This is what I did to train my Alaskan Malamute it took six months but he now knows FORWARD, RIGHT, LEFT HALT. And look both ways before crossing the street that was the hardest part
Thanks! My team is like a "retirement home" now - but scooting in the Scottish highlands (or even the lowlands) sounds like a cool idea ... hmm ... hmm ... :-)
This is one of the best RUclips vids I have ever seen. I am trading in my two jack Russell terriers for huskies now. Lol only kidding. I would love to do this though it looks fantastic fun.
Thanks for the comment! Yes, start with (your!) commands early, make it second nature to your dog to immediately follow through. Take care to have a "go on" command as well :-) If you ever plan to do (semi-)professional mushing, consider using world-wide standards like "gee, haw". But if you want to play it safe and just have fun/working with your dog, use YOUR commands that you are comfortable with.
Would you kindly tell me where did you get the harness and the other equipment? Is it available online? I live in India and things like Bikejoring skijoring or any other dog sport is not very popular. We dont have tough harnesses or equipment like yours. It would be great if you can help me out a bit. I have a rott, and he is very active son. Do let me know.
Hi, Amber - for a single dog you might want to consider using a scooter instead of a trike - so you can "pedal along" and help your dog better (just keep the line straight, let the dog pull, just not the full weight all the time). Also: This kind of training is exhaustive for body AND MIND, don't overdo it. Dogs learn how to fid the better path to run (where the "device" rolls better), they have to listen for their human for commands etc. It's a great thing, but always keep it "within limits" - AND HAVE FUN!
Hi, Paul - thanks for the comment! As for using "haw" and "gee": If you are going "pro" and want to be able to have other mushers run your team, I would agree. But I have always seen this as a "hobby", one that I want all of us to enjoy. Safety is first, not winning some race! In daily life I do not say "gee" or "haw", I say "right" or "left". Therefor, if we get into trouble and I have to give QUICK commands, it is actually better to have my dogs understand "left" and "right", because those are the words I will use instinctively - not "gee" or "haw". In an ideal world I could train them to listen for all four terms, sure. But what would be the benefit? The way I trained them I could even have visitors take a quick roll around the pasture with me running along and everybody could be safe, because nobody had to learn "gee" or "haw". If you are training with other teams, if you are cooperating, if you are trading team members - then I agree, use common commands that "everybody" knows. But that has never been a situation I was in nor one that I wanted to be in :-) Again, thanks for the feedback! Marc
@HerrSchobert We LOVE the way you balance, so the dogs neck and back are protected, both by the way the reins are not coming down from the top of the trike, but are pretty level and the bungy to absorb shock. BUT, did you/do you find you need foot protection, like "Rough Wear" or other boot?
I’ve got a lapponian herder-staffy mix I’m trying to train to pull a bike. She’s still getting used to pulling on the harness when I attach her to a small wagon and when I have her pulling me but once she’s trained I think she’ll be as happy as these dogs. She’s got neverending energy so it’ll be easier to bring her in public when it’s burned off cause every dog she plays with gets tired and she’s barely depleted.
Sounds wonderful! Keep in mind, please, that pulling a mechanic device requires much more mental energy from the dog than pulling a human being (the dogs notice the difference quite quickly), because, she has to "steer" the device, whereas the human has its own directional control. It is not just the pulling of a weight that tires the dog, it is very much so the mental work they have to bring up!
@@marcalbrecht6518 when we run we usually stop and chill for a while when we reach a good resting area so I’ll make sure to make frequent stops with her when she starts pulling more to give her mind a break
Great video! I ride with my dog attached to the bike with a Springer, it has a low center of gravity and a spring that absorbs any lunging, if I tried to hold the rope in my hand I think he would probably kill me, I really like that trike though.
Everything is easier if your dog is 4× smarter. Get a cow dog. Be kind and get two, if you're fat. I've got a mostly Kelpy mut. She's the best dog I've ever had. She teaches me how to train her. I don't know how to train dogs, but I love the dog, and we're bonded. That's why she is so obedient. She trusts me.
I used to have some dogs that really liked to pull, so it would make taking them for a walk a bit difficult. I ended running the leash under the chest in kind of a half hitch mechanism so that when they pulled too hard, it would compress the chest, thus reducing their lung capacity / making it more difficult to breathe while not actually choking them. It worked great. When walking multiple dogs though, they would try to tangle up the leashes. I eventually used really short leashes (maybe 2 ft long) that connected to a ring which I then clipped the single longer leash into. This made it very easy for me to walk all of them at the same time without having to use the leash under the chest mechanism. Instead of their pulling effort being added together, it was reduced because they would not cooperate in a single direction / objective. If one got distracted and slowed down, it would get pulled by the other two. If one tried to run after something, it would be restrained by other two. If they would have cooperated, they could have drug me all through the neighborhood, but since they couldn't, it was just a leisurely walk on my part... The short leashes that connected the dogs to the ring was short enough that they couldn't get tangled up which made it even better.
Hi, Jake, thanks for the comment. I am not a friend of putting any pressure on a dog if that can be avoided. If the dog or dogs don't behave properly, from my perspective their training hasn't worked out right just yet. The dogs should always "deliver" their work freely, not because they are forced into anything, including slowing down and NOT mixing up leashes. If things like that happen, I will always take a step back and check how I can avoid the problem without causing potential (note: POTENTIAL) harm to them. Obviously, I accept that different people train their dogs differently and my "ways" aren't everyone's ways. Since - so far - I have been able to do pulling with up to four dogs WITHOUT additional ropework and without mixing up leashes, my believe is that it can be done :-) If you want to give your situation another try, you could have a look at what mushers call "necklines", short leashes that connect the neck area of one dog to the next, keeping them "in position" without applying any (real) force. Again, it is a question of training to make use of these, but friends who ran with considerably "wilder" dogs than mine have had good experiences.
