리사베영어 36 - 2022 수능영어 34번 빈칸추론 (2021년 실시) feat. "Who Are the Real Chosen People?"

  • Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
  • 2022 수능영어 34번 빈칸추론 원고: cafe.naver.com...
    소재 Topic:
    difference between the aims of scientific and historical representation
    주제 Main Idea:
    Historical representation aims to show that previous precision and determinacy are illusions by producing new and alternative representations, while science is trying to achieve truth through precision and determinacy.
    34번 지문: 표현을 달리하면서 동일내용을 반복하는 수능지문의 전형
    scientific debate
    precision and determinacy
    refinement of one representation
    narrowing down of previous options
    an approximation of the truth
    achieving truth by a careful analysis of what was right and wrong in those previous representations
    ever greater approximation to the truth
    → 과학: 정확성과 결정성을 통해 진실 추구
    historical representation
    a proliferation of representations
    the production of an ever more varied set of representations
    an explosion of possible points of view
    unmasking of previous illusions of determinacy and precision
    by the production of new and alternative representations,
    a process of creating ever more confusion
    a continuous questioning of certainty and precision seemingly achieved already
    → 역사적 진술: 진술증산을 통해 이전 결정성과 정확성은 환상임을 드러내 보임

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