Miri Aslam That is alright sis but don’t forget to smile coz some people are just curious and saw tv that saying they forced to us to wear hijab, then when they see us wearing it they feel curious and surprise and etc. 😄 May Allah/Guide them and all of us to the right path
I'm 12 and I am wearing a hijab in London and it's completely ok however some people may look at u in disgust or disbelief but I ignore them and continue wearing it
I'm sorry, but in some countries women don't have a choice. I don't care if a woman wants to walk around naked or in a burka or anything in between. But i do care if they have a choice or not.
Spatr5 what does that have to do with the video? go to those countries and try to speak, why give those women who chose to wear it a hard time? what does it have to do with those countries? the problem is the government of those countries and not the hijab.....
See don't confuse culture and religion. The way a women covers isn't up to anybody but the woman, of course it should be in a modest manner but God tells us to cover our bodies for ourselves. Islam doesn't force a woman to cover.
Imenom I Prezimenom She is wearing a SCARF as a hijab... the person who originally commented wasn’t even saying anything wrong. Plus they said “brown scarf” the scarf was brown...
I did his after Christchurch for two days recently a Muslim woman who regularly wears the hijab saw me (I was very nervous about it and my blonde hair wouldn’t stop poking out) and she gave me the biggest smile and hug it was really beautiful to make her feel happy.
Same here. Ngl, until then I was very ignorant about what the hijab really meant so I wore it very loose. I remember an older lady and her husband saw me. She must have been self conscious because he said to her about me wearing one and I’ll never forget that she told him “yeah but she’s a Muslim”... I’m not sure why she thought that but I wanted to give her a big hug as I was also very self conscious about it.
@@hanns115 don’t ever be self conscious I support u and don’t care what ISLAMPHOBIC ppls say or do cuz ur so beautiful and it’s just another way to express ur self who doesn’t like that can go get a life 💖💖
@Thony kind "pedophile Muhammad" when u actually know what Islam is about, then u can talk. But for now, stfu People like u are a disgrace to the face of the Earth
I had these girls walk up to me on world hijab day and ask if I wanted to wear one with my septum ring and everything and I felt honored that they would allow me to wear it without being muslim. What was even funnier none of my friends asked or classmates asked me why I was wearing it or cared. I felt empowered when wearing it because It is a very peaceful and beautiful thing.
New Fun Sandwich you do know In west African culture most cover their heads with traditional wraps and scarfs? So no they wouldn't cause they wrapped there heads too sometimes smh don't speak on a culture u know nothing about okay.
Humanity Shared “I’m proudly Christian and we cover our hair when we go to Church” Where did you get Islam being oppressive from that? Or Islam at all? Also almost every religion has some form of head covering for women, whether in their every day life or just in their place of worship. The concept of the hijab isn’t some isolated Muslim-only thing.
@Humanity Shared the problem is with state religion, not religion. The coran, just like the Bible, is to be interpreted and not directly followed. As a French person, I consider some US ways of functioning crazy but I won't say the main religion, Christiannism, is a cult. Try and think deeper
Yes me too, I'm a Indian Muslim and I wear hijab whenever I go out.. it's totally normal around non-muslims.. just like it should be. but in many foreign countries hijab and muslims are seen with a negative point of view and some are also told not to wear it because others feel uncomfortable😑(This has happend with my cousin who lives in USA). India is not a muslim country but it's normal here.. I'm glad that hindus are more excepting than those people..
in every religion and even among people without religion its good for women to cover their beauty like we protect our jewelry. its natural, we dont have to be religious to understand the concept of women`s beauty.
It all depends on the person love. But even still, I would love trying some scarf styles on them. I may not be good with hair, but I'm good with scarves! uwu
It makes me so sad that these women have to live with these anxieties because of their religious expression, I was raised Catholic, but I would embrace wearing of the hijab and it’s beautiful meaning and stand with my Muslim sisters 💖
Not sure if someone already said it, but isn't it weird how humans make such a huge deal just because of a single scarf on the head? Even if it has a religious background, it's kinda like wearing a jacket or not wearing a jacket, there shouldn't be any difference just because of a piece of fabric
I somewhat agree with you but at the same time I don't because so much islamaphobia has spread and people learned to thing of it as something weird. When they do this, it somewhat normalizes this and shows people we can all stand together and help eachother out. It's like a campaign
Laura Engel tell that to someone who shouts out "terrorist....go back to your own country!!!" when they see someone wearing the hijab. We treat it like a normal clothing.....the non-Muslims are the ones who make a big deal out of it.
Okay but isn't the burqa ( a full body and face covering) forced in some places? Technically, being a form of oppression. Also, don't try to call out my username. It's an artistic lyric from a song.
I want to wear Hijab, Unfortunately my dad and grandma would ever let me take on any other religion besides Christianity. Sucks to be them, I converted to Islam by myself
Here in the Netherlands there was a a politician who wanted to raise taxes on hijabs. One of my non-religious male teachers wore a hijab to his classes for a whole day, just to make a statement. He is such a cool man. Everyone should be able to wear whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.
SHINeexokpop I'm also a muslim I get what you're trying to say, it's really good that the teacher tried to make a statement. I'm just saying that men don't were hijab
+Random person haha you're so uneducated where did yu hear that? No they don't, the Muslims pay something called Zakat which is basically like a tax and its a certain percentage of their wealth that they have to pay and the Christians pay jizya which is tax that they pay in order to be protected by the muslims and to exempt themselves from the military and this is usually less than what the Muslims pay
Ik heb er nooit over gehoord. Ik vindt hjab prima maar ik accepteer geen boerka of andere stuff dat iemand gezicht bedekt. En zolang niemand mij forceert vind ik t de hjab prima :P
From a catholic woman to Muslim women, you are all so beautiful. Your hijab's are beautiful. As women we need to stick together and be there for one another. ❤
A. E. all countries have rules as to what the people of that country can wear. I'm sure some tribal women would say our laws are oppressive because they require women to cover their breasts. Plus this video is set in the United States, where no woman is forced to wear a hijab, so every Muslim woman who wears a hijab chooses too. If you want to say her husband or religion forces her too, the same could be said for a husband who doesn't let his wife wear short dresses in public.
As a Muslim, I'm hurt hearing people say that I was forced to wear my hijab. I love my religion, and I love wearing my hijab. I'm from the Caribbean, and I used to get so much respect for wearing my hijab, I never knew that there were so many people who hated the way I dress until I moved to the UK, and trust me, the UK is not as bad as America. What I don't understand is why people get so upset over a choice I made. This is my life, and I should get to live it the way I choose. Why don't you say Mother Mary is wrong for covering her head? Or, why don't you tell the nuns to remove their headwear? And FYI, just because I'm a Muslim doesn't mean I'm a terrorist. In every religion, there are people who go to the extreme, so why single out mine? People form their opinion base on what is reported in the media, and then they start to judge a culture and religion that they don't know or understand base on what the internet says. I've never been to America, but I'm literally afraid to ever visit. I was offered a chance to go there with my university, but I chickened out at the last minute because I wasn't sure I'd be accepted. I wish people would just ask me why I am a Muslim, or why I'm wearing the hijab instead of assuming that I'm oppressed. I couldn't be more happy with who and what I am, and being a Muslim is a big part of my happiness. Also, for all of you who don't know, real practicing Muslim hate all those people who call themselves Muslims, but see no harm in killing. Killing in Islam is a sin, Allah says, that we did not give life so we should not take it. And for those of you who have never studied the Quran, please don't quote it. I as a Muslim can't even interpret the Quran myself, I have to get someone who is learned and well versed in the scripture to translate it for me. Another thing I'd like to add is, the Quran was revealed over 1400 of years ago, so please don't quote verses from the Quran that was written in a time when people of minority had to fight for their rights. There are lots of book in history that talks of war, and fighting for peace, I don't see people trying to ban those book, or calling those people terrorists. America was Indian territory before white men took it over, but yet they are not called terrorists, they are called founding fathers. Don't judge the majority on the actions of a few. Don't assume all women are forced to wear the hijab because of the few that are. Stop all the hate, please.
Smithpolly: If I could count the amount of time I was told that if I'm not saved by Christ I will burn in hell, I would be rich. Everybody have their own belief, I don't judge what other belief. I believe that if your heart is pure and you do good things in life then paradise is granted to you.
Vamp Girl : Of course, you judge other beliefs. Given that you say you're a Muslim, I assume, that in your judgement you won't be burned in Hell if you are "not saved by Christ".
Smithpolly: Don't put words in my mouth. I have lots of Christians friends, my best friend is Christian and I wholeheartedly respect her religion just like she respect mine. I don't believe everything that Christians believe, but some of our values are the same. So please don't "assume" anything about me. I might not be saved by Christ, but I believe that there is one god, just like Christians do. Any FYI, who am I to say whether or not I will burn in hell, I don't know what god has planned for me. So, I'm "assuming" no such thing.
Vamp Girl : I didn't say that you judged that you wouldn't burn in Hell. I said that you judged you wouldn't burn in Hell if you are "not saved by Christ". As to who are you to say whether or not you will burn in hell, you're a human being with a mind.
I must have cried seeing such supportive people. Its so beautiful my mom was smiling like an idiot and saying Masha Allah. Masha Allah and may Allah bless these beautiful sisters and everyone else 🙏🙏
Im 19, muslim, worn a hijab for years, im from United arab emirates and let me tell you: I have a drivers lisence, my mother drives, my sisters drive, they have jobs, Im currently in college, we are taught by men, we work with them, and this is how my family works we go out with friends, we go to the movies, we go out for dinner, we travel in vacations, we've seen so many places in the world we eat good food and do fun things, and I'm still trying to figure out what part of my life is the "oppression" part 🤔 no i know not all muslim women have it as good as me but im all saying is that a hijab is JUST a piece of clothe in NO way does it stand for oppression if it doesnt prevent a women from getting education and living a normal life, which yes in some cases it does were muslim men prevent women from these things but thats because they twisted their faith to that, I mean I am a hijabi and I just love life, oppressed? Nah man if anything im too spoiled 😂 p.s. This is the case with many women in the gcc (gulf cooperation council countries) go to kuwait bahrain qatar, we study we work we travel, hijabs dont oppress us
I care and as a Christian, I also defend Muslims. I lived in Atlanta for 6 years and worked at an apartment community with many Muslims from different countries and everyone I met were very kind and thoughtful people. I rented an apartment to an Iraqi family who told me that everywhere they went they were treated like their business was not wanted but I was very helpful to them. They were so grateful they brought me a $50 gift card from Macy's for going out of my way for them...was very thoughtful. I feel the people here in the US should at least try to get to know Muslims and who they really are.
They shouldn't be judged it's just a piece of fabric covering their hair what do other people want from them it's not the freaking business at all why cuz they want to see their hair people should not JUDGE
Memo Supreemo What I meant was you can actually make a judgement when someone wears an hijab.You can't do that with pants or a shirt but when you see a lady wearing hijab you know that she is a Muslim or she is forced to be.
I am glad for you, but for many women they do not have the option like you do. Many women wish to take it off but cannot. My friend was imprisoned and lashed at the age of 15 because her hair was accidentally showing. for women like you who feel fashionable and religious this is fine. But there are far too many women who suffer greatly and the hijab is like a prison. Wear your hijab, and feel happy you are free, but Maybe you could feel some sympathy for those women?
why would I have a swastika? Hitler praised Mohammed and yearned that Germans would have been able to conquer the world with Islam as its religion instead of Christianity. So... if I'm anti-Islam, I'm *obviously* not a Nazi.
1) learn the definition of 'literally', especially with an inanimate subjective object. 2) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relations_between_Nazi_Germany_and_the_Arab_world
That's amazing and I suggest you to try it. It's really freeing and if you want more information you can look up christian headcovering/ headscarf and the Bible also commands it (1. Corinthians 11)
I'm confused. I didn't think you had to be Muslim to wear a hijab. I thought it depended on culture/preference, not the religion. But honestly, a Christian girl I seriously don't get why hijabs are such an issue. It's their choice, your hijab doesn't hurt me, and you look hella cute. Leave them alone, goodness.
Well, the Qur'an says that wearing hijab is a must for a muslim women. However, wearing hijab has been becoming a choice for a long time. I myself am a muslim, but I choose not to wear any of that. All I know is that women can freely decide and choose what to wear, and I believe Allah is great. So, yeaaa, I agree with you!
there is something Polish women wear that looks almost exactly like the hijab, some types of Christianity suggest that women cover their heads, and same for some forms of Judaism. :))
L.P Orthodox Jewish women cover their heads, and some ultra religious Christians cover their head. In many Christian sects it requires women to cover their head (my family is Mormon and in some temple rites women are veiled). It's really an abrahamic religious thing
It's beautiful? They are not beautiful because nothing it beautiful about woman having to hide their hair, ears, neck and everything! Sorry but that is sexist to women and not right!
