Dream & Success Story of Izharullah | CSS2022 | 88th Position | 8th in KP |NOA Digital

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 97

  • @kulsoomkulsoom6799
    @kulsoomkulsoom6799 Год назад +10

    HE is so talkative 😅but seems cute. May he witness more success.

  • @jananjan6223
    @jananjan6223 Год назад +3

    He uttered the name of Faisal Jehan Yousafzai. He is the most talented person in his friend circle. May he get success too

  • @Hnj244
    @Hnj244 Год назад +4

    Larkay ki baten dil sy a rhe otherwise qualifiers qualify k bd bht jhooot bolty hai bnda genuine lag rha ❤

  • @alishahab4426
    @alishahab4426 Год назад +10

    Izhar sab is an exceptional and and outstanding scholar . His hardwork and dedication have paid off. He is an example to follow . I wish him best of luck for his future endeavours.

  • @kashifarain3942
    @kashifarain3942 Год назад +3

    He wonderfully channeled his hardships into opportunities. Besides, his father's role has been remarkable and immensely supportive.
    Having a family support is monumental in CSS journey.

  • @lucygray2812
    @lucygray2812 Год назад +2

    He is so honest and talks alot😁

  • @jahanzib8290
    @jahanzib8290 Год назад +1

    His expressing way of words is absolutely beautiful.
    Pora motivation movie is bandy bandy pe banni chahiyee.

  • @sabayakoob6019
    @sabayakoob6019 Год назад +8

    Best interview

  • @RizwanKhan-yr9pi
    @RizwanKhan-yr9pi Год назад +9

    Izhar is a man of many qualities but the only thing i am gonna say is that he has helped many people without any reason without any benefit (pure heart) allah aor bhi kamyab kre

  • @saadkhan8217
    @saadkhan8217 Год назад +3

    MashaAllah best of all, like sultan movie there is sports, determination, confidence,dreams with a good dose of music and emotional quotient.

  • @saeedahmad-ei8jk
    @saeedahmad-ei8jk Год назад +3

    Masha Allah..... Izharullah is so humble, down to earth personality, best wishes for your future ahead brother .....

  • @jahanzib8290
    @jahanzib8290 Год назад +1

    He would be, I think, the first ho has made the host puzzled and motivated. I really have no words to express my feeling for him and specially for his way of presenting the words. His each word looks valuable. Such kind ok energiatic fellow is needed for aspiration during preparation.

  • @jahanzib8290
    @jahanzib8290 Год назад +1

    A brave man! Never have I heard about like him. Your hard work paid up man. Your strength becomes a kind of motivation for us and boosts us untill we succeed.

  • @hubdarhussain983
    @hubdarhussain983 Год назад +2

    Sir Izhar is the name of motivation and well versed Teacher ... And also known as a father of references ❤

  • @KhaistaKuri
    @KhaistaKuri Год назад +5

    As I have always said, you are proud of your achievements and you must be proud because you have won them with so much hard work.U are true example of river of knowledge my dear brother may Allah bless you ameen❤

  • @naveeduop3496
    @naveeduop3496 2 месяца назад

    He is such a great man ❤️. You will inspire to see his Alazarfi. He is my teacher in NOA nowadays Respect boss

  • @syedafatimah005
    @syedafatimah005 Год назад +4

    one of the best interviews from someone in the history of NOA. So proud of you man!

  • @umairthetouretteguy1638
    @umairthetouretteguy1638 Год назад +2

    O man! his way of communication with students and everyone whoever meets him is amazing ❤️. Proud to be his student😍

  • @AltafHussain-wy8uv
    @AltafHussain-wy8uv Год назад +1

    Izhar bhai is a much cooperative person. Best of luck for his future endeavours.
    Stay blessed 🎉

  • @Thatbeautifulgirl5
    @Thatbeautifulgirl5 Год назад +1

    Impressive! Learnt a lot. Thank you, sir.

