So interesting! So much brilliant detail you continue to share helping us car nuts! What happens if the connectors happen to corrode slightly, say one of the pins looses contact, could this result in individual cylinders getting a miss depending on load?
Anything is possible but you can clean the pins by liberally applying WD-40 - spread with a Q-tip and let them sit for a few hours. The WD-40 will act as an etch against any corrosion.
Hello Mr. I once watched at your place on the Internet on your website that you repair ignition strips I live in Ireland How can I contact you and What is the cost of the repair
I purchased a set of coil packs from Clark for my 2013 S65 AMG last December. Clark got them shipped out pretty fast and they work great. He knows his stuff and does what he says he's going to do. I recommend him highly if you need these parts.
How about if we extended the wire harness so that we could move the transformer off to the side somewhere? Out of the heat
So interesting! So much brilliant detail you continue to share helping us car nuts!
What happens if the connectors happen to corrode slightly, say one of the pins looses contact, could this result in individual cylinders getting a miss depending on load?
Anything is possible but you can clean the pins by liberally applying WD-40 - spread with a Q-tip and let them sit for a few hours. The WD-40 will act as an etch against any corrosion.
Hi , my s600 goes into safe mode, the voltage is 155v could this be the cause?
What if we used heat deflector wrap under transformer?
Make sure you see the intro video to the Boost Box - released yesterday afternoon. Thanks for watching !
Hello Mr. I once watched at your place on the Internet on your website that you repair ignition strips I live in Ireland How can I contact you and What is the cost of the repair
I assume you're talking about the coil packs ? They are $699 to rebuild. You can contact me at or "contact"
I purchased a set of coil packs from Clark for my 2013 S65 AMG last December. Clark got them shipped out pretty fast and they work great. He knows his stuff and does what he says he's going to do. I recommend him highly if you need these parts.
@@robsteal3887 Great to hear ! Thaks Rob !
Your idea about a transformer is nice. But you have you make ac first before a transformer works. And than back to DC.