The term "misgendering" is the issue, You don't have to believe in a religion to understand the denial of reality that the current gender movement tries to impose in schools and high institutions. The teacher did not "misgender" anyone it was the student who "misgendered" herself/himself.
How is it lawful that you can lose your job for refusing to lie? It is a lie to use male pronouns when referring to a biological female, or vice versa. You cannot lawfully be compelled to lie. This needs to be addressed in the courts. North Dakota has already passed legislation that would make such sackings impossible.
Without condoning or condemning this guy, he is entitled to his belief system...If you don't think he is then you don't support the freedom of speech or any religion 🤔
@@Bobisalive they have Islamic schools… and yes - they do bring their prayers into the classroom and compel Christian children to join in. All in the name of wholesome fun, so the kids go along with it. I was at a meeting where a four year old ran towards the councillor crying ‘we want islamic schools!’ Over and over. So cynical (ab)use of children for political ends is not just for communists and ‘liberals’. Secular ‘Christian’s’ think they’re being so inclusive having Islamic hymns sung in their churches, because they are not told what this means. That’s deceptive. Who said …. ‘I am the greatest deceiver of them all.’?
@@kaytheledge Actually the old testament is against men dressing up as women aka 'abomination' but granted that Jesus did not mention anything about it in the new testament.
@@Bobisalive if you live in the west from choice, or cannot find better, then you have Christianity to thank. It’s not a coincidence that Christian countries are nicer than third world countries…. As evidenced by the migration of millions to our lands. We invented the modern world and we have create md comfort, high living standards and prosperity wherever you put us on the planet… But: Can’t get a good famine going with the bloody Christian’s sending plane loads of aid now, can you? Also, we ended slavery. As our power is being snuffed out, it’s coming back incrementally. See how many slaves in Africa now. No one but us ever had the desire to even try to stop it. It’s what we did with our power at its height. 100 years it took to get everyone else on board. We were the original BLM activists and a million times more effective because we did not think it was a Christian way to behave. It was a purely moral act, all we got was costs which we are still paying off. Who will stop it this time? Also. Remove one power and another will be sucked in to the vacuum created. We were never perfect, and religions also have faults and drawbacks, just it’s a good deal better at creating desirable societies. That and a population which practices delayed gratification, which is supported by Christianity. A central tenet of forgiveness, not blaming the sin for the sins of the father, hating the sin, not the sinner…. We have the golden rule ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. I’ve lived in 3rd world countries. It’s cut throat, 85% corrupt. There’s little forgiveness and plenty of vendettas. Obviously there are other factors.
@@Bobisalive You aware the church are the ones who fought for education for the working classes, or the fact they practically were the first NHS we saw.. they literally invented hospitals for the poor. My child attends a Methodist church and knows he is a boy.. learns about love and kindness and doesn't have to listen to the madness of this woke Bollocks..
Piers Morgan totally took that interview to such a stupid level of “triggering” even suggesting he shouldn’t be a teacher because of it. I’m not Christian but I was horrified how bias he was treated on that interview. So glad you gave him a chance to talk.
@@rhyfelwrDuwNo we have the modern schooling system because of the enlightenment. Do your research. If he wants to preach this then he should go be a preacher, there's an idea. School is for kids to learn English, maths, science, not this, not woke, it's not a place tolecturw kids in any direction period. Would you say any other faith should be able to preach to students? Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, wokery? No so why should he. The UK has been a secular state since the common law was implemented. These idiots fail to see that common law tool over the running of this country, that's why the bible says taking a life should result in death...yet we don't have the death penalty. This is why we keep this stuff OUT of schools! Because it gets highly complex. Why are these two not demanding the bible not be followed when it comes to the death sentence...but they are when it comes to gay marriage, which is a legal common law marriage, not a religious one. I don't want my kids going to school being preached at by anyone, I want them to be taught what they need to know. That's it. Its not bloody well hard!
You are hateful. This man also wants all homosexuals and adulterers and “greedy” people executed. Watch his latest interview. This just scratches the surface of how horrific he is, I’m sure you are too
Thank you GBN for allowing Christians to share our views and to be able to even say "Jesus Christ" on your platform, which seems condemned and forbidden on MM. God bless you !🙏
As an homosexual man and a Christian, I am very sorry to what has happened to Joshua Sutcliffe. There is not such a thing as misgendering, there are only 2 sexes. On this issue of marriage, I believe the same. Marriage is between a man and a woman.
