Find spring cleaning, deep cleaning, and clutter removal tips here for the professional cleaner as well as the homeowner with too much stuff.
Even as a person trying to find motivation to clea their place themselves, the advice to find and remove the trash only first and focusing on doing things one at a time is really nice and helpful. I have a lot of stuff and I feel stressed and guilty for letting it get to that point but after watching your "cleaning while depressed" video I feel better about trying to clean it up now. Thank you for putting all that advice out there. It really helps a lot.
This is a remarkably sensitive and respectful way to approach this. These messes are overwhelming and very often related to anxiety. Thank you for your insight!
I think it's also very much related to loneliness. Many lonely people out there trying to replace the affection they need - and don't get - with "stuff". We all need to be kinder and more considerate of others. Great video, btw.
As I've commented on some of your videos, I wish I had learned this sooner. This one, however, hits home deeply. I made the mistake of cleaning my brother's house while he was in the hospital. His lung had collapsed, he was in an induced coma, and not expected to make it. Some would have called him a hoarder, but those that knew him, realized that he was obsessive with his collections. So much so that every inch of his efficiency apartment was covered with stuff, clean, dirty or broken it was there. Many things were even glued in place. We had to push the door just to get in. We could barely walk through his efficiency apartment. There was so much dirt and dust that I got sick afterwards. The landlord was threatening to evict him. We (my husband,my mother, some of his friends, and myself) did a clean sweep, keeping enough to please him (so we thought) and the landlord. My brother came out of the comma, went home, saw his apartment and never spoke to me again. He died 19 months later. With this all said, thank you for this video. I'm sure it will help keep at least someone from making the same mistake.
No, losing all his special items was worse. That was the worst. That's probably what killed him. I don't say that to make the person feel guilty because she didn't know. Every item has a story and only the owner knows the story. Take away the item and you take away the memories.
Angela, you’re just as smart as you can be ! You are such a good teacher, such a good instructor. You are so organized in your thoughts, so clear and straightforward in your delivery, that it’s possible for anyone to understand exactly what you are telling them. You teach psychology and pure kindness which are essential to anyones’ character and success in life. You instruct in respectfulness of your clients which in turn will be accorded back to oneself as their employee. But, most of all, you show utmost respect for your own profession which you promote so positively. I’m so impressed with you snd this channel. And I am not a house cleaner for pay, I’m certainly a house cleaner myself. And I appreciate everything you do. I have learned so much. Thank you 🙏
My salon co-worker’s house cleaner told someone, “She’s a slob.” Wow! (3 kids and both parents work full time) That’s why she paid someone to help. Small town salon talk got that cleaner fired. I’ve been to her house a few times. She’s not a slob. I lived with the sister. She and her sister are very social within the community. This cleaner could have had a very successful business. It’s better to to be kind at all times.
Great video asking permission is ULTRA IMPORTANT! When I clean for my mom she freaks ,out if I move things & she can't find them. "There's a method to her madness" she claims lol. Her systems work for her. Or if I throw out what I think is garbage but apparently is good or useful to her. She's like kinda a hoarder & I understand she "keeps junk" because she grew up very poor & doesn't have much money now so she's afraid if she throws something out she can't afford to buy a,New one. She likes to save & re-use things. She also doesn't want the whole world knowing her financial or personal business. So I do my best even thou it drives me crazy. Housecleaning for others means it's about helping them not you!
My dad is the same way. Right down to if you dare throw out ziplock bags whether they had frozen meat broken down to smaller portions or whatever, down to the bags that the sliced deli lunch meat comes in. What drives me nuts is he will ask me to do his dishes or something and then if I throw away empty koolaid containers or something he flips out saying he uses them as cups or whatever. Or if he has parts and tools in the house don’t dare even touch them. So I tell him nope not cleaning until you sort through your parts and stuff that you don’t want moved or lost and you do something with them so you can’t yell and cuss me out after I do you a favor.
i am a hoarder and my flat looks like the photo at the start of this video. I know that I need help so I approached a cleaning company to send someone to help me. She came today and as soon as she entered she became very standoffish with a clearly disgusted expression (the flat is clean, just very cluttered and untidy). I tried to talk to her but she refused to sit down and she couldn't wait to get out of there and she said she would not be coming back and the company has taken me off their books. she made me feel so upset. I cried for several hours and I had to call my friend for support. your approach in this film is exactly what I need and so my search continues.
I am so sorry this happened. I understand you were reaching out to a cleaning service for help and their response was not how I would have hoped they would have acted. Wishing you the best of luck in finding another cleaning service. I’m sending hugs and prayers your way. 🤗 🙏
I was just searching for how to videos on cleaning and came across this one. I was blown away with how compassionate you are. The world needs more people like you in it.
Dear Angela, I don't know how you are able to put into words what alot of us need to hear about our frustrations with cleaning. You make so much sense and offer simple solutions in an easy way to implement.
Your last piece of advice was so so good because it's hard for introverts/depressed people/hoarders etc to have people around them for super long periods of time. Short bursts is the best.
Thanks Anna for saying so. I find that our world is sped up and super busy with limited amounts of time and energy. Short burst are better than no bursts. Thanks for watching. :-)
Angela I clean two big metal plants and while I clean I put an earphone in and listen to your podcast (I know kind of geeky) anyway recently I’ve been thinking about starting my own house cleaning business and my first client I put in 3 hours and helped create space and did some cleaning in the kitchen and dining room I did not see the house before cleaning and learned why it’s so important. I decided to charge 30 dollars an hour with a minimum of 3 hours and felt guilty for only putting in 3 hours but wanted to make it affordable. I love this video. Thank you 😊
Wow your methodology show and maintains a lot of respect for the homeowner. I bet anyone treated this way would appreciate the kindness. I like how you broke it down, stayed specific, to combat the overwhelming feeling. You're awesome.
I'm so, so glad I discovered this channel. As someone who has been severely depressed and anxious for my whole life due to trauma, my messy room has often been at best the butt of jokes in my family, and at worst has gotten me in a lot of trouble with my parents, who thought it was a symptom of me being "lazy". I'm starting to pick up the pieces of my life at 25 years old and one of my current goals is to begin to clean up the mess one step at a time. This channel has already helped me a lot with getting started on that, and even to an extent with accepting the reasons I got to this point.
Please don’t stop making videos like these! You are so compassionate and kind to what these people are needing and feeling that caused the clutter in the first place! May God Bless You!
