Hello, so this is what happened to me after taking this medicine for acne for 3 days.. Today I was going to my aunt's house which is 5th floor. the elevator wasn't working so I went down the stairs. when I reached there.. I literally went blackout. my eyes stopped seeing, my heart was beating fast, I was sweating, I couldn't talk or even call for emergency, I couldn't stand.. I was like am gonna die today right here.. Spironolactone is used to reduce blood pressure, so obviously my bp dropped from normal 80/70. so you can feel that is even risking my heart in the name of curing acne. at this point am mad at myself.. its better I use external creams than internal tablets. I love my kidneys and my heart. cuz they are my vitals and I know there are many people in the hospital wishing to have health. I hope this information helps you before you start these crazy medicines.
I’m on Spironolactone since October. I’m 50+ have been on accutane, when it first came out, which didn’t work. My skin is 100% clear and have never been happier.
@@vanlalhmingmawii2310 yes your acne can definitely come back after stopping it but that's why it's very important to work on other things while taking it. Making specific life style changes like diet, regulating cortisol levels etc can be helpful for when you get off of it.
I just was prescribed spironolactone. I haven’t started it yet, but am excited to. I’m 41 & tired of being humiliated by my skin. I work with kids so they are blunt. “Why do you have bumps on your face Mrs Sunday?!” I’ll try the side effects over feeling & looking like this daily. So glad it worked for you!
Spironolactone does work. It takes at least a few months to see significant results. By month 6 I had pretty clear skin but started to break out again shortly after. So I increased from 50 mg to 100 mg a day. That is where I need to stay at to have minimal breakouts (1 small zit that lasts a few days). The higher dosage did increase my breast size a bit which I didn’t like so I decreased and broke out within days!! I was so disappointed that I couldn’t decrease. I am going back up to 100 mg a day. Drink a lot of water when taking the medicine.
Watch out tho. A lot of people said they got vein issues from spironolacton. I already had spider and varicose veins but I did notice them getting worse, idk if that has any relation with spiro but I’m highly suspicious of it since many women got these issues after using spiro. I’m quitting either way.
I wish your doctor would’ve told you to take half a pill for the first two weeks. I’m taking mine like that and I’m just fine. Only have to pee a lot in the middle of the night.
I was on spiro for almost 2 years and I saw AMAZING results. However since the medicine is a blood thinner and has heart effects it messed with my body and I ended up blacking out, face planting, and breaking my jaw. Be careful out there everyone 😭
If your dealing with acne I want to let you know about something that has helped me. It’s called oil of oregano. It is a natural antibiotic and anti fungal. I take two pills a day and also use it topically. It smells very strong and is very strong it can tingle so I mix it with coconut oil to dilute it. I’ve only been using it for a week and have seen a big difference. I haven’t had any new break outs. I’m seeing the pimples slowly dry out and refuse in size. I hope this can help somebody out there.
I'm a male taking 200 mg spironolactone daily for androgenic alopecia and am doing fine on it. I do pee a lot though and have more of a craving for pickles. I take zinc often as well. You might want to consider taking copper too for skin health.
I have been taking Spiro since 2016 after trying EVERYTHING apart from Accutane. Granted, I was a freshman in college and it was so long ago, I don’t remember having super adverse side effects, but I do recall it taking a few months to see results. I’m sorry it caused so many issues for you! You gotta listen to your body and do what works for you ☺️
I mean , I know it give relief seeing your skin getting clear but since 2016! So if you drop it you will get acne back? Same as birth controll pills? I got spiro prescription but I’m trying to find another way! I’m so sick of taking pills!
I've been on spironolactone for 4 years and my face is cleared and scars have healed. But I'm almost 29, thinking about having children. So I want to stop for at least 6 months before trying. But I'm thinking about testing my hormones with spiro and then testing it with out spiro and see the difference. And try to get my hormones where they were with sprio. Hormonal acne should be fixed with out medication I just am not on insurance so it's hard to fix
I’d love to follow your journey if you do so… I’m starting spiro again, took it inconsistently for 6 months last year and stop because I wasn’t seeing any results and I have needle phobia so couldn’t go get my potassium checked often as advices by my dr… now I’m willing to push the attemp for more than 6 months as I’ve read it does take a few months… but still a bit nervous about going on a treatment again.. but my skin is starting to scar and I can’t take it anymore…. 31 yo in a few days ….
