Endecha a la amada ausente - Emilio Pujol

  • Опубликовано: 28 янв 2025

Комментарии • 57

  • @RayAFlanagan
    @RayAFlanagan 9 месяцев назад +1

    Rob, you are one of the most striking musicians I have ever encountered on the internet. There is such a distinct personality to the tone you create which could've only come from years and years of dedication and philosophy. I love your sound. Thank you.

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  9 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks, Ray. You've made my day!

  • @adriantann6406
    @adriantann6406 8 лет назад +7

    the music I hear
    is amazing
    the soul that interprets
    that music
    is Devine
    Thank Rob

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  8 лет назад

      Many thanks, Adrian, but I can sure you I am not Devine - far from it! But I agree the music is amazing :-)

  • @dianavillenabustamante3511
    @dianavillenabustamante3511 5 лет назад +3

    congratulation! happy to hear this historical performance, I think that is not easy to achieve a warm sound without nails. Bravo

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  5 лет назад +1

      Thanks, Diana. I appreciate your comment, but I have to say that getting a warm sound without nails is quite easy, at least in my experience. Best wishes.

    • @dianavillenabustamante3511
      @dianavillenabustamante3511 5 лет назад

      @@RobMacKillop1 I think I have to try to play without nails!

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  5 лет назад

      Indeed you must :-) Lot's of info about it on my website: rmClassicalGuitar.com

  • @Leunam49
    @Leunam49 5 месяцев назад


  • @DenianArcoleo
    @DenianArcoleo 2 года назад

    Very beautiful piece, I haven't heard it before this. You play it so sensitively with emotion and warmth. Beautiful recording. Thanks maestro🙂

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  2 года назад

      Denian, you are always too nice to me 😀 I’d love to hear you play this piece!

  • @charliemcleod764
    @charliemcleod764 4 года назад +1

    Beautiful sound. Thank you.

  • @wapolo1974
    @wapolo1974 8 лет назад +1

    Haunting piece, performed with great sensitivity. Bravo.

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  8 лет назад

      Thanks, Wilson. It's an extraordinary piece.

  • @Kacper_Wierzchos
    @Kacper_Wierzchos 8 лет назад +1

    An amazing piece. I never heard it before. Thanks for recording it!

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  8 лет назад

      Kacper Wierzchoś - Hi Kacper. It's amazing, isn't it? I only came across it ten days or ago, but have been playing it ever since. Glad you like it.

  • @JelmavanAmersfoort
    @JelmavanAmersfoort 8 лет назад +2

    Amazing piece and beautifully played!

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  8 лет назад

      Jelma van Amersfoort - that means a lot, coming from you, Jelma. Thanks. It IS an amazing piece.

  • @vayasaberlo8
    @vayasaberlo8 2 года назад

    Very moving performance. . . .

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  2 года назад +1

      Glad you like it!

    • @vayasaberlo8
      @vayasaberlo8 2 года назад

      @@RobMacKillop1 You have inspired me to learn it though I'll never be able to play with your beautiful touch

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  2 года назад +1

      @@vayasaberlo8 I hope one day you play it much, much better than I do! Good luck!

  • @lawrencetendler2342
    @lawrencetendler2342 7 лет назад

    Beautifully performed ,thank you.

  • @RuiNamora
    @RuiNamora 8 лет назад

    Wonderful, as usual, Rob. Cheers!

  • @amparoospina562
    @amparoospina562 3 года назад


  • @angevalo
    @angevalo 6 лет назад


  • @dianaamandastynen.883
    @dianaamandastynen.883 4 года назад

    Woah, i loved this, very haunting, congrats.

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  4 года назад +1

      Thanks, Diana. It's a heavy piece.

    • @dianaamandastynen.883
      @dianaamandastynen.883 4 года назад

      @@RobMacKillop1 There's some place to buy or find the score? Rob.

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  4 года назад +1

      @@dianaamandastynen.883 One of many great pieces in this book: www.musicshopeurope.com/product/df%2001603000/the-best-of-emilio-pujol.aspx

    • @dianaamandastynen.883
      @dianaamandastynen.883 4 года назад

      @@RobMacKillop1 Thank you a lot ¡

  • @Ferdsalyss
    @Ferdsalyss 7 лет назад +1

    Is there available score? I would be so proud if someone do.

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  7 лет назад

      Yes. The Best of Emilio Pujol Guitare - edited by Zigante. It's an excellent book.

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  7 лет назад

      Published by Eschig.

  • @DanieleSRD
    @DanieleSRD 6 лет назад

    Davvero bello.

  • @dougthompson5586
    @dougthompson5586 5 лет назад

    Rob..I just bought the Emilio Pujol Guitar School Books 1-3..as I understand it there is a 4th book possibly a 5th..I have not been able to find them anywhere online....I would really like to find at least the 4th..any suggestions? Also I`ve been studying the Mickey Baker books which have helped my playing tremendously..I`m thinking about posting some lessons with interpretive content and biographical information..he was not only a great musician but an interesting person as well..I know a little bit about his early life if you`re interested.
    Thanks for the great music.

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  5 лет назад

      Hi Doug. I don't have the fourth volume, and the fifth has only recently been found, and is not yet available.
      I heard that Mickey Baker stole much of the content of his first book from a teacher in New York he was studying with. Any truth in the matter? I hope not.