Angela Brown I’m one of those people whose life has has a tremendous amount of ups and downs; I needed to watch this video! I’ve watched many others that you have made. Again, thank you!
This is such a timely topic. So many people are attached to gobs of stuff! It's hard to clean around. But the people are the priority, and their feelings count more than a job well done in the traditional sense.
I had a client last week whose wife was out of town. The house is usually picked up when I get there. But since he was home alone with the kids, the kitchen was a disaster. I couldn’t clean it because it was covered in dirty dishes and cooking utensils. I couldn’t leave it like that. I cleaned it and skipped dusting all the blinds. I felt it was more of a priority and they were ok with that. It was so overwhelming though.
Even though I'm not a house cleaner by profession, I am applying your wisdom to my own situation. I moved in with an elderly relative in another state who had Alzheimer's. The house was already full when I moved in with my stuff, and my relative had “memorabilia” that went back literally 100 years. She's gone now and I'm getting the house together so I can enjoy it in my remaining years.
Not only are you a great business mentor and source of information on the cleaning business but also a wise person whose wisdom comes from experience. You present things clearly and are a very very good teacher. I admire you as a compassionate, intelligent person. I thought I'd tell you this because, though I do not have a cleaning business, I started watching your videos for cleaning tips but now also watch to hear your insightful, experienced, and very helpful insights on human nature as these relate to your business but that often intersect many parts of the experience of everyone. Plus, you are rock bottom a very nice person!
Thank you for this. I feel like this video and 'cleaning while depressed" go hand and hand. I have dome friends who are coming to help me clean my apartment and I'm sending this video to them. They asked how i wanted to clean and really feel like this explains thing better than I ever could. Thanks for your gentle explanations
I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment about the show. Keep me posted on how things go with your friends and cleaning your apartment. Sending hugs! 🤗
Very good information. It's been so long since I've been in that situation where the house I'm cleaning was total chaos, but I've have been in those situations and those customers that started out that way I've managed to get them on a manageable schedule so their house stays clean and picked up. Usually working families and people who have physical disabilities are the majority of my customers who need help. It's our job to help the situation get better. It's NOT our job to make people feel bad about the condition of their house. Thank you for all your content.
You are an incredible person! It takes a lot of strength, for people in this situation, to ask for help. Discretion is so important to them. Unfortunately, I’ve overheard housecleaners say some terrible things about their clients homes, while they are at the ballpark, shopping, etcetera. I helped a “professional” housecleaner to clean a home one time, and it was painful to hear her say unkind things about her client, each time she came across a dirty toilet, or extra dusty space. I never went back. So many people need an extra hand, but don’t call for fear of judgement.
Hi Marie, I am so sorry that happened to you. It's true there are lots of house cleaners, especially new ones, who don't know how to monitor and manage their expressions. And many just say whatever flies out of their mouth without considering the feelings of others. Thank you for bringing this up - we can all do better at this. 🙏
I am not a professional cleaner but I am watching your videos to get your immense knowledge of how to clean a house. I was going through divorce about 18 years back and my house was a mess due to my depression. This was the first time I called a house cleaner and I realized that they threw few of the things that was important to me. I forgive them because I knew they work hard and was helping me. But I wish they had someone like you to guide them. The think is I still remember the things that they threw away once in a while when I am looking for something similar.
Hi Esther, Thanks for watching and I'm so sorry to hear about the items that were tossed while you had cleaners in the house. That is a very unfortunate situation indeed. I do wish that stuff like this didn't happen because it forever taints the experience of the homeowner. I'm sending you a big virtual hug. 🤗🤗🤗
You are so good,compassionate, for the people ,you are so good at what you teach and do. I really appreciate Everything you do, thank you so much for sharing.👍👍👍♥️♥️😃😃
I like how you say things in a tough love kind of way, but without stress or judgement and with what seems like complete understanding. You make good videos
I have done houses that have not been cleaned or overflowing too much stuff and I recommended doing one room at a time. It took several weeks but it gave them a chance to not be rushed and to get used to their house one room at a time. Each week I would do a maintenance clean with the cleanned rooms. I think I could relate to them because I have family members that have a hard time getting rid of stuff. It got to be that each cleaned room became their favorite room.
Cool! A Woman who knows Her place and Her Kraft. I saw your video about Barkeeper's Friend and now my Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink looks brand new!! Thanks, Angela!
Angela, even though I come here for advice for cleaning my own home, I enjoy the way you give such good advice to people making a living this way. You are so kind--it's a great part of my day listening to you.
I just had my first client and felt overwhelmed as soon as I started in one room. I felt like I was under delivering. This really helped me feel like I did the best I could in the 4 hours I was there. I just hope they feel the same. Thank you for your videos!
Congratulations on having your first cleaning job. A year from now you’ll look back and see how far you’ve come. Keep me posted on how you’re doing. I’m routing for you! 😊
So much compassion expressed in this video. I dislike clutter and have watched a lot of hoarder shows. The way you talk about this is really right on and gives the person a way out of the nightmare of too much stuff.
Thank you for the compassion and gentle understanding you demonstrate. My mother grew up during the depression and then then World War II when everything was scarce and in short supply. She didn’t throw away anything! I helped her one day after my dad had passed to go through his belongings and for the first time realized why we had always lived in a “full” house!
Hi Debbie, thanks for watching and for sharing your story. It's true several generations have passed down things that were "too good to throw away." And oddly enough our reasons for keeping them are often not the reasons the items were originally kept. We create an affinity to the hand-me-down items creating a bond that is hard to break. Thanks for having the courage to look objectively at the items kept and help your mother work through her attachments. God bless you.
Oh wow, that is so nice of you to say. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and support and for spending a few minutes of your day here with me. I appreciate you. :-)
I have been trying to get my place in order for years. I began by purging, the decluttering. Last year I began to give away beautiful, practical things I rarely used. Getting rid of paper is the hardest. It’s like dishes, always there! I loved your advice. It came from a place of respect and compassion.
