Olivia is so unlikeable. She is spiteful, vindictive. It would be miserable to see children under her class in school with such a teacher who says she has no EMPATHY, and that she is petty. Dom knows how to acknowledge/admit her mistake and apologize. That's what made her a protagonist and Olivia an antagonist. Olivia is evil inside out and outside in.
So true well someone that has no empathy normally is like that and think only of themselves. And Would do anything to get what they want. Sad but very true.... You know if there was any chance I could talk to her I'd tell her and anyone for that matter to google a gentleman name is Jeremy Griffith, Who is an Australian biologist and the author of this book, CALLED FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition. I honestly would tell as many people as I possibly could it's all free on he's sight read it, or listen to he's videos you want be sorry it'll take you on a journey and will change anyone's life forever..... Olivia really needs professional help.
Thank God this happened and she's shown her true personality to everyone and been fired. Who knows how many children have been saved from being around her abusive personality. I don't wish bad in anyone and hope Olivia gets help and has a change of character and personality for the better
Yes me too ! ❤️. She is disgusting . Did you see the looks she'd get on her face when Dom would speak , or the looks she'd give Dom ? Pure venom and malice. Not a nice person at all . Psychopath tendencies if you ask me . I don't belive she was fearful of Dom either , that's bullshit . Dom didn't threaten her with the glass , she didn't smash it in her face as she screams so often . She's a drama queen , and says things to divert blame onto someone else .
Agree, when people identify that she has certain unfavourable personality traits, she agrees, but just doesn't give a shit how she impacts people. Total nasassist!
If there was no malice behind this you never would have gone out of your way to have googled her, then share it around to people. I think Olivia is extremely jealous of Dom and it’s extremely obvious throughout the series.
Hi there it wasn't just the group she signed up to share it with when you look at it, because in reality it's been shared with the whole of Australia. Because you can't say people wouldn't be getting on to find it there's some weird'os out there ... And no one out there in the big world so to speak would have ever none so there's more damage then a lot of us think.....
It's called controlling she thinks if she fakes her tears and panic attacks, that Jackson will show her comfort but she's losing contràol on the group you see, she's jealous of Domenica has been from the first night of airing. You see Olivia's behaviour says it all Just watch her eye's in large whenever Jackson's talking to the so called experts..... They sat there in their comfortable chair's and heard everything Olivia said at the last dinner party , and was doing, Nothing about it , but insead just asked her a few questions about her feelings, this is what really gets me not just hitting her with all they heard and seen.... They do this every years it makes me sick in all honesty..... But yes Olivia needed to work on Jackson first by putting on a verse and fake⁹ person , you know sweeten him up a bit, playing the victim she sets it all up some what good before going On the attacks....... If Jackson can't see this then it definitely would raise questions about what he has said about he's father..... Jackson is , well seems a smart man, why would he even be thinking he can change this girl......
Jackson's sitting there laughing condescendingly at the first caller who's repeating EXACTLY what Olivia said into the camera. His response to the caller is, "You weren't there." We all SAW and HEARD Olivia, Jackson. Just wait until she turns her grudges on Jackson's family.
Well I guess Jackson is going to feel like a total looser tonight when he gets to see just how narcissistic he's former wife Olivia really is. I'm sure he's mother wouldn't aprove of her and there's no use saying ohhhhh it was the show's production crew and blind sided her because you can go back on her Facebook's and she's had a few Facebooks and the messages always stay there and read what she's said to other people, not really any different to how she treats people to this day.... So when I looked way back to 2010 She would have been 16 year's old and still hasn't grown up..... Apparently her own family has turned there backs on her, saying she really has bought shame to them, I was reading on here somewhere today. But her family members would have noticed her behaviour earlier on in life I just don't understand did they try getting her help? Being a mother myself I sure would have.....
And I believe she certainly will turn her grudges on Jackson’s family because she clearly stated on National TV that she DOES hold grudges and then stated it’s her trait so that one is a lost cause from the start.
@@elleapps5350 Also I felt she was very mean when meeting his friends and try to forbid him to work out, said was childish, many grown up work out so what´s wrong with that for people to work out, cause she doesn´t like, then she can´t forbid him to work out, I mean if she doesn´t like to work out, then she can do something else while he works out. I would never forbid my husband to work out.
I totally agree with you sorry for late reply been sick, Hope you had a great Easter..... Anyway heard the latest? Olivia and Jackson was seen in a jewellery store just before Easter. And she reckon's they were looking to buy a ring for $100.000, yeah right Jackson would earn that in 2 year's... Dream on Olivia lol... She's apparently been looking for people to interview her but I don't think they want too.... Anyway stay safe 😃🙏🕊🐎🐎
Absolutely, the caller said what needed to be said politely. Olivia never owned up to her shit, and that’s the bigger issue here. And I bet you, when she said ‘I own what I did’, she probably said it just to get people off her back. She admittedly said it herself; she’s not an empathetic person and she holds grudges, and she likes this about herself. So go figure!
@@mohammadal-drees3106 Sorry, Olivia is a typical case of Narcissistic behaviour, no empathy at her own admission. i can't believe Jackson hasn't run for the hills.!!
Olivia is genuinely an awful person. There’s no doubt that her past plays a part in who she’s become, but you can’t use it as an excuse forever. She’s an incredibly dangerous and calculated woman
Hi there, you say that Olivia's past with no doubt has made the person she is today can you please explain what you mean in you're statement. Kind regards Elle
@@elleapps5350 course, I think she has a lot of insecurities that she struggles to deal with, she then projects this out on to other people as a way to ‘cope’ - if I remember rightly she mentioned being bullied for her weight and looks as a teenager
@@elleapps5350 let me explain. A person that has that much anger towards anyone that is outside her 'scope' has had previous experience with another strong female.
@@Katielomax7 Sorry have to disagree with you there listened to a few interviews of Olivia's old teenager school friends which all had said Olivia wasn't bullied, but she was the bully....
She could end all of this if she just told the truth and took accountability. But she continues to lie, gaslight, and make excuses. Also cries on cue. She’s absolutely vile
She's a sociapath. No empathy and a total manipulator. Funny how she keeps changing stories. Crying on cue! seen so many of these girls acting like that.
Reminds me of Jessika & Dan when Dan said in the live interview that " Jess will go down with a lie rather than saying look, I stuffed up then it would be over". Then she half assed confessed to the firing on the other guy for the 1st time at that moment after lying all season.
I’ve just watched this in the UK and I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed a more awful human being like Olivia. She was my favourite girl from the start, but that change in character put me off her. Dom never did anything personal to her to warrant such hatred.
She really is an awful human being and shows no remorse whatsoever, not to mention responsibility and accountability for her actions. She just smiles about it when being asked questions about it. This just says it all.
The Olivia’s of the world don’t need an actual reason for their spite - her v v low self esteem,deep insecurity & weak will is what drives her appalling thoughts & words & then how she delivers these, that’s her ethos - truly needs prof help
I think he's just desperate now. I know it's not a nice thing to say but I don't understand why he is still with her. She has shown him who she really is, I won't want a partner like her, like imagine starting a family with someone like that! I 'd rather be single now and just wait to find someone else.
@@mitchwest6365 Good point Mitch. He also physically and constantly looks for Olivia's approval. It would be good if Kyle would let her verbally hang herself instead of stopping her statements short and putting defending words in her mouth. Its funny how olivia scoffs at dom leaving saying Dom can't handle the heat in the kitchen but when people pull Olivia up on the lies and hypocrisy of her grenade throwing she quivers her lip, cries and pouts like a spoilt little girl gaining sympathy and protection from a gullible "daddy". Jackson falls for it every time you see them, being a good white knight that he is. This will not end well for Jackson - he is being played. Olivia constantly demonstrates the destructive, malicious, manipulative control on people common to the behaviour of a sociopath. She revels in this behaviour until she is caught out. Jackson will be left cold with his jaw on the ground if his princess finds a better propostion that she can monkey branch to. A ruthless rejection awaits. I do like Jackson he has exceptionally good character and a man you want on your side - all be it hoodwinked with rose coloured sunnies. Jack is also a good man that suffers a little by seeking approval from his girl. In many ways I like Dom but for jack's sack chill.
Before the dinner party Olivia talked to all the girls gloating about googling and finding the photo. Like she exaggerated everything I would say she is exaggerating feeling unsafe going shopping. She brought the whole thing on herself so to use her words ‘she deserves it’
Olivia went off on camera about how she's so "above" Dom, how her morals were higher etc...ad nauseam. Between that and her snide looks at Dom and nasty comments to the other girls, it's obvious she's just desperately trying to clean up the mess. She's awful. Just awful. Jackson is in for a wild ride and after fully supporting her awfulness, probably deserves it.
