Oregon Supreme Court - Youth Climate Case: Chernaik v Brown

  • Опубликовано: 25 ноя 2019
  • Crag Law Center filed the case on behalf of Kelsey Juliana and Ollie Chernaik in 201. Kelsey, now age 23, and Ollie, now age 18, brought the case to correct violations of their legal rights and to prevent the irreversible catastrophes facing the state and their futures if climate disruption is not stopped.
    After an initial win from the Court of Appeals in 2014, in January the Court of Appeals issued a disappointing decision that would allow the state to sit back and allow the waters, wildlife, and other natural resources of the state to waste away in the face of climate change impacts.
    The youth plaintiffs asked the Supreme Court to review, and ultimately reverse, the Court of Appeals decision. Multnomah County, 69 law professors, and over 50 individuals and organizations representing a wide variety of interests, including government, communities of color, public health, youth, faith, business, conservation, and education, filed amicus briefs supporting the youth.

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