Ah, accursed acne. I am 40 and now dealing with aging and acne, but my cystic acne days are behind me. Praise the lord! I LOVE beauty chef which is an Aussie line, all about ingesting things for your skin, lots of pre and probiotics. Glow is a game-changer. I wanted to get an online script for retinol (I had some bad months) and it came with antibiotics. Well I gave myself oesophagitis. I couldn't swallow anything (including water) for days without extreme pain - I had to go in a room so my screams could not be heard. It was the worst. I am therefore so so wary of any antibiotics and will only take them if I definitely have a bacterial infection. Thinking of you, you're beautiful but I know how debilitating acne can be. Cheering you on!
Maybe your reaction was due to dehydration. You said you were drinking and staying up late and you mentioned drinking Diet Coke. The medication is like you said a diuretic so maybe that was the whole issue. I wonder if you’d stayed on top of your hydration if you would have had a different outcome. Just a thought.
Hi Emily. I wanted you reach out and let u know I've been taking spironolactone like 20 years now, off and on. I have pcos. Not sure if anyone has told u this, but that medicine is actually a blood pressure pill. It treats several things, but that could be the cause of all the fatigue u were having. It will take ur body several weeks to adjust to it. I can attest to that, but it does help ur skin. I'm sorry that u had such a hard time with it. I hope u find something that will work for u. Good luck! FYI.....walmart spring clothing ideas please😉
finally i found someone taking spiro longer than I do. I am taking it because i have cystic acne and also mildly hypertensive and taking it for about 5 yrs. I have painful breast and lumps but I had lumps even before Spiro. Recently I had a new lump so far benign. I have been looking at long term studies and ao far they don’t associate long term use to breast cancer. Recently I went to OB as my period has been 2x a month whicj is unsual for me ( im 47 and it’s complicated as im also around perimenopausal stage) but they found cyst ( benign though) in my Left ovary. No work up other than monitor. I wonder id due to long term use of spiro blocking androgen, blocking aldosterone contributes to my cyst ( I dont know). I wish we could colalborate more with our PCP regarding medicines we’re taking and help us navigate the intricacies of side effects and long term use. So far my cystic acne is controlled ( i still have one here and there but not as bad as before) and also benefited with thicker hair. Good luck to us all.
Girl! Back in 1993, I had the first gen contraceptive implant, Norplant - the one with 6 rods fanned out! I bled nonstop for 7 months and gained 40 lbs, and the acne was horrific!! I dropped out of the class action lawsuit against Wyeth Ayrst, the maker of it, when they paid for my removal. I'd iced my arm and attempted to remove it myself. Ultimately, I suffered with it for 3 years 😢.... My favorite birth control was Mirena. Had my first for 5 years, my second expelled itself after 5 months. I went 0n the pill waiting for another Mirena appt ... Got pregnant before that happened. Best oopsie ever! There was a reason it came out and that the pill failed. He's 9 now ❤❤❤. I started Curology and it is MIRACULOUS.
Yes to curology! Not sure how long you’ve been on the tret but be careful because the dryness/irritation can catch up with you. Glad you have tretinoin! It was the one thing that has worked for me when other things would only work temporarily and then stop working. Good luck!
My acne gets worse before my period , I’m on birth control to control my acne but i still get breakouts no matter what , I don’t have insurance to go to a dermatologist so I have to use otc creams . I wish you the best 🤞
You can try some of the online dermatologists that's out there. No insurance needed. I currently use Apostrophe, but there are a couple of others out there as well.
So, what’s concerning to me is that you’ve been taking a prescribed potassium-sparing diuretic. You then took a supplement without verifying the compatibility with your prescriber. Both the supplement and the prescribed diuretic create fluid/electrolyte exchanges throughout the cells of the body. This in addiction to excessive physical activity (sweating) can lead to dehydration, kidney failure, and cardiac arrhythmias, which can all lead to your above stated symptoms. Supplements are also not regulated by the FDA, therefore there is no guarantee as to what you are actually consuming. *this is all my educated opinion* Your doctor should have talked to you about this prior to prescribing. Not trying to lecture, just wanted everyone to be safe out there. ✌🏼
Be careful with the Zinc. Years ago I started taking it for my skin and accidentally poisoned myself! LoL I laugh about it now, but at the time it was not funny. I stopped taking it immediately then started again a month later at a VERY low dose and worked my way up. Along with Biotin and D3, my skin did clear up. That was years and years ago (after Proactive, which was useless, and some other stuff that didn't work) and I just stayed consistent and used a mild face wash with salicylic acid. Once it was clear, I started using Retin-A at night and my skin remains great!! The next morning, I use hyaluronic acid gel on top of the Retin-A because of the peeling.
