Sebastian Thorsen because you give up the ability to look around without changing direction, whereas if you jump you can cast, look around and move all at once
Hey Cdew, I was actually glad to watch this and see that most of the movement you talk about i've already worked into my muscle memory and playstyle. The jump, cast, move is something i'll definitely be working on. Also, the 1,2,3 arena frames keybinds. I currently only have 1 for my focus target.
These are things you learn by a lifetime playing WoW, absolutely every old players on pvp do that. Just awesome to see someone sharing that to new peeps, great vid.
Actually really happy to see this. I've been playing off and on since Vanilla and PvP (after BC) has gotten more frustrating to me. Probably b/c folks actually have broken away from having to do PvE as well and solely focus on PvP and when I get into a BG I get instantly frustrated lol. I really need to be schooled on PvP! Thanks for taking the time to describe in depth about all this. Honestly, I wondered why the hell folks jumped all the time. I use keybinds and strafe, and use my mouse but I've been playing a druid with instant cast abilities for so long I don't feel the issue with having to do that jump thing while casting. So nice to learn if I want to PvP on another toon! Keep them coming :)
I think you missed something on the jumping part, it also allows you to move forward -> jump rotate -> hit an enemy behind you with an instant cast -> rotate back -> continue to move forward. Beside that great in depth video!
Doing this for one day, i mean switching to q and e to strafe, over a and d, has completely changed my gameplay. it took me about 5 - 10 minutes to adapt, fatfingering the a and d while doing so. But now, damn. Thank you, my reflexes especially on my monk has dramatically improved. its honestly astonishing how much it melds with my WW gameplay. Seemless. Great video and keep it up cdew
When you first mentioned doing these videos on Twitter, I didn't know if they'd be that helpful, but something so simple as having never thought to shut off the follow cam... Something that small makes a huge world of difference. Good tips and guide.
This. Is. fckin. Amazing. After years of playing, I realize I didn't know this jump trick and how good binding A-S-D can actually be. One always has something to learn. Great work, keep it up! Liked, subbed.
Just saw this this evening; saw another video moments before where he uses A (strafe left), S (forward), D (strafe right) to move and tells viewers that if you cannot handle not having a backup button, you can use something like Shift+S for that, but he also recommended this. To go back, he turned the camera about a quarter turn and strafed. Worked beautifully! Another game I've played for years, you use mouse to move-- it became habit. Just like typing, I resisted and never learned. In gaming, I never learned the whole WASD thing. Things evolve! My girl is 13 years younger than me and asked me one time why I jumped so much. For me, it was habit. Move with mouse on right hand; trigger everything else with left on 1-6 and Alt+ 1-6 and then trigger additional abilities with a mouseclick. I didn't do tooooooo bad, but-- I'm getting older, move slower, eyesight's getting severely worse. I have to learn a whole new (or old actually) way to move and play again. You said take off the training wheels. Seriously right! Any tips you can provide with learning this faster and more smoothly is much appreciated!
It would explain the important CDs from each classes. Which obviously depends on your comp. However, he could explain the importance of looking at your own buffs and the enemies buffs as well. Basically, this will boil down to what to look for when you're looking for buffs. And this is not the entire PvP gameplay.
One thing to keep in mind with jumping is that you don't want to jump out of AoEs. They are calculated at the time they go off using your last ground position; so they can catch you in the air even if you're graphically outside of the effect.
A video about what to look at during an arena game would help me sooo much. I’m intimidated to do arena because you have to watch yourself, your teammate, and 2-3 other enemies all at the same time. Things like are you looking at the enemy character portrait to see all the buffs/debuffs and how to quickly see any cool downs they used, are you looking at the enemy character model and going off animations on what abilities they’re using? How do you know what to look at when there’s so much going on.
Hey iknow i'm not the dew himself, but to give u some advice about your question, Alot of the things u mentioned can be seen by Addons, and when u know your class sometimes things just set in motion automaticly, but when u have that and you need to watch DR's (Diminishing returns) for cc-setups and damaging, playing defensive , communicating with your partners then it get's harder.. but u know that's the fun part ! it's why i love arena tbh and you'll get the hang of if it when u do it alot, don't let it intimidate u.. every1 has to start somewhere :) hope this helped u !
couple things get gladiatorlossa addon, its an audio announcer that says when and what cooldowns are being used. get gladius addon, u can make the arena frames bigger so its easier to pay attention to in arena, shows diminishing returns, replaces their icon in the arena frame with any cc thats active on them. play an easy melee class like frost dk or arms warrior which you can focus more on just doing your job as the damage dealer instead of having to be super aware of every cast that any of the 3 people on the enemy team are casting like some classes like mage and lock have to because they have really long range on their interrupts. if u wanna play something else i would still try this until u get used to the feel of arena and everything doesn't feel really weird and intense. change party frames to raid-style frames and make them big, class color filtered and display health % on them. if you're new to arena u wont need to pay attention to every single thing your teammates do, the big thing u have to watch your teammates for is how low hp they are and the raid style party frames make it a lot easier to see that so u know when to use your cc to peel them off.
Thanks for the suggestions.. I’ve been playing since Wrath until Cata, beginning of MoP then quit until now and I’ve just been leveling everything to see what class I’m playing in BfA. I’m not fond of addons, I use default UI. I’m totally comfortable playing with every ability keybound and I was a top realm guild mythic raider ive just always sucked at arena. I’m a good player and know every class pretty well, I just get overwhelmed and confused trying to arena.
watching yourself should be ingrained in every player from the start of playing so that should be natural already, watching teammates shouldnt be too much of a problem either with voice communication as they're watching themselves and calling out when they're in trouble. the cds and enemy teams hp for switches will come with practice, my advice is to stop worrying about getting everything right and stop putting pressure on yourself to have perfect awareness, it'll come naturally in time, just grab a friend or 2 depending on what bracket you're starting in and just chill in voice together while not caring about rating for a while, yeah you'll lose a lot and yeah your win/loss % will look ridiculous, but you'll notice your improvements quite quickly and early then when you're doing well and you start climbing to a respectable mid-tier rating (2000-2300) start recording your matches and rewatch your session to see where you're going wrong in certain games and work on those mistakes the worst thing to do while pushing is to tilt and carry on queueing while tilted
If you hold the right mouse button You can strafe with A and D eliminates the need for the Q and E. My main skill key binds are E R F Q and C. Then 1 2 3 4. Then shift E R F Q and D. Also use cool downs and defensives on my razar naga buttons. Works well for me and easy to get that mobility around any situation.
Thanks for the video. It made me check my bindings and I realized my A and D are bind for turning, not strafing (I always thought it's strafing). It appeared that all this time I was holding right mouse button when pressing A or D to strafe. At the same time I never use the turn functionality so rebind to strafing right away. For "jumping to continue moving while casting something else that forces you to remove finger from W": I have my auto-run on tilde (~) (the button left of "1" key). It's extremely convenient for me, never thought of doing something like jumps to continue moving.