Shes evil . She admitted to the judges she has no empathy. She cant forgive or refuses to forgive and it will destroy her eventually. Hate eats your soul
I honestly tried to listen to this and when Olivia started to spew excuses, lies and fake empathy, I had to turn it off. Her speaking, the words coming from her mouth made me physically ill and I don't even know the girl! How can I dislike a person on TV so much?!!
I couldn't listen anymore to this dribble ,they might edited it but it still comes out of her mouth and listening to them both say that it was Dom yelling at everyone The production crew would have shown it to milk it more and we know Olivia lies and look at the fake tears I still can't stand her
Agreed and she is on social media reading all the comments and trolling Dom's name using multiple fake trolling accounts such as Paleaver Girl, Annie 123, Wax head, Wizzy Lounge and Meghan Williams. These are just to mention a few of her fake trolling accounts. She has loads on here and Reddit. I guess she's trying to clear her name. #trollalert #block #oblivia
She is such an embarrassment!!! As women, we are always fighting to be accepted at an equal footing with men, we are suppose to uplift each other ,protect, inspire and show kindness to all. Olivia has disgraced the entire female gender. Her education has done nothing for her !! What on earth will she teach her students??!!!! This is just tragic.
@@tubester4567 Olivia made herself look terrible with all of her own words, facial expressions and actions. Her being viewed as evil has nothing to do with production or editing. Her evil demeanor is all based on her own actions.
She's not a teacher far far far from it she's training to be a teachers aid. But I get what you're saying she needs professional help I'm no doctor but the she carried on last night when Jackson was reading that letter shit that's creepy she's showing personality changes. I surely wouldn't want my grandchildren in the same school as her....
Agree, Olivia is a horrible person. She should not be allowed in schools, did not set a very good example. She is shedding crocodile tears now, drama queen
Olivia is an absolute 💯 % narcissist. She doesn't take any notice of anything Jackson says when he pulls her up. Typical narcissist, can't be told by anyone. Pure evil behaviour. She is going to make his life hell. Unfortunately it'll take time before he realises it, if at all.
I’ve known people who are borderline sociopaths and their behaviour was better than hers. This woman is so controlling. She now has him in her world, her town, away from his family and friends. Hope he never pisses her off! Can you imagine the grudge and malice she would have towards him.
Yep… vulnerable narcissist behavior to a tee. Incredibly manipulative, isolating Jackson, saying extreme things to make others feel she’s the victim, and so much gaslighting. The second Dom criticized her, a switch flipped. It’s so clear what happened.
You don't just diagnose someone with the personality disorder narcissism. She shows a few traits that can be found in narcissists. Also, as far as know, her background where she experienced insecurity. Could cause the person to create an image about themselves where they are 'perfect'. Because they can't stand who they THINK they really are. I'd say she def adopted a few narcissistic traits. We all have a few. But I think the term narcissist is being thrown around alot and very quickly/easily.
@@shadowbanned5164 I wonder how his sisters cope with her. If the sisters have watched it they might not have the same eyes and ears for Olivia like Jackson does. I HOPE that they speak their mind to her and don’t suck her excuses up!
Huh Jackson seems to be as desperate as Olivia to be honest. I think from the start she had this all planned, the way her mind works is get Jackson in first right by showing him all this fakeness and fake tears and panic attacks, all you hear now when she states to the judge's awww now I'm upset looking towards Jackson waiting for him to comfort her when she does get it she's giving him the wide eye look, Then Jackson giving in to her bad behaviour and saying just breathe, just breathe, there's never any tears not one she's now thinking because I've been constantly court out by the judge's and others like Ella she losing control in her child like mind and thinks if I keep putting the fake tears and panic attacks Jackson will stand by me.. Sadly Jackson is feedinv her bad behaviour and yes it is so wrong , But it really makes me wonder about the stories he's told the whole of Australia about he's family, If anyone has been through that you definitely wouldn't want that in a partner and he's seen Olivia's bad behaviour..... This woman is unacceptable she's making out she's done nothing wrong this is sierras this is a criminal offence under the criminal law act. Domenica should take legal action against her and the show for this. The. Night this photo thing happened I made contact with Domenica and told people on RUclips that she should take action. Olivia needs professional help.....
@@elleapps5350 So true! Dom and Jack was right when they said they are codependent on each other.Or lets say Olivia is dependent on Jackson. Her fake cry and fake sad face is nothing anyone buys into.It is all an act! If Jackson is with her I don`t feel bad for all the shit he`S gonna go through.
Yes or worse yet killed!!!! She reminds me of that Karen in America Amy Cooper who threatened that man with calling police when he did nothing wrong. Knowing race relations in the USA she purposely threatened police action on that poor man who did absolutely NOTHING!!!! He could have lost his life. Olivia's a very vile and nasty demonic person. WITCH!!!!
Yeah I honestly don't think she does. She has no empathy so she couldn't possibly feel sorry she was cought by police.. My words too Olivia would be if you're not going to seek professional help and advice.... There's a book out on google Olivia you might want too read it put her on a journey that might turn her life around. By Jeremy Griffith an Australian biologist and the author of this book, CALLED FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition. In all honesty I would tell anyone to read or list to he's videos it's all free what and amazing book it will change anyone's life.....
I get so frustrated when its blamed on editing…. Like the words coming out of her mouth are her words…. Even this interview was sooooo crappy… she blows my mind when she starts speaking
"Not one tear was shed" OMG that's amazing. When she can't think of another lie to tell so fast she cries but with no tears. Jackson how could you be so stupid to defend what she did to Dom. Everything you get you deserve. I don't feel bad for you at all. You are a spinless jellyfish.
That was the first sign of her bad behaviour and she laughed. As a Student Teacher, I've said all along the different episodes that she should not be working in en environment with children. She has no respect for anyone.
Olivia deserves everything she gets! This wasn't editing this was her foul mouth, her spiteful and disgusting words that got her into this. That dude that said it would have been boring without them is delusional I skipped through this nasty couple and didn't care what happened so wouldn't have missed them on MAFS
No matter how much Jackson wants to think Olivia is nice, her face tells the true story pure hatred and malice all the way through. She’s pretending it wasn’t to keep Jackson he will see the real her when she goes at it with someone he cares about.
Run awaaaaaaay Jackson. He seems to be blind to some HUGE red flags. When she met his flatmates and was proud to say twice: "I'm a petty bitch" then went on to tell them the charming story about cutting up a bridesmaid dress and posting it back to the bride-to-be. Yipe. I wonder what Jackson's flatmates think about her .... There's no "editing" of her saying "I just don't care" and "I have no empathy for her" and all the shouting, and swearing ... while she was complaining about Dom shouting and swearing ... plus continually saying that Dom "smashed a glass in her face" ... millions of people have seen all that, it's not down to "editing" to make her look worse.
Just admit you did something shitty and apologize. By continuing this narrative that you shared it without malice, you just make yourself look like a liar. You don't share naked photos of someone you don't like for no reason. You were upset at her and found something you knew would embarrass her and shared it for that purpose. It was horrendous and the least you can do is own up to it and apologize. The reason why people are reacting so viciously is because you victimized someone else and are now playing the victim. It's gross.
It seems like Jackson accepts every excuse Olivia gives him for her horrible behavior. I hope she does'nt bring her nastiness to Jacksons sisters. They already had been through a lot and don't need her nastiness.
Samantha Koval yepp already done it wonder if he’s allowed to go to the gym ? He will loose himself and will be stuck she’ll have a fake panic attack or breakdown if he tries to leave if she moved to Melbourne with him It wouldn’t last long at all
A very typical Narcissist RUN JACKSON RUN.. THERE IS A SONG “ HENRY THE EIGHTH I AM I AM I AM.” You’ll be …… “Prince Harry the second I AM I AM I AM……ETC” Good luck dear man……. You are being very very manipulated…….. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
STILL can't own it, STILL lying. People are angry because she's so proud of her actions, because she STILL tries to cover her words and actions instead of coming clean. She lies so much she REALLY believes it..."no, there was no malice in it" absolute crap
She's lying. All she had to do was let her grudge go but that was too high of a price for her. Now she can't go shopping by herself. Isn't that a higher price?
