One of the reasons why Łódź is not so popular is because it doesn't have a defined center where all the tourist attractions are focused, it leads to people passing through sections that in other older cities they normally wouldn't. The industry collapse also played a big role in how the city looks now, but there's a good side to it, old factory buildings are being reused and not demolished keeping that nice look, like Manufaktura witch was literally a ruin before 2002.
I think it's debatable where the real centre is. The Stary Rynek has recently been refurbished but lacks the pretty buildings you'd associate with most old Polish towns. That area was also the site of the ghetto so whilst historically fascinating it isn't "pretty". Piotrkowska or Pietryna as the locals call it is closest to a centre but it's not a square and therefore concentrated. Manufaktura probably much more resembles what most people would associate with a town centre restaurants bars cinema shops museums hotel art gallery etc (oh and of course a french supermarket with things you can buy)
@2:26 Legionów street, and several other in the area are being renovated, but now it is like a warzone. Shame you did not show Piotrkowska street, this is the real center of Łódź.
Man, you missed the biggest attraction of Łódź, which IMO is the Orientarium, a recently opened very modern and spacious zoo with animals from Asia. It's truly amazing.
I have lived in Lodz for a long time, the textile industry collapsed, the city was stagnant for a long time, but now a lot is changing for the better. A1, A2 and S8 motorways, railway tunnels, revitalization, Orientarium, Monopolis, Wigencja, EC1, Księży Młyn, OFF Piotrkowska, etc. There is a lot to do but a lot has already been done.
I'm just curious, has the city transitioned to a new kind of heavy industry, or it have been replaced by other economic activities (services, comerce, etc)
You haven't walked down the Piotrkowska Street? Well, that's rather unexpected. You'd see Łódź is not as sad as you thought. Besides why did you choose Widzew Station instead of the Łódź Fabryczna, the most modern railway station in Poland?
@@marcinklimas2670 No cóż, przed wyjazdem do jakiegoś miasta trzeba trochę poszperać w necie zamiast słuchać ględzenia jakiejś niedojdy, a jak się tego nie zrobi, to jest jak jest.
I was born here. And spent my early childhood here, till I came to the US in 87. My most memorable part of the city was Radogoszcz Prison. My grandmother took me there and it definitely left an inpact. The city was kind of run down in the 80s but it look much better these days.
The museum in the former Radogoszcz Prison is definitely worth visiting. It went through a modernisation a couple of years ago. I like that the exposition there puts the history of that place in a wider context of Łódź and the whole region under the occupation. BTW if you google "Kartoteka Radogoszcz" you can find an online database of people that were imprisoned there, as well as contact to researchers who are still working on expanding it.
Don't miss Radogast Station where those headed for the concentration camps left or the Jewish cemetery on Bracka the largest in Europe. You'll also find close bye the Children's ghetto the Roma ghetto and the main Jewish ghetto. Not a great deal to see there other than to dwell on the horrors that were perpetrated there on fellow human beings.
Łódź jest doskonała. Filmowanie jej zima czy pozna jesienie nie ma sensu. Jedno z najbardziej zielonych miast w Polsce z najlepiej zorganizowanymi ścieżkami rowerowymi. Łodzi nie zwiedza się na piechotę tylko właśnie rowerem. Świetne miejsce do życia.
Perhaps the biggest mistake of yours was to arrive at the Widzew station. Could have taken Łódź Fabryczna - you would have that instant wow factor, especially if you are into public transportation. I have been to this city once and I really liked its derelict nature. Have a good time in PL!
A fun fact about Manufaktura: there are three different museums in the complex! The Museum of the Factory, the MS2 Modern Art Museum, and the Museum of the City of Łódź (in that giant palace right next to Manufaktura. It was were the owner of the original factory - Izrael Poznański lived). There are slso two other museums nearby on the Gdańska street, and a bunch of others worth visiting in other parts of the city.