Great advice, really like the idea of using Q,E to move around. I usually use A,D to strafe (with right click) but I can see how Q,W,E is a much better alternative and it can give you a whole 9 new, really convenient key binds I don't know if this apply's at all for Arena (PVE player) but sometimes as a tank you need to backpedal to reposition a boss without turning your back to them. Some raids can be very finicky and zigzag strafing backwards could point the boss in a bad direction. Do you have backpedal bound to anything, and if it was necessary to have it what key bind would you recommend?
keybind wise, can also bind `forward` to `s`, as this is a way easier way to get out of the habit of backpedaling. You can even set backpedal to another key for tanks who might need to. this gives you arena123, as movement is `asd` only. You can then reclaim `qwe` for abilities, which meshes well with every single other game that is `wasd `and puts abilitites on `q` and `e` already.
Don't forget about jumping charges. I see a lot of people still try and do that even though they made charge considerably more reliable nowadays. Also jumping out of LoS is a good habit in case you get hit with a stun mid jump you'll land out of LoS of the potential ranged class.
he meant that it could be another reason people are used to it and you see them jumping around. From the second sentence it's clear he knows it's been changed
Thank you so much for this vid. I don't really know anyone that plays wow IRL. So I never know what/how they do stuff. This makes so much sense now that I can actually see how it's done.
This was probably the best how-to video about wow I have ever seen. I have become fairly quick without setting up new bindings under the A and D keys but now I'm going to retrain myself a little. I think I'll bind the bubble wand the those keys so I can see how often I press them unnecessarily.
cdew thank you. I have been a keyboard turner in this game forever...i have been looking for a good guide to help me break my dependency on keyboard turning and none of the other guides quite get it, or werent quite what i was looking for. until now. Again thank you.
Crazy awareness, considering addons aren’t allowed in competition. You have to constantly change what you’re looking at. Try to stay away from tunneling :)
coming from League and other games, I always wondered what the optimal movement keys were in WoW. I was just thinking about it the other day and now you uploaded exactly that! Thanks a lot!
Can you do a macro video the types of macros what's overkill on a macro and how to improve your macros the utilities of a stopcast, alt macro , focus macros talent tier macros ect.
That you need to figure out yourself. You just need to look up for the syntax of wow macrosses and start using it. While you build them one by one you'll eventually see what's good for you and what's not. I use a bunch of different types of macro. Ones for saving space by using shit ctrl & alt modifiers on a single key to utilize one bar space as three or four binds with different abilities or ways of using such. Some for interface purposes, which can eithet make something eaiser to do (i used to have a macro that buys badges for badges back in WotLK) or a macro that turns in a certain quest (say rep quests from TBC or timeless isle coin quests) but that's more of a functionality booster Idk, dude, i might go on for ages, just start with what I've described above and good luck.
I literally... After a decade of casually playing, didn't know about spell casting while jumping forward... And the forward motion doesn't stop?! Brilliant!!! Thank you!!
Awesome series :) Another thing about jumping that I think you left out is that you can throw out instant spells like Starsurge if you make a 180 degrees turn in the middle of the jump to face the target, cast a spell and then 180 degrees back again, let's you keep your movingspeed while kiting etc.
i will call you a lair on that pve players are the worse lol with thir head up thir asses ^^ pve players never move from shit pve players are mentall ill since they need 10 years to learn 1 boss tact that takes you 5 min to figure out pve players dont use half thir spell kit so when all thats been said you can figure out by now pure pve players are just the most terrible wow players there is fact and its been proven for 14 years now have a great life sucking on this one :)
Hello Cdew, could you bring a guide about Keybindings? Maybe not just yours but how to actually get the best keybindings for any class in general because even if i am 2.6lsxp (which obviously is not that high compared to many players), i feel like on some classes i have the worst keybindings ever. It would be amazing and i think i'm not the only one probably thinking about it. Nice series btw, keep up the hard work!
keybinds are always like your own preference. thats what the dew always says on his stream too. everybody has other sizes of the hand and stuff. for example, i can reach 6, ctrl 6 and shift 6 with no problem but my RL mate just cant do that without like stretching his hand to a maximum. the only thing that i would recommend is like binding the same stuff at every toon. like i have things like kick, charge/grip/shadowstep, cds, deff cds and so on all on the same bind on every alt. but at the end of the day, like i already said, keybinds are your own preference.
Thx @mranqueetas i noticed it on stream aswell and u2. @Joni btw yeah i have like wall on same button on every char, kick and kick arena enemy 1-2-3 on same buttons aswell but can't wait to see his next guide video. Ty again btw ^^
Meatcrob1 is correct. There really isn't any right or wrong way essentially, as long as you're comfortable with your bindings. You can be a bit more optimal on paper by having everything bound to the buttons surrounding your movement keys for the quickest reaction times, but that's about it.
I remember in vanilla Warcraft playing a hunter, and learning how to 'jump shoot.' Which was basically what this guy said. If you start a jump--you can keep on moving. So a hunter could jump. 180 turn, shoot a target behind him. Then land from the jump without losing any momentum. Basically it allowed you to shoot targets behind you without slowing down or back peddling.
All valid points of why ''pro's'' jump alot, but there are definitely some ppl out there with some sort of syndrome in pve perspective of the game. It can be really annoying or in some cases unplayable if you happen to have a tank in a dungeon that constantly moves back and forth and jumps left and right infront of a boss and you happen to be a melee dps who gets out of range messages all the time.
I move around alot when fighting pve because I do lot of battlegrounds. I don't stand still out of habit. Same may be true of your tanks that move back and forth, it's a pvp habit. While a caster can still get you a melee player need to target you.
Never been much for pvp but trying to get into it now. I actually did the opposite of you in the key bind area. I left A and D and unbound Q and E. If you hold the right mouse button while pressing turn left or right, you strafe. Kind of backwards now that I'm looking at how you did it but I guess thats just part of learning. Also if you bind auto run to a side mouse key it helps with the casting spells that are your movement fingers issue. I auto run to press 2 and 3 a lot then go back to normal. Thanks for the video!
@@Lucero0709 i think he meant as like an idea for peaople that are lost as to what type of abilities should be bound to more common keybinds vs lesser used abilities sorta like keybind priority
bunny back jumps - kite style hold right click > Jump > Press D ( while turning the camera to re position your view ) > jump > press A * REDO over and over you should be able to cast instants casts and kite your target :) ideal for mages !
Have you heard of the Razer Orbweaver? It functions like the same as the left side of a keyboard and imo would be a strong tool to assist anyone in gaming whether it be pve or pvp. One of the major options I use is that I rebind my WASD (or QE WS if you prefer strafe over turning) onto the 4(8) way directional thumb stick. All my movement is covered by the thumb alone. This allows me to rebind all keys where the left hand rest to abilities. Also don't need to jump while pressing a different button since your thumb is controlling the movement. Of course if you do need to jump for a quick moment cause of an obstacle or something you can still hold down both mouse buttons while pressing the space bar with the thumb.
Yea, noticed and picked up most of these things from pvp vids. Another micro thing is button mashing/global management. But what I didn't pick up over the years when I played was the target1/2/3, seemed really hard because I don't think of enemy shaman, for example, as player 2 etc. Maybe if I had more convenient keybinds it would have helped. I think reckful used F1/F2/F3, but the F-key row was really close to the number row, for the keyboard he used
Nauris Gruduls fun fact: reckful when he was in his prime wasn’t a masher, if u go back and watch vods most of his skills he very deliberately hits just one time. (I think he spammed some spells but not most)
It might not be for everyone, but snowfallkeypress was one of my favourite addons. I stopped playing early Cata so I don't know if it's still around. Basically it made it so you used an ability the second you engaged the key, and not when you released. So if you had issued with seizing up or something, it'd still cast the ability.