Love the layering advice and getting in there regularly. So right on! - signed an almost hoarder level ADHD wife, mom of 4, business owner wannabe... It's a constant struggle. Actually met my now husband when I called to turn myself in to one of those remediation companies featured on shows like 'Hoarders'. 😆 He's a keeper! He deserves a clean, refreshing, creative, fun place to live and love our children as much as I do, so all the more reason to try and surprise him with progress toward our goals while he's at work at a new job ;o)
Thanks so much for this. Had this experience today at a client's home and I had never faced anything like this before, mice running around, mold everywhere, all the cleaning products had a half inch of dust on them. It was really overwhelming for me, but I kept reminding myself to have compassion on them and think how much nicer their lives will be after a few weeks of me working through it. It can really take some mental gymnastics to keep your mind in the right place sometimes. Thanks for your tips ❤
Every word you said is true. I wish more people realize this. I think of the old phrase that you can catch more bees with honey than vinegar. Or maybe it's flies. Anyway kindness goes such a long ways and if you are kind and compassionate towards the person who needs the help then you will get much further with them than if you just bully your way through telling them how they should do things your way. I'm a big recycler and it drives me crazy when someone wants to throw away something that you use just because it's trash in their eyes. I hope you remember to mention everything you said in this video when you are training new employees or businesses across the country. It's more valuable than you may even realize.
Interesting concept, thank you! I do my „happy planner“ with appointments (which I will forget, because I forget the day of the week often), and I will make errand/chores checklists. Which are not a must, but a reminder. I will do what i can, rest for another hour and do another chore. Whatever is possible that day.
Your systematic, logical and calm approach is SO great ! I'm not hesitant in tackling my next clean......which is a lady in a mobile home that can barely walk around, due to so much clutter. You are a pro !
Thank u once again Angela for a beautiful well spent 10 minutes ...u made me happy ...wen u said u don't want to intrude in the safe place and wen u said let the safe place be safe and not judged for the situation of hoarding ...I was instantly able to forgive myself...I went into depression hoarding and eventually an overwhelm of wat do I have here ...too big a project...thank u again God bless u really very emotional right now 🙏 you have not earned the subscription you have honored me by having me as a long time subscriber
Want to know how to manage your time effectively when running a cleaning business? You are in the right place! These videos in this playlist will help you learn how time management is the most important metric for tracking your progress and payments. No more wasting valuable time! Yay!
THANK YOU so much for these instructions. I've been depressed for 4 yrs, during which time I turned [shudder] 80. I also had a roommate (72) who was FILTHY. If she hadn't been paying me rent, I'd've kicked her out after the 1st week. After 4 1/2 years, she became disabled & couldn't get around. So she went to live with her neices 150 miles away. During the time she was here & not doing the chores she volunteered for, and not doing things I wanted her to do to clean up after after herself, I think her slovenliness contributed to me not cleaning up after myself. You should she how she left ger room. Ill have to have professional housecleaners come in & do the dirty job, including cleaning the toilet, which she never did. I wish it was your team. I AM embarrassed. I used to keep my houses neat & clean (I have severe back problems following a knee replacement).
Hi Ruby2zdy, I'm sorry to hear about your roommate who skipped out on her chores. It's awful she left you with them. That said, a professional house cleaner sounds like a good idea. Do you know about It is a program by the United Way that can help free of charge in situations like this. They may be able to send a cleaning company to come for a few hours to remove her things or to clean up. It may be a few volunteers. They have lots of resources and they WANT to help. I want you to spend your days enjoying them and having fun, rather than living in regret. I'm sending you a big virtual hug. 🤗
Our house maid is the meanest nastiest person on the planet and watching people like you make me wonder how much I deserve untoxic people in my life , thank you
I'm still dealing with going through my mother's and mother-in-law's things from 2007. We were too busy to do it then, along with trying to sell their homes. Then my husband got sick and I was so busy taking care of him that I didn't have time to clean right, so it was just "Take this job and shove it". When my husband died in 2017, my daughter and I began trying to clean the house. She focused on her room which was overwhelming. I worked on the filing cabinet. Between these 2 areas we took 20 bags of shredded paper out of the house! Then, her boyfriend proposed! Well, wedding plans were mixed in with routine life and there was still more to do -- but wedding gifts go to the bride's house. At least I had one room that was empty until it filled up with boxes. It took 3 car loads to deliver the gifts to their house, where they are still stacked in a spare room nearly a year later with their belongings from before marriage. I had to quickly move about 50+ boxes from the garage to get the coffee table and end tables I had promised them from my mother's house (remember 2007?) Then, 4 rooms were overwhelmed. I managed to get boxes divided into 2 rooms I put the bed on end in one room with some lamps together and in 1 of the 2 rooms for storage. Now, at least the living areas, my bedroom and the kitchen are somewhat orderly. I recently had surgery and have another 7 weeks to recover, but when I go home I am going to block out time as you said to go through those things to decide what's trash and what's treasure. Over the past 3 years I have learned one reason for a clean home. Yes, do it for yourself, but also do it for your loved ones who will need to be able to find things when you are no longer here. They will already be in mourning and having to sort through your stuff to find important papers just adds to the stress.
This is a beautiful story with all of the nuances of real-life interruptions. And you summed it up really well. Thanks so much for sharing this. With your permission, I'd love to share this on the show so that others can learn from your wisdom. Hats off to you my friend. God bless and speedy recovery from your surgery. 🙏
I thought you were very empathetic and kind in your comments about not making the homeowner feel bad. I am a homeowner who has trouble keeping their home organized and presentable. I’m not a hoarder, but because I have bad knees and assorted health problems, it’s hard to carry a basket of laundry sometimes, or stand in the kitchen long enough to wash a complete set of dishes, etc. I plan on hiring a housekeeper to help me and I hope that I find someone who is as kind as you are.
Thank you for your kind words. It's understandable that health challenges can impact home organization. Hiring a housekeeper sounds like a great solution, and I hope you find someone empathetic and understanding to assist you in maintaining a comfortable living space.
