It’s a Lagoon, which is pretty much where it should stay. I mean I challenge you bring it down to the roaring 40s and see how long it lasts. I wouldn’t sail anywhere on a boat like that even if you paid me they need to do a complete redesign of the construction of these boats before they earn any respect by real sailors
Lagoons have done plenty of circumnavigations, but yes, I would say most of them further north. But I would bet a fair few cut their teeth on a cruising cat or mono on a week's holiday, got into sailing and progressed onto other boats.
Basic price is?
€499k base price. Then depends what you put in the boat. Say add €100k for an idea. More if you add a/c and genset. Q4 2024 prices.
It’s a Lagoon, which is pretty much where it should stay. I mean I challenge you bring it down to the roaring 40s and see how long it lasts. I wouldn’t sail anywhere on a boat like that even if you paid me they need to do a complete redesign of the construction of these boats before they earn any respect by real sailors
Lagoons have done plenty of circumnavigations, but yes, I would say most of them further north. But I would bet a fair few cut their teeth on a cruising cat or mono on a week's holiday, got into sailing and progressed onto other boats.