Good video Chuck. Really like the format of it and think that anyone who needed help with their movement would really be able to utilize the information you gave in the video. Can't wait for the rest of the series.
Actually, it will if you weren't doing it before. This method would allow someone who doesn't play this way the ability to see which way the orbs are coming while also maintaining their rotation. Not to mention quickly turn and run away from the giant beam of death people constantly die to.
I haven't played WoW since lich and just got back into it and have been playing religiously for a month now. Always wondered how the better pve players than I did the pillar hug. Will be taking the training wills off when I get home. Good video
Or your muscle memory was formed on a ZX Spectrum (actually WSNM back then, but you get the picture). I remap A and D to strafe and turn with my mouse but I am too old a dog to go much further. I still back peddle with S though, It's a reflex now :(
Knew most of this stuff already. However I love that you put in the effort to explain these basic things for new players. Not a lot of people do guides for new players. Keep it comin dew. I'm looking forward to the next guide. Good work my man!
U can't unbind A and D. He put it a little wrong there for coming from the PoV of someone who already has strafing bound to Q and E. So unless u want to take his full advice and go with QWE, then u just have to rebind A to strafe left and D to strafe right respectfully.
One more reason is Shadowstep. As a rogue who wants to trick shadowstep on a bridge, he will not simply slide off the bridge but jump far away, turning his camera, not character, and see if enemies would still follow him. If its safer to stay bottom he would not shs back. This is crucial in key situations in which you want to release pressure upon you etc. - oh and all other abilities which can reposition you mid air. He didn't mention the OTHER REASON, because its not relevant on retail anymore, but everyone was doing it for the following reason back in the days: When you were stunned or snared or rooted during an air movement like a jump, you would continue the flight with the speed you had when the jump started and not be stopped midair and fall down. Which led to situation where you could outjump a warriors charge, especially when mounted/speed increase and/or the warrior was slowed. Meaning he charged you to the position where you were when he cast charge, not where you land from jumping. That's another method to outplay lower warriors, as they would dismount charge immediately when rushing in arena and could not mount immediately after charge cause they were in combat from charging. Making him vurnable while you could position yourself basically wherever OR force him to intercept - wasting another gap closer AND in some cases even get away another time. As said also achievable dismounted when the warrior is slowed, for example by your rogue or mage mate. Also as melee, for example a rogue opening near a pillar on a healer/mage, could anticipate the frost nova/barrier-break-nova and jump behind the pillar and be rooted out of line of sight from the enemies OR jump in the prey's flight direction to still be able to hit him in nova and maybe even get another kidney off such that the mage had to DF and/or poly the rogue to get the pressure off his healer. There is countless other combinations with root/stun that they removed from the game which is sad, cause it added another layer of mind games.
keyboard turning....? pros don't jump to take there hand of the moment key.... pros use gamine mice with buttons on the side lmao... you jump because it off sets slows and increases the length of movement speed buffs. if you got slowed but was jumping at the time, the slow doesn't start until you hit the ground. if you buffed your speed and the buff is almost over and jump right before it ends, your speed stays buffed until you hit the ground. forget about jumping to press keys.. buy a gaming mice.
It doesn't matter what you bind specifically or if you have a mouse with 20 buttons.. Well, maybe at least a mouse with the back and forward side buttons. Having your set up done so nothing is fucking over smooth actions and at least when I used to play mouse over macros bound with modifiers made a decent difference. With WoW when it comes down to it pro in PVP isn't a solo thing. 1v1 pvp would typically depend on the talents/class to determine winner.. Well except for a few season here and there and some rather over powered state of a class like DK and Pali for most of WotlK until Shadow Priest at the end.. Oh and that stupid Island in Mists with the daily's and all the extra buffs you could get and the stupid fun playing on a warlock hostile to everyone and chaos bolt 1 shot people trying to pick up the quest. oh and after phasing when you could go to the roof tops near the target dummy in stormwind and kill people and to phase out you just had to take one step out, or on a melee in the mage tower in stormwind using that stupid portal wall that you passed through you could fight on it and los any ranged all day.. eerr got sidetracked thinking back on all the ways i wasted years of my life.. . Anyway team play and setups man. If however you control your toon works for you then fuck it doesn't matter how you are doing it unless your doing it in a way that creates speed bumps or hinders control when both casting targeting and moving while keeping track of you camera and views so you don't tunnel out and have to apologize to your priest after the loss cause you really wanted to hit that shamen kiting you as a stupid mut and didn't notice your team was ice cubed around the pillar and you got nailed and the stupid shaman got last hit with his stupid little mace. Then again, now I remember why I quit. Everything became queue while collect dumb shit and they made most world player vs player dead. Raid summon stones back for shit like Kara was fun with 100 players trying to summon the raid while killing each other. Queuing shit all the time to go random made it so you never gave a shit to bother saying anything to your random group unless they were retarded and it was an insult.
That is exactly what I expected this video to say, but I clicked it out of curiosity. When this was not the answer I had to see if anyone pointed it out. Turns out someone did. I jump ALL THE TIME to get extended speed buffs or reduced snares.
Really!? lmao swifty is overrated cuse he was the first streamer showing a oneshot macro try get good on warrior find him and duel him he actually sucks lol ^^
This is why I use a tartarus v2 and a belkin nostromo before that. The thumbstick for forward back and strafe frees fingers up to be free to press whatever action button is needed without breaking a stride.
I got here by accident. But who the hell turns with keys? All games, especially shooters require you to turn with the mouse. How do you get in the habit of keyboard turning? God, some people are truly noobs.
Diego Pacheco especially since shots use wasd which is keyboard turning in wow, but realistically right clicking to strafe was just intuitive when i started playing so idk
This is one of the best videos/guides ever, I always wondered about how pros move and maximize their binds. Especially the QE strafe versus the AD strafe, I've always strafed on AD but now you might just have changed my mind completely lol
I have the autorun button bound right next to my thumb on my extra mouse buttons. Quickly hitting it again or hitting both mouse buttons turns it off again. That way I can be running but still use the right or left mouse buttons to look mouse turn or look around, and I have my other hand totally free for other things. I sill have strafing bound obviously but I’m not having to constantly have some finger on a movement button.
man, it really sucks because cdew would be the best ambassador for esports as a whole if he was in any other thriving esport as a pro. I love how articulate the man is, how clear he is with his messages. Cdew, keep doing your thing, Ive been so happy to have followed you all through my world of warcraft days and even now when i dont even play one day of wow, I still enjoy hearing you talk about the game you love man. much love.
always wondered why they are always jumping.... especially when they are being attacked and your explanation makes perfect sense.... it is a movement filler between using action keys. very helpful.
I use QWES to move forward back and strafing because when I started playing i found it more comfortable to use. Shift Q for cc Shift E for purify/detox Ctrl W for PvP Trinket
Loved the video, and I already knew all of it. Definitely will help future players. One note. Holding Right Click and then pressing either A or D, will also result in a strafe movement.
