I agree completely with your dismissal of method acting. I heard an anecdote where Dustin Hoffman stayed awake for 24 hours to prepare for the torture scene in Marathon Man. Olivier reported told him: "My dear boy. Why don't you just act?" For me, the point is to covey the characters feelings to the audience through acting. I continue to be amazed and delighted at how each actor and production uses costume, stage, movement, and phrasing in fresh interpretations of the same words.
I agree completely with your dismissal of method acting. I heard an anecdote where Dustin Hoffman stayed awake for 24 hours to prepare for the torture scene in Marathon Man. Olivier reported told him: "My dear boy. Why don't you just act?"
For me, the point is to covey the characters feelings to the audience through acting. I continue to be amazed and delighted at how each actor and production uses costume, stage, movement, and phrasing in fresh interpretations of the same words.