Uwielbiam Łódź, dla mnie - jesli chodzi o sferę staraj zabudowy to taki wiekszy Kraków (bez jądra tego orzeszka jakim jest Stare Miasto), przy czym XIX wieczna architektura Krakowa jest w powrównianiu z łódzką taka ... kameralna:) Przy czym ciągle - na co pewnie psioczą łodzianie - nie jest to odpicowany wyglansowany Disneyland w jaki zmienia się Kraków ale plącząc się po ulicach i zaułkach, olbrzymich podwórkach przy Piotrkowskiej, "warstwowych" oficynach (jak w Paryżu i co do skali od razu mi sie nasuneło to skojarzenie) czuje sie przeszłość. Uwielbiam to. A piszę to jako Krakus.
I've been to Lodz a couple of times. The last time I was there was this past summer. Overall, I like Lodz and kind of miss it despite its drawbacks. Here's a list of some of the pros and cons of Lodz (in my opinion): Pros: *Delicious donuts (even better than the ones in Krakow) *Fascinating history *Interesting street art *Fairly straightforward transportation system *Manufaktura Cons: *Construction almost everywhere *A lot of rowdy young people *Not a lot of English-speakers *Crowded with traffic and pedestrians *Somewhat unfriendly toward visitors
Łódź suffers because of very close distance to Warszawa which is always a priority, because it's a capital, so most of the buisnes is going in a first place in to Warszawa. similar situation is with Zgorzelec which is losing its potential, because the German side is more atractive for a companies to settle there. But i believe those both cities will shine sooner or later. Łódż issue was also that the city had to go throug the economy transcition so many times. It's an industral city and because of this sometimes get big and strong hits.
Maybe it's still the worst city in Poland but it has nice sites too like Piotrkowska, New City Centre or Ksiezy Mlyn plus Manufaktura which you visited. Also now some streets are under construction so it looks even worse while filming.
Łódź is something like Detroit, a city that boomed when industry in it boomed and collapsed when industry in it collapsed (not collapsed as much as Detroit though)
I'm Polish and i was surprised why that city dosn't develop , like ather citys in Poland, when you escape of that city you feel like you where in another country.
The amount of research you've done in presenting this video is to be kind very basic. The areas you've shown with big roadworks are the work that's taking place to create an underground link from the station Kaliska to Fabryczna (I challenge you to find a finer looking modern railway station anywhere). Łódź like Poland was subjected to many years of oppression under the Russian Prussian and Austro Hungarian empires. Lodz itself was the site of the Eastern front of the Ist world war and then occupation by the Nazis and the Russian once again. It's history is in its industrial past with a culture than embraced Poles Jews Germans and Russians. There is much stunning architecture but what do you fall in love with? Auchan a French owned supermarket chain one of many throughout the country. Your video is more memorable for what you missed rather than what you discovered. You look down at the transport system but its far far better than much you'll find in the UK. As for udge I haven't got the faintest where that comes from. The first thing to understand is the first letter is an Ł not L. The easiest thing to put it is it's pronounced like a W so you get woodge ( never udge).
Lodz is a city on the come up. It is Poland's third largest city , a city full of young folks. Great nightlife,great food,and most folks speak English now. Every American should make a trip to Central Poland. It resembles Upstate New York when you get out into the country between Lodz and Warsaw. And Warsaw is another story altogether!!!
Auchan is a standard shop people go to do cheap shopping but definitely don't take too much time there. Although many things might look exotic to foreigner in our shops, so maybe that's why you'd spend so much time in a simple hypermarket. I mean, if I'm traveling, shops like that are the last on my must see list, I prefer the biggest attractions a city has to offer besides shopping. And Łódź has some, because it has a rich and long history
Oh yeah,STREET ART! On many building facades! Dope as hell! Real Estate is BOOMING!!! Many buildings are being torn down,renovated,new construction. Lodz has a NEW Airport now. You can fly directly into Lodz now. Before we had to fly into Chopin,and then motor by car to Lodz. If you can stay at The Hotel Grand, make sure you get the morning breakfast! OFF THE CHAIN!!!!