  • @dawoodsaid8027
    @dawoodsaid8027 Год назад +2

    Izhar is hailing from our village and also Graduated from our university

  • @abidbhaisahab612
    @abidbhaisahab612 Год назад +1

    Best best interview so far

  • @mishaghazal4787
    @mishaghazal4787 Год назад +1

    Best teacher forever 💕

  • @nusratmehar5378
    @nusratmehar5378 Год назад +1

    Great sir. Love you from govt high school BAGRIAN class 9th C

  • @fatimatariq3321
    @fatimatariq3321 Год назад +1

    He is so Down to Earth ✨

  • @sanaveesanavee6559
    @sanaveesanavee6559 Год назад +3

    Such an inspirational and motivational video…Your speaking skills are awesome MashaAllah 🌸🌸

  • @zahidsamo816
    @zahidsamo816 Год назад +2

    This is a top-ranking interview that I have been looking for which is full of motivation and inspiration.
    Well done.

  • @technicalisrarfreefire5400
    @technicalisrarfreefire5400 Год назад +1

    I know him since mix Marshall arts acadmey.

  • @NazaninGul
    @NazaninGul Год назад +1

    ur great teacher

  • @MahnoorKhan-x5k
    @MahnoorKhan-x5k 2 месяца назад

    Very nice and humble ❤

  • @khanmehmood1121
    @khanmehmood1121 Год назад

    Amazing..... we are proud of him. Izhar was my junior in Cadet College and at that time he was really active, hardworking and talented. More power to you cadet Izhar.

  • @irshadbaig2887
    @irshadbaig2887 Год назад +1

    Izhar sir is an exceptional individual and deserves even more!

  • @inamudinkhan6730
    @inamudinkhan6730 Год назад +1

    Very good interview izhar I appreciate you I’m proud of you every Kpk who Qualifie CSS

  • @Thatbeautifulgirl5
    @Thatbeautifulgirl5 Год назад +1

    Mashallah our brother is so candid. 😂

  • @MuhammadSalmanKhan1
    @MuhammadSalmanKhan1 Год назад +1

    Congratulations Izhar Ullah! Your journey is really full of hardships and challenges.

  • @ghulamawliya5316
    @ghulamawliya5316 Год назад +2

    Izhar is so honest. His teacher, according to himself, advised him not to talk so much, and don't be an Ustaad (teacher). Keeping in view this beautiful lesson, has Izhar become an Ustaad in the very interview?😅
    However, there is no such barrier or risk as he might have had during the actual interview before the panellists that could possibly impede him and mar his futuristic approach.
    Izhar's way of engaging the audience is intriguing, as he used to make us baffled with the same pace of talks during the educational journey at NUML.
    Izhar has been conferred upon a shrewd mind and brain. He reads and can tell the whole gist of the reading very interestingly. He is a jack of all trades, and with exceptionally exceptional talent and skill. He has a heart of diamond and the purest one. He never get things unimportant when it comes to doing the trivial things.
    We had a scintillating time, and made many memories during that time, as I am having 8-page document jotted down all the memories especially the last two days of our University.
    As usual, his way of talking and making others understand is outclass. You can get it proven true when you see the whole interview that the Interviewer's chuckling face never gets frowned, and she throughout the entire interview keeps smiling alive on her face.
    Idon't hunch, but believe, that this interview has been, and will remain, one of the best and interesting interviews taken by the exalted madam, Palwasha Saeed.

  • @Adayinlife-q2j
    @Adayinlife-q2j Год назад +1

    Thori si nhi bht zyda adat haii btw genuine interview i loved it😂😊

  • @hirazahir1060
    @hirazahir1060 Год назад +1

    He is a real man of worth, strugle and dedication..
    The most inspiring thing about him is, he is genuine with his journey...
    Keep going man, u really deserve it

  • @Adayinlife-q2j
    @Adayinlife-q2j Год назад +2

    He spent 1 day with us in mphil english class

  • @NadeemShah2005
    @NadeemShah2005 5 месяцев назад

    Aapka nam Izhar Sahi rakha gya he. Because you do izhar a lot. Liked your truthfulness and talking style!