You are so sweet, taking into consideration the core feelings of hoarding/messiness. What do you do when you're asked to clean a dresser but on the dresser is scattered jewelry (that needs its own cleaning) and paperwork that is an "organized mess"? (Especially work tables! They are the Crown Jewels of "organized messes"!) You're asked to clean the dresser say with a swiffer and/or Murphy's wood soap, and windex the mirror (but the mirror has all these papers and pictures STUCK to it....) now what? "I want you to clean it but you can't remove anything." I can pick it up, wipe underneath it, and place it back down.....but the thing I just lifted (like paper) is itself all dusty & crusty (and the dust and crust is stuck to the paper)..... Do you ever feel that "Fulfilling the Customer's Request" butts heads with "Defeating the Entire Purpose"? 🙃
Hello Angela, I hope you are well.Thank you for the providing guidance in how to enter someone save space without judgement ; judgement free zone…to keep in mind to provide a service with dignity,empathy respect and compassion. Thanks for the instructional guidance involving the home owners. However, how do you handle general cleaning vs deep cleaning vs Declutter cleaning vs organizing and how much to charge for all to do without the customer thinking you’re trying to take advantage? I appreciate the plan of 4 hours burst of cleaning hours suggestion. But you have to be invited or booked back is tricky with these circumstances. I agree establishing xamount of hours would work for home owners & cleaner psychologically. To know exactly how many hours, what’s going to be accomplished is always helpful to alleviate stresses and anxiety but rise the bar for both involved to have expectations with final area results. Many thank !
We do have a paid course in our learning library that goes into details on what one cleans on each of those cleaning visits. Decluttering and organizing falls into a special project and is not done on either a deep clean or a maintenance clean.
Hi, Angela. As I was watching this. I started to wonder if this method would also work if I talked to myself using the same technique. For example, what if I started to ask myself permission to execute certain tasks for myself. I am really trying to remove my own negative self-talk. Could I take a step back and remove judgement by talking to myself in third-person? I feel a little bit like a lunatic, but would it work? Anyone else thinking this way?
You have helped me to be more efficient cleaning my own home. I find that after a break or a vacation I often find that feeling overwhelmed comes from simply not knowing where to start?! So that the cleaning process makes sense, like a work smarter rather than harder situation. What are your tips/system for this?!
Having a plan in place can make the cleaning process after a break or vacation less overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you get started: create a checklist of tasks, prioritize areas that need immediate attention, set a timer for focused cleaning sessions, work room by room, declutter as you go, and use efficient cleaning tools. Consistency and establishing a regular cleaning routine will make future cleaning tasks more manageable. With these tips and a systematic approach, you can clean smarter, not harder, and maintain a cleaner and more organized home.
Find spring cleaning, deep cleaning, and clutter removal tips here for the professional cleaner as well as the homeowner with too much stuff.
I admire your diplomacy, knowledge and gentle phrasing around this issue.
I totally agree and I was going to say the same thing.
i admire everything about her and with each new segment i watch, i discover more to admire about her/ about you Angela. you are amazing.
It was very impressive. Seriously. It even changed my perspective
I find that we have worked hard to clean out a space, only to find it completely refilled the next week.
Yes, it does take discipline not to refill a vacated space you've decluttered. Have you found a system yet for this?
Even as a person trying to find motivation to clea their place themselves, the advice to find and remove the trash only first and focusing on doing things one at a time is really nice and helpful. I have a lot of stuff and I feel stressed and guilty for letting it get to that point but after watching your "cleaning while depressed" video I feel better about trying to clean it up now. Thank you for putting all that advice out there. It really helps a lot.
Thanks Nat for watching and for spending a few minutes of your day with me. Keep me posted on your progress. I'm here rooting for you. :-)
This is a remarkably sensitive and respectful way to approach this. These messes are overwhelming and very often related to anxiety. Thank you for your insight!
I appreciate you reaching out to share your input on this topic. ❤️
I think it's also very much related to loneliness. Many lonely people out there trying to replace the affection they need - and don't get - with "stuff". We all need to be kinder and more considerate of others. Great video, btw.
As I've commented on some of your videos, I wish I had learned this sooner. This one, however, hits home deeply. I made the mistake of cleaning my brother's house while he was in the hospital. His lung had collapsed, he was in an induced coma, and not expected to make it. Some would have called him a hoarder, but those that knew him, realized that he was obsessive with his collections. So much so that every inch of his efficiency apartment was covered with stuff, clean, dirty or broken it was there. Many things were even glued in place. We had to push the door just to get in. We could barely walk through his efficiency apartment. There was so much dirt and dust that I got sick afterwards. The landlord was threatening to evict him. We (my husband,my mother, some of his friends, and myself) did a clean sweep, keeping enough to please him (so we thought) and the landlord. My brother came out of the comma, went home, saw his apartment and never spoke to me again. He died 19 months later. With this all said, thank you for this video. I'm sure it will help keep at least someone from making the same mistake.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you hugs and prayers, 🤗 🙏
Sorry for your loss and wow that’s insane .
That is very sad. And unfair for you. I’m very sorry.
Don't blame yourself for the cleaning. He could have gotten evicted if you did not do anything which would have been worse in his condition.
No, losing all his special items was worse. That was the worst. That's probably what killed him. I don't say that to make the person feel guilty because she didn't know. Every item has a story and only the owner knows the story. Take away the item and you take away the memories.
Angela, you’re just as smart as you can be ! You are such a good teacher, such a good instructor.
You are so organized in your thoughts, so clear and straightforward in your delivery, that it’s possible for anyone to understand exactly what you are telling them. You teach psychology and pure kindness which are essential to anyones’ character and success in life.
You instruct in respectfulness of your clients which in turn will be accorded back to oneself as their employee.
But, most of all, you show utmost respect for your own profession which you promote so positively.
I’m so impressed with you snd this channel. And I am not a house cleaner for pay, I’m certainly a house cleaner myself. And I appreciate everything you do. I have learned so much. Thank you 🙏
You are so kind to leave me such a nice comment, it really means a lot to me. ❤️
Yes, exactly what you said !!!
My salon co-worker’s house cleaner told someone, “She’s a slob.”
Wow! (3 kids and both parents work full time)
That’s why she paid someone to help. Small town salon talk got that cleaner fired.
I’ve been to her house a few times. She’s not a slob. I lived with the sister.
She and her sister are very social within the community.
This cleaner could have had a very successful business.
It’s better to to be kind at all times.
Oh are so right! Watch what you say. Thanks for sharing.
Great video asking permission is ULTRA IMPORTANT! When I clean for my mom she freaks ,out if I move things & she can't find them. "There's a method to her madness" she claims lol. Her systems work for her. Or if I throw out what I think is garbage but apparently is good or useful to her. She's like kinda a hoarder & I understand she "keeps junk" because she grew up very poor & doesn't have much money now so she's afraid if she throws something out she can't afford to buy a,New one. She likes to save & re-use things. She also doesn't want the whole world knowing her financial or personal business. So I do my best even thou it drives me crazy. Housecleaning for others means it's about helping them not you!