It was a child and it was either male or Female. little brat needs a reality check. Well done Joshua. Anyone has the choice and right to be called anything they want and any person has the same options to not use those terms. A free person in a free country does not have to pander to the whims of the minority.
Love that The Good News was well explained. Praise God. Thanks Calvin. I appreciate GB news. It’s actually strange watching it because it’s logical and logic is missing from most stations these days
He lost his job for speaking the truth ie men can't be women and visa versa and marriage was created by God to be one man one woman for life. Strong truths that society can't accept anymore. Robbie Williams was right when he said we live in a post truth society. Thankyou Joshua for standing up for the truth, for Jesus, and for all who follow him 🙏
As a Christian who works in education. I completely agree and stand with Joshua Suttcliffe. It has, over the last twenty years become increasingly difficult to have a Christian voice, yet other faiths are allowed to say and do things that are abhorrent and yet are held up to be paragons of virtue.
Just because you state something does not make a truth. The panelist who stated that a child, or anyone else, has a RIGHT to demand that others accept their chosen gender is a buffoon. They may desire that others accept their view of reality but it is not their right.
All this training and juggling life for years and gets sacked because those who above don't have the guts to stand by him. This man speaks for me, every single word that comes out of his mouth. For they come from God's word....
So let me get this straight this man, a teacher, with a good teaching record is forbidden from speaking about biological facts at his place of work and loses his right to teach because of it. What about his religious freedom ? his freedom of speech ? What about reality ? I hope that he sues them for every penny they've got. This is wrong.
I wonder if the teaching regulation agency would be so ‘brave’ and hard hitting against other religions that believe in marriage between a man and a woman and teach religious doctrine in their schools? Also, are they actively supporting the teacher who who taught at the Batley Grammar school (several years back) and was forced into hiding and are they trying to prosecute the people who have threatened his life? Na! Course not! Cowards, every one of them. Same with the teachers who shut down this man’s bible class. I wonder if they’d be so brave with other religions?
Since when does a CHILD have a RIGHT to be labelled AS THEY SEE FIT??? ARE WE INSANE???? A child has a RIGHT to be taught the facts of what they are as is concluded by up to date science and if they disagree or wish to contest this when they are adults THAT IS ABSOLUTELY FINE :/
This mzn should sue that school , its disgusting .what they are trying to do to these kids .all because a few confused people that dont know what they are say so .teachers need to stand up against this madness
Take the school to court and put that child yes that child on the stand. What that child thinks and if that Child says it on the stand will be charge with perjury for lying. Simples.
Piers Morgan absolutely should be so ashamed of himself for the way he treated this man. It was awful! Didn’t give him a chance to speak and twisted everything he said into something different.
@@stratfordbaby I agree the LBC interview was the same, this man is clearly a bit of an extremist. I would not be happy if my children had a teacher like him.
@stratfordbaby He was not talking about the death penalty. That’s what Piers made it into but that is absolutely not what he meant. Piers wouldn’t even try to understand what the man was saying, just kept cutting him off. Piers is not unbiased which is wrong for a journalist.
Yes, we have the right to hold the truth. If the child wants to be called a potato, he or she must learn to accept the consequence that people /teachers have the right/freedom to address him/her as a child, or a potato. As a parent, I will take my child out of the class where he/she is addressed as a potato , which is never a truth!
As born again Christian is, we know that it’s only a matter of time before here in the West, we are correctly targeted and heated and focused on and this is all biblically correct. Those who are true disciples should stay the course and not get scared by this. Even if you are out of house and home the true Christian network will help you out and not let you starve. We are going to see Christian persecution on the scale never seen in the west before but it’s regular seen places like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and Iran, this has been prophesy is for over 2000 years, and we can expect persecution of believers on mass many will fall away. Many will choose to deny their faith much to their loss, but to those who have true faith in Christ, stay the course run the race, you know the prize.