  • @shakirullah5739
    @shakirullah5739 Год назад +1

    MashaAllah he seems brilliant person as the way he has talked throughout the discussion and one postive sign which i liked the most in him that he is an active-mind person which might have played a crucial role in his selection.
    And lastly being as a pathan he has created the postive image of us in all over pakistan that Pashton has also the qualities to become the CSS officers and once again congratulations to him on selecting at lucrative post in pakistan which everyone has a dreamed too in life

  • @CSP786
    @CSP786 Год назад +1

    Well done sir g 🎉🎉congratulations❤❤

  • @sabayakoob6019
    @sabayakoob6019 Год назад +2

    Bhoot maza aya. Thank you

  • @Iplcricvidz148
    @Iplcricvidz148 Год назад +2

    Hard work and dedication ✨

  • @senankhan9543
    @senankhan9543 Год назад +2

    Greatest man❤

  • @JavariaSaba-g9v
    @JavariaSaba-g9v Год назад +1

    Best interview... Izhar u deserve it... U deserve this sucess... And Allah give u more and more success in your entire life... 😊😊

  • @ferdinardceline9539
    @ferdinardceline9539 Год назад +1

    MashAllah. Good luck for your career ahead.

  • @duazehrasoomro5358
    @duazehrasoomro5358 9 месяцев назад

    MashaAllah sir, great journey to success..

  • @Generalknowledge589
    @Generalknowledge589 Год назад +1

    Great bro..... You are so intelligent

  • @MrEnderson3
    @MrEnderson3 Год назад +1

    MashaAllah umbarak sha junior ❤️

  • @CR7-y8o
    @CR7-y8o Год назад +1

    One of the best interviews 💕

  • @alizaaliza2287
    @alizaaliza2287 Год назад +1

    Behtreen interview

  • @BabarAli-dn7en
    @BabarAli-dn7en Год назад +1

    Sir g you have been always my true inspiration ❤

  • @mishikhan7783
    @mishikhan7783 Год назад +1

    MashAllah congradulations Izhar 👍well-deserved 😍

  • @syedadnan882
    @syedadnan882 Год назад

    You are the most humble person I have encountered....You have long way go...

  • @SyedMahnoorKarim
    @SyedMahnoorKarim Год назад +1

    well said👍

  • @Kumailkhan100
    @Kumailkhan100 Год назад +1

    Mashallah mashallah ❤❤

  • @CSP786
    @CSP786 Год назад +1

    Faisal jehan❤❤❤❤what a decent man

  • @MuhammadUmair-mo1xn
    @MuhammadUmair-mo1xn Год назад +1


  • @Babahakim99
    @Babahakim99 Год назад +2

    Madam ne kahi ,You can be a good motivational speaker. Hum ne to 2019 mai bataya tha use. Lkn is bnde mai jaan hai ye ,ye chiz bi pura kare gaa.InshaAllah.
    Pehlawan love you.

  • @AyshaKhan-rm4lz
    @AyshaKhan-rm4lz Год назад +1

    MashallaH _Sir_G❤❤❤

  • @lecturerbaharyousafazi
    @lecturerbaharyousafazi Год назад +1

    Proud of Izhar bro ❤❤❤❤.
    Best wishes Dear 🙏.

  • @khanhamza379
    @khanhamza379 Год назад +1

    ❤❤ good job homie! proud of you. You deserve that. I have seen your struggle since first attempt.
    Bas treat na bholiyoo bhai