@@HerrSchobert -- The "necklines" as you describe them seem similar to the "short leashes" solution that I came up with. These days, due to physical injury / age issues on my part, I can't walk or cycle my dogs as much as I would like, but I have a pretty large backyard and they have plenty of room to run around while chasing each other or people / deer / hogs who are walking along the levee a few hundred feet away... I have 4 dogs (Pit and American Bulldog, plus two crosses of those two) and it would be great if I could hook them up to a 4-dog team for going around the neighborhood. I've tried them one at a time with a bicycle and for the first couple of blocks, it's all I can do to keep up so that the collar is not pulling hard against them. After that, it's a more leisurely trot and I don't have to peddle so hard. I'll usually make one loop around the neighborhood (about 3/4 mile) with each dog and I'm pretty sore the next day. Getting old sucks... All those broken bones and such in your youth kind of come back after awhile and remind you of the bad decisions of your youth... :(
@@jakeblanton6853 Sir, I hear you on getting older not being fun. Ask my dogs :-D All good, I was just exchanging ideas there. Like I hinted at, different dogs, different people, different needs, different approaches. Thanks for the constructive and civilized discussion! Marc
@@HerrSchobert -- The half-hitch with the leash under the chest works great for dogs who want to pull, especially if the person walking the dog is small and cannot handle the force that the dog can exert. It's not something that I used while cycling with dogs though. I would just clip the leash to their collar and cycle fast enough to keep very loose tension on the leash. I came up with this method over 20 years ago and it seems that these days, there are companies that are actually selling leashes that work on the same principle. I doubt that I was the first person to independently come up with the concept. It started out as just a way of creating a halter out of a leash for a dog that would sometimes double back and pull his head out of his collar since I was not using a choker collar. He was one of those dogs whose response to being choked by a choker collar, he would just pull harder, thus making him get choked more, which made him pull even harder. Immediately after putting the half hitch leash under his chest though, I noticed that he tried to pull a LOT less and after a bit of thought on the matter, I figured that was was happening was that it would restrict the movement of his chest, thus making him have to take more shallow breaths. If he did not pull, then the leash under the chest would be relaxed and he could take full breaths. It was a complete change -- previously my wife could not walk him because she was not strong enough to hold him when he wanted to pull, but with the half-hitch under the chest, he would not pull and she would have no problem with him. It's definitely NOT the type of setup one would use for carting or triking with a dog (unless all you want to do is to sit in one place and never move). :)
I thought about using this as an exercise outlet for a Staffy. Do you think there are breed specific risk that might could be mitigated? I'm thinking about the relative lack of pain. I thought booties for their feet and maybe online city or urban parks for a solo staffie. Has anyone else had a AmStaff as a scooter dog?
Well there is no doubt they got the power, and they are used for weighthpulling as well. So i dont see why they couldnt pull a light kickbike or similar?! As long as you are carefull and pay attention to the dogs, id say go for it :)
Hello, I know this is 5 years late but if you still haven't found any clubs, which i'm sure you have, the Sled dog association of Scotland (SDAS) is the Scottish governing body, so to say. The BSSF is the British Federation. Their website is
Hi, as indicated here -видео.html - I've got the scooter from That was almost 12 years ago. Today, you can get a much wider variety of scooters almost anywhere dog sport equipment is sold. If you are located in Germany, I highly recommend Uwe Radant's shop (unfortunately, at the time of writing this, the shop website does not provide https, but you can always call them, they're happy to help with any questions you might have).
hmm ... not sure if you're being funny - if you really want to draw comparisons: Factor in the costs for the gym that you (the human) have to pay for in order to keep as fit as my dogs kept me 😛 It's not always about "cheaper", really. Sometimes it's about "more fun".
Hi, I do not know where in the world you live, so I cannot tell you were you can get a "dog trike" in your area. However, the manufacturer that I bought the trike from is still active (in Northern Germany). There are many, many variants of this kind of trike on the market by now (remember, this video is over 11 years old!), take care to buy a solid, well welded one if you are going to use it outside your backyard :-)
@@marcalbrecht6518 I live in Australia and most trikes I find are bicycle peddle ones but not low base scooters. Anyways I think I'd have to ship internationally. Thanks for your help.
hey ich habe einen hovawart er ist 3 jahre alt bald 4 und ich bin 12 :P kann er mich wohl ziehen er ist schon ziemlich groß als hovawart :P und wie kriege ich ihn dazu das er konstant läuft ?? Er liebt den schnee und ist ein sehr verspielter hund. Antwort währe nett Mfg.Lenni der dir ein abo da läst :P
Moin - thanks for the comment. You are wrong about the lack of means to assist the dog: You can (and often have to) assist the dog(s) by *pedaling* between the hind wheels.
where did you get your trike from? im in Australia, and just about teaching my 2 dogs the commands.... Really want to use a trike, rather than a scooter.... Beautiful dogs by the way, and great tutorial.