She said she googled Dom… because she smashed a glass on her face, and did it as a revenge , what she said now has non sense. …. Dom has a really strong personality but what she says comes from a good place and she is genuine… I wouldn’t be interested in having a beer with you Jackson but thanks… But ppl please don’t tell her things in the street … please
Olivia "she brought it on herself though" Being abused in public isn't right but people can't see past her denial. And now she's forced on radio to be accountable. I don't believe her and playing victim seems to be her excuse.
You're right play victim SHE get sympathy FROM Kyle BUT one better than nothing she TUNE the tap on she needs more interview to get some more PEOPLE'S like Kyle and she will turn her tap on again and again.
@@sandiedrew4086 exactly 😄 and yeah that's why she likes him so much cos she's bamboozled him hook line and sinker.. but wait till he does something (like go to the gym) that pisses her off.. her revenge has no bounds..as we have witnessed.. I can only hope she sees the era of her ways thru this so called experiment.. 😏
Bottom line, the producers can't show anything if you didn't do it/say it. You can only blame so much on editing. Oblivia dropped her facade and showed who she was.
It's a good thing Olivia is staying away from social media. If she read the reactions her behavior has brought out, she'd never leave the house. I've seen maybe 1% pro-Olivia comments against 99% vehemently anti. She might want to do some self-reflection and make some changes to her personality.
When she finally gets a job as a teacher..it needs to be made public what school she will be teaching at. So parents can AVOID sending their children there
What worries me besides her actions is the fact that she is a teacher or becoming a teacher. Your character, traits and moral compass is all wrong and I would not want you to be a teacher for my kids. A positive role model you are not.
I checked and the news reports are now stating she's saying that she resigned as her mental health is so bad she can barely get out of bed let alone work... I've been there and at those times couldn't have done my hair and makeup and attend radio and TV interviews but... Anyway Olivia stated she lost her job and now she's stating she chose to leave. This girl doesn't know how to consistently tell the truth about any subject it appears
Per the New South Wales Crimes Act, revenge porn, known as "image-based abuse", is the distribution of sexually explicit images or videos of individuals taken in circumstances in which a reasonable person would reasonably expect to be afforded privacy without their consent. If a person is found guilty of doing this, they could face a maximum of three years imprisonment, and/or an $11,000 fine.
I’m not saying I agree with what she did… but I’m not sure that law would apply since the nude pics weren’t shared with her privately, but on the internet already - on the only fans site, which is a pornography site, basically. That law is to punish people who spread private photos because they’re angry about a fight or breakup. She’s just a vile person, but didn’t necessarily break the law.
Always cries when she's held accountably for her action. She showed her nasty streak and it doesn't matter that she's on this sweet as pie tour pretending she's lovely, the producers can only edit the footage they have. Her being horrible is what they have.
Never in my life have I hated a stranger so much lol. Genuinely wondering if Olivia is a psychopath bc her incessant need for revenge and complete lack of empathy is mind boggling. Horrible horrible person with zero redeeming qualities.
It was lucky the "smashing glass in her face" was filmed, otherwise people could believe that really happened.! Awful. That's probably why she lied about it if she thought it wasn't filmed
Absolutely dreadful, dishonest woman, under no circumstances can Olivia be trusted everything that comes out of her mouth is self-serving. Very dangerous to get involved with that.
Well done Jackie O you don't believe oliviliar bs! Oliviliar from the glass smashing incident started it with Dom's sex life and it went from there. Oliviliar got shook when Dom stood over her without waving the glass in her face. Jackson's a weak man! Keep your trog in line. Here we go tiny tears don't dish it out if you can't take it.
If she would just admit that she was mean and petty in that moment, and that she took it too far, people might be more forgiving towards her. It's not hanging out and having a beer for a few hours with you guys while you're on your best behavior that will change people's mind, Jackson. It's her owning up to her bad behavior and showing a little remorse. Encourage her to do that, instead of trying to defend her while she's making up excuses.
Yes that has put her in another bad mood. Like when Jackson and her were at the gym, man that put her in a really bad mood. I have a feeling Jackson might see her in a bad mood every time she doesnt get her own way,
I literally just said thus under someone else's comment. She would honestly be the type that would exaggerate sclie and get someone killed. Emmit Till!!! She's a demonic witch!!!!
Kyle: "You come across as a nice guy Jackson" In what universe! The man just sat there as a bystander to nastiness of the worst order. He supported the lies that came out of Olivia's mouth. He let Jack be dragged into the vendetta and embarrassed. I say he is a weak enabler of unpleasantness.
Actually no. Everyone deserves to feel safe. By your statement it is this behavior that is unethical that will proceed. Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. She needs to be held accountable, yes. But never ever wish what you just said upon someone.
@@Awen_newA I totally agree with you and many millions of people have done much worse things than Olivia, or are highly narcissistic, yet don't get treated as badly! They might though, if more people knew about it. 🤔
I bet olivia didnt think the tables would turn this way. Yes there is editing but we saw domenica smash the glass on the table abd then we saw olivia say it was smashed and waved IN her face. That was a bold faced lie. Dom also didnt yell at her in her doorway, she was asking for info about the photo olivia shared, rightfully so.
Don't forger, that by this point Olivia hired a PR assistant to get her out of this shit show. But you can't hide who you are Olivia! You showed your true colours ✨️ no way you can edit all those nasty things you said.
What a vile specimen! And Jackson is pondering to her every whim, he needs to man up and Olivia deserves everything she gets! I'm not surprised she doesn't feel safe after all that she has said and done...and now she's playing the victim. It's pathetic of her to cry as soon as she is forced to 'own it' ....nasty piece of work 👿
At 8:41 Olivia is trying to cry again! But like during MAFS Its crocodile tears!!! Its What she does everytime she is put on the spot!!! Since Olivia shows hate, she should not be surprise or offended that people hate her! Hate bagets hate!!! I never taught I could hate a person as much as I hate Olivia!
Jackie wants to say more bad stuff😂😂😂 you can never stop people from having their own opinion. This world is cruel and everyone knows that. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Plain simple. If you’re mean on TV, you think the public cares what you are in real life? Nah!!! All you insecured contestants wanting to play mean girl/boy shit should really fix your shit before going on reality tv shows where you’re not ready to handle public opinions.
The producers pick these nut jobs purposely to improve their ratings..then pair them off with sweet innocent people like Jackson who admitted he had never been in love before.. so with someone as calculated as Olivia, it was easy to hoodwink Jackson into believing she was this soft lovely girl with the beautiful (fake) smile.. before she let her demons go full tilt ahead..when she feels a hint of Jackson's disapproval then turns on the 'save me little girl tears' ..nice guys fall for that shite all the time. What I wanna know is . After being portrayed as the fresh faced girl next door all perfect and rosey with Jackson.. after her first outburst with Dom.. the warpaint make-up came on black eyes and shocking red lipstick to go with her evil glint in the eye.. was that all her or a suggestion from the producer's.. cos that right there displayed multiple personality traits.. or maybe that's just her alter ego.. I wonder what Jackson's friends think now..cos they all seemed really taken back by Olivia at the home stay .
This is how it should be said to Olivia: Imagine if Dom's friends had searched Olivia's name online, and they had found Olivia's old fat pic and then sent them to Dom. Dom would have then sent them forward in the group and everyone had seen them behind Olivia's back. How would have that made Olivia feel?
Certainly, it's not ok for Olivia not to be able to go shopping on her own due to abuse firstly. However, I can not believe Jackson hasn't dumped her ass! Dom and Jack hit the nail on the head with her being co-dependent - she did not cope for a night without Jackson. Olivia is a nasty piece of work. The wine glass was not used as a weapon or threat (and apparently Olivia called the cops on Dom months later). Olivia dumped Selina straight under the bus for her own nastiness with the pic. Jackson needs a REALLY sweet girl - wish he'd find someone as nice as he was made out to be on the show.
@@missiemessoud4165 She's is going to stalk him to the ends of the earth if he ever breaks up with her. He'll never be left in peace to find happiness.
Agree totally ! She shouldn't be afraid to go shopping, or afraid at all , that's not fair . People doing that or threatening her are no better than her . But people calling it as they see it is fine as long as it's not malicious
She exaggerates Dom yelling like she told her she was on a rampage when she went to her door to speak to her. She is so immature and fakes panic attacks when things aren’t going her stupid way
She confessed she looked for it !! Being vengeful is not a good trait Olivia. Bs she did t maliciously!! She said 🙈 she knows she's going down as the most hated MAFs girl...trying to save her ass. Jackson also showed abit of nastiness too... these two leave a bad taste in my mouth. She waved a smashed glass in my face.... she exaggerated maliciously. End of ! Jackson wait to you put a foot wrong....the bunny boiler will appear
Why does Olivia deserve empathy from the Australian public ? She said she hasn't any so why does she deserve any ? Think about it Olivia. What goes around comes around you bully!