Just move the keybinding for any move you would want to use while moving. If you move forward with your middle finger, make the buttons around your middle finger casting moves so you have to stop moving anyway. Instant casts that you would want to do while moving should be moved (mouse buttons are perfect)
I came back to WoW after 6 years of not playing; I was a hardcore PvE player. I wanted to try to get to a decent level in PvP this time. am I glad these videos exist. My learning is going to be expedited heavily. Cheers
You make the point that right clicking is good turning, and it is, but left/right turn keys become strafe when you are holding right click. You don't need to bind strafe all because turn keys ARE state keys when you are right clicking.
Great video Chuck! This will be really helpful to a lot of people, especially the newer players who are just starting to get into PvP. I personally use A & D to strafe and QWE for arena 123 but I can see why ASD might be better. Looking forward to the next installment to this series, maybe cover positioning in the next one? Or general interface setups, enemy team cd-tracking, focus macros and etc. But anyways, keep up the good work my man and I really hope you win Blizzcon this year! Oh and +1 for the name of this series, very clever.
Thank you so much for this video and the series! Too often pvp teaching videos forget about players wanting to learn movement and targeting and key binds and focus on arena gameplay and class strategies. I'm digging your "grass roots" approach. Thanks!
Yo Chuck thanks a lot for the video man I have a friend who is just getting into wow and is struggling to move without making me annoyed and I can’t explain it well to him like you did so thanks so much man. Much love
Hey cdew! I'm hoping you can make a modern guide on who and what to target in arenas, as well as how to fight most high rated comps. I would also love to see a guide on how as a healer the best way you can help your teammates with things such as set ups and ccs and even resets
Let me just say *THANK YOU* for showing keyboard cam. So many people have videos about using keyboard and mouse, but never ever ever show what their fingers are actually doing.
Another fairly important reason of why PvPers jump a lot is because it helps (occasionally) getting a step further away when a slowing effect is being applied to you. Let's say you're a shaman and you got a warrior on you that has your frost shock effect on but he somehow managed to get close enough to you to apply harmstring and keep hitting you... If you jump away from the warrior direction just a millisecond before the warrior applies harmstring then your jump is not affected by it and you gain that extra space between your hit box and his weapon which allows you to be in the dead zone of warrior where they can't charge your or hit you... And keep kiting (at least a few moments more) like that. Same thing applies to other things like crippling poison, concussive shot... etc etc.
Oh and also don't get me started on druids that used this jumping little trick to get rid of slowing effects midair with their shapeshifting macros /cancelform making them look like they were never applied :)
I just got back into the game mostly to be with old friends again. But damn after looking at how effective you move I have to totally adopt this style. This video for me was super informative and amazingly helpful. Thank you!!!
i also use qwe for strafe/forward. i don't use asd for arena targets though, i use those three keys for main damage abilities. i have a 12-button mouse, so i use 123 on mouse for enemy target. if i'm playing healer, or hyrbid class with heals, i use mouseover macros for healing party. otherwise, every single ability i have is all bound in a 4-key by 4-key grid, going from 1234, qwer, asdf, zxcv, with shift and alt as modifiers. it makes it super duper neat and tidy. atleast for me. anyhoo....great vid mate. and gl in upcoming tourney.
I always right click and strafe. I never keyturn, so unbinding is a good idea. I also like to jump to turn and penance and turn back - so I keep running away, but it doesn’t mean I can’t cast.
You missed something, if you have a speed boost like pally horse and want to prolong it for a quarter second more, you can jump just before it ends to keep the movement speed through the air
You could just bind strafe to MB4 and MB5 then you have all movement on the mouse except backpedalling. With the right keybindings you can move in any direction while looking in any direction and still cast without stopping and without jumping.
Jumping also allows you to get a bit further if you get slowed or stunned mid air instead of on the ground as you keep moving while in the air at the same speed you had while jumping
As a Goblin, jumping is crucial in order to see anything in a crowd.
or gnome
As a troll, it's important you jump in the way of goblins as to make them upset.
7:07 why pros jump
kalvie mutapi why any half decent player* jumps
Why not just hold left and right click instead
kalvie mutapi ty I didn't feel like listening to his other bullshit
Sebastian Thorsen because you give up the ability to look around without changing direction, whereas if you jump you can cast, look around and move all at once
Ah I see, fair argument. I personally use a razer naga, so I have never had need to use my keyboard for any abilities.
All lies you jump because it makes you do more damage. And in PvE tanks jump to hold better threat.
Yep we goat roguez jump 2 stay out of line of sight 👳🏾♀️😂😂😂⛏🥓
Lol, I am a tank and I jump a lot. Just to makes sure I'm not stunned or rooted, even if the mobs I am tanking doesn't have netier of those :P
I always thought yall were jumping to prevent an afk disco while ya just stand there and auto attack.... :P
I am kind of excited how in-depth this series will actually get. Good idea. :)
Go back to making fragnance videos now.
Hey Cdew, I was actually glad to watch this and see that most of the movement you talk about i've already worked into my muscle memory and playstyle. The jump, cast, move is something i'll definitely be working on. Also, the 1,2,3 arena frames keybinds. I currently only have 1 for my focus target.
These are things you learn by a lifetime playing WoW, absolutely every old players on pvp do that. Just awesome to see someone sharing that to new peeps, great vid.
a few years ago i ended up copying reckfuls binds and i ended up getting super comfortable with the z&x movement he had and now i cant live without it
Actually really happy to see this. I've been playing off and on since Vanilla and PvP (after BC) has gotten more frustrating to me. Probably b/c folks actually have broken away from having to do PvE as well and solely focus on PvP and when I get into a BG I get instantly frustrated lol. I really need to be schooled on PvP! Thanks for taking the time to describe in depth about all this. Honestly, I wondered why the hell folks jumped all the time. I use keybinds and strafe, and use my mouse but I've been playing a druid with instant cast abilities for so long I don't feel the issue with having to do that jump thing while casting. So nice to learn if I want to PvP on another toon! Keep them coming :)
I think you missed something on the jumping part, it also allows you to move forward -> jump rotate -> hit an enemy behind you with an instant cast -> rotate back -> continue to move forward. Beside that great in depth video!
Hectorr, same. As a pally I jump a lot in PvP... Rotate & jump to them, HoJ, and rotate/jump away. That's what I was expecting. :)
Perfect for hunters when kiting
Wait a sec
People didn't know this?
Was 100% natural to me lmao
Doing this for one day, i mean switching to q and e to strafe, over a and d, has completely changed my gameplay. it took me about 5 - 10 minutes to adapt, fatfingering the a and d while doing so. But now, damn.
Thank you, my reflexes especially on my monk has dramatically improved. its honestly astonishing how much it melds with my WW gameplay. Seemless. Great video and keep it up cdew
Good shit Chuck, for sure interested to see what other topics/tricks you cover.
yo its voidtracks
When you first mentioned doing these videos on Twitter, I didn't know if they'd be that helpful, but something so simple as having never thought to shut off the follow cam... Something that small makes a huge world of difference. Good tips and guide.
This. Is. fckin. Amazing. After years of playing, I realize I didn't know this jump trick and how good binding A-S-D can actually be. One always has something to learn. Great work, keep it up! Liked, subbed.