You are very wise, it is for helping others and not you. Thank you for taking the time to share this story with our community. 🤗
My dad is the same way. Right down to if you dare throw out ziplock bags whether they had frozen meat broken down to smaller portions or whatever, down to the bags that the sliced deli lunch meat comes in. What drives me nuts is he will ask me to do his dishes or something and then if I throw away empty koolaid containers or something he flips out saying he uses them as cups or whatever. Or if he has parts and tools in the house don’t dare even touch them. So I tell him nope not cleaning until you sort through your parts and stuff that you don’t want moved or lost and you do something with them so you can’t yell and cuss me out after I do you a favor.
Throwing away another person's possessions is not doing them a favor any more than them throwing away your stuff would be doing you a favor.
i am a hoarder and my flat looks like the photo at the start of this video. I know that I need help so I approached a cleaning company to send someone to help me. She came today and as soon as she entered she became very standoffish with a clearly disgusted expression (the flat is clean, just very cluttered and untidy). I tried to talk to her but she refused to sit down and she couldn't wait to get out of there and she said she would not be coming back and the company has taken me off their books. she made me feel so upset. I cried for several hours and I had to call my friend for support. your approach in this film is exactly what I need and so my search continues.
I am so sorry this happened. I understand you were reaching out to a cleaning service for help and their response was not how I would have hoped they would have acted. Wishing you the best of luck in finding another cleaning service. I’m sending hugs and prayers your way. 🤗 🙏
I was just searching for how to videos on cleaning and came across this one. I was blown away with how compassionate you are. The world needs more people like you in it.
Wow, thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to watch my video and commenting : )
Dear Angela, I don't know how you are able to put into words what alot of us need to hear about our frustrations with cleaning. You make so much sense and offer simple solutions in an easy way to implement.
Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out and leave me this comment, I truly appreciate it. ❤️
Your last piece of advice was so so good because it's hard for introverts/depressed people/hoarders etc to have people around them for super long periods of time. Short bursts is the best.
Thanks Anna for saying so. I find that our world is sped up and super busy with limited amounts of time and energy. Short burst are better than no bursts. Thanks for watching. :-)
Angela I clean two big metal plants and while I clean I put an earphone in and listen to your podcast (I know kind of geeky) anyway recently I’ve been thinking about starting my own house cleaning business and my first client I put in 3 hours and helped create space and did some cleaning in the kitchen and dining room I did not see the house before cleaning and learned why it’s so important.
I decided to charge 30 dollars an hour with a minimum of 3 hours and felt guilty for only putting in 3 hours but wanted to make it affordable. I love this video. Thank you 😊
Thank you and good luck!
Wow your methodology show and maintains a lot of respect for the homeowner. I bet anyone treated this way would appreciate the kindness. I like how you broke it down, stayed specific, to combat the overwhelming feeling. You're awesome.
Thanks for your kind words of encouragement and support. The goal is to help our clients and promote a safe place to live.
I'm so, so glad I discovered this channel. As someone who has been severely depressed and anxious for my whole life due to trauma, my messy room has often been at best the butt of jokes in my family, and at worst has gotten me in a lot of trouble with my parents, who thought it was a symptom of me being "lazy". I'm starting to pick up the pieces of my life at 25 years old and one of my current goals is to begin to clean up the mess one step at a time. This channel has already helped me a lot with getting started on that, and even to an extent with accepting the reasons I got to this point.
So glad that you are taking one step at a time to clean up the mess. You can do it! I'm rooting for you!
Please don’t stop making videos like these! You are so compassionate and kind to what these people are needing and feeling that caused the clutter in the first place! May God Bless You!
Thank you for taking the time to leave me such a nice comment. I appreciate you watching my video. 🤗 🙏
Angela Brown I’m one of those people whose life has has a tremendous amount of ups and downs; I needed to watch this video! I’ve watched many others that you have made. Again, thank you!
I agree I really enjoy watching all of her videos
This is such a timely topic. So many people are attached to gobs of stuff! It's hard to clean around. But the people are the priority, and their feelings count more than a job well done in the traditional sense.
Thank you for your feedback and thanks for watching the video.🙂
I don't know how I'm just finding your videos now, but they are great. I work with hoarders, and this advice is PERFECT.
Thank you so much!
I had a client last week whose wife was out of town. The house is usually picked up when I get there. But since he was home alone with the kids, the kitchen was a disaster. I couldn’t clean it because it was covered in dirty dishes and cooking utensils. I couldn’t leave it like that. I cleaned it and skipped dusting all the blinds. I felt it was more of a priority and they were ok with that. It was so overwhelming though.
Thanks for sharing this. It was nice of you to do that for them. And thank you for watching the video. 😊
Even though I'm not a house cleaner by profession, I am applying your wisdom to my own situation. I moved in with an elderly relative in another state who had Alzheimer's. The house was already full when I moved in with my stuff, and my relative had “memorabilia” that went back literally 100 years. She's gone now and I'm getting the house together so I can enjoy it in my remaining years.
Thank you so much for your kind words. So sorry for your loss. Sending hugs. 🤗
Not only are you a great business mentor and source of information on the cleaning business but also a wise person whose wisdom comes from experience. You present things clearly and are a very very good teacher. I admire you as a compassionate, intelligent person.
I thought I'd tell you this because, though I do not have a cleaning business, I started watching your videos for cleaning tips but now also watch to hear your insightful, experienced, and very helpful insights on human nature as these relate to your business but that often intersect many parts of the experience of everyone. Plus, you are rock bottom a very nice person!
Oh wow! Thank you so much for your kind words. I am beyond grateful!! Sending hugs. 🤗🤗😊
"Small burst cleaning sessions"
Great insight!
Oddly, we all get so much more done this way (no big piles strewn about, no overwhelm) Everyone wins.
Thank you for this. I feel like this video and 'cleaning while depressed" go hand and hand. I have dome friends who are coming to help me clean my apartment and I'm sending this video to them. They asked how i wanted to clean and really feel like this explains thing better than I ever could. Thanks for your gentle explanations
I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment about the show. Keep me posted on how things go with your friends and cleaning your apartment. Sending hugs! 🤗
Very good information. It's been so long since I've been in that situation where the house I'm cleaning was total chaos, but I've have been in those situations and those customers that started out that way I've managed to get them on a manageable schedule so their house stays clean and picked up. Usually working families and people who have physical disabilities are the majority of my customers who need help. It's our job to help the situation get better. It's NOT our job to make people feel bad about the condition of their house. Thank you for all your content.