Why’s this man making up so many excuses for Olivia he won’t even let the lady ask her serious question s because you can tell that the lady does not like Olivia nor believes her lies
Jackson, I thought you have protected your sisters and mom that were abused, why are you laughing at what Olivia did? I do not understand. Was your story a lie?
I feel Olivia's Story about staying with her Father dying of cancer for 8 yrs & not dating was a lie & the more I see of Jackson's Vile behavior & defending of Oliva I am 98% think his story was made up. Or he greatly exaggerated it. He isn't the nice guy he wanted us to believe was the real him but slowly showed his true self later in the season & after. Just like Oliva but he didn't get called out for it on the show unfortunately.
Jackson is thinking with his head that is between his legs. This is not going to last! He is a good guy that I believe. He is going to snap out if it because he has family and friends who love him and will help him to see the light. This woman is manipulative , jealous and hateful. I actually feel pity for this fool. Sex doesn't solve everything.
I heard she was going to teach high schoolers....Trust me if thats what she ends up doing its going to be hell for her lol....I remember having teachers like her at school and we targeted them relentlessly it wasnt over until we had them running out of the class in tears high schoolers can be brutal.
Jackson was totally happy to join Olivia on the DARK side so he had better not complain when the going gets tough . I just feel so sorry for his family as they seem such nice respectful people
Olivia is so unlikeable. She is spiteful, vindictive. It would be miserable to see children under her class in school with such a teacher who says she has no EMPATHY, and that she is petty. Dom knows how to acknowledge/admit her mistake and apologize. That's what made her a protagonist and Olivia an antagonist. Olivia is evil inside out and outside in.
So true well someone that has no empathy normally is like that and think only of themselves. And Would do anything to get what they want.
Sad but very true....
You know if there was any chance I could talk to her I'd tell her and anyone for that matter to google a gentleman name is Jeremy Griffith,
Who is an Australian biologist and the author of this book, CALLED FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition.
I honestly would tell as many people as I possibly could it's all free on he's sight read it, or listen to he's videos you want be sorry it'll take you on a journey and will change anyone's life forever.....
Olivia really needs professional help.
Thank God this happened and she's shown her true personality to everyone and been fired. Who knows how many children have been saved from being around her abusive personality. I don't wish bad in anyone and hope Olivia gets help and has a change of character and personality for the better
Very true and totally agree Olivia was spiteful and just plain nasty, would not like to have my kid in her class either.
She was sacked by the school….. they would see her on only fans page
But is her having an Only Fans account really a mistake? I really don’t think it is. JS
Olivia uses her tears as a way to stop people from criticising her - she’s so manipulative
There fake tears
Well said! She should try and become an actress!
@@danielapaixao9785 who would watch her movies though
@@lynnw that’s true also 🤣🤣🤣
And honestly, I heard Olivia yelling about being yelled at far more than she ever was. She’s disgusting.
IKR?! 😂
Yes me too ! ❤️. She is disgusting . Did you see the looks she'd get on her face when Dom would speak , or the looks she'd give Dom ? Pure venom and malice. Not a nice person at all . Psychopath tendencies if you ask me . I don't belive she was fearful of Dom either , that's bullshit . Dom didn't threaten her with the glass , she didn't smash it in her face as she screams so often . She's a drama queen , and says things to divert blame onto someone else .
Alot of Australian women are like this I don't find it surprising.
Agree, when people identify that she has certain unfavourable personality traits, she agrees, but just doesn't give a shit how she impacts people. Total nasassist!
If there was no malice behind this you never would have gone out of your way to have googled her, then share it around to people. I think Olivia is extremely jealous of Dom and it’s extremely obvious throughout the series.
Hi there it wasn't just the group she signed up to share it with when you look at it, because in reality it's been shared with the whole of Australia.
Because you can't say people wouldn't be getting on to find it there's some weird'os out there ...
And no one out there in the big world so to speak would have ever none so there's more damage then a lot of us think.....
Right! Why didn’t she apologise if it was a “mistake”? She couldn’t apologise because she said she didn’t care and didn’t have any empathy
Am I the only that notices, whenever Olivia starts her pouting infant like temper tantrums, she never has any actual tears on her face?
It's called controlling she thinks if she fakes her tears and panic attacks, that Jackson will show her comfort but she's losing contràol on the group you see, she's jealous of Domenica has been from the first night of airing.
You see Olivia's behaviour says it all
Just watch her eye's in large whenever Jackson's talking to the so called experts..... They sat there in their comfortable chair's and heard everything Olivia said at the last dinner party , and was doing,
Nothing about it , but insead just asked her a few questions about her feelings, this is what really gets me not just hitting her with all they heard and seen....
They do this every years it makes me sick in all honesty.....
But yes Olivia needed to work on Jackson first by putting on a verse and fake⁹ person , you know sweeten him up a bit, playing the victim she sets it all up some what good before going
On the attacks.......
If Jackson can't see this then it definitely would raise questions about what he has said about he's father..... Jackson is , well seems a smart man, why would he even be thinking he can change this girl......
@@elleapps5350 leopard never changer THEIR spot.
Never any tears.
I noticed....my 3 year old went on the same way.
Sycophantic lol
Jackson's sitting there laughing condescendingly at the first caller who's repeating EXACTLY what Olivia said into the camera. His response to the caller is, "You weren't there." We all SAW and HEARD Olivia, Jackson.
Just wait until she turns her grudges on Jackson's family.
Well I guess Jackson is going to feel like a total looser tonight when he gets to see just how narcissistic he's former wife Olivia really is.
I'm sure he's mother wouldn't aprove of her and there's no use saying ohhhhh it was the show's production crew and blind sided her because you can go back on her Facebook's and she's had a few Facebooks and the messages always stay there and read what she's said to other people, not really any different to how she treats people to this day....
So when I looked way back to 2010
She would have been 16 year's old and still hasn't grown up.....
Apparently her own family has turned there backs on her, saying she really has bought shame to them, I was reading on here somewhere today.
But her family members would have noticed her behaviour earlier on in life I just don't understand did they try getting her help?
Being a mother myself I sure would have.....
And I believe she certainly will turn her grudges on Jackson’s family because she clearly stated on National TV that she DOES hold grudges and then stated it’s her trait so that one is a lost cause from the start.
I couldn't agree more.
@@elleapps5350 Also I felt she was very mean when meeting his friends and try to forbid him to work out, said was childish, many grown up work out so what´s wrong with that for people to work out, cause she doesn´t like, then she can´t forbid him to work out, I mean if she doesn´t like to work out, then she can do something else while he works out. I would never forbid my husband to work out.
I totally agree with you sorry for late reply been sick,
Hope you had a great Easter.....
Anyway heard the latest?
Olivia and Jackson was seen in a jewellery store just before Easter.
And she reckon's they were looking to buy a ring for $100.000, yeah right Jackson would earn that in 2 year's...
Dream on Olivia lol...
She's apparently been looking for people to interview her but I don't think they want too....
Anyway stay safe 😃🙏🕊🐎🐎
The first caller is absolute GOLD! I was so happy to hear the caller tell it like it is and not entertain “Evil Olivia’s” lies and manipulations.
Absolutely, the caller said what needed to be said politely. Olivia never owned up to her shit, and that’s the bigger issue here. And I bet you, when she said ‘I own what I did’, she probably said it just to get people off her back. She admittedly said it herself; she’s not an empathetic person and she holds grudges, and she likes this about herself. So go figure!
@@mohammadal-drees3106 u r correct.Olivia is doing damage control because of the pressure of being the villain & all the nasty that’s she recieved.
Yeah I loved that! But it was so annoying when Jackson was just laughing it off. I think he is just one of those fake nice guys...
@@mohammadal-drees3106 Sorry, Olivia is a typical case of Narcissistic behaviour, no empathy at her own admission. i can't believe Jackson hasn't run for the hills.!!
Olivia is genuinely an awful person. There’s no doubt that her past plays a part in who she’s become, but you can’t use it as an excuse forever. She’s an incredibly dangerous and calculated woman
Hi there, you say that Olivia's past with no doubt has made the person she is today can you please explain what you mean in you're statement.