Just saw this this evening; saw another video moments before where he uses A (strafe left), S (forward), D (strafe right) to move and tells viewers that if you cannot handle not having a backup button, you can use something like Shift+S for that, but he also recommended this. To go back, he turned the camera about a quarter turn and strafed. Worked beautifully! Another game I've played for years, you use mouse to move-- it became habit. Just like typing, I resisted and never learned. In gaming, I never learned the whole WASD thing. Things evolve! My girl is 13 years younger than me and asked me one time why I jumped so much. For me, it was habit. Move with mouse on right hand; trigger everything else with left on 1-6 and Alt+ 1-6 and then trigger additional abilities with a mouseclick. I didn't do tooooooo bad, but-- I'm getting older, move slower, eyesight's getting severely worse. I have to learn a whole new (or old actually) way to move and play again. You said take off the training wheels. Seriously right! Any tips you can provide with learning this faster and more smoothly is much appreciated!
A video that explains what to watch out vs other classes in Arenas.
Not really.
It would explain the important CDs from each classes. Which obviously depends on your comp. However, he could explain the importance of looking at your own buffs and the enemies buffs as well. Basically, this will boil down to what to look for when you're looking for buffs. And this is not the entire PvP gameplay.
openingT he would need to make a new video on that almost every patch
Just play and you will learn that
Or watch 4 cucks
One thing to keep in mind with jumping is that you don't want to jump out of AoEs. They are calculated at the time they go off using your last ground position; so they can catch you in the air even if you're graphically outside of the effect.
A video about what to look at during an arena game would help me sooo much. I’m intimidated to do arena because you have to watch yourself, your teammate, and 2-3 other enemies all at the same time.
Things like are you looking at the enemy character portrait to see all the buffs/debuffs and how to quickly see any cool downs they used, are you looking at the enemy character model and going off animations on what abilities they’re using? How do you know what to look at when there’s so much going on.
Hey iknow i'm not the dew himself, but to give u some advice about your question, Alot of the things u mentioned can be seen by Addons, and when u know your class sometimes things just set in motion automaticly, but when u have that and you need to watch DR's (Diminishing returns) for cc-setups and damaging, playing defensive , communicating with your partners then it get's harder.. but u know that's the fun part ! it's why i love arena tbh and you'll get the hang of if it when u do it alot, don't let it intimidate u.. every1 has to start somewhere :) hope this helped u !
couple things
get gladiatorlossa addon, its an audio announcer that says when and what cooldowns are being used.
get gladius addon, u can make the arena frames bigger so its easier to pay attention to in arena, shows diminishing returns, replaces their icon in the arena frame with any cc thats active on them.
play an easy melee class like frost dk or arms warrior which you can focus more on just doing your job as the damage dealer instead of having to be super aware of every cast that any of the 3 people on the enemy team are casting like some classes like mage and lock have to because they have really long range on their interrupts. if u wanna play something else i would still try this until u get used to the feel of arena and everything doesn't feel really weird and intense.
change party frames to raid-style frames and make them big, class color filtered and display health % on them.
if you're new to arena u wont need to pay attention to every single thing your teammates do, the big thing u have to watch your teammates for is how low hp they are and the raid style party frames make it a lot easier to see that so u know when to use your cc to peel them off.
Thanks for the suggestions.. I’ve been playing since Wrath until Cata, beginning of MoP then quit until now and I’ve just been leveling everything to see what class I’m playing in BfA.
I’m not fond of addons, I use default UI. I’m totally comfortable playing with every ability keybound and I was a top realm guild mythic raider ive just always sucked at arena. I’m a good player and know every class pretty well, I just get overwhelmed and confused trying to arena.
watching yourself should be ingrained in every player from the start of playing so that should be natural already, watching teammates shouldnt be too much of a problem either with voice communication as they're watching themselves and calling out when they're in trouble.
the cds and enemy teams hp for switches will come with practice, my advice is to stop worrying about getting everything right and stop putting pressure on yourself to have perfect awareness, it'll come naturally in time, just grab a friend or 2 depending on what bracket you're starting in and just chill in voice together while not caring about rating for a while, yeah you'll lose a lot and yeah your win/loss % will look ridiculous, but you'll notice your improvements quite quickly and early
then when you're doing well and you start climbing to a respectable mid-tier rating (2000-2300) start recording your matches and rewatch your session to see where you're going wrong in certain games and work on those mistakes
the worst thing to do while pushing is to tilt and carry on queueing while tilted
If you hold the right mouse button You can strafe with A and D eliminates the need for the Q and E. My main skill key binds are E R F Q and C. Then 1 2 3 4. Then shift E R F Q and D. Also use cool downs and defensives on my razar naga buttons. Works well for me and easy to get that mobility around any situation.
This was extremely helpful .Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the video. It made me check my bindings and I realized my A and D are bind for turning, not strafing (I always thought it's strafing). It appeared that all this time I was holding right mouse button when pressing A or D to strafe. At the same time I never use the turn functionality so rebind to strafing right away.
For "jumping to continue moving while casting something else that forces you to remove finger from W": I have my auto-run on tilde (~) (the button left of "1" key). It's extremely convenient for me, never thought of doing something like jumps to continue moving.
Great advice, really like the idea of using Q,E to move around. I usually use A,D to strafe (with right click) but I can see how Q,W,E is a much better alternative and it can give you a whole 9 new, really convenient key binds
I don't know if this apply's at all for Arena (PVE player) but sometimes as a tank you need to backpedal to reposition a boss without turning your back to them. Some raids can be very finicky and zigzag strafing backwards could point the boss in a bad direction.
Do you have backpedal bound to anything, and if it was necessary to have it what key bind would you recommend?
keybind wise, can also bind `forward` to `s`, as this is a way easier way to get out of the habit of backpedaling. You can even set backpedal to another key for tanks who might need to.
this gives you arena123, as movement is `asd` only. You can then reclaim `qwe` for abilities, which meshes well with every single other game that is `wasd `and puts abilitites on `q` and `e` already.
Don't forget about jumping charges. I see a lot of people still try and do that even though they made charge considerably more reliable nowadays. Also jumping out of LoS is a good habit in case you get hit with a stun mid jump you'll land out of LoS of the potential ranged class.
How bizarre lol I randomly decided to watch this video and found you here
Zybak that hasnt been a thing since MoP. You cant jump charges anymore, haha
he meant that it could be another reason people are used to it and you see them jumping around. From the second sentence it's clear he knows it's been changed
You cant jump charges anymore
Thank you so much for this vid. I don't really know anyone that plays wow IRL. So I never know what/how they do stuff. This makes so much sense now that I can actually see how it's done.
CDEWS: Don't lose blizzcon 4 times. Love you bro. Keep up the good work man!
double negative so you should lose 4 times
Always rooting for CDew so that this meme will die
EnterThe Zombie hes gonna fucking win this year. Cdew the god.
that is no double negative, it says-> do do not: 'lose blizzcon...' (only one negative)
gtafbi1 he edited like a little bitch
This was probably the best how-to video about wow I have ever seen.
I have become fairly quick without setting up new bindings under the A and D keys but now I'm going to retrain myself a little. I think I'll bind the bubble wand the those keys so I can see how often I press them unnecessarily.
dat hotline miami music
cdew thank you. I have been a keyboard turner in this game forever...i have been looking for a good guide to help me break my dependency on keyboard turning and none of the other guides quite get it, or werent quite what i was looking for. until now. Again thank you.
Great Video. IDEA: I always am curious what you are looking at and when during your game play. Where are your eyes concentrating on the screen.