Kiedy ogląda się Łódź tylko z perspektywy starych kamienic, tych najbardziej zniszczonych, placów budowy (jest przecież wiele do zrobienia) i tylko Manufaktury... to rzeczywiście słowo "worst" może pasować. Ale nie ma tu Piotrkowskiej, nie ma Nowego Centrum Łodzi, zaginął gdzieś Księży Młyn i kilka innych pięknych miejsc. To nie pierwszy raz kiedy widzę podobną jazdę ... Znam wiele brzydszych, prawie w ogóle pozbawionych zabytków polskich miast powyżej 250 tysi obywateli. Obecnie Łódź to plac budowy i jeden wielki remont...,ale to wciąż za mało i wszyscy dobrze o tym wiedzą. Te kamienice i nawierzchnia miasta nie były remontowane od lat 30' aż do lat 90' XX wieku!!! Komuna dobiła to miasto do końca, szarość i smog, zawsze kochałem to miasto ale komuchy zarżnęli je dokumentnie. Kiedy wydawało się że w końcu wyjdziemy na prostą, kiedy w latach 90' inne miasta zaczęły się bogacić, w Łodzi upadł cały przemysł włókienniczy i tysiące ludzi zostało bez pracy... i znów straciliśmy kolejne lata ponieważ prawie nic poza Pietryną nie zostało ruszone. Właściwa odnowa to dopiero ostatnie 15 - 20 lat, a kiedy mówimy o odbudowie ponad 500tysięcznego miasta, o całkowitej odbudowie (!!!).... to jest skala nieznana innym, polskim większym miastom. To jest przepaść. Dlatego Łódź zmienia się powoli, ale z głową... nie ma takiego architektonicznego bałaganu jak np. w stolicy. Za 15 - 20 lat to będzie już kompletnie inne miasto, 10 już będzie widać ogromną różnicę, przynajmniej w centrum miasta. A że naczelny architekt miasta nie jest ciągle pijany to sądzę że nie popełnimy błędów kilku innych, dużych polskich miast. Pozdrawiam - S.
To nie komuna dobiła to miasto. Dobił je wielki "polski" ekonom i jego reformy. Pomógł mu w tym nasz rząd, który w żaden sposób nie wspomógł tysięcy tkaczek i innych pracowników fabryk które nagle upadły, a ludzie zostali na łasce losu. Wielu starszych wtedy odeszło, wielu młodych wyjechało za pracą. Pozdrowienia z Łodzi !
Africa is not a country, stupid 😆. You only want to hear good things without facing reality and you ain't get that from my channel. You will do yourself a favourite if you never watch this channel again
It's pronounced" Woodge"! I love it there. I'm a black man from Los Angeles,and I have never had any issues there. I have many friends there,so I don't know what the hell you are talking about!
@@adamluk78 Gdybyś trochę poczytał, nie pisałbyś durnot. Nie wszystkie zabytki wymienionych miast to rekonstrukcje i dotyczy to także Warszawy. Z kolei Kraków - obecny wygląd zamku na Wawelu to wynik Wielkiej Restauracji (połączonej z częściowa rekonstrukcją i wymianą oryginalnych elementów architektonicznych) z przełomu XIX i XX wieku, a mury są XIX-wieczne. Sukiennice uzyskały swą szatę zewnętrzną w II połowie XIX wieku, a dziedziniec Collegium Maius to w dużej mierze kreacja powojenna dość luźno nawiązującą do oryginalnej (ludzie średniowiecza serdecznie nienawidzili gołej cegły)..
DaanPL - Katowice, Chorzów, Gliwice ,Zabrze, Bytom, Sosnowiec, Radom, Rzeszów, Białystok, Opole, Bydgoszcz, Gdynia, Szczecin, Częstochowa😅.... none of these cities looks better than Lodz. I'm writing about the whole, all these cities as a whole of urban development... Your joke is just stupid. Cya.