Thank you so much for your feedback and thanks for watching the video. 🙂
You are an incredible person! It takes a lot of strength, for people in this situation, to ask for help. Discretion is so important to them. Unfortunately, I’ve overheard housecleaners say some terrible things about their clients homes, while they are at the ballpark, shopping, etcetera. I helped a “professional” housecleaner to clean a home one time, and it was painful to hear her say unkind things about her client, each time she came across a dirty toilet, or extra dusty space. I never went back. So many people need an extra hand, but don’t call for fear of judgement.
Hi Marie, I am so sorry that happened to you. It's true there are lots of house cleaners, especially new ones, who don't know how to monitor and manage their expressions. And many just say whatever flies out of their mouth without considering the feelings of others. Thank you for bringing this up - we can all do better at this. 🙏
@@AskAngelaBrown 💕💕
I am not a professional cleaner but I am watching your videos to get your immense knowledge of how to clean a house. I was going through divorce about 18 years back and my house was a mess due to my depression. This was the first time I called a house cleaner and I realized that they threw few of the things that was important to me. I forgive them because I knew they work hard and was helping me. But I wish they had someone like you to guide them. The think is I still remember the things that they threw away once in a while when I am looking for something similar.
Hi Esther, Thanks for watching and I'm so sorry to hear about the items that were tossed while you had cleaners in the house. That is a very unfortunate situation indeed. I do wish that stuff like this didn't happen because it forever taints the experience of the homeowner. I'm sending you a big virtual hug. 🤗🤗🤗
@@AskAngelaBrown Thank you!
You're such a kind person. If only there were more people like you the world would be a much nicer place. Thanks for all of your wonderful tips!
Thanks for your kind words of encouragement and support. I appreciate you. :-)
You are so good,compassionate, for the people ,you are so good at what you teach and do. I really appreciate
Everything you do, thank you so much for sharing.👍👍👍♥️♥️😃😃
Wow, thank you so much for your kind words, it is so nice of you. I appreciate this more than you know. 😊🤗
I like how you say things in a tough love kind of way, but without stress or judgement and with what seems like complete understanding. You make good videos
Thank you so much for your kind words and for watching the video, I appreciate it! 🤗
I have done houses that have not been cleaned or overflowing too much stuff and I recommended doing one room at a time. It took several weeks but it gave them a chance to not be rushed and to get used to their house one room at a time. Each week I would do a maintenance clean with the cleanned rooms. I think I could relate to them because I have family members that have a hard time getting rid of stuff.
It got to be that each cleaned room became their favorite room.
This is absolutely wonderful! Love the approach you took with your customers Joann! Thank you for sharing this, I appreciate it!
Cool! A Woman who knows Her place and Her Kraft. I saw your video about Barkeeper's Friend and now my Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink looks brand new!! Thanks, Angela!
Brilliant. And. Full of kindness.
Thanks for watching and for taking the time to drop me a line. I'm so glad you're here. 💛
Angela, even though I come here for advice for cleaning my own home, I enjoy the way you give such good advice to people making a living this way. You are so kind--it's a great part of my day listening to you.
Thank you so much for your kind words Connie and thanks for taking the time to write this comment, I appreciate it! 🤗
I just had my first client and felt overwhelmed as soon as I started in one room. I felt like I was under delivering. This really helped me feel like I did the best I could in the 4 hours I was there. I just hope they feel the same. Thank you for your videos!
Congratulations on having your first cleaning job. A year from now you’ll look back and see how far you’ve come. Keep me posted on how you’re doing. I’m routing for you! 😊
So much compassion expressed in this video. I dislike clutter and have watched a lot of hoarder shows. The way you talk about this is really right on and gives the person a way out of the nightmare of too much stuff.
Thank you so much for your kind words. Feel free to share the video. Sending hugs. 🤗
Very sensitive and appropriate information!
Glad you think so! Thanks for watching!
Your compassion and focus is just amazing !
Wow, thank you! You just made my day. Thanks for stopping by.
Thank you for the compassion and gentle understanding you demonstrate. My mother grew up during the depression and then then World War II when everything was scarce and in short supply. She didn’t throw away anything! I helped her one day after my dad had passed to go through his belongings and for the first time realized why we had always lived in a “full” house!
Hi Debbie, thanks for watching and for sharing your story. It's true several generations have passed down things that were "too good to throw away." And oddly enough our reasons for keeping them are often not the reasons the items were originally kept. We create an affinity to the hand-me-down items creating a bond that is hard to break. Thanks for having the courage to look objectively at the items kept and help your mother work through her attachments. God bless you.
That is absolutely the soundest and most peaceful approach I have ever heard of.
Thank you!
Your voice and the calm way you talk - is so valuabable !
Oh wow, that is so nice of you to say. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and support and for spending a few minutes of your day here with me. I appreciate you. :-)
Terrific and sensitive advice, as always. Thanks Angela.
I have been trying to get my place in order for years.
I began by purging, the decluttering.
Last year I began to give away beautiful, practical things I rarely used.
Getting rid of paper is the hardest. It’s like dishes, always there!
I loved your advice. It came from a place of respect and compassion.
Thank you so much for sharing your story! You got this!!❤
I admire how human-loving you are and encourage others to be the same ❤
Thank you for these kind words!😊
Your so professional and respectful! Love watching you x
Thank you so much, I reall appreciate your feedback!
I love the fact that you're compassionate about what you do ❤
Aww, thank you so much for your kind words! I appreciate it! 😊
Yes 💯
This is exactly the message and instruction i needed to hear. Thank you Angela.
Love the layering advice and getting in there regularly. So right on!
- signed an almost hoarder level ADHD wife, mom of 4, business owner wannabe...