7 лет назад+29
Not when you're beheaded for not wearing one, or showered with acid, or raped. That's not people, that is Islamic law.
greenviolets1 you know nothing about hijab! There are a lot of Muslim countries other than Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia, for example: Jordan is a Muslim country in middle east..and here you find the little sister wearing hijab while the older doesn't,, or the daughter wear it and the mum doesn't. Stop judging with no background.
i don't understand some peoples hate towards the hijab and muslims... the hijab is literally beautiful and islam is such a peaceful religion. Obviously there are some extremists but that happens with every religion. You can't just blame one religion for things and not look at the pasts of other religions. (This is coming from a Christian.)
Thank you sister❤️.... I'm a Muslim my-self and we are never told to harm anyone.... In fact there are hundreds of books which are all about ways to treat you neighbour, friends, family... I always attend Islamic lectures in which we are taught about humanity, care for humanity and extra.... and I agree with you that all countries, religions have extremism.. thank you for standing up for Muslims... Assalamun- Alaikum ( peace be on you)❤️
I am a girl from turkey who wears hijab. I just wanna thank buzzfeed for such kind of nice video. I was a bit worried for people’s opinions about us abroad but this video took a load off my mind . Love u buzzfeed❤️
I'm a 12 year old who started wearing hijab in July of 2018. My BestFriend and I both started the same day. It's amazing how you can be different and unique at the same time, the glares are not even important to me. ❤
Btw, poor you girl doesn’t make sense. And also ur definitely not special coz ur just like everyone else. But that 12 year old girl is special by not listening to ignorant ppl like u.
people are so ignorant to what a hijab means to these women and women all over the world. I am not a muslim and ive never wore a hijab, but one day in winter it was cold and I didnt have a hat or a hoodie so i wraped my head in my sisters scarf to keep warm. A random lady in the bathroom told me to take it off and i kept getting weird looks from people. fthis experience made me more aware of what people go through and the prejudice in this world. I learned that no matter what religon, what ethnicity, sexual orientation, or anything that makes you different is beautiful. Hijabs are beautiful, these women are beautiful. Keep raising awareness and be strong.
this is not true.... I am an Arab(Syrian) and I had a friend of mine who is christian Arab they used to wear their crosses..... no weird staring... nothing at all
Nikki Scott My Mother wears a scarf over her head, like the women in the 60', it looks like a hijab...actually it is a hijab, but she is atheist. And in Poland where my grandparents live, many old people were scarfs, so...I don't think that just muslims were them.
My Hijab Story: So when I was 5/6, I used to go to mosque to learn how to read the Quran so, I had to wear a Hijab. Once, I left it in my coat pocket and I was at school when it was break. My whole class was playing Tig and then I found out I had a Hijab in my pocket so I took it out. I have a wild imagination 😂 and I said that it gave me speed powers and just thinking about that, it encouraged me! 😂 I forgot to take it off after break and my teacher, who was a Muslim, was like, *You weren't wearing that in the morning, weren't you..?* and I was like inside my head *AAH SO EMBARRASSING I FORGOT TO TAKE IT OFF OMG* but it turned out that the rest of the day I actually liked having it on and I LOVED it when ppl talked actually it so I wore it the next day and many days after and I got used to it! I was wearing it for about a year or two, when I was 7, I had inspired a few people to wear it too and to not be shy. They were scared people moght bully them and I was like, dont let them get you! Youre gonna slay it! Then, when I was 9, I started to wear it wrap around, the more adult way? If u know what I mean. By then I had inspired like about 7,8 ppl and I was so proud of myself! ❤ And my parents especially my dad. He always encourages me to tell ppl about things in Islam and i really cant deny. It's so much fun just telling my friends more about our religion. Now it has been years and years since I started to wear it and I'm still inspiring ppl along the way. My two friends said that they would also start to wear it and I'm just so happy and I'm also excited to see how they will look in it! I LOVE days when there's an event going on like Eid, Weddings, Parties etc because we really have a lot of fun choosing our dresses and Hijabs, Hijab Accessories and Hijab styles. IT'S AWESOME WEARING A HIJAB, I'M SO THANKFUL FOR IT!! 😀😜💖
Artsy Tasmia MashaAllah!!! I am 14 and not aloud to wear it because my mom is afraid that people will bully me. 😢 But inshallah I will wear it soon! It just might take some convincing! Lol.
It is a veiling garment for women in ancient Arab tribal societies, when women could still be captured in the war (like Safiyyah) or slaves were bought on the market or when slaves were given (like Maria the Koptin). This has lost nothing in Siberia or in a Western country of the 21st century.
I'm a muslim woman and I love wearing hijab..... I don't think I can live without it... There are many kind of headscarf you can wear.. Different styles and very fashionable too.... Please stop saying that muslim women are being oppressed because of the hijab.... It's so not true....
OoOoOooh MY god Do you know the book „god delusion“ by Richard Dawkins ? It’s really good and it shows how much war and pain the 3 world religions brought into our world.
OoOoOooh MY god that’s not the point of the Hijab. It is a religious choice that women make. They aren’t being oppressed with the hijabs but can be oppressed by people who don’t agree with their choice. And those people are the problem
I love this!!! I am in the navy and have had Islamophobic comments and even people either staring or refusing to speak or look at me when I show up in a hijab when I wear civilian clothes. I still smile and greet them because it's better to continue being polite than to call people rude and ignorant.
Cosmic lobster not just nuns/holy sisters. A few women at my Catholic Church choose to cover their hair, and at one point women were obliged to wear some sort of hat in church, for the same reason as hijabi women.
A perk of wearing hijab is that you never have messy hair days l But sometimes u have trouble finding some that match your hijabs... which is why I always wear grey
When you speak English you don’t pronounce it in Arab, this isn’t how language works. I don’t same Pepsi or Bread in chinese the way other languages say it.
I'm scared to read the comment section but here's the answers to the questions I predict are on there: 1) we don't all wear it 2) many almost most of muslim women wear it by choice 3) we don't shower with it or sleep with it 4) no we don't think of it as a symbol of oppression it's actually the opposite to us as it allows us to reclaim our body as our own 5) we don't wear it in front of family and friends (female friends) 6) it doesn't "stop us" or slow us down 7) it's NOT part of the law to wear a hijab in any arab muslim country EXCEPT saudi arabia, everywhere else they wear different outfits from revealing to full on hijab/nikab... there's a lot of diversity in the outfit choices in the middle east 8) no not all arab women wear it because many arab women are NOT muslim ... if anyone has any other genuine & not sarcastic questions about the hijab I'd love to answer them as a proud hijabi woman! :D
If someone who does not practice Islam decided to wear a hijab on a day like that, what would your reaction be? There is a girl at my school who decided to wear a hijab for a month, although she does not practice Islam, in order to gain a better perspective on the daily struggles women who chose to wear hijabs face. We do not have a huge Islamic population in my city, and there was a lot of controversy surrounding this, mostly aimed at that she should not be appropriating Islamic culture. What are your thoughts?
+Sara Jex she;s more than welcome to wear it! even if someone wasn't muslim and wanted to wear it there's no problems... it's flattering to see people try to experience our customs... hijab is for whoever wants to wear it ^_^ i'm curious as to why there was controversy?
+·3Codeine&Sprite3· ? I'm a Physical therapist, soon to be neurology specialist and lecturer at a university.. i'm getting my masters degree soon******
I came from Indonesia, where a lot of women wear hijab, and I do too, and it doesn't make any different if I don't, but when I go to the US I hated wearing hijab because I feel that people stopped seeing me as a person
It's because of society, you need to be strong and have faith with yourself living in there is too much pressure bc you need to be fit in with their culture, so my advice is don't let someone else brings you down, you need to be confident and love yourself for the way you are, i know many muslims that living in western country feeling so insecure with themselves but because of the society pressure they gave up on wearing hijab, that shows how weak you are as a person
Are you serious though... I live in Canada and haven't seen a Muslim woman not respected because of the hijab. You're lying to yourself if you think thats true ❤️ God bless...
Hijabs are so beautiful... My stepdad is muslim and I sometimes follow him to the mosque and attend service there, and of course I wear a hijab. My favourite is my black silk one, it's so soft and nice and makes me feel like a princess! I look forward to wearing it more when we go to visit family in Pakistan.
Im a muslim and let me tell you. Not all muslim wear hijab...even tho we need to but thats their opinion.. Sometimes you might see muslim dye their hair like my cousin sister... We can dye our hair but it must be the one that the color dissappear when we washed it.. Maybe you see muslim wear nail polish even if its illegal to us but we wear the ones that is peel of.. I just dont understand why is there soo much hate. My hijab dont hurt you.
okay why don't we just watch this video and take a moment for all the brave and empowering women who were stabbed by the Islamic extremists during the protests against the mandatory wearing of the veil in Iran in 1979. Those women who fought hard and lost hard will forever be in my heart and they are who I call feminists.
You have a good message, but I think Buzzfeed, Huffpost, Vox, etc crowd are so brainwashed and peer pressured that it takes literally kick in the ovaries to wake them up. I borrowed that from KGB defector and brainwashing expert *Yuri Bezmenov* (interviews found in youtube).
Those women were feminists because they fought for their right to make a choice as women, but women in America and other places who wear the hijab and face discrimination are also activists in a sense, because they are fighting for their religious freedom. Both situations are different. And yes, there are women who are forced to wear the hijab or brainwashed or whatever in America and all around the world, but I've also met many people who come from families where their mothers don't wear the hijab, or even their grandmothers, but they do. And generally when I ask them why, they say that growing up in America and seeing all the negativity surrounding their religion makes them feel a responsibility to represent their faith in a better light and to hold on to their traditions a little more.
To be honest we should distinguish between Islam as a religion and laws put by government, in Islam killing someone without just reason is like killing the whole human race. that Is a translated direct quote from Koran. Those stabbings are 100% against the directions of Islam. and also Hijab in Islam is like getting high in Christianity: against the religion but still a choice and the only punishment for it is in the afterlife.
I proud to be Muslim And I really love my Hijab 🧕 I will never tried to go outside without my Hijab I feel very uncomfortable 😣 and I am so happy today to watch those beautiful women with Hijab I love my beautiful and peaceful religion❤️😍😘
Mia CW leave her alone im scrolling through the comments to see some positive comments and when i do see good comments i look at the replys and i always can see u saying negative things🤷🏽♀️
I knooww. Me too. I just love wearing hijab. It becomes part of my self. I can't go out without it. Can live without it but I choose not too. So comfortable with it
Legit afraid to comment on this video because it's always such a sensitive topic when it comes to religion and Islam especially. The only thing I'll say is this: awareness and mutual understanding are good things, oppression and discrimination destroy communities. Although I'm a more towards atheïsm leaning agnostic person, I can still see value in this event, even though I'd never want my significant other to cover something up just because a religious book 'prescribes' it. But that's just for my personal situation, and acceptance of others and "live and let live" is something very important to me. :)
If you wore a cross that would give me goosebumps! Wonder how many Muslims would do that and would through a Muslim neighborhood and country having people think the converted and see what happens!
@Humanity Shared hahahhahah I don't know why the people who always wanna prove that islam is a violent religion take that verse... Dude chill. And read again. Do some research. That verse says to kill the non muslims where ever you see them. I agree with that. But half truth is more dangerous than a complete lie. That verse says that for the time of war. It says when u are fighting, during a war, kill them where ever you see them. And it is common sense. That is what any soldier will do in a time of war. You don't need to highlight that portion only just to put your point through. I repeat, do your research. I hope that you might have heard this verse from somewhere and misunderstood it. I hope you not trying to defame islam just because you want it. Islam is a very peaceful religion. I know if you research it by yourself you won't hate it. Lots of love. 😃
@@asmamohiuddin_4754 why should kill when you can manipulate, brainwash some gullible western women to marry? far more easier road, killing will come later once islamization`s last stage come. Yeah it is far more easier just: make islam look hot, trendy, then some gullible women who dont study.. mean really study not only ask from believers: ask ex muslims, read entire book, read history, see how islam is in actual islamic states , how muslim population vary between countries: western world and islamic states.. muslim`s mind set, culture identity, how the islam world`s popular scholars are what they promote how many followers they have
I'm a proud Christian I also want to wear a hijab because they look so beautiful and modesty. The problem is that most people will thing that I'm a Muslim and not a Christian.