Complete agree with this man where he says where does this end , do we allow kids to Come into school and say they are tigers . Absolutely this is where it has ended up in USA . There is a report of a classroom where a child is identifying as a cat and the teacher provides them with a litter tray in the classroom and pronouns end up even more ridiculous…. today the child pronouns are “cat self” .
Let the Lord sort them out when He comes back. They've got their chance to repent before He does. Silly people, they don't realise the horrors coming upon this world where their pronouns and gender nonsense won't even come to their minds because of the wrath to come.
An astonishing amount of anri Christian bigotry in these comments, which, in the vast majority of posts, demostrates astonishing ignorance about what religion actually is
There is no such thing as feeling like we are in the wrong bodies ..we dont actually feel we are male or female ..we just know. Due to our form. As for the young, they follow a trend ..of being able to be whoever they choose to be ..its roleplay . A fad, that in time they will get bored with playing .. Some are generally mentally dysphoric ..but pressure from society overtook their personalities not their genders . They assume a mask.. to hide behind as they feel less intimidated if they werent who they were born as.. Just like a child might lose all desire of wanting to socialise if home life is abusive ..but by creating a persona ..they can take a few steps to smile again as they feel accepted better by the woke brigade who support their blatant choices.. And thus come the pronouns its popular to be part of the gang.. Being on board means being accepted as a person ..not necessarily a different gender . Hence the words non binary Just a fad for them to follow to be liked and respected .. Adults who are dysphoric still in later years ,should be helped to accept the bodies they were born in..not give them a pat on the back and awarding them for their gender conforminism To which they will suffer a great deal of physical pain make them feel awful ..and totally regretful if they go ahead with surgery ...and cause more suicides . Truth needs to be said day in day out . And rather than feed their misplaced ideologies ..shut them down as ..only the truth should be recognised . The rest is an unhealthy mental illness .
No child or adult has the right to demand that you refer to them by pronoun . I don’t care what you call yourself. You can call yourself whatever you want. It is your mouth your words coming from your mouth . But you cant claim words as “ owned by “ and therefore have no authority determine when those words are used? Or who can use them . You do not own a pronoun. And neither can you require someone else use a pronoun you choose to come out of their mouth. There’s a reason that “ free speech “ is called “ free speech “. What the teachers Union and the school are enforcing is “ compelled speech “ . This is illegal .
God made two genders make and female, whether someone feels they are a women or visa versa and decides to have an operation is sadly their choice hopefully , but they will still be the gender they were born with , I'm a women born with woman's body parts , inside and out , I have periods ,go through menopause ,and can carry children. If I was to change gender to a man ♂️ I would never ever be able to identify as a man or visa versa because I will not be able to understand how a real biological man feels an visa versa. I think it's disgusting how the government and these gender changers are trying to impose their identities onto us and at the same time trying to irradiate Christian beliefs and identity. As a Catholic I would never be cruel to someone but I will never be forced to agree there is more identifed than male and female , and this should not be forced on our children where is our freedom of speech ,the world is gone mad
Time for people to push back with also being offended. A lot of our values come from our Christian religion in the UK. To much trying to please everyone it's not pick and mix as my pastor says. It is written! There is no Church of England anymore because they do not follow the word.
This country our home, is not the same country i remember growing up in, its so sad we should never of joined the European union, we came out and found no country, no identity, a lost people, and over run and over taken! striped to the bone of past glorys not a shread of respect for our heros or our family's sacrifices. we need to have national service 2 yrs compulsory! things would soon change ! Sorry for going off topic 🙏
You chose Brexit to get rid of EU immigrants but not thinking Indian immigrants will come in masses. The people in Britain gave lost their identity because they don't care for their parents , they kill and rob each other , they have left their Christian values . It's now become a bastardised culture and it's nobody elses fault.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV, Jesus Christ is the only way.................
He needs to be a minister not a school teacher if the intro first comments was how he speaks in general. Perhaps a teacher in a Christian only School. Banned for life is very wrong. I agree with not using pronouns on children - until adults and fully transitioned and birth certificate changed then you are what you were born. The world accepts outside of a straight relationship, man and woman - the greater world accept that men fall in love with men and women fall in love with woman and the acceptance of this was never going to be enough for those outside of Gay and lesbian - those challenged with reality.
