Thanks to everyone who already picked up a copy of Sandbag Hypertophy! Your feedback has been so far beyond anything I could have hoped for. Closer to that 100 review mark over on Amazon every day!!
You and I couldn't be more different (I'm a skinny dude that likes fancy things and does not go running in the hills dressed like a viking) but you perfectly described everything I felt when I discovered trail running after many failed attempts at running in an urban environment. It really does feel like an obstacle course, a very low entry, fun one. It really does feel like play! Keep it up, love your energy.
Hahah I don't know why but that first sentence really made me laugh :D Yes such a good way to exercise, I'll never go back!! Honored to have you here :)
This is one of the things that could unite lifters, athletes and everybody else really. Being in nature while pushing yourself is missing from almost everybodys training routine, whatever they do. When i see people riding car to gym just to spend time on running mill instead of running to the gym...or running laps on in a parkinglot...thats your apocalypse right there lol.
@@thestonecircle I think for some folks it's a safety thing. I've used a treadmill a few times and it just makes me feel strange. Basement Bodybuilding made a video on starting to train in nature! Very cool points about it being suboptimal exercises but an optimal environment.
I've been doing hill sprints for around 2 months now, I'm pretty sure it's great additional volume for leg training as you've said, but also, it's been great for my running pace, I run only once a week, and that's hill sprinting. Then once a month I'll do a 3km run in the fastest pace I can, and I noticed I'm getting way better by doing hill sprints only, and only once a week. So it might be the most time-efficient form of cardio I've ever done. I've done regular running, circuit training, burpees, all of that stuff, but nothing has improved my cardio so quickly as hill sprinting.
This is some great insight thank you! It makes so much sense too, the idea that increasing the base layer of strength builds on everything above it, hill sprints are the best!
You mentioned hill sprints with your dog. I’ve got to say that any type of sprints with your dog is so much fun. They love it too. Great way to get sprints in
Hahah, really though I cut so far and my body just doesn't want to go back up. I've decided the way forward is to stop eating 100% clean for the time being, been bulking on this awesome pumpkin bread I got from a farm these last few days, I think I put on a few pounds already. All for the sake of that sandbag strength :)
I so agree,I don't do it often,but when I do go for a fast trail run, I like to imagine I'm right out of The Last Of The Mohicans or something. BTW I love that quote you used about "hard times" I have that hanging on my bedroom wall 💪
YES that's so awesome! Nothing like running the trail to make you feel like some badass character from a movie or something :) Also hell yeah I like that quote!
I used to run cross country at a regional level for years as a teenager and i used to swear by (and still do) hill sprints (on and offroad) and also doing running sessions of different intensities on soft sand or shingle. The latter always gave me a different kind of burn.
Doing some research on the benefits of sprinting has been eye opening. Currently trying a mile run into a sprint until I can't do it anymore, then repeat with another mile. All of my lifts have been better off for it.
I may have to add hill sprints at some point! Always fancied them but now this vid has come out,youve inspired me to give them a try. I bet these are so much fun! Just wish i had the trails you have.... they look imense!🤙
I tried sprinting in the summer of last year because I wanted to see if it would help out with max effort lifts due to it being a short burst of explosiveness like heavy, low rep lifts and I found that it started adding mass to my glutes and hamstrings.
Grit, body dexterity and reflexes are another 3 great qualities I find in trail running which are not necessarily shared with road running or any other physical activity.
So true! This last place I was at had so many small stones scattered and hidden under grass, had to be so quick to avoid that stuff. Reflex training for sure, and lots of fun!
Hahah it actually happens a lot. Funny thing is people seem to just assume because I'm dressed like this I must be doing something important, when the truth is I'm really just running around because it's fun haha
@Jimperial I imagine haha I'd be dying 😁 a few of the places are near Como/Fairplay, CO and it's a few hours away from me so I only go a couple times a year if I can. The vid where I'm in the green shirt though is only about a half hour so I go at least once or twice a month when I can, (more often lately!)
Trail running is something I implemented years ago, and even after all this time, is something I do regularly. I love it. Doing it barefoot adds a level of mental challenge too. Foot placement is everything. Whether it's the mid foot, balls of feet, or on toes you have to decide in a split second. Digging in on muddy hills is a hell of a challenge. Maneuvering through tree roots, stones, thorns, and deer sh*t lol I love it. Not to mention the great and legendary endorphin rush.
For sure, I don’t do it near enough but running on “rugged” ground especially up and down hill way out in nature is so satisfying.. “obstacle course” - exactly bro, that sums it up perfectly. I like the kind of sprint sometimes, jog briskly the rest of the time “vibe” - really replicates that delusional apocalypse vibe you’re talking about 😂 especially with some ducking, jumping and diving mixed in haha. Just typing that out made me realise I should be doing it at least once a week, if anything for my own mental health. The gym gets lame haha.
Yes hahah add in some luxury apocalypse vibes and you're good to go :D I'm that same exact way most of the time, I don't do it nearly as often as I'd like. Really getting into more lately and it's so good!
@@thestonecircle yeah it’s that whole “primal” thing too… like our bodies are just supposed to do certain things like run, jump, climb … we’ve still got the same body and mind as when these things were essential for our survival, we’re designed for this shit!!
@@thestonecircle this is one of the things I like about your channel so much is it reminds me of these things and how multi faceted the body needs to be for true physical mastery.
Love this video brother. As always, great information and a very beautiful film. I told Brice that watching your videos is like watching an awesome short story/movie...
was not expecting this topic! great video! and relatable ... in my early 30s, I left the gym for close to 2yrs, as I got addicted to trail running😂.... doing 5Ks, 10ks, and 30ks, plus night races, which hits differnt in the TX hill country under the stars .... was never into treadmills or road work, but Trail Running was/is something different... primal💀
30k holy crap! Man I think I told you this before but I'll never forget my stay in TX when I was in my RV. Ended up way off the path by a horse trail, don't actually know how the RV made it there haha. That night it was a full moon, clear sky of stars, and on top of this ridge at least 100 feet up was this giant cross overlooking everything. Powerful imagery! It was also the time of year when all the coyote pups were growing so I could hear a whole pack yipping. Perfect!