As christian women technically we are suppose to cover our hair, many don't seem to know that. Hijab is just an Arabic way of saying veil/ head scarf. Christian women use to wear head scarfs the exact same way but as time went on ppl started feeling it was old fashion. Technically, following what god said we should be wearing it because that's what he intended and god doesn't change. Society tries to act like he does because we are living in a different era which makes no sense. A head scarf is a head scarf, and it can be worn in many ways. It's really not just for one religion, the Jews use to wear it the same way as well. Today society has marked it as only being an Islamic thing and has put a lot of extremely negative stereotype with it, but if ppl really stayed true to the text it was really meant for all.
saniya khan I didn't tell them not to. It was clearly just a suggestion, considering we agreed that people would mistake her as a Muslim in today's society... Maybe I took her comment the wrong way before, but it was 2 months ago! Sheesh. Anyone can wear a hijab/headscarf no matter what religion they are. I do not mind.
you know what oppression is? it is when you don't have a choice, whether you DO want to wear it or not. There are many people who are forced to wear it, as not wearing it COULD mean some form of retaliation or mistreatment, but also there are people who are forced to NOT wear it when they want to, due to the same fear of being ousted, retaliation or mistreatment. Terrorists are winning because we have these forms of discussion, because of the fear that they are inculcating on both sides of the coin. Freedom is when you can choose to wear the hijab because of your relationship with God, and not because of fear.
okay so i wasnt given a choice. my dad forced me to wear it. but now i would not take it off. parents are there to guide us. when we're young our parents tell us to do a lot of stuff and we have to do it. they know better. and i think the decision of the hijab that they made for me was the best one. although i wanted it to be a choice but i dont think i ever wouldve been able to do it on my own.
As a Catholic, it used to be custom to wear a head covering out in public. Feminists ruined that and made it sound like we were oppressed. Now I can't even wear one in my own church without getting looks.
ryanardan yeah. It's very uncommon (at least in America) for Catholic women to wear chapel veils at all now. It's still allowed based on church law, but from what I gather it's also pretty discouraged
Its true. I see a lot of girls wanting but fearing to wear a chapel veil even here, in Brazil, a country known for its catholic culture. I have started wearing my own recently, and even though I mainly attend to mass once a week, its almost difficult to do it, everyone's eyes are on you. But... for the sake of my faith and knowing that it shouldn't be seen at all badly, I ignore it. And no, we should not have fear of showing our love to God in the outside. It is worth it, since He has loved us so much more.
Today... after watching both things against Hijab and with Hijab... i realized one thing... Muslims are good, some are bad It's all on humanity... it depends on who's on who. In some places, clothing like this could indicate that women are objects for men to use. But in some places it's something to cover you up, to make you feel beautiful as a butterfly in a cocoon.... It all depends on which side of the spectrum you view it in, what sort of cultural appropriation your nation uses it, and what part of the world your living in. Its sexist when it's forced. It's ok when it's by free choice of the women with their own fashion style.... It depends on the person. Unless I'm talking about Burka?
This is so beautifully written... And it's very true too. Apparently, it's only my choice when I chose to wear 'risky' clothing, but I'm being forced if I want to cover myself.
As much as hijaab is a sign of so-called "terrorism" it is more of a sense of respect. When an islamophobic person looks at you they hate you but the others just respect you and don't look at you with any wrong intention. Really appreciate and love the job these group of girls have done.❤️
@Rosanna Brazil um no one we don't know if that's the only reason why they wear hijab bcuz they have their own Bible or a book of Islam idk bcuz I'm not Muslims and you should respect their religion bcuz they do respect us so it's not fair that you have to hate on them
Im a muslim and i feel that hijab day is really sweet. I also think that the non muslim girls have such a big heart to participate and actually want to understand muslim girls. This video is inspiring and this is a change for the good and the better.
Quality Mccrist I am not Islamic phobic , Muslims don’t deserve all the hate they get . But Islam is corrupted and yes Ik the religion look so beautiful and pure and in a way it’s .i can’t rlly explain it to u . U should look up ur own research before u convert . Don’t get me wrong Muslims are very nice and open hands . But Islam goes deeper than what ppl think
@@Sky-ip6mh you've got t completely wrong and it seems you need to look deeper into it. Your opinions but we follow different things. Your probably thinking of isis. ISIS ARE NOT MUSLIM. They are probably what makes Islam looks corrupt
Sky Scott I recommend to acc the read the Quran itself( English translation) rather than searching stuff up on google that’s not true luv. it will help u get a better understanding of Islam and that it’s acc a peaceful religion x
I'm a Muslim surgeon and i totally love my hijab, I feel confident when I am wearing it, I just being my self. Nobody, ever forced me to wear it, it's entirely my decision. Their is something about modesty which is always attracting me. Also one should never judge others just because of their appearance, religion or nationality. It's inner beauty and personality that counts, well at least for me.
Well, there are always different ways to do this 1. You can do the surgery in a room full with girls so that it will be okay to take off the hijab 2. You can replace the hijab with a surgical cap, which still covers the hair 3. Not all surgery requires sterilization, so wearing a hijab during surgery is fine. Also there are many different hijabs style that one can wear so that it won't shift
A few days ago, I saw a girl at my school with a beautiful hijab, I don't wear one, but I really wanted to know where she got it, but I didn't ask because I was scared she might think I was rude or being sarcastic
It all comes to how the conversation starts with her. Most hijabis don't mind people who ask about their headscarf out of curiosity, as long as it doesn't sound like she is harassed for her outwear. So i'd suggest to ask her nicely; perhaps start with something really polite like "i'm sorry if this might offend you,(...)". :)
A few months ago, I tried to start wearing a hijab. I am a young Catholic girl and I never thought that I could wear something like this, but I did lots of research. Doing that research, I found out that even people like me can wear a hijab and not be of the Islamic faith but of other faiths! Unfortionaly, I live in a republic state so my mom was scared for me. She let me do it for one day and it felt amazing. Suffering from anxiety and depression I never really felt beautiful, until that day. I was so incredibly happy to be wearing a hijab and I was finally happy with myself. But my mom was worried. She thought that people would look at me weird and would target me thinking that I was Muslim. At the time, I didn't care. I was happy! Then I talked with my therapist and promised that I would wait until I was older and it was safer for me to wear a hijab. I was so upset at the time but understood where they were coming from. I think that it is so sad that people just don't do research on things before jumping to conclusions about people. One day, I hope that everyone can do what makes them comfortable and not be afierd of what others will think, or be scared for thier safety.
@Humanity Shared yes it says 'to kill non-Muslims wherever you see them' that is what it says. Half what it says this verse was for when they are at war. On the battlefield. Which is common sense to attack the opposition. I'm afraid you only did half your research😂😂
Vladimir Putin Well, as a Muslim girl. I know more about Islam than you. You've got no evidence. And one thing that really bothers me is that everyone has to hate on Islam, not Christianity, not Hinduism, not any other religion but us.
Zainyy Sultan as someone who doesnt pertain to a certain religion i have no bias into my criticism of religion. others may criticize biasedly as they have a religion that doesnt agree with yours. many dominant religions today have very hateful holy books that most of the followers dont even read.
Vladimir Putin and FYI Christianity oppresses just as many people. Especially women and people of the LGBT+ community.just because a religion isn't the media villain right now, doesn't mean they aren't just as well known for oppressing those who aren't white dudes.
too many hate in comment section, as muslimah its hurt me a lot. No one force muslimah to wear hijab (at least in my country, idk about other) it's her choice. And there is nothing wrong to wear hijab.
The hijab is designed to cover women because Muslim middle east men acknowledge their own weakness to the flesh of women so instead of disciplineing them selves they oppress women. So you ahould be offended when someone trys to get you to wear a hijab, they are trying to oppress women.
Shaun White On s'est castagne sur le palier rayayay elle dit qu'elle s'appelle Keltoum mais c'est l'inverse elle s'appelle Leilô elle s'invente des vies rayayay c'est moi qu'a gagné la castagne elle a perdu cette canette allée au revoir
I think his point was that some religious wore headscarf but was not being bully or harassed but its different for muslims..some people despise us for wearing them as if just by wearing them we can actually kill people..funny isn't it
@syncmaster913b but were you really there..were you so called "aware" that they are muslim..let me ask you,if a HIJAB is sign of something dangerous can you prove it to me that there are muslim out there that really are muslim that wear hijab doing something dangerous to others. This is 21st century already, and those people that you said who are muslim living in western countries,are you sure they are muslim ??? You think all people from western countries are all muslims ?? What about your country,are all of them like you? I am pretty sure they are not all like you and i thank god for that.
@syncmaster913b AOA BROTHER! HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF SAY SOMETHING SAME ABOUT YOUR GOD?? WELL, TBH I can't and I won't, because that's not what my religion teaches me.. We are taught values, not to disrespect..BTW, before saying something as rude as these questions, first go and do some research brother. It was not our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W), but this world, who spread such information.. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY BROTHER!! YOU CAN'T JUDGE AN ENTIRE COMMUNITY, BASED ON A FEW INDIVIDUALS WHOM YOU THINK BELONG TO THAT COMMUNITY.. Islam never supports terrorism and never will... I will be waiting for your response if you got any:)
exactly go back to ur country too how about that i swear to god i bet ur like 11 so like get off the internet and go play with your toy cars or dolls or wutever u play with
And why do they need to feel like an oppressed women with a sexist hijab on? Huh?! Let her wear my cross and walk around a Muslim country please! Wouldn't even compare!
+Mia CW That's their choice. In this experiment they try to experience the life of hijabi women's in USA, where after 9/11 attack Americans started to hate all Muslims!!! So, that it can make a difference the way people judge. BTW just for your kind information letting you know people can wear cross and walk around in middle eastern countries, it's not a big deal. Everyone should have the freedom of religion.
+Mia CW But I also agree that in some of those rural areas of certain counties, people need better governor. Some of those people may turn too extreme in their majority practices
I'm a Muslim girl I was always scared to wear a hijab since we're I come from their more Christian's then Muslims and I was always scared to wear one because I didn't want to be bullied. But after this video it showed me to embrace myself and not care what people have to say. ♥️🙏🏽🧕🏽
Exactly! Your choice to wear the hijab is between you and God, don't let anyone influence it. I am wearing it since yesterday and I feel very good. If you are not ready to wear it it's okay, a hijab is to prevent the sexualizing of your body by the opposite gender. If you want to wear it now, go for it! If you want to wait a bit then that's completely okay!!! It's between you and God 🥰
@@mocro9958 Thank you so much your comment it made my day! I am gonna start wearing the hijab I just need to buy a new one that's all. Stay safe you amazing human! 🥰♥️
@@nina-pf1gw I am happy you found the confident to wear it! I also started wearing it recently (I'm 14)and I feel much more mature and responsible. I send you a lot of strength 💜💜
reason why people do feel negative is cause muslims tend to force your ways to other people, eventually take down and enslave countries under islam. that is why
We are blessed that in America, women can choose to wear whatever they like. Hijab is a wonderful expression of religious freedom and a beautiful way to express your faith in what you believe. Much love from a Wiccan who wants to see others embrace multiculturalism and learn more about others
I am a non-muslim, and am actually of Jewish descent. I did this once back in 2015 when my college had the Hijab for a Day event, and to this day it was one of the most enlightening and positive learning experiences I've ever had. I started out the day on my own, and did notice a few stares, but then later on I met with my husband, and we both took the train back home. When we got home, he said he noticed several people staring at me very hard, and a couple times he said he purposely took my hand because he wondered what someone would do if he did not display that he was with me. He thought my wearing the hijab for a day was really neat, but wondered why it was such a big deal to people. I love that my experience was not just for myself, but my husband learned a lot as well, in the position of a SO who is with someone wearing a hijab. Are there any men out there who were either dating someone or married to someone who wore a hijab in public at any point in time? What did you observe about the people around you? Did you learn anything from the experience?
I’m 14 and I’m wearing a hijab in New York and it’s fine but some people look at me in disgust or/and disbelief but I honestly just smile at them Wether they smile back or not because I wanna show people how peaceful Islam is :)
Same, those people aren’t worth ur time. Give them attitude if they really bother u plus I’m a native New Yorker and wear it so they have to chill like I’m also American just cuz I’m wear a hijab doesn’t mean I’m not
@@violettepetals9931 I actually had a friend with a hajab on. I never ask about it unless the conversation was around it. When we did have a conversation around that, I finally asked something about it and I immediately apologized justbin case if I offended her. She then told be its fine and that I just wanted to know more about it. So, at least from my experience, they actually don't mind as long as you are respectful, which of course I had in mind to be just that. I do think that hajabs are beautiful and I'm glad I asked because of anything, people asking respectful questions are truly good ones because they want to learn more about other people's cultures. I for one sure do.😊
Wow what an absolutely brainwashed repulsive thing to say to try to get women to cover themselves. It's just a piece of cloth fabric warped around her hair, neck and ears! I think our hair is more pretty then hiding it! That's why I love my hair and do different hairstyles and someone could not make me cover it! As nappy as my hair is I love!