@emilyfreybler Im actually on spironolactone and was given tretinoin but am honestly terrified to try the tretinoin because of the purging. It doesn't look like you purged that bad using it??
the purging is worth it and you can minimize it! it doesn’t last long. if you’re fine with spironolactone you’ll be fine on tret just watch videos on how to properly start tretinoin.
@kenziedicken9512 thank you! I've been using it almost 2 weeks now. I'm only doing it two days a week. Monday and Friday. And I'm putting moisturizer on first then the tret then another layer of moisturizer. So far, I definitely am having more pimples where I normally get them (Inverted t zone area) it's not terrible. Some small ones and then some cyst ones.
@@janellLaggenbauer23sounds like you’re doing the right things! starting off slow with just a couple times a week and doing the moisturizer sandwhich (: good luck!
I’ve been on tret and it’s really good in the long run, plus it’s anti-aging because of cell turnover. My forehead cleared up and now I’m just working on acne on my cycle. But tret is awesome and definitely worth it! 💜💜
@jackieortiz316 thank you!!! UPDATE! I actually started using it and have been on it for, idk, a long time, and I use it everyday at night. I've noticed major changes with my skin! I still deal with occasional breakouts and period breakouts sometimes, but overall it is working. My actual skin is so much nicer, minus the scarring, which I don't think tret actually helps with. But I could be wrong.
Love that you did a video on this! I was on spironolactone for over 2 years, lots of side effects, but I thought I should stay on it to see if it would help. My skin was really oily and acne prone. I wish I listened to my gut and got off it sooner than I did, because it ruined my skin barrier. I’ve been off it for over a year and my skin is so unbelievably dry, which traps acne underneath! Can’t wait to see more videos on this from you! 😌
Obviously ask a professional if you need to before trying new supplements, but you sound like me 😂 and do tons of scientific research and try to figure it out-I read a lot of articles and studies about the effectiveness of Inositol supplements as a treatment for hormonal acne. I take it and it has made a huge difference. Pantothenic acid can cause hair loss, just an fyi. I have always used sulfur based acne treatments, since they work best for hormonal acne. The De La Cruz Sulfur Acne Treatment mask/ointment is something I’ve used for years, as well as *Acnomel* for overnight spot treatment. Stick with the Tretinoin, ask for an increase in strength, to 0.50%, if your skin has tolerated the 0.25%. It is so worth it, even when you do get redness and peeling, because you eventually get up to 0.1% and stop having irritation, and the skin benefits are enormous! I got my Tret prescription from my primary care provider, didn’t need to see a dermatologist.
@@deannahoffman9220 Tretinoin at an eventually higher strength made the biggest difference. I didn’t really see I huge change in my hormonal acne until I went up to 0.5%, and I really don’t have any acne other than very minor hormonal breakouts now that I’ve been using 0.1%. I think Inositol helped bring that to close to no hormonal breakouts. But the rare times I do get a single blemish, sulfur based spot treatment takes care of it. I didn’t say one thing cured hormonal acne, but the thing that comes closest to a cure is Tretinoin at 0.1%.