    • @dougthompson5586
      @dougthompson5586 5 лет назад

      He didn`t steal it..you`re thinking of Rector Bailey who he studied with and dedicated the 2nd book to which by chance I`m playing some peices from atm...aparently Rector was a very flamboyant figure in 1950`s Harlem who owned a jazz club...mentored aspiring musicians and had the ablity to play drums and piano at the same time...directing whoever showed up for lessons while talking on the phone...He had a Cadillac convertible that he used to haul a hammond organ around to gigs..from what I understand they were great friends.
      Mickey did steal Love is Strange from Bo Diddley who in turn had stolen it from someone else whose name escapes me.
      I`m still confused about the Emilio Pujol books..are you saying the fourth one exist ? I`ve looked extensively on the net for it but haven`t seen it.

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  5 лет назад

      Hi Doug, thanks for setting me right on Rector Bailey. He sounds a character.
      The Spanish Guitar Centre in Nottingham has the 4th volume for sale, in a Spanish/Italian edition, but at £70!

  • @anteroperea738
    @anteroperea738 Год назад

    Mi comentario es solo de un aficionado se nota gusto en tu toque ole

  • @davinort
    @davinort 8 лет назад

    Very good! Source/publisher?

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  8 лет назад

      Cheers, David. "The Best of Emilio Pujol", edited by Frédéric Zigante, published by Eschig.

  • @MrDizzyvonclutch
    @MrDizzyvonclutch 2 года назад

    Real man…. REAL……

  • @joserobertomontoyaluna7703
    @joserobertomontoyaluna7703 6 лет назад

    Very deep.

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  6 лет назад

      Indeed, José. A wonderful composition, strangely neglected by the big-name performers. I would have loved to have heard Bream play it.

    • @joserobertomontoyaluna7703
      @joserobertomontoyaluna7703 6 лет назад

      @@RobMacKillop1 ineed and also impromptu. Pujol is not enough played!
      Also, great studies and pedagogic works

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  6 лет назад


  • @curaticac5391
    @curaticac5391 3 года назад

    I wonder if one can play without nails in a large concert hall, with hundreds of people in the audience!

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  3 года назад +1

      Of course one can, and one has. Hundreds is fine, thousands, not so fine. I have no qualms about using the PA system with a good mic.

  • @lletigada
    @lletigada 10 месяцев назад

    Emili Pujol i Vilarrubí nasqué el 7 d'abril de 1886 a la Granadella, situat a la comarca de les Garrigues a la província de Lleida. Molt aviat començà a manifestar els seus dons per a la música i especialment la seva predilecció per a la guitarra. El 1894 es traslladà a Barcelona juntament amb la seva família amb l'objectiu de cursar les assignatures prèvies a la seva entrada a l'Escola d'Enginyers Industrials. Als nou anys va ingressar a l'Escola Municipal de Música de Barcelona, on estudià solfeig amb Amadeo Badía i bandúrria amb Miguel Ramos, al mateix temps que cursava estudis de llengua i literatura francesa. Abans de complir els dotze anys va marxar a París juntament amb els vint-i-vuit intèrprets que formaven l'Estudiantina Universitària.
    El 1900 va rebre les primeres classes de guitarra i harmonia de Francesc Tàrrega, del qual el seu magisteri havia de ser decisiu en la seva formació i de qui, amb el temps, hauria de ser el seu deixeble predilecte i el gran representant de la seva escola.
    El 1923 va contraure matrimoni amb la guitarrista sevillana Matilde Cuervas. Atent a les ensenyances rebudes de Felip Pedrell i seguint els seus consells, i els del musicòleg francès Lionel de La Laurencie del Conservatori de París, s'inicià en la investigació musicològica sobre la història de la guitarra en temps passats. Va donar a conèixer el fruit de les seves investigacions realitzades en arxius i biblioteques en diverses publicacions i en el cèlebre concert a la Sala Érard de París, el 1927, interpretant per primer cop en temps moderns obres dels violistes i guitarristes espanyols dels segles XVI i XVII
    A mitjans de 1930 va emprendre la segona gira per Llatinoamèrica, aquesta vegada acompanyat de la seva dona, amb la qual oferia concerts i audicions formant duo.
    La seva estada a Argentina va ser molt profitosa, ja que pogué publicar allà el seu famós mètode Escuela razonada de la guitarra (Buenos Aires, 1934), així com El dilema del sonido en la guitarra (Buenos Aires, 1934). De retorn a Europa va interpretar per primer cop a Londres, el 1934, alguns dels quartets per a guitarra i instruments de corda de Paganini. La inclusió de la guitarra en el conjunt de cambra obria un nou i prometedor futur per a l'instrument. Pujol va fer el primer recital de viola de mà al III Congrés Internacional de Musicologia celebrat a Barcelona, el 1936.
    A partir del 1941 començà la seva important tasca pedagògica i el 1945 va ser nomenat director de la càtedra de Viola històrica i la seva literatura al Conservatori Superior de Música de Barcelona. Entre 1946 i 1969 donà cursos de guitarra clàssica al Conservatori de Lisboa aconseguint el reconeixement unànime a la seva brillant i llarga labor. El 1953 i atenent les súpliques d'Andrés Segovia, va acudir a Siena per impartir cursos de viola i de música antiga, substituint a l'eminent guitarrista a l'Accademia Musical Chigiana. En aquesta institució fundà el Concurs Internacional de Viola Matilde Cuervas en memòria de la seva primera esposa. El 1963 va contraure matrimoni novament amb la cantant portuguesa Maria Adelaide Robert. El 1964 inicià els cursos internacionals a Lleida i Cervera sobre guitarra, llaüt i viola de mà.
    Morí a Barcelona, però fou enterrat al Cementiri de Lleida.

    • @RobMacKillop1
      @RobMacKillop1  10 месяцев назад +1

      Gràcies. La seva biografia és molt coneguda per mi.