It's really great that you visited my hometown, great film, but without visiting Piotrkowska I wouldn't say you visited Lódź. This is where the heart of the city is... I love your channel, but this time, the way you depicted Lodz is very inaccurate and a bit unfair to the city. Probably you got a bad advice from someone who has no idea about the city and bases on stereotypes
Bydgoszcz, Białystok, Radom, Sosnowiec, Chorzów, Gliwice, Bytom, Zabrze, Wałbrzych, Rzeszów (definitywnie brzydsze miasta), oraz Gdynia, Katowice, Częstochowa, Szczecin, Opole, Lublin też jest w połowie zajechany... ale te miasta to już pół na pół, wyrównana stawka. Wystarczyłoby pojechać na Górny Śląsk... żeby zmienić zdanie i zobaczyć jak wygląda szare niebo, brudne kamienice i niewiele zabytków... choćby na poziomie kamienic z Piotrkowskiej. Nic to, niech sobie gadają. Pozdrawiam - S.
And why is this video entitled " The Worst City In Poland???" As long as you go there and show respect for the Country,the People,Their History,and Their Customs you will have zero problems. Learn some Polish! A little bit goes a long way!! Learn how to say " Good Morning/ Good Day!" "Thank You"! Those two will get you props for at least ATTEMPTING to learn something about their language! And GO SEE OLD TOWN IN WARSAW!!!
Katowice, Chorzów, Zabrze, Bytom, Sosnowiec, Radom, Rzeszów, Opole, Gdynia, Szczecin, Białystok, Bydgoszcz, Lublin. All of these cities don't look better than Lodz. Bytom, Chorzów, Sosnowiec, Radom, Białystok, Bydgoszcz... these are the real biggest slums in Poland. Cya.
One of the reasons why Łódź is not so popular is because it doesn't have a defined center where all the tourist attractions are focused, it leads to people passing through sections that in other older cities they normally wouldn't. The industry collapse also played a big role in how the city looks now, but there's a good side to it, old factory buildings are being reused and not demolished keeping that nice look, like Manufaktura witch was literally a ruin before 2002.
Piotrkowska is the center.
Piotrkowska i well defined. Longest shopping street in Europe
I think it's debatable where the real centre is. The Stary Rynek has recently been refurbished but lacks the pretty buildings you'd associate with most old Polish towns. That area was also the site of the ghetto so whilst historically fascinating it isn't "pretty". Piotrkowska or Pietryna as the locals call it is closest to a centre but it's not a square and therefore concentrated. Manufaktura probably much more resembles what most people would associate with a town centre restaurants bars cinema shops museums hotel art gallery etc (oh and of course a french supermarket with things you can buy)
@2:26 Legionów street, and several other in the area are being renovated, but now it is like a warzone. Shame you did not show Piotrkowska street, this is the real center of Łódź.
Man, you missed the biggest attraction of Łódź, which IMO is the Orientarium, a recently opened very modern and spacious zoo with animals from Asia. It's truly amazing.
I have lived in Lodz for a long time, the textile industry collapsed, the city was stagnant for a long time, but now a lot is changing for the better. A1, A2 and S8 motorways, railway tunnels, revitalization, Orientarium, Monopolis, Wigencja, EC1, Księży Młyn, OFF Piotrkowska, etc. There is a lot to do but a lot has already been done.
I'm just curious, has the city transitioned to a new kind of heavy industry, or it have been replaced by other economic activities (services, comerce, etc)
You haven't walked down the Piotrkowska Street? Well, that's rather unexpected. You'd see Łódź is not as sad as you thought. Besides why did you choose Widzew Station instead of the Łódź Fabryczna, the most modern railway station in Poland?
Pewnie jechał jakimś Wrocławiem, a na Gdańszczaku sprzedali mu to co mieli. Czyli coś przez Widzew i powrotny też do Gdańszczaka.