Kind regards Elle
@@elleapps5350 course, I think she has a lot of insecurities that she struggles to deal with, she then projects this out on to other people as a way to ‘cope’ - if I remember rightly she mentioned being bullied for her weight and looks as a teenager
@@Katielomax7 hi Katie yeah but who hasn't been bullied as a kid.
Hope You have a great week stay safe.
@@elleapps5350 let me explain.
A person that has that much anger towards anyone that is outside her 'scope' has had previous experience with another strong female.
Sorry have to disagree with you there listened to a few interviews of Olivia's old teenager school friends which all had said Olivia wasn't bullied, but she was the bully....
She could end all of this if she just told the truth and took accountability. But she continues to lie, gaslight, and make excuses. Also cries on cue. She’s absolutely vile
I know right
Agree wholeheartedly
She's a sociapath. No empathy and a total manipulator. Funny how she keeps changing stories. Crying on cue! seen so many of these girls acting like that.
Reminds me of Jessika & Dan when Dan said in the live interview that " Jess will go down with a lie rather than saying look, I stuffed up then it would be over". Then she half assed confessed to the firing on the other guy for the 1st time at that moment after lying all season.
Olivia should not . Let her live her on her terms . Stop dictating terms to her .
I’ve just watched this in the UK and I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed a more awful human being like Olivia. She was my favourite girl from the start, but that change in character put me off her. Dom never did anything personal to her to warrant such hatred.
She really is an awful human being and shows no remorse whatsoever, not to mention responsibility and accountability for her actions. She just smiles about it when being asked questions about it. This just says it all.
I know I liked her at first but quickly went off her as soon as the nasty side came out
The Olivia’s of the world don’t need an actual reason for their spite - her v v low self esteem,deep insecurity & weak will is what drives her appalling thoughts & words & then how she delivers these, that’s her ethos - truly needs prof help
100% right!!!
I can see she’s successfully turned Jackson into a horrible person too
I think he's just desperate now. I know it's not a nice thing to say but I don't understand why he is still with her. She has shown him who she really is, I won't want a partner like her, like imagine starting a family with someone like that! I 'd rather be single now and just wait to find someone else.
I hate how she eyes him down until he says the right things.
@@mitchwest6365 Good point Mitch. He also physically and constantly looks for Olivia's approval. It would be good if Kyle would let her verbally hang herself instead of stopping her statements short and putting defending words in her mouth. Its funny how olivia scoffs at dom leaving saying Dom can't handle the heat in the kitchen but when people pull Olivia up on the lies and hypocrisy of her grenade throwing she quivers her lip, cries and pouts like a spoilt little girl gaining sympathy and protection from a gullible "daddy". Jackson falls for it every time you see them, being a good white knight that he is. This will not end well for Jackson - he is being played. Olivia constantly demonstrates the destructive, malicious, manipulative control on people common to the behaviour of a sociopath. She revels in this behaviour until she is caught out. Jackson will be left cold with his jaw on the ground if his princess finds a better propostion that she can monkey branch to. A ruthless rejection awaits. I do like Jackson he has exceptionally good character and a man you want on your side - all be it hoodwinked with rose coloured sunnies.
Jack is also a good man that suffers a little by seeking approval from his girl. In many ways I like Dom but for jack's sack chill.
She's a narcissist
@@mitchwest6365 she cast a spell on him
Before the dinner party Olivia talked to all the girls gloating about googling and finding the photo. Like she exaggerated everything I would say she is exaggerating feeling unsafe going shopping. She brought the whole thing on herself so to use her words ‘she deserves it’
Olivia went off on camera about how she's so "above" Dom, how her morals were higher etc...ad nauseam. Between that and her snide looks at Dom and nasty comments to the other girls, it's obvious she's just desperately trying to clean up the mess. She's awful. Just awful. Jackson is in for a wild ride and after fully supporting her awfulness, probably deserves it.
Didn't she call Dom white trash 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Totally agree with you
Olivia said “I don’t wanna be associated with white trash”. So nasty and no one’s talking about her comments.
Shes evil . She admitted to the judges she has no empathy. She cant forgive or refuses to forgive and it will destroy her eventually. Hate eats your soul
She is a sociopath and Jackson is her prey
I honestly tried to listen to this and when Olivia started to spew excuses, lies and fake empathy, I had to turn it off. Her speaking, the words coming from her mouth made me physically ill and I don't even know the girl! How can I dislike a person on TV so much?!!
I know this is dramatic but Olivia makes me feel physically sick as well I hated watching her on MAFS I could not
Same. I can’t watch this series anymore. I avoid vindictive people in the real world, I’m certainly not going to watch them in my down time!
All I'm hearing is excuses deflecting everything on Dom just be a grown up and take accountability for sh_t sake she is a a hole and so is Jackson
I couldn't listen anymore to this dribble ,they might edited it but it still comes out of her mouth and listening to them both say that it was Dom yelling at everyone The production crew would have shown it to milk it more and we know Olivia lies and look at the fake tears I still can't stand her
Both Olivia and Jackson are liars
She's a liar, has no empathy, and quite frankly is taking us for fools
Agreed and she is on social media reading all the comments and trolling Dom's name using multiple fake trolling accounts such as Paleaver Girl, Annie 123, Wax head, Wizzy Lounge and Meghan Williams. These are just to mention a few of her fake trolling accounts. She has loads on here and Reddit. I guess she's trying to clear her name.
#trollalert #block #oblivia
@@rozalina531 wow 😳😳
Your history as a bully is “just a google search away” hun, let that sink in when you start applying for jobs xoxo 😘
Who cares ! Who are you ? Worry about your nude victim Dom 😃😃
Good one!
Spot on. Nicely pointed out...
@@ematique4392 seriously 🤣🤣🤣😂, where did you hear that from
@@UNICORN_GURL1 true story she’s lost her job and repeatedly getting harassed at her house. Somewhere on here is a video with her saying this
Jackie is the best for not allowing her to get off easily and asking the real hard questions!
She is such an embarrassment!!! As women, we are always fighting to be accepted at an equal footing with men, we are suppose to uplift each other ,protect, inspire and show kindness to all. Olivia has disgraced the entire female gender. Her education has done nothing for her !! What on earth will she teach her students??!!!! This is just tragic.
This show MAFS makes women look terrible.
@@tubester4567 Olivia made herself look terrible with all of her own words, facial expressions and actions. Her being viewed as evil has nothing to do with production or editing. Her evil demeanor is all based on her own actions.
She's not a teacher far far far from it she's training to be a teachers aid.
But I get what you're saying she needs professional help I'm no doctor but the she carried on last night when Jackson was reading that letter shit that's creepy she's showing personality changes.
I surely wouldn't want my grandchildren in the same school as her....
@@tubester4567 the show makes the males look terrible too.
Agree, Olivia is a horrible person. She should not be allowed in schools, did not set a very good example. She is shedding crocodile tears now, drama queen
Olivia is an absolute 💯 % narcissist. She doesn't take any notice of anything Jackson says when he pulls her up. Typical narcissist, can't be told by anyone. Pure evil behaviour. She is going to make his life hell. Unfortunately it'll take time before he realises it, if at all.
I’ve known people who are borderline sociopaths and their behaviour was better than hers.
This woman is so controlling. She now has him in her world, her town, away from his family and friends.
Hope he never pisses her off!
Can you imagine the grudge and malice she would have towards him.
Wait until she has the baby! That poor bastard of a husband is stuffed for life!
Yep… vulnerable narcissist behavior to a tee. Incredibly manipulative, isolating Jackson, saying extreme things to make others feel she’s the victim, and so much gaslighting. The second Dom criticized her, a switch flipped. It’s so clear what happened.
You don't just diagnose someone with the personality disorder narcissism. She shows a few traits that can be found in narcissists. Also, as far as know, her background where she experienced insecurity. Could cause the person to create an image about themselves where they are 'perfect'. Because they can't stand who they THINK they really are. I'd say she def adopted a few narcissistic traits.
We all have a few. But I think the term narcissist is being thrown around alot and very quickly/easily.
Love how Jackie isn’t buying it lol
Jackson is spineless he is completely blinded by Olivia,but His eyes Will be opened by his own friends and family
What do you think will happen when they have their first decent fight?......Olivia holds a grudge and is extremely petty and childish.
@@shadowbanned5164 I wonder how his sisters cope with her. If the sisters have watched it they might not have the same eyes and ears for Olivia like Jackson does. I HOPE that they speak their mind to her and don’t suck her excuses up!