Hi, Zoe, thanks for your feedback! It's actually in the credit roll at the end of the video: I got my trike from a German Trike-Maker (a very small company creating quite a variety of dog-vehicles). The video is a bit older, as you have probably noticed, today you should be able to get trikes of various builds from "just about anywhere", most dog sport equipment shops should have one or another brand. I can't help with an address in Australia, though ... unfortunately I haven't been to your country yet :)
Hi, Most welcome. Many Thanks for that, yeh although many in Australia do do this, however buying the gear, scooters / trikes in Australia, it is not common.... there are a couple of places within Australia, however there places are more online stores, It's not a Big Thing like in the US or other international locations....
well, to be fair, it may be a clima thing ... I can imagine Australia is a tad warmer than, say, Northern Germany. And since dogs can't really sweat, this kind of sport might not be the best for the weather conditions you are living in, as sad as that may be ...
Ich habe das mit meinem Hund und einem leichten Roller versucht. (Für einen 27 kg Hund ist das Trike ja wohl zu schwer). Allerdings war meine Erziehung in Sachen "Nicht-an-der-Leine-ziehen" wohl zu gründlich. Er hat partout nicht verstanden, dass er hier ziehen SOLLTE... ;-)
kleine hunde wurden auch nicht gezüchtet für sowas. natürlich können sie lasten ziehen wenn's ihnen spaß macht, aber viele größere hunderassen (berner sennenhunde zB) wurden speziell darauf hin gezüchtet lasten zu ziehen und am bauernhof zu "arbeiten" und haben das daher eher im blut. aber toll dass deiner so brav ist, auch wenn's in dem fall "falsch" war :)
hi, I can't give you a yes or no on that, it depends on too many factors, like the ground your trike is rolling on versus the ground your dog is running on, how well trained your dog is (both mentally and physically), speed (slow trott should be doable), mountain or flat area etc. My suggestion is to try with a dog scooter first, for single dog teams I would still consider that the best "mushing intro".
It seems like bicycle phase was unnecessary and more dangerous than going directly to the trike. Was it more for proof of concept for justifying buying the trike?
Hi, I disagree on the bike part being unnecessary (because we trained commands that way) or dangerous (because I can definitely jump off a bike faster and have my dogs in direct access WITH ME from the bike than from the trike). The main point was: With the bike I always had 100% control while with the trike I had to rely on the dogs knowing their jobs. Jumping off the trike, getting around the device to grab the dogs - when a truck tries to run us down for example - is way more tricky. Yet, if you aren't comfortable on your bike, if you cannot get off it fast enough (e.g. because you are driving a "men's" bike with a "testicle-destruction-bar"), if your dogs *do* know the commands and are 99% reliable, you could start out with a trike. My personal recommendation always would be to start with something that you, personally, are absolutely in control of.
:-) Exactly what I meant by "if you aren't comfortable on your bike" etc. You should know what *you* can master before you expect your dogs to be better at it :-)
It looks much best than jogging with dog because human's run longer and continue. Look like I want to do that with my dogs but worry cruem law in america.
I thought it was illegal in the uk to have dogs pulling trucks buggies as it was deemed cruel that they are not to be used as beasts of burden . I'm not saying this because I'm against this I'm quite interested in it myself but all I can find is the law that says it is illegal can anybody give clarification on this thank you
Hi, Rita - I don't live in the UK, and I am not familiar enough with laws there, but considering that a) dog sport is a thing worldwide and approved by many, many vets (giving the dogs something "proper" to do, both for the body AND the mind) and b) many more dogs suffer from boredom and zero-jobs-to-do than from being allowed to run (and "hunt" in their world) together with their humans, I would claim that laws (in the UK or elsewhere) that prefer cuddled-to-death-corgies over satisfied running-mix-breeds are about as useful as laws that say that women have to be quiet at church because they aren't men. That said, and tongue pulled out of cheek: There are even dog sport training centers (google for sled dog training centers e.g. in Leicestershire). I very much doubt that it's illegal what they are doing, even in the UK. Now, THAT SAID ... of course you have to look at legal considerations about using ROADS, streets, paths etc! That's a given no matter where you live. In Germany, I am always careful to talk with the respective rangers where I go out with my dogs and make sure that we don't do any harm to country side, wildlife etc.
Thank you for fast reply . Definitely without tongue in cheek Jesus Christ is returning soon everything that is happening in the Bible as Prophecies they are all converging today which all points to the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ if you are not right with him please turn to Jesus Christ today.😇🇬🇧❤️🇮🇱
Thank you for fast reply . Definitely without tongue in cheek Jesus Christ is returning soon everything that is happening in the Bible as Prophecies they are all converging today which all points to the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ if you are not right with him please turn to Jesus Christ today.😇🇬🇧❤️🇮🇱
Thank you for fast reply . Definitely without tongue in cheek Jesus Christ is returning soon everything that is happening in the world is in the Bible as Prophecies they are all converging today and coming o pass ,which all points to the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ Please turn to Jesus Christ today One Corinthians chapter 15 verse 1 to 4 Admit that you are a sinner for all people have sinned Believe only in Jesus Christ God’s only son Call only upon the name of our Lord Jesus the only son of the living God . Do this with faith in you will be saved 😇🇬🇧❤️🇮🇱
Thank you for fast reply . Definitely without tongue in cheek Jesus Christ is returning soon everything that is happening in the world is in the Bible as Prophecies they are all converging today and coming o pass ,which all points to the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ Please turn to Jesus Christ today One Corinthians chapter 15 verse 1 to 4 Admit that you are a sinner for all people have sinned Believe only in Jesus Christ God’s only son Call only upon the name of our Lord Jesus the only son of the living God . Do this with faith in you will be saved 😇🇬🇧❤️🇮🇱
Hi i'm from mexico, tampico tamps, I got a golden retriever of 1 year old well i think she'nt not pure , cuz her ears are short , sometimes i think she's part husky, because of her stubborn manners , her skinny mouth an her large and puffy tail, but that's not the pint xd , could you give me a tip for trainig her for pulling? , i want her to pull me with skaters , how i teach her the commands? visit my channel , she likes to pull and run but i'm to slow for her so i want her to run faster so she can low her extreemly high energy. have a nice day :).