@@marcinklimas2670 No cóż, przed wyjazdem do jakiegoś miasta trzeba trochę poszperać w necie zamiast słuchać ględzenia jakiejś niedojdy, a jak się tego nie zrobi, to jest jak jest.
I was born here. And spent my early childhood here, till I came to the US in 87. My most memorable part of the city was Radogoszcz Prison. My grandmother took me there and it definitely left an inpact. The city was kind of run down in the 80s but it look much better these days.
My Great grandfather was prisoned there, but he managed to escape days before liberation
The museum in the former Radogoszcz Prison is definitely worth visiting. It went through a modernisation a couple of years ago. I like that the exposition there puts the history of that place in a wider context of Łódź and the whole region under the occupation. BTW if you google "Kartoteka Radogoszcz" you can find an online database of people that were imprisoned there, as well as contact to researchers who are still working on expanding it.
Don't miss Radogast Station where those headed for the concentration camps left or the Jewish cemetery on Bracka the largest in Europe. You'll also find close bye the Children's ghetto the Roma ghetto and the main Jewish ghetto. Not a great deal to see there other than to dwell on the horrors that were perpetrated there on fellow human beings.
Łódź jest doskonała. Filmowanie jej zima czy pozna jesienie nie ma sensu. Jedno z najbardziej zielonych miast w Polsce z najlepiej zorganizowanymi ścieżkami rowerowymi. Łodzi nie zwiedza się na piechotę tylko właśnie rowerem. Świetne miejsce do życia.
Perhaps the biggest mistake of yours was to arrive at the Widzew station. Could have taken Łódź Fabryczna - you would have that instant wow factor, especially if you are into public transportation. I have been to this city once and I really liked its derelict nature. Have a good time in PL!
A fun fact about Manufaktura: there are three different museums in the complex! The Museum of the Factory, the MS2 Modern Art Museum, and the Museum of the City of Łódź (in that giant palace right next to Manufaktura. It was were the owner of the original factory - Izrael Poznański lived). There are slso two other museums nearby on the Gdańska street, and a bunch of others worth visiting in other parts of the city.
It's not a bad city, it's just under construction
Should have gone alongside Piotrkowska Street.
Uwielbiam Łódź, dla mnie - jesli chodzi o sferę staraj zabudowy to taki wiekszy Kraków (bez jądra tego orzeszka jakim jest Stare Miasto), przy czym XIX wieczna architektura Krakowa jest w powrównianiu z łódzką taka ... kameralna:) Przy czym ciągle - na co pewnie psioczą łodzianie - nie jest to odpicowany wyglansowany Disneyland w jaki zmienia się Kraków ale plącząc się po ulicach i zaułkach, olbrzymich podwórkach przy Piotrkowskiej, "warstwowych" oficynach (jak w Paryżu i co do skali od razu mi sie nasuneło to skojarzenie) czuje sie przeszłość. Uwielbiam to. A piszę to jako Krakus.
I've been to Lodz a couple of times. The last time I was there was this past summer. Overall, I like Lodz and kind of miss it despite its drawbacks. Here's a list of some of the pros and cons of Lodz (in my opinion):
*Delicious donuts (even better than the ones in Krakow)
*Fascinating history
*Interesting street art
*Fairly straightforward transportation system
*Construction almost everywhere
*A lot of rowdy young people
*Not a lot of English-speakers
*Crowded with traffic and pedestrians
*Somewhat unfriendly toward visitors
Wait a minute it’s not Bytom
Hey you have missed quite a bit ;-( Piotrkowska St, Ksiezy Mlyn anyway thank you for visiting this lovely place. You need to come back ;-)
Polish Detroit.
Ehhh… kiedyś to tak ale teraz Łódź jest spoko. Po za tym.. nie ma porównania z Detroit, totalnie opuszczone miasto połowe spalone.
You've never been to Detroit.
