August Energy Update: Force, Uprising & Global Shifts // Channeled Message

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 334

  • @davidlunn23
    @davidlunn23 Месяц назад +147

    As I was waking this morning, I remembered the times I reached out my hand when someone needed it. Then I had the realization that I do not reach my hand out to myself. So i reached out my hand and said, "Take my hand and guide me sweet spirit. I trust you". Trusting myself has been long overdue. Letting go, relaxing. Not feeling guilty when I take a break. Enjoying the show.

    • @seraphmagick
      @seraphmagick Месяц назад +14

      your comment brought me so much peace - thank you for sharing

    • @davidlunn23
      @davidlunn23 Месяц назад +10

      @@seraphmagick oh thank you. You just made my day, more than you know.

    • @amandasimpson9669
      @amandasimpson9669 Месяц назад +6

      Yesss! Beautiful 💞💖

    • @debbie5128
      @debbie5128 Месяц назад +4

      Oxygen mask first 😁❤

    • @jackie-k
      @jackie-k Месяц назад +1

      Yes! Thank you for the reminder of how important self is!

  • @joybeybeeluv4234
    @joybeybeeluv4234 Месяц назад +98

    Thank you….my take away is there’s a lot of distractions being released on the masses don’t get caught up in that tune into yourself, your own heart, and make your own decisions.

  • @TheNomaer
    @TheNomaer Месяц назад +18

    Beautiful Transmission. I have been releasing and dissolving the rigid encasement of my false self daily and it doesn't happen over night. It is the self that I formed by following and appeasing the social compliance mechanism that is entrained in us by culture, society, family and lineage. It is why old men turn old when they become entrapped and sealed in this rigid encasement.
    I turned 75 July 21st. 2024. Last night I was with a group of people that were in a jacuzzi that I have known for about a year. i was standing outside of the jacuzzi. When the idea of age came up I was asked to guess someone's age. He was 26 and I guessed him at 23. Then I asked him to guess my age and he guessed me at 43. Another person, a girl with her husband stepped in and guessed me at 49. When I told the younger guy my age he laughed and said, I'm not that gullible. The girl also refused to believe that. When I said that it's true, they insisted I show them my driver's license. When I did it left them speechless. Now, I know where that saying comes from. It's weird being the same age as old people. lol.
    The key is to release everything that feels dense and rigid, process any negative emotions on the daily, don't bury anything, follow your passion, find your balance, live one day at time and love yourself. 😜😜😎😎❤❤

    • @destinysisco3142
      @destinysisco3142 Месяц назад +1

      Good thoughts. Thank you 😊

    • @meggolding777
      @meggolding777 Месяц назад +1

      I love this so much ♥️ gave me a giggle and a tear of love!

    • @sheenamarie832
      @sheenamarie832 Месяц назад +2

      How do you release everything that feels dense and rigid? I have so much rigidity for the same reasons you mentioned - often from trying to do the "right" thing, not be wrong, but it is based on external constructs. I tell myself, I'm going to do the wrong thing, and have fun with it, which works sometimes to release. Do you have any other tips? I agree the rigidity contributes to aging!

    • @TheNomaer
      @TheNomaer Месяц назад +6

      Woah! Big Question. Ok. Here are some tips. These are my thoughts. Disregard anything that does not resonate with your inner knowing.
      There are no rights or wrongs as long as you do not interfere with or violate another person’s rights. Self-trust is the key to your spiritual sovereignty. Your higher self is always giving you thoughts, desires and impulses that come from the best and most emotionally exciting version of you. If you act on them, it will give you more. If you do not act on them, it will hold off until you are ready to proceed and take action on them. Many of these impulses are filtered out, censored or blocked through your inner gate keeper by your beliefs about you or your social shoulds and shouldn’ts.
      This portion of you will always say no to the exciting or sensual yes’s of your natural self that do not align with society’s conventional guide lines. This gate keeping mechanism operates from your false sense of self. It is socially entrained to comply with society, family, culture, religion and lineage. It distrusts, fears, and resists the inner child innocence, spontaneous expression and flow of the natural self.
      The problem is not so much what we censor or what we block. It is that we censor and we block. We are meant to be open to all of reality and rely on our own ability to discern and to feel using our feelings as our guide.
      The natural self is your spiritual self, working in concert with your higher self. It is both a spiritual and androgenous sense of self. It encompasses the masculine and the feminine polarity of your whole sense of self. It has a dark and a light side that work in concert with each other, not against each other. The day is not at war with the night anymore than night is at war with the day or the natural self is at war with itself.
      In this regard, evil and good are a false paradigm albeit shared by the universal collective and for the collective it is true by virtue of the belief itself. This paradigm is both ancient, timeless and false but still serves as a spiritual framework for learning. If you subscribe to this belief as does the majority of the collective it becomes the lens through which you view yourself and the world outside of you and you will always be at war with yourself spiritually because you assign this attribute to Source. Original sin is the belief that Source is at war with itself and that you must take a side in that war.
      You as the natural self are here to celebrate your existence and to have fun. Any and all emotional pain or resistance can be suppressed, compressed and stored in the body as physical tension and pain caused by resisting the natural self by way of the false self.
      Trust your feelings, desires and impulses. Commune with your higher self in the spacious quietude of your knowing. Say yes to the yes’s that arise from the excitement of your natural and higher self. Your no’s will turn into knots in your legs and your toes. Put your fingers and hand on any rigidness you feel in your body when you are lying in bed at night or in the morning. Breathe into this tension and release what you can for as long as you can. Do this each day when possible.
      Finally, your reality is a reflection of your perception. You see more of what you look for and you get what you concentrate upon. You are not the false self. You are your natural self. It is your authentic self, your spiritual self in the body, your true self.
      Love yourself more than anything in the world and let the rest be what it is.
      I hope this helps.