@@TristenRobinson i was tired all the time fatigue and leg cramps . Also it messed up my period. I get heavy flow periods which i never had and also sometimes i get twice in a month the period becoz i was 100 mg in the beginning then 75 mg then 50 mg finally . But i m on 25 mg right now and now i m absolutely fine with it and no side effects
@@ccc1345 for me the result shown in 2 weeks. If you are on 50 mg and it doesn't work or seen any improvement then u can ask your doctor to higher the dose like 75 mg or 100 mg. But first they will check your blood
Girls, girls, girls, I’m reading these comments and I’m literally horrified at the things your putting in your bodies to get rid of acne when most of what your doing is just making things worse. First of all if you go to a doctor, any doctor and their not asking you vital information, history about what you’ve gone through and what your currently going through, you feel like your being ignored, not listened too, then you leave and find someone else. Most doctors just want to take out their prescription pads instead of getting to the root problem and trust me their is ALWAYS a root problem or something you need to change, whether it be your diet or something else. Try to find a natural way of using birth control instead of putting all these things in your body that it doesn’t want there. The skin never lies, take care of your body.❤
Exactly! I have been dealing with acne since highschool. I’m 30 and I took so many different antibiotics , been prescribed with isoface twice. And my acne is not so bad …its like I can be a year with clear skin and suddenly get really bad breakouts , then those will be cleared in a month and como back in couple months. I got POS and I was under birth control and metformin for a year …all good but got so exhausted of having daily pills so drop it ! Now 3 months after I’m breaking out and this time is painfull went again to doctors now they want me to try spironolactobe and I don’t want to! Just hace read abour women taking it for years! I took care of my alimantation like no dairy, no processed food, avoid 😢sugar but I’m still breaking out! I just don’t understan why derms and gynecologist just prescribe drugs! Like…ins’t there any other way to regulate our systems and treat inflamation? It is reallly exhausting 😢
Hello, so this is what happened to me after taking this medicine for acne for 3 days.. Today I was going to my aunt's house which is 5th floor. the elevator wasn't working so I went down the stairs. when I reached there.. I literally went blackout. my eyes stopped seeing, my heart was beating fast, I was sweating, I couldn't talk or even call for emergency, I couldn't stand.. I was like am gonna die today right here.. Spironolactone is used to reduce blood pressure, so obviously my bp dropped from normal 80/70. so you can feel that is even risking my heart in the name of curing acne. at this point am mad at myself.. its better I use external creams than internal tablets. I love my kidneys and my heart. cuz they are my vitals and I know there are many people in the hospital wishing to have health. I hope this information helps you before you start these crazy medicines.
I’m on Spironolactone since October. I’m 50+ have been on accutane, when it first came out, which didn’t work. My skin is 100% clear and have never been happier.
hey do you still take it and does it come back after you stopped taking it
@@vanlalhmingmawii2310 yes your acne can definitely come back after stopping it but that's why it's very important to work on other things while taking it. Making specific life style changes like diet, regulating cortisol levels etc can be helpful for when you get off of it.
I just was prescribed spironolactone. I haven’t started it yet, but am excited to. I’m 41 & tired of being humiliated by my skin. I work with kids so they are blunt. “Why do you have bumps on your face Mrs Sunday?!” I’ll try the side effects over feeling & looking like this daily. So glad it worked for you!
How are you now? I'm just on it today! @@HSunday40
@@HSunday40how is your skin doing?
Spironolactone does work. It takes at least a few months to see significant results. By month 6 I had pretty clear skin but started to break out again shortly after. So I increased from 50 mg to 100 mg a day. That is where I need to stay at to have minimal breakouts (1 small zit that lasts a few days). The higher dosage did increase my breast size a bit which I didn’t like so I decreased and broke out within days!! I was so disappointed that I couldn’t decrease. I am going back up to 100 mg a day. Drink a lot of water when taking the medicine.
Hi any updates?
I had adverse effects after months on the pill form. Switched to a topical form.. hoping to see results.
Watch out tho. A lot of people said they got vein issues from spironolacton. I already had spider and varicose veins but I did notice them getting worse, idk if that has any relation with spiro but I’m highly suspicious of it since many women got these issues after using spiro. I’m quitting either way.
Girl YES. I never had bad acne- got the mirena, got off and went back to the pill & got terrrrrible cystic acne. You aren’t alone!!
I wish your doctor would’ve told you to take half a pill for the first two weeks. I’m taking mine like that and I’m just fine. Only have to pee a lot in the middle of the night.
I was on spiro for almost 2 years and I saw AMAZING results. However since the medicine is a blood thinner and has heart effects it messed with my body and I ended up blacking out, face planting, and breaking my jaw. Be careful out there everyone 😭
I lasted 4 days on Spiro. Brain fog and major fatigue! Sucks how some people can be on it and others can't
If your dealing with acne I want to let you know about something that has helped me. It’s called oil of oregano. It is a natural antibiotic and anti fungal. I take two pills a day and also use it topically. It smells very strong and is very strong it can tingle so I mix it with coconut oil to dilute it. I’ve only been using it for a week and have seen a big difference. I haven’t had any new break outs. I’m seeing the pimples slowly dry out and refuse in size. I hope this can help somebody out there.
I hope so I’m about to buy some oregano pills.. which ones do you recommend??
You are gorgeous. Even with acne your beauty doesn't diminish. Lots of love pretty girl ❤
I'm a male taking 200 mg spironolactone daily for androgenic alopecia and am doing fine on it. I do pee a lot though and have more of a craving for pickles. I take zinc often as well. You might want to consider taking copper too for skin health.
