavilion, Sunway Pyramid, etc. when we "ponteng" class during our school years 😂. In fact, what I like about HK is the accessibility to nature, i.e. hiking trails and beaches. For example, I could take a 30-40 min bus ride and I'll be at the beach in Repulse Bay or Stanley. KL folks on the other hand would have to drive for more than an hour to the nearest beach (is it Morib or Port Dickson - I am not too sure).
Agree with most of your points except the comparison of accessibility to nature. Unlike HK, KL is a landlocked city, hence one will require to drive a bit of a distance to get to the beach. Whereas for hiking or trekking, within the city centre, we have KL Forest Eco Park located at Bukit Nanas and also Taman Tugu Trail at Lake Garden. For a nice stroll in a park, we have the choice of KLCC Park, Lake Garden or a bit away from the centre, Taman Titiwangsa.
KL is also not completely an urban concrete jungle. DBKL did put up some efforts in perserving old trees and plant greenery along major roads, for example those trees along Jalan Ampang in front of KLCC right up to MATIC are as old as I can remember. At the Bukit Nanas side which SJI and CBN are located, on a lucky day one may get to see silver leaf monkeys, small animals and beautiful birds. The sighting of monitor lizards is also common at the Lake Garden.
It's natural for you to feel it that way. It echoes my experience when a British classmate and I were walking up to our main building when we came across a stack glass house amid those Victorian and Georgian styled houses in London. I exclaimed how beautiful (and sleek)! Her instant reply was "how boring!". It also took me a while to appreciate old red brick buildings in London. In fact, many Hongkongers (and quite a few expats in HK too) love the city lifestyle of HK, Central, Soho, that is! Although I had spent some years in London and started to enjoy a stroll in the Hyde Park, visit galleries, etc., I still love the city lifestyle of Hong Kong akin that of Tokyo, Osaka, etc. because I was born and raised there. Call it cultural shock!
genuine & meaningful comments/ explanations of the misconceptions. good work 👍💪
Thank you. I wonder ur background location is where? Which part of KL?
The Sphere. Bangsar South
Well explained! Like it
會長Cheras 三公幾時開始
请问你们拍摄的地方在哪里? 很漂亮
The Farm @ Bangsar South
主持人,哈,您俩忘记強调,这里也有很多Pub 可聴歌及喝酒,非一般穆斯林禁酒国家呢! 😊🤝
为什么我经常在bangsar south sphere吃午餐没见到你们2个的
Gordon Ramsay book 到黎食未?🤣🤣🤭🤭