    • @sheenamarie832
      @sheenamarie832 Месяц назад +2

      @@TheNomaer thank you so much for your thoughtful response ❤️ self trust and self love is hard for me but this inspires me to keep working on it

  • @Brian_IA
    @Brian_IA Месяц назад +41

    This explains a lot. I keep having moments of extreme, irrational rage towards people around me that I keep having to override by taking a timeout and recentering. I will be more vigilant and mindful in not allowing the rage to boil up

    • @Pathfinder0712
      @Pathfinder0712 Месяц назад +6

      Lol. Me too. I've been stepping outside of myself, and then I've been able to see it for what it is.

    • @jessefulton8841
      @jessefulton8841 Месяц назад +10

      You’re not the only one. I’ve experienced rage and irritation I’ve never experienced before, over even little things, but I’ve known it to be something to breathe through and allow and take actions which align with my highest good and compassion to others. I even got bracelets for each hand that remind me to take such actions while I’m on the go

    • @sajilashankar4837
      @sajilashankar4837 Месяц назад +11

      Most anger build-up is towards politicians,inflation and corruption in goverments

    • @Pathfinder0712
      @Pathfinder0712 Месяц назад

      @@sajilashankar4837 news is poison

    • @stephenpaul4258
      @stephenpaul4258 Месяц назад +5

      shadow work and creating a love vibration inwards

  • @laurenmclean3926
    @laurenmclean3926 28 дней назад +7

    I recently detached from a man who I described as a black hole. His dim light distracted me from feeding my own fire. A long look at a repeating pattern has allowed me to shift my perspective of relationships. To restore the balance of my esteem and value I allowed myself to almost tip off the scale. Slowly I had to rebuild my esteem and value, with help from friends, family and research. Noticing weakness, shame, doubt, hopelessness i was shining light on my own darkness. I keep away from this man now, a boy only interested in taking. I've learnt the importance of equal energy exchanges and aligning with people who allow me to feel free. I hope he opens his eyes, I tried making him feel safe but I was made to feel unsafe and blind as a result. People really do rub off onto each other so lesson learnt!

  • @Pathfinder0712
    @Pathfinder0712 Месяц назад +19

    This is why we are here. I mean the alchemist. Not all have the same mission. Others are here for different reasons. We should not look down on someone experiencing lower vibrations, that was what they selected...

  • @nathalielaude6786
    @nathalielaude6786 Месяц назад +38

    Thank you so very much for the lions gate event ! I’m so very grateful you are guiding me at this time here on earth ! Many blessings to all ❤️❤️❤️

  • @lauramora5718
    @lauramora5718 15 дней назад +1

    I am very grateful for this message, and I am taking care of myself, my body, my heart, my spirit, my energy, thank you thank you

  • @ReikiMasterCarlie
    @ReikiMasterCarlie Месяц назад +36

    Thanks Eluna for reminding us to trust myself first, and then I will know what to trust in the outside world and what is truth.🙏🌟

    • @DonnaTara369
      @DonnaTara369 Месяц назад +2

      Yes, and as within, so without💜

  • @MagicMissD
    @MagicMissD Месяц назад +13

    Thank you dear Eluña. I am a tour guide and traveling on 6 trips that will take me to end of Oct. I am supposed to be the stable knowledgeable heart center on these journeys through nature and cities alike, but it takes work to be the one to many. This message could be felt as frightening, but we have known things are ramping up. So, answer love’s call and don’t be fooled or distracted by fear and its minions, listen to my own heart first and always. Stay grounded and hydrated, and meditate often. Discernment and detachment will help us navigate. Get as much rest as possible, and during my work I don’t get much. Wishing everyone well and much love! We are all facets of the same diamond.