Retnuh1974 he needs an Eyetracker, saw this on Overwatch - Kephrii and other streamers. Very interesting on shooters
Yea, especially when you are a tracking cds, drs and trinkets with addons that are all over the place
Crazy awareness, considering addons aren’t allowed in competition. You have to constantly change what you’re looking at. Try to stay away from tunneling :)
Eyes on the prize boi
Rehvidepaigaldus u win sir
I started playing a resto shaman from never playing one and havent played in 2 years, you're making it so much easier! Thanks cdude.
good shit chuck
based OMG u have so creepy face
coming from League and other games, I always wondered what the optimal movement keys were in WoW. I was just thinking about it the other day and now you uploaded exactly that! Thanks a lot!
I jump out of habit because it makes me feel like I move faster.
I use
qwert- main skills
Shift+qwert snares, shouts etc..
123456- silence, buffs.
ZXC- arena 1-3.
ASD - strafeL,back,StrafeR
Spacebar - move&steer
Scrollwheeldown - jump
Can you do a macro video the types of macros what's overkill on a macro and how to improve your macros the utilities of a stopcast, alt macro , focus macros talent tier macros ect.
That you need to figure out yourself.
You just need to look up for the syntax of wow macrosses and start using it.
While you build them one by one you'll eventually see what's good for you and what's not.
I use a bunch of different types of macro.
Ones for saving space by using shit ctrl & alt modifiers on a single key to utilize one bar space as three or four binds with different abilities or ways of using such.
Some for interface purposes, which can eithet make something eaiser to do (i used to have a macro that buys badges for badges back in WotLK) or a macro that turns in a certain quest (say rep quests from TBC or timeless isle coin quests) but that's more of a functionality booster
Idk, dude, i might go on for ages, just start with what I've described above and good luck.
I literally... After a decade of casually playing, didn't know about spell casting while jumping forward... And the forward motion doesn't stop?! Brilliant!!! Thank you!!
Really good one it helped me alot :)
Awesome series :) Another thing about jumping that I think you left out is that you can throw out instant spells like Starsurge if you make a 180 degrees turn in the middle of the jump to face the target, cast a spell and then 180 degrees back again, let's you keep your movingspeed while kiting etc.
as a long time pve player that never played pvp,very surprisingly nothing in this video was new to me o.o
Claudio zappulla you need good movement for everything my dude
For some reaso ni was doing all of this since vanilla
This information isn't PvP exclusive 😁
i will call you a lair on that pve players are the worse lol with thir head up thir asses ^^ pve players never move from shit pve players are mentall ill since they need 10 years to learn 1 boss tact that takes you 5 min to figure out pve players dont use half thir spell kit so when all thats been said you can figure out by now pure pve players are just the most terrible wow players there is fact and its been proven for 14 years now have a great life sucking on this one :)
Wacthing Ya needs a video that teaches them where the period is on the keyboard to separate their sentences lol
Only thing you might add is using (e,s,d,f) for movement rather than (w,a,s,d). It gives you w,a as additional hotkeys for ring/pinky.
Hello Cdew, could you bring a guide about Keybindings? Maybe not just yours but how to actually get the best keybindings for any class in general because even if i am 2.6lsxp (which obviously is not that high compared to many players), i feel like on some classes i have the worst keybindings ever. It would be amazing and i think i'm not the only one probably thinking about it. Nice series btw, keep up the hard work!
How the fuck are you 2.6k and can't figure out how to keybind your class? That's bullshit!
keybinds are always like your own preference. thats what the dew always says on his stream too. everybody has other sizes of the hand and stuff. for example, i can reach 6, ctrl 6 and shift 6 with no problem but my RL mate just cant do that without like stretching his hand to a maximum.
the only thing that i would recommend is like binding the same stuff at every toon. like i have things like kick, charge/grip/shadowstep, cds, deff cds and so on all on the same bind on every alt.
but at the end of the day, like i already said, keybinds are your own preference.
Thx @mranqueetas i noticed it on stream aswell and u2. @Joni btw yeah i have like wall on same button on every char, kick and kick arena enemy 1-2-3 on same buttons aswell but can't wait to see his next guide video. Ty again btw ^^
Amerigo Bizzoni I feel like keybindings are whatever you feel comfortable with. I don't think there's a right or wrong way to keybind really
Meatcrob1 is correct. There really isn't any right or wrong way essentially, as long as you're comfortable with your bindings. You can be a bit more optimal on paper by having everything bound to the buttons surrounding your movement keys for the quickest reaction times, but that's about it.
I remember in vanilla Warcraft playing a hunter, and learning how to 'jump shoot.' Which was basically what this guy said. If you start a jump--you can keep on moving. So a hunter could jump. 180 turn, shoot a target behind him. Then land from the jump without losing any momentum. Basically it allowed you to shoot targets behind you without slowing down or back peddling.
All valid points of why ''pro's'' jump alot, but there are definitely some ppl out there with some sort of syndrome in pve perspective of the game. It can be really annoying or in some cases unplayable if you happen to have a tank in a dungeon that constantly moves back and forth and jumps left and right infront of a boss and you happen to be a melee dps who gets out of range messages all the time.
It's called ADHD
I move around alot when fighting pve because I do lot of battlegrounds. I don't stand still out of habit. Same may be true of your tanks that move back and forth, it's a pvp habit. While a caster can still get you a melee player need to target you.
Never been much for pvp but trying to get into it now. I actually did the opposite of you in the key bind area. I left A and D and unbound Q and E. If you hold the right mouse button while pressing turn left or right, you strafe. Kind of backwards now that I'm looking at how you did it but I guess thats just part of learning. Also if you bind auto run to a side mouse key it helps with the casting spells that are your movement fingers issue. I auto run to press 2 and 3 a lot then go back to normal. Thanks for the video!
Awesome video! You could do a video about proper keybindings maybe!
Dimitris Vogas key bindings are going to be person specific. I've never seen two people use the same key binds
@@Lucero0709 i think he meant as like an idea for peaople that are lost as to what type of abilities should be bound to more common keybinds vs lesser used abilities sorta like keybind priority
bunny back jumps - kite style
hold right click > Jump > Press D ( while turning the camera to re position your view ) > jump > press A * REDO over and over
you should be able to cast instants casts and kite your target :)
ideal for mages !
cmon, most spam jump because they're spergs
i'm guilty of doing it too, sometimes
What''s a sperg?
excessive masturbaters
A term used by morons
@@gpimpdaddy well aren't you cool
Have you heard of the Razer Orbweaver? It functions like the same as the left side of a keyboard and imo would be a strong tool to assist anyone in gaming whether it be pve or pvp.
One of the major options I use is that I rebind my WASD (or QE WS if you prefer strafe over turning) onto the 4(8) way directional thumb stick. All my movement is covered by the thumb alone. This allows me to rebind all keys where the left hand rest to abilities. Also don't need to jump while pressing a different button since your thumb is controlling the movement. Of course if you do need to jump for a quick moment cause of an obstacle or something you can still hold down both mouse buttons while pressing the space bar with the thumb.
