Surprisingly, they suffered not to Bury the Body, as they Rejoice and give unto each other "Gifts"...that of the Spirit for which its intent! As one day is but one-thousand years, Yeshua, our Lord and Savior, is in the Grave Fulfilling 3-Days, so as to Overcome Death and Hell! Rev 11:15, "the Lord and of his Christ", and we know what the Lord told him, "Get thee behind me, Satan", and he did, through Paul, the Pharisee, he who came in his own Name, he whom they Believed, "I-Paul", the Apostate! Yeshua is the First Witness of Revelation, and by way of John 17:12, knowing that of those "kept" one is not under the Covering of the Father, that Son of Perdition, that Scripture might be Fulfilled. Ben'David is our Lord, our King, and his Messenger is none other than Ben'Yosef, that Son of Perdition in the Flesh!
Surprisingly, they suffered not to Bury the Body, as they Rejoice and give unto each other "Gifts"...that of the Spirit for which its intent!
As one day is but one-thousand years, Yeshua, our Lord and Savior, is in the Grave Fulfilling 3-Days, so as to Overcome Death and Hell!
Rev 11:15, "the Lord and of his Christ", and we know what the Lord told him, "Get thee behind me, Satan", and he did, through Paul, the Pharisee, he who came in his own Name, he whom they Believed, "I-Paul", the Apostate!
Yeshua is the First Witness of Revelation, and by way of John 17:12, knowing that of those "kept" one is not under the Covering of the Father, that Son of Perdition, that Scripture might be Fulfilled.
Ben'David is our Lord, our King, and his Messenger is none other than Ben'Yosef, that Son of Perdition in the Flesh!