In God we trust, and faith in his Son our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s a shame a trained Teacher to be removed due to not using pronouns, it’s discriminatory and morally wrong. 😮😮😮😮😱😱🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇬🇧
This man goes with his beliefs over the latest fads. He would have been held up as an example for children in the last century, you know when Britain won her wars and our ancestors ate beef!
If those people who think of themselves as woke or modern forward thinking, .Yesterday you saw life and people in a normal accepted manner and today you don't, suggest you're the one who is wrong think about that
Bell and Calvin are hypocrites. There is a stark difference in the way they treated a Muslim and the way he treated this Christian. Can't take either of them seriously.
In the US, minors do not have the same rights as adults, but I'm not sure if that's the case in the UK. If it is, then there wouldn't be a civil liberties conflict as one of the presenters stated.
It's mis-sinning to say it was just for misgendering. There were several other issues as well. He's basically got some hatred for minorities and has been projecting that onto kids in his care
Another Christian Teacher dismissed… 😮
What is happening to this MAD world!
We are being demonised.
Look to history for what happens next.
Why do you think we are having MILLIONS of fighting age men tipped into our country?
The term "misgendering" is the issue, You don't have to believe in a religion to understand the denial of reality that the current gender movement tries to impose in schools and high institutions. The teacher did not "misgender" anyone it was the student who "misgendered" herself/himself.
The child has NO right to be "labelled as they see fit"
How is it lawful that you can lose your job for refusing to lie? It is a lie to use male pronouns when referring to a biological female, or vice versa. You cannot lawfully be compelled to lie. This needs to be addressed in the courts. North Dakota has already passed legislation that would make such sackings impossible.
Are you a gammon?
@@JohnSmith-ji6lu Are you?
There are biological males and females. End of.
@@grahamsmith2753 This man is a religious fundamentalist who tries to force his beliefs on others. I would not want him to teach my children.
@@JohnSmith-ji6luYou are nut job! I like gammon and eggs.
Without condoning or condemning this guy, he is entitled to his belief system...If you don't think he is then you don't support the freedom of speech or any religion 🤔
At work tho? Should a Islamic teacher be allowed to spread their religious beliefs at school? os that freedom of speech?
@@Bobisalive they have Islamic schools… and yes - they do bring their prayers into the classroom and compel Christian children to join in. All in the name of wholesome fun, so the kids go along with it.
I was at a meeting where a four year old ran towards the councillor crying ‘we want islamic schools!’ Over and over.
So cynical (ab)use of children for political ends is not just for communists and ‘liberals’.
Secular ‘Christian’s’ think they’re being so inclusive having Islamic hymns sung in their churches, because they are not told what this means. That’s deceptive.
Who said …. ‘I am the greatest deceiver of them all.’?
@@Bobisalive Standing up for what you believe in is not the same as spreading an ideology.
@@John-u1j7r there is absolutely nothing in the bible about being gay or trans though so it's a non-argument.
@@kaytheledge Actually the old testament is against men dressing up as women aka 'abomination' but granted that Jesus did not mention anything about it in the new testament.
So wonderful to hear the truth - thank you Calvin for letting him speak.
*there is no misgendering it's called telling the truth*
*in today's society it's rare with people who want to force*
*delusion to reality*
They don’t affirm eating disorders just the disorders that benefit their satanic agenda.
Good for this man. I'm happy he has Jesus in his life. Never give up, sir!
Great interview Joshua and Calvin. We must stand up for Biblical teaching and Christian principles. God Bless
@@Bobisalive if you live in the west from choice, or cannot find better, then you have Christianity to thank.
It’s not a coincidence that Christian countries are nicer than third world countries…. As evidenced by the migration of millions to our lands.
We invented the modern world and we have create md comfort, high living standards and prosperity wherever you put us on the planet…
But: Can’t get a good famine going with the bloody Christian’s sending plane loads of aid now, can you?
Also, we ended slavery. As our power is being snuffed out, it’s coming back incrementally.
See how many slaves in Africa now. No one but us ever had the desire to even try to stop it.
It’s what we did with our power at its height. 100 years it took to get everyone else on board.