    • @fatimalopez3363
      @fatimalopez3363 Месяц назад +1

      How exciting to be able to travel to many destinations! I'm hoping to one day take a tour guided trip. 🙂

    • @CosmicSeeker69
      @CosmicSeeker69 Месяц назад

      Taurus? 😊

    • @CosmicSeeker69
      @CosmicSeeker69 Месяц назад

      ​@fatimalopez3363 If you can get ot, the book Celestine Prophecy James Redfield is the best travel guide EVER. And it is nothing to do with travel. Good Luck

  • @deannabatte1504
    @deannabatte1504 Месяц назад +30

    Thank you so much for shedding light and truth to me and the masses who will hear it.
    Blessings be upon us all as we navigate the energies.

  • @d.wright3581
    @d.wright3581 Месяц назад +11

    Thank you for this message. Everytime I feel worried or anxious or unsure, I tell myself “trust”. Remembering to trust that everything is unfolding just as it is supposed to helps a lot with letting go. Namaste beautiful soul. Thank you for sharing your gift.

  • @hellekarlstad4293
    @hellekarlstad4293 Месяц назад +19

    Thank you so much Eluna 🙏🏽 I feel the stage is set for the ultimate performance and we have to treat it as such… I see more and more people questioning the ones in charge and no longer believing that they’re acting in the best interest of our planet nor all who live on her.. The result sadly is often anger and violence.. I still have a feeling, despite this, that we’re on the brink of a breakthrough… A mass awakening 🙏🏽 All my love to you and your followers ❤️

    • @jonbinder
      @jonbinder Месяц назад +2

      Aho! I feel this too 🙏🏻

    • @gretchenfalloon2132
      @gretchenfalloon2132 Месяц назад

      Blessings to you Eluna much gratitude ❤

  • @healingembrace250
    @healingembrace250 Месяц назад +8

    We are awakening to the unifying pulses of Mother Gaia, our Unifying Source within and Oneness of All.
    In gratitude. 🙏🏻

  • @jessefulton8841
    @jessefulton8841 Месяц назад +13

    I offer my love to all of you on behalf of the inner divine feminine within each of you! Allow her to rise, allow her to give you the grace and the ease but also the wisdom needed at this time. Let us have reverence and grace for every aspect and manifestation of the divine mother…within and without! Much love and compassion to you all! ❤

  • @anamedrano-cruz9092
    @anamedrano-cruz9092 Месяц назад +26

    What a Beautiful transmission. I am a part of a group called The Alchem Collective. They do wonderful work for Earth. In our last gathering, I suddenly felt a strong pull to shift my position in meditation, and asked if I was allowed to do thus. The Alchemy graciously allowed this. Not only dud I follow their guidance, but suddenly I was prompted to expand the heart chakra. It makes total sense now. Thank you for this transmission. Much Love.

  • @astridmoons847
    @astridmoons847 Месяц назад +3

    I was overwhelmed with sadness and my light was under attack of dark energy. This message gave me the strengh to feel the love inside me and shine brightly. Thank you so much Namasté 🙏☯️💫💖🍀

  • @AnikMaternActorCoach
    @AnikMaternActorCoach Месяц назад +6

    Thank you and the Pleadians/Arcturians for this beautiful message, may we now be prepared so that we keep shinning our light through the darkness and disillusionment…let’s keep the steady for those who can’t. ❤🙏Much love to all!

  • @QuantumRow
    @QuantumRow Месяц назад +15

    In gratitude. Trust the process. Playfully. I decide.

  • @anzaraphoenix7937
    @anzaraphoenix7937 Месяц назад +9

    Thank you Eluna🫂💞🫂 I send my love to you always also. Thank you Pleiadian sisters. I love you back. I commune with the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Angelic Orders often on how to release and complete the circuits of experiences. May we all heal All Ancestors...may they feel peace in and through us. I don't watch the media. For eons now and feel the disturbing waves increasing. I send peace to our Collective and will take extra care of my inner child to be joyous for neutralizing the energies. It's why we answered Gaia's call. Hold the line relations, we all are the Ones we've been waiting for. And do see their pain as thine own, compassion beings understanding, understanding brings compassion. And that's how we hold each other and heal. And complete the cycles. May our Ancestors live in Peace as they live in US All. Love to yoU. Peace to yoU. 🫂💞🕊️🌍🕊️💞🫂

  • @royschmidt675
    @royschmidt675 Месяц назад +11

    Your voice is so soothing creating a transcendent vibration of peace and tranquility. Most grateful🥰🌸

  • @kathrynl.taylor2401
    @kathrynl.taylor2401 Месяц назад +6

    I just learned that, truth doesn't require participation.
    But lies do.
    Truth just is.