Wait till he does something miss evil doesn't like, omg can you imagine 👹
He is too scared to leave. He will be trashed and his ego is too small to take the criticism. He has no self confidence.
Jackson has no spine, it is a wonder than he can stand up. He deserve what ever comes to him.
Yes, Olivia clearly wears the pants in the relationship and Jackson is nothing but a pathetic enabler.
Mate, he's a bloody doorknob. That friggin chicken from Moana, I swear.
Huh Jackson seems to be as desperate as Olivia to be honest.
I think from the start she had this all planned, the way her mind works is get Jackson in first right by showing him all this fakeness and fake tears and panic attacks, all you hear now when she states to the judge's awww now I'm upset looking towards Jackson waiting for him to comfort her when she does get it she's giving him the wide eye look,
Then Jackson giving in to her bad behaviour and saying just breathe, just breathe, there's never any tears not one she's now thinking because I've been constantly court out by the judge's and others like Ella she losing control in her child like mind and thinks if I keep putting the fake tears and panic attacks Jackson will stand by me..
Sadly Jackson is feedinv her bad behaviour and yes it is so wrong ,
But it really makes me wonder about the stories he's told the whole of Australia about he's family,
If anyone has been through that you definitely wouldn't want that in a partner and he's seen Olivia's bad behaviour.....
This woman is unacceptable she's making out she's done nothing wrong this is sierras this is a criminal offence under the criminal law act.
Domenica should take legal action against her and the show for this.
The. Night this photo thing happened I made contact with Domenica and told people on RUclips that she should take action.
Olivia needs professional help.....
@@elleapps5350 So true! Dom and Jack was right when they said they are codependent on each other.Or lets say Olivia is dependent on Jackson. Her fake cry and fake sad face is nothing anyone buys into.It is all an act! If Jackson is with her I don`t feel bad for all the shit he`S gonna go through.
That's what I've been saying, wait till she turns on him.
How dare she blame Dom for backing her into a corner. She's disgusting & has no self awareness whatsoever. Evil.
This woman has the ability to get a guy jailed on false allegations.
Very dangerous character....
yeap it is a problem for society. watch out MEN she is coming
Very very verrrryyyyy TRUE!!
Yes or worse yet killed!!!! She reminds me of that Karen in America Amy Cooper who threatened that man with calling police when he did nothing wrong. Knowing race relations in the USA she purposely threatened police action on that poor man who did absolutely NOTHING!!!! He could have lost his life. Olivia's a very vile and nasty demonic person. WITCH!!!!
Lol.. true dat
She feels remorse NOW that the police are investigating her crime 🤷♂️
"Yes" David. She's Upset SHE GOT CAUGHT.
Yeah I honestly don't think she does.
She has no empathy so she couldn't possibly feel sorry she was cought by police..
My words too Olivia would be if you're not going to seek professional help and advice....
There's a book out on google Olivia you might want too read it put her on a journey that might turn her life around.
By Jeremy Griffith
an Australian biologist and the author of this book, CALLED FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition.
In all honesty I would tell anyone to read or list to he's videos it's all free what and amazing book it will change anyone's life.....
No she doesn’t, no remorse whatsoever.
What really??
!!!Crying with no tears!!!
How can anyone ignore it?!? It's not editing, it's You, Honey.
I get so frustrated when its blamed on editing…. Like the words coming out of her mouth are her words…. Even this interview was sooooo crappy… she blows my mind when she starts speaking
@@jyp12328 its editing because the producers ask leading questions, and the words they show on tv is all out of context. anyone can do that!
@@kpherenz those words come out of her mouth though lol or u think she’s given a script to say all that ?? 🤦🏽♀️
"Not one tear was shed" OMG that's amazing. When she can't think of another lie to tell so fast she cries but with no tears. Jackson how could you be so stupid to defend what she did to Dom. Everything you get you deserve. I don't feel bad for you at all. You are a spinless jellyfish.
How she could tell the bridesmaid dress story with such pride. She's a bunny boiler, run Jackson run.
That was the first sign of her bad behaviour and she laughed. As a Student Teacher, I've said all along the different episodes that she should not be working in en environment with children. She has no respect for anyone.
Lol “I didn’t go digging” didn’t she say “when someone smashes a glass in your face, you look em up” 🥴 checkmate Olivia
I know right ,wish they said that to her
“yA gOoGLe ‘eM!” *snigger*
I’m surprised this has not been Called out more.. there’s a big difference, between her Googling in and her friends Googling her.
You nailed it. She's too stupid to pull this bs off.
@@emmajessica46778 EXACTLY
Olivia deserves everything she gets! This wasn't editing this was her foul mouth, her spiteful and disgusting words that got her into this. That dude that said it would have been boring without them is delusional I skipped through this nasty couple and didn't care what happened so wouldn't have missed them on MAFS
Exactly, her crying over how she’s treated now makes me roll my eyes. Nobody cares about your feelings, Olivia, because you DELIGHT in hurting others.
Olivia is a professional lier
It isn't professional. She's shit at it
No matter how much Jackson wants to think Olivia is nice, her face tells the true story pure hatred and malice all the way through. She’s pretending it wasn’t to keep Jackson he will see the real her when she goes at it with someone he cares about.
She is really spinning this and a very malicious person. Jackson look out!
Run awaaaaaaay Jackson. He seems to be blind to some HUGE red flags. When she met his flatmates and was proud to say twice: "I'm a petty bitch" then went on to tell them the charming story about cutting up a bridesmaid dress and posting it back to the bride-to-be. Yipe. I wonder what Jackson's flatmates think about her ....
There's no "editing" of her saying "I just don't care" and "I have no empathy for her" and all the shouting, and swearing ... while she was complaining about Dom shouting and swearing ... plus continually saying that Dom "smashed a glass in her face" ... millions of people have seen all that, it's not down to "editing" to make her look worse.
Nah f*ck Jackson. I hope she ruins him. He's blinded by the punani
I have gone off him for blindly defending, I am praying she goes for his family soon so he is taught a lesson!
@@leilamusa9175 God bless Jackson's friends and family 🙏🏻🤍
Just admit you did something shitty and apologize. By continuing this narrative that you shared it without malice, you just make yourself look like a liar. You don't share naked photos of someone you don't like for no reason. You were upset at her and found something you knew would embarrass her and shared it for that purpose. It was horrendous and the least you can do is own up to it and apologize. The reason why people are reacting so viciously is because you victimized someone else and are now playing the victim. It's gross.
NO !
Why should Olivia apologise? It’s out for the public to see and share too .
I heard on another RUclips channel that Megan Williams is Olivia'
@@lesleycunliffe7469 😆😆😆
She also pulled in Tamara & Sam, 3 vile people who need to take a long hard look in the mirror, they all have very ugly characters.
Narcisist behaviour
It seems like Jackson accepts every excuse Olivia gives him for her horrible behavior. I hope she does'nt bring her nastiness to Jacksons sisters. They already had been through a lot and don't need her nastiness.
Once Jackson slips up in her eyes, she will go after him and it would be very, very bad.
@@samanthakoval5795I hope not like the bunny boiler.
Too late for that he’s moved to lived with her away from family and friends
@@lotusbloom7750 she will isolate him
Samantha Koval yepp already done it wonder if he’s allowed to go to the gym ? He will loose himself and will be stuck she’ll have a fake panic attack or breakdown if he tries to leave if she moved to Melbourne with him It wouldn’t last long at all
I’m so glad that this woman is ALL YOURS, Jackson!!!
Oblivia is oblivious to her own heartless nature. She’s the one who is carrying resentments and likes that about herself. Ugh...
Oblivia 😭😭😭
Nah she knows. She just doesn't care cause all these other dumb c*nt adults are letting her get away with it.
A very typical Narcissist RUN JACKSON RUN.. THERE IS A SONG “ HENRY THE EIGHTH I AM I AM I AM.” You’ll be …… “Prince Harry the second I AM I AM I AM……ETC” Good luck dear man……. You are being very very manipulated…….. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Oblivia 😂😂
STILL can't own it, STILL lying. People are angry because she's so proud of her actions, because she STILL tries to cover her words and actions instead of coming clean. She lies so much she REALLY believes it..."no, there was no malice in it" absolute crap
She's lying. All she had to do was let her grudge go but that was too high of a price for her. Now she can't go shopping by herself. Isn't that a higher price?
