Secrets of Arudhas In Vedic Astrology (Including Divisional Charts)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 27

  • @virendra24bangalore
    @virendra24bangalore 6 лет назад +8

    4th from lagna- pursuit of happiness. 4th from Moon- experience of happiness. Golden line.

  • @Sudarshan_das-d2e
    @Sudarshan_das-d2e 6 лет назад +11

    One simple technique is
    Check Ur trishansh kundali
    Where rahu Ketu together in which Rashi they wud be...that Rashi body part will be Ur main deseses in life.
    100% proved technic..

  • @arwinarora9788
    @arwinarora9788 6 лет назад +6

    Sir, whenever you come, you come with new concept and leave us to work on it and that is the greatness of you. Thanks!

  • @ashvanikumarverma5704
    @ashvanikumarverma5704 6 лет назад +4

    Wonderful video.. What a deep knowledge....

  • @sanjaydbhandari8722
    @sanjaydbhandari8722 4 года назад +1

    Difficult to understand by layman astrologers. Very advanced knowledge.PVR Narshima Raoji is one of the greatest astrolger in current time , he is like a Maharishi.

  • @purumpampam
    @purumpampam 6 лет назад +1

    Thanks for russian subtitles. Awesome video!

  • @arunborgohain7372
    @arunborgohain7372 4 года назад

    Great work & contribution to Astrology & vedic knowledge🙏

  • @bharatiindia1081
    @bharatiindia1081 2 года назад

    How to integrate Bhava Chakra and Arudha Padas?

  • @amitpurisarswati1260
    @amitpurisarswati1260 6 лет назад +2

    thanks for video guru ji just want to confirm for every one .. Which Ayanamsha you are using and its setting as well.. ?

    • @pvr108
      @pvr108 6 лет назад +4

      Pushya-paksha ayanamsa.

    • @anubhavtripathi4536
      @anubhavtripathi4536 6 лет назад +1

      Guruji Pranam !.... Guruji, I use author recommended settings in Jhora, will it take care of your teachings regarding sign reversal in divisional charts and ayanamsa?... Thankyou very much for your teachings & Pranam !

  • @senthil611
    @senthil611 2 года назад

    Sir, Is Marana Karaka Sthana applicable for Arudhas too...because my thinking is it is already Maya....Please clarify

  • @sanjiv0005
    @sanjiv0005 4 года назад

    Very nice explanation. Thanks sir🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @sapnakumar3896
    @sapnakumar3896 6 лет назад

    Sir,thanks for your nice video, but i need a clarification that for scorpio ascendent horoscope having it's lord mars is in 7th house in taurus. As per your video , in case of arudha in 1and 7th
    I need to count 10th from the house planet sitting and hence it should be 4th house (aquarius),but as per your great Jagannatha hora software ,it is showing AL in 5th house Pisces. pl. clarify if possible. Thanks

  • @rajatdewangan9910
    @rajatdewangan9910 6 лет назад +1

    Awesome session sir...

  • @rajagounderkaithamalai7750
    @rajagounderkaithamalai7750 5 лет назад +1

    i am having jagganatha hora v8.0.i am not getting the same aruda padas for divisional chart for sami sivananda as in the video i need to change any settings or is there any updated free version??

    • @anandChina
      @anandChina 4 года назад

      You would have used authors recommended in setting regarding calculations

  • @vijaysangavi3556
    @vijaysangavi3556 6 лет назад

    pranam guruji..🙏Your thought of taking arudapadas of divisional charts in D-1 chart really need research and great thought also.Shri shri shri Chandrasekharendra saraswati there is missing of "tapaswi yoga"..

  • @ankurbiswas2901
    @ankurbiswas2901 6 лет назад

    Awesome video...Thank You...

  • @meshed1234
    @meshed1234 6 лет назад +3

    Really great video as always Guruji - humbly request you to release your latest JHora version - even if it is only a Beta release. That way we will all be able to implement easily the Arudha Padhas concept for all divisional charts instantaneously (it takes a few minutes at least for each div chart now, and with natal charts + tajaka + Tithi pravesh, it can take considerably longer). Request you to please consider this request sir _/\_

    • @meshed1234
      @meshed1234 6 лет назад +3

      Money motive? Clearly you do not know Narasimhaji well enough. If there is one man on this earth who will not charge a penny for all his astounding service to astrology and spirituality, it is him. I'm sure he has other reasons, but did not want that to stop me from making a request at least :)

  • @rajeshkaul2850
    @rajeshkaul2850 6 лет назад

    Excellent video.

  • @dhupasharath5880
    @dhupasharath5880 4 года назад

    sir, i have a request, assume arudha lagna point in D-1 chart as a planet, and as per divisional chart calculations, it will fall in any of the rashis at particular degrees(just the way any other planets fall in rashis in particular divisional chart), if you take that as arudha lagna for that particular divisional chart.
    in a nut shell,
    treat the arudha lagna point as a planet sitting at that position,
    as per divisional chart calculations, it will fall in some rashi in a prticular divisional chart, treat that rashi, that point as a arudha lagna for that particular divisional chart.
    Please text me if it can be tested to analyze the chart.

  • @chanchalsrivastava2857
    @chanchalsrivastava2857 6 лет назад

    Thanks a lot.

  • @thebiologist1573
    @thebiologist1573 4 года назад

    Tq sir🙏

  • @Hayun_Emb
    @Hayun_Emb 2 года назад

    48:10 , 57:10