I’d say it’s Ząbki lol
Łódź suffers because of very close distance to Warszawa which is always a priority, because it's a capital, so most of the buisnes is going in a first place in to Warszawa. similar situation is with Zgorzelec which is losing its potential, because the German side is more atractive for a companies to settle there. But i believe those both cities will shine sooner or later. Łódż issue was also that the city had to go throug the economy transcition so many times. It's an industral city and because of this sometimes get big and strong hits.
Yeah you caught a famous guy at 10:00 !
Manufaktura is boring. I can't believe you didn't go to Piotrkowska street. You mised the main part of the city
This is not worst city. we live here last 5 years I love ❤️ it Lodz my baby born here
Łódź is rather interesting city in Poland
Maybe it's still the worst city in Poland but it has nice sites too like Piotrkowska, New City Centre or Ksiezy Mlyn plus Manufaktura which you visited. Also now some streets are under construction so it looks even worse while filming.
Łódź is something like Detroit, a city that boomed when industry in it boomed and collapsed when industry in it collapsed (not collapsed as much as Detroit though)
Detroit naprawdę upada Łódź się podnosi.Największa iść inwestycji jest w Łodzi najgorzej jest chyba z Krakowem ale pewności nie mam
10:00 Mariusz Szczygieł
brawo za spostrzegawczość :-)
I'm Polish and i was surprised why that city dosn't develop , like ather citys in Poland, when you escape of that city you feel like you where in another country.
Still much better then Birmingham in uk
The amount of research you've done in presenting this video is to be kind very basic. The areas you've shown with big roadworks are the work that's taking place to create an underground link from the station Kaliska to Fabryczna (I challenge you to find a finer looking modern railway station anywhere).
Łódź like Poland was subjected to many years of oppression under the Russian Prussian and Austro Hungarian empires. Lodz itself was the site of the Eastern front of the Ist world war and then occupation by the Nazis and the Russian once again.
It's history is in its industrial past with a culture than embraced Poles Jews Germans and Russians. There is much stunning architecture but what do you fall in love with? Auchan a French owned supermarket chain one of many throughout the country.
Your video is more memorable for what you missed rather than what you discovered.
You look down at the transport system but its far far better than much you'll find in the UK.
As for udge I haven't got the faintest where that comes from. The first thing to understand is the first letter is an Ł not L. The easiest thing to put it is it's pronounced like a W so you get woodge ( never udge).
If Łódź is the worst city in poland, i am proud that our worst city is far from being bad place to live
Lodz is a city on the come up. It is Poland's third largest city , a city full of young folks. Great nightlife,great food,and most folks speak English now. Every American should make a trip to Central Poland. It resembles Upstate New York when you get out into the country between Lodz and Warsaw. And Warsaw is another story altogether!!!
Now, the fourth :)
It's actually compketed with constructions. Greetings from Łódź
Lodz is completely amazing city. But you need eyes to see it. I lived there few years and i always apreciated this city. Very beautifull
Auchan is a standard shop people go to do cheap shopping but definitely don't take too much time there. Although many things might look exotic to foreigner in our shops, so maybe that's why you'd spend so much time in a simple hypermarket. I mean, if I'm traveling, shops like that are the last on my must see list, I prefer the biggest attractions a city has to offer besides shopping. And Łódź has some, because it has a rich and long history
Ł is always pronounced like Whiskey without the iskey & ó like an u. Damn brev on 3:19 you pronouced Łódź perfectly!
Delulu Łódź is amazing
I Szczygła upolowałeś 10:00
Who is saying it’s the worst city? it’s the first time I encounter this statement.
Na wygnaniu w mieście Łodzi, gdzie nawet bieganie psom szkodzi.
@@sirgallant5000 odpowiedział - "Ptaszek idi...ta głupszy niż się zdaje, nieprzyjaciel kota ojciec pięciu jajek". Cya.
Oh yeah,STREET ART! On many building facades! Dope as hell! Real Estate is BOOMING!!! Many buildings are being torn down,renovated,new construction. Lodz has a NEW Airport now. You can fly directly into Lodz now. Before we had to fly into Chopin,and then motor by car to Lodz. If you can stay at The Hotel Grand, make sure you get the morning breakfast! OFF THE CHAIN!!!!