Yea, noticed and picked up most of these things from pvp vids. Another micro thing is button mashing/global management. But what I didn't pick up over the years when I played was the target1/2/3, seemed really hard because I don't think of enemy shaman, for example, as player 2 etc. Maybe if I had more convenient keybinds it would have helped. I think reckful used F1/F2/F3, but the F-key row was really close to the number row, for the keyboard he used
Nauris Gruduls fun fact: reckful when he was in his prime wasn’t a masher, if u go back and watch vods most of his skills he very deliberately hits just one time. (I think he spammed some spells but not most)
It might not be for everyone, but snowfallkeypress was one of my favourite addons. I stopped playing early Cata so I don't know if it's still around. Basically it made it so you used an ability the second you engaged the key, and not when you released. So if you had issued with seizing up or something, it'd still cast the ability.
iggywow it was implemented into the settings for cata afaik. Also I think it might be on by default nowadays.
Good video Chuck. Really like the format of it and think that anyone who needed help with their movement would really be able to utilize the information you gave in the video. Can't wait for the rest of the series.
I am using side mouse buttons to strafe. Its very comfortable. All movement on mouse
Andreas G yea agreed
Why is this horrible, all of my movement is in the mouse too
Михаил Игнатов this is the best mode of play.... you can do the most at once
3 months but kinda irritated me, side mouse buttons are the best binds for strafing
I been using a and d and i can honestly see why q and e is gonna be more helpful
Will this improve my dps In mythic kingorath?
Julian Canela No, you fucking PvE scrub gtfo outta here.
Baruch Sliwowitz imagine taking pvp in wow seriously in 2018
Baruch Sliwowitz why are you so pissed?
Imagine asking a dumb question about a 12yo game in 2018
Actually, it will if you weren't doing it before. This method would allow someone who doesn't play this way the ability to see which way the orbs are coming while also maintaining their rotation. Not to mention quickly turn and run away from the giant beam of death people constantly die to.
I haven't played WoW since lich and just got back into it and have been playing religiously for a month now. Always wondered how the better pve players than I did the pillar hug. Will be taking the training wills off when I get home. Good video
Just put the strafe buttons on your mouse. All of my movement and targeting is done with the mouse
Strafe on side mouse buttons gg
What type of mouse do you use? I'm in the market for a better one.
its all preference, just gotta take the time and test stuff out for yourself
Or your muscle memory was formed on a ZX Spectrum (actually WSNM back then, but you get the picture). I remap A and D to strafe and turn with my mouse but I am too old a dog to go much further. I still back peddle with S though, It's a reflex now :(
Knew most of this stuff already. However I love that you put in the effort to explain these basic things for new players. Not a lot of people do guides for new players. Keep it comin dew. I'm looking forward to the next guide. Good work my man!
I have been a filthy kbt for years and this has encouraged me to unbind ASD. Now the fun begins.
U can't unbind A and D. He put it a little wrong there for coming from the PoV of someone who already has strafing bound to Q and E. So unless u want to take his full advice and go with QWE, then u just have to rebind A to strafe left and D to strafe right respectfully.
I only use QWE for movement and have binded ASD for kicks on enemy 1,2,3 it honestly is so much smoother I love it
Thanks for this series!! Look forward to watching the rest!
Because most of them suffer from ADHD.
....But seriously, lots of players jump around like crazy bunnies. I think it's a tick or something.
They think it makes them harder to hit. (It doesnt)
"Everyone does it so its not cool and i have to be salty about it."
One more reason is Shadowstep. As a rogue who wants to trick shadowstep on a bridge, he will not simply slide off the bridge but jump far away, turning his camera, not character, and see if enemies would still follow him. If its safer to stay bottom he would not shs back. This is crucial in key situations in which you want to release pressure upon you etc. - oh and all other abilities which can reposition you mid air.
He didn't mention the OTHER REASON, because its not relevant on retail anymore, but everyone was doing it for the following reason back in the days: When you were stunned or snared or rooted during an air movement like a jump, you would continue the flight with the speed you had when the jump started and not be stopped midair and fall down. Which led to situation where you could outjump a warriors charge, especially when mounted/speed increase and/or the warrior was slowed. Meaning he charged you to the position where you were when he cast charge, not where you land from jumping. That's another method to outplay lower warriors, as they would dismount charge immediately when rushing in arena and could not mount immediately after charge cause they were in combat from charging. Making him vurnable while you could position yourself basically wherever OR force him to intercept - wasting another gap closer AND in some cases even get away another time. As said also achievable dismounted when the warrior is slowed, for example by your rogue or mage mate.
Also as melee, for example a rogue opening near a pillar on a healer/mage, could anticipate the frost nova/barrier-break-nova and jump behind the pillar and be rooted out of line of sight from the enemies OR jump in the prey's flight direction to still be able to hit him in nova and maybe even get another kidney off such that the mage had to DF and/or poly the rogue to get the pressure off his healer.
There is countless other combinations with root/stun that they removed from the game which is sad, cause it added another layer of mind games.
keyboard turning....? pros don't jump to take there hand of the moment key.... pros use gamine mice with buttons on the side lmao... you jump because it off sets slows and increases the length of movement speed buffs. if you got slowed but was jumping at the time, the slow doesn't start until you hit the ground. if you buffed your speed and the buff is almost over and jump right before it ends, your speed stays buffed until you hit the ground. forget about jumping to press keys.. buy a gaming mice.
Killa T your 100% correct lol I was thinking the same thing
It doesn't matter what you bind specifically or if you have a mouse with 20 buttons.. Well, maybe at least a mouse with the back and forward side buttons. Having your set up done so nothing is fucking over smooth actions and at least when I used to play mouse over macros bound with modifiers made a decent difference.
With WoW when it comes down to it pro in PVP isn't a solo thing. 1v1 pvp would typically depend on the talents/class to determine winner.. Well except for a few season here and there and some rather over powered state of a class like DK and Pali for most of WotlK until Shadow Priest at the end.. Oh and that stupid Island in Mists with the daily's and all the extra buffs you could get and the stupid fun playing on a warlock hostile to everyone and chaos bolt 1 shot people trying to pick up the quest. oh and after phasing when you could go to the roof tops near the target dummy in stormwind and kill people and to phase out you just had to take one step out, or on a melee in the mage tower in stormwind using that stupid portal wall that you passed through you could fight on it and los any ranged all day.. eerr got sidetracked thinking back on all the ways i wasted years of my life.. .
Anyway team play and setups man. If however you control your toon works for you then fuck it doesn't matter how you are doing it unless your doing it in a way that creates speed bumps or hinders control when both casting targeting and moving while keeping track of you camera and views so you don't tunnel out and have to apologize to your priest after the loss cause you really wanted to hit that shamen kiting you as a stupid mut and didn't notice your team was ice cubed around the pillar and you got nailed and the stupid shaman got last hit with his stupid little mace.
Then again, now I remember why I quit. Everything became queue while collect dumb shit and they made most world player vs player dead. Raid summon stones back for shit like Kara was fun with 100 players trying to summon the raid while killing each other. Queuing shit all the time to go random made it so you never gave a shit to bother saying anything to your random group unless they were retarded and it was an insult.
If you're not glad you arent pro stop calling yourselves that kids LMFAO
This and for momentum casting. If you jump and turn to throw insta casts you dont stop moving either
That is exactly what I expected this video to say, but I clicked it out of curiosity. When this was not the answer I had to see if anyone pointed it out. Turns out someone did. I jump ALL THE TIME to get extended speed buffs or reduced snares.
Keep up with this series! Just started playing Disc Priest in Arena and watching your stream to improve!