    • @kathrynl.taylor2401
      @kathrynl.taylor2401 Месяц назад +1

      I was so thrilled to hear that you grew up in the PNW. We live at the southern tip of the Olympics Rainforest. ❤

    • @loveszappa
      @loveszappa Месяц назад

      opposite end here, at the southern tip of the cascadia bioreigon ❤

  • @seraphtarot8610
    @seraphtarot8610 Месяц назад +7

    To go within before lashing out. To not lash out. Thank you for these messages of peace and love. ❤️

  • @kattialeandro8364
    @kattialeandro8364 Месяц назад +8

    Peace, love and light within. Gaia's energy it's changing we all can feel it. Thanks to the priests for the remainder, beautiful message❤

  • @nancyjones5618
    @nancyjones5618 Месяц назад +4

    Thank you for this message, I can feel a massive shift coming… stay strong, we got this. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @cynthiafreeman4543
    @cynthiafreeman4543 Месяц назад +5

    TY for this ❤️.
    I felt it as a great warning and foreshadowing of loss to come. I feel deep loss for our people. They are confused and lacking in understanding, and it will bring them much pain. It makes me sad for the pain that is going to come. 😞♥️

  • @user-uq8bn7ff5c
    @user-uq8bn7ff5c Месяц назад +8

    Trust myself. It has been quite the journey to get to this place. It sounds like I will need this self trust in the coming days and months. Thank you for sharing, Eluña. Thank you for making us aware. ❤

  • @barbaralindberg5814
    @barbaralindberg5814 Месяц назад +3

    Love your messages as you concisely share with confidence and peace. I’m continuously releasing rage and frustration and am amazed at how much I’ve held inside my entire life. I’m breathing deeply at this moment as a part of me doesn’t feel ready for more false narratives and weather events. Especially those created intentionally. We are holding the light together on this platform. Thank you for preparing us for this.

  • @blondi681
    @blondi681 Месяц назад +2

    I discovered you on Next Level Soul podcast and I am so happy I did. Your soul is beautiful and your energy is amazing. I am resonating with all of the messages you are bringing through. Thank you 💜

  • @nowrist
    @nowrist Месяц назад +4

    what a time to be alive !

  • @user-on4gp3wd2d
    @user-on4gp3wd2d Месяц назад +2

    I just came across this message today, and it is spot on. Earlier this month, I experienced a powerful emotional upheaval that released many things that were beneath the surface. It was not pretty at the time, but this movement (er, explosion) of energy has created new space and new possibilities for me and, hopefully, the collective. Blessings to all🙏

  • @cynbadlonewolf9455
    @cynbadlonewolf9455 Месяц назад +3

    Sooooooo. Nothing will change anytime soon. Just breathe. Got it.

    • @kathrynl.taylor2401
      @kathrynl.taylor2401 Месяц назад

      She warned us it would get dicey, just stay in your heart. Send love.

  • @user-sw1ps1oo5h
    @user-sw1ps1oo5h 16 дней назад

    Thank you.This explains all the rage and criticism that my husband has expressed above me.I'm not afraid of divorce, if that's what comes out of this. 32 years together, it's very painful, but I focus on the positive. And what is, we are soul mates.

  • @barrynance1411
    @barrynance1411 Месяц назад +2

    Let it be. We will be. The homecomming is near. Love will conquer. Blessings to all.

  • @LovenLightFromOhio
    @LovenLightFromOhio Месяц назад +6

    My takeaway just confirms what I have taken away from others. We watch all the videos in hopes to grow spiritually. We now how to spend that time within. Trust ourselves and know that we can do the things we desire on our journey. Trust that we have the ability to decipher what is true from what is outside of the creator light that shines within us . Thank you! I absolutely adore you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your truth!

  • @moismoli424
    @moismoli424 Месяц назад +1 these moments when my country Venezuela is going through this very difficult situation, the whole message fit like a glove...thank you for allowing me to know that these energies that are coming will soon pass like a wave of the sea...thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • @Zorreh1
    @Zorreh1 Месяц назад +5

    With love and gratitude ❤

  • @Cher1eLam
    @Cher1eLam Месяц назад +3

    Thank you so much for the 8/8 Lion's Gate Ceremony offer, much gratitude for your guidance ✨ ☀ 💛 ☀ ✨

  • @lookintoforever
    @lookintoforever Месяц назад +2

    This was objectively difficult to hear,
    but unsurprising considering these are the times we're living in. Much as I prefer the earth not be experiencing so many disturbances, I'm happy to help hold and release some of it for her. Personally I've also been doing a lot of releasing of old energies in my life as well. It's been exhausting but worth it. Balance has also been a theme the past few weeks as well.
    Not sure why but the mention of uprising brought sudden tears to my eyes and a wave of emotion I'm not sure where it came from.
    In general though, find myself less attached to the swings of emotions that are associated with events taking place these days. For so long I looked everywhere BUT inside for the answers. Understanding that inside is where the light is, inside is where the discernment is, inside are where the answers lie - is incredibly freeing. It's a bit like tapping in to the eye of the storm and it's always there. Heart and light. I call it heartful living. It's been really helpful to go back to listen to the Lillith and Quan Yin channels posted earlier this year and after listening to this message I think I just may do it again.
    I'm very much grateful for the reminder to go inside where the light is. And for the forwarning of more distractions to come.
    I will definitely have to think on what I can do to strengthen my trust with myself. Nothing immediately comes to mind but I'm sure there's something there. . . Hm
    Much love to us all, may we hold steady in our own inner light and remember to lean into joy 💙 ✨️

  • @syd_santon
    @syd_santon Месяц назад +1

    Thank you God, The All, Eluña, and the Pleiadian Priestesses for this much needed message and reminder❤️. Holding space and sending blessings to all from Israel.