I have been taking Spiro since 2016 after trying EVERYTHING apart from Accutane. Granted, I was a freshman in college and it was so long ago, I don’t remember having super adverse side effects, but I do recall it taking a few months to see results. I’m sorry it caused so many issues for you! You gotta listen to your body and do what works for you ☺️
I m also on sprinolactone from almost 1 year. Are u still on it?
I mean , I know it give relief seeing your skin getting clear but since 2016! So if you drop it you will get acne back? Same as birth controll pills? I got spiro prescription but I’m trying to find another way! I’m so sick of taking pills!
@@sharonvelardo5562 actually her hormones may be more balanced now so there's a possibility when she gets off of it that her acne won't come back.
Isn’t it also a dosage dependent thing? Why is the starting dose so high…
I started on .025% tretinoin, and now I'm up to .04%
I've been on spironolactone for 4 years and my face is cleared and scars have healed. But I'm almost 29, thinking about having children. So I want to stop for at least 6 months before trying. But I'm thinking about testing my hormones with spiro and then testing it with out spiro and see the difference. And try to get my hormones where they were with sprio. Hormonal acne should be fixed with out medication I just am not on insurance so it's hard to fix
I’d love to follow your journey if you do so… I’m starting spiro again, took it inconsistently for 6 months last year and stop because I wasn’t seeing any results and I have needle phobia so couldn’t go get my potassium checked often as advices by my dr… now I’m willing to push the attemp for more than 6 months as I’ve read it does take a few months… but still a bit nervous about going on a treatment again.. but my skin is starting to scar and I can’t take it anymore…. 31 yo in a few days ….
It's so much about what you eat and drink. Sugar or alcohol makes me break out horribly so pay attention to what you eat and when you break out
Spironolactone totally depletes you of magnesium which causes heart palpitations (pvcs) please be careful on this!
Nexplanon gave me horrible cystic acne and I only had it for two months! It was terrible.
Have you tried stopping dairy? It really helped me.
Ah, accursed acne. I am 40 and now dealing with aging and acne, but my cystic acne days are behind me. Praise the lord! I LOVE beauty chef which is an Aussie line, all about ingesting things for your skin, lots of pre and probiotics. Glow is a game-changer. I wanted to get an online script for retinol (I had some bad months) and it came with antibiotics. Well I gave myself oesophagitis. I couldn't swallow anything (including water) for days without extreme pain - I had to go in a room so my screams could not be heard. It was the worst. I am therefore so so wary of any antibiotics and will only take them if I definitely have a bacterial infection. Thinking of you, you're beautiful but I know how debilitating acne can be. Cheering you on!
OMG! The exhaustion is REAL from that pill!
Maybe your reaction was due to dehydration. You said you were drinking and staying up late and you mentioned drinking Diet Coke. The medication is like you said a diuretic so maybe that was the whole issue. I wonder if you’d stayed on top of your hydration if you would have had a different outcome. Just a thought.
Hi Emily. I wanted you reach out and let u know I've been taking spironolactone like 20 years now, off and on. I have pcos. Not sure if anyone has told u this, but that medicine is actually a blood pressure pill. It treats several things, but that could be the cause of all the fatigue u were having. It will take ur body several weeks to adjust to it. I can attest to that, but it does help ur skin. I'm sorry that u had such a hard time with it. I hope u find something that will work for u. Good luck! FYI.....walmart spring clothing ideas please😉
Spironolactone is a diuretic, which can be used as an antihypertensive agent. My own high blood pressure Rx has a diuretic called hydrochlorothiazide.
finally i found someone taking spiro longer than I do. I am taking it because i have cystic acne and also mildly hypertensive and taking it for about 5 yrs. I have painful breast and lumps but I had lumps even before Spiro. Recently I had a new lump so far benign. I have been looking at long term studies and ao far they don’t associate long term use to breast cancer. Recently I went to OB as my period has been 2x a month whicj is unsual for me ( im 47 and it’s complicated as im also around perimenopausal stage) but they found cyst ( benign though) in my Left ovary. No work up other than monitor. I wonder id due to long term use of spiro blocking androgen, blocking aldosterone contributes to my cyst ( I dont know). I wish we could colalborate more with our PCP regarding medicines we’re taking and help us navigate the intricacies of side effects and long term use. So far my cystic acne is controlled ( i still have one here and there but not as bad as before) and also benefited with thicker hair. Good luck to us all.