I've been dying to add nature sprinting to my mix, this just inspired me to get moving on it. I also am inspired to train hard by the possibility of some sort of apocalyptic event, society collapse, etc. I figure I'll be useful and survive in the worst of times, and if nothing bad happens, I still have a sick fuckin body XD This is one of my favorites from you so far, great video brotha!
That's exactly it hahah, couldn't have said it better myself :D train for the possibility, and if it doesn't happen at least you got the bod! haha. Glad you liked this one!
I know when I'm out for my walks on the trails I'm drawn to run. I don't because my knees won't let me (yet) but there's something about being in the woods that's energizing. Also I think this exercise is really in line with your usual mantra. Trail running/sprinting has that intensity.
I feel the same way! It's hard not to when you're out there. The more I do it the more I notice cool paths I could take, cool obstacle courses :D and definitely!
I had the same issue when I was competitive in cross country. I kept hitting the trails when I knew I shouldn't. Definitely made me and my structure much more resilient, and it's so freaking fun! Can't comment on the muscular development but it made me injury proof. I've landed on the top of my foot while going up a slope and just kept going. Only thing that gets me is putting way too much force through my Achilles. Might go back and do something other than long distance, giga glutes would be helpful.
Yess it does make you so resilient right?! Pure speed on the concrete just feels wrong after haha, it's like things are out of balance. I swear some of these people I've seen, they look like they spent the last 10 years skipping steps on a stairmaster while wearing hundreds of pounds for hours on end everyday
I am fortunate to have a really nice dirt trail by my house. I've tried road running but always end up straining my calves. Running on the trail forces me to run slower and change direction alot so it makes it more engaging.
Hey that's awesome I bet the scenery is really nice too! That's how I feel about it too, that combination of obstacles and having to go a bit slower is just right
Hahah that actually has been a real thing for me too :D. Funny thing is, you expect the silly clothes to make things more awkward, but I've noticed any time I wear them people just assume I'm doing something important haha
Definitely love this video. I like my weights but running sround in nature is something we were definitely meant to do with our bodies sometimes. I could use something to help lean out from my bulk, too! It's harder to get the protein in when eating too much less, seems like a great addition here.
Thank you, great content, reminded me of this: A forerunner of parkour was developed by French naval officer Georges Hébert, who promoted athletic skill based on the models of indigenous tribes he had met in Africa. He noted, "their bodies were splendid, flexible, nimble, skillful, enduring, and resistant but yet they had no other tutor in gymnastics but their lives in nature." His rescue efforts during the 1902 eruption of Mount Pelée reinforced his belief that athletic skill must be combined with courage and altruism. (Shameless Wikipedia copy paste).
I love sprinting, although I've kinda been neglecting it lately. It's funny, I do a lot of crawling, jumping, cartwheel-ing; all the "primal movements", yet I forget the most primal one of them all.
@@thestonecircle It is! I love movement training in the style of Ido Portal, Vahva Fitness or GMB. I love how unpredictable it is; not just "up and down" like push-ups or squats, movement training really teaches your body adaptability - strength, flexibility, coordination, and stability at every angle.
I live in the PNW and we have hundreds, if not thousands of hiking trails in my area. Most of them are too steep for that but a lot are near foothills that look a lot like what you're running around in your videos.
I'd love to make it out that way at some point!! I don't know if your area has this, but the idea of crazy mountain forest on one side, and ocean on the other seems straight out of another world! This is CO btw :)
@@thestonecircle The forest is actually on both sides of the mountains here, what's nice is depending on where you are it's only a couple hour drive to the saltwater. Not necessarily the ocean, but at least the sound and you get basically all of the oceany goodness there.
Its nice to hear about your passions we get to know you better and not just the topic! Thanks again ! Beware of one of the 3 things a wise man fears! Hah (kingkiller chronicles)
I've actually been considering reaching out to Grimfrost about that, maybe I should get on it haha. Most of this stuff is from Grimfrost though! It's the lead singer of Amon Amarths business btw if you know them :)
Trail running was the only form of cardio I enjoyed. Than I almost ran face first into the biggest spider I’ve ever seen hanging from a tree. Not even sure what kind of spider it was maybe a tarantula? Then I became self aware of how many bugs caught in spider webs on the trail and knew it was inevitable before I run into a giant spider. Nope I’m good 😂
Hey buddy you can get "silt" from the river vs just sand. Sand weighs 90lbs per cubed foot, silt weighs 120lbs per cubed foot.. I realized that's why my bag was too heavy 😂
@@thestonecircle it's basically sand but a lot finer. It's like the finer sand found at a beach or river, creek, etc. The larger sand is at the banks and the finer sand is where the water was. I bet you can research how to find silt and where it is in your area. It's super heavy so you can make your smaller bags heaver. I bet you can even pour it in your existing sand bags to make them heavier before you replace it entirely with silt.
Are you sure those other trail runners weren’t English soldiers disguised as monks or their way to Castleguard? 🤔 It’s good you had the sword with you. Never can tell. “Luxury apocalypse” I will be using this phrase going forward. Awesome video and the forest is looking amazing again!
Hey that's awesome you wear this stuff too! It really is such high quality stuff, having real genuine wool/linen is just different from the modern fast fashion stuff.
Mytholon and Bergschneider are quality brands I've bought a few things from the medieval collectibles website. Most of the stuff I'm wearing in this vid is from Grimfrost and it's definitely quality!
I’ve just started sprinting recently and every time I do I feel like I’m about to throw up after, but I’m sure that feeling will go away soon. Btw I was wondering what kind of clothing you’re wearing in your outdoor videos? Look like Jedi robes lol.