Every dog needs a job! Best video on youtube. First time ever that the music is pleasant and really makes you feel emotional to what you are showing us. Love your commitment to your dogs Marc. You rock :-)
The way this guy practices with his dogs by holding the leash is crazy dangerous. I wouldn't do that. You can get pulled of the bike and injured. These dogs were obviously already trained by the time he did this video. Also dogs don't always need to be told directions unless those directions are very critical. My husky turns her head to the right and to the left and she follows from the front just fine. I suppose not all dogs will do that. In the beginning, however when a dog is learning the trails and that, just know that you are going to have some issues. The main thing is get a line that ties on away from your tire. You can use a "noodle" or have some type of steel extension that is strong to tie your leads too. Also have some elastic or shock portion of your lead so the dog or you don't get jerked around when pull. Usually a 1 1/2 to 2 ft shock is good on a 8-10 ft line.
Mr. Morris, first: The video is 11 years old, I would definitely do a few things differently today - amongst which are NOT doing the first bike-training. For other dog owners a rig on the bike may or even is a good idea, for me, with these two dogs, it was NOT. We had to learn how to do that seperately, the first thing was to have full control over what was going on. If you are not 100% savvy on your bike - or if you are using a "male bike" that might crush your guts when you have to get off quickly - don't do this. If you know how to ride a bike and are absolutely safe on it, you CAN (but don't HAVE TO) do it this way. Your "obviously trained" only shows your ignorance: These dogs weren't huskys, but herding dogs who had a strong bind to myself. They did not have any other training than what I showed in that video. If you claim differently and call me a liar, you are welcome to come over to my place, we have a beer and I show you how I treat dogs so that they learn things willingly and are having fun with it. Might be a different way to yours. As for directions: You are welcome to do your training differently, however, for beginners -like I was back then - I strongly recommend giving directions each and every time. You learn (and your dogs learn) what is what, where is where and how to grow into a team. Mrs. Emma Peel, the black dog, became a fantastic leader over time who didn't need vocal commands at all. She would look back to me and a slight nudge of my head would indicate here which way to go. Her brother, Doctor Schobert, would never learn that, he would always need vocal commands. So, thank you for your comment, but you come across as very high horsed and - while some of your thoughts make sense as a "general advice" - you really shouldn't think that you know better for every single human being AND DOG on this planet.
you are correct, to some small degree. Those short parts on the road were for the camera. The dogs knew quite well that the grassy stripes are more comfortable to run on. It was a 120m distance (give or take) - whereas our normal "travel distance" was up to 24km (not with the trike, though). I did clarify that a couple of years ago on the German version and - if Google hadn't messed up with YT back then - should have copied it over. So, yes, don't let your dogs run on roads or streets - or have them WALK instead of run.
This is still one of the absolute best bike-joring/scootering tutorial videos ever! Well designed, adorable dogs, and fun! Carry on!
This is what I did to train my Alaskan Malamute it took six months but he now knows FORWARD, RIGHT, LEFT HALT. And look both ways before crossing the street that was the hardest part
Great video!! Looks like a lot of funny and a great way to create a connection with your dog.
Loved it am getting into this for sure! A ++ for your dogs too!
This is so impressive , thank you for posting
This post was so inspirational to our training! Now skye's a champ!
Thanks! My team is like a "retirement home" now - but scooting in the Scottish highlands (or even the lowlands) sounds like a cool idea ... hmm ... hmm ... :-)
HerrSchobert I hope they are enjoying their retirement.
This is one of the best RUclips vids I have ever seen. I am trading in my two jack Russell terriers for huskies now. Lol only kidding. I would love to do this though it looks fantastic fun.
Just need to set up a team of a dozen or so of the Jack Russel terriers...
Jake Blanton haha. Sounds good but could you imagine the racket with so many jack Russell terriers bad enough with two. 😂
Hi Mark very very good video ,well presented . i have got a malamute and want to get him trained to pull a bike so thank you for your introduction.
I have a 7 month old Husky and intend doing just that when it's fully grown but could start with the left/ right stuff now. Thanks for the video.
Thanks for the comment! Yes, start with (your!) commands early, make it second nature to your dog to immediately follow through. Take care to have a "go on" command as well :-)
If you ever plan to do (semi-)professional mushing, consider using world-wide standards like "gee, haw". But if you want to play it safe and just have fun/working with your dog, use YOUR commands that you are comfortable with.
@@HerrSchobert just doing it to make exercise easier for me, I'm not getting any younger.