  • @ely4062
    @ely4062 Месяц назад +3

    My guide also asked me to play this game of building trust within myself. Due to childhood trauma, i have this tendency to keep checking things multiple times to make sure that everything is locked or closed or unplugged etc... my guides asked me if i am open to play a game where i will check something only once or twice and when i feel the need to check it the third time, i would stop myself from checking, instead stay present and lean into that emotions of feeling unsafe, feeling the need to check to feel safe... And i did. The first time i did it successfully, i was bursting into tears... Because i thought that maybe i will have to carry this habit with me for the rest of my life... From that one successfully attempt, my trust in me started to grow rapidly each day... So i resonated alot with this message. Thank you for sharing this message ❤. New sub here, being guided here by my guide 🌼

    • @garvitpandit2820
      @garvitpandit2820 Месяц назад +1

      Wow .. thanks for sharing it . I too faced this issue due to childhood trauma .. good exercise to try out ❤

  • @kristendisanto7011
    @kristendisanto7011 Месяц назад +2

    Wow! I felt like this was tailored directly to where I’m at. Standing on the precipice of trying something new and looking for reasons why I shouldn’t. Your message today confirms why I need to just leap and trust that I have wings to carry me ❤
    Thank you beloved Eluña, for sharing this uplifting message today. Much love and many blessings to you!

  • @pamelafeather6405
    @pamelafeather6405 Месяц назад +2

    Our fabulous lady~ blessings on her sweetness.
    When you can trust yourself and can feel what is true outside yourself
    Powerful message this month

  • @lalehv2286
    @lalehv2286 Месяц назад +3

    Everytime a new Eluna Video pops up my heart celebrates and it makes my whole day! And this time even more, after I heard what you are up to on the of August for ALL of us❤❤❤. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH, dear Eluna. I am so looking forward having a session with you, whenever the Univers thinks it is time and makes it available for me🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤much love and light from Germany ❤

    • @07home
      @07home Месяц назад

      8.8. Here on RUclips ? Or just On the HomePage ? ❤️🇩🇰

    • @lalehv2286
      @lalehv2286 Месяц назад +1

      On the homepage. The link is under the video🎉 you do not have to be a member

    • @07home
      @07home Месяц назад

      @@lalehv2286 thank You but there are many videoes on The HomePage - is The upcomming 8.8. On zoom ?? Dont We need a ID number to participate? Sorry many questions 🩷

  • @deannelehnertz-hansen2100
    @deannelehnertz-hansen2100 13 дней назад

    Thankful for crossing paths with you 🪽💞

  • @AmandaWood-rc2ub
    @AmandaWood-rc2ub Месяц назад +1

    You are such a breath of fresh air! Thank you for sharing the important messages with us. Even your background is warm, comforting and inviting. Beautiful all around. ❤

  • @VibrantlyVivian
    @VibrantlyVivian Месяц назад +3

    Thank you. It resonated well and I truly appreciate you delivering our message ❤

  • @naomilee77
    @naomilee77 16 дней назад

    Thank you . I cant seem to shake the high electrical charge from you everytime i come upon your msg. No worry time will reveal .

  • @danronen4535
    @danronen4535 27 дней назад

    "I would love to hear how this landed for you in your comments"
    Can't help but feel a sense of gratitude. Your ability to let a being harness your body to deliver a message to help others. A task clearly thought of before birth (to my understanding). I hope I could help in my own way to humanity, it's inspiring - this next sentence is something that I want to say that I feel intuitively, hopefuly it's the truth and not a fabrication of my mind [I struggle with doubt and fear (very ironically.. *exactly* what you predicted here)]
    It's inspiring to see someone being born here, suffers, heals the trauma, and able to heal others.
    😏 It gives me hope and encourage me in my own path for, "wholeness", as me, my inner child, and my shadow keep making our dance in the dark 😅
    That's mostly how it all landed 😅
    Thank you. 🙏🏼

  • @barsixful
    @barsixful Месяц назад +1

    I’m noticing my HEALTH is changing. I’ve had 2 colds in last month and in my 60 years I’ve had only about 5 colds in my life. Couple of other unusual health concerns too. I wonder if it’s part of the ASCENSION 😮

  • @melissacannard808
    @melissacannard808 Месяц назад +1

    Mahalo for beingg willing to be a vessel for guidance of the collective❤ I downloaded this channel, i can already see the desire to listen throughout the month, have it as a go to when things get intense😊 Aloha from Big Island Hi...energies here are off the charts!!!! The Island is ALIVE!🏝🌴🌈

  • @clivebranch8809
    @clivebranch8809 23 дня назад

    Thank you Eluna , a most beautiful strengthening message for us all.