Haha if I go too long or eat too soon before I'll get that feeling too, at least you know you're pushing with everything you have! Man I actually thought that too looking back, the tan one is based off a find from 11th century Denmark and I swear it looks like a Jedi would wear it haha. I recently upgraded to Grimfrost stuff and it's really high quality. It's the lead singer of Amon Amarth's company if you know them btw! Pants: Wool Tunic: Linen Tunic:
@@William1683BTOne side of my family has a lot of Swedish or Norwegian I can't remember which I should ask, but from that general part of the world yeah! I think the other side is Czech but I'm sure there's a lot of other stuff
Feels like I’m watching a movie and your character is running from something or on your way to tell the village trouble is heading its way. Lol. And who the heck is filming you? Or do you have a tracking smart feature like some drones use?
Haha heck yes that's awesome :D End goal is to try making these vids fit some kind of 80s dark fantasy aesthetic! Every once in a while I can convince my girlfriend to film me running around haha
I swear at least 50 different people have reached out on his videos about it, and I messaged him on IG but I haven't heard back yet haha. I don't blame him though it's hard to keep up with ig messages. Hopefully one day!!
Just curious , I go up to a steep trail called mount peak to do my hill sprints, do you do steep hills and how many sprints do you usually do per session, and how many sessions per week? I’m wondering if I do too much
Running up steep hills is my favorite! I honestly usually don't track it much and just have fun with it, but 5-10 rounds of 5-10 seconds once or twice a week seems to be a great place to start. Can always push that higher though If you're really getting into it!
@ I’ve been doing them for about 4 months straight since I recovered from back surgery, 2-3 times a week 10-12 sprints per session, the hills and trails I use are pretty steep and I find that I’m extremely exhausted after a session, I literally can’t do anything else
I would like to see you make a farnese hercules training program or a space marine training program from warhammer 40k. Both of their physique have very similar characteristics such as a big yoke, big arms and forearms, thick back,a strong posterior chain and huge calves. I would like to see that in the format of the witcher training program video that you've made. Also what are your thoughts on tibialis anterior training?
Hey there are a few ways I think it could work! First would be staying on the lower end of the volume with the sandbag stuff, and adding a few sets of sprints at the end of the sandbag workouts. The other would be adding the sprinting during the optional 10 minutes at the end of the calisthenics workouts. It wouldn't be as optimal if your goal is to become the fastest sprinter ever, in which case I'd do the sprinting earlier in the workouts, but as an addition to a sandbag/calisthenics focused program I think that'd be a great way to go! If you keep the intensity lower and go at more of a moderate pace rather than an all out sprint you should be able to do it on off days too if you want!
Hey Cody, I'm really grateful for your content, watching your videos feels like having an interesting conversation with a friend. I'm definitely sold on trail running, do you have any advice for getting started, do you use intervals do you wing it?
Hey really glad to have you here! :) I mostly just wing it based on whatever cool pathways I can find to run through haha, but usually somewhere in the 10-20 second range seems to work well for sprints. Main advice if you're just starting would definitely be to keep the intensity a bit lower for a couple weeks while you adapt. Going all out right away can be a lot for the body to handle
Honestly I haven't really been tracking it much, but I'd say the sprints are usually in the 10-20 second range, sometimes longer if I'm trying to make my way through some dense trees or something. I'm usually filming for 1-2 hours at a time but a lot of that time is spent setting up the camera and stuff, and looking for cool new spots to run through
Based of you and Beautiful Nature. Also brother work on your stretching, like get flexible legs and body "idk if u got it already" and also work on swimming the swimming, stretching and martial arts will be a completion to your hybrid training as an ancient/medieval fantasy warrior I've been swimming since childhood and it really plays a big role in my body and my shoulder width also I've been doing martial arts and stretching is where it starts at. Go on for it brother, God be with you. :)
I love the idea of becoming a better swimmer. I used to do it a lot when I was younger but I haven't in a while, stretching and maybe some rowing for that real immersion, martial arts, so much possibility!
Hey brother how can you reenforce your bag so that the canvas dosent tear under the weight? I was wondering if bagging the sand helps.. I could tape around the bag but I like the canvas feel more then I would like duct tape especially when I'm sweating. I could use a few layers of trashbags possibly? Have you ran into this issue? 😅 thanks man!
@@thestonecircle thanks man I found a 8x8 fiberglass welding drop cloth in my garage I might bag the silt too. It's 33 percent heavier than sand so it needs it lol
have you tried resisted sprints? when i had knee pain from poorly programmed front squats i did those. i took my 100lbs sandbad and would sprint forward and walk backwards until i could no longer sprint the whole predetermined distance (~50ft). then id just nonstop walk backwards until i couldnt. huge leg pump. truly nasty.
100 pound sprints! I used to like lining all my stones up and trying to move them from one side of the yard to the other as quickly as I could, moving fast with weight is something else!
@@penumbramine moving fast with weight has to be the most 'functional' thing ever. I think I said this at one point already but it's a tough apocalyptic existence if you have to keep leaving your stuff behind every time you have to run away haha
Hey man. Love your content. I was warned against running because of the stress on the hips and knees. I’ve already run through a fair share of cartilage in one of my hips. Got any tips for keeping joint damage to a minimum for this activity?
Oh yeah for sure! I don't like running on concrete much, I had some knee injuries in the past and too long running on the street and my body starts to hurt. Going for sprints rather than long distance, going up hill as often as possible, and running on soft ground all helps a lot. Add in the off trail stuff where you're forced to go a bit slower to avoid obstacles too and I haven't had any trouble at all!
I think I missed something. When do you rest? Are you just taking ad hoc rests as needed on the trail, or doing timed high effort intervals of some sort?
I might be wrong but I think the point of going off trail like this is to stop thinking from that perspective of training. You just sprint until you can’t.
Hey yeah I've just been having fun with it, not really paying much attention to the rest times or how far I go. I'll just find a cool spot and try to make my way through it as fast as I can :) sorta like high intensity interval training though yeah!