@@ItchyThirdEye-j6u Ha, I hear you ... I was feeling old when I made those videos 12-13 years ago ... Mrs. Emma Peel is still with me though :-)
Where did you get that trike? I like that one.
wow,that looks super fun.i must say that your dogs are beautiful (:
Would you kindly tell me where did you get the harness and the other equipment? Is it available online? I live in India and things like Bikejoring skijoring or any other dog sport is not very popular. We dont have tough harnesses or equipment like yours. It would be great if you can help me out a bit. I have a rott, and he is very active son. Do let me know.
I have an aussie lab who loves running. I'm thinking of doing this to add an exercise type to his list.
Hi, Amber - for a single dog you might want to consider using a scooter instead of a trike - so you can "pedal along" and help your dog better (just keep the line straight, let the dog pull, just not the full weight all the time).
Also: This kind of training is exhaustive for body AND MIND, don't overdo it. Dogs learn how to fid the better path to run (where the "device" rolls better), they have to listen for their human for commands etc.
It's a great thing, but always keep it "within limits" - AND HAVE FUN!
This is a great tutorial, and example of providing a job for his Dogs.
Haw=Left & Gee=Right, but beyond that Awesome stuff.
Great Bond
Hi, Paul - thanks for the comment!
As for using "haw" and "gee": If you are going "pro" and want to be able to have other mushers run your team, I would agree. But I have always seen this as a "hobby", one that I want all of us to enjoy. Safety is first, not winning some race!
In daily life I do not say "gee" or "haw", I say "right" or "left". Therefor, if we get into trouble and I have to give QUICK commands, it is actually better to have my dogs understand "left" and "right", because those are the words I will use instinctively - not "gee" or "haw".
In an ideal world I could train them to listen for all four terms, sure. But what would be the benefit? The way I trained them I could even have visitors take a quick roll around the pasture with me running along and everybody could be safe, because nobody had to learn "gee" or "haw".
If you are training with other teams, if you are cooperating, if you are trading team members - then I agree, use common commands that "everybody" knows. But that has never been a situation I was in nor one that I wanted to be in :-)
Again, thanks for the feedback!
Cheers for posting mate! This is a great instructional video
Thank you for a wonderful video
@HerrSchobert We LOVE the way you balance, so the dogs neck and back are protected, both by the way the reins are not coming down from the top of the trike, but are pretty level and the bungy to absorb shock. BUT, did you/do you find you need foot protection, like "Rough Wear" or other boot?
Very nicely done. I really enjoyed this video!
I’ve got a lapponian herder-staffy mix I’m trying to train to pull a bike. She’s still getting used to pulling on the harness when I attach her to a small wagon and when I have her pulling me but once she’s trained I think she’ll be as happy as these dogs. She’s got neverending energy so it’ll be easier to bring her in public when it’s burned off cause every dog she plays with gets tired and she’s barely depleted.
Sounds wonderful! Keep in mind, please, that pulling a mechanic device requires much more mental energy from the dog than pulling a human being (the dogs notice the difference quite quickly), because, she has to "steer" the device, whereas the human has its own directional control.
It is not just the pulling of a weight that tires the dog, it is very much so the mental work they have to bring up!
@@marcalbrecht6518 when we run we usually stop and chill for a while when we reach a good resting area so I’ll make sure to make frequent stops with her when she starts pulling more to give her mind a break
Great video! I ride with my dog attached to the bike with a Springer, it has a low center of gravity and a spring that absorbs any lunging, if I tried to hold the rope in my hand I think he would probably kill me, I really like that trike though.
I want to do this with my hounds so much. Great video. Thank you. ☺
Everything is easier if your dog is 4× smarter. Get a cow dog. Be kind and get two, if you're fat. I've got a mostly Kelpy mut. She's the best dog I've ever had. She teaches me how to train her. I don't know how to train dogs, but I love the dog, and we're bonded. That's why she is so obedient. She trusts me.
I used to have some dogs that really liked to pull, so it would make taking them for a walk a bit difficult. I ended running the leash under the chest in kind of a half hitch mechanism so that when they pulled too hard, it would compress the chest, thus reducing their lung capacity / making it more difficult to breathe while not actually choking them. It worked great. When walking multiple dogs though, they would try to tangle up the leashes. I eventually used really short leashes (maybe 2 ft long) that connected to a ring which I then clipped the single longer leash into. This made it very easy for me to walk all of them at the same time without having to use the leash under the chest mechanism. Instead of their pulling effort being added together, it was reduced because they would not cooperate in a single direction / objective. If one got distracted and slowed down, it would get pulled by the other two. If one tried to run after something, it would be restrained by other two. If they would have cooperated, they could have drug me all through the neighborhood, but since they couldn't, it was just a leisurely walk on my part... The short leashes that connected the dogs to the ring was short enough that they couldn't get tangled up which made it even better.
Hi, Jake,
thanks for the comment.
I am not a friend of putting any pressure on a dog if that can be avoided. If the dog or dogs don't behave properly, from my perspective their training hasn't worked out right just yet. The dogs should always "deliver" their work freely, not because they are forced into anything, including slowing down and NOT mixing up leashes. If things like that happen, I will always take a step back and check how I can avoid the problem without causing potential (note: POTENTIAL) harm to them.
Obviously, I accept that different people train their dogs differently and my "ways" aren't everyone's ways. Since - so far - I have been able to do pulling with up to four dogs WITHOUT additional ropework and without mixing up leashes, my believe is that it can be done :-)
If you want to give your situation another try, you could have a look at what mushers call "necklines", short leashes that connect the neck area of one dog to the next, keeping them "in position" without applying any (real) force. Again, it is a question of training to make use of these, but friends who ran with considerably "wilder" dogs than mine have had good experiences.