Mia CW of course in society nowadays only people are brainwashed by the media believing anything you hear about how women are oppressed just because in Saudi they say a woman must wear it it's because it's a holy land of Muslims and many women decided to wear it there why is it that nowadays you people think it's okay to walk out with booty shorts and a bra but it's not okay to cover yourself shame on you. You people disgust me.
SkullmasterKing not at all:) as a hijabi myself I love seeing women of any color or religion with it. And Islam is a religion of acceptance, a religion that prospers in just about any culture. Anyone who pleases can wear a scarf or not wear a scarf. That's the beauty of Islam
Covering the head and being modest is adviced in every religion. Most religions ignore it because they don't have unaltered religious scrips like the muslims do. The quran has been word to word same ever since it was revealed to the prophet. And that is why it's a very obvious thing to cover your head because the quran had advised it. I'm a Muslim girl and I don't wear a hijab. I've lived in Saudi Arabia for 5 years and the only times I've covered my head was when going to Makkah, or Mosques. I don't know why or how people find negativity in dressing in a modest fashion. Unless you're a muslim woman, feeling oppressed because of hijab, then you're in no place to be complaining about it. that's all. have a nice day, you all. spread love. xx
jay shawn I'm not saying that at all. Modesty is taught in Islam and accept it or not, a woman's hair is one of her most beautiful asset. Women are adviced to protect themselves against all evils, and a man's lust is one of them. You don't have to wear the hijab if you don't want to. I don't wear it, but I definitely respect those who do because like praying, it's a part of our religion.
***** a man's hair can be beautiful too, I agree. I don't think there's any way of saying this without getting backlash, but men have a more sexual mind than women do. In Islam, men are told to lower their gaze when a woman is in front of them. Men are also adviced to dress modestly, ofcourse, but it's different from what's adviced to women. People are perverts, I agree, and which is exactly why dressing modestly will hopefully lessen the chances of someone having perverted thoughts because of you. Although, how someone dresses doesn't matter when someone is a pervert. It's impossible to discuss different religious beliefs because it never goes anywhere. Haha.
I chose to wear hijab even though my mother was hesitant because she didn’t want me to take it off. I love my hijab so much. Tbh even if I wasn’t wearing hijab or anything I just love the idea of being modest.
greenviolets1 As a muslim girl myself, that's just pure nonsense. I don't even know why ya'll try so hard to hijack a religion! If you'll hate the religion then just don't watch stuff regarding people trying out the clothing from the religion. COMMON SENSE!😑
i domt understand why people feel so negative abput muslims there regular people and there is nothing wrong about wearing a hijab i believe there beautiful peices if art
Joseph Upton Bruh Ima Muslim and all I do is sit on couch all day eating chipotle watching family guy or smtg 😂 I can't even be bothered to do my homework never mind bombing a country
Well good for you. I don't see how that speaks for anyone else. (inb4 my friends are the same) well yes they would be. You dont make friends with those types people.
Islam is not just a religion. Its a way of life. It teaches u how to live a good life. Its not just u pray and thats all. Its everything u do. From ure awake until when ure sleeping and even when ure sleeping. Islam teaches all this but sadly most Muslim just take the pray part and leave anything behind. Islam don't need us. But we need Islam❤ Islam will shine with or without us. And some Muslims themselves make Islam looks terrible. And Allah had said there will be people who use Islam to do something bad. They use Islam to make bad of it. May us being protected from them and may us really know the real Islam Peace.
I wear a hijab and whenever someone stares at me I just stare at them back until they break eye contact
You should smile at them and show them muslims are peaceful 😌
I’d roll my eyes at them.
You are so me 😂
Wolfeh Playz x No don’t do that smile at them it’s Sunnah Also prophet Muhammad pbuh said it’s charity 😄😊
Miri Aslam That is alright sis but don’t forget to smile coz some people are just curious and saw tv that saying they forced to us to wear hijab, then when they see us wearing it they feel curious and surprise and etc. 😄 May Allah/Guide them and all of us to the right path
Who else is Muslim and never heard of hijab day?😂
Gold Vlogs right here 😂
Gold Vlogs me
Gold Vlogs me😂
That's cause it's SJW propaganda.
Me 😂
Angelina Jolie: “The sun doesn’t lose its beauty when covered by the clouds. The same way your beauty doesn’t fade when being covered by Hijab"
Islam is a false religion.
Jose Carranza lmao you’re a false entity, go away
elizabeth Truth hurts you.
elizabeth ooof savage 😂👌
Amirul Haiqal Kheirul Anwar wait she said that?
I'm 12 and I am wearing a hijab in London and it's completely ok however some people may look at u in disgust or disbelief but I ignore them and continue wearing it
indoctrination is awful
I hope you grow up to use your brain. Not a brainwashed person.
Hey you. Be a real Brit and let your hair floe free, we won't let the desth cult rule UK!
You must be a "real brit" to spell flow as floe 😅😅😅😅
@@babdullah5025 Oh shoot, I did not notice that.
I am a joke to you all.
some people want to expose their bodies and some people want to cover it.
it's their own bodies, it's that simple.
I'm sorry, but in some countries women don't have a choice. I don't care if a woman wants to walk around naked or in a burka or anything in between. But i do care if they have a choice or not.
Spatr5 what does that have to do with the video?
go to those countries and try to speak, why give those women who chose to wear it a hard time?
what does it have to do with those countries? the problem is the government of those countries and not the hijab.....
Nafolchan no. Muslims wear it because we must. and I still see Muslims getting bullied by assholes but I think wearing his is not a problem...
But the vast majority of Muslim women do not *want* to cover their bodies. They are *forced* to cover their bodies by their fathers or their husbands.
See don't confuse culture and religion. The way a women covers isn't up to anybody but the woman, of course it should be in a modest manner but God tells us to cover our bodies for ourselves. Islam doesn't force a woman to cover.
The girl in the brown scarf is so sweet and looks beautiful in the hijab
its called hijab not scarf
make up brahh!
Imenom I Prezimenom
You use scarfs for hijabs
Imenom I Prezimenom She is wearing a SCARF as a hijab... the person who originally commented wasn’t even saying anything wrong. Plus they said “brown scarf” the scarf was brown...
Imenom I Prezimenom
Yes and a scarf is used
I did his after Christchurch for two days recently a Muslim woman who regularly wears the hijab saw me (I was very nervous about it and my blonde hair wouldn’t stop poking out) and she gave me the biggest smile and hug it was really beautiful to make her feel happy.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate you
Awee that's so sweer
Same here. Ngl, until then I was very ignorant about what the hijab really meant so I wore it very loose. I remember an older lady and her husband saw me. She must have been self conscious because he said to her about me wearing one and I’ll never forget that she told him “yeah but she’s a Muslim”... I’m not sure why she thought that but I wanted to give her a big hug as I was also very self conscious about it.
@@hanns115 don’t ever be self conscious I support u and don’t care what ISLAMPHOBIC ppls say or do cuz ur so beautiful and it’s just another way to express ur self who doesn’t like that can go get a life 💖💖
@@talaalharbi2877 thank you. She wasn't Islamophobic and I'm not Muslim. We were wearing them in solidarity after an event here in nz
That's amazing! I am an atheist, but I would wear a hijab to stand with my muslim sisters who deserve better!
Marina Gradac i was going through all the negative comments and i found this beautiful comment , thank u so much u made my day
Chanyeol4EVER You are welcome 💕
Thony kind Islam doesn’t enforce that, individuals make that decision.
@Thony kind "pedophile Muhammad" when u actually know what Islam is about, then u can talk. But for now, stfu
People like u are a disgrace to the face of the Earth
@@samehgharieb24 Nice Taqiyya.
I had these girls walk up to me on world hijab day and ask if I wanted to wear one with my septum ring and everything and I felt honored that they would allow me to wear it without being muslim. What was even funnier none of my friends asked or classmates asked me why I was wearing it or cared. I felt empowered when wearing it because It is a very peaceful and beautiful thing.
New Fun Sandwich you do know In west African culture most cover their heads with traditional wraps and scarfs? So no they wouldn't cause they wrapped there heads too sometimes smh don't speak on a culture u know nothing about okay.
felt honored? Would you have felt honored if it was a slave collar from Mereen?
Lexi K hijab is also Christian and Jewish
Majin Yojimbo Do you even know what a hijab is?
Cathy, are you serious? Do you think I just woke up in a barn yesterday? Do you know who Zoroaster is?
It is, untill you see the replies to these comments... Why can't we just do what we want to with our bodies without others minding our business?
Ikr, I m crying (yes I m emotional, don't judge :) )
As a Christian, I would 100% support these girls and participate.
Lots of love from a muslim girl in Germany to you, my christian sister♥️
maya_the_muffin I love your profile picture sis
@@abbiezinn3352 :)
Thank you, people like you make the world a better place without realising 💞
Its the same with me as an atheist
I am PROUDly Christian and we cover our hair when we go to church. I would totally cover my hair for Hijab day just to support other women
God bless you ❤❤❤❤
You too 😁
Humanity Shared and your source is what?
Humanity Shared “I’m proudly Christian and we cover our hair when we go to Church”
Where did you get Islam being oppressive from that? Or Islam at all? Also almost every religion has some form of head covering for women, whether in their every day life or just in their place of worship. The concept of the hijab isn’t some isolated Muslim-only thing.
@Humanity Shared the problem is with state religion, not religion. The coran, just like the Bible, is to be interpreted and not directly followed. As a French person, I consider some US ways of functioning crazy but I won't say the main religion, Christiannism, is a cult. Try and think deeper
I think hijabs are beautiful and makes your head look nice without having to do a lot with your hair.
Thank you for thinking like that😁😄😄
It is
@Humanity Shared ...
@Humanity Shared Why would you compare muslims to the KKK clans?
@Humanity Shared smh
I am a Christian woman and I've always loved the Hijabs. They look beautiful and modest ❤
Alessandra Munoz traitor
Traitor? whats wrong with covering up? nuns?
Bible says to cover up the hair. Didn't you know this mr traitor?
Alessandra Munoz yeah right
Have you ever seen a picture of Virgin Mary without her headscarf?
This whole Hijab situation is so suprising for me. I'm from India, so women wearing Hijab is completely normal here.
Jabuka Well, I reckon it's a good thing.
Yes me too, I'm a Indian Muslim and I wear hijab whenever I go out.. it's totally normal around non-muslims.. just like it should be. but in many foreign countries hijab and muslims are seen with a negative point of view and some are also told not to wear it because others feel uncomfortable😑(This has happend with my cousin who lives in USA). India is not a muslim country but it's normal here.. I'm glad that hindus are more excepting than those people..
Hijab and headscarf are not the same thing.
Because its imposed on them maybe?
in every religion and even among people without religion its good for women to cover their beauty like we protect our jewelry. its natural, we dont have to be religious to understand the concept of women`s beauty.
Me: *wants to go wrap their scarfs for them* 😩
It all depends on the person love. But even still, I would love trying some scarf styles on them. I may not be good with hair, but I'm good with scarves! uwu
@Rosely Medina I'd help if I could!
Yeah ikr
@Rosely Medina this is so easy my sis
I knowwww
What a woman chooses to wear on her head or elsewhere is not and never will be anyone's business but her own.
maybe in christian countries
Fishers Dad yes we wear it because we CHOSE TO so mind your own damn business
Stephanie Vincent wrong
Fishers Dad
Yes that's why when they go to Iraq they let their dicks out
No for you it's rare
It makes me so sad that these women have to live with these anxieties because of their religious expression, I was raised Catholic, but I would embrace wearing of the hijab and it’s beautiful meaning and stand with my Muslim sisters 💖
Navy Rosie well said!
Thanks for your kindness ❤
ALIA mohamed ❤️❤️ ☺️ ✌🏻
Same 🤗 Peace and Love, No Matter Who You Are ✌️❤️
Bet your bottom dollar they wouldn't do the same for you.
Not sure if someone already said it, but isn't it weird how humans make such a huge deal just because of a single scarf on the head? Even if it has a religious background, it's kinda like wearing a jacket or not wearing a jacket, there shouldn't be any difference just because of a piece of fabric
Laura Engel you're right thanks I thought I'm the only one who notice that☺
I somewhat agree with you but at the same time I don't because so much islamaphobia has spread and people learned to thing of it as something weird. When they do this, it somewhat normalizes this and shows people we can all stand together and help eachother out. It's like a campaign
Laura Engel tell that to someone who shouts out "terrorist....go back to your own country!!!" when they see someone wearing the hijab. We treat it like a normal clothing.....the non-Muslims are the ones who make a big deal out of it.