  • @suddenlyawaken
    @suddenlyawaken Месяц назад +2 much is being spread in the atmosphere of every country, be it politics immigration border issues etc...every country seems to be having an internal things going on
    ... really important time to stay balanced

  • @ggarethoy
    @ggarethoy Месяц назад +1

    Thank you so much for your love and guidance today and everyday. You are a blessing! I’m sending you my love and light as well. We are one, and you are the beautiful messenger to remind us all❣️

  • @namewildo1089
    @namewildo1089 Месяц назад +1

    You are making such a positive difference in the world. You're doing so well and I'm so proud of you. When you channel it always feels like a direct message to me and it always helps. Your energy literally heals through the internet, lol. Powerful lady. But please don't forget to take care of yourself. We need you! It's easy to get caught up in the mission and lose sight of things like eating. If we don't take care of ourselves, we can't take care of others. You look great, btw. But I'm pretty good with energy, too, and know you are spreading yourself too thin and you need rest. Love and Light, sister. Three fold or otherwise. 🙂‍↕️😉

  • @kathyverrelli5170
    @kathyverrelli5170 Месяц назад +1

    About 95% of this channeling applied to my life lately, energetic field is very, very strong. I can hear the electric current in my power plugs, my heartbeat flucuates often with anxiety which I calm with meditations and breathwork, loss of proper sleep cycle, loss of trust with others who I had trusted in the past, hot with anger boiling up in that regard, in addition to weather heat and trying to stay cool. I ask for God to send some angels to use their wings to help fan me in my hot living space. They are right there to assist. Yeah. Foot pain which I also get under control with meditation and lengthy periods of solitude.
    Can grounding work by sitting on a yoga mat or does it have to be skin to earth/grass, etc?
    On the plus side, I went out for dinner tonight, alone, as always, said my prayer of thanks for the nourishment. As a reward, God, Source, put it on another couple's heart to pay for my tab. I love it when that happens. Thank You God.

  • @MzBick
    @MzBick Месяц назад +1

    Gratitude Eluña & the Priestesses! It’s a bit scary to think the force will be dialed up, but I think we have all figured it would keep ramping up. It’s necessary for the collective to transform. It’s sad Mother Earth isn’t able to keep up with the shifts that are taking place, but I also feel happy to know we can help her through our own healing. I’m really enjoying your Circle membership. I feel really inspired and dedicated to my healing right now. I think it has so much to do with your gentle approach. So thanks to you! Sending so much love to you Eluña and everyone out there!

  • @sweetmusica1793
    @sweetmusica1793 Месяц назад +1

    Thank you Eluña🙏🏻 You and the Pleiadian priestesses are very appreciated ♥️🙏🏻 The angels are saying the same thing 🙏🏻🌎. Let us stay strong in Love 💎💚🔥

  • @meyravoz3800
    @meyravoz3800 Месяц назад +2

    WOW you made my day, i had an awful day! i cried and don't understand what is my block was or why everything is not working.....when there is so much grace and love.....Now it's clear! Thank you Beloved!

  • @natashajblack
    @natashajblack Месяц назад +1

    I love hearing confirmations of things I have brought through as well. It's encouraging... Distractions are HUGE right now. I saw a lot of water during August. You are a beautiful healer and leader Eluna, thank you 🙏

  • @danielarokium
    @danielarokium Месяц назад +2

    Thank you Eluña, it is comforting you listen to your channeles message.

  • @rosaziemer
    @rosaziemer Месяц назад +1

    22:33 thank you a very needed message, blessings, love and light to you for your wonderful service.❤️🙏

  • @galeehubbard5606
    @galeehubbard5606 Месяц назад +1

    Thank you for this message. Namaste 🙏 ❤❤❤

  • @sebastianornowski333
    @sebastianornowski333 Месяц назад +1

    I was listening with my eyes closed, I usually don't and I felt the powerful energy behind the message, felt like pure love but also like a huge FORCE. Namaste 🩷🪽💖

    • @kathrynl.taylor2401
      @kathrynl.taylor2401 Месяц назад +1


    • @user-ft4zp1nt1b
      @user-ft4zp1nt1b Месяц назад +1

      @sebastianornowski333 This seems perfectly said. It seems I felt the same way and didn't even know it until I read your reply.

  • @iamheartslight
    @iamheartslight Месяц назад

    This message is spookily resonant with my discovery of a 5 pointed star (magic, conscious creativity, the Earth pentacle of the tarot) with Sun/Moon, Saturn, Uranus, Urania, and Xion - Seeker of Consciousness & `Wild Child' being on the Capricorn 5 sabian symbol summed up by James Burgess as 'main force'... 😮 in my 11H of community and networks
    Meanwhile the New Moon (Sun/Moon) point of Leo 13, he sums up as 'peaceful contemplation' (in my 6H of body and daily routine)...
    TYSM, this 'transmission' (the word for Saturn at Pisces 19 btw 😉) is helping me make sense of where this pentacle's messages land in my life... 🙏🏼
    I posted a wee video with all the deets yesterday. Watched this just now, and whoa. 👀💕
    Sending Love from my heart's Light to Yours... ✨🌺✨

  • @petershipp3109
    @petershipp3109 Месяц назад

    So many voices from different realms are available in esotric media these days. The call to be in tune with our own inner light amidst forceful external 'lights' is I think, timely. To sray balanced, many of us will need solitude, nature and the company of those we trust to develop our discwrnment to carry us safely through the turbulence, some sources say, is coming.

