Crystal clear explanation of concepts that are typically documented in an intimidating formal way. Great explanatory comment at 09.22 that natural language grammar is written using natural language.
So am I getting that right: - MOF is defined using the UML Infrastructure Library - UML is defined using MOF and the UML Infrastructure Library - The UML Infrastructure Library is defined in UML Classes? So if you can define everything in terms of classes and just go on from there?
Crystal clear explanation of concepts that are typically documented in an intimidating formal way. Great explanatory comment at 09.22 that natural language grammar is written using natural language.
Are you serious? I was thinking at that exact timestamp how completely opaque the language is. Makes this whole thing very inaccessible to new users.
much helpful. thanks a lot for such an informative session!
So am I getting that right:
- MOF is defined using the UML Infrastructure Library
- UML is defined using MOF and the UML Infrastructure Library
- The UML Infrastructure Library is defined in UML Classes?
So if you can define everything in terms of classes and just go on from there?