Sabrin Shashi Rethink your comment please
Okay but isn't the burqa ( a full body and face covering) forced in some places? Technically, being a form of oppression.
Also, don't try to call out my username. It's an artistic lyric from a song.
I want to wear Hijab, Unfortunately my dad and grandma would ever let me take on any other religion besides Christianity.
Sucks to be them, I converted to Islam by myself
masallah may allah guide you
❤️❤️❤️ You made my day! Keep it up
Asuccus bruh
Omggggg so happy for you may allah guide and protect you im so proudddddd !!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
i think maybe you should express ypur opinion more respectful
Here in the Netherlands there was a a politician who wanted to raise taxes on hijabs. One of my non-religious male teachers wore a hijab to his classes for a whole day, just to make a statement. He is such a cool man. Everyone should be able to wear whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.
Saar only women wear hijab not men.....
SHINeexokpop I'm also a muslim I get what you're trying to say, it's really good that the teacher tried to make a statement. I'm just saying that men don't were hijab
+Random person haha you're so uneducated where did yu hear that? No they don't, the Muslims pay something called Zakat which is basically like a tax and its a certain percentage of their wealth that they have to pay and the Christians pay jizya which is tax that they pay in order to be protected by the muslims and to exempt themselves from the military and this is usually less than what the Muslims pay
Ik heb er nooit over gehoord. Ik vindt hjab prima maar ik accepteer geen boerka of andere stuff dat iemand gezicht bedekt. En zolang niemand mij forceert vind ik t de hjab prima :P
wait, a MALE teacher wore HIJAB?? WHAT???
From a catholic woman to Muslim women, you are all so beautiful. Your hijab's are beautiful. As women we need to stick together and be there for one another. ❤
Alexandra Brown did you know technically Catholic nuns wear something similar to a hijab
Ruby NotMyLastName not all, but yes
Ruby NotMyLastName They are called habits
Catholic nuns *choose* to wear something similar to a hijab.
A. E. all countries have rules as to what the people of that country can wear. I'm sure some tribal women would say our laws are oppressive because they require women to cover their breasts. Plus this video is set in the United States, where no woman is forced to wear a hijab, so every Muslim woman who wears a hijab chooses too. If you want to say her husband or religion forces her too, the same could be said for a husband who doesn't let his wife wear short dresses in public.
As a Muslim, I'm hurt hearing people say that I was forced to wear my hijab. I love my religion, and I love wearing my hijab. I'm from the Caribbean, and I used to get so much respect for wearing my hijab, I never knew that there were so many people who hated the way I dress until I moved to the UK, and trust me, the UK is not as bad as America.
What I don't understand is why people get so upset over a choice I made. This is my life, and I should get to live it the way I choose. Why don't you say Mother Mary is wrong for covering her head? Or, why don't you tell the nuns to remove their headwear?
And FYI, just because I'm a Muslim doesn't mean I'm a terrorist. In every religion, there are people who go to the extreme, so why single out mine? People form their opinion base on what is reported in the media, and then they start to judge a culture and religion that they don't know or understand base on what the internet says.
I've never been to America, but I'm literally afraid to ever visit. I was offered a chance to go there with my university, but I chickened out at the last minute because I wasn't sure I'd be accepted. I wish people would just ask me why I am a Muslim, or why I'm wearing the hijab instead of assuming that I'm oppressed. I couldn't be more happy with who and what I am, and being a Muslim is a big part of my happiness.
Also, for all of you who don't know, real practicing Muslim hate all those people who call themselves Muslims, but see no harm in killing. Killing in Islam is a sin, Allah says, that we did not give life so we should not take it. And for those of you who have never studied the Quran, please don't quote it. I as a Muslim can't even interpret the Quran myself, I have to get someone who is learned and well versed in the scripture to translate it for me.
Another thing I'd like to add is, the Quran was revealed over 1400 of years ago, so please don't quote verses from the Quran that was written in a time when people of minority had to fight for their rights. There are lots of book in history that talks of war, and fighting for peace, I don't see people trying to ban those book, or calling those people terrorists. America was Indian territory before white men took it over, but yet they are not called terrorists, they are called founding fathers.
Don't judge the majority on the actions of a few. Don't assume all women are forced to wear the hijab because of the few that are. Stop all the hate, please.
Vamp Girl : So you would be against people being tortured in Hell simply for not believing in and worshipping one God?
Smithpolly: If I could count the amount of time I was told that if I'm not saved by Christ I will burn in hell, I would be rich. Everybody have their own belief, I don't judge what other belief. I believe that if your heart is pure and you do good things in life then paradise is granted to you.
Vamp Girl : Of course, you judge other beliefs. Given that you say you're a Muslim, I assume, that in your judgement you won't be burned in Hell if you are "not saved by Christ".
Smithpolly: Don't put words in my mouth. I have lots of Christians friends, my best friend is Christian and I wholeheartedly respect her religion just like she respect mine. I don't believe everything that Christians believe, but some of our values are the same. So please don't "assume" anything about me. I might not be saved by Christ, but I believe that there is one god, just like Christians do. Any FYI, who am I to say whether or not I will burn in hell, I don't know what god has planned for me. So, I'm "assuming" no such thing.
Vamp Girl : I didn't say that you judged that you wouldn't burn in Hell. I said that you judged you wouldn't burn in Hell if you are "not saved by Christ". As to who are you to say whether or not you will burn in hell, you're a human being with a mind.
I must have cried seeing such supportive people. Its so beautiful my mom was smiling like an idiot and saying Masha Allah. Masha Allah and may Allah bless these beautiful sisters and everyone else 🙏🙏
That non Muslim girl looks really pretty with a hijab
they all look really beautiful
Affan Sami omg yess😍😍
Haii DIY's cause hijab highers beauty it doesn't take it away and it makes a ones live easier
And she look really pretty without one so whats your point?! She just a pretty girl
Mia CW hun calm down. They never said she looked bad without it.
Im 19, muslim, worn a hijab for years, im from United arab emirates and let me tell you: I have a drivers lisence, my mother drives, my sisters drive, they have jobs, Im currently in college, we are taught by men, we work with them, and this is how my family works we go out with friends, we go to the movies, we go out for dinner, we travel in vacations, we've seen so many places in the world we eat good food and do fun things, and I'm still trying to figure out what part of my life is the "oppression" part 🤔 no i know not all muslim women have it as good as me but im all saying is that a hijab is JUST a piece of clothe in NO way does it stand for oppression if it doesnt prevent a women from getting education and living a normal life, which yes in some cases it does were muslim men prevent women from these things but thats because they twisted their faith to that, I mean I am a hijabi and I just love life, oppressed? Nah man if anything im too spoiled 😂 p.s. This is the case with many women in the gcc (gulf cooperation council countries) go to kuwait bahrain qatar, we study we work we travel, hijabs dont oppress us
I care and as a Christian, I also defend Muslims. I lived in Atlanta for 6 years and worked at an apartment community with many Muslims from different countries and everyone I met were very kind and thoughtful people. I rented an apartment to an Iraqi family who told me that everywhere they went they were treated like their business was not wanted but I was very helpful to them. They were so grateful they brought me a $50 gift card from Macy's for going out of my way for them...was very thoughtful. I feel the people here in the US should at least try to get to know Muslims and who they really are.
ايوه صح المسلمين مش معقدبن
Preach it girl!!
vaa aas Love this comment!!!
yay im from the UAE too
They shouldn't be judged it's just a piece of fabric covering their hair what do other people want from them it's not the freaking business at all why cuz they want to see their hair people should not JUDGE
but should be banned in stores as it can be used for robberys
Pants are just a piece of fabric.A dress is just a piece of fabric.A hijab is a piece of clothing which symbolizes an ideology.
Silent Scream ecept it can be used to hide features such as robberies and shoplifting etc
Silent Scream and a pair of pants cant
Memo Supreemo What I meant was you can actually make a judgement when someone wears an hijab.You can't do that with pants or a shirt but when you see a lady wearing hijab you know that she is a Muslim or she is forced to be.
I wanted to convert to Muslim years ago, I was really nervous but now I am going to commit. I’m so excited but nervous.
Brianna Tomlin good luck♥️
Creativity AJ Aw thank you so much
good luck hun
Amber Redd thank you💕
You don’t have to be Muslim to cover your hair. It’s a thing in basically all religions and cultures
i can't live without my hijab it's a big part of me i just love it
I am glad for you, but for many women they do not have the option like you do. Many women wish to take it off but cannot. My friend was imprisoned and lashed at the age of 15 because her hair was accidentally showing. for women like you who feel fashionable and religious this is fine. But there are far too many women who suffer greatly and the hijab is like a prison. Wear your hijab, and feel happy you are free, but Maybe you could feel some sympathy for those women?
then you are a slave.
why would I have a swastika? Hitler praised Mohammed and yearned that Germans would have been able to conquer the world with Islam as its religion instead of Christianity. So... if I'm anti-Islam, I'm *obviously* not a Nazi.
1) learn the definition of 'literally', especially with an inanimate subjective object. 2) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relations_between_Nazi_Germany_and_the_Arab_world
i love when people come together to support one another
i support you cuz ily
Dominic Ciccarelli this comments section is the complete opposite however 😂😂😂
If the hijab was not also a sign off oppression I would have supported your comment.
it's not a sign of oppression; it is a sign of modesty, preserving our beauty for our future partners.
I'm Muslim and I never heard of hijab day.
The girls look beautiful with and without a hijab.
*without hijab
I am Christian and looking into wearing a hijab I feel a conviction in my spirit for several years for not covering and being modest.
I’m a Christian and wear a hijab though for Christians it should be called a “veil”. Wear one if you feel it’s right for you :).
Yeah, I get that. Just I don't think I could handle the social judgement and questions... hope you have a great experience!
That's amazing and I suggest you to try it. It's really freeing and if you want more information you can look up christian headcovering/ headscarf and the Bible also commands it (1. Corinthians 11)
I'm confused. I didn't think you had to be Muslim to wear a hijab. I thought it depended on culture/preference, not the religion. But honestly, a Christian girl I seriously don't get why hijabs are such an issue. It's their choice, your hijab doesn't hurt me, and you look hella cute. Leave them alone, goodness.
Well, the Qur'an says that wearing hijab is a must for a muslim women. However, wearing hijab has been becoming a choice for a long time. I myself am a muslim, but I choose not to wear any of that. All I know is that women can freely decide and choose what to wear, and I believe Allah is great. So, yeaaa, I agree with you!
L.P Yes wearing a hijab is only for Muslims but there are other people who wear things that look like Muslims, such as Christian nuns
there is something Polish women wear that looks almost exactly like the hijab, some types of Christianity suggest that women cover their heads, and same for some forms of Judaism. :))
L.P Orthodox Jewish women cover their heads, and some ultra religious Christians cover their head. In many Christian sects it requires women to cover their head (my family is Mormon and in some temple rites women are veiled). It's really an abrahamic religious thing
that is incorrect. it is not a must.
Hijabs don't oppress people; people oppress people. Honestly, hijabs are so beautiful and frame womens' faces so gorgeously! ❤
It's beautiful? They are not beautiful because nothing it beautiful about woman having to hide their hair, ears, neck and everything! Sorry but that is sexist to women and not right!
Not when you're beheaded for not wearing one, or showered with acid, or raped. That's not people, that is Islamic law.
greenviolets1 you know nothing about hijab! There are a lot of Muslim countries other than Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia, for example: Jordan is a Muslim country in middle east..and here you find the little sister wearing hijab while the older doesn't,, or the daughter wear it and the mum doesn't. Stop judging with no background.
Mia CW
It's not sexist to me...
Mia CW how is it sexist?
i don't understand some peoples hate towards the hijab and muslims... the hijab is literally beautiful and islam is such a peaceful religion. Obviously there are some extremists but that happens with every religion. You can't just blame one religion for things and not look at the pasts of other religions. (This is coming from a Christian.)
also this is a beautiful video
Emilee Pyrtle Quran Chapter 4 Verse 34
Thank you sister❤️.... I'm a Muslim my-self and we are never told to harm anyone.... In fact there are hundreds of books which are all about ways to treat you neighbour, friends, family... I always attend Islamic lectures in which we are taught about humanity, care for humanity and extra.... and I agree with you that all countries, religions have extremism.. thank you for standing up for Muslims... Assalamun- Alaikum ( peace be on you)❤️
Prada310 did you vote for trump?