  • @royschmidt675
    @royschmidt675 Месяц назад +3

    Most grateful with boundless Love 🙏❤️🦋🧚🏼‍♂️🌸

  • @covadongadoradomayordomo3047
    @covadongadoradomayordomo3047 Месяц назад

    Thank you, for your purity of soul, I know your message it's true. ❤

  • @rebeccaturner3400
    @rebeccaturner3400 Месяц назад

    This was beautiful 😍. Many of these very themes came through to me through a ceremony i recently had… your work has brought me SO much remembrance to myself with Egypt and Pleiadians . Remembering more and more of my star family 🙏🌈💎 Thank you Eluna 💖

    • @elunanoelle
      @elunanoelle  Месяц назад

      Thank you for your beautiful energy and message 🩵

  • @francecloutier3435
    @francecloutier3435 Месяц назад

    Merci infiniment pour tout ce que vous donnez si généreusement ❤

  • @galeehubbard5606
    @galeehubbard5606 Месяц назад +1

    I didn't know, about your meditation, I'd like to see it.🎉🎉🎉

  • @bluecatscampi
    @bluecatscampi Месяц назад

    This message was, for me, a timely reminder of who I am and who I came here to expand into. First comes the „fear of the unknown“ and then the realisation that this is „what I have always wanted“. I choose to enjoy my expansion experience. Lovelight and hugs to all.

  • @claireg3299
    @claireg3299 Месяц назад

    Thank you 💚🌷💚 sending much love and gratitude

  • @sultanciarra11
    @sultanciarra11 Месяц назад

    Keep your hearts lifted was what brings me the most importance of what was said. Also, to be in silence when needed. I love Tibetan flute as it really calms me.

  • @sophiebrownell828
    @sophiebrownell828 Месяц назад

    The more I connect to the influx of these transiting energies, the more tears roll down my face.... I am Magic, I am Light. This bodily form is only a passing moment, filled with different experiences...
    I will hold on until the natural end but oh how I wish to return to Source, into the Ether of the Universe....🙏🌷

  • @birgitditto2133
    @birgitditto2133 Месяц назад +2

    This was an amazing message. Thank you!

  • @theonlymzrcop635
    @theonlymzrcop635 25 дней назад

    I cannot thank you enough.

  • @aishas5071
    @aishas5071 Месяц назад +1

    Thank you so much for putting in effort to list sections and themes. It was beautiful message. I have taken notes and will practice. My list is: Release, joy, self trust and connecting with body and parts more for balance.

    @ANiMALFRiENDS_GOLDMAN Месяц назад +2

    I choose to see only Beauty
    I refuse to see the night
    I choose to see only Love My Friend
    In your Heart which Shines so Bright
    I choose to smell the Roses in The Sublimeness of their Dew
    I choose to see The Kingdom
    Which dwells inside of You
    I choose to be A Lover
    I choose to be A Friend
    I choose to be A Flower
    Whose Petals never end
    I choose to be Your Brother
    My Sistar in The Light
    I choose to Shine Upon Thee
    As you reflect back the Light

    • @elunanoelle
      @elunanoelle  Месяц назад +1

      Truly beautiful prose, thank you for sharing your heart 🩵

      @ANiMALFRiENDS_GOLDMAN Месяц назад +1

      I AM VERi HAPPi

  • @patriciacroghan4262
    @patriciacroghan4262 Месяц назад +1

    Such sage advice! I have been wondering when the wounded masculine energies buried in the mud of ages past would surface, and in doing so, ignite those on Earth carrying those same emotions. I see a gorilla pounding its chest. Add to that the "noise and bright lights" distraction of the political drama. I am sooo grateful for this approach of just IGNORING IT ALL😀. To give myself permission to not care, to not be hooked in by the coming drama, and to CHOOSE PEACE for myself. Thank you for the news that it IS A NECESSARY RELEASE, but that it will be like a wave washing over us -- just endure it and it will pass. Thank you, Eluna, you and your Guides have superbly "prepped" us for a graceful journey over this arduous mountain. SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE, Y'ALL!