We were the original BLM activists and a million times more effective because we did not think it was a Christian way to behave. It was a purely moral act, all we got was costs which we are still paying off.
Who will stop it this time?
Also. Remove one power and another will be sucked in to the vacuum created.
We were never perfect, and religions also have faults and drawbacks, just it’s a good deal better at creating desirable societies. That and a population which practices delayed gratification, which is supported by Christianity.
A central tenet of forgiveness, not blaming the sin for the sins of the father, hating the sin, not the sinner….
We have the golden rule ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’.
I’ve lived in 3rd world countries. It’s cut throat, 85% corrupt. There’s little forgiveness and plenty of vendettas.
Obviously there are other factors.
@XY Um, good for you?
@@Bobisalive You aware the church are the ones who fought for education for the working classes, or the fact they practically were the first NHS we saw.. they literally invented hospitals for the poor.
My child attends a Methodist church and knows he is a boy.. learns about love and kindness and doesn't have to listen to the madness of this woke Bollocks..
Matthew 24: 35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Piers Morgan totally took that interview to such a stupid level of “triggering” even suggesting he shouldn’t be a teacher because of it. I’m not Christian but I was horrified how bias he was treated on that interview. So glad you gave him a chance to talk.
He wasn't biased, Joshua sounded like a right nutter.
@@stratfordbaby You do know that we have the modern day education system because of Christians - no I didn't think so. Go read up on it!
@@stratfordbaby booo! So you prefer the leftie trans teachers then? Good luck.
@@rhyfelwrDuwNo we have the modern schooling system because of the enlightenment. Do your research. If he wants to preach this then he should go be a preacher, there's an idea. School is for kids to learn English, maths, science, not this, not woke, it's not a place tolecturw kids in any direction period.
Would you say any other faith should be able to preach to students? Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, wokery? No so why should he. The UK has been a secular state since the common law was implemented.
These idiots fail to see that common law tool over the running of this country, that's why the bible says taking a life should result in death...yet we don't have the death penalty. This is why we keep this stuff OUT of schools! Because it gets highly complex. Why are these two not demanding the bible not be followed when it comes to the death sentence...but they are when it comes to gay marriage, which is a legal common law marriage, not a religious one.
I don't want my kids going to school being preached at by anyone, I want them to be taught what they need to know. That's it. Its not bloody well hard!
@@rhyfelwrDuw we also have millions of abused kids because of pedo priests so swings and roundabouts
I blame the overly sensitive student for their disgusting need for attention... how horrible of that student... disgusting.
We should not be encouraging children in this gender rubbish.This teacher was correct.
We shouldn't be encouraging superstitious nonsense belief systems either.
This man is full of God and full of love. He /we have rights to stay normal and live in reality
This is the type of man I would want to teach my children.If the education board sacked him they are beyond disgrace.God bless you.
They most certainly are!! A disgrace!
You are hateful. This man also wants all homosexuals and adulterers and “greedy” people executed. Watch his latest interview. This just scratches the surface of how horrific he is, I’m sure you are too
Thank you GBN for allowing Christians to share our views and to be able to even say "Jesus Christ" on your platform, which seems condemned and forbidden on MM. God bless you !🙏
Thank You Joshua Sutcliffe! - Well Done!
Thank you Calvin for having this brave man Joshua on your programme, let's hope and pray he soon gets reinstated as a teacher.
As an homosexual man and a Christian, I am very sorry to what has happened to Joshua Sutcliffe. There is not such a thing as misgendering, there are only 2 sexes. On this issue of marriage, I believe the same. Marriage is between a man and a woman.
Well said friend.
It was a child and it was either male or Female. little brat needs a reality check. Well done Joshua. Anyone has the choice and right to be called anything they want and any person has the same options to not use those terms. A free person in a free country does not have to pander to the whims of the minority.
Love that The Good News was well explained. Praise God. Thanks Calvin. I appreciate GB news. It’s actually strange watching it because it’s logical and logic is missing from most stations these days
All normal people support this teacher. I’d pull my kids out of the school that did this.
I thank god that I don’t have any school age children any more. What a ridiculous world we are now living in.