Girl! Back in 1993, I had the first gen contraceptive implant, Norplant - the one with 6 rods fanned out! I bled nonstop for 7 months and gained 40 lbs, and the acne was horrific!! I dropped out of the class action lawsuit against Wyeth Ayrst, the maker of it, when they paid for my removal. I'd iced my arm and attempted to remove it myself. Ultimately, I suffered with it for 3 years 😢.... My favorite birth control was Mirena. Had my first for 5 years, my second expelled itself after 5 months. I went 0n the pill waiting for another Mirena appt ... Got pregnant before that happened. Best oopsie ever! There was a reason it came out and that the pill failed. He's 9 now ❤❤❤. I started Curology and it is MIRACULOUS.
Yes to curology! Not sure how long you’ve been on the tret but be careful because the dryness/irritation can catch up with you. Glad you have tretinoin! It was the one thing that has worked for me when other things would only work temporarily and then stop working. Good luck!
My acne gets worse before my period , I’m on birth control to control my acne but i still get breakouts no matter what , I don’t have insurance to go to a dermatologist so I have to use otc creams . I wish you the best 🤞
You can try some of the online dermatologists that's out there. No insurance needed. I currently use Apostrophe, but there are a couple of others out there as well.
Hi I also was suffering with hormonal acne and been using most of the stuff you using also I see great results dr bronner's castile soap tea tree.
So, what’s concerning to me is that you’ve been taking a prescribed potassium-sparing diuretic. You then took a supplement without verifying the compatibility with your prescriber. Both the supplement and the prescribed diuretic create fluid/electrolyte exchanges throughout the cells of the body. This in addiction to excessive physical activity (sweating) can lead to dehydration, kidney failure, and cardiac arrhythmias, which can all lead to your above stated symptoms. Supplements are also not regulated by the FDA, therefore there is no guarantee as to what you are actually consuming. *this is all my educated opinion* Your doctor should have talked to you about this prior to prescribing. Not trying to lecture, just wanted everyone to be safe out there. ✌🏼
Be careful with the Zinc. Years ago I started taking it for my skin and accidentally poisoned myself! LoL I laugh about it now, but at the time it was not funny. I stopped taking it immediately then started again a month later at a VERY low dose and worked my way up. Along with Biotin and D3, my skin did clear up. That was years and years ago (after Proactive, which was useless, and some other stuff that didn't work) and I just stayed consistent and used a mild face wash with salicylic acid. Once it was clear, I started using Retin-A at night and my skin remains great!! The next morning, I use hyaluronic acid gel on top of the Retin-A because of the peeling.
Has any body had puffy eyes with it ..
@emilyfreybler Im actually on spironolactone and was given tretinoin but am honestly terrified to try the tretinoin because of the purging. It doesn't look like you purged that bad using it??
the purging is worth it and you can minimize it! it doesn’t last long. if you’re fine with spironolactone you’ll be fine on tret just watch videos on how to properly start tretinoin.
@kenziedicken9512 thank you! I've been using it almost 2 weeks now. I'm only doing it two days a week. Monday and Friday. And I'm putting moisturizer on first then the tret then another layer of moisturizer. So far, I definitely am having more pimples where I normally get them (Inverted t zone area) it's not terrible. Some small ones and then some cyst ones.
@@janellLaggenbauer23sounds like you’re doing the right things! starting off slow with just a couple times a week and doing the moisturizer sandwhich (: good luck!
I’ve been on tret and it’s really good in the long run, plus it’s anti-aging because of cell turnover. My forehead cleared up and now I’m just working on acne on my cycle. But tret is awesome and definitely worth it! 💜💜
@jackieortiz316 thank you!!! UPDATE! I actually started using it and have been on it for, idk, a long time, and I use it everyday at night. I've noticed major changes with my skin! I still deal with occasional breakouts and period breakouts sometimes, but overall it is working. My actual skin is so much nicer, minus the scarring, which I don't think tret actually helps with. But I could be wrong.
Are you still using the Tretinoin cream?
Awesome news that things are wking for you! So you are still taking spiro but lower dose or not at all?
