he was focused on his singing, but only having one eye makes it hard to see what's on the floor in front of you. if he thrust his toe into whatever it is he thrust it into with full strength, chances are he broke it and is gonna need to go to the hospital instead of raiding Kiryu-chan's house.
Not even steel toed shoes can protect him
he was focused on his singing, but only having one eye makes it hard to see what's on the floor in front of you. if he thrust his toe into whatever it is he thrust it into with full strength, chances are he broke it and is gonna need to go to the hospital instead of raiding Kiryu-chan's house.
He’s fine. He wares steel toed dress shoes
Omg i can feel the pain through the screen. Majimas gonna need hospital for that one
Majima you're wearing steel-toe boots mate, calm yourself
He went full bocchi scream for a little
How can Majima stub his toes when he wares steel toed dress shoes?🤨
Idk. Logic?