Sue the school,for unlawful dismissal
He lost his job for speaking the truth ie men can't be women and visa versa and marriage was created by God to be one man one woman for life. Strong truths that society can't accept anymore. Robbie Williams was right when he said we live in a post truth society. Thankyou Joshua for standing up for the truth, for Jesus, and for all who follow him 🙏
Can you imagine if he was claiming Muslim views? He would still have a job.
Absolutely not. Muslims are encountering the same issues as this man.
@@LeftFootOfPodolski where?
Not in Europe
The difference is that Islam is by and large a peaceful religious. Christianity is bizarre and hateful.
@@Threemore650 yes in many places in Europe. Austria , Sweden, France.
Blessed are you when men speak evil of you because of Me, said Jesus.
Thank you Calvin Robinson, for interviewing Joshua Sutcliffe. I pray he is reinstated or given an even better position . God bless you both ❤️
Sure GOD will lift him to a higher level to glorify His name.
As a Christian who works in education. I completely agree and stand with Joshua Suttcliffe. It has, over the last twenty years become increasingly difficult to have a Christian voice, yet other faiths are allowed to say and do things that are abhorrent and yet are held up to be paragons of virtue.
He used the correct pronouns. He lose his job for the correct pronouns
No. That is not why he lost his job.
That’s just the excuse.
Absolutely bonkers
Just because you state something does not make a truth. The panelist who stated that a child, or anyone else, has a RIGHT to demand that others accept their chosen gender is a buffoon. They may desire that others accept their view of reality but it is not their right.
Thank you Calvin for highlighting this because it needs to be discussed
Is it a legal right to be called by your preferred pronouns? that's news to me
Exactly. I hope he is taking them to court
All this training and juggling life for years and gets sacked because those who above don't have the guts to stand by him. This man speaks for me, every single word that comes out of his mouth. For they come from God's word....
You're against homosexuality then?
I would have no problem for him to teach my children
So let me get this straight this man, a teacher, with a good teaching record is forbidden from speaking about biological facts at his place of work and loses his right to teach because of it. What about his religious freedom ? his freedom of speech ? What about reality ? I hope that he sues them for every penny they've got. This is wrong.
More important than ever to stay strong in your faith in God and His word.
Great testimony🙏
God bless this young man from a fellow Christian teacher
Not that young.
We live in a Christian nation. It should be expected.
We live in a Christian nation which has been stealthily hollowed out for decades by Marxist termites - FYP
We don't live in a Christian nation. Few people believe that crap any more.
I wonder if the teaching regulation agency would be so ‘brave’ and hard hitting against other religions that believe in marriage between a man and a woman and teach religious doctrine in their schools? Also, are they actively supporting the teacher who who taught at the Batley Grammar school (several years back) and was forced into hiding and are they trying to prosecute the people who have threatened his life? Na! Course not! Cowards, every one of them. Same with the teachers who shut down this man’s bible class. I wonder if they’d be so brave with other religions?
The book brave New world comes to mind the system is also attacking families
His views on Islam are spot on.
Since when does a CHILD have a RIGHT to be labelled AS THEY SEE FIT??? ARE WE INSANE???? A child has a RIGHT to be taught the facts of what they are as is concluded by up to date science and if they disagree or wish to contest this when they are adults THAT IS ABSOLUTELY FINE :/
This mzn should sue that school , its disgusting .what they are trying to do to these kids .all because a few confused people that dont know what they are say so .teachers need to stand up against this madness
Thank you Calvin 👍🏻
Some British values, honesty, bravery consistency. Can't be having that in schools!😡
Take the school to court and put that child yes that child on the stand. What that child thinks and if that Child says it on the stand will be charge with perjury for lying. Simples.
Piers Morgan absolutely should be so ashamed of himself for the way he treated this man. It was awful! Didn’t give him a chance to speak and twisted everything he said into something different.
I watched it. The interview was fair. Nobody told the nutter to start talking about death penalty.
@@stratfordbaby I agree the LBC interview was the same, this man is clearly a bit of an extremist. I would not be happy if my children had a teacher like him.
@stratfordbaby He was not talking about the death penalty. That’s what Piers made it into but that is absolutely not what he meant. Piers wouldn’t even try to understand what the man was saying, just kept cutting him off. Piers is not unbiased which is wrong for a journalist.