Love that you did a video on this! I was on spironolactone for over 2 years, lots of side effects, but I thought I should stay on it to see if it would help. My skin was really oily and acne prone. I wish I listened to my gut and got off it sooner than I did, because it ruined my skin barrier. I’ve been off it for over a year and my skin is so unbelievably dry, which traps acne underneath! Can’t wait to see more videos on this from you! 😌
Oh I'm so sorry that happened to you!
Have you tried tretinoin
What is rx?
Obviously ask a professional if you need to before trying new supplements, but you sound like me 😂 and do tons of scientific research and try to figure it out-I read a lot of articles and studies about the effectiveness of Inositol supplements as a treatment for hormonal acne. I take it and it has made a huge difference. Pantothenic acid can cause hair loss, just an fyi.
I have always used sulfur based acne treatments, since they work best for hormonal acne. The De La Cruz Sulfur Acne Treatment mask/ointment is something I’ve used for years, as well as *Acnomel* for overnight spot treatment.
Stick with the Tretinoin, ask for an increase in strength, to 0.50%, if your skin has tolerated the 0.25%. It is so worth it, even when you do get redness and peeling, because you eventually get up to 0.1% and stop having irritation, and the skin benefits are enormous! I got my Tret prescription from my primary care provider, didn’t need to see a dermatologist.
That cured your hormonal acne? Also using Tretinoin and genuinely curious!
@@deannahoffman9220 Tretinoin at an eventually higher strength made the biggest difference. I didn’t really see I huge change in my hormonal acne until I went up to 0.5%, and I really don’t have any acne other than very minor hormonal breakouts now that I’ve been using 0.1%. I think Inositol helped bring that to close to no hormonal breakouts. But the rare times I do get a single blemish, sulfur based spot treatment takes care of it. I didn’t say one thing cured hormonal acne, but the thing that comes closest to a cure is Tretinoin at 0.1%.
Maybe your doctor could’ve started you at a lower dosage (25mg per day) and work your way up 🤔
I m on 50 mg spironolactone and it works like magic but it does have so mny side effects. So i lower my dose to 25 mg
What kind of side effects did you experience?
@@TristenRobinson i was tired all the time fatigue and leg cramps . Also it messed up my period. I get heavy flow periods which i never had and also sometimes i get twice in a month the period becoz i was 100 mg in the beginning then 75 mg then 50 mg finally . But i m on 25 mg right now and now i m absolutely fine with it and no side effects
Hi how long it takes you to see result? I’m on 50mg for a few already. I don’t see any result right now
* for a month already
@@ccc1345 for me the result shown in 2 weeks. If you are on 50 mg and it doesn't work or seen any improvement then u can ask your doctor to higher the dose like 75 mg or 100 mg. But first they will check your blood
zinc has made me noxious too
Girls, girls, girls, I’m reading these comments and I’m literally horrified at the things your putting in your bodies to get rid of acne when most of what your doing is just making things worse. First of all if you go to a doctor, any doctor and their not asking you vital information, history about what you’ve gone through and what your currently going through, you feel like your being ignored, not listened too, then you leave and find someone else. Most doctors just want to take out their prescription pads instead of getting to the root problem and trust me their is ALWAYS a root problem or something you need to change, whether it be your diet or something else. Try to find a natural way of using birth control instead of putting all these things in your body that it doesn’t want there. The skin never lies, take care of your body.❤
Exactly! I have been dealing with acne since highschool. I’m 30 and I took so many different antibiotics , been prescribed with isoface twice. And my acne is not so bad …its like I can be a year with clear skin and suddenly get really bad breakouts , then those will be cleared in a month and como back in couple months. I got POS and I was under birth control and metformin for a year …all good but got so exhausted of having daily pills so drop it ! Now 3 months after I’m breaking out and this time is painfull went again to doctors now they want me to try spironolactobe and I don’t want to! Just hace read abour women taking it for years! I took care of my alimantation like no dairy, no processed food, avoid 😢sugar but I’m still breaking out! I just don’t understan why derms and gynecologist just prescribe drugs! Like…ins’t there any other way to regulate our systems and treat inflamation? It is reallly exhausting 😢
Oh geez we never thought of that🙄
If yall are worried about birth control method, try the vaginal ring, Nuba ring I think it’s called. Ask your doctor about it, I think it’s fantastic
SpirOnOLactone. FYI.
Could not get through the video! Immediately unfollowed, I can’t listen to the annoying vocal fry and wiping nose with entire hand.
Is there anyone with mild form who benefited from 25 mg daily?❤
Happy New Year🎉🎉🎉