For Jackson to be with such a toxic person and defend everything she’s done, he must be as bad as she is.
She said she googled Dom… because she smashed a glass on her face, and did it as a revenge , what she said now has non sense. …. Dom has a really strong personality but what she says comes from a good place and she is genuine… I wouldn’t be interested in having a beer with you Jackson but thanks…
But ppl please don’t tell her things in the street … please
No beer for Jackson who enables a predator to abuse innocent people.
Jackie looks annoyed but is trying to mask the frustration 😂
Olivia "she brought it on herself though"
Being abused in public isn't right but people can't see past her denial. And now she's forced on radio to be accountable. I don't believe her and playing victim seems to be her excuse.
You're right play victim SHE get sympathy FROM Kyle BUT one better than nothing she TUNE the tap on she needs more interview to get some more PEOPLE'S like Kyle and she will turn her tap on again and again.
Everytime. Suppose she's in a bad mood now she's crying. No empathy here
Olivia is a master manipulater, gaslighter and PREDATOR. Jackson is her enabler.
@@sandiedrew4086 exactly 😄 and yeah that's why she likes him so much cos she's bamboozled him hook line and sinker.. but wait till he does something (like go to the gym) that pisses her off.. her revenge has no bounds..as we have witnessed.. I can only hope she sees the era of her ways thru this so called experiment.. 😏
Surprised the fake panic attacks didn’t come out
Bottom line, the producers can't show anything if you didn't do it/say it. You can only blame so much on editing. Oblivia dropped her facade and showed who she was.
It's a good thing Olivia is staying away from social media. If she read the reactions her behavior has brought out, she'd never leave the house. I've seen maybe 1% pro-Olivia comments against 99% vehemently anti. She might want to do some self-reflection and make some changes to her personality.
She has multiple fake accounts & reads everything.
She's been caught out.
@@Chris-qt4yy Her fake accounts probably account for most of the 1% support out there.
@@Chris-qt4yy I agree. She’s a narcissist - she wouldn’t be able to resist seeing what people are saying about her
Olivia does not need to change , maybe rascist / NARCISST Australians need to change . There is a whole bunch of bullies out there .
@@meghanwilliams7507 She needs to change like how she changed her body and got fat removed 🤣🤣🤣🤣
She just went out with Tamara on Saturday but doesn’t feel safe to go shopping. and as usual it ends with Liv crying and the victim
Lol 😂😂😂
Olivia: ‘I’m a cancer’
Everyone: ‘Yup’
Typical cancer. Nastiest sign
yes you are going by your words and actions.
Thanks for this comment 🤟🏼haha
I am a Cancer. But, thank God I am not like that Bully, Discussing Behaviour. Poor Children she teaches.
When she finally gets a job as a teacher..it needs to be made public what school she will be teaching at. So parents can AVOID sending their children there
She doesn't have her job anymore and she also got expelled from uni
Jackson laughing at Jenny talking is so disrespectful.
Mans so dumb he probably doesn't even know why he's laughing. Nothing going on in that head.
He just comes off as a twat
What worries me besides her actions is the fact that she is a teacher or becoming a teacher. Your character, traits and moral compass is all wrong and I would not want you to be a teacher for my kids. A positive role model you are not.
not anmore, she lost that job. She admitted this on 2day fm interview
So happy she got expelled from uni along with losing her teaching job at a college
I checked and the news reports are now stating she's saying that she resigned as her mental health is so bad she can barely get out of bed let alone work... I've been there and at those times couldn't have done my hair and makeup and attend radio and TV interviews but... Anyway Olivia stated she lost her job and now she's stating she chose to leave. This girl doesn't know how to consistently tell the truth about any subject it appears
@@catherine7835 I don’t think she has been accountable till now for her actions whether on MAFS or on her IG account in the past.
I know right! wouldn't want her anywhere near my kids
Olivia is like “ honestly……….” Then proceed to lie 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Per the New South Wales Crimes Act, revenge porn, known as "image-based abuse", is the distribution of sexually explicit images or videos of individuals taken in circumstances in which a reasonable person would reasonably expect to be afforded privacy without their consent. If a person is found guilty of doing this, they could face a maximum of three years imprisonment, and/or an $11,000 fine.
I don’t know why she isn’t being prosecuted for it. She’s disgusting and should face harsher consequences than being a social pariah.
I thought it was 111,000$ fine maximum
I’m not saying I agree with what she did… but I’m not sure that law would apply since the nude pics weren’t shared with her privately, but on the internet already - on the only fans site, which is a pornography site, basically.
That law is to punish people who spread private photos because they’re angry about a fight or breakup.
She’s just a vile person, but didn’t necessarily break the law.
Why did she start crying? After literally laughing and smiling a few SECONDS ago WTF
She is psychopath 😂😂 so obvious tho😂
@@creativevideos6950 i came to the comments to see what else ppl were saying about her being a legit psychopath. kinda scary lol.
@@hilaryceewilson well😂 she is that psychopath crazy insecure😅
She faked crying to bolster their story about her being so afraid to go outside.
Cause she's an actress clearly, oh and a psycho
Always cries when she's held accountably for her action. She showed her nasty streak and it doesn't matter that she's on this sweet as pie tour pretending she's lovely, the producers can only edit the footage they have. Her being horrible is what they have.
Struggling to feel any "empathy" for Olivia.
She'll have to do her shopping online I guess.
Never in my life have I hated a stranger so much lol. Genuinely wondering if Olivia is a psychopath bc her incessant need for revenge and complete lack of empathy is mind boggling. Horrible horrible person with zero redeeming qualities.
Olivia magnifies situations. Just remember cutting the wedding bridesmaid s dresses.
Yes and i wanted to know why her BEST FRIEND fired her as a brides maid in the first place!
When Olivia said she worked for a luxury lingerie brand and Kyle said "in the factory"? Best comment of the interview.
It was lucky the "smashing glass in her face" was filmed, otherwise people could believe that really happened.! Awful.
That's probably why she lied about it if she thought it wasn't filmed
Yep, even the cast members said after they watched it, it was nothing like Oblivia said.
She’s scary…
I’m so happy Jackie went for her
sorry but i don't believe olivia's bs
Absolutely dreadful, dishonest woman, under no circumstances can Olivia be trusted everything that comes out of her mouth is self-serving. Very dangerous to get involved with that.
Well done Jackie O you don't believe oliviliar bs! Oliviliar from the glass smashing incident started it with Dom's sex life and it went from there. Oliviliar got shook when Dom stood over her without waving the glass in her face.
Jackson's a weak man! Keep your trog in line. Here we go tiny tears don't dish it out if you can't take it.
If she would just admit that she was mean and petty in that moment, and that she took it too far, people might be more forgiving towards her. It's not hanging out and having a beer for a few hours with you guys while you're on your best behavior that will change people's mind, Jackson. It's her owning up to her bad behavior and showing a little remorse. Encourage her to do that, instead of trying to defend her while she's making up excuses.
Omg... fake tears.. 😒 Is she in a bad mood now?
Yes that has put her in another bad mood. Like when Jackson and her were at the gym, man that put her in a really bad mood.
I have a feeling Jackson might see her in a bad mood every time she doesnt get her own way,
Olivia is the Australian "Karen" with PictureGate and BrokenGlassGate 😂😂
Lol 💯🎯😂🤣
I literally just said thus under someone else's comment. She would honestly be the type that would exaggerate sclie and get someone killed. Emmit Till!!! She's a demonic witch!!!!
Abuse need to stop, yet Olivia abuse of Dom didn't stop...Olivia dug her own grave that she dug for another. No apology again.
Kyle: "You come across as a nice guy Jackson"
In what universe!
The man just sat there as a bystander to nastiness of the worst order. He supported the lies that came out of Olivia's mouth. He let Jack be dragged into the vendetta and embarrassed. I say he is a weak enabler of unpleasantness.
She deserves to feel unsafe. Vile human deserves all the abuse she is getting!
Actually no. Everyone deserves to feel safe. By your statement it is this behavior that is unethical that will proceed. Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
She needs to be held accountable, yes. But never ever wish what you just said upon someone.
@@Awen_newA I totally agree with you and many millions of people have done much worse things than Olivia, or are highly narcissistic, yet don't get treated as badly! They might though, if more people knew about it. 🤔
I bet olivia didnt think the tables would turn this way. Yes there is editing but we saw domenica smash the glass on the table abd then we saw olivia say it was smashed and waved IN her face. That was a bold faced lie. Dom also didnt yell at her in her doorway, she was asking for info about the photo olivia shared, rightfully so.