@@zaram131 Why does he go to pride marches and shout abuse at the people attending them. He admitted doing that in his interview on LBC.
Why would ANYONE be a teacher nowadays?!
Yes, we have the right to hold the truth. If the child wants to be called a potato, he or she must learn to accept the consequence that people /teachers have the right/freedom to address him/her as a child, or a potato. As a parent, I will take my child out of the class where he/she is addressed as a potato , which is never a truth!
Well done ❤
He is protected by "the equality act"! He has a protected belief!
As born again Christian is, we know that it’s only a matter of time before here in the West, we are correctly targeted and heated and focused on and this is all biblically correct. Those who are true disciples should stay the course and not get scared by this. Even if you are out of house and home the true Christian network will help you out and not let you starve. We are going to see Christian persecution on the scale never seen in the west before but it’s regular seen places like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and Iran, this has been prophesy is for over 2000 years, and we can expect persecution of believers on mass many will fall away. Many will choose to deny their faith much to their loss, but to those who have true faith in Christ, stay the course run the race, you know the prize.
Thank you Jesus! You will continue to build your church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
The Lord Jesus !!!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Love this video
Complete agree with this man where he says where does this end , do we allow kids to Come into school and say they are tigers . Absolutely this is where it has ended up in USA . There is a report of a classroom where a child is identifying as a cat and the teacher provides them with a litter tray in the classroom and pronouns end up even more ridiculous…. today the child pronouns are “cat self” .
🇬🇧 Joshua Sutcliffe 🇬🇧
A teacher cannot teach if they cede control of the classroom to any child much less a child with significant issues.
A brave man
Let the Lord sort them out when He comes back. They've got their chance to repent before He does. Silly people, they don't realise the horrors coming upon this world where their pronouns and gender nonsense won't even come to their minds because of the wrath to come.
Good content and coverage. I would like to see these spots go a bit longer.
When someone claims they have 'Christian values' I begin to feel nervous.
When someone says im tolerant and agree with mass migration I feel like throwing up.
Crazy children will be ruling the world next. In some homes I think they do already.
sacked for outing a pupil and should never work with children again
Calvin look no further than some of your fellow presenters for 'gay marriage'.
An astonishing amount of anri Christian bigotry in these comments, which, in the vast majority of posts, demostrates astonishing ignorance about what religion actually is
There is no such thing as feeling like we are in the wrong bodies ..we dont actually feel we are male or female ..we just know. Due to our form.
As for the young, they follow a trend ..of being able to be whoever they choose to be ..its roleplay .
A fad, that in time they will get bored with playing ..
Some are generally mentally dysphoric ..but pressure from society overtook their personalities not their genders .
They assume a mask.. to hide behind as they feel less intimidated if they werent who they were born as..
Just like a child might lose all desire of wanting to socialise if home life is abusive ..but by creating a persona ..they can take a few steps to smile again as they feel accepted better by the woke brigade who support their blatant choices..
And thus come the pronouns its popular to be part of the gang..
Being on board means being accepted as a person ..not necessarily a different gender . Hence the words non binary
Just a fad for them to follow to be liked and respected ..
Adults who are dysphoric still in later years ,should be helped to accept the bodies they were born in..not give them a pat on the back and awarding them for their gender conforminism
To which they will suffer a great deal of physical pain make them feel awful ..and totally regretful if they go ahead with surgery ...and cause more suicides .
Truth needs to be said day in day out .
And rather than feed their misplaced ideologies ..shut them down as ..only the truth should be recognised . The rest is an unhealthy mental illness .
How much is it down to him being a Christian .
He has crossed the line and dishonoured…….and there will be……
so he got canned for disclosure to a third party and the rest of it is noise.
Can't say that I was very impressed with how this interview ended. Your audio for Joshua was very poor at the end and you cut him off. Not good.
Sorry that Piers Morgan mistreated you.
No child or adult has the right to demand that you refer to them by pronoun . I don’t care what you call yourself. You can call yourself whatever you want. It is your mouth your words coming from your mouth .
But you cant claim words as “ owned by “ and therefore have no authority determine when those words are used? Or who can use them .