So... Barefoot. Find yourself a decent hill. Roughly 30 sec - one minute sprint up (to visual targets), then bear-crawl back down. Repeat for 20 minutes....😁
Hey yeah I usually just have fun with it, trying to find cool routes to run through and practicing them, moving on and so on :) But 5-10 sets of 5-10 seconds is a good place to be. Main advice is to start with only about 80-90% speed for a couple weeks so your body has time to adapt before going all out
These are the canvas Ursus from Bearfoot! They're great, though if I could get them again I'd probably get the high tops, just because these ones always end up with sticks or rocks in them pretty quick. They are the best barefoot shoes I've worn though, really feels like you aren't wearing shoes
@@thestonecircle Great! Thank you! Also, could you explain a little bit how do you structure your running? Because you say in the video that you don't run far and slow and that you prefer sprinting instead. Do you do repeats of a certain distance or time? Do you completely stop running between sprints? Or you do more like a kind of fartlek were you alternate between sprinting and jogging? And for how long are you running? I think you could do a whole video explaining this. Thank you in advance and keep It up!
@@WarriorEsotericYES haha, I recently got some Grimfrost stuff and it's awesome
@@WarriorEsoteric Really is pretty awesome getting some real authentic garb and just running around, lifting heavy stones, doing pushups haha. I love it!
@VonRibbitt comments go in chronological order in what is called a "thread". This means that if you ask something, there's a chance it was already answered. 😱
Thanks to everyone who already picked up a copy of Sandbag Hypertophy! Your feedback has been so far beyond anything I could have hoped for. Closer to that 100 review mark over on Amazon every day!!
Well deserved man!
@Jimperial thank you!
Love all your videos but I just watched this one twice in a row.
You and the bioneer should collab
This is what I'm talkin' 'bout, babe!
yes !
I'd be so down for that!!
Yes. Yes. Yes. Instant synergy.
You and I couldn't be more different (I'm a skinny dude that likes fancy things and does not go running in the hills dressed like a viking) but you perfectly described everything I felt when I discovered trail running after many failed attempts at running in an urban environment. It really does feel like an obstacle course, a very low entry, fun one. It really does feel like play! Keep it up, love your energy.
Hahah I don't know why but that first sentence really made me laugh :D
Yes such a good way to exercise, I'll never go back!! Honored to have you here :)
This is one of the things that could unite lifters, athletes and everybody else really. Being in nature while pushing yourself is missing from almost everybodys training routine, whatever they do.
When i see people riding car to gym just to spend time on running mill instead of running to the gym...or running laps on in a parkinglot...thats your apocalypse right there lol.
SO TRUE! How funny is it people drive to a gym to run on a treadmill LOL
@@thestonecircle I think for some folks it's a safety thing. I've used a treadmill a few times and it just makes me feel strange.
Basement Bodybuilding made a video on starting to train in nature! Very cool points about it being suboptimal exercises but an optimal environment.
I've been doing hill sprints for around 2 months now, I'm pretty sure it's great additional volume for leg training as you've said, but also, it's been great for my running pace, I run only once a week, and that's hill sprinting. Then once a month I'll do a 3km run in the fastest pace I can, and I noticed I'm getting way better by doing hill sprints only, and only once a week. So it might be the most time-efficient form of cardio I've ever done. I've done regular running, circuit training, burpees, all of that stuff, but nothing has improved my cardio so quickly as hill sprinting.
This is some great insight thank you! It makes so much sense too, the idea that increasing the base layer of strength builds on everything above it, hill sprints are the best!
"....dressed as an 11th century Danish viking."
Bwaah! 😄
I just love this guy!
You da'man, Cody!
Stay awesome, brother!
hahah I hoped someone would get a kick outta that :D
@@thestonecircle 😁
I like how my man just snuck in 30 seconds of cold ass observation of the evolution of human culture in a video about how badass trail running is.
hahah glad you liked that :D
Road to 100,000 subscribers! 💪
Heyyy hoped to see you here :)
You mentioned hill sprints with your dog. I’ve got to say that any type of sprints with your dog is so much fun. They love it too. Great way to get sprints in
Yes definitely! So much fun :)
“I’m trying not to be so lean and shredded”. Words I have never uttered.
Same, same. How terrible that has to be!
Hahah, really though I cut so far and my body just doesn't want to go back up. I've decided the way forward is to stop eating 100% clean for the time being, been bulking on this awesome pumpkin bread I got from a farm these last few days, I think I put on a few pounds already. All for the sake of that sandbag strength :)
I so agree,I don't do it often,but when I do go for a fast trail run, I like to imagine I'm right out of The Last Of The Mohicans or something. BTW I love that quote you used about "hard times" I have that hanging on my bedroom wall 💪
YES that's so awesome! Nothing like running the trail to make you feel like some badass character from a movie or something :)
Also hell yeah I like that quote!
@@thestonecircle YES Definitely! 💪
I used to run cross country at a regional level for years as a teenager and i used to swear by (and still do) hill sprints (on and offroad) and also doing running sessions of different intensities on soft sand or shingle. The latter always gave me a different kind of burn.
Hey nice I was really into cross country running as a teen too! Really nothing like running on sand true that burn is intense!
Doing some research on the benefits of sprinting has been eye opening. Currently trying a mile run into a sprint until I can't do it anymore, then repeat with another mile. All of my lifts have been better off for it.
It's just insane how beneficial it is! I've noticed I've become much more 'springy' with my sandbag lifting too. Good luck with it!!
@@connorschlick9838 sprinting does something to the brain. It feels invigorating.
Increased BDNF.
(Brain derived neuro-tropic factor)
It fends off dementia.
At least that's what I've learned from Siim Land.
I believe it! Really nothing else like it
Love it! I too enjoy the play of running hills and small trails, feels like I am some playstation action figure
Heck yeah exactly it's so fun!!
I may have to add hill sprints at some point!
Always fancied them but now this vid has come out,youve inspired me to give them a try.
