Islamic quiz / islamic knowledge / islamic questions

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • knowledge
    The holy book of Islam is called the,
    The month of fasting in Islam is called,
    The prophet who is considered the final messenger in Islam is,
    The pilgrimage to Mecca is known as,
    The Islamic declaration of faith is called the,
    Muslims pray times a day.
    The Islamic holy month of fasting lasts for days.
    The Islamic concept of charity is known as,
    The Kaaba is located in the city of ,
    The angel who brought revelations to Muhammad is,
    Muslims break their fast during Ramadan with a meal called,
    Muslims believe in the oneness of Allah, known as,
    The pilgrimage to Mecca is obligatory for Muslims who are physically and financially able once in their,
    The daily obligatory prayers in Islam are called,
    The Islamic month following Ramadan is,
    The direction Muslims face when they pray is called the,
    The Quran was revealed in the language of,
    The pilgrimage to Mecca involves circling the Kaaba seven times, which is known as,
    The annual almsgiving obligation in Islam is called,
    The Islamic term for striving or struggling, especially in the way of Allah, i
    #quiz #islamic #knowledge

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