You do not own a pronoun. And neither can you require someone else use a pronoun you choose to come out of their mouth.
There’s a reason that “ free speech “ is called “ free speech “.
What the teachers Union and the school are enforcing is “ compelled speech “ . This is illegal .
God made two genders make and female, whether someone feels they are a women or visa versa and decides to have an operation is sadly their choice hopefully , but they will still be the gender they were born with , I'm a women born with woman's body parts , inside and out , I have periods ,go through menopause ,and can carry children. If I was to change gender to a man ♂️ I would never ever be able to identify as a man or visa versa because I will not be able to understand how a real biological man feels an visa versa. I think it's disgusting how the government and these gender changers are trying to impose their identities onto us and at the same time trying to irradiate Christian beliefs and identity. As a Catholic I would never be cruel to someone but I will never be forced to agree there is more identifed than male and female , and this should not be forced on our children where is our freedom of speech ,the world is gone mad
In a free society...that was yesterday love we are not there anymore unless we fight for it!
If we keep going down this track no one will enter the teaching profession
Time for people to push back with also being offended. A lot of our values come from our Christian religion in the UK. To much trying to please everyone it's not pick and mix as my pastor says. It is written! There is no Church of England anymore because they do not follow the word.
This country our home, is not the same country i remember growing up in, its so sad we should never of joined the European union, we came out and found no country, no identity, a lost people, and over run and over taken! striped to the bone of past glorys not a shread of respect for our heros or our family's sacrifices. we need to have national service 2 yrs compulsory! things would soon change ! Sorry for going off topic 🙏
You chose Brexit to get rid of EU immigrants but not thinking Indian immigrants will come in masses. The people in Britain gave lost their identity because they don't care for their parents , they kill and rob each other , they have left their Christian values . It's now become a bastardised culture and it's nobody elses fault.
I agree. Plus our politicians have no clue how to run this country now.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV, Jesus Christ is the only way.................
The thing that boils my piss to volcanic levels. If this guy had of been a Muslim talking about Mohammed, nothing would have happened to him at all.
I agree with this chap on the misgendrring nonsense, but 5 seconds of his religious twaddle was enough 😊
If I were Joshua I would emigrate to Ghana where he'd be allowed to practice as a teacher
Lol, this guy was a maths teacher at my school, got kicked out for saying Muhammed was a false prophet.
Someone should have informed that numpty that a 'child' cannot be tried as an 'adult' until they are eighteen years old.
This is disgusting
Living in days 10 times worse than the days of Noah and SODOM and GOMORRAH COMBINED.
You are clearly from the land of gammon.
He needs to be a minister not a school teacher if the intro first comments was how he speaks in general. Perhaps a teacher in a Christian only School. Banned for life is very wrong.
I agree with not using pronouns on children - until adults and fully transitioned and birth certificate changed then you are what you were born. The world accepts outside of a straight relationship, man and woman - the greater world accept that men fall in love with men and women fall in love with woman and the acceptance of this was never going to be enough for those outside of Gay and lesbian - those challenged with reality.
In God we trust, and faith in his Son our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s a shame a trained Teacher to be removed due to not using pronouns, it’s discriminatory and morally wrong. 😮😮😮😮😱😱🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇬🇧
God win win. ❤
Nice debate.
This man goes with his beliefs over the latest fads. He would have been held up as an example for children in the last century, you know when Britain won her wars and our ancestors ate beef!
If those people who think of themselves as woke or modern forward thinking, .Yesterday you saw life and people in a normal accepted manner and today you don't, suggest you're the one who is wrong think about that
He's a member of the peaceful religion of love and he hammered the religion of peace. Hypocrisy.
How did he. in Islam that kid would have been thrown of a roof.... Get a grip!
@@sutty85 Watch his Piers Morgan interview Caucy
Bell and Calvin are hypocrites. There is a stark difference in the way they treated a Muslim and the way he treated this Christian. Can't take either of them seriously.
In the US, minors do not have the same rights as adults, but I'm not sure if that's the case in the UK. If it is, then there wouldn't be a civil liberties conflict as one of the presenters stated.
It's mis-sinning to say it was just for misgendering. There were several other issues as well. He's basically got some hatred for minorities and has been projecting that onto kids in his care