@@HerrSchobert -- The "necklines" as you describe them seem similar to the "short leashes" solution that I came up with.
These days, due to physical injury / age issues on my part, I can't walk or cycle my dogs as much as I would like, but I have a pretty large backyard and they have plenty of room to run around while chasing each other or people / deer / hogs who are walking along the levee a few hundred feet away... I have 4 dogs (Pit and American Bulldog, plus two crosses of those two) and it would be great if I could hook them up to a 4-dog team for going around the neighborhood. I've tried them one at a time with a bicycle and for the first couple of blocks, it's all I can do to keep up so that the collar is not pulling hard against them. After that, it's a more leisurely trot and I don't have to peddle so hard. I'll usually make one loop around the neighborhood (about 3/4 mile) with each dog and I'm pretty sore the next day. Getting old sucks... All those broken bones and such in your youth kind of come back after awhile and remind you of the bad decisions of your youth... :(
Sir, I hear you on getting older not being fun. Ask my dogs :-D
All good, I was just exchanging ideas there. Like I hinted at, different dogs, different people, different needs, different approaches.
Thanks for the constructive and civilized discussion!
@@HerrSchobert -- The half-hitch with the leash under the chest works great for dogs who want to pull, especially if the person walking the dog is small and cannot handle the force that the dog can exert. It's not something that I used while cycling with dogs though. I would just clip the leash to their collar and cycle fast enough to keep very loose tension on the leash. I came up with this method over 20 years ago and it seems that these days, there are companies that are actually selling leashes that work on the same principle. I doubt that I was the first person to independently come up with the concept. It started out as just a way of creating a halter out of a leash for a dog that would sometimes double back and pull his head out of his collar since I was not using a choker collar. He was one of those dogs whose response to being choked by a choker collar, he would just pull harder, thus making him get choked more, which made him pull even harder. Immediately after putting the half hitch leash under his chest though, I noticed that he tried to pull a LOT less and after a bit of thought on the matter, I figured that was was happening was that it would restrict the movement of his chest, thus making him have to take more shallow breaths. If he did not pull, then the leash under the chest would be relaxed and he could take full breaths. It was a complete change -- previously my wife could not walk him because she was not strong enough to hold him when he wanted to pull, but with the half-hitch under the chest, he would not pull and she would have no problem with him. It's definitely NOT the type of setup one would use for carting or triking with a dog (unless all you want to do is to sit in one place and never move). :)
this is a great video!
Thank you! Considering the age of this video ... I am happy that it still holds up in "modern times" ^_^
Great video... congratulations
I thought about using this as an exercise outlet for a Staffy. Do you think there are breed specific risk that might could be mitigated?
I'm thinking about the relative lack of pain. I thought booties for their feet and maybe online city or urban parks for a solo staffie.
Has anyone else had a AmStaff as a scooter dog?
Great video! Maybe i should get 4-5 Staffies more and start practice with them :)
every day with a dog is a good day
That looks fun.
are they both Border Collies? - i have a nearly 1yr old male, never seems to run out of energy, is this a good form of exercise for them?
how do you keep your dogs from going full speed all the time? I know the command for going slower, but how do you train them to go slower?
Well there is no doubt they got the power, and they are used for weighthpulling as well. So i dont see why they couldnt pull a light kickbike or similar?! As long as you are carefull and pay attention to the dogs, id say go for it :)
........listen to the lazy guy on the back . HILARIOUS!
Cool Video. I can't find a trike like this online...where did you get yours? Thanks
mans best friend is also mans transportation
love it :) einfach klasse, my goal is for my hubby to build me a trike for my husky :)
@HerrSchobert lol its so cool. An army of Chihuauas.
excellent video. i had a stroke 5 years ago and i bought a tricycle 2 years ago.
are there any clubs or organizations in scotland ? all the best J
Hello, I know this is 5 years late but if you still haven't found any clubs, which i'm sure you have, the Sled dog association of Scotland (SDAS) is the Scottish governing body, so to say. The BSSF is the British Federation. Their website is
What's the name of final song??? Thanks!!
where did you buy the bike scooter
Hi, as indicated here -видео.html - I've got the scooter from That was almost 12 years ago. Today, you can get a much wider variety of scooters almost anywhere dog sport equipment is sold. If you are located in Germany, I highly recommend Uwe Radant's shop (unfortunately, at the time of writing this, the shop website does not provide https, but you can always call them, they're happy to help with any questions you might have).
You have to feed meat continuously to maintain your physical strength. It's not cheaper than an electric battery.
hmm ... not sure if you're being funny - if you really want to draw comparisons: Factor in the costs for the gym that you (the human) have to pay for in order to keep as fit as my dogs kept me 😛
It's not always about "cheaper", really. Sometimes it's about "more fun".
this is so cooooooooooooooooooooooool !!
Thank you! Almost 12 years have passed since I made the recordings for the video :-) But Ms. Emma Peel is still with me!
@@HerrSchobert Nice to know you still have her. Enjoying life together 💪🏻
Heehee, this is such a nice video
Can someone tell me where I could get the specific bike/scooter?
Hi, I do not know where in the world you live, so I cannot tell you were you can get a "dog trike" in your area. However, the manufacturer that I bought the trike from is still active (in Northern Germany). There are many, many variants of this kind of trike on the market by now (remember, this video is over 11 years old!), take care to buy a solid, well welded one if you are going to use it outside your backyard :-)
@@marcalbrecht6518 I live in Australia and most trikes I find are bicycle peddle ones but not low base scooters. Anyways I think I'd have to ship internationally.