I am a girl from turkey who wears hijab. I just wanna thank buzzfeed for such kind of nice video. I was a bit worried for people’s opinions about us abroad but this video took a load off my mind . Love u buzzfeed❤️
I'm a 12 year old who started wearing hijab in July of 2018. My BestFriend and I both started the same day. It's amazing how you can be different and unique at the same time, the glares are not even important to me. ❤
Poor you girl.. you don’t know that’s exactly how they want you to feel when covered: special! But the reality is different
Btw, poor you girl doesn’t make sense. And also ur definitely not special coz ur just like everyone else. But that 12 year old girl is special by not listening to ignorant ppl like u.
very sad, you are a hopeless case.
Dont be brainwashed. Islam is nothing but an oppressive and barbaric regime forced to control every aspect in your life.
i started wearin hijab too i was nervous that people would hate me for it and when i went to school people conplimented me
At 3:40 the lady in green hijab is having a very lovely n smooth accent. I'm in love with it.
I know right
Seems that she is the organizer of hijab day
She's also soooo beautiful
@وردة سيرا! I fell in love with her. Hu
people are so ignorant to what a hijab means to these women and women all over the world. I am not a muslim and ive never wore a hijab, but one day in winter it was cold and I didnt have a hat or a hoodie so i wraped my head in my sisters scarf to keep warm. A random lady in the bathroom told me to take it off and i kept getting weird looks from people. fthis experience made me more aware of what people go through and the prejudice in this world. I learned that no matter what religon, what ethnicity, sexual orientation, or anything that makes you different is beautiful. Hijabs are beautiful, these women are beautiful. Keep raising awareness and be strong.
Nikki Scott thank u ♡♡♡
Nikki Scott one day I was cold so I put on a hat.
this is not true.... I am an Arab(Syrian) and I had a friend of mine who is christian Arab they used to wear their crosses..... no weird staring... nothing at all
I wish all people were like u
Nikki Scott My Mother wears a scarf over her head, like the women in the 60', it looks like a hijab...actually it is a hijab, but she is atheist. And in Poland where my grandparents live, many old people were scarfs, so...I don't think that just muslims were them.
My Hijab Story:
So when I was 5/6, I used to go to mosque to learn how to read the Quran so, I had to wear a Hijab. Once, I left it in my coat pocket and I was at school when it was break. My whole class was playing Tig and then I found out I had a Hijab in my pocket so I took it out. I have a wild imagination 😂 and I said that it gave me speed powers and just thinking about that, it encouraged me! 😂 I forgot to take it off after break and my teacher, who was a Muslim, was like, *You weren't wearing that in the morning, weren't you..?* and I was like inside my head *AAH SO EMBARRASSING I FORGOT TO TAKE IT OFF OMG* but it turned out that the rest of the day I actually liked having it on and I LOVED it when ppl talked actually it so I wore it the next day and many days after and I got used to it! I was wearing it for about a year or two, when I was 7, I had inspired a few people to wear it too and to not be shy. They were scared people moght bully them and I was like, dont let them get you! Youre gonna slay it! Then, when I was 9, I started to wear it wrap around, the more adult way? If u know what I mean. By then I had inspired like about 7,8 ppl and I was so proud of myself! ❤ And my parents especially my dad. He always encourages me to tell ppl about things in Islam and i really cant deny. It's so much fun just telling my friends more about our religion. Now it has been years and years since I started to wear it and I'm still inspiring ppl along the way. My two friends said that they would also start to wear it and I'm just so happy and I'm also excited to see how they will look in it! I LOVE days when there's an event going on like Eid, Weddings, Parties etc because we really have a lot of fun choosing our dresses and Hijabs, Hijab Accessories and Hijab styles. IT'S AWESOME WEARING A HIJAB, I'M SO THANKFUL FOR IT!! 😀😜💖
Ur honestly so adorable!
@Thony kind in case of a war.
Artsy Tasmia MashaAllah!!!
I am 14 and not aloud to wear it because my mom is afraid that people will bully me. 😢
But inshallah I will wear it soon! It just might take some convincing! Lol.
It is a veiling garment for women in ancient Arab tribal societies, when women could still be captured in the war (like Safiyyah) or slaves were bought on the market or when slaves were given (like Maria the Koptin).
This has lost nothing in Siberia or in a Western country of the 21st century.
I'm a muslim woman and I love wearing hijab..... I don't think I can live without it... There are many kind of headscarf you can wear.. Different styles and very fashionable too.... Please stop saying that muslim women are being oppressed because of the hijab.... It's so not true....
Atin Carey I saw a girl wearing a hat over hers , she looked very pretty with the hijab and the hat to top it off
OoOoOooh MY god Do you know the book „god delusion“ by Richard Dawkins ?
It’s really good and it shows how much war and pain the 3 world religions brought into our world.
why can't we all just have our own beliefs, respect that, and move on with our lives while living with each other peacefully
OoOoOooh MY god that’s not the point of the Hijab. It is a religious choice that women make. They aren’t being oppressed with the hijabs but can be oppressed by people who don’t agree with their choice. And those people are the problem
Haley Breslin Not in some Muslim countries. Some women will get murdered for not wearing a hijab
the girl in the brown peach hijab she looks pretty with it and without it she shouldn't worry about the ppl who give her drifts be happy of who u r
I don't know why but I think women wearing hijabs are some of the most beautiful women... 😂❤
IceSquatch. com that is true Islam is the most beautiful religion in the whole entire world and wearing hijab is absolutely amazing
IceSquatch. com Thank you!
RiddiKawaaiiPatato Oranges kimtaepossessedllama ARMY xDD
yayyyyyy xD
I love this!!! I am in the navy and have had Islamophobic comments and even people either staring or refusing to speak or look at me when I show up in a hijab when I wear civilian clothes. I still smile and greet them because it's better to continue being polite than to call people rude and ignorant.
tonntonns you are strong 💪 I would’ve started crying .
I'm Catholic and we don't wear Hijabs but I actually think they're very nice because it makes you focus on their true beauty
Polka Dot Mouse oh yeah 😂 I never thought of that! Smart thinking
Megan McCann God bless you and Keep You safe.. Megan
Cosmic lobster not just nuns/holy sisters. A few women at my Catholic Church choose to cover their hair, and at one point women were obliged to wear some sort of hat in church, for the same reason as hijabi women.
Megan McCann
You're a catholic cool
Try wearing a cross in a muslim country.
All the best. Peace
So your hair, ears, and neck that you were born with is not your "true beauty".
2:08 she looks stunning I'm speechless
allah does not exist
And jesus is NOT a god and he didn't even say that!!! Lmao
@@JohnDavid-vh3rn keep your belief to yourself , we believe Allah is there
@@JohnDavid-vh3rn your opinion doesn't exist either ;)
John David stfu , no one cares what u think, alright ??
It really makes me happy to see how many people support us Muslims on wearing hijabs. From the bottom of my heart,
Thank you ♥️
A perk of wearing hijab is that you never have messy hair days l
But sometimes u have trouble finding some that match your hijabs... which is why I always wear grey
But you have bad hijab days 😂
Unzile Korkmaz OMG yessss...
Who cares the meaning is still there
When you speak English you don’t pronounce it in Arab, this isn’t how language works. I don’t same Pepsi or Bread in chinese the way other languages say it.
Sorry mate its. Muss-lim
Well not with the too "o" juste one like not mooo but like mo
I'm scared to read the comment section but here's the answers to the questions I predict are on there:
1) we don't all wear it
2) many almost most of muslim women wear it by choice
3) we don't shower with it or sleep with it
4) no we don't think of it as a symbol of oppression it's actually the opposite to us as it allows us to reclaim our body as our own
5) we don't wear it in front of family and friends (female friends)
6) it doesn't "stop us" or slow us down
7) it's NOT part of the law to wear a hijab in any arab muslim country EXCEPT saudi arabia, everywhere else they wear different outfits from revealing to full on hijab/nikab... there's a lot of diversity in the outfit choices in the middle east
8) no not all arab women wear it because many arab women are NOT muslim
... if anyone has any other genuine & not sarcastic questions about the hijab I'd love to answer them as a proud hijabi woman! :D
+GoldhidherZ wow i feel sorry for you, must be terrible to have that much hatred in your heart.
5) we don't wear it*.... :)
If someone who does not practice Islam decided to wear a hijab on a day like that, what would your reaction be? There is a girl at my school who decided to wear a hijab for a month, although she does not practice Islam, in order to gain a better perspective on the daily struggles women who chose to wear hijabs face. We do not have a huge Islamic population in my city, and there was a lot of controversy surrounding this, mostly aimed at that she should not be appropriating Islamic culture. What are your thoughts?
+Sara Jex she;s more than welcome to wear it! even if someone wasn't muslim and wanted to wear it there's no problems... it's flattering to see people try to experience our customs... hijab is for whoever wants to wear it ^_^ i'm curious as to why there was controversy?
+·3Codeine&Sprite3· ? I'm a Physical therapist, soon to be neurology specialist and lecturer at a university.. i'm getting my masters degree soon******
I came from Indonesia, where a lot of women wear hijab, and I do too, and it doesn't make any different if I don't, but when I go to the US I hated wearing hijab because I feel that people stopped seeing me as a person
Muslim men don't see you as a person ;)
Leo are you a muslim men?
what is the indonesian name for arabi dresses including hejabs
It's because of society, you need to be strong and have faith with yourself living in there is too much pressure bc you need to be fit in with their culture, so my advice is don't let someone else brings you down, you need to be confident and love yourself for the way you are, i know many muslims that living in western country feeling so insecure with themselves but because of the society pressure they gave up on wearing hijab, that shows how weak you are as a person
Are you serious though... I live in Canada and haven't seen a Muslim woman not respected because of the hijab. You're lying to yourself if you think thats true ❤️ God bless...
Hijabs are so beautiful... My stepdad is muslim and I sometimes follow him to the mosque and attend service there, and of course I wear a hijab. My favourite is my black silk one, it's so soft and nice and makes me feel like a princess!
I look forward to wearing it more when we go to visit family in Pakistan.
We have like two girls in our school who wear a hijab and no one gives a sh^t
that's cool
Thats awesome and army fighting❤✊🏻
Suga's little PINK Mochi CHIM CHIM
Suga's little PINK Mochi CHIM CHIM
Suga's little PINK Mochi CHIM CHIM
Im a muslim and let me tell you. Not all muslim wear hijab...even tho we need to but thats their opinion.. Sometimes you might see muslim dye their hair like my cousin sister... We can dye our hair but it must be the one that the color dissappear when we washed it.. Maybe you see muslim wear nail polish even if its illegal to us but we wear the ones that is peel of.. I just dont understand why is there soo much hate.
My hijab dont hurt you.
people love to hate...
okay why don't we just watch this video and take a moment for all the brave and empowering women who were stabbed by the Islamic extremists during the protests against the mandatory wearing of the veil in Iran in 1979. Those women who fought hard and lost hard will forever be in my heart and they are who I call feminists.
You have a good message, but I think Buzzfeed, Huffpost, Vox, etc crowd are so brainwashed and peer pressured that it takes literally kick in the ovaries to wake them up. I borrowed that from KGB defector and brainwashing expert *Yuri Bezmenov* (interviews found in youtube).
Those women were feminists because they fought for their right to make a choice as women, but women in America and other places who wear the hijab and face discrimination are also activists in a sense, because they are fighting for their religious freedom. Both situations are different. And yes, there are women who are forced to wear the hijab or brainwashed or whatever in America and all around the world, but I've also met many people who come from families where their mothers don't wear the hijab, or even their grandmothers, but they do. And generally when I ask them why, they say that growing up in America and seeing all the negativity surrounding their religion makes them feel a responsibility to represent their faith in a better light and to hold on to their traditions a little more.
To be honest we should distinguish between Islam as a religion and laws put by government, in Islam killing someone without just reason is like killing the whole human race. that Is a translated direct quote from Koran.
Those stabbings are 100% against the directions of Islam.
and also Hijab in Islam is like getting high in Christianity: against the religion but still a choice and the only punishment for it is in the afterlife.
and what does this have to do with women who choose to wear hijab ?
Abigail Trumbo yup!
I’ve always wanted to wear a hijab but I’ve never wanted to offend people that wear them, I find them so beautiful
Why though
It's okay dear,, anyone can wear hijab,, it won't offend other people who wears it ❤️
U have choice girls like me are forced to wear it
I proud to be Muslim
And I really love my Hijab 🧕 I will never tried to go outside without my Hijab I feel very uncomfortable 😣 and I am so happy today to watch those beautiful women with Hijab
I love my beautiful and peaceful religion❤️😍😘
hunny your sexy neck is showing!