I bet these are so much fun! Just wish i had the trails you have.... they look imense!🤙
So much fun!! Yes these trails around here are awesome, just straight up the side of a mountain :)
I tried sprinting in the summer of last year because I wanted to see if it would help out with max effort lifts due to it being a short burst of explosiveness like heavy, low rep lifts and I found that it started adding mass to my glutes and hamstrings.
Heck yeah it definitely adds some good size!
Grit, body dexterity and reflexes are another 3 great qualities I find in trail running which are not necessarily shared with road running or any other physical activity.
So true! This last place I was at had so many small stones scattered and hidden under grass, had to be so quick to avoid that stuff. Reflex training for sure, and lots of fun!
Actually always enjoy doing hill sprints.
They're so fun!
This is such a wholesome video! I know I will rewatch it plenty of times 👋🙏👍
Thanks Florian! :)
Imagine hiking in this area and a fucking time traveler comes running through the woods.
Hahah it actually happens a lot. Funny thing is people seem to just assume because I'm dressed like this I must be doing something important, when the truth is I'm really just running around because it's fun haha
I am really glad that I found your channel, it makes me think of another channel that I really like called the bioneer.
Hey really glad to have you here! Huge fan of the bioneer myself :)
I love trail running! I raced 20+km with about 1km total elevation one time and my legs were toast! Couldn’t walk properly for a few days lol
Man that is one intense run!! :O
@@thestonecircle lots of walking in between, especially the uphill ones haha. Btw, that place you go to looks so cool! How often do you go there?
@Jimperial I imagine haha I'd be dying 😁 a few of the places are near Como/Fairplay, CO and it's a few hours away from me so I only go a couple times a year if I can. The vid where I'm in the green shirt though is only about a half hour so I go at least once or twice a month when I can, (more often lately!)
@@thestonecircle Half an hour is not too bad. Awesome robes by the way! Looks straight out of a movie. 💪🏽
@@John1mperialyeah not bad at all! Crazy to think how close that is considering how much different it is here in the city 😵
Trail running is something I implemented years ago, and even after all this time, is something I do regularly. I love it. Doing it barefoot adds a level of mental challenge too. Foot placement is everything. Whether it's the mid foot, balls of feet, or on toes you have to decide in a split second. Digging in on muddy hills is a hell of a challenge. Maneuvering through tree roots, stones, thorns, and deer sh*t lol
I love it. Not to mention the great and legendary endorphin rush.
Yes man!! Actually watching your trail running footage was part of what made me want to do it more!
Shoes are overrated on natural surfaces! You get the grounding benefits of it too!
@@SandbagMisfit94 Yes barefoot all the way!!
@@SandbagMisfit94 absolutely!
Another great video Cody ! The glutes comment cracked me up
Hey thanks! Haha some of the people I've seen just have glutes for days :D
Where is a good place to get good high quality historical clothing?
Trail running is still the only form of running I bother with. It's a completely different feeling.
For sure! So unlike running through town
For sure, I don’t do it near enough but running on “rugged” ground especially up and down hill way out in nature is so satisfying.. “obstacle course” - exactly bro, that sums it up perfectly. I like the kind of sprint sometimes, jog briskly the rest of the time “vibe” - really replicates that delusional apocalypse vibe you’re talking about 😂 especially with some ducking, jumping and diving mixed in haha.
Just typing that out made me realise I should be doing it at least once a week, if anything for my own mental health. The gym gets lame haha.
Yes hahah add in some luxury apocalypse vibes and you're good to go :D I'm that same exact way most of the time, I don't do it nearly as often as I'd like. Really getting into more lately and it's so good!
@@thestonecircle yeah it’s that whole “primal” thing too… like our bodies are just supposed to do certain things like run, jump, climb … we’ve still got the same body and mind as when these things were essential for our survival, we’re designed for this shit!!
@@StopTheDamnTapeyes I believe that completely!!
@@thestonecircle this is one of the things I like about your channel so much is it reminds me of these things and how multi faceted the body needs to be for true physical mastery.
@@StopTheDamnTape sup bro.
Good talk here in this thread.
Love this video brother. As always, great information and a very beautiful film.
I told Brice that watching your videos is like watching an awesome short story/movie...
Hey thank you Mark!! It was amazing up there, right as all the leaves were changing :)
was not expecting this topic! great video! and relatable ... in my early 30s, I left the gym for close to 2yrs, as I got addicted to trail running😂.... doing 5Ks, 10ks, and 30ks, plus night races, which hits differnt in the TX hill country under the stars .... was never into treadmills or road work, but Trail Running was/is something different... primal💀
30k holy crap! Man I think I told you this before but I'll never forget my stay in TX when I was in my RV. Ended up way off the path by a horse trail, don't actually know how the RV made it there haha. That night it was a full moon, clear sky of stars, and on top of this ridge at least 100 feet up was this giant cross overlooking everything. Powerful imagery! It was also the time of year when all the coyote pups were growing so I could hear a whole pack yipping. Perfect!
@@thestonecircle that sounds awesome!!!
My favorite channel
Just bought your book
@@AndrewTitcomb heyyy so glad to have you here and thank you!! Really hope you like it 🙂
I've been dying to add nature sprinting to my mix, this just inspired me to get moving on it. I also am inspired to train hard by the possibility of some sort of apocalyptic event, society collapse, etc. I figure I'll be useful and survive in the worst of times, and if nothing bad happens, I still have a sick fuckin body XD
This is one of my favorites from you so far, great video brotha!
That's exactly it hahah, couldn't have said it better myself :D train for the possibility, and if it doesn't happen at least you got the bod! haha. Glad you liked this one!
I know when I'm out for my walks on the trails I'm drawn to run. I don't because my knees won't let me (yet) but there's something about being in the woods that's energizing. Also I think this exercise is really in line with your usual mantra. Trail running/sprinting has that intensity.
I feel the same way! It's hard not to when you're out there. The more I do it the more I notice cool paths I could take, cool obstacle courses :D and definitely!