It's a constant struggle. Actually met my now husband when I called to turn myself in to one of those remediation companies featured on shows like 'Hoarders'. 😆
He's a keeper! He deserves a clean, refreshing, creative, fun place to live and love our children as much as I do, so all the more reason to try and surprise him with progress toward our goals while he's at work at a new job ;o)
Thank you for watching. Keep us posted, we are pulling for you!!👏👏👏
My compliments for your knowledge, empathy and clear explanations! Regards from The Netherlands 🙂
Thanks so much Annemiek! I appreciate you taking the time to reach out and leave such a nice comment. 🤗
Thanks so much for this. Had this experience today at a client's home and I had never faced anything like this before, mice running around, mold everywhere, all the cleaning products had a half inch of dust on them. It was really overwhelming for me, but I kept reminding myself to have compassion on them and think how much nicer their lives will be after a few weeks of me working through it. It can really take some mental gymnastics to keep your mind in the right place sometimes. Thanks for your tips ❤
You're so welcome! Great job for doing this!👍
Every word you said is true. I wish more people realize this. I think of the old phrase that you can catch more bees with honey than vinegar. Or maybe it's flies. Anyway kindness goes such a long ways and if you are kind and compassionate towards the person who needs the help then you will get much further with them than if you just bully your way through telling them how they should do things your way. I'm a big recycler and it drives me crazy when someone wants to throw away something that you use just because it's trash in their eyes. I hope you remember to mention everything you said in this video when you are training new employees or businesses across the country. It's more valuable than you may even realize.
Thanks MothersHelper for the kind words of encouragement and support. I agree with your suggestions 100%. Thanks for sharing. :-)
Interesting concept, thank you! I do my „happy planner“ with appointments (which I will forget, because I forget the day of the week often), and I will make errand/chores checklists. Which are not a must, but a reminder. I will do what i can, rest for another hour and do another chore. Whatever is possible that day.
That's a great, thanks for sharing!
Wow. You are such a special lady. Thank you for making this
Wow, thank you! I appreciate you watching the show and taking the time to comment on it : )
This is exactly the situation l live in. We need you. A dream housecleaner, that is who you are.
What a lovely thing to say. Thank you. You just made my day. :-)
Your systematic, logical and calm approach is SO great ! I'm not hesitant in tackling my next clean......which is a lady in a mobile home that can barely walk around, due to so much clutter.
You are a pro !
Thank you so much for your kind comment. Go get it done got this!!
I’m so impressed! Some wouldn’t understand, but it’s clear to me that you do. Great video.
Thanks for watching and for taking the time to drop me a line. I'm so glad you're here. :-)
You have a very kind perspective on this.
Glad you think so. Thank you for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Thank u once again Angela for a beautiful well spent 10 minutes ...u made me happy ...wen u said u don't want to intrude in the safe place and wen u said let the safe place be safe and not judged for the situation of hoarding ...I was instantly able to forgive myself...I went into depression hoarding and eventually an overwhelm of wat do I have here ...too big a project...thank u again God bless u really very emotional right now 🙏 you have not earned the subscription you have honored me by having me as a long time subscriber
Thank you so much for these kind words!
Want to know how to manage your time effectively when running a cleaning business? You are in the right place! These videos in this playlist will help you learn how time management is the most important metric for tracking your progress and payments. No more wasting valuable time! Yay!
I really like your whole attitude. Thank you.
Thank you. What a delightful thing to say. I appreciate that. 👍
You always give great advice. You are a pro on every level. Thanks Angela.
Thank you so much, I appreciate that!
Excellent advice and tips! I have ran into this many times. It can be so overwhelming! Thanks for making this video! Very helpful information!
This is such excellent advice. Thank you. I can see applying this principle with anyone in order to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
Glad you think so. Thank you for watching the video and for your feedback.
Thanks for simplifying this!
Glad it was helpful! 👍
Good question, great answer!
Thank you and God bless you. 🙏
You are so welcome! Thank you for being here. 🤗
Thank you, I'm going to have a go tomorrow in my flat.
I’m routing for you! Keep me posted on how it goes. 👍
Angela, you help me so much with your expertise and kind voice and delivery. Hugs and blessings to you ❤️
Thank you so much for your kind words and for taking the time to write this comment, I appreciate it! 🤗
Amazing advice Angela 👏 👌.
Thanks so much! 👍
Omg I love your thinking here!!
Suddenly the unmanageable becomes manageable! ❤
It definitely does become manageable,you can do it!
You are so kind, smart and amazing. What a gift you are to RUclips & your clients! Thank you so much ☺️
You are welcome! Thank you so much for your kind words and for taking the time to write this comment, I appreciate it! 🤗
This is so insightful, wise, and a compassionate way of dealing with this issue.
Thanks for watching and for helping me leave the world a cleaner place. :-)
THANK YOU so much for these instructions. I've been depressed for 4 yrs, during which time I turned [shudder] 80. I also had a roommate (72) who was FILTHY. If she hadn't been paying me rent, I'd've kicked her out after the 1st week. After 4 1/2 years, she became disabled & couldn't get around. So she went to live with her neices 150 miles away. During the time she was here & not doing the chores she volunteered for, and not doing things I wanted her to do to clean up after after herself, I think her slovenliness contributed to me not cleaning up after myself. You should she how she left ger room. Ill have to have professional housecleaners come in & do the dirty job, including cleaning the toilet, which she never did. I wish it was your team. I AM embarrassed. I used to keep my houses neat & clean (I have severe back problems following a knee replacement).
Hi Ruby2zdy, I'm sorry to hear about your roommate who skipped out on her chores. It's awful she left you with them. That said, a professional house cleaner sounds like a good idea. Do you know about It is a program by the United Way that can help free of charge in situations like this. They may be able to send a cleaning company to come for a few hours to remove her things or to clean up. It may be a few volunteers. They have lots of resources and they WANT to help. I want you to spend your days enjoying them and having fun, rather than living in regret. I'm sending you a big virtual hug. 🤗
Thank you so much. I learn soooo much
I’m so glad you watched my video and learned something from it. ❤️
This information is excellent! I worked with a company that cleaned hoards. ♡
It takes a special team to take on that kind of work. Hats off to you my friend. :-) PS. Thanks for your kind words.
This is so Helpful and Educational.
Thank you!
Such helpful and interesting.
Always kind.
Thank you so much or your feedback and kind words, I appreciate it! 🤗
You leave the world a cleaner and kinder place :)
Thank you so much Gail! I appreciate your kind words. 😊
Wow, that was amazing
Thank you for your feedback and thanks for watching. 🙂
👍👍🙏This was so, so respectfully done and very similar to the attitude a good professional organizer would have.
Glad you enjoyed it!
I just wish I could find a great cleaning lady like you in Frisco,TX!
Wow, thank you! I hope you find someone great!