Mia CW leave her alone im scrolling through the comments to see some positive comments and when i do see good comments i look at the replys and i always can see u saying negative things🤷🏽♀️
I'm Muslim too. I know how you feel
I knooww. Me too. I just love wearing hijab. It becomes part of my self. I can't go out without it. Can live without it but I choose not too. So comfortable with it
Syafira Nasution it gives me confidence. Like I can get through everything. And in the winter my ears are so warm 😂
Legit afraid to comment on this video because it's always such a sensitive topic when it comes to religion and Islam especially. The only thing I'll say is this: awareness and mutual understanding are good things, oppression and discrimination destroy communities. Although I'm a more towards atheïsm leaning agnostic person, I can still see value in this event, even though I'd never want my significant other to cover something up just because a religious book 'prescribes' it. But that's just for my personal situation, and acceptance of others and "live and let live" is something very important to me. :)
well said, a lot of people only like to hate
respect is the key 👍
totally agree with this pov
idk why but i feel goosebumps when i watched this video. i feel so proud wearing a hijab. hope my country will have this hijab day too!☺
monnie but your a guy
Elbo Pucket i'm a girl lmao its just my profile pic
monnie k
So you get goosebumps people wearing for the wrong reasons like a video and not really for religious reasons ok then!
If you wore a cross that would give me goosebumps! Wonder how many Muslims would do that and would through a Muslim neighborhood and country having people think the converted and see what happens!
Am i the only one who thinks they all look prettier in hijab?? Masha Allah 😍😍♥️♥️
@Humanity Shared hahahhahah I don't know why the people who always wanna prove that islam is a violent religion take that verse... Dude chill. And read again. Do some research. That verse says to kill the non muslims where ever you see them. I agree with that. But half truth is more dangerous than a complete lie. That verse says that for the time of war. It says when u are fighting, during a war, kill them where ever you see them. And it is common sense. That is what any soldier will do in a time of war. You don't need to highlight that portion only just to put your point through. I repeat, do your research. I hope that you might have heard this verse from somewhere and misunderstood it. I hope you not trying to defame islam just because you want it. Islam is a very peaceful religion. I know if you research it by yourself you won't hate it. Lots of love. 😃
@faimzan21 keep your opinions to yourself
@Spanish islam aint a parasite! its a religion!
go and learn english u fool!
why should kill when you can manipulate, brainwash some gullible western women to marry? far more easier road, killing will come later once islamization`s last stage come.
Yeah it is far more easier just:
make islam look hot, trendy, then some gullible women who dont study.. mean really study not only ask from believers:
ask ex muslims, read entire book, read history, see how islam is in actual islamic states , how muslim population vary between countries: western world and islamic states.. muslim`s mind set, culture identity, how the islam world`s popular scholars are what they promote how many followers they have
I'm a proud Christian I also want to wear a hijab because they look so beautiful and modesty.
The problem is that most people will thing that I'm a Muslim and not a Christian.
Exactly, so just don't wear one if you don't want to be mistaken as a Muslim.
As christian women technically we are suppose to cover our hair, many don't seem to know that. Hijab is just an Arabic way of saying veil/ head scarf. Christian women use to wear head scarfs the exact same way but as time went on ppl started feeling it was old fashion. Technically, following what god said we should be wearing it because that's what he intended and god doesn't change. Society tries to act like he does because we are living in a different era which makes no sense. A head scarf is a head scarf, and it can be worn in many ways. It's really not just for one religion, the Jews use to wear it the same way as well. Today society has marked it as only being an Islamic thing and has put a lot of extremely negative stereotype with it, but if ppl really stayed true to the text it was really meant for all.
+leaaaaah78890 Yeah it's true. And I agree 100%.
Anjali anyone can wear a hijab and if a christian wants to wear one do not ask them not to
saniya khan I didn't tell them not to. It was clearly just a suggestion, considering we agreed that people would mistake her as a Muslim in today's society... Maybe I took her comment the wrong way before, but it was 2 months ago! Sheesh. Anyone can wear a hijab/headscarf no matter what religion they are. I do not mind.
you know what oppression is? it is when you don't have a choice, whether you DO want to wear it or not. There are many people who are forced to wear it, as not wearing it COULD mean some form of retaliation or mistreatment, but also there are people who are forced to NOT wear it when they want to, due to the same fear of being ousted, retaliation or mistreatment. Terrorists are winning because we have these forms of discussion, because of the fear that they are inculcating on both sides of the coin. Freedom is when you can choose to wear the hijab because of your relationship with God, and not because of fear.
thanks a lot
okay so i wasnt given a choice. my dad forced me to wear it. but now i would not take it off. parents are there to guide us. when we're young our parents tell us to do a lot of stuff and we have to do it. they know better. and i think the decision of the hijab that they made for me was the best one. although i wanted it to be a choice but i dont think i ever wouldve been able to do it on my own.
Sumaiya Israfil youre right. to us dark people meaning mexicans and blacks, a terrorist to us is a white man with a badge
Totally believe every word that she just said.
That's influence. Not oppression.
As a Catholic, it used to be custom to wear a head covering out in public. Feminists ruined that and made it sound like we were oppressed. Now I can't even wear one in my own church without getting looks.
yeah, and now some feminists support hijab as empowering lol
Wow, not even in your church? that's sad
ryanardan yeah. It's very uncommon (at least in America) for Catholic women to wear chapel veils at all now. It's still allowed based on church law, but from what I gather it's also pretty discouraged
Its true. I see a lot of girls wanting but fearing to wear a chapel veil even here, in Brazil, a country known for its catholic culture. I have started wearing my own recently, and even though I mainly attend to mass once a week, its almost difficult to do it, everyone's eyes are on you. But... for the sake of my faith and knowing that it shouldn't be seen at all badly, I ignore it. And no, we should not have fear of showing our love to God in the outside. It is worth it, since He has loved us so much more.
Hate comments :
FlamingOre Muhammed fadi Actually it’s important to show no hair or skin. So I give a f..🤨
@@Caca-et1by But they aren't Muslim! It's the thought that counts!
Celestial Venus I thought you meant the Muslim ones
FlamingOre Muhammed fadi
Okay u r obviously not Muslim
It’s ok I’ll u off this time
Today... after watching both things against Hijab and with Hijab... i realized one thing...
Muslims are good, some are bad
It's all on humanity... it depends on who's on who.
In some places, clothing like this could indicate that women are objects for men to use.
But in some places it's something to cover you up, to make you feel beautiful as a butterfly in a cocoon....
It all depends on which side of the spectrum you view it in, what sort of cultural appropriation your nation uses it, and what part of the world your living in.
Its sexist when it's forced.
It's ok when it's by free choice of the women with their own fashion style....
It depends on the person.
Unless I'm talking about Burka?
This is so beautifully written... And it's very true too. Apparently, it's only my choice when I chose to wear 'risky' clothing, but I'm being forced if I want to cover myself.
Zainab omg, I’ve been trying to find another Zainab in the comments for 20 mins. My names Zainab too hiiii
How does the kool-aid taste? Seems like you are quite the connoisseur.
@@Zai-w4o Hi!!
@@Zai-w4o omg I'm zainab too omg
As much as hijaab is a sign of so-called "terrorism" it is more of a sense of respect. When an islamophobic person looks at you they hate you but the others just respect you and don't look at you with any wrong intention. Really appreciate and love the job these group of girls have done.❤️
Islamophobia: phobia of islam, not muslims
@@gautam_505 "every woman needs hijab" can I know why??????
@Rosanna Brazil um no one we don't know if that's the only reason why they wear hijab bcuz they have their own Bible or a book of Islam idk bcuz I'm not Muslims and you should respect their religion bcuz they do respect us so it's not fair that you have to hate on them
Im a muslim and i feel that hijab day is really sweet. I also think that the non muslim girls have such a big heart to participate and actually want to understand muslim girls. This video is inspiring and this is a change for the good and the better.
this makes me want to finish converting : )
Quality Mccrist I am not Islamic phobic , Muslims don’t deserve all the hate they get . But Islam is corrupted and yes Ik the religion look so beautiful and pure and in a way it’s .i can’t rlly explain it to u . U should look up ur own research before u convert . Don’t get me wrong Muslims are very nice and open hands . But Islam goes deeper than what ppl think
@@Sky-ip6mh you've got t completely wrong and it seems you need to look deeper into it.
Your opinions but we follow different things.
Your probably thinking of isis.
They are probably what makes Islam looks corrupt
Sky Scott I recommend to acc the read the Quran itself( English translation) rather than searching stuff up on google that’s not true luv. it will help u get a better understanding of Islam and that it’s acc a peaceful religion x
@@Sky-ip6mh this is a very wrong idea of the Islam
Your picture is my reaction to your comment.
Uh oh a lot of people are going to hold negative views on this video
Albin Lundholm ohh get some life they don't tolerate you
Atleast we arent rioting in newyork and destroying innocent peoples' livelihood
+Ram Mundhe What
+Bryan Estep Who's doing that?
Bryan Estep yes because apparently when someone does something it is associated with everyone else who has the same beliefs
I'm a Muslim surgeon and i totally love my hijab, I feel confident when I am wearing it, I just being my self. Nobody, ever forced me to wear it, it's entirely my decision. Their is something about modesty which is always attracting me. Also one should never judge others just because of their appearance, religion or nationality. It's inner beauty and personality that counts, well at least for me.
Aisha Ahmed yasss girl 🙌🏼🙌🏼I'm a hijabi pursing to be a surgeon as well!
Wait, you have to wear it all the time? How can you do surgeries when you're not allowed to wear it in the OR?
Well, there are always different ways to do this
1. You can do the surgery in a room full with girls so that it will be okay to take off the hijab
2. You can replace the hijab with a surgical cap, which still covers the hair
3. Not all surgery requires sterilization, so wearing a hijab during surgery is fine. Also there are many different hijabs style that one can wear so that it won't shift
Aisha Ahmed love that comment!😃
انت عربية
A few days ago, I saw a girl at my school with a beautiful hijab, I don't wear one, but I really wanted to know where she got it, but I didn't ask because I was scared she might think I was rude or being sarcastic
Mrs Cookie no. she will gladly tell you about it ;) bcs im a muslim too
Mrs Cookie no. she will gladly tell you about it ;) bcs im a muslim too
Mai sarah Thank you very much, I will ask her the next time I see her :)
It all comes to how the conversation starts with her. Most hijabis don't mind people who ask about their headscarf out of curiosity, as long as it doesn't sound like she is harassed for her outwear. So i'd suggest to ask her nicely; perhaps start with something really polite like "i'm sorry if this might offend you,(...)". :)
Mrs Cookie this girl in my school always wears a grey one but she wraps it so nicely.
A few months ago, I tried to start wearing a hijab. I am a young Catholic girl and I never thought that I could wear something like this, but I did lots of research. Doing that research, I found out that even people like me can wear a hijab and not be of the Islamic faith but of other faiths! Unfortionaly, I live in a republic state so my mom was scared for me. She let me do it for one day and it felt amazing. Suffering from anxiety and depression I never really felt beautiful, until that day. I was so incredibly happy to be wearing a hijab and I was finally happy with myself. But my mom was worried. She thought that people would look at me weird and would target me thinking that I was Muslim. At the time, I didn't care. I was happy! Then I talked with my therapist and promised that I would wait until I was older and it was safer for me to wear a hijab. I was so upset at the time but understood where they were coming from. I think that it is so sad that people just don't do research on things before jumping to conclusions about people. One day, I hope that everyone can do what makes them comfortable and not be afierd of what others will think, or be scared for thier safety.
I love this!! I want to wear one too :)
This video made me so happy. Muslim or not, peace to you all ❤
@Humanity Shared where did you find this nonsense?
It's not true, you are only spreading lies about something that doesn't concern you. . .
@Humanity Shared yes it says 'to kill non-Muslims wherever you see them' that is what it says. Half what it says this verse was for when they are at war. On the battlefield. Which is common sense to attack the opposition. I'm afraid you only did half your research😂😂
Whats with the negativity in the comment section? Can't you just respect ones belief . What did they ever do to you that it bothers you so much?
Vladimir Putin Well, as a Muslim girl. I know more about Islam than you. You've got no evidence. And one thing that really bothers me is that everyone has to hate on Islam, not Christianity, not Hinduism, not any other religion but us.
Zainyy Sultan as someone who doesnt pertain to a certain religion i have no bias into my criticism of religion. others may criticize biasedly as they have a religion that doesnt agree with yours. many dominant religions today have very hateful holy books that most of the followers dont even read.
Applepie Slayerz if you lived in a Muslim majority country then you'll understand why people dislike this the hijab is oppression.
Vladimir Putin guess you've never heard of the crusades, eh?
Vladimir Putin and FYI Christianity oppresses just as many people. Especially women and people of the LGBT+ community.just because a religion isn't the media villain right now, doesn't mean they aren't just as well known for oppressing those who aren't white dudes.
too many hate in comment section, as muslimah its hurt me a lot. No one force muslimah to wear hijab (at least in my country, idk about other) it's her choice. And there is nothing wrong to wear hijab.