This city looks like too old and messy.
Kiedy ogląda się Łódź tylko z perspektywy starych kamienic, tych najbardziej zniszczonych, placów budowy (jest przecież wiele do zrobienia) i tylko Manufaktury... to rzeczywiście słowo "worst" może pasować. Ale nie ma tu Piotrkowskiej, nie ma Nowego Centrum Łodzi, zaginął gdzieś Księży Młyn i kilka innych pięknych miejsc. To nie pierwszy raz kiedy widzę podobną jazdę ... Znam wiele brzydszych, prawie w ogóle pozbawionych zabytków polskich miast powyżej 250 tysi obywateli. Obecnie Łódź to plac budowy i jeden wielki remont...,ale to wciąż za mało i wszyscy dobrze o tym wiedzą. Te kamienice i nawierzchnia miasta nie były remontowane od lat 30' aż do lat 90' XX wieku!!! Komuna dobiła to miasto do końca, szarość i smog, zawsze kochałem to miasto ale komuchy zarżnęli je dokumentnie. Kiedy wydawało się że w końcu wyjdziemy na prostą, kiedy w latach 90' inne miasta zaczęły się bogacić, w Łodzi upadł cały przemysł włókienniczy i tysiące ludzi zostało bez pracy... i znów straciliśmy kolejne lata ponieważ prawie nic poza Pietryną nie zostało ruszone. Właściwa odnowa to dopiero ostatnie 15 - 20 lat, a kiedy mówimy o odbudowie ponad 500tysięcznego miasta, o całkowitej odbudowie (!!!).... to jest skala nieznana innym, polskim większym miastom. To jest przepaść. Dlatego Łódź zmienia się powoli, ale z głową... nie ma takiego architektonicznego bałaganu jak np. w stolicy. Za 15 - 20 lat to będzie już kompletnie inne miasto, 10 już będzie widać ogromną różnicę, przynajmniej w centrum miasta. A że naczelny architekt miasta nie jest ciągle pijany to sądzę że nie popełnimy błędów kilku innych, dużych polskich miast. Pozdrawiam - S.
To nie komuna dobiła to miasto. Dobił je wielki "polski" ekonom i jego reformy. Pomógł mu w tym nasz rząd, który w żaden sposób nie wspomógł tysięcy tkaczek i innych pracowników fabryk które nagle upadły, a ludzie zostali na łasce losu. Wielu starszych wtedy odeszło, wielu młodych wyjechało za pracą. Pozdrowienia z Łodzi !
you go to check your country of Africa ...
Africa is not a country, stupid 😆. You only want to hear good things without facing reality and you ain't get that from my channel. You will do yourself a favourite if you never watch this channel again
Szkoda ze to nie 80te i wczesniej. Reakcja mieszkańców za te worst city byłaby bezcenna. A tak tylko mu się z pontonem może kojarzyć 🙃
It's pronounced" Woodge"! I love it there. I'm a black man from Los Angeles,and I have never had any issues there. I have many friends there,so I don't know what the hell you are talking about!
With respect, it's not ooch, it's said 'wooge'.
Say it this way... Woodz.
Polish Glasgow.
Wow, I didn't expect this in Poland.
It's pronounce Woo J with J wor Jingle Bels
Legionów jest już po remoncie jest czysto i ładnie
WooJ is how you would pronounce it.
Dont go to Lodz, Poznan, Szczecin.
Go to Krakow, Warsaw, Gdansk, Wroclaw.
@@marcinklimas2670 Bo autor se tak wykombinował.