"Yes" how can Oblivia say Dom waved broken glass in her face from... the other side of 4'+ table??? "Come On?"
@@lisacianci8 She believes her own compulsive exaggerated lies! People like that are a danger to society and themselves. God bless 🙏🏻💜
Don't forger, that by this point Olivia hired a PR assistant to get her out of this shit show.
But you can't hide who you are Olivia! You showed your true colours ✨️ no way you can edit all those nasty things you said.
How does her getting a PR assistant get her out of this? Isn't clips of her narcissism spreading on social media like Instagram etc?
Mafs really does destroy people's lives and turns the public against these innocent people
@@wymondleystrong274rep6 Are you implying that Olivia is innocent/without fault?
@@wymondleystrong274rep6 hope Dom sues her.
What a vile specimen! And Jackson is pondering to her every whim, he needs to man up and Olivia deserves everything she gets! I'm not surprised she doesn't feel safe after all that she has said and done...and now she's playing the victim. It's pathetic of her to cry as soon as she is forced to 'own it' ....nasty piece of work 👿
At 8:41 Olivia is trying to cry again! But like during MAFS Its crocodile tears!!! Its What she does everytime she is put on the spot!!!
Since Olivia shows hate, she should not be surprise or offended that people hate her! Hate bagets hate!!! I never taught I could hate a person as much as I hate Olivia!
Jackie wants to say more bad stuff😂😂😂
you can never stop people from having their own opinion. This world is cruel and everyone knows that. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Plain simple. If you’re mean on TV, you think the public cares what you are in real life? Nah!!! All you insecured contestants wanting to play mean girl/boy shit should really fix your shit before going on reality tv shows where you’re not ready to handle public opinions.
@Ess Tee. Wish there was a bowing down Emoji. Plz accept my digital Bow in a kimono 👘. 🙏
The producers pick these nut jobs purposely to improve their ratings..then pair them off with sweet innocent people like Jackson who admitted he had never been in love before.. so with someone as calculated as Olivia, it was easy to hoodwink Jackson into believing she was this soft lovely girl with the beautiful (fake) smile.. before she let her demons go full tilt ahead..when she feels a hint of Jackson's disapproval then turns on the 'save me little girl tears' ..nice guys fall for that shite all the time. What I wanna know is . After being portrayed as the fresh faced girl next door all perfect and rosey with Jackson.. after her first outburst with Dom.. the warpaint make-up came on black eyes and shocking red lipstick to go with her evil glint in the eye.. was that all her or a suggestion from the producer's.. cos that right there displayed multiple personality traits.. or maybe that's just her alter ego.. I wonder what Jackson's friends think now..cos they all seemed really taken back by Olivia at the home stay .
@@CheGypsyWay yes absolutely 💯 %
Olivia you are vile. Jackson deserves her. Both horrible people.
She's awful! She deserves everything, deal with it! You brought it upon yourself.
Domenica lives insides Olivia's head rent free
This is how it should be said to Olivia: Imagine if Dom's friends had searched Olivia's name online, and they had found Olivia's old fat pic and then sent them to Dom. Dom would have then sent them forward in the group and everyone had seen them behind Olivia's back. How would have that made Olivia feel?
This is very true.
well, THATS mature! Liv wouldve then felt proud, as to how far shes come!!!! OMG grow up!
She showed no sympathy on Mafs, and now she isn’t receiving sympathy in real life. Life has a funny way of teaching us lessons.
Certainly, it's not ok for Olivia not to be able to go shopping on her own due to abuse firstly. However, I can not believe Jackson hasn't dumped her ass! Dom and Jack hit the nail on the head with her being co-dependent - she did not cope for a night without Jackson. Olivia is a nasty piece of work. The wine glass was not used as a weapon or threat (and apparently Olivia called the cops on Dom months later). Olivia dumped Selina straight under the bus for her own nastiness with the pic. Jackson needs a REALLY sweet girl - wish he'd find someone as nice as he was made out to be on the show.
They deserve each other
Just wait till she turns on Jackson
@@missiemessoud4165 She's is going to stalk him to the ends of the earth if he ever breaks up with her. He'll never be left in peace to find happiness.
Agree totally ! She shouldn't be afraid to go shopping, or afraid at all , that's not fair . People doing that or threatening her are no better than her . But people calling it as they see it is fine as long as it's not malicious
@@mascot426 100% agree!
She exaggerates Dom yelling like she told her she was on a rampage when she went to her door to speak to her. She is so immature and fakes panic attacks when things aren’t going her stupid way
Not to mention the on cue fake crying! Dangerous
Olivia is obviously evil
I would love to come face to face with her. I wouldn't be able to stop myself. The hate I have for her is unreal
I would never have a beer with such a nasty person. Some things you just cannot edit to make as bad as we’ve seen them…
Why should we have empathy for Olivia? She hasn’t
Jackie o tryna get down to the nitty gritty and Kyle cracking jokes and jumping subjects
She accused Dom of being a bully but until the end she was the bully
She confessed she looked for it !! Being vengeful is not a good trait Olivia. Bs she did t maliciously!! She said 🙈 she knows she's going down as the most hated MAFs girl...trying to save her ass. Jackson also showed abit of nastiness too... these two leave a bad taste in my mouth. She waved a smashed glass in my face.... she exaggerated maliciously. End of ! Jackson wait to you put a foot wrong....the bunny boiler will appear
Omg. Bunny boiler. That’s hillarious. So right on.
Don't forget Dom was yelling at oliviliar's door 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
@@bajanb look again she wasn't yelling...
@@bionicnichola9251 I was being sarcastic
Maybe it's Jackson that found the photos
Hahaha, Jackson looks like her hostage. Unshaven and so disheveled!!!
Olivia would you like a little bit of empathy right now?
Unfortunately the tears aren't moving the needle
NO ! Empathy for people like Dom , and when it’s forced down your throat. 😂😂
@@OTF-nv1bw crocodile tears
Why does Olivia deserve empathy from the Australian public ? She said she hasn't any so why does she deserve any ? Think about it Olivia. What goes around comes around you bully!
Why’s this man making up so many excuses for Olivia he won’t even let the lady ask her serious question s because you can tell that the lady does not like Olivia nor believes her lies
He's always annoying and likes to put a sexual (gross) spin into every interview.
@@bethgriesauer3825 Fr
He's a grub
I'm glad someone else said it. The male host is gross and annoying.
He is spineless! She has him by the b***s
She really is a evil person, who can't execpt responsibility for her actions . Totally blinded my her own hate
Jackson, I thought you have protected your sisters and mom that were abused, why are you laughing at what Olivia did? I do not understand. Was your story a lie?
I feel Olivia's Story about staying with her Father dying of cancer for 8 yrs & not dating was a lie & the more I see of Jackson's Vile behavior & defending of Oliva I am 98% think his story was made up. Or he greatly exaggerated it. He isn't the nice guy he wanted us to believe was the real him but slowly showed his true self later in the season & after. Just like Oliva but he didn't get called out for it on the show unfortunately.
Jackson is thinking with his head that is between his legs. This is not going to last! He is a good guy that I believe. He is going to snap out if it because he has family and friends who love him and will help him to see the light. This woman is manipulative , jealous and hateful. I actually feel pity for this fool. Sex doesn't solve everything.
How can she say that she never meant to be malicious...her actions speak different....what a witch
Now that's just offensive to witches. 😥
Jackson, the only thing anyone has taken out of context is that people still think you're a nice guy 😂😂😂
They were very forceful and judgemental when it came to Holly...just saying...they are not good people.
This woman will be a “TEACHER” to teach our kids at school one day…..it’s a joke!!!😏😏😏
I heard she was going to teach high schoolers....Trust me if thats what she ends up doing its going to be hell for her lol....I remember having teachers like her at school and we targeted them relentlessly it wasnt over until we had them running out of the class in tears high schoolers can be brutal.
Never gonna happen, no school will touch her with a barge pole.
She's been expelled from uni and lost her job at a college 😁
sorry you can't blame it on on the edit, if you didn't give the dynamite to the producers they wouldn't set it off...sorry you asked for this olivia.
She's no longer on social media because like a coward she can't handle the backlash of her disgusting behavior!
I was interested in this but Kyle is just unbearable
Is he her relative by any chance? What a knob
Jackson was totally happy to join Olivia on the DARK side so he had better not complain when the going gets tough . I just feel so sorry for his family as they seem such nice respectful people