The hijab is designed to cover women because Muslim middle east men acknowledge their own weakness to the flesh of women so instead of disciplineing them selves they oppress women. So you ahould be offended when someone trys to get you to wear a hijab, they are trying to oppress women.
Nun Sarah orng indo?
Shaun White On s'est castagne sur le palier rayayay elle dit qu'elle s'appelle Keltoum mais c'est l'inverse elle s'appelle Leilô elle s'invente des vies rayayay c'est moi qu'a gagné la castagne elle a perdu cette canette allée au revoir
Ma Had Wsh y a des français bonjours les gens
Mother of Jesus, Mother Teresa and nuns always wearing hijab..
@ali ikhsan
You can’t compare it.. These ladies aren’t at all representing a dangerous religion..
I think his point was that some religious wore headscarf but was not being bully or harassed but its different for muslims..some people despise us for wearing them as if just by wearing them we can actually kill people..funny isn't it
@syncmaster913b but were you really there..were you so called "aware" that they are muslim..let me ask you,if a HIJAB is sign of something dangerous can you prove it to me that there are muslim out there that really are muslim that wear hijab doing something dangerous to others. This is 21st century already, and those people that you said who are muslim living in western countries,are you sure they are muslim ??? You think all people from western countries are all muslims ?? What about your country,are all of them like you? I am pretty sure they are not all like you and i thank god for that.
@syncmaster913b AOA BROTHER! HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF SAY SOMETHING SAME ABOUT YOUR GOD?? WELL, TBH I can't and I won't, because that's not what my religion teaches me.. We are taught values, not to disrespect..BTW, before saying something as rude as these questions, first go and do some research brother. It was not our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W), but this world, who spread such information..
I will be waiting for your response if you got any:)
@@CoolPixie Thank God there are still some open-minded people alive in this world. Thank you:)
I bet so many people just disliked this video without even watching --- 🙄🙃
xo.warisa.xo Wallahi 😂👏😏
Go back to your country
Amber Moe
Slammmmm 😂👏
exactly go back to ur country too how about that i swear to god i bet ur like 11 so like get off the internet and go play with your toy cars or dolls or wutever u play with
The reason- Buzzfeed
At least the women's who tried to wear hijab on and walk, will understand the feelings of those who's daily clothing is that.
And why do they need to feel like an oppressed women with a sexist hijab on? Huh?! Let her wear my cross and walk around a Muslim country please! Wouldn't even compare!
+Mia CW
That's their choice. In this experiment they try to experience the life of hijabi women's in USA, where after 9/11 attack Americans started to hate all Muslims!!! So, that it can make a difference the way people judge. BTW just for your kind information letting you know people can wear cross and walk around in middle eastern countries, it's not a big deal. Everyone should have the freedom of religion.
+Mia CW
But I also agree that in some of those rural areas of certain counties, people need better governor. Some of those people may turn too extreme in their majority practices
I'm a Muslim girl I was always scared to wear a hijab since we're I come from their more Christian's then Muslims and I was always scared to wear one because I didn't want to be bullied. But after this video it showed me to embrace myself and not care what people have to say. ♥️🙏🏽🧕🏽
Your choice to wear the hijab is between you and God, don't let anyone influence it.
I am wearing it since yesterday and I feel very good.
If you are not ready to wear it it's okay, a hijab is to prevent the sexualizing of your body by the opposite gender.
If you want to wear it now, go for it!
If you want to wait a bit then that's completely okay!!!
It's between you and God 🥰
@@mocro9958 Thank you so much your comment it made my day! I am gonna start wearing the hijab I just need to buy a new one that's all. Stay safe you amazing human! 🥰♥️
@@nina-pf1gw I am happy you found the confident to wear it!
I also started wearing it recently
(I'm 14)and I feel much more mature and responsible.
I send you a lot of strength 💜💜
Where are you from girl ?
reason why people do feel negative is cause muslims tend to force your ways to other people, eventually take down and enslave countries under islam.
that is why
We are blessed that in America, women can choose to wear whatever they like. Hijab is a wonderful expression of religious freedom and a beautiful way to express your faith in what you believe. Much love from a Wiccan who wants to see others embrace multiculturalism and learn more about others
I’ve lived in the Middle East all my life ..
I’ve never
Heard of Hijab day 🤔
Niamhy Wonder because there is no struggle to wear hijab in middle east and southeast asia
Every day is a hijab day here.
I am Muslim and never heard of it
I've never heard of hijab day either 😕
SAME iam egyptian
I saw this and now I wanna wear one. You guys are very inspiring and beautiful❤️
leslie wow
try it! 😁
try it and seeing ur profile are u an exol?
leslie cultural appropriation
assuming that youre not muslim, this is so fucked up
I am a non-muslim, and am actually of Jewish descent. I did this once back in 2015 when my college had the Hijab for a Day event, and to this day it was one of the most enlightening and positive learning experiences I've ever had. I started out the day on my own, and did notice a few stares, but then later on I met with my husband, and we both took the train back home. When we got home, he said he noticed several people staring at me very hard, and a couple times he said he purposely took my hand because he wondered what someone would do if he did not display that he was with me. He thought my wearing the hijab for a day was really neat, but wondered why it was such a big deal to people. I love that my experience was not just for myself, but my husband learned a lot as well, in the position of a SO who is with someone wearing a hijab. Are there any men out there who were either dating someone or married to someone who wore a hijab in public at any point in time? What did you observe about the people around you? Did you learn anything from the experience?
omg they look so pretty with a hijab 💖
@Humanity Shared source?
@Humanity Shared have you tried that?
1:10 no girl it doesnt offensive when you ask us about our hijab.go ahead,ask.its a lovely subject 😊
I’m 14 and I’m wearing a hijab in New York and it’s fine but some people look at me in disgust or/and disbelief but I honestly just smile at them Wether they smile back or not because I wanna show people how peaceful Islam is :)
Same, those people aren’t worth ur time. Give them attitude if they really bother u plus I’m a native New Yorker and wear it so they have to chill like I’m also American just cuz I’m wear a hijab doesn’t mean I’m not
they look so beautiful with hijab. 👍 for their support
Angelo Stevens yes they do
you are not a subhuman vile brother. dont listen to the ones who tell u so.
I'm a Muslim i wear hijab occasionally but this inspires me to wear it everyday... now I'm looking for hijab tutorials hehe
"I'm afraid they would be offended if I ask why they wears hijab" I don't think Muslim women would be offended by that question
lots of people actually think that, for some reason . i'm always happy with those who have the courage to ask, out of genuine curiosity
@@violettepetals9931 I actually had a friend with a hajab on. I never ask about it unless the conversation was around it. When we did have a conversation around that, I finally asked something about it and I immediately apologized justbin case if I offended her. She then told be its fine and that I just wanted to know more about it. So, at least from my experience, they actually don't mind as long as you are respectful, which of course I had in mind to be just that. I do think that hajabs are beautiful and I'm glad I asked because of anything, people asking respectful questions are truly good ones because they want to learn more about other people's cultures. I for one sure do.😊
She looks even more prety with the hijjab
Wow what an absolutely brainwashed repulsive thing to say to try to get women to cover themselves. It's just a piece of cloth fabric warped around her hair, neck and ears! I think our hair is more pretty then hiding it! That's why I love my hair and do different hairstyles and someone could not make me cover it! As nappy as my hair is I love!
Mia CW thats not wat the hijabs for its so that men dont take a women for how she looks but how she is on the inside
Mia CW of course in society nowadays only people are brainwashed by the media believing anything you hear about how women are oppressed just because in Saudi they say a woman must wear it it's because it's a holy land of Muslims and many women decided to wear it there why is it that nowadays you people think it's okay to walk out with booty shorts and a bra but it's not okay to cover yourself shame on you. You people disgust me.
thakkumikku You're right but you have to respect the people decisions even if people want to cover their hair as well.
This is amazing
Bad hair day today no fear hijabs here 🧕
And they look beautiful
Bethany Newland yeah a symbol of oppression cause without it women are lustful and targets of men
America excuse me?! Some women are lustful but just because they are doesn’t mean they are a hoe wtf.
Itz Nuhii I mean girls that don’t wear hijab are not hoes or lustful. Idk what you mean “you don’t understand”
I'm totally fine with people wearing the hijab as long as it's their choice to do so!
is it considered culture appropriation to wear a hijab if you are not apart of the culture/religion? just curious
No you can wear it if u want to
SkullmasterKing not at all:) as a hijabi myself I love seeing women of any color or religion with it. And Islam is a religion of acceptance, a religion that prospers in just about any culture. Anyone who pleases can wear a scarf or not wear a scarf. That's the beauty of Islam
Okay! :) thank you for informing me! I just want to make sure that I don't make anyone uncomfortable or offend them.
SkullmasterKing you will not offend anyone dont worry :) pick out a scarf of your favouraite colour/pattern and rock it. good luck sweetheart! :)x
It's tottaly okay! Bcs actually covering one's head is not only practiced in islam but in lther religions too :)
Great experience i'm happy for you girls! I'm muslim..
Me too!
Me too
Heydalal1 I am too
Me too
Covering the head and being modest is adviced in every religion. Most religions ignore it because they don't have unaltered religious scrips like the muslims do. The quran has been word to word same ever since it was revealed to the prophet. And that is why it's a very obvious thing to cover your head because the quran had advised it.
I'm a Muslim girl and I don't wear a hijab. I've lived in Saudi Arabia for 5 years and the only times I've covered my head was when going to Makkah, or Mosques.
I don't know why or how people find negativity in dressing in a modest fashion. Unless you're a muslim woman, feeling oppressed because of hijab, then you're in no place to be complaining about it.
that's all.
have a nice day, you all. spread love. xx
jay shawn I'm not saying that at all. Modesty is taught in Islam and accept it or not, a woman's hair is one of her most beautiful asset. Women are adviced to protect themselves against all evils, and a man's lust is one of them. You don't have to wear the hijab if you don't want to. I don't wear it, but I definitely respect those who do because like praying, it's a part of our religion.
Aayaat Jaestar I believe only in our lord and saviour jesus christ!
***** Your username is so accurate.
***** a man's hair can be beautiful too, I agree. I don't think there's any way of saying this without getting backlash, but men have a more sexual mind than women do. In Islam, men are told to lower their gaze when a woman is in front of them. Men are also adviced to dress modestly, ofcourse, but it's different from what's adviced to women. People are perverts, I agree, and which is exactly why dressing modestly will hopefully lessen the chances of someone having perverted thoughts because of you. Although, how someone dresses doesn't matter when someone is a pervert. It's impossible to discuss different religious beliefs because it never goes anywhere. Haha.
***** Hold your horses with the generalization there, buddy.
I chose to wear hijab even though my mother was hesitant because she didn’t want me to take it off. I love my hijab so much. Tbh even if I wasn’t wearing hijab or anything I just love the idea of being modest.
They honestly all look so awesome! Keep it up Sisters!!!!
They look qahbat
shmairan yacoub Tg nan?
Thank you ❤❤
greenviolets1 As a muslim girl myself, that's just pure nonsense. I don't even know why ya'll try so hard to hijack a religion! If you'll hate the religion then just don't watch stuff regarding people trying out the clothing from the religion. COMMON SENSE!😑
I am in love with the girl at 3:45
Her voice
She is so pretty
Man ,, Be mindful of Allah , fear Allah
me to... i'm in love with her..haha
You have rivals
i domt understand why people feel so negative abput muslims there regular people and there is nothing wrong about wearing a hijab i believe there beautiful peices if art
Ayy Wheresmycandy, there's a thing called "ignoring them" it's a really helpful thing
Normal people who commit a terror attack in europe every other day.
www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4oku8o/moderate_muslim_opinion_polls_a_tiny_minority_of/Read the whole things and come back to me.
Joseph Upton Bruh Ima Muslim and all I do is sit on couch all day eating chipotle watching family guy or smtg 😂 I can't even be bothered to do my homework never mind bombing a country
Well good for you. I don't see how that speaks for anyone else. (inb4 my friends are the same) well yes they would be. You dont make friends with those types people.
Islam is not just a religion. Its a way of life. It teaches u how to live a good life. Its not just u pray and thats all. Its everything u do. From ure awake until when ure sleeping and even when ure sleeping. Islam teaches all this but sadly most Muslim just take the pray part and leave anything behind.
Islam don't need us. But we need Islam❤
Islam will shine with or without us. And some Muslims themselves make Islam looks terrible. And Allah had said there will be people who use Islam to do something bad. They use Islam to make bad of it.
May us being protected from them and may us really know the real Islam
Jesus Christ is Lord.
لكم دينكم ولي دين. ،
For you, your religion and for me my religion.
This sentence in Quran. I hope you understand