@@fox570808 dokładnie
Krakow - 14th-19th century
Lodz - 19th century city
Wroclaw, Gdansk, Poznan, Warszawa, Szczecin - built in 1950s-1970s
@@adamluk78 Gdybyś trochę poczytał, nie pisałbyś durnot. Nie wszystkie zabytki wymienionych miast to rekonstrukcje i dotyczy to także Warszawy. Z kolei Kraków - obecny wygląd zamku na Wawelu to wynik Wielkiej Restauracji (połączonej z częściowa rekonstrukcją i wymianą oryginalnych elementów architektonicznych) z przełomu XIX i XX wieku, a mury są XIX-wieczne. Sukiennice uzyskały swą szatę zewnętrzną w II połowie XIX wieku, a dziedziniec Collegium Maius to w dużej mierze kreacja powojenna dość luźno nawiązującą do oryginalnej (ludzie średniowiecza serdecznie nienawidzili gołej cegły)..
A lot of people in poland joke that the ukrainian cities that went through the war look much better than lodz lol
Lol that’s crazy thing to say maybe not that bad.
Yeah, world is full of morons..
DaanPL - Katowice, Chorzów, Gliwice ,Zabrze, Bytom, Sosnowiec, Radom, Rzeszów, Białystok, Opole, Bydgoszcz, Gdynia, Szczecin, Częstochowa😅.... none of these cities looks better than Lodz. I'm writing about the whole, all these cities as a whole of urban development... Your joke is just stupid. Cya.
I hate Łódź. Everything is changing there but nothing has ever changed. Such a shitty place.
Perhaps you are a shitty person. Start all the changes with yourself. This is one the true best advice you can ever get.
Wow you come back alive from Óć... I wouldn't have such courage to go there.
Auchan is a french name you read it oo-sh-aw
It's really great that you visited my hometown, great film, but without visiting Piotrkowska I wouldn't say you visited Lódź. This is where the heart of the city is... I love your channel, but this time, the way you depicted Lodz is very inaccurate and a bit unfair to the city. Probably you got a bad advice from someone who has no idea about the city and bases on stereotypes
lulz Łódź it's a good city to live in.
Visit Sosnowiec 😂
Can't pronounce Łódź? Try saying wooch. Does that help?
Hai my Boss
Hi mate!!!
Łódź pronounciation is: Wooj
my friend not ludz its radom and sosnowiec the bad citys in poland i invite
ou ther :)
Bydgoszcz, Białystok, Radom, Sosnowiec, Chorzów, Gliwice, Bytom, Zabrze, Wałbrzych, Rzeszów (definitywnie brzydsze miasta), oraz Gdynia, Katowice, Częstochowa, Szczecin, Opole, Lublin też jest w połowie zajechany... ale te miasta to już pół na pół, wyrównana stawka. Wystarczyłoby pojechać na Górny Śląsk... żeby zmienić zdanie i zobaczyć jak wygląda szare niebo, brudne kamienice i niewiele zabytków... choćby na poziomie kamienic z Piotrkowskiej. Nic to, niech sobie gadają. Pozdrawiam - S.
And why is this video entitled " The Worst City In Poland???" As long as you go there and show respect for the Country,the People,Their History,and Their Customs you will have zero problems. Learn some Polish! A little bit goes a long way!! Learn how to say " Good Morning/ Good Day!" "Thank You"! Those two will get you props for at least ATTEMPTING to learn something about their language! And GO SEE OLD TOWN IN WARSAW!!!
Vote repeatedly left get ruins xDDD
shopping centre .....attraction....??/.SORRY
Lodz is not that bad, to be honest.
Yeah, Łódź, biggest slums in Poland, still more save and less homeless then in Los Angeles, New York, Detroid, and any other USA City you select.
Pod względem patusiarskich ludzi to Warszawa bije Łódź na głowę
Katowice, Chorzów, Zabrze, Bytom, Sosnowiec, Radom, Rzeszów, Opole, Gdynia, Szczecin, Białystok, Bydgoszcz, Lublin. All of these cities don't look better than Lodz. Bytom, Chorzów, Sosnowiec, Radom, Białystok, Bydgoszcz... these are the real biggest slums in Poland. Cya.
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Thanks for commenting!
Czarni nawet mają beke z łodzi XD
Lodz looks more like UK's city then Polish