Thanks for your help.
hey ich habe einen hovawart er ist 3 jahre alt bald 4 und ich bin 12 :P kann er mich wohl ziehen er ist schon ziemlich groß als hovawart :P und wie kriege ich ihn dazu das er konstant läuft ?? Er liebt den schnee und ist ein sehr verspielter hund.
Antwort währe nett
Mfg.Lenni der dir ein abo da läst :P
Well done.
super best video and so funny inspired me doing a video for the sacco dog cart, You can see it under brutus freni Have fun
It's like an electric tricycle where the battery is the dog, the tricycle only lacks the pedal to assist the dog
Moin - thanks for the comment. You are wrong about the lack of means to assist the dog: You can (and often have to) assist the dog(s) by *pedaling* between the hind wheels.
where did you get your trike from?
im in Australia, and just about teaching my 2 dogs the commands....
Really want to use a trike, rather than a scooter....
Beautiful dogs by the way, and great tutorial.
Hi, Zoe,
thanks for your feedback!
It's actually in the credit roll at the end of the video: I got my trike from a German Trike-Maker (a very small company creating quite a variety of dog-vehicles). The video is a bit older, as you have probably noticed, today you should be able to get trikes of various builds from "just about anywhere", most dog sport equipment shops should have one or another brand.
I can't help with an address in Australia, though ... unfortunately I haven't been to your country yet :)
Most welcome.
Many Thanks for that, yeh although many in Australia do do this, however buying the gear, scooters / trikes in Australia, it is not common.... there are a couple of places within Australia, however there places are more online stores, It's not a Big Thing like in the US or other international locations....
well, to be fair, it may be a clima thing ... I can imagine Australia is a tad warmer than, say, Northern Germany. And since dogs can't really sweat, this kind of sport might not be the best for the weather conditions you are living in, as sad as that may be ...
@HerrSchobert Danke Shein HerrSchobert, J. Isbell (Huebner)
es la mejor bicicleta para perro que hay thanks
somewhat colored :D
nice video!
Ich habe das mit meinem Hund und einem leichten Roller versucht. (Für einen 27 kg Hund ist das Trike ja wohl zu schwer).
Allerdings war meine Erziehung in Sachen "Nicht-an-der-Leine-ziehen" wohl zu gründlich. Er hat partout nicht verstanden, dass er hier ziehen SOLLTE... ;-)
kleine hunde wurden auch nicht gezüchtet für sowas. natürlich können sie lasten ziehen wenn's ihnen spaß macht, aber viele größere hunderassen (berner sennenhunde zB) wurden speziell darauf hin gezüchtet lasten zu ziehen und am bauernhof zu "arbeiten" und haben das daher eher im blut. aber toll dass deiner so brav ist, auch wenn's in dem fall "falsch" war :)
Can only one Siberian Husky handle this bike and a 125 lb person?
hi, I can't give you a yes or no on that, it depends on too many factors, like the ground your trike is rolling on versus the ground your dog is running on, how well trained your dog is (both mentally and physically), speed (slow trott should be doable), mountain or flat area etc.
My suggestion is to try with a dog scooter first, for single dog teams I would still consider that the best "mushing intro".
anyone know what cart that is?
doh...end of video..
It seems like bicycle phase was unnecessary and more dangerous than going directly to the trike. Was it more for proof of concept for justifying buying the trike?
Hi, I disagree on the bike part being unnecessary (because we trained commands that way) or dangerous (because I can definitely jump off a bike faster and have my dogs in direct access WITH ME from the bike than from the trike).
The main point was: With the bike I always had 100% control while with the trike I had to rely on the dogs knowing their jobs. Jumping off the trike, getting around the device to grab the dogs - when a truck tries to run us down for example - is way more tricky.
Yet, if you aren't comfortable on your bike, if you cannot get off it fast enough (e.g. because you are driving a "men's" bike with a "testicle-destruction-bar"), if your dogs *do* know the commands and are 99% reliable, you could start out with a trike. My personal recommendation always would be to start with something that you, personally, are absolutely in control of.
Thanks, I did not grow up riding a bicycle and would have trouble with two dogs on leash on a bicycle.
:-) Exactly what I meant by "if you aren't comfortable on your bike" etc.
You should know what *you* can master before you expect your dogs to be better at it :-)
It looks much best than jogging with dog because human's run longer and continue. Look like I want to do that with my dogs but worry cruem law in america.
I thought it was illegal in the uk to have dogs pulling trucks buggies as it was deemed cruel that they are not to be used as beasts of burden .
I'm not saying this because I'm against this I'm quite interested in it myself but all I can find is the law that says it is illegal can anybody give clarification on this thank you
Hi, Rita - I don't live in the UK, and I am not familiar enough with laws there, but considering that a) dog sport is a thing worldwide and approved by many, many vets (giving the dogs something "proper" to do, both for the body AND the mind) and b) many more dogs suffer from boredom and zero-jobs-to-do than from being allowed to run (and "hunt" in their world) together with their humans, I would claim that laws (in the UK or elsewhere) that prefer cuddled-to-death-corgies over satisfied running-mix-breeds are about as useful as laws that say that women have to be quiet at church because they aren't men.