I adore this!!
Thank you so much!😊
Our house maid is the meanest nastiest person on the planet and watching people like you make me wonder how much I deserve untoxic people in my life , thank you
Oh no...sorry to hear this! Sending hugs. 🤗
She doesn't own you, you can fire her and take your business to someone who will treat you better!
@@susanstinebiser1007 or even, clean up your own mess.
Badriah oh there are are so many amazing people in the world. Find new help. ❤️🙏🏽
great advice, ty.
My pleasure! Thanks for joining me for a few minutes of your day. It is great to have you here. 😍
Very helpful.
Thank you ❤
You're welcome 😊❤
Thank you for the subtitles I'm not an English native speaker and it's really useful
You're welcome! So glad to know that hte subtitles are helpful. Thank you for your feedback and thanks for watching, I appreciate it! 🤗
Thank you!
My pleasure!
You’re such a great person
Thank you for your kind words! 😊
Such great advice.
Thank you!
Thanks for Sharing
My pleasure😊
I'm still dealing with going through my mother's and mother-in-law's things from 2007. We were too busy to do it then, along with trying to sell their homes. Then my husband got sick and I was so busy taking care of him that I didn't have time to clean right, so it was just "Take this job and shove it". When my husband died in 2017, my daughter and I began trying to clean the house. She focused on her room which was overwhelming. I worked on the filing cabinet. Between these 2 areas we took 20 bags of shredded paper out of the house! Then, her boyfriend proposed! Well, wedding plans were mixed in with routine life and there was still more to do -- but wedding gifts go to the bride's house. At least I had one room that was empty until it filled up with boxes. It took 3 car loads to deliver the gifts to their house, where they are still stacked in a spare room nearly a year later with their belongings from before marriage.
I had to quickly move about 50+ boxes from the garage to get the coffee table and end tables I had promised them from my mother's house (remember 2007?) Then, 4 rooms were overwhelmed. I managed to get boxes divided into 2 rooms I put the bed on end in one room with some lamps together and in 1 of the 2 rooms for storage. Now, at least the living areas, my bedroom and the kitchen are somewhat orderly.
I recently had surgery and have another 7 weeks to recover, but when I go home I am going to block out time as you said to go through those things to decide what's trash and what's treasure.
Over the past 3 years I have learned one reason for a clean home. Yes, do it for yourself, but also do it for your loved ones who will need to be able to find things when you are no longer here. They will already be in mourning and having to sort through your stuff to find important papers just adds to the stress.
This is a beautiful story with all of the nuances of real-life interruptions. And you summed it up really well. Thanks so much for sharing this. With your permission, I'd love to share this on the show so that others can learn from your wisdom. Hats off to you my friend. God bless and speedy recovery from your surgery. 🙏
Love your videos.
And I love having you here. :-)
You are very wise
Thank you so much for your feedback
I thought you were very empathetic and kind in your comments about not making the homeowner feel bad. I am a homeowner who has trouble keeping their home organized and presentable. I’m not a hoarder, but because I have bad knees and assorted health problems, it’s hard to carry a basket of laundry sometimes, or stand in the kitchen long enough to wash a complete set of dishes, etc. I plan on hiring a housekeeper to help me and I hope that I find someone who is as kind as you are.
Thank you for your kind words. It's understandable that health challenges can impact home organization. Hiring a housekeeper sounds like a great solution, and I hope you find someone empathetic and understanding to assist you in maintaining a comfortable living space.
You are so sweet, taking into consideration the core feelings of hoarding/messiness. What do you do when you're asked to clean a dresser but on the dresser is scattered jewelry (that needs its own cleaning) and paperwork that is an "organized mess"? (Especially work tables! They are the Crown Jewels of "organized messes"!) You're asked to clean the dresser say with a swiffer and/or Murphy's wood soap, and windex the mirror (but the mirror has all these papers and pictures STUCK to it....) now what? "I want you to clean it but you can't remove anything." I can pick it up, wipe underneath it, and place it back down.....but the thing I just lifted (like paper) is itself all dusty & crusty (and the dust and crust is stuck to the paper)..... Do you ever feel that "Fulfilling the Customer's Request" butts heads with "Defeating the Entire Purpose"? 🙃
Yikes! Have you had a frank discussion with the homeowner about expectations?
Yes so true
Glad you liked it!😊
Very inspiring!
Thanks so much for watching my video! 🤗
Hello Angela,
I hope you are well.Thank you for the providing guidance in how to enter someone save space without judgement ; judgement free zone…to keep in mind to provide a service with dignity,empathy respect and compassion. Thanks for the instructional guidance involving the home owners. However, how do you handle general cleaning vs deep cleaning vs Declutter cleaning vs organizing and how much to charge for all to do without the customer thinking you’re trying to take advantage?
I appreciate the plan of 4 hours burst of cleaning hours suggestion. But you have to be invited or booked back is tricky with these circumstances.
I agree establishing xamount of hours would work for home owners & cleaner psychologically.
To know exactly how many hours, what’s going to be accomplished is always helpful to alleviate stresses and anxiety but rise the bar for both involved to have expectations with final area results. Many thank !
We do have a paid course in our learning library that goes into details on what one cleans on each of those cleaning visits. Decluttering and organizing falls into a special project and is not done on either a deep clean or a maintenance clean.
Hi, Angela. As I was watching this. I started to wonder if this method would also work if I talked to myself using the same technique. For example, what if I started to ask myself permission to execute certain tasks for myself. I am really trying to remove my own negative self-talk. Could I take a step back and remove judgement by talking to myself in third-person? I feel a little bit like a lunatic, but would it work? Anyone else thinking this way?
That sounds like a good plan. If you try it, keep me posted on the results. Sending hugs! 🤗
You have helped me to be more efficient cleaning my own home. I find that after a break or a vacation I often find that feeling overwhelmed comes from simply not knowing where to start?! So that the cleaning process makes sense, like a work smarter rather than harder situation. What are your tips/system for this?!
Having a plan in place can make the cleaning process after a break or vacation less overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you get started: create a checklist of tasks, prioritize areas that need immediate attention, set a timer for focused cleaning sessions, work room by room, declutter as you go, and use efficient cleaning tools. Consistency and establishing a regular cleaning routine will make future cleaning tasks more manageable. With these tips and a systematic approach, you can clean smarter, not harder, and maintain a cleaner and more organized home.