I had the same issue when I was competitive in cross country. I kept hitting the trails when I knew I shouldn't. Definitely made me and my structure much more resilient, and it's so freaking fun! Can't comment on the muscular development but it made me injury proof. I've landed on the top of my foot while going up a slope and just kept going. Only thing that gets me is putting way too much force through my Achilles.
Might go back and do something other than long distance, giga glutes would be helpful.
Yess it does make you so resilient right?! Pure speed on the concrete just feels wrong after haha, it's like things are out of balance. I swear some of these people I've seen, they look like they spent the last 10 years skipping steps on a stairmaster while wearing hundreds of pounds for hours on end everyday
I am fortunate to have a really nice dirt trail by my house. I've tried road running but always end up straining my calves. Running on the trail forces me to run slower and change direction alot so it makes it more engaging.
Hey that's awesome I bet the scenery is really nice too! That's how I feel about it too, that combination of obstacles and having to go a bit slower is just right
me: *sprinting full tilt on trails*
the woman ahead of me: 😨😨😨
Hahah that actually has been a real thing for me too :D. Funny thing is, you expect the silly clothes to make things more awkward, but I've noticed any time I wear them people just assume I'm doing something important haha
@@thestonecircle Wear a ring on a necklace to emphasize the impression of importance lol
I love the ancient worrior bit. Pretend im 11 again pretending to be some middle age hero on a mission. Let ur self!!
Heck yeah haha because why not!
If anyone will capture an Elf or She-squatch bride, it's you (flip a coin!)
Hahah my luck I'll get the she-squatch :D
Bwaah! 👏👏 😁
I'm doing Sprints tonight! Can't wait
Hell yeah man!! I need to see that footage if you get any :)
@thestonecircle I have about 4 videos for the video we spoke about. I want to get a few more. It's All the old stuff I used to do
@@unknownstrongman DUDE heck yes I'm so excited about that!!
Definitely love this video. I like my weights but running sround in nature is something we were definitely meant to do with our bodies sometimes. I could use something to help lean out from my bulk, too! It's harder to get the protein in when eating too much less, seems like a great addition here.
Hey really glad you liked it! It helps so much with leaning out, I can't think of anything else like it!
💪🏾safe travels brother
Hey thanks you too brother!
Very nice and def worth trying. Thanks for inspiration and memento, of childhood times.
Hey really glad you liked this one!
Thank you, great content, reminded me of this: A forerunner of parkour was developed by French naval officer Georges Hébert, who promoted athletic skill based on the models of indigenous tribes he had met in Africa. He noted, "their bodies were splendid, flexible, nimble, skillful, enduring, and resistant but yet they had no other tutor in gymnastics but their lives in nature." His rescue efforts during the 1902 eruption of Mount Pelée reinforced his belief that athletic skill must be combined with courage and altruism. (Shameless Wikipedia copy paste).
This is awesome! I can only imagine what we'd all look like living lives like that, such a cool thought
I love sprinting, although I've kinda been neglecting it lately. It's funny, I do a lot of crawling, jumping, cartwheel-ing; all the "primal movements", yet I forget the most primal one of them all.
Haha it's so easy to neglect! That sounds like a really cool way to train btw :)
@@thestonecircle It is! I love movement training in the style of Ido Portal, Vahva Fitness or GMB. I love how unpredictable it is; not just "up and down" like push-ups or squats, movement training really teaches your body adaptability - strength, flexibility, coordination, and stability at every angle.
Solid brother!!!
Thank you!
I also love trail running! 👍
It's so great!
I live in the PNW and we have hundreds, if not thousands of hiking trails in my area. Most of them are too steep for that but a lot are near foothills that look a lot like what you're running around in your videos.
I'd love to make it out that way at some point!! I don't know if your area has this, but the idea of crazy mountain forest on one side, and ocean on the other seems straight out of another world! This is CO btw :)
@@thestonecircle The forest is actually on both sides of the mountains here, what's nice is depending on where you are it's only a couple hour drive to the saltwater. Not necessarily the ocean, but at least the sound and you get basically all of the oceany goodness there.
Its nice to hear about your passions we get to know you better and not just the topic!
Thanks again !
Beware of one of the 3 things a wise man fears! Hah (kingkiller chronicles)
No way! My favorite series of all time, The sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man! I think about that all the time :)
Hey glad you liked it!
So the video description has Amazon affiliate links to your sandbag and pullup bar, but NOT the Viking clothes? Missed opportunity. 😭
an affiliate link to his period-specific haberdashery
I've actually been considering reaching out to Grimfrost about that, maybe I should get on it haha. Most of this stuff is from Grimfrost though! It's the lead singer of Amon Amarths business btw if you know them :)
@@thestonecircle Know them? I saw them just a few months ago with Cannibal Corpse at the Wellmont Theater! I’ll have to check out his stuff.
Trail running was the only form of cardio I enjoyed. Than I almost ran face first into the biggest spider I’ve ever seen hanging from a tree. Not even sure what kind of spider it was maybe a tarantula? Then I became self aware of how many bugs caught in spider webs on the trail and knew it was inevitable before I run into a giant spider. Nope I’m good 😂
Oh dang hahah that's true, spiders and snakes and all that hanging from trees, more for the mind to watch for haha
Hey buddy you can get "silt" from the river vs just sand. Sand weighs 90lbs per cubed foot, silt weighs 120lbs per cubed foot.. I realized that's why my bag was too heavy 😂
I had the opposite problem. I bought sand by weight not realizing it came wet so I lost 10 pounds after drying it.
@@nunchukGun just pee on it every time you workout 😅
Does it feel pretty much the same as sand? I haven't heard of anyone doing that but it sounds like a good way to go!
@@thestonecircle it's basically sand but a lot finer. It's like the finer sand found at a beach or river, creek, etc. The larger sand is at the banks and the finer sand is where the water was. I bet you can research how to find silt and where it is in your area. It's super heavy so you can make your smaller bags heaver. I bet you can even pour it in your existing sand bags to make them heavier before you replace it entirely with silt.
Very wise !!
@@frankiematos1939 hey thank you!