  • @dianaprobert6963
    @dianaprobert6963 Месяц назад

    Thank you ❤ it feels like we're heading into a storm and we will all have our own way of handling it. Good to know that we are not alone and that we are truly loved ❤

  • @lauramedbury5509
    @lauramedbury5509 29 дней назад

    So for the past two weeks I’ve been going thru my shoes and getting rid of ones I don’t wear or are uncomfortable to my feet and I’ve been deep diving into minimalistic footwear and grounding with the earth….so this channeling is in perfect alignment with me for this month 💖👣🌎

  • @QuantumSage
    @QuantumSage Месяц назад +8

    They have sonar photos of the recent hurricane that hit Texas. It looks like supersonic waves were directing the hurricane. It also looks like the storm on Saturn's North Pole. In the shape of a hexagon with supersonic waves. An interesting correlation. 8/8 in one week is a major timeline convergence. It will be recorded by the Pleiadians. It is a big deal in the history of our galaxy. Pay attention to how you feel on 8/7. Notice the shift to the golden timeline on 8/8. Stay focused. CHOOSE love in every situation, let go of everything that doesn't serve you well✌🏻❤

  • @justinhenderson799
    @justinhenderson799 Месяц назад

    Eluna, your elegant radiance dispels disharmony while simultaneously disintegrating pain and delivering deep serine joy.

  • @Els-ku9np
    @Els-ku9np Месяц назад

    The message resonates with what I feel. Yesterday I was led to do a ceremony (by myself, never done this before). A powerfull earthy energy came up: destructive, creative, earthy, forcefull. At the end I took off all my accessories and then I felt likt myself again, with compassion and love. Now it makes more sense. Thank you!

  • @Mrs.55
    @Mrs.55 Месяц назад

    ❤❤❤many blessings
    And thank you for let is know .

  • @destinysisco3142
    @destinysisco3142 Месяц назад

    Love and Light everyone. Thank you Eluna and spirit guides with gratitude for your work, support and Love. ❤😊

  • @cyndiediggins3787
    @cyndiediggins3787 Месяц назад

    Thank you. Going inside and trusting myself is much needed. Thank you for showing me that much of this is transmuting from the past and for others as well as self. Thank you❤

  • @MerrienLoughead
    @MerrienLoughead Месяц назад

    Your message touched me so deeply, I began crying and am still crying writing this note, Staying in my presence allowing, curious what comes forward to release….staying centered is tough! I also heard your chat with Alex on Next Level and it also resonated so clearly in me! Thank you for being you - so inspiring❤

  • @JSBozick
    @JSBozick Месяц назад

    This rang true, as I had a dream last night that encouraged me to dive into some unresolved anxiety and approach situations without expectations. Thank you!

  • @afsanehstar60
    @afsanehstar60 Месяц назад

    Thank you soooo much my dear , that was so true and profound ❤❤❤

  • @sheristaffiery
    @sheristaffiery Месяц назад

    I so very much appreciate this guidance, being a sensitive, I feel the collective energy. I need to hold space and clear it in peace and love. ❤

  • @alicefelice_
    @alicefelice_ Месяц назад

    ❤thank tou Eluna and your Pledian guides. I started following tou recently. This message just brought tears to me. I live my mother earth Gaia so much. I deeply feel the necessity to retreat in my self since several years and I am blessed this month of august I am as well in my own world,time to trust my intuition ever than more❤. ❤ &🌠to all

  • @flaviadepaula9383
    @flaviadepaula9383 Месяц назад

    Thank you!!!! Always.

  • @lunaphoenixnothuman
    @lunaphoenixnothuman Месяц назад

    I am not surprised anymore, but this is amazing. I was showering as most of the time I always see you when I’m listening to these messages. and something deep inside of me is telling me that I need to scrub my feet right when I started to do this you guidance sisters started talking about how you feel about your feet is insane. How beautiful the alignments work together. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @JoJamminMama
    @JoJamminMama Месяц назад +1

    Thank you much for your work Eluna . I am so stoked for your gift on 8/8 🙏🫶☺️🪷☯️🌞🕉️

  • @mariemcquadegignilliat5590
    @mariemcquadegignilliat5590 Месяц назад

    This was intense. Ty for your service work.

  • @Hamakuacoastcreations
    @Hamakuacoastcreations Месяц назад

    I was just saying to friends I feel so fiery and hot like a volcano ready to erupt. It’s so helpful to know this is a collective experience. Be what the earth needs to calm the waters opening to release. As always thank you dear Eluña for the work you do for the all.

  • @ConocedordeCafe
    @ConocedordeCafe Месяц назад

    Somehow you are family to me. Your voice sounds very deep into my soul with both intense and angelic messages that resonates deeply. It was today when the algorithm (or something more powerful) brought your message to me and I profoundly thank you for that.

  • @greeninca
    @greeninca Месяц назад

    This is so beautiful. Thank you. My heart was especially soothed to hear how I can trust myself more and understand how to know who I can trust as well.
    Also, I’m glad to know how I can help the earth. I’ve been wanting to do something to help the earth and have been struggling so much to keep my life on track the way I feel it needs to be. To know that there is so much alignment between what I need and what the Earth needs is amazing, I feel encouraged that I can make a difference. All of this is great. Thank you