  • @Idrees15
    @Idrees15 Год назад +1

    Thank you! sir

  • @khansarafaqat5257
    @khansarafaqat5257 Год назад +2

    Great 👍

  • @amankhan3043
    @amankhan3043 Год назад

    Great man and star of our class 😘pahlawan

  • @CSP786
    @CSP786 Год назад +1

    An amazing gem❤

  • @taselfstudy6359
    @taselfstudy6359 Год назад +1

    Very informative

  • @IELTSwithMohsinIhsan
    @IELTSwithMohsinIhsan Год назад +1

    Congratulations 🎉👏🎉👏

  • @studyforyou6794
    @studyforyou6794 Год назад +2

    very impressive

  • @kwroghani2692
    @kwroghani2692 8 месяцев назад

    So so so real talent of dir lower 👌

  • @ghulamawliya5316
    @ghulamawliya5316 Год назад +2

    Sir Said Irfan❤️.
    If sir said Irfan had passed CSS exams, dear sir would have been one and only CSP officer. Now, sir, I believe, will judge the students and motivate those who can go through the arduous struggle of CSS, like Izhar, and ace the CSS exams, and they will give their best in multiple fields after becoming CSPs to ameliorate the deteriorating situations of our country. We believe, sir will make this viewpoint stand correct.
    When Izhar talked about music, one point came into my mind regarding the philosophy given by Jane-Paul Sartre. where he, Jane-Paul Sartre, has given an example of a singer singing a song in a park in the presence of no one, and suddenly he comes across that there is a person sitting on the bench listening to singer's music, and following that the singer stops singing. Reason needs to be kept in stashed. 😝😝

    • @rabiakhan3863
      @rabiakhan3863 Год назад +2

      Ya sir irfan Peshawar ma teach kerty hai?

    • @ghulamawliya5316
      @ghulamawliya5316 Год назад

      ​@@rabiakhan3863Yes. Sir Irfan taught us at NUML, and still teaches at NUML, in Peshawar.

  • @afrasiyabkhan8681
    @afrasiyabkhan8681 Год назад +1


  • @ckdtv3909
    @ckdtv3909 Год назад

    Wish you best for your future❤

  • @Guluna_06
    @Guluna_06 Месяц назад

    He is so cute 🥰🥰

  • @m.hammad4143
    @m.hammad4143 Год назад

    Izhar is an impressive personality.

  • @medicaleducationinformatic1601
    @medicaleducationinformatic1601 Год назад +1

    Deserving student❤❤❤

  • @Naseerahmadbio
    @Naseerahmadbio Год назад +1

    Impressive ❤

  • @Viewkpk
    @Viewkpk Год назад +1


  • @Babahakim99
    @Babahakim99 Год назад

    Our proud and inspiration.

  • @ShaziaTabasum-j2t
    @ShaziaTabasum-j2t 4 месяца назад

    Good spirit

  • @MalikMuhammadAsif-rs2ld
    @MalikMuhammadAsif-rs2ld Год назад

    Great Sir

  • @asadullah7810
    @asadullah7810 Год назад +2

    Wonderful izhar bai kho programme ba kla ra ky yr 😂😂

  • @Mr.Macula821
    @Mr.Macula821 Год назад

    Proud on you

  • @broken9132
    @broken9132 Год назад +2


  • @muhammadzebkhan4432
    @muhammadzebkhan4432 Год назад +1

    Can someone share his DMC?

  • @mfahadsheikh8888
    @mfahadsheikh8888 Год назад +2

    He said G MAM 108 time in whole interview.

    • @Sultan_e3f5g
      @Sultan_e3f5g Год назад +2

      Madam palwasha deserves to be called ma'am irrespective of counting number ...Its a way of giving respect dear 💞

    • @Salahuddin..0.01
      @Salahuddin..0.01 Год назад

      No 111 bar kaha.

    • @mfahadsheikh8888
      @mfahadsheikh8888 Год назад

      @@Sultan_e3f5g Many congratulations on being Allocated into My Dream group FSP it was on a lighter note ..

  • @Adayinlife-q2j
    @Adayinlife-q2j Год назад +1

    Is interviewer ne abi thobh kiya hoga kisi Pathan se interview leny se 😂

  • @Meerahsan-bz3se
    @Meerahsan-bz3se Год назад +1

    What is this noa..why misguiding and misleading...this candidate has not studied in your institute...is liye hmain b fail kraya

  • @ZeeshanKhan-sr7pp
    @ZeeshanKhan-sr7pp Год назад +1

    چھوڑو بندہ لگ رہا ہے۔