I learned this from swifty back in 2005-06
Really!? lmao swifty is overrated cuse he was the first streamer showing a oneshot macro try get good on warrior find him and duel him he actually sucks lol ^^
@@Gthisen4400 How is swifty overratdd lol. He is arguebly the most influential wow player in the history of the game
Not true at all (Xaryu) is doing way better than him lol ^^
@@Gthisen4400 Who?
if you dont know who he is then stop wasting my time low elo ^^
This is why I use a tartarus v2 and a belkin nostromo before that. The thumbstick for forward back and strafe frees fingers up to be free to press whatever action button is needed without breaking a stride.
I got here by accident. But who the hell turns with keys? All games, especially shooters require you to turn with the mouse. How do you get in the habit of keyboard turning? God, some people are truly noobs.
Yet he is still probably MUCH MUCH better than you in pvp xD
Sergiu Nistor turning with keys is wow's default movement, so starters usually get that habit and it's hard to correct it
Diego Pacheco especially since shots use wasd which is keyboard turning in wow, but realistically right clicking to strafe was just intuitive when i started playing so idk
Sergiu Nistor agreed. I came to wow from arena shooters like UT and Quake III and inmediately changed my bindings to move like in a fps.
Nice, didn't know about the jumping! Also the camera tip will be really good thanks!
How to solve all of this: Buy an mmo mouse
This is one of the best videos/guides ever, I always wondered about how pros move and maximize their binds. Especially the QE strafe versus the AD strafe, I've always strafed on AD but now you might just have changed my mind completely lol
This is a great series. Especially since most others are very out of date with similar information. Thanks!
I have the autorun button bound right next to my thumb on my extra mouse buttons. Quickly hitting it again or hitting both mouse buttons turns it off again. That way I can be running but still use the right or left mouse buttons to look mouse turn or look around, and I have my other hand totally free for other things. I sill have strafing bound obviously but I’m not having to constantly have some finger on a movement button.
man, it really sucks because cdew would be the best ambassador for esports as a whole if he was in any other thriving esport as a pro. I love how articulate the man is, how clear he is with his messages. Cdew, keep doing your thing, Ive been so happy to have followed you all through my world of warcraft days and even now when i dont even play one day of wow, I still enjoy hearing you talk about the game you love man. much love.
always wondered why they are always jumping.... especially when they are being attacked and your explanation makes perfect sense.... it is a movement filler between using action keys. very helpful.
I use QWES to move forward back and strafing because when I started playing i found it more comfortable to use. Shift Q for cc Shift E for purify/detox Ctrl W for PvP Trinket
Excited for this series. I'm glad you included keyboard cam ;D
Loved the video, and I already knew all of it. Definitely will help future players.
One note. Holding Right Click and then pressing either A or D, will also result in a strafe movement.
Just move the keybinding for any move you would want to use while moving. If you move forward with your middle finger, make the buttons around your middle finger casting moves so you have to stop moving anyway. Instant casts that you would want to do while moving should be moved (mouse buttons are perfect)
I came back to WoW after 6 years of not playing; I was a hardcore PvE player.
I wanted to try to get to a decent level in PvP this time. am I glad these videos exist.
My learning is going to be expedited heavily. Cheers
You make the point that right clicking is good turning, and it is, but left/right turn keys become strafe when you are holding right click. You don't need to bind strafe all because turn keys ARE state keys when you are right clicking.
Great video Chuck! This will be really helpful to a lot of people, especially the newer players who are just starting to get into PvP. I personally use A & D to strafe and QWE for arena 123 but I can see why ASD might be better. Looking forward to the next installment to this series, maybe cover positioning in the next one? Or general interface setups, enemy team cd-tracking, focus macros and etc. But anyways, keep up the good work my man and I really hope you win Blizzcon this year!
Oh and +1 for the name of this series, very clever.
Even as someone who's never done PVP seriously I can say that a lot of the advice here is very helpful. Interesting content, keep it up.
Thank you so much for this video and the series! Too often pvp teaching videos forget about players wanting to learn movement and targeting and key binds and focus on arena gameplay and class strategies. I'm digging your "grass roots" approach. Thanks!
Yo Chuck thanks a lot for the video man I have a friend who is just getting into wow and is struggling to move without making me annoyed and I can’t explain it well to him like you did so thanks so much man. Much love
Hey cdew! I'm hoping you can make a modern guide on who and what to target in arenas, as well as how to fight most high rated comps. I would also love to see a guide on how as a healer the best way you can help your teammates with things such as set ups and ccs and even resets
Very helpful video! This will be a great start and improvement to someone who come back to Wow after a long time :) Keep up the good work!
Make more of these. Awesome video! Thank you! Giving you my prime this month.
yooo great video man, i like the fact you explained why a simple trick or change does what it does. lol. keep up the good work my dude.
Thank you for taking the time to create this video.
Let me just say *THANK YOU* for showing keyboard cam. So many people have videos about using keyboard and mouse, but never ever ever show what their fingers are actually doing.
Another fairly important reason of why PvPers jump a lot is because it helps (occasionally) getting a step further away when a slowing effect is being applied to you.
Let's say you're a shaman and you got a warrior on you that has your frost shock effect on but he somehow managed to get close enough to you to apply harmstring and keep hitting you... If you jump away from the warrior direction just a millisecond before the warrior applies harmstring then your jump is not affected by it and you gain that extra space between your hit box and his weapon which allows you to be in the dead zone of warrior where they can't charge your or hit you... And keep kiting (at least a few moments more) like that. Same thing applies to other things like crippling poison, concussive shot... etc etc.
Oh and also don't get me started on druids that used this jumping little trick to get rid of slowing effects midair with their shapeshifting macros /cancelform making them look like they were never applied :)
I just got back into the game mostly to be with old friends again. But damn after looking at how effective you move I have to totally adopt this style.
This video for me was super informative and amazingly helpful.
Thank you!!!
Great start, to what sounds like a great series! Keep up the good work man!
i also use qwe for strafe/forward. i don't use asd for arena targets though, i use those three keys for main damage abilities. i have a 12-button mouse, so i use 123 on mouse for enemy target. if i'm playing healer, or hyrbid class with heals, i use mouseover macros for healing party.
otherwise, every single ability i have is all bound in a 4-key by 4-key grid, going from 1234, qwer, asdf, zxcv, with shift and alt as modifiers. it makes it super duper neat and tidy. atleast for me. anyhoo....great vid mate. and gl in upcoming tourney.
I always right click and strafe. I never keyturn, so unbinding is a good idea.
I also like to jump to turn and penance and turn back - so I keep running away, but it doesn’t mean I can’t cast.
You missed something, if you have a speed boost like pally horse and want to prolong it for a quarter second more, you can jump just before it ends to keep the movement speed through the air
You could just bind strafe to MB4 and MB5 then you have all movement on the mouse except backpedalling. With the right keybindings you can move in any direction while looking in any direction and still cast without stopping and without jumping.
Jumping also allows you to get a bit further if you get slowed or stunned mid air instead of on the ground as you keep moving while in the air at the same speed you had while jumping
André Ihlen same thing with speed boosts
Very nice idea and nice implementation and explanation!
I'm hyped for the next week's now :)
Great start to the series keep up the hard work
Thanks Cdew bro! Very helpful info that I did not know.
I hope you make more like this!
Thank you for taking the time to help people learn these pro tips.