That said, and tongue pulled out of cheek: There are even dog sport training centers (google for sled dog training centers e.g. in Leicestershire). I very much doubt that it's illegal what they are doing, even in the UK.
Now, THAT SAID ... of course you have to look at legal considerations about using ROADS, streets, paths etc! That's a given no matter where you live. In Germany, I am always careful to talk with the respective rangers where I go out with my dogs and make sure that we don't do any harm to country side, wildlife etc.
Thank you for fast reply .
Definitely without tongue in cheek Jesus Christ is returning soon everything that is happening in the Bible as Prophecies they are all converging today which all points to the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ if you are not right with him please turn to Jesus Christ today.😇🇬🇧❤️🇮🇱
Thank you for fast reply .
Definitely without tongue in cheek Jesus Christ is returning soon everything that is happening in the Bible as Prophecies they are all converging today which all points to the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ if you are not right with him please turn to Jesus Christ today.😇🇬🇧❤️🇮🇱
Thank you for fast reply .
Definitely without tongue in cheek Jesus Christ is returning soon everything that is happening in the world is in the Bible as Prophecies they are all converging today and coming o pass ,which all points to the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ
Please turn to Jesus Christ today
One Corinthians chapter 15 verse 1 to 4
Admit that you are a sinner for all people have sinned
Believe only in Jesus Christ God’s only son
Call only upon the name of our Lord Jesus the only son of the living God .
Do this with faith in you will be saved 😇🇬🇧❤️🇮🇱
Thank you for fast reply .
Definitely without tongue in cheek Jesus Christ is returning soon everything that is happening in the world is in the Bible as Prophecies they are all converging today and coming o pass ,which all points to the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ
Please turn to Jesus Christ today
One Corinthians chapter 15 verse 1 to 4
Admit that you are a sinner for all people have sinned
Believe only in Jesus Christ God’s only son
Call only upon the name of our Lord Jesus the only son of the living God .
Do this with faith in you will be saved 😇🇬🇧❤️🇮🇱
will this work with chihuahuas?
Eric Alvarez no you idiot unless you feel like going 3 miles an hour and killing it in the process dip shit 😣
cooles teil
Hi i'm from mexico, tampico tamps, I got a golden retriever of 1 year old well i think she'nt not pure , cuz her ears are short , sometimes i think she's part husky, because of her stubborn manners , her skinny mouth an her large and puffy tail, but that's not the pint xd , could you give me a tip for trainig her for pulling? , i want her to pull me with skaters , how i teach her the commands? visit my channel , she likes to pull and run but i'm to slow for her so i want her to run faster so she can low her extreemly high energy. have a nice day :).
Every dog needs a job! Best video on youtube. First time ever that the music is pleasant and really makes you feel emotional to what you are showing us. Love your commitment to your dogs Marc. You rock :-)
The way this guy practices with his dogs by holding the leash is crazy dangerous. I wouldn't do that. You can get pulled of the bike and injured. These dogs were obviously already trained by the time he did this video. Also dogs don't always need to be told directions unless those directions are very critical. My husky turns her head to the right and to the left and she follows from the front just fine. I suppose not all dogs will do that. In the beginning, however when a dog is learning the trails and that, just know that you are going to have some issues. The main thing is get a line that ties on away from your tire. You can use a "noodle" or have some type of steel extension that is strong to tie your leads too. Also have some elastic or shock portion of your lead so the dog or you don't get jerked around when pull. Usually a 1 1/2 to 2 ft shock is good on a 8-10 ft line.
Mr. Morris, first: The video is 11 years old, I would definitely do a few things differently today - amongst which are NOT doing the first bike-training. For other dog owners a rig on the bike may or even is a good idea, for me, with these two dogs, it was NOT. We had to learn how to do that seperately, the first thing was to have full control over what was going on.
If you are not 100% savvy on your bike - or if you are using a "male bike" that might crush your guts when you have to get off quickly - don't do this. If you know how to ride a bike and are absolutely safe on it, you CAN (but don't HAVE TO) do it this way.
Your "obviously trained" only shows your ignorance: These dogs weren't huskys, but herding dogs who had a strong bind to myself. They did not have any other training than what I showed in that video. If you claim differently and call me a liar, you are welcome to come over to my place, we have a beer and I show you how I treat dogs so that they learn things willingly and are having fun with it. Might be a different way to yours.
As for directions: You are welcome to do your training differently, however, for beginners -like I was back then - I strongly recommend giving directions each and every time. You learn (and your dogs learn) what is what, where is where and how to grow into a team.
Mrs. Emma Peel, the black dog, became a fantastic leader over time who didn't need vocal commands at all. She would look back to me and a slight nudge of my head would indicate here which way to go. Her brother, Doctor Schobert, would never learn that, he would always need vocal commands.
So, thank you for your comment, but you come across as very high horsed and - while some of your thoughts make sense as a "general advice" - you really shouldn't think that you know better for every single human being AND DOG on this planet.
Poor dogs running on tarmac!
you are correct, to some small degree.
Those short parts on the road were for the camera. The dogs knew quite well that the grassy stripes are more comfortable to run on. It was a 120m distance (give or take) - whereas our normal "travel distance" was up to 24km (not with the trike, though). I did clarify that a couple of years ago on the German version and - if Google hadn't messed up with YT back then - should have copied it over.
So, yes, don't let your dogs run on roads or streets - or have them WALK instead of run.
great job .. go out get rejected energetic dogs and put em to work . nobody wants em . haha .