I got mine off using an offset 10mm wrench. Trying to get it off on the ground you have very space to work between the engine and the fender. If I had a Wera ratchet that swivels it probably wouldn't have taken so long to remove the top 2 bolts. The bottom 3 are easy.
I think that trick is better than some of the other ones I seen.... Thank you buddy
I got the pulley bolts out but cannot get the pulley out of the car using this technique
Bro I’m trying to get the pulley off too. Were you able to do it?
@@rumchata6569did you figure it out? struggling w it right now 2011 r56
Thanks for the tip. What about just a water pump pulley replacement? Do they crack and is that a common issue?
I got mine off using an offset 10mm wrench. Trying to get it off on the ground you have very space to work between the engine and the fender. If I had a Wera ratchet that swivels it probably wouldn't have taken so long to remove the top 2 bolts. The bottom 3 are easy.
Who makes that wrench?
I need to know brand of wrench