Are you sure those other trail runners weren’t English soldiers disguised as monks or their way to Castleguard? 🤔 It’s good you had the sword with you. Never can tell.
“Luxury apocalypse” I will be using this phrase going forward. Awesome video and the forest is looking amazing again!
Hahah very possible :D Thanks man!
@@thestonecircle Any time 👊. Thanks for making the world a cooler place.
I love you wearing historical clothing I do the same when I go to the forest. ITS NOT LARP I just like the clothes and they aren’t made of plastic
Hey that's awesome you wear this stuff too! It really is such high quality stuff, having real genuine wool/linen is just different from the modern fast fashion stuff.
Where is a good place to get good high quality historical clothing?
@@mezapgraph best option is to make it. I don’t know specific sources but I’m sure Reddit does. Main thing is to avoid costume junk which is majority
Mytholon and Bergschneider are quality brands I've bought a few things from the medieval collectibles website. Most of the stuff I'm wearing in this vid is from Grimfrost and it's definitely quality!
I’ve just started sprinting recently and every time I do I feel like I’m about to throw up after, but I’m sure that feeling will go away soon. Btw I was wondering what kind of clothing you’re wearing in your outdoor videos? Look like Jedi robes lol.
Haha if I go too long or eat too soon before I'll get that feeling too, at least you know you're pushing with everything you have!
Man I actually thought that too looking back, the tan one is based off a find from 11th century Denmark and I swear it looks like a Jedi would wear it haha.
I recently upgraded to Grimfrost stuff and it's really high quality.
It's the lead singer of Amon Amarth's company if you know them btw!
Wool Tunic:
Linen Tunic:
@@thestonecircle Very cool man! So I’m assuming you have danish ancestry then?
@@William1683BTOne side of my family has a lot of Swedish or Norwegian I can't remember which I should ask, but from that general part of the world yeah! I think the other side is Czech but I'm sure there's a lot of other stuff
Feels like I’m watching a movie and your character is running from something or on your way to tell the village trouble is heading its way. Lol. And who the heck is filming you? Or do you have a tracking smart feature like some drones use?
Haha heck yes that's awesome :D End goal is to try making these vids fit some kind of 80s dark fantasy aesthetic! Every once in a while I can convince my girlfriend to film me running around haha
Bioneer collab when?
I swear at least 50 different people have reached out on his videos about it, and I messaged him on IG but I haven't heard back yet haha. I don't blame him though it's hard to keep up with ig messages. Hopefully one day!!
That would truly be too cool. We should be very careful though, such a collab might just break RUclips. 😬 😨
@@StraitjacketFitnessthat would be a dream collab!
Heck yeah!
Дружище , береги глаза! ветки деревьев могут их повредить
That's a good point!
It’s insane that people drive out of their way to the gym just to run on a treadmill. Get outside and move in nature!
Just curious , I go up to a steep trail called mount peak to do my hill sprints, do you do steep hills and how many sprints do you usually do per session, and how many sessions per week? I’m wondering if I do too much
Running up steep hills is my favorite! I honestly usually don't track it much and just have fun with it, but 5-10 rounds of 5-10 seconds once or twice a week seems to be a great place to start. Can always push that higher though If you're really getting into it!
@ I’ve been doing them for about 4 months straight since I recovered from back surgery, 2-3 times a week 10-12 sprints per session, the hills and trails I use are pretty steep and I find that I’m extremely exhausted after a session, I literally can’t do anything else
I would like to see you make a farnese hercules training program or a space marine training program from warhammer 40k. Both of their physique have very similar characteristics such as a big yoke, big arms and forearms, thick back,a strong posterior chain and huge calves. I would like to see that in the format of the witcher training program video that you've made. Also what are your thoughts on tibialis anterior training?
I can do that! :)
Thanks man. About tibialis anterior training, what are your thoughts about them?
What would be your recommended way to fit this into the sandbag hypertrophy 2.0 program? Thanks! Loving the content!
Hey there are a few ways I think it could work! First would be staying on the lower end of the volume with the sandbag stuff, and adding a few sets of sprints at the end of the sandbag workouts. The other would be adding the sprinting during the optional 10 minutes at the end of the calisthenics workouts. It wouldn't be as optimal if your goal is to become the fastest sprinter ever, in which case I'd do the sprinting earlier in the workouts, but as an addition to a sandbag/calisthenics focused program I think that'd be a great way to go! If you keep the intensity lower and go at more of a moderate pace rather than an all out sprint you should be able to do it on off days too if you want!
Hey Cody, I'm really grateful for your content, watching your videos feels like having an interesting conversation with a friend. I'm definitely sold on trail running, do you have any advice for getting started, do you use intervals do you wing it?
Hey really glad to have you here! :) I mostly just wing it based on whatever cool pathways I can find to run through haha, but usually somewhere in the 10-20 second range seems to work well for sprints. Main advice if you're just starting would definitely be to keep the intensity a bit lower for a couple weeks while you adapt. Going all out right away can be a lot for the body to handle
@@thestonecircle thank you, I have a spot in mind, can't wait to go try this
How long can you sprint? How fast do you recover? How far (total distance) do you run approximately?
Honestly I haven't really been tracking it much, but I'd say the sprints are usually in the 10-20 second range, sometimes longer if I'm trying to make my way through some dense trees or something. I'm usually filming for 1-2 hours at a time but a lot of that time is spent setting up the camera and stuff, and looking for cool new spots to run through
@thestonecircle 😎 Thanks for the wisdom, brother. ✌️
Based of you and Beautiful Nature.
Also brother work on your stretching, like get flexible legs and body "idk if u got it already"
and also work on swimming
the swimming, stretching and martial arts will be a completion to your hybrid training as an ancient/medieval fantasy warrior
I've been swimming since childhood and it really plays a big role in my body and my shoulder width
also I've been doing martial arts and stretching is where it starts at. Go on for it brother, God be with you. :)
I love the idea of becoming a better swimmer. I used to do it a lot when I was younger but I haven't in a while, stretching and maybe some rowing for that real immersion, martial arts, so much possibility!
Hey brother how can you reenforce your bag so that the canvas dosent tear under the weight? I was wondering if bagging the sand helps.. I could tape around the bag but I like the canvas feel more then I would like duct tape especially when I'm sweating. I could use a few layers of trashbags possibly? Have you ran into this issue? 😅 thanks man!
Hey I had that issue back when I used a homemade sandbag, I did find lining it with a bunch of trash bags helped a lot!
@@thestonecircle thanks man I found a 8x8 fiberglass welding drop cloth in my garage I might bag the silt too. It's 33 percent heavier than sand so it needs it lol
have you tried resisted sprints? when i had knee pain from poorly programmed front squats i did those. i took my 100lbs sandbad and would sprint forward and walk backwards until i could no longer sprint the whole predetermined distance (~50ft). then id just nonstop walk backwards until i couldnt. huge leg pump. truly nasty.
100 pound sprints! I used to like lining all my stones up and trying to move them from one side of the yard to the other as quickly as I could, moving fast with weight is something else!
@@thestonecircle yeah the 100lbs was overkill but it didnt hurt me, so eh
@@penumbramine moving fast with weight has to be the most 'functional' thing ever. I think I said this at one point already but it's a tough apocalyptic existence if you have to keep leaving your stuff behind every time you have to run away haha
Hey man. Love your content. I was warned against running because of the stress on the hips and knees. I’ve already run through a fair share of cartilage in one of my hips. Got any tips for keeping joint damage to a minimum for this activity?
Oh yeah for sure! I don't like running on concrete much, I had some knee injuries in the past and too long running on the street and my body starts to hurt. Going for sprints rather than long distance, going up hill as often as possible, and running on soft ground all helps a lot. Add in the off trail stuff where you're forced to go a bit slower to avoid obstacles too and I haven't had any trouble at all!
@@thestonecircleThat’s great to hear! Please keep up the good work, it’s revolutionized how I work out. I’ve never had so much fun!
@Sizedjester38 hey I love to hear that!!
What running shoes do you prefer using?
I have the Bearfoot canvas ursus they're great!
What state is your terrain in? trail running in Ashville NC was great when I lived in the east coast
Hey this is Colorado :) I bet it was awesome over there too! Some of the places out here way out in the mountains are so cool
what clohtes are you wearing? looks epic
Hey thanks I really like them! It's all grimfrost stuff :)
I think I missed something. When do you rest? Are you just taking ad hoc rests as needed on the trail, or doing timed high effort intervals of some sort?
I might be wrong but I think the point of going off trail like this is to stop thinking from that perspective of training. You just sprint until you can’t.
he rests when he is dead
Hey yeah I've just been having fun with it, not really paying much attention to the rest times or how far I go. I'll just find a cool spot and try to make my way through it as fast as I can :) sorta like high intensity interval training though yeah!
Time to watch Last of the Mohicans
Hell yeah! :)
Im just woendering cuz you got sick traps, are they a genetic strong point of yours or are you doing something specific for them?
Hey thank you! I have something coming up in a Q&A about that, but short answer it's a bit of both!
Would that be hammond indiana ?
Near Como/Fairplay, CO :) nice part is no ticks or mosquitoes (or very few!) It's been a nice change coming from those midwest forests myself
Huh, my butt has gotten smaller recently; haven't been sprinting as much.
cool name
Haha it works!!
So... Barefoot. Find yourself a decent hill. Roughly 30 sec - one minute sprint up (to visual targets), then bear-crawl back down. Repeat for 20 minutes....😁
Oooo that sounds intense :D
how long should i do this per session?
Stop thinking like a bodybuilder, do it as long as it’s fun and listen to your body
Hey yeah I usually just have fun with it, trying to find cool routes to run through and practicing them, moving on and so on :) But 5-10 sets of 5-10 seconds is a good place to be. Main advice is to start with only about 80-90% speed for a couple weeks so your body has time to adapt before going all out
thanks guys!
What shoes are you using? I’m interested.
These are the canvas Ursus from Bearfoot! They're great, though if I could get them again I'd probably get the high tops, just because these ones always end up with sticks or rocks in them pretty quick. They are the best barefoot shoes I've worn though, really feels like you aren't wearing shoes
@@thestonecircle Great! Thank you! Also, could you explain a little bit how do you structure your running? Because you say in the video that you don't run far and slow and that you prefer sprinting instead. Do you do repeats of a certain distance or time? Do you completely stop running between sprints? Or you do more like a kind of fartlek were you alternate between sprinting and jogging? And for how long are you running? I think you could do a whole video explaining this. Thank you in advance and keep It up!
how do they get a GYATT that big?? i better get on that Off-road Sprint-maxxing to GYATT-UP i need more ASS MASS
Hahah yes, I feel the same way really, the more ass mass the better :D
Sprinting definitely helps with glute and hamstring gains. If you really break down sprinting, it is like a leg curl.
Running up trails and sprinting up steep hills is all I do for cardio, everything else is too boring for me
I feel that! Nothing else comes close to it
@@thestonecircle what I need now is a medieval outfit, then I’ll be set
@@WarriorEsotericYES haha, I recently got some Grimfrost stuff and it's awesome
@@thestonecircle I’ll check it out, thank you, I’ll have to live up to some of my Germanic/viking blood
@@WarriorEsoteric Really is pretty awesome getting some real authentic garb and just running around, lifting heavy stones, doing pushups haha. I love it!
Hill sprints till you puke >>>>>>
This is the way haha
Why are you dressed like a Knight's Tale? Lol
Why not?
@@dingus4138 because he's not a knight? Lmao
A viking.
@VonRibbitt comments go in chronological order in what is called a "thread". This means that if you ask something, there's a chance it was already answered. 😱
@@NikkiNexo777 put on shoulder pads and an Eagles uniform. Wear